.aed'Jiver (Slacier. FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1S96. Ex-President Harrison is not an active candidate for renomination. He has no boom. The belief of his friends is that none of the active candidates will have strength enough to secure the nomination on the first ballot at the St. Louis convention, and that In efforts at combinations a deadlock will occur. General Harrison's name may not even have been before the convert- tion; his state, although anxious to see him nominated, may not Instruct for him and no other state would do so; but at this stage of the game men tioued, the demand for a strong candi date is expected to bring forward Har rison's imniD and develop the very great respect in which he is held : by people of all sections. ; The one man Htrong alike In one section as another will prevail. This Is the situation as described by the friends of the ex-pres-ident in Washington. , The Chronicle asks: "What Is the matter with The Dalles being the proper place for holding the republican state convention? Portland has been well treated by the committee for many years, and it would be a graceful act to give to the metropolis of Eastern Ore gon the honor of being the convention city. Every candidate and delegate would be treated fairly and hospitably." The Dalles. Is favorably situated for a convention city and could furnish good hotel ' accommodation for all who would attend.' Col. Sinnotfs two big hotels would alone take care of a good ized ; convention. Eastern Oregon should work for The Dalles, and if sue cessful, it would help greatly to give the congressional nomination to the eastern part of the district. ' ;! The tax levy for Wasco county as fixed by the. county court for the year ' 1890 is 21 mills 4.8 mills state, 5 mills 1 state school fund, 10 mills for county purposes, 1 mill for special road fund ' and 2-10 mill, to meet the indigent sol dier and other special funds. - This on a valuation of $3,043,108, the taxable property of the'eounty as flxed by the state board of equalization, will raise $63,884.26 $30,421 for county purposes, $3,042 for public roads, $14,602.12 state taxes $15,210 54 state school fund, and the balance for indigent soldiers' fund, etc.. The levy of 21 mills is same as last year. ' ' r At Walla Walla, January 17tb, the price of wheat took a sudden jump from 41 and 43 cents to 50 cents a bushel. One buyer, purchased 95,000 bushels of blue stem at 50 cents, while another lot , was sold for 50 cents. Buyers at tributed the rise to the excessive de mand for milling purposes on the Pa cific coast. ' State Superintent Irwin is consider ing the advisability of preparing a pro gramme for ;tbe observance of Arbor day the second Friday of April by the public schools of the state; in ac cordance with the provisions of the law of 1880, which commands the observ' nce of the day.' ' " General Beebe, " commanding the Oregon'National Guard, says 1,600 men, including two batteries, can be.rendez voused in Portland within 48 hours. -. Senator McBride has made known his position on the silver question and Is in favor of sound money. The petition of the Hood River Lum bering company to have Hood river declared a public highway for floating logs, timlers, etc., was granted by tbe county court,, and said, company was . granted a lease of the river. .1 his lease provides that tbe company shall im prove the river and provides the rates or ton to oe cnargea. Mountaineer. We are informed by Captain Blow ers, one of the commissioners that no franchise was given to this com pany while be was present and acting with the commissioners', court j that nothing further was done in the mat ter except declaring the river a public highway. But since bis return home the county judge has communicated with him over the telephone In regard to granting this company tbe priv ileges asked for. Captain Blowers ad vised against granting the lease. It has since been learned by some of our citizens who have visited The Dalles that the company secured the lease of the river and have five years in which to make' the improvements. Among tbe items of toll it was learned that . the company will be allowed to charge 85 cents a cord for cordwood. The lease was granted, it is said, by the county judge and county clerk. These reports have created great excitement among our citizens and the alleged ac tlon of the county court is universally condemned. . ' .' . . Political Pointers. Captain Blowers is mentioned by ills republican friends for the legislature mid also for county judge. M. A. Moody of The Dalles is men tioned as a 'possible candidate for congress.-' , , . Bo far only nine candidates have been mentioned In Morrow county for clerk, eight for county judge aud four for representative, all republicans. - E: M. Shutt, editor of the Antelope Herald, wi l be u. candidate before the republican convention for the nomina tion for the legislature from Wasco and Sherman counties. We are reliably informed that M. P. Isenberg will not work for the dem ocratic ticket next election day. The democratic state convention will meet at Portland April Uth and the nu- tional convention at Chicago July 7th. The populist state convention will meet at Salem February 22d and the national convention at St. Louis July 22d. , A convention of the republican clubs of Oregon will be held in Portland February 5th. Reduced fare will be given over the railroads. Jf the populists have gained voters In other parts of the state like they have gained in Hood River valley they will carry the state next June. But it may be that the party here has bet ter workers than can be found in other parts. The overpowering eloquence of Judge, L. Henry aud Lee Morse Is get ting in its work on the republican majority, and no man knows how his old-time republican neighbor stands politically nowadays. When these two men come back from the state con' vention, next month; they may com as the nominees for important offices What's the matter with Judge Henry for supreme court judge and Lee Morse for congress? , When the judges of election were an nounced, last week, it was generally supposed in Hood River that the re publicans of West Hood River precinct had secured two judges on tbe board, and by many .it was thought the rea son for this was that the democratic county court had run out of democratic material in the precinct when the one democrat was appointed. But it has since been learned that Mr. B. F. Shoe maker is now a populist and that his appointment was asked for by the pre cinct committeeman. Mr. Shoemaker had been a life-long republican. . , Death of Thomas H. McKay. .'.The following account of the death of Mr. Thomas H. McKay is taken from the Port Townsend Leader of January 16th, and is published in full at the request of the family of deceased, Mr. McKay and family resided several years in this valley, on the farm now owned by Mr. John Sipma. They were , universally respected, and the loss of the father will be mourned by his ma.ny friends here: ' One'of the saddest deaths ever re- corded In Port Townsend was that of Thomas H. McKay, which occurred a tew minutes betore 6 o'clock Jast even ing, at his home on Taylor street. ueatn was due directly to blood poison ing, superinduced by a surgical oper ation to relieve an abscess. Mr. McKay was under the care of a physician but a few days. Last Friday aiternoon ne returned rrorn tne country apparently well, but comnlained so much next day that the family phy sician, ur. xjyaii, Nwas canea in. au examination proved that the case was a serious one, and he was from that time given the best of medical atten tion and the most careful nursing. But the patient gradually crew worse, and on Tuesday Jbr.YVillison and Dr.Tucker were called in consultation. Later in the day Dr. Cobb was also called in. It was then decided to perform an oper- anon, ana inis was done yesterday af ternoon dv ine puysicians mentioned, The patient scarcely rallied after the operation, although at times it seemed that he wou-ld. -He passed peacefully away without again recognizing any of inose around nun. tie had prepared for the worst and dictated his will just Deiore suDmicung to tne Knue .Deceased was an active, enercretic. Christian man in life, and his years were full of activity and push. , He was born in Perth. Scotland. Julv 81. 1850. When three years of age he was brought by his parents to Nova Scotia, where he remained till he was 10, and was brought up in the railroad contracting business. In ' 1870 he was married and the followinK year came out to Oresron. coming here in the year 1887. While doing railroad work he operated in the different capacities of contractor, road master and superintendent, hio most extensive operations in this line being l ... if l.l. ,i , i i ,n i in uuiuieuuuu wiui ine vxrauu irunK line in Canada, He subsequently worked on the Wisconsin and Central, the O. R. and N.,' the Great Northern, the Northern Pacific and the Union Pacific as contractor or superintendent At the time of his death he was inter ested in the development of what gives promise of being rich mining claims in British Columbia. He was the father of five children, three of whom are dead. The other two are his son. Thomas A., aged 17, and his daughter, Leoua, aced 12. He leaves two sisters. one of whom has been emoloved in the department or tne interior at Washing ton for a number of years. The other is living in jNova ecotia. -- .t - . . Deceased was .a member of the Meth odist church of this place and also of me a. u. li.. w. ine tunerai will be held under the , auspices of the latter organization. i . - , Digest of Land Decision. Furnished by W. D. Harlan, Land Attorney, , Washing n, D. CJ Residence on land while it is covered by the entry of another does not secure any right against a contestant who in stitutes proceedings to secure the can cellation of said entry. The forcible ejection of one who is lawfully residing on a tract of land will not operate to defeat his right as a set tler thereon during " the period of en; forced absence. "" ' " " . Bncklen's Arnica Salve. v The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or - money refunded. Price, 25 cts per box. For sale at the Hood River Pharmacy. ; .v -, . :. . -: ' Prnning In Winter. During the winter is one of the best times for doing the necessary pruning. There are two good reasons for this. One is that there is more time then, and this should insure more careful work. The other is that under average conditions the necessary , pruning should be done while the trees are at rest, rather than when they are grow ing. But pruning should not be done indiscriminately. In fact, cutting and slashing without any particular reason why it is done is almost if not quite as bad as no pruning at all. Some prun ing is necessary, not only to secure more fruit and a better shaped tree, but to maintain a better shaped tree. A low, open, spreading head is better in almost every way than a close upright growth. There is less risk of high winds injuring the trees or of blowing off the fruit, while it will require less labor and cost less to harvest the fruit from low than from high ones. 'The low, spreading heads will also shade and protect the ' trees from the hot, scalding sun. All dead, dying or diseased wood should be cut out of trees as soon as no ticed. It is of no possible advantage to allow limbs or branches of this kind to remain on the trees. . One of the best plans of pruning is to commence when the trees are set out. At that time the tops should always be cut back ki pro portion to the routs. If this is done properly at the start and an annual pruning is given after that the neces sity for removing large limbs may be largely if not entirely avoided. But no limb or branch should be removed without a good reason. Pruning, when the tree is at rest, aids to promote fruit ing and growth, while pruning during the growing season tends to check growth. The pruning should not be done while the tree is frozen. After the work is done, gather up all the trash and burn it. , It not only detracts from the appearance of the orchard to have the brush lying around under the trees, but it affords a harboring place for vermin. ' , Earlj and Late Easters. . . Easter Sunday cannot happen earlier than March 22d nor later than April 25th, but between these two dates it has a range of 35 days. At the time of the council of Nice,325 A. D., it was agreed by the representatives present that from that time forward Easter should fall on the first Sunday after the full moon -occurring on or next after March 21st; or, in other words, "on the first Sunday al'ter'the first full moou after the sun crosses the line." Since the above arrangement was adopted by the great ecclesiastical council referred to,-Easter has fallen on March 22d and on every date be tween that and April 25tu, but it is only after long intervals of time that it occurs on its extreme dates. In 1886 Easter fell on April 25th, its latest pos sible date, an event which had not be fore occurred during the present cen tury, and which will not again occur until the spring of 1943. The last time Easter fell on its earliest date was in 1818. This will not happen again du ring this century or tbe next. In 1895 it came surprisingly near breaking this century's early Easter date record, fall ing on March 25th. ' The Easter dates for tbe remainder of the century are: 1896, April 5; 1897, April 7; 1898, April 10; 1899, April 2; 1900, April 15. St. Louis Republic. The Moro Observer contradicts the story of Rev. Frank Spaulding's desti tution in Brazil. It says: "A letter to R. J. Glnn of this city from Mrs. Spaulding, a - relative, speaks very. cneeriuuy oi ineir nome ana prospects. A boy was born to them Oct. 17th." ' The special legislative session of 1885 cost tbe state about $65,000, and a spe cial session in 1896 would certainly cost no less, and would probably ac complish nothing. The taxes already levied and assessed will have to be col lected whether or not tbe legislature is convened, so that the taxpayer will gain no relief by ths measure. More over, if there is' a true disposition; to economize, it is easy for the statetof ficers to withhold ' expenditures of money in many cases where the .ap propriation seems too large until the regular session, when the same relief can be obtained without tbe expense of a special session. Dalles Chronicle. Some time ago L. S. Wright, for many years connected with the Port laud post office in the free delivery de partment, was bound over to await tbe action of the grand jury on the cbafge of destroying certain mail matter. , At tne time ot nis preliminary examina tion Mr. Wright explained the matter, fully showing that his arrest was an exhibition of petty spite work on. the part of a neighbor and relative. It seems he had carried home to read a few public documents that had been uncalled for at the office, tons of such matter piling up and becoming a nui sance, until the postmaster is finally forced to destroy it. . The federal grand jury fully exonerated Mr. Wright by reporting mere was no evidence against him in connection . with the charge preierred. Koseourg paper. : F. H. Rowe, who is president of th Rowe Lumber Co., located at Lvle. in Klickitat county, is in a state of ex uberance over the prospect of high water in the Big Klickitat next sum mer and the stacks of money that can be made running logs down tbe stream. If we had what money has been lost running logs down the Klickitat, we wouldn't envy any man what he could make at that business next summer. Arlington Record. The lesidence of Mr. Briggs of Cas cade Locks was burned i last Saturday nignt. jjOss, $sw; partly insured. Two Lives Saved. Mrs.Phoebe Thomasof Junction City, III., was told by her doctors she had con sumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her.and she says It saved her life. Mr.Thos. Eggers, iav JMoriaast;., Ban i? rancisco, suttered from a dreadful cold. aPDroachinsr con sumption, tried without result every- tningeise, men DougntonebottieofUr. King'sNew Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such results, of which these Hre sam ples.that prove the wonderful efficucv of this medicine in coughs and colds. Free trial bottles at Hood River Pharmacy. Regular size 50c and $1. "' i The kaolin mines at Mosier are val uable, the product being worth $50 a ton at the mine. The mine is being worked by a tunnel run into the side of the mountain, and tbe cost of taking the kaolin out is comparatively light. Thirty-two tons of it was shipped to New York last year, where It met with ready sale. . The Ex-President to Marry. Ex-President Harrison has author ized the announcement that he and Mrs. Dimmick are engaged to be mar ried, and that the marriage will not take place till after Lent. Mrs. Dimmick, to whom the general is engaged, was a niece of Mrs. Har son. She practically governed Mr. Harrison's household in Indianapolis', and directed the household affairs of the yhite house during the period that Mrs. Harrison was sick, and prior to her death. That Mrs. Dimmick was a favorite with the then president in Washington is without doubt. At all state functions she received with Mrs. Harrison, and acted in her place later when she was sick. She Is 40 years of age, tall, and a strikingly Handsome brunette. ' .' - ; Old People, Who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys, will find the true remedy in Electric Bitters. This medi cine does not stimulate and contains no whisky nor other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on stomach and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding Nature in the performance of the functions. , Electric Bitters is an excel lent appetizer und aids digestion. Old people find 1 just exactly what they need. Price 50c and $1 per bottle at Hood River Pharmacy. Water Notice. Notice In hereby given by The Water Supply Company of Hood River Valley to old pa trons ot the company, that their applications for water must be received on or before Jan. 25, 18H6, In order to have prior rights. Also, notice Is hereby given to all applicants for water that the directors of the compauy will meet in Hood River on February 8. 18fc. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of considering applications for water, contract ing and approving securities for payment of By order of the president. ' JiO ; WM. DAVIDSON, Secretary. BARGAINS. A bargain In a second-hand top Buggy; one man-weight cultivator; three heating stoves, one Cook .Stove, Lawn Mower, Stone Jars and Glass Fruit Jars.. If you don't see what you want, ask for it. Also, remember my residence property can be bought very cheap before I leave Hood River, which will be the latter part of this month. , ..',.-.. D.F.PIERCE. Stockholders' Meeting. ARMORY ASSOCIATION. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Hood River Armory Association will be held on Saturday, February 1, 1896, At 2 o'clock, P. M., In Hood River, for the election of officers and the transaction of such other business that may come before the meeting. By order of the president. W. H. BISHOP, Secretary. Strayed. One yellow steer, 4 years old; one light red heifer, 2 years old; and one cow, deep red.wlth a few white spots, about 4 years old. All are branded "J. K." on left hip and left ear cropped. The cow is supposed to have a young calf. I will pay a reward for information that will lead to their recovery. JOHN KROEGER, J8 - 4 . , Hood River, Or. H .- Lost. A bunch of keys on a leather string. They were lost during the week of the bazaar at the Langllle house. Finder will please leave with T. C. Dallas. , . . .. FOR SALE. House and corner lot in Hood River for sale cheap. . Inquire at the Bakery. , . .; ; , sett , Bargainsin Land. 200 acres of unimproved land for sale. on the East Side, 6 miles from town, 87 to J10 an acre. Other land, about half cleared, $20 an acre. Well Improved land, S80 an acre. Plenty of water for Irrigation. Will sell in 20 or 40-acre tracts. Inquire at Glacier office. Je22 Administrators Notice ' ; TO CREDITORS. ' ' Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the honorable county court of Wasco county, Oregon ad ministrator of the estate ot Martha Purser, de ceased. All persons having claims against said estate aro notified to present the same to me in tooa iiver, wasco county, Oregon, within six months of the date of this notice, i , Dated November 11, 1895. A. 8. BLOWERS, --- s Administrator of the Estate of Martha Purser, deceased. nl5d!8 WM. T1LLETT, Proprietor. Grower and dealer In choice Nursery stock. He has tbe only stock of the , . ' Yakima Apple, The best of red apples, and as long a keeper as the Yellow Newtown. I have about 20,000 apple trees of the best va rieties growing In my nursery.. All standard varieties are grafted from the best stock In Hood River. , Jel5. i In the Apple Belt. Some of the best apple land in Hood River valley, improved or unimproved, for sale In lots of 10, 20 or 80 acres. Situated on the East Side.- Good stream of water flows through the land. Terms cheap. For further partic ulars Inquire at Glacier office, , - ; Jal7 - FREDERICK HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Crayon Work and Enlarging at Moderate Prices. MOUNTAIN STAGE AND LIVERY CO. OF HOOD RIVER,OR., WILL CONDUCT GENERAL Comfortable conveyances to all parts of Hood River Valley and vicinity. Heavy dray ing and transferring done with care and promptness. AUo, dealers in ' - A G R I C U LT URA L IMP L E M E N T S And Vehicles of All Kinds. Call and see our stockJwuTget prices; they are interesting. ' ; WEST KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND Choice Fresh. Meats, Hams, Bacon, Lard, And All Kinds of Game. '"'''.. . ALSO, DEALERS IN '- FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. HOOD RIVER, - - - ...... OREGON. Tiie ZEletce : for Bsura.iri.sl Our store has Just received a fine line of Boots and Shoes and other goods which we are offering at prices that will suit you, every time. Our Felt Boots are the best article for solid comfort ever brought to a ood River. Read the price list of some of our goods, as follows: Felt Boots, for solid comfort, - $2.50 Men's Solid Leather Boots, large sizes, - 1.60 Ladies' Dress Shoes, - - - - 1.00 Ladies' Patent Leather Tip, - - - 1.60 Ladies' Solid Leather, heavy, - - 1.75 Old Ladies' Comfort, .... g.co Men's Shoes, rivet, the best, - - 2.75 Men's Congress, - - . - - 1.75 Little Red SchoolHouse Shoes,from $1.25 to 1.75 All Other Goodsin Proportion. We are agents for America's Largest Woolen Mills, and have 100 dlfforcnt stvles of gent', and ladies' samples of cloth to choose from. We will take your measure for tailor-mad. suit from cloth direct from the mills. Fit and satisfaction guaranteed for less money than you ever heard of. Try us. i - . . B. R. ; TUCKER, Tucker, Oregon. ; WE HAVE ADOPTED THE C -A. S IS SIS!! And shall endeavor to merit custom by QUALITY as well as QUANTITY. W & BROSIUS, Hood 2RIv-er Ja.&xicxx&G'y. UNDERTAKER AND EMB AL MER 0fA Bufiafn" a Unaf. Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, etc., etc. Agent for the Bridal Veil Lumber Company. DEALERS IN ' Dry Goods, Clothing, v Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Staple and Fancy Groceries, FLOUR, FEED AND SHELF HARDWARE. The Largest and Most Complete Stock IN HOOD RIVER. C. M. WOLFARD, . ' . DEALER IN , ; GreiGLeral ; 2eroDn.a,zi.d-ise, Sells only for CASH at , , ' ' bun ya&'ti 1 iO , : We invite trade of close buyers. . WE WANT YOUR TRADE. I. HUBBARD, v : Ja24 BEOg., rl! ' ' ' -,.r':l;.'tV.tM viii.'-'.".-;