The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 21, 1896, Image 4

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    Highest of all in Leavening
Stop Right Nowl Don't Light
Another! You're Burn
ing Your Brains. ; ,
. Oft-times tobacco's vic
tims look at tbe dying
spark in the oigar,stump
or at the big masticated
'chaw" of tobacco just
expectorated, and witn
nerves nicotinized with
tobacoo, mentally re
solve. "Now. that is mv
last, I will never use it
injuring me physically and financially and
my. nerves are becoming so irritated that J
can't fetand the least annoyance." What
ii the result ? These good resolutions are
generally made while the effect of the use
or totiacci practically paralyzes tne crav
ings of million of irritated nerve centers
and just as soon as the effects commence
to pass away ' these good resolutions
weak' u, showing conclusively that tbe
use of tobacco is not a habit but a disease
. ot the nervous system caused by the edu
.. cation of the nerves to crave for the nico
tine poisoning. What then is the easy,
permanent, natural way to relieve your
self of the use of tobacco? Certainly not
by discontinuing it and suffering the
nervous reaction and prostrating effects
and mental degeneracy sure to tollow the
v lung and contiuued use of tobacco. Does
it n jt suggest itself to vou that the natural
- thing hi do is to .take a remedy that is
specifically crdiared to erad.cate the ef-
iects of the nicoune in the system and to
. overcome tbe nerve craving effects and re
store ine tuoacco irruatea nerves to a nor
mal and healthy condition? To this, we
all say, "Yes, wnere is the remedy ?" You
will hud it in No-Co-Baa. This is easily
sai 1 and we all naturally ask for proof.
, Certainly. If No-'fu-Bao fails to , cure,
The sterling Kerned y Company, otNew
York. Montreal and Chicago have so
much faith in their remedy, that they pos
itively. guarantee to retund tne money, ana
the concern being owned and operated by
some ot the most reDutable business men
of fhe e-st and west, it is absolutely re
name ana .m e are giad to say, able in ever;
. ' way to live up to its guarantee. i
The sal of No-To-Bao within the pail
1 few years has assumed enormous propor
tions, almost entirely developed upon its
merits and the recommendations of the
cured. S great is the sale that it is hard
ly possible to go into any leading drug
stoi'd without finding it on sale, and the
druggist baj notning but words of praise
to give it. -
, , r .
, . ' Commandments of Buddha, ..
All acts J living creatures become
bad by tea things, and by avoiding the
ten things they bocorue good. There are
three sins of tbe body, four sins of " the
tongue, and three sins of the mind. The
sins of the body are murder, theft and
adultery j of the tongue, lying, slander,
abuse and gossip ; of the mind, envy,
., hatred and error. Therefore I give yon
these commandments :
First. Kill not, but have regard for
I f e. -
Second. Steal not, neither do ye
rob, but help everybody to be master of
the fruits of his labor. . .
Third. Abstain from impurity and
load a life of chastity. , ? . -
Fourth. Lie not, but be truthful.
Cpeak, the (ruth with discretion, fear
lessly, and in a loving heart.
Fifth. Invent not evil reports, nei
ther do ye respect them. Carp not, but
look for go'xl sides of your fellow be
inge, so th:u ,vou may with sincerity de
tenu th"ia ngnmgt their enemies.
iSixiit". isvvear not, but speak decent
ly and with dignity. . ,
. Seventh. Waste not the time with
gossip, out speak to the purpose or
keop silent.
Eighth. Covet not nor envy, but re
joice at the fortunes of other people. . ,
Ninth Cleanse your heart of malice
and cherish no hatred, not even against
your enemies, but embrace all living
beings with kindness.
t Tenth. Free your mind of ignorance
and te anxious to learn the truth, es
pecially in the one thing that is needed,
lest you fall a prey either to skepticism
or to errors. ' Skepticism will make you
indifferent, and errors will lead you
nstray, so that yon will not find the 110
blo path (but leads to life eternal.
Gospel of Enddha. .
Ocso That Blade on Eclipse.
. "frbilo 1 was on a hunting trip at In
man, K;in., I 'raw a sight which few
sportsmen have ever seen," said Cook
Herman.; - ".One night just as it wa3
growing dusk our party was hunting on
a liko where we had been having good
trace-ess with linek. .Suddenly the sky
seemed to te clouded, over so that we
thought a storm was coming up, but on
looking to see what was the cause of
the sudden darkness we discovered that
lru mediately over ns was a flight of
wild geeso which literally covered the
sky for as far as tho eye could reach. I
do not believe I would be exaggerating
if I were to say tout the geese in that
flight were numbered by tbe thousands.
For half an hour we watched tbem fly
it),'' by, forming all sorts of picturesque
groups like maps in the sky, shifting
rapidly from one combination to anoth
er; They were flying just high enough
to Tjo out of gunshot reach, but I man
aged to kill one tired straggler, which
had fallen behind one of the big bunches
and ventured where he could be reached
by a long shot. It was a sight which I
shall never forget, and I am still regret
ting that wo could not have got a crack
at them." Kansas City Journal
A petroleum belt has been discovered
in Montana's now oonnty, Carbon. It is
near the headwaters of Jsuteher creek, a
tributary of the Little Rosebud river.
Power Latest U.S. Gov't Report
The Development of a New California
.i Industry. '
Articles of incorporation have been
filed by the "Crystal Rook Salt Min
ing Co." of San Francisco, with a oap
ital stock of $500,000, of whioh $227
600 have been subscribed by Chas. G,
Ahlborn, ': Sahford Bennett, Meyer
Lewis, Julius Reimer, S. Lewis,
Dorn and Ben Lewis. '
The Crystal Rook Salt Mine is situ
ated in San Bernardino oonnty and
produoes a salt of superior quality,
whioh, aooording to analysis made by
Professor L. Falkenau, of the State
Assay Offioe in San Franoisoo, is found
to be chemically pure. At the instance
of Norton, Teller & Roden, and other
San Franoisoo houses, a number of tests
were made, with the result that the
salt produced from this mine has been
fonnd to be equal to the best English
salt in the market for butter-making
and table use, and for meat and fish'
paoking, milling and dairy purposes,
The lump stock salt from this mine is
preferred by the large cattle com
panies to any other salt, by reason of
its purity, dryness and solidity; also
because it is the most eoonomioal for
stock-feeding. Owing to its firmness
and purity it does not deliquesce when
placed out on the ranges. -
The Company oontrols over 1,000
aores of mining ground in whioh the
salt is mined from large deposits, as
clear and transparent as orystals. The
mine is connected with Salt Rook Sta
tion (Danby) on tbe Atlantic & Paciflo
R. R. by a road extending thirty-two
miles, especially ; constructed by the
Traction Engine Company, and upon
which the company successfully oper
ates a train of traotion engine and
wagons, constructed by tbe Best Manu
facturing Company, of San Leandro,
Cal. . . . T- - -
ihe oompany is about to commence
the erection of extensive works at the
mine, and upon their completion will
be enabled to supply tho purest salt
ever produced for butter-making, table
use, meat and fish-packing. Lump
salt for stock-feeding and milling pur
poses is now only being shipped.
ine buildings at .the mine are oon
struoted of salt, and the company is
about to erect an offioe building at the
raiiroaa station out oi rock salt, whioh
will attraot great . attention. . Passen
gers on the train passing this station
are now in the habit of getting off the
train for the purpose of seenring crys
tals of salt as keepsakes.
in tne sunlight a building construct
ed of this salt appears as if it was cov
ered with diamonds.
.' A Practical Joke.'
Prunes of the Gaite theater in Paris
one night played a trick on Ronmain,
his fellow actor, which created no little
amusement. In one of the scenes in the
third act of the "Charbonniere," Ron
main, after standing awhile in dumb
despair with his liands to his face, sud
denly turns toward the audience, dis
playing his pale, haggard features. To
produce the degree of "pallidness" re
quired, Rouinain carried in his pockets
a quantity of white face powder, which
he rubbed on .the palms of his hands
when the proper " time had arrived.
Now, Nnmes had secretly removed the
white powder and substituted a hand
fnl of charcoal dust.;. You can imagine
the result. The spectators laughed till
they were blue, in the face. But Ron
iiain swore vengeance dire vengeance
and some of these days we may ex
pect to hear of another "pleasant even
ing," but at N time's expense this time.
This Is precisely the kind of mistake a man
makes If he ' turns out" i n the wntng aide of
the road when a vehicle comes toward him. No
less ab'UHl in the rirnt of the Individual who
tanes drastic nieaiei"es to relieve bin ier.
That organ is on the right Bide, and the oad io
Iti relief Is Hostetier's Stomach Bit er s, a medi
Ine also adapted to the relief o dyspepsU. ci n-
Bupiitiou, aiuney aia rnettmauc ailment, ami
malaria. .
When a mother telle yon -funny stories about
ner onoyf oe paueui, or sue w ui nate J ou,
Were it not for the intervening moun
tain ranges, this country, from Northwest
to 8outhwest, would at turns in winter be
swept by, devastating tornadoes. Blizzards
seem to arise out oi the caves and eanons
of the plains. Caning strength and vol
ume over a wide expanse, their torce is ar
rested bv the battlements of bit; h lis
Sometimes they rise above the barriers
and sweep the Middle states with fury.
There you enjoy one day a mean tempera
ture, and tbe next may be far below freez
ing. It is like an ice water bath on a
warm day, and the shock to mus-clex.
erves and circulation 's the cause of sud
den nenralgio and rbeumatio attacks, both
violent and urate Those nrediBDosed to
suoh should have the master cure, St.
Jao bs Oil, always ready. Its prompt use
prevents the chronic stage, and in the io stageit is a prompt, sure cure.
We offer One Hundred Dollar Rivird inr
any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Haas uaiarrn uuie.
t. J. CHKNKY A CO. Promt. Tularin. O
We the under-igued, have known K. .1. Cheney
for the last 16 years, and believe him ierfectlv
honorable In all business tnmsaerlons and fin
ancially able to Cirri' out aui obligations made
by their Urn.
Wholesale imsglnrs. Toledo, o.
Walmkq, K inn an & Marvin.
Wholesale Druitglsis Toledo, Ohio.
Ratl'sGutarrh Cure Is takr-ii IntArnallv. amino
dlreotly upon the blood and niHuous.surfaces ot
the svslem. Price. So nnr bottla. Hold hv ll
drtiealsta. Trttimonlafs fiee.
Hall's i amuy riu are the best
. - .... ...
riso s uure is tne m aicine to break up
children's OoQghs ends Colds. Mas. M.fJ,
ji.BaiT, Bprayuw, wain., aiaroo , imu.
The Part of the Address Which Has Canned
an Uproar.
Here are the particular words which
Embassador Bayard used in bis now
famous address in Edinburgh recently
on "Individual Freedbni," which have
caused so much comment:
"In my own country I have witne?ed
the insatiable growth of that form of
state socialism styled 'protection,'
Which I believe has done more to foster
cIbes legislation and create inequality
of fortune, to corrupt public life, to
banish men of independent mind and
oharacter from the public councils, to
lower tbe tone of national representa
tion, blunt public conscience, create
false standards in the popular mind, to
familiarize it with reliance upon state
aid and guardianship in private affairs,
divorce ethics from politics and place
politics upon the low level of a merce
nary scramble, than any other single
cause. .' ' v. ,: ' - ' '
- "Step by step, and largely owing to
tho confusion of civil strife, it has suc
ceeded in obtaining control of the sov
ereign power of taxation, never hesitat
ing at any alliance or the resort to any
combination that promised to assist its
purpose of perverting public taxation
from its only true justification and func
tion, of creating revenue for the sup
port of the government of the whole
people, into an engine for the selfish
and private profit of allied beneficiaries
and combinations called 'trusts. ' Un
der its dictation individual enterprise
and independence have been oppressed
and the energy of discovery and inven
tion debilitated and discouraged.
"It has unhesitatingly allied itself
with every policy which . tends to com
mercial isolation, dangerously depletes
the treasury and saps the popular con
science by schemes of corrupting favor
and largesse to special classes, whose
support is thereby attracted.
. "Thus it has done so much to throw
legislation into the political market,
where jobbers and chafferers take tbe
place of statesmen. " .
If Yon Are Thinking- of Going to Cripple
Creek, Bead This. (
"It seems to me as if there was gold
all over the Cripple Creek country, and
I believe it will become the biggest gold
field in the world," said C. S. Hale as
he took out of bis pocket a piece of the
shining metal which be said was run
ning $600 to the ton. He came recently
from Cripple Creek, where he had been
operating in the mines. He has an in
terest in the Morning Glory, one of the
Work properties. '
"Cripple Creek, continued Mr. Hale,
is thronged with people.' There are
12,000 in tbe mining camp. Ten of
these will lose where one will make a
strike. The trouble is so many go there
without capital. Claims were all taken
np long ago. - The man who goes to
Cripple Creek should first : look around
and learn what he can about mining.
He should have at least; $3,000 capital.
He will pick out a good property and
lease it from the claim holder. The term
will be 11 or 12 or 18 months, and. he
will pay the owner of the claim 5 to 50
per cent royalty of the net proceeds aft
er the oost of treating and hauling is
taken out. Then he will get a pick and
shovel and go to work. ..
'The street in front of the postoffice
was being graded the other day, and a
vein of ore was struck producing $87 to
the ton. The graders went to work a
block farther down and struck another
vein worth $18 to the ton.
"Not every one finds gold, however,
One occasionally sees men who would
get out of Cripple Creek if they could.
Yet an offer of $1,250,000 was made for
a mine not long ago and refused, though
$1,000,000 of the amount was to be in
cash. "Chicago Times-Herald.
Floating; Exposition to Carry product of
America Around the Globe.
Mayor Caldwell of Cincinnati has re
eeived a letter from what is known as the
American Expedition association, with
headquarters in New York city. The
communication is a personal one from
E. A. Keeling, secretary of the associa
tion, and states that the object of ' the
expedition rs to introduce the wares and
goods oi the United States in every
country on the globe.
A number of what are to be known
as expedition ships are being built
in New York city. As soon as a ship is
completed it will be fitted up with prod
ucts of , the United States only. When
the fleet is ready, It will be headed by
a palatial yacht, to be called the Palace
of Neptune, on which will be as passen
gers all the governors, mayors and pres
idents of commercial or social bodies
who can go. . ,
Thus fitted ont and equipped, the fleet,
which is intended to be an exposition
on water, like those of Philadelphia,
Chicago and Atlanta as near as possible,
will steam to all of the oonntries of the
globe, including South America, Asia
and Africa,' as well as Europe. ;
, A Gift to the Senate.
Henry S. Welloome, the well known
American merchant in London, has pre
sented to the senate of the United
States the portrait of Pocahontas whioh
occupied such a prominent .place in tbe
woman s building at the World's fair.
The portrait was painted in England
after her conversion to Christianity and
her marriage to John Rolfe. Senator
Daniel of Virginia will act in Mr. Well-
come's behalf in making the presenta
tion, and the portrait will ultimately be
hung in the new Congressional library.
Girl, Balloon, Barrel, Niagara.
Miss Millie Viola, formerly an ac
tress, but now an aeronaut, says she
has traveled from Australia to the Unit
ed States for the purpose of going over
the Niagara falls in a barrel. To make
the feat more difficult she says she will
have the barrel dropped from a balloon.
She cannot go over the falls nntil the
Ice melts,
How Much Do Dogs Know?
This is rather a difficult question to
answer. A dog abont 8 years old is no
donbt wiser far than a child double that
age. At 6 a dog is in his zenith, and
can be taught but little more, but by
this time, although hecannet speak, ex
cept in a kind of dumb language, he
knows everything that is said abont him
that is, if he has been the constant
companion of a kind master and mis
tress. We are too loath to admit that a
dog can understand quite a deal that is
spoken, especially if it concerns himself.
I am sure that, like myself-, many of
my readers could send me anecdotes in
proof of this. The following is sent me
by a lady. It is worth reading: ;,
"My husband had at one time a very
fine collie, which seemed to understand
conversation perfectly. On one occasion
he told his housekeeper that he was go
ing to ride next day to his father's place,
30 miles away, and, turning to his dog,
said, 'You will stay at home.' Next
morning the dog was not to be seen, and
when his master arrived at his destina
tion the dog had got there first, and was
peacefully resting under a table. The
strangest thing was that the dog was
taken to my husband's home by rail,
and had never traveled on foot between
the two places. "Edinburgh Scotch
man. ;"' ' X ,-'"
Carlyle's "Most Fool" Phrase.
Where, how and when did Carlyle de
clare that his countrymen were "mostly
fools?" According 'to Mr. Justin Mc-,
Carthy, Jn an article in this paper, as
also, rather curiously, according to Mr.
Francis Espinasse in his recently re
printed articles fijorn The Bookman, it
was in an appeal (printed in The Spec
tator) to. Lord John Russell, then pre
mier, to gjlo something for the indus
trial improvement of Ireland. Accord
ing to fact, however, it was in the "Lat
ter Day Pamphlets," in the chapter on
parliaments. In the appeal to Lord John
Russell Carlyle merely speaks of his
oountrymen as "twenty-seven millions,
many of whom are fools;" in the "Lat-;
ter Day Pamphlets," in the chapter, on
parliaments, he says : ,
"Consider, in fact, a body of 658 mis-.
cellaneous persons set to consult- about
business, with 27,000,000, mostly fools,
assiduously listening to tbem and check-:
ing and criticising them was there ev-
er since the world began, will there ever
be till tbe world end, any business ac
complished in these circumstances?"
Westmipster Ganctte. , ;
. A. Slooum ofl'ers to Send Two Bot
tles Free of Hit Remedy to Care
Consumption and All Lung Troubles
-An Elixir of Life.
Nothine could be fairer, more Dhilan-
thropic or carry more joy in its wake than
the ofl'er of T. A. Slocum, M. O.', of 183
Pearl street. New York. Perfectly confi
dent that he has an absolute remedy for
the cure of consumption and all pulmon
ary complaints, he otters through this pa
per to send two Dottles tree to any; reader
who is suiferine from lunar trouble or con
sumption, also loan of tieaa and all condi
tions of wasting. He invites those desir
ous of obtaining this remedy to send their
express and postoffice address, and to re
ceive in return the two bottles free, which
will arrest the approach of death. Al
ready this remedy, by its timely use, has
permanently cured thousands of cases
wnicn were given up, and deal n was looked -upon
as an early visitor. . -
Knowing his remedy as he does, and be
ing so proof-positive of its beneficent re
sults, Dr. Blocum considers it his religious
duty, a duty which he owes to humanity,
to donate his infallible remedy where it
will assault the enemy in iiS cidatel, and,
by its inherent potency, stay tbe current
of dissolution, bringing joy to homes over
which the shadow ot the grave has been
gradually growing more strongly defined,
causing fond hearts to grieve. The cheap
ness of the remedy offered freely apart
from its inherent strength, is enough to
commend it, and more so is the perfect
confidence of the great chemist making the
offer, who holds out life to those already
becoming emaciated, , and says : , "Be
The invitation is certainly worthy' of the
consideration of the afflicted, who for
years, bave been taking nauseous nostrums
without effect; who bave ostracised them
selves from home and friends to -live in
more salubrious climes, where the atmos
phere is more congenial to weakened lungs,
and who have fought against death with
all the weapons and strength in their
hands. There will be no mistake in send
ing for these free bottles tbe mistake will
be in passing tbe invitation by.
NOTICE. , '. "'
Drs. H.-H. Green & Sons of Atlanta,
Oa., are the greatest dropBy specialists in
the world. Cure more patients than the
entire army of physicians scattered over
this beautiful land of ours. A valuable
discovery outside any medical book or
published opinion. A purely 'vegetable
preparation. Kemoves ail dronsical
symptons rapidly. Ten days' treatment
mailed to every sufferer. See advertise
ment in othercolnrnrK -...,
FITS. All fits stopped tree by Dr. Kline's
Great Nerve Restorer. No flu aftei the first
day's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and 12.00
trial buttle tree to Fit cases. Bend to Or. Kline.
931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. -
Try Gkbmka tor breakfast.
Is what gives Hood's Sarsaparilla its great1
" popularity, increasing sales and wonder
ful cures. The combination, proportion
and process in preparing Hood's Sarsa-'
parilla are unknown to other medio'nes,
and make it peculiar to itself. It acts
directly and positively tinon the blood.
. and as the blood reaches every nook and
corner of the human system, all the
nerves, muscles, bones and tissues coma
under the ben:ficent influence of
H o od 's
The One True Blood Purifier. All druggists; H.
Hood's Pills 2SH
liver ills: easv to
take, easy to operate. 2Sc
111 Caiumereial Bl'k, YQHJI.JLHD, OB
One Scarf Pin f
at Link SleevePuttons fnr "STS?
l 2 Coupons and 30 ots, '
: ' You will find one coupon inside each 2 ounce bag, and
two coupons inside each 4 ounce bag of
Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco, and read the
coupon, which gives a list of other premiums and how to get them.
- If you want a sure relief
muus, use cm
' Bear in Mind Not one of the host of counterfeits and imi
tations is as good as the genuine.
Chichester English, red cross fk Diamond Brand j
iJa. OR'!IN'DOEHUItlC. The only Safe. 8nr,UreM. Pill tor .
LAdlr, uk Drntitat tor Ckiekttttr t BnaUlA Diamond Brand In Red nd Bold m.l.lll.
Ml MM with bln ribbon. Tab a.
All pill, ta ipuMboud toiM, pint WT.pp.ri, are dans-enra. conntcrfelt. At Drugging. or Kna IS
io smTii Prtl..l.r.,M.tlinoiiil..n4l "Uellrt tor Ladle," UtUr, tyWtara Mali.
10.0OO TMtlmnnlftU. Vu
Miss Delia Stevens, of Boston, Mass.,
writes: I have always suffered from
hereditary Scrofula, for which I tried
various remedies, and many reliable
physicians, but none relieved me. After
tailing e ixjiues oi
I am now well. I
am very grateful
to you, as I feel
that It saved me
from a life of un
told agony, and
shall take pleasure in speaking only
words of praise for the wonderful med
icine, ana in recommending it to all.
Treatise on
Blood and Skin
Diseases moiled
tree to any ad
A penny
or two
all extra profit. ;
That's the merchant's reason
whourges an inferior bindingfor
a costly skirt. It's not (nothing
is) as good as V ak -
' ' Bias Velveteen Skirt Binding. -:
Look for S. II. & M. on the label
and take no other.
If your dealer will not supply you we
Mr 111
TT 111,
jialsto the S. H. & M. Co.,
labels and mite
. O. Box 699, New
DIRECTIONS for using
particle of the Balm well
up into the nostrile. After
a , moment draw strong
breath through the nose.
Vte three tines a day, after
meals vreferrtd. and before
ELY'S CREAM BALM Opens and cleanses
the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain and Inflamma
tion, Heals the Sores, Protects the Membrane
from colds, Restores the Senses of Taste and
Smell. The Balm is quickly absorbed and gives
relief at once.
A particle is applied into each nostril, and le
agreeable. Price. 60 cents at Druggists' or bj
M Warren Street. New York.
'"""'l BllnJ. Bleedln, or Prolriidlr., Pile. jlelTilToWu
Wo. lruaiuiiuu. DU-BOSAMsiO, fbliaZ. PiL
FLOUR MILLS...SAW MILLS and 'boilers :
lonani IPOO Wt)fks
IllVn Tf Uni ur nLL Mil uo
, , . . ,, ,
H the name of Woman's Friend. It is
fnl in Tfilin-rHntr ft, a r,r.tnt.. J.u
iv . , r e tov.-.uotjuwiuouucb
Which bnrdan Anrl .ahnrfnn o n,nn,.ni.
nm.n ttti TZ IT "rl ni 1T"r
i.V , , " " Ktvo ueauu ana screngtn
and make life a pleasure. For sale by all dmeuists
BLUMAUER-FEANK DRUG CO., Posted, llents.
For 12 Coupons
2 Coupons and 12 ots.
for pains in tbe back, side, chest, or
3, Porous
& Plaster
.f.. ........ i .-.:,
wt mu ivoomi
DwZZ Pants?
Tailor-made, finished and sewed
wrth ilk throughout, perfect fitting
by fiist-class white tailors from
your measure. On application will
send samples of cloth and directions
for self measurement. Black Chev
iot suitings, fWt. Uniforms and
Bicycle Suits a specialty. -
Portland, Walla Walla,
Spokane, via O. K. A N.
Railway ;and Great
Northern flail way to
Montana points, St.
Paul, Minneapolis.
tmnHa fit- T n,.l. nkl
cago and Bast. Address
nearest agent. A. B. O.
Denniston. C.P.iTA..
Portland. Or. : K. C. Sta. W V Awr.1
Seattle ;C.G.Dixon,Oen. Agt., Spokane.Wash. No
dust; rock-ballast track; fine scenery; palace
sleeping and dicing ears; buffet-Ubrary can
family tourist sleepers ; new equipment.
THE AEKMOTOR CO. does half tbe world's
windmill business, because it has reduced tbe eest of
Mrtnri MSMtn . 'il , 1. nan - I . ..,., , . . V. k.
nouses, ami supplies Its food a and repairs
your uoor. u can ana does furnish a
. better article lor less money than
others. It makes Pumping and
Geared, Steel, Oalvanlxed-after-'ComDletlon
windmills. Tlltlnc
TA tV Rnn Fixed steel Towers, Steel Buss Saw
l Frames. Steel Feed Cutters and Feed
jj Ja Grinders. On application It win name one
111 of these articles that It win furntsb until
January 1st at 13 the usual pries. It also makes
Tanks and Pumpe of all kinds. , Send for catalogue.
Factory I Uta, Rockwell sot FiUawrs Streets, Ckfcaffc
A Mild Phytic. One Fill for ft Done. ,
A morement of the bowels each day is necessary lor
health. These pills supply what the system lacks to -make
it reralar. They cure Headache, brighten th.
Eyes, and clear the Complexion better than cosmetics.
They neither gripe nor sicken. To convince yon, w
will mail sample free, or full box for 26o, Bold every
where. -OR, BOSANKO MED. CO., Philadelphia, Ps
PositlT ly Cured with Vegetable Remedlaf
; Have cured thousands of eases. Cure cases pro
nounced hopeless by best physicians. From nrstdos
lymptoms disappear: in ten day atleast two-thirds
ail symptoms removed. Send for free book testimo
nials of miraculous cures. Ten Jays' treatment
free by mail. If you order trial, send 10c. is stamps
orpay postage. Dr. H.H.Griin Sous, Atlanta,G.
Uyon ordertrlal return this advertisement to us.
MQQ WINCinW'Q Soothing
Tot sale br al 1 Iranlta. S Oeats a battle.
ABHIf fj Morphine Habit Cored in 10
1 1 1 I II 11 to 80 rlavH. No pay till cured.
r.llkfS WHrUF 111 HR( f 411 fi-
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use
in time. Hold bv di-uzulnti
N.. P. N, U. No. 637 S, F. N. U. No. 714
Tho very remarkable and eertain
reliefgiven woman by MOOBE'S
sin v njjLL,nv a,jm.ux uas given
. nnif ormlv sncress-
11 f I umioriniy BUCCe8S-
i a m s v . ana weakness
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111 1
: 205 -3R--ST- PORTLAND.