The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 21, 1896, Image 3

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    3ood Iiver Staciei
The mall arrives from Mti Hood at 10 o'
clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de
part 'he same days at noon.
For Chenoweth, leaves at 8 A. M.; arrives at
P. M. Saturdays. ,
For White Salmon leaves dally at 1 P. M.j
arrives at 6 o'clock P. M.
From White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil
mer, Trout Lake and Olenwood Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
Canby Post, No. 1(1, G. A. B., meets at School
House Hall, first Saturday of each month
at 2 o'clock p. m. All G. A. K. members In
vited to attend. The ladies of the Relief
Corps meet at same time In the adjoining
JOHN A. WILSON, Commander.
M. P. Isknbebo, Adjutant.
Waucoma IOdge, No. 80, K. of P., meets In
. ineir uastre iiaii on every rnesaay nignt..
J. A. Soksbb, C. C.
Geo. T. Pbather. K. of R. Si S. .
Riverside Lodge, No. 08, A. O. U. W., meets
first and third Saturdays of each month.
W. J. SMITH, M. W,
J. F. Watt, Financier.
il. L. Howb, Kecoj der. , 1 , . '
Twlce-tv-week Republic and Glacier
F. I. Hubbard, photographer, Hood
. 1 I A. 1 . - .1 1- . . I
Store lor cents.
Capt.- John MeNulty is now mate on
the steamer Dalles Cltv.
Hood River public schools will close
lor t tie term next iriaay. -
The populist state convention will
meet at 8a.lem March 2Gth.
Strayed, from Dr. Brosius' barn, a
2-iiifli pynrpas hnraa nr.
jjou jMoree is autnonzeu agent iorau
' - .1 I .1 ! 1 .. , .
Mr. H. (oburg, who owns the old
titan ley place, is building a barn.
Grandma Rogers, who has been sick
in bed with the grip, is improving.
.' Rolled wheat, the best of horse feed,
can &ow be had at the box factory.
The primary department' of Frank-
rtn ar'lwinl IWIaa Rpas Taanhorfr ton I ml
closed last Friday.
Until after new crop, Saturday only
will be our grinding nay.
Harbison Bros.
D.'F. Pierce has left his shoes with
IS. V. HiiKbands, who will sell them at
cost., Call and see them at the old
stand. , .
('harley Lloyd returned to Hood
River last Monday from Puget sound.
He expects to remain here for the
present. - . ,,
Capt. Blowers is having the big
boulders blasted out on his resilience
(lock and grading and otherwise im
proving the grounds.
Supervisor Prather is working the
roads. . Wednesday, with a force of
tinn Ka urua attiru.rasl ftlltm lit-, fliu
mud holes on the west side of Hood
river bridge.
. Judge' L. ' Henry and C. L. Morse
were at The Dalles, Saturday, attend
ing a meeting of the populist county
central committee. The committee
selected delegates to attend the - state
convention at Salem. Judge Henry
was appointed a delegate and C. L.
31 ite alternate.
The programme for . the entertain
ment to be given by the Home Social
and Dramatic club on Tuesday even
ing, March" 8d, has not yet been com
pleted but will be ready for publication
next week.' The price of admission
will be 20 and 10 cents; proceeds to go
to the library. ,
We learn that on Monday last, Ches
ter Sears, son ot D. H. Sears of the
East Side, while at work in the timber
Co., was caught betweeu two logs and
li is left leg was broken and bis right
ankle dislocated. He was brought
home and his Injuries attended to by
Dr. Brosius. .
A photograph social will be held at
the residence of J. P. Watson, Wednes
day eve, -Feb. 26th. Everyone, both
old and young, are cordially invited to
attend and bring a picture of them
selves taken when they were young.
The one guessing the largest number
of pictures will be entitled to a prize.
Games and music will be the order of
. i. t -d....!. i .
tuo evening. iwiicDiiuJVuio win
served. Bill 10 cents.
Mr. M. Willis met, with a painful ac
cident Tuesday. He was up in a pine
tree, 50 feet from the ground, engaged
in cutting the top, when he made a
miss lick with his axe and cut his leg
below the knee. When he got to the
ground his shoe was tilled with blood.
Rev, F. C. Km use happened along
oou after and acted as surgeon in bind
ing up the wound. Mr. Willis is get
ting along all right, but the injury will
keep him from work for several days.
- Rev. J. L. Hershner spent, a part of
last week in Portland and was in the
hands of specialists, receiving treat
ment for his eyes.' They regard his as
a stubborn and critical case, owing to a
pronounced rheumatic tendency. He
will bave to give his eyes absolute rest
for a month or so. If there is not
promise of improvement soon he will
go to Chicago rorfreatineut. The Con
gregational church has generously
granted him a vacation for two months.
He will endeavor to secure supplies for
Lis pulpit. . . . . '
Last week we received a copy of the
Portland ; Illustrated Annual, which
this year is in the form of a magnifi
cent souvenir of the public schools of
1 i. ft I . i . 7 -V tin anniiul .inn Ki i.iQ fit, a
half-tone poitraits of every teacher in
the Portland public schools, which are
very lifelike, judging from the pictures
of those with whom we are acquainted.
The book is the work of the printing
house of Peaslee Bros., and the type,
presses, ink, etc., were supplied by the
A merican , Type Founders Co. of Port
land. ; ;,' '.
The little daughter of Mr. Fred Web
ber, Holland, Mass., had a very bad
cold and cough which he had not been
able to cure with anything. I gave
him a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, says W. P. Holden, merchant
and postmaster at West Brimtield, and
the next time I saw him he said it
worked like a charm. This remedy is
Intended especially for acute throat
and lung diseases such as colds, croup
and whooping cough, and it is famous
for its cures. There is no danger in
giving it to" Children for it contains
nothing "injurious. For sale by Will
iams & Brosius, druggists.
A babe was found in a basket on the
doorstep of (J. J. Farley, iu The Dalles,
lust Tuesday morning. In the basket
was a card, on which the following
was written: "Little Kenneth Clair;
born February 17, 1890. " This child was
not borivout of wedlock nor of low pa
rentage." It is supposed the child was
brought to the city on the westrbound
passenger train, at 4 o'clock in the
morning. Mr. and Mrs. Farley will
care for the little one, although they
have three children of their own.
The Maccabees of The Dalles have
chartered the steamer Regulator for
this evening, to attend the ball to be
given in the armory tonight by the
order here. - The railroad company has
reduced fares for the occasion, and a
big crowd from outside towns will be
in attendance.
The ladies aud friends of the U. B.
church gave their pastor's wife a very
pleasaut surprise on Tuesday eve of
last week, coming with arms and bas
kets tilled with the necessaries of life.
Refreshments were served and a very
pleasant evening was spent.
Mr. L. H. Adams and wife of Port
land came up last Saturday and spent
fcsunaay wHu Mrs. - Adams' parents,
Mr. and Mrs. H,. Pugb. Mr. Adams
Mrs. Adams remained for a more ex
tended visit. .:-.-
Postmaster Crossen of The Dalles
has been asked by the secretary of war
to recommend a site for the proposed
government building in The Dalles,
that is to cost $100,000, in the event
Senator Mitchell's bill becomes a law.
The Dalles is about entering upon a
building boom. Max Vogt has decided
to rebuild the Vogt block, destroyed
by tire in 189U, A. Bettiugeu will erect
a large building, and ''other buildings
are contemplated.
C. L Phillips of The Dalles, who
was at the locks at the Cascades re
cently, gives it as his opinion that
a boat can not pass through tbem this
year. Jtle thinks there is too much
to do. . .' , . ' .,' ,
Col. Nevius, an old Grand Army
veteran and for a long time colonel of
th Third regiment O. N. Q., died at
Salt Lake February 12th. ,
The W. R. C. will give a patriotic
social on the evening of -February 2d,
at a. u. u. vv; nan, ior tne oenenc ot
the department.
, Mr. E. D. Catkins of Hood River
served in the wur under Gen. Gibbon,
whose death was recently announced.
Jan. Coventon returned from The
Dalles Monday, where. he had been
stopping for a couple of weeks.
Events of the Coming Tear.
The coming year will b a period
memorable in the history of the world,
if but a part of the plans of the United
States government and European na
tions is carried out. In the United
States there will be the liveliest presi
dential campaign ever held, and the
fifty-fourth congress, now in session,
will furnish exceedingly interesting de
bates on the tariff' and financial ques
tions until June. There will be several
exciting state elections and many great
political speeches, everyone win watch
with interest the progress of the'Venr
ezuelan commission's inquiry, the re
sults of the wars in Cuba, in South
Africa, in Turkey, and the outcome of
other complications now arising iu the
lio worm. ,
It is a remarkable coincidence that at
the beginning of a year of such rich
promise of stirring news the greatest
metropolitan newspaper in the. United
States the St. Louis Republic should
reduce Its price to JO a year, or to less
than, two cents a day. This low price
now places the Republic, within the
reach of every o-ie. Those who wish
to keep posted on politics, trade, na
tional and international affairs during
1886 should at once subscribe for it on
these easy terms, in addition to taking
their own local paper.
.Newspaper readers wno may think
they cannot afford to take a metropol
ian daily paper should at least sub
scribe for the Twice-a-Week Republic
104 papers a year for only $1 a year.
It contains the best of everything that
appears in the daily.
C. E. Local Union.
There will be a meeting of the local
C. E. union at the U. B. church to
morrow, at 2:30 o'clock, for the election
of officers and the consideration of any
other business that may come before
the meeting. All endeavorers are re
quested to be present.
R. A. Copplb, President.
Jones He Pays the Freight.
' Send for a copy of The Buyer's Guide,
with latest reductions aud market prices
Sent free to any address. Freight on
$20 orders paid to any point on Colum
bia river reached by Portland boata. .
Jones' Cash Store,
Front & Washington Sts., Portland.Or.
This is the old way "the good old
way" of curing a cold. But it is in
convenient and only adopted as a last
resort. There is another way, which
is more convenient and quite effective.
We refer to the "White Pine Com
pound." We have it in liquid form or
in lozenges, handy to carry in pocket,
and suggest you think of it when your
next cold is coining on. Also, think of
' Williams fc Brosius,
. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. v v
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos
itively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion or money refunded. Price, 25 cts
per box. For sale ut the Hood River
, Sociable at Mrs. CrowclRi
Editor Glacier: The Congrega
tional church sociable held at the'tes
Idence of Mrs. George P. Orowell Was
largely attended. . Mrs. Crowell is a
superior hostess aud makes every one
feel the genial air which pervades her
Dome, sue arranged a very entertain
ing programme and was ably assisted
by ladies of. the church. Mrs. Wood
ward gave a recitation ("The Night of
ine uuamy isaii") ana Mrs. juaFrance
a reading ("Tne Widow .Piper"), ilotu
ladies were very cordially applauded,
Miss Cook of Portland displayed care.
ful culture aud artistic expression in
her rendition of "Money musk." Mr,
McCoy as an accompanyist would have
oeeu excellent it he had not Deen such
a rapt and dazed admirer ot the lady
oeiore mm, who wooed troni bis vioim
bow such energetic tones of encourage.
ment. The tableau of the "Old woman
who lived in a shoe" was very pretty
and the bright children-were a whole
some deligut to all. Miss CooK posed
as the "Uociaess or liberty," and im
mediately a patriotio thrill of devotion
to that deity filled each manly breast.
Mr. Smith gave an original poem de
scribing the "heroism of an old soldier
under .flre , ., viz the jnquisitiveness
of his friends about his preparations for
no use Keeping. icetreehrnents and
games followed the programme, and
every one bade Mr. and Mrs. Crowell
good night with .the assurance that
they had enjoyed a pleasant evening.
. ; ' !
' Valentine Party. .
In response to the joyously received
invitations issued by Mr. and Mrs.L.E
Morse, for "ye men and maydens'? to
assemble at their home to celebrate St.
Valentine's vej there appeared near
twenty-two of the pleasure loving
young people or tiooa laver, wno were
received by Misses Grace Belden and
Theresa Morse and ushered into the
brilliantly lighted reception rooms,
which were tastefully decorated with
ivy, pussy winow and Oregon grape
leaves woven into garlands and
wreaths, from which were suspended
tiny hearts pierced by golden arrows.
The guests engaged in merry games
and conversation until 10:30 o'clock,
when a dainty lunch was served, after
which one and all were presented with
a handsome bouquet, then a game of
ooiunicai orthography held sway until
tue lateness or tne hour reminded them
that "Time waits for no man." But
ere the "Good nights" were said, each
guest was the recipient of a beautiful
valentine which modestly reminded
them of the chief traits iu their char
acters. Those present were: The Misses
Cora Mayes, Millie Olinger, Lucy Elli
son', Bessie Wright, Grace Belden,
Theresa Morse, Nannie Mercer, and
Messrs. Howard Isenberg. Geo.Slocum.
Hubert Galligau, Elton Havdeu. Mar
shal iseutierg, Maitie uukes, tieorge
Rich, Ernest Loy, Bert Taylor, Charles
L'astner, Chester Shute and - Henry
McGuire. ;'-'"- '
Tne Frankton Literary.
The Frankton literary and library
association held an interesting meeting
last Friday evening. Recitations were
given by Elmer Campbell, Miss Mar
garet Locke, and Grace and Daisy
Campbell, and May Boorman gave a
reading. 'Miss Laura Ellis favored the
audience with a solo, aud the Misses
May Boorman, Daisy Campbell and
Laura Ellis sang "Joy Cometh in the
Morniug," Miss Grace Campbell play
ing the accompaniment on the organ.
Thoe. Calkins aud E. N.. Blytho ren
dered a dialogue, "The Gold Cure."
The question for debate wass "Resolved,
That intemperance has caused more
misery than - war." -.' Those tak
ing part in the debate were: Affirm
ative Aiitone Frobn, T. E. Wickens,
Thos. Calkins, Richard Kirbyson and
Roy Ellis. JNegutive Wm. L. Ellis,
W.J. Campbell, E. N. Blytbe, Miss
Clara Blythe and F. R. Absten. The
judges rendered their decision in favor
of the affirmative by a vote of two to
oue. The question, "Resolved, That
Abraham Lincoln had more to contend
with than George Washington," will
be debated at the next meeting.
- Secretary.
Our people are growing more and
more in the habit of looking to Will
iams & Brosius for the latest and best
of evefy tiling in the drug line. They
sell Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
famous for its cures of bad colds, croup
and whooping cough. ' When in need
of such a medicine, give this remedy
a trial and you will be more than
pleased with the result.
j A Bachelor's Club. -Hood
River, Feb. 11, 1896. Editor
Glacier: Two or three years ago, and
up to the present time, there have
been no less than thirty bachelors re
siding in the neighborhood lying be
tween Indian creek and Hood river,
and bounded by Jones' place on the
north and Barrett school house at the
other end. Many a high old time
have we had together. Two or three
houses were considered headquarters,
"where games and music were indulged
iu and plenty of. populistic literature
was always on hand. Sleigh rides
were often gotten up, no giris being
allowed. The debating society at the
Barrett school house was a favorite re
sort. --........ - . .. . - .
Different names were suggested for
the organization, such as "Hood River
Spud Boilers' Association" and "Rail
Gulch Bachelors' Fraternity," but no
one was definitely decided upon. In
time the boys got acquainted with the
girls at the debating society and at
other places and began to pair off.
One of our leaders went to the world's
fair and found such a' tine girl that he
married her and brought her home.
Others have married girls from other
localities, most of them coming from
Belmont, which seems to have a sur-
Elus of old maids. And thus they
ave dropped out until now there are
only ten unmarried men in the dis
trict, add scarcely a single marriageble
girl, but there are teu young married
couples. '' ' '. ; . -
To save the organization from dying
out, two men were sent East for bach
elor relatives, who are expected soon,
and two who have been away have re
turned to their ranches. : One of our
members, who was afraid of being the
last one, proposed to an old maid and
she gave him the mitten. Despite the
best we could do the organization had
to be disbanded. This has been caused
to a large extent, I think, by the man
agement of the. Hood River fair- last
fall, who not only offered large induce
ments to our members to get married
but offered solid silver spoons to the
babies. '
Now, when some of the boys meet to
cut wood, the man with a baby at
home quits work first to go home and
play with the Kid. The newly mar
ried man quits soon after , to help his
wife get supper, and the single man
works on until dark, as there is no at
traction for him at home. -.'
; Yea, verily, the world do move and
so do the girls, and spooning with wife
ana ha hies is not such a Dad pastime,
after all, when one gets used to it. . At
least, such has been tbeexperience of
; r The Historian.
The Pine Grove School.
Editor Glacier: Our school closed
last Friday, ufter a very, successful
term, with Miss Anna Sears as teacher
A good programme was gotten up for
the exercises on the last day or school,
and the pupils acquitted themselves
well before the large erowd of visitors
in attendance. The teacher was high
ly complimented on her work.
- East Sider.
The Moro Ohserver ravh: "The Rel
moot brass band, Bro. Isenberg and
family of Hood River, will enliven the
camp fire at Wasco with some good
music on the W th." i
In Hood River valley. East Side,
February 10, to Mr,anaMrs,
S..H."'Cox, a son. '" .
,;f Church Notices. .
There will be no preaching services
at the Congregational church next
M. E. services in Hood River everv
Sabbath evening, and in the mornings
or the first and third Sabbaths of each
month; at Mosier on the mornings of
tne second ana tourtn, .
' J. M. Denison, Pastor.
Belmont Circuit Appointments.'
First Sunday of each month at Mount
Hood; second Bunaay, Belmont at 11,
urapper school house at 3, and rine
Grove at 7; third Sunday, Pine Grove
at 11 and Belmont at 7; fourth Sunday,
Belmont at 11 and Pine Grove at 7.
. - F. L. Johns, Pastor.
Congregational Church Rev. J. L.
Hershner, . pastor. Worship, ' with
reaching, win De conducted every
unday, at li a. m. and 7.30 p. in., un
less otherwise announced. . Prayer
meeting and Sunday school conference
on Wednesday evening. Christian
Endeavor society on Sunday evening.
All who attend these .services will he
made welcome.
U; B. church F. C. Krause. Pastor.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.; preaching
at Ji a. m.; junior Haideavor at 3 p.m.;
preaching at 7:30. , - -
Threw Away His Canes.
Mr, D. Wiley, ex-postmaster, Black
Creek,.New York, was so badly afflict
ed with rheumatism that he was only
able to hobble around with canes, and
even then it caused him great pain.
After using Chamberlain's Pain Balm
he .was so much improved that he
threw away his canes. He says this
liniment did him more good than all
other medicines and treatment put to
gether. For sale at 60 cents per bottle
by w uliams & .Brosius, druggists, j;-
To Whom It May Concern: . '
1 have been Informed that a road netttlon
has been gotten up by A. Boorman and others
for a road running across my place, as fol
lows: Between the northeast is and the south
east 14 ot section S3 to which I object, from
uie laci unit i nave given a roaa running
down the Tvest side of the creek on my place,
which road has been in constant use for
twelve years. T. E. WICKENS.
tiooa uiver, eo. vu, um. . ,
A competent person to act as book aeent.
Good pay. For further information address
f21 . ; Mount Hood, Or.
Grubbing Machine. '
The nndersicned have a complete outfit for
grubbing land and are now prepared to make
contracts for clearing at reasonable rates.
Parties desiring work of this kind, apply to
irri r r i uu Di'i.'n
f21 Hood River, Or.
Boy Wanted.
A eood bov. 12 or -13 years of ere. can And a
good home, where, he will be sent to school In
winter, and in summer be expected to make
himself useful on a farm. Address
f21 - Hood Kiver, Or.
Harness Repairing.
will be ready for repairing and oiling har
ness after January 1st. Farm products will
be taken in trade. Ijeave harness for repair
ingat Blowers' store Highest price paid for
Hides. . d20 E. D. CALKINS.
Repaired and all kinds of
' " Sold by
Also, Boots and Shoes repaired,.,
Ordinance No. 15.
An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 11, as
amended by Ordinance No. lit, entitled
"An Ordinance to prevent certain ani-
. mals and fowls from running at large or
from being herded upon the streets or
roads of Hood River, and providing for
impounding and sale of such animals."
Be it ordained by the Common Council of
the Town of Hood Elver, Oregon:
Hection 1. That section 1 of the above en
titled Ordinance No. 11, as amended, be, and
the same is hereby amended to read as fol
lows: - ;
Section 1. No person, or persons, owning or
being in possession of any horse, mare, geld
ing, mule, cattle, sheep, hog or goat shall per-
it or allow the same to run at large within
the corporate limits of Hood River, from the
first day of April to the first day of October,
from 8 o'clock p. ni. to 5 o'clock a. m., and
from October 1st to April 1st, 7 o'clock p.m. to
6 o'clock a. m., and it shall be the duty of the
marshal to take up any such animal found
running at large, as aforesaid, and impound
the same in the town pound. At any time
thereafter, prior to ttie sale of such animal, the
owner, or owners, or person entitled to the
possesion thereof, shall have the same released
to them upon the payment of all cost,oharges
and expenses which shall have accrued up
to t he time of such payment.
Passed the Common Council of the town of
Hood River the 11th day of February, 18!)(l,
and approved by me this 12th day of Feb
ruary, 18DB. ... ' 1 -
1.. N. BLOWERS, Mayor.
Attest: Gbo. T. Pbathku, Recorder.
For Rent.
valley, about one mile from depot, in excel
lent condition for putting out plants this
spring. R'.innini; water for irrfsation. Will
rent on reasonable terms. Address
J31 . ' Cascade Locks, Or.
llats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Country Produce Bought and Sold.
Af.rwrv mo
iHRflflT.Qft .QiUfir.Q '
biggest boot in the world
- T v crDALTrASr
Kitchen Furniture,
; Pruning Tools, Etc.
Repairing Tinware a Specialty.
Mt m for Sale Ctej.
Situated miles west, of taiirn nf TTnnrt
River, on the Columbia. Free from late frosts.
Full crop ot all kinds of fruit now on ranch.
Fine irrigating iacilitles and water for that
purpose belonging to place. Call at Ulaeier
olHce or at ranch. F. R. ABSTF.N.
(Special attention given to Land Oficc prao
Rooms 44-45 Chapman Block,
Notary Public,
DR. E. T. CARNS Is now located In TToorl
River. First-class work at rensimhln mtmt
AH work guaranteed. Omoe in the Langille
iiouse. i ' ivlH
All work given him will be done cor
rectly and promptly. He has a few
good claims upon which he can locate
parties; ooth larming and timber lands.
uctiruary, 184.
Land Office at The Dalles. Oreeron: .Tun. M.
18(W. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that Said proof will be made be
fore Register and Receiver at Ths Dalles. Ore
gon, on March 14, l8Kil, vlz:
Hd. E. No. 3524. for the southwest V section
81, township 2 north, range 10 east, W. M.
tie names ine isiiowing witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz.:
Wm. Buskirk and E. W. Winans of Hood
River. Oregon, and J. P. Buskirk and A. Wi
nans of The Dalles, Oregon.
JSlmtt JAB. V. MOORE, Register.
G. T. Prather,
H. C. COE.
Notary Public.
Beal Estate a n fl insnraEce.
93 Oak St., bet. 2d and 3d.
We have lots." blocks and acreaee in the
town of Hood River: also, fruit, hay and nerry
farms and timber claims In the most desira
ble locations in the valley. If yori have any
thing in the real estate line to sell or rent, or
If yoii want to buy, give us a call. ...
Deeds, bonds and mortgages promptly and
correctly executed.
we win also attend to legal business m Jus
tices' court.
Wo are also agents for SOUTH WAUCOMA
21 "ATHEK , CUE.
Fruit Farm for Sale.
1 will sell my place, i miles from the town
of Hood River, near a graded school, contain-
Imr Aft 4iitfAa nnnrl hniiua n n rl hnvn i,tiuni
"ft ivivo, fiuuu uvurai "u uaui, otiuii);
spring, wind mill, acres in orchard,
acre In strawberries, all fenced, including
kiaicu huu mini i iijJieiiiiiiN- ior mow.
nl ' ; FKKD HOWE, Hood River.
Competent Nurse.
Ladies needing a competent nurse, on rea
sonable terms, apply to
iiooa Kiver, uregon.
Lessons in Piano Music.
Miss Anna Smith has resumed the teachine
of Music. Her prices are 50 cents a lesson, jiu
For Sale.
Two large Wind Mills, two No. 4 Pumps and
one No. 10 Ram. , ;. GEO. Tv PRATHER,
For Sale at Belmont.
The Ketehum place, by E. C. Rogers. Also)
. O. Roeers' place, chean for cash, or one-
half down and balance on easy terras. dl3
In the Apple Belt.
Some of the best applet la'nd'fn' Wood River
valley, tniproved or unimproved,, for sale in
lots of 10,. 20 or 80 acres. Situated on tbfe East
Side, (iood stream of water flows through
the land. Terms cheap. For further partic
ulars Inquire at Glacier office. 'a!7
lis Dalles, MM &MA
Navigation Co.
Through Freight and
Passenger Line.
All Freight Will Come Througtt
Without Delay.
One way ..........J1 r9
Bound trip.. 2 SO
Freight Rates Greatly
. W. C. ALL AW AY,
General Agent.
a wiL Ala
E. McNEILL, Receiver. -
Totlb-e East,
Gives the choice of
un Br. ' Paciflc By.
Via.. , .; .-. Via :
Minneapolis OMAHA
ST. PAUL; Kansas City.
Low Rates to All East
ern Cities.
Leave Portland every five days for -.
For mil details all on O. R. A N. Agxmt,
Hood River, or address
Cien'l Pass. Agent, "
Portland, Or.
WM.T1LLETT, Proprietor.
- Grower and dealer In ehoico Nuraei-y stock.
He has the only stock of the
"Yakima Apple,.
The best of red apples, and as long a keeper
the Yellow Newtown.
I have aboul 20,000 apple trees of the best va
rieties growing In my nursery. All Htnndnnl .
varieties are grafted, from the best utuek ia
Hood River, jelo.
The modern stand
ard Family Medi
cine : Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.
Chamberlain's Eya and Skin Cintmeat
Is unequalled for Eczema, Toller Sall
Elieum, Scald Head, Bore Kiji)!8, Clmriol
Hands, Itching Tiles, Horns, Krost Bites,
ChronicSore JCyes and Granulated Kve Lids.
For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box.
For putting a liorso irfa fine liealtny con
dition try .Cudy's" Condition l'owders.
TJiey tone up the systenf, aid digestion, cure
loss 'of appetite, relieve constipatiui, correct
kidney disorders mid destroy worms, giving
hew life W an old or over-worked lioi-se. 25
cents pot' package. For sale by druggists.
For stile by Williams & Brosius. . .