The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 14, 1896, Image 4

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    Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
An Adrentnress Named Mary Thiers the
Woman In the Case Sensational Re
sult of the Conviction of a Cleveland
Physician of Burglary. .
A drama of. real life more extraordi
nary in its developments than the com
plicated plots of Wilkie Collins has
been brought to light by the indefati
gable investigations of a Cleveland at
Two years ago a Dr. Emerson of Bo
tea, a Cleveland snburb, was arrested
on the charge of bnrglary. The trial
was sensational, a pathetic feature be
ing the devotion displayed by hisyoting
and beautiful wife, who sat constantly
by his side during the trial. Emerson
was convicted and sent to the peniten
tiary. His wife was shocked later to
discover that he had repaid her devo
tion by surreptitiously making out a
mortgage of his property, while in jail,
to one Mary Thiers.
.Mrs. Emerson's love turned to ha
tred. She instituted divorce proceedings
and was granted a deoree. Then she
consulted an attorney in regard to the
legality of the mortgage. In his investi
gation' the attorney discovered that
Mary Thiers had been living with John
Thiers, who was not her husband. This
John Thiers died last July, leaving all
his property to Mary. Be had been an
intimate friend of Dr. Emerson. ,
Ganaol floi-p arm Ilia nffn-naw V rtr id 1 tTtiil
a letter irom a man namea wittman or
Buffalo. The writer said he had read
the name of John Thiers in the death
list of ,a Cleveland newspaper. He ask
ed the attorney to make inquiries and
see if John Thiers was not in reality
Casper Wittman, the writer's father.
"Casper Wittman, "'continued the writ
er, ' left bis devoted wife in Buffalo
to wildly follow Mary Thiers, who poi
soned his mind against his family. He
was worth $50,000 in cash and held
much real estate in Cleveland and De
troit." . .
The letter concluded with the state
ment that if Thiers and Wittman were
the same, the attorney should immedi-
the will, as the writer should maintain
that his mother and children were Cas
per Wittman 's legal heirs.
An investigation of the will settled
the question of . identity. It is signed
John Thiers, but he says he was for
merly known as Casper Wittman. Now
comes another complication. In his will
Wittman speaks of his "former wife. "
The court records show that . he'; was
never divorced in Cleveland, and the
attorney claims that were Wittman di
vorced the:divorce would be fraudulent
ly obtained. The story of these two
suits, derived from entirely different,
sources and so singularly welded to
gether, furnishes litigation that has no
precedent in (he state of Ohio. Phila
delphia Telegraph.
Proposed Permanout Negro Exhibition.
A movement has been started at Wash
ington by some col'iwd people, having
for its object (he establishment in that
city of a fanimnent negro exhibition.
Then' plan in to get congret-'H to take thfr
matter in hand and entublinh the exhi
bition with the necessary appropriation
and they will usk that the affair be kept
under the control of the government.
The Exposition association of Atlanta is
to be asked to allow the removal after
their fair closes , of the negro exhibit,
which has attracted so much interest
there. This, if secured, is to form the
nucleus of the permanent exhibition.
? Trr remarkable remedy, hoth tor IN.
TBRNAL and EXTERNAL lose, and won.
etorttii in its quick action to relieve distrctu
PainmJCi11fr !? care for Sore
fZ.M .T, V ..T,lrunt- Cou.hs,
Chills, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cramps;
Cholera, ami all Bowel Complaint:
M-tXIli-filler rAj known for Pea
Sickness, Sick Headache, Pain in the
Back or Side, Rheumatism and Neuralgia.
Pain-KiUer SKSS
MADE. It bring!! tpeedy and permanent relief
In all cues of Braises, Cuts, Sprains,
Severe Burns, fco. ..
Plln-fflt1ff ! " W1 Med and
r a.lilml.llia trusted friend of the
Mechanic, Farmer, Planter, Hailor, and
In fact all classes wanting a medicine always at
hand, and tafe to u internally or externally
with certainty of relief.
By Utyeiciant, by JUlmionariei, by Mtntttert, by
Mechanics, by Xitrtet in KotpUaU.
Pitltt-iritfA a Medicine Chest in
f ttmI.llICr itself, and few vessels
leave port without a supply of It.
49-No family can afford to be wlthont tbts
Invaluable remedy In the house. It price brings
It within the reach of all, and It will annually
save many times Its cost In doctors' bills, (j
s Beware of Imitations. Talis nous but lbs
(nulBS "Pjcbsy Davis."
fl OotaroersUl Bl'k, F9KTHVJ), 9.
Esperanto Is the Name of a Mew Univer
sal Language.
Esperanto is not the name of a new
liqueur or of a new appetizer-, nor that
of a popular comic song, but it is the
name of an artificial language which is
fast gaining adherents in France, and
that is already able to boast of many
followers in Russia, Germany, England,
Norway," Sweden, . Italy, Spain, the
United States and even in some parts of
Africa. .
Among those most proficient in the
language is a Frenchman, bearing the
aristocratic name of D'Eyssautier. He
says that Esperanto is by no means a
new language, nor even a recent discov
ery. This international language has
been in existence nearly ten - years, and
there are at least 10,000 adherents in
different parts of the world, i '
The author or originator of Esperanto
is a Russian gentleman, Dr. Zamenhof
of Warsaw. He calls it a universal lan
guage. He says that one may learn its
grammar in an hour and all its vocabu
lary of words in a few days.
Max Mnller writes it with the great
est ease, and so does Tolstoi, who is one
of the leading contributors "to the offi
cial organ of the language, The Esper
antisto, which, by the way, is utterly
opposed to the Volapuk organ, for it
has literary tendencies.
The fact is, Esperanto hopes to de
throne Volapuk altogether. Verses may
be written in it, and translations of the
"Iliad" and "Hamlet" have been pub
lished. This new language, which means
the "person who hopes," is perhaps bet
ter known in Russia than in any other
country. Russia is its birthplace. New
York World.
Taken From an Oyster and Looks Like a
Picture of Col ambus.
A most peculiarly shaped pearl of
great size and value was found by
Charles N. Ames while opening oysters
in his cafe at Pittsfield, Me., the other
day. The oyster containing the pearl
was raised and gathered in Narragansett
bay at the mouth of the Providence
river. ,
Two Maine hunters went into Mr.
Ames' restaurant and asked for "a doz
en on the half, quick 1" Two ordinary
oysters were opened. In the third bi
valve Mr. Ames' knife struck some-'
thing.. When the shells fell open a most
extraordinary pearl was disclosed. It
was a startlingly lifelike reproduction of
a human head. There were the partly
bald head, deep set eyes, long straight
nose and thin lips disclosing beautiful
ridges like teeth, and a pointed beard of
an Italian, Spaniard or European of
high degree. The hunters said it looked
very much like the death mask of Co
lumbus. Mr. Ames agreed with them.
The pearl protrudes about half an
inch from the surface of the shell, to
which if is firmly attached at the back
of the neck. It is surrounded by a circu
lar baud of muHcle which looks very
much like one of the styles of ruffled
collars worn by the noblemen of the
middle ages.
lis Seems to Find Satisfaction In Snatch
- Ins Off Km tons.
A new cr:mk has made his appearance
in New York in (he person of Antonio
Volpe, an Italiiui, 18 years old. He is
what may be called "a button snatcher. "
Policeman Klan saw him in the" crowd
around a dry goods store window.
He dodged in ' and out among the
women so often that the policeman
thought be was a pickpocket. . He
watched him closely, hoping to catch
him in the act. ' He finally noticed that
he only brushed against the women who
wore large buttons on their coats. To
his surprise he saw that all of these
women had , lost, at least one. button.
Presently he ;canght the young Italian
in the ant of pulling one of the buttons
from a wfiniati's cout and arrested him.
On the way to the station house the
prisoner threw a handful of large but
tons into the street. When 1 he was
searched at the station, 40 other .buttons
were found in his pockets.
Broker Martens Acquisition Has a Coat
Like Astrakhan.
. Clarence G. Martens, a broker who
has a stock farm near Mount Vernon,
N. Y., has just bought a horse which
has all the appearance of a huge black
sheep. He is about 15.3 hands high, and
his hide is covered with a woolly coat,
black and as soft as silk. When Mr.
Martens drove him through the streets
of Mount Vernon recently, he attracted
crowds of curious people. r "
"He is an inbred Wilkes oolt," said
Mr. Martens, "and is 4 years old. I
have never speeded him, but the man
from whom I bought him assures me
that he can trot in 2 :30. He was bred
in California and is by Sable Wilkes,
dam Rosema Wilkes, by Guy Wilkes." .
The horse s coat looks exactly like a
piece of astrakhan wool. Mr. Martens
says that he will shear it next spring.
An estimate of the French and Rus
sian armies combined is 1,874,000 men,
and of the armies of the triple alliance,
Germany, Austria and Italy 1,200,000
men. England can tip the scale, and if
she quarrels with Russia there is likely
to be a quadruple alliance. St. Louis
The Patriots of America, a Secret Organ
isation, to Further Bimetallism.
A Chicago morning paper says a se
cret political order,, founded by William
H. Harvey, the auj'-ior of "Coin's Fi
nancial School, "-will file articles of in
corporation with the secretary of state
at Springfield, Ills., within the next
few days. It is to be known as the "Pa
triots of America," and its sole object
is the restoration of the bimetallic
standard. -
Charters, it is said, have been made
out and will be sent immediately to at
least 1,000 lodges in various parts of
the United States. The immediate pur
pose of the order, as voiced by its found
er, is to take 'such steps as will compel
recognition of the claims of the bimetal
lists from the representatives of the
Democratic or Republican parties, or
both, when they assemble, in national
convention next summer. '
Since September a, persistent and
thorough cuuvass of every county in the
United States has been in progress, and
thousands .of letters were sent out to the
sympathetic leaders of., all parties from
Harvey's office in the Fort Dearborn
building. Thousands of replies came in
from every state. '
Peculiar Case of Patrick Wood, a Painter
In New York.
In the Hospital For Incurables on
Blackwell's island, New York, Patrick
Wood is suffering from an odd harden
ing of the skin. The medical term for it
is scleroderma. The doctors say he is to
all intents and purposes as firmly in
cased as though he wore a suit of mail.
He is 45 years of age, and his skin has
been solidifying for the past two years.
He was a painter. When he tried to
twist his neck, his skin felt positively
brittle. , .-.''
His malady grew so rapidly that he
bad to give up his trade. Deprived of
making a livelihood, he was forced into
the almshouse. The doctors decided that
massage treatment should be given.
Four strong armed men rubbed the hap-,
less Wood for hours, but the skin grew
harder under their manipulation.
Dr. D. Le Roy Culver had him remov
ed to the hospital. There he was given
thyroid extract, two grains at a time,
until he now takes .108 grains a day.
Under this treatment he has shown
6igns of improvement. ; He is also trou
bled with partial paralysis, brought on
by his system absorbing oxide of lead
employed in paint. Wood is of a cheer
ful disposition. ;
Bow the Smartest Man on Earth Turned
- a Neat Compliment.
There may be some question perhaps
of Emperor William's success in seeking
distinction in kingcraft, oratory, art
and letters, but by a single utterance
this week he has compelled even his
French critics to greet him as a master
of courtly speech. Addressing a young
and pretty Danish violinist, he is re
ported to have said: -
"Mademoiselle, you play the violin
admirably. When I listen to yon with
my eyes closed, I believe I hear Sara
sate. Yet I prefer to keep my eyes open. ' '
The astonishment of the French press
over this graceful and felicitous compli
ment is amusing. They have reopened
the old question, "Is it possible for the
German to have wit?" and are discuss
ing it afresh in the light of this revela
tion. New York Sun Cable Letter.
The Happy Completion of a War Drama
. : In Real Life. -
John Collins of Kentucky, a bush
whacker during the war, was caught by
the Confederate General Marshall and
sentenced to be shot at Harlan" Court
House in March, 1863. R. B. Boober,
now of Carrollton, Ky., commanded the
firing squad. Collins was given 80 feet
start and at the order to fire ran and es
caped.' ;- . '
Tom Martin of Bedford, Ky.-, a mem
ber of this firing squad, fell into Collins'
hands later and was sentenced to die.
Collins' young daughter ' pleaded for
Martin and saved his life. Martin went
to Missouri and married. Recently he
visited the Collins home, a widower,
and found the girl who had saved his
life a widow. He married the widow.
An Unsafe Jail. ,. ,
"About 4 per cent of the prisoners in
the Arkansas state penitentiary escaped
during the 13 months ending with last
October. ' The total of prisoners in the
penitentiary during the year was 1,458,
and of these 57 escaped, and 862 were
discharged.' During October four escaped
and 19 were discharged.
. A Good Example.
The state of New York is going into
forestry with a vengeance. It bus just
purchased 75,000 acres of Adirondack
woodland, making a total of 600,000
acres that it owns. This is a movement
in the right direction, and is a good ex
ample for other states t follow Boston
Hundreds of Pounds of Dynamite Used to
Clear a River. V ' .
The impediment to navigation caused
by the recent wreck of some 23 boats
and barges of the coal fleet and 250,000
bushels of coal on Dead Man'B ri-ffle,
19 miles below Pittsburg, was attacked
by the United States government au
thorities with dynamite the other after
noon. Some 1,100 pounds of dynamite,
in charges averaging 100 pounds each,
were exploded among the wrecks and
their cargoes. Several of the barges
were blown to pieces, and the channel
was partly cleared. ". . ' : .
The dynamite threw great columns of
water 80 feet in the air. . A piece of a
beam pierced the hurricane deck of the
towboat Leader, from which the offi
cials were conducting . the operation,
broke the hog chain, and nearly struck
the boat's mate, who was asleep in his
bunk. , The charges were fired from an
electric battery on the Leader, which
was kept about 250 feet away from the
wrecks, with which it was connected by
a wire. -:
Socialists to Form a National Party.
On account of the great gains made
by the Socialist-Labor party in the re
cent election the Central Labor federa
tion at its meeting recently in New
York considered formally the starting
of a movement to form a national labor
party on socialistic lilies, which would
be entirely outside of the methods and
policy of the Knights of Labor and the
American Federation of Labor.
"Uncle Tom" In Hospital.
George Clark, the quadroon who, as
an escaped slave, lectured in the north
before the war, has been taken to the Pro
testant infirmary, at Lexington, on ac
count of failing health. He is bedrid
den, and unless he improves readily un
der treatment, the physicians think, he
cannot live long. He is the original of
George Harris in ' ' Uncle Tom 's Cabin. "
He is 84 years old.
, " . Hiss Bnrta Grace Boyd. .
The Eastport (Me. ) Sentinel notes, as
an honored visitor to that place, a young
lady of brave fame Miss Burta Grace
Boyd, known as the Grace Darling of
the St. Croix, who has charge of the
Ledge light, located about six miles be
low St. Stephen, and who "won her
worthy title 12 years ago by saving,
alone and unaided, two young sailors
from certain death, a deed of bravery
recognized by the Dominion govern
ment, which presented her with a hand
some, well equipped lifeboat and a beau
tiful gold watch. Miss Boyd is the
daughter of Captain John Boyd,. 'for
years - keeper of the light. , Since his
death Miss Boyd has faithfully perform
ed the keeper's duties. She is described
as a petite body, whom one would never
credit with sufficient physical prowess
for the deeds she has done, but the great
things are achieved by the great spirit
so often found in small frames.
v 'ao 'H as Lard For Veterans. . '
A bill will be introduced in the Vir
ginia legislature imposing a specific tax
on oleomargarine and compound lards
for the benefit of disabled Confederate
veterans.. It is calculated that $50, 000
per year will be realized by it -
When they contain the germs of malaria. To
annihilate these and 'avuld or conquer chills
and fever, bilious remittent or dumb ague,
use persistently and regularly Hosteuer's
Stomach Bitters, which also remedies dyspei
sia, liver trouble, constipation, loss of strength,
nervousness, rheumatism and kidney com
plaint. Appetite and sleep are improved by
this thorough medicinal agent, and the In
firmities of age mitigated by it. A Wineglass
full three times a day.
She dressed ap in her brother's clothes,
A promenade she look,
And everyone who knew her said:
"How girlish you do look I"
It the best of life, as it is said to be, is
but anticipation, the worst of it is surely
worry ana vexation. They are tbe plows
and barrows that furrow the brow and cut
deeply into the It is constant
plowing of this kind that tears up the
uerve tissues. The greater nerves, like
the bigger roots, may resist tor a time, but
the ploughshare gets down to them.
Worry brings all sorts of other ailments
of a torn-up system and at last the sciatic
nerve is reached, a disturbance to which
in the form of sciatica is attended by ex-
oruoiating pains. St. Jacobs Oil has cured
toe worst cases ot men crippled by it. use
it and make sure of a prompt and perma
nent cure.
The man who strives to batter down
The walls that custom laid
Will And, alas I that Habit knows .
All secrets of the building trade.
FITS. AU Fits stopped free by Dr. Kline's
Great Nerve Restorer. No Fits after the first
day's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and 92.00
trial bottle free to Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline,
981 Arsh St., Philadelphia. Fa.
Thy Germea tor breakfast.
or, tr vou rncrcR.
. Ths watch is nickel, food tlmekseper, quick stem wind and set. You will .
. find one coupon inside each 2 ounce bag ana two coupons
inside each 4 ounce bag- of
Send coupons with name and address to
. Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco, and read the
coupon, which gives a list of other premiums and how to get them.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cuie.
F. J. CHENEY A CO, Props., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known f. 1. Cbeney
for the last 16 years, and believe him perfectly
honorable in all business transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out an; obligations made
by their arm.
, Wist A Tbcax,
Whole-ale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Waldino, K inn an & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggisls. Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Price, 76c per bottle. Sold by all
druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Fills are the best
Go East from Portland, Pendleton, Walla
Walla via O. R. & K. to Spokane and Great
Northern Railway to Montana, Dakotas, St.
Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago, Omaha, St.
Louis, East ana South. Rock-ballast track ;
tine scenery ; new equipment . Great North
ern Palace Sleepers and Diners; Family
Tourist Gars; Buffet-Library Cars. Write
A. B. 0. Denniston, C. P. & T. A., Portland,
Oregon, or P. I. Whitney, G. P. & T. A.,
St. Paul, Minn., for printed matter and in
formation about rates, routes, etc.
Piso's Cure is the medicine to break up
children's Coughs and Colds. Mrs. M. G.
Blckt. Spraftue, Wash., Marc s 1SS4V
Manifests itself in many different ways, like
goitre, swellings, running sores, boils, salt
rheum and pimples and other eruptions.
Scarcely a man is wholly free from it in some
form. It clings tenaciously until the last
Testigeof scrofulous poison is eradicated from
the blood by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Thousands
of voluntary testimonials tell of suffer
ing from scrofula, often inherited, posi
tively, perfectly and permanently cured by
The One True Blood Purifier. All druggists; fl.
Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
XJnnA'o Pillc act harmoniously with
nUUU 5 rlllS Hood's Sarsaparilla. 26 cts.
.If you want a sure relief
iimDs, use an
Bear in Mind Not one of the host of counterfeits and imi
tations is as good as the genuine.
i A Perfect
That is what Baron von Liebig said
of good chocolate. All of Walter !
Baker & Co.V Cocoas and Choco- ;
lates are good,; the best, in fact.
Walter Baker & Co., Ltd.. Dorchester, Mass. ,
the name of Woman's Friend. It is'tlle?ngtheJb'ickaches'headache8
which burden and shorten a woman's
WUlllCll Ldb LI iV IOr IT.. I T. CT1 1 1 (VIVA hAA
K(lr5SJe a P'easnre. For sale
1896 SEED...
From TT.S.Jowrnal o Medicine
Prof. w. H. Peeke, who
makes a specialty of
Epilepsy, has without
doubt treated and cur
ed more cases than any
living PhyBician ; his
success is astonishing.
We have heard of cases
of 20 years' standing-
cure a d
him. He
publishes a
work on
this dis
ease, which
he sends
with a
larce bot
tle of his absolute cure, free to any sufferers
who may send their P. O. and Express address.
We advise anv one wishing a cure to address
Prof.W. H. PEEKE. F. D.. 4 Cedar St., New York
Is excellent for all throat inflammations and for
asthma. Consump
tives will In variably
derive benefl t from
its use, as ft quickly
abates tbe couku
renders expectora
tion easy, assisting
nature in restoring
wasted tissues.
There is a large per
centage of tliosewho
suppose tbelr cases
to be consumption
who are only stifler
lngfrom a ch tonic
cold or deep stated
cough, often aggravated by catarrh, ror catarrh
use Ely's Cream Balm. Both remedies are pleas
ant to use. Cream Balm, 50c per bottle: PlneoJa
Balsam. 25c at Druggists. In quantitienof 2 50 will
deliver on receipt of amount.
ELY BROTHER s. 66 Warren St., New York.
Do You
: Pants?
diutp s o Tn nonro
mill. i if Buy k ,i
Tailor-made, finished and tewed
with silk throughout, perfect fitting
by flrBVclass white tailors irom
your measure. On application will
send samples of cloth and directions
for self measurement. Slack Chev
iot suitings, la. Uniforms and
Bicycle Suits a specialty. -
ItahioK uit Blind, Bleedlug or Protruding Pile! rt.ld .1 obm i
ing, sbtorbi tuutori. A poaltlre cure. Cireul&rs Mnt frofc Frio.
Wo. Cruttliu or molL UU. JJOSAKU.O, PllUa Pa.
for pains in the back, side, chest, or
The very remarkable and certain
relief given woman by MOORE'S
T t?T7T? A r t171fl?mr I
-T"TI -"N -T-- uniformly success-
-fc1 CD-sTL and weakness
w iife Thousands of
th anH afnnlk
by all druggists.
Buell Lamberson
205 Third Street
ready ...PORTLAND, OR.
for One... . Xenlion tku paper .
A Willi Phict. One Pill for a Hose.
A movement of the boweli each dtj is neeaesur foe
hulth. Thee pilln supply whM the system talks to
m.lte it regular. They cure Headache, brighten the
byes, end clear the Complexion better than cosmetics.
1 bey neither gripe nor .loiter.. To oormnoe yon. we
will mail sample free, or full box for 26o. Sold every.
Where. DR. HOSAMfco MED, CO Philadelphia, ft!
THE AERMOTOIt CO. does half the world's
windmill business, because it has redneed the cost of
wind power to 1 .6 what It was.. It has many branch
nouses, and supplies Its sooda and repairs
at your aoor. a can ana noes furnish a
better article lor less money than
others. It makes Pumping and
Geared, Steel, Galvantzod-artor-ComDletlon
Windmills. Tiltlna
and Fixed Steel Townrn. Steel Rnzs Saw .
Frames, Steel Feed Gutters and Feed
Grinders. On application it will name one
Of these articles that It will furnish nnr.ll
January 1st at 13 the usual price. '"It also makes
Tanks and Pumps ef all kinds. Send for catalogue.
Factory: 12th, Rockwell and Fillmore Streets, Chlcatu.
Morphine Habit Cored In 10
to 20 days. No pay till cared.
DR. J. STEPHENS, Lebanon, Ohio.
UUIItS IrVHtKt all fclSr U IS.
uougn oyrup. Tastes uood. Use I
in time, sold by druKKists.
i For sale by all Drncgltk. B Oeata a battle. . 1
N. P. N. U. No. 638.-S. F. N. TJ. No, 71
G lobe-Democrat