The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 03, 1896, Image 4

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    Highest of all in Leavening Power.
Scene In a New York Engine Bptue When
a an Alaam Strikes.
i It was in the house of Engine company
No. 1, in West Twenty-ninth street, near
. 'Seventh avenue, the other evening. A
group of three flrernen were engaged in
conversation with their foreman around
. the little desk above which spreads the net'
fork of bells which are thrilled with ani
mation when 4flre breaks out in the big
metropolis. The spirited horses in their
stalls just bock of the shining engine were
restless, and when a reporter entered the
steeds "were biting at the chains which
held thorn in check as if impatient to haul
the pondopeus machine through the streets
at galloping pace. One little bell was tin
.' klifig-a ijierry tune, but the big gong, at
-' wUose solemn oomiriand a whole brigade
of . firelighters makes ready to turnout,
was silfflit.
The "house watch" approached the re
"Busy night?" asked the latter.
' "Well, you- bet it's been a busy night.
During the last few hours we'e had noth
ing out alarms, and the men have been
fooled every time too.
"I should like to see an alarm come in
now," and the reporter glanced at the
finely polished bmss poles which ran on
both sides of the house to the roof.
"Well; I guess we won't catch any more.
We've had enough of sliding for"
Bang, b-r-r-r-bang, b-r-r-r-bahgl
At the first stroke of the cone the en
gine house seemed to thrill with life. The
steeds, which a moment before were rest
lessly biting their chains, broke from the
fastenings and ran under the upliftod har
ness in front of the engine. Down the
shining (Ansa poles slid swiftly fireman
after flreinan. Conversation, games and
even slumber in the upper floors had boen
rudely checked by that sound that was re
verberating through the building. '
When the last fireman had reached his
post, the gong still continued its "b-r-r-r-.
bang, b-r-r-r-bang!" while the foreman
and house watch noted carefully the strokes
and consulted tle big alarm book. It was
no small signal that was being flashed over
.the wires into every flrohouse in the city.
Finally thero was in interval of ten seo-
onus. It told the company, "resting on Its
arms, " that the alarm was in.
"6(iii," said the foreman, but still the
men stood at thoir posts, the driver on the
box and the ongineerin the rear.- The "re
peater" was duo, and there might be a
mistake. Again, the complex mechanism
moved, and slowly the alarm came in for
the second time. ,Itwas"668."
"That's tho second 'third alarm' we've
had tonight, said the house watch as ne
closed the book on the number which in-
uicaieu innj a uig lire was rtigiug iiuur wie
signal box at Columbus avenue and Ninety-sixth
The horses were unhitched and sent back
to their stalls, the men returned to the up
per floors, the group around the foreman
resumed their conversation, and the little
boll tinklod on. New York Press.
All Railways to Be Trolley.
All railroads will be oventually operated
electrically. The first changes from steam
will probably be made and hatfe, in fact,
nlreadv besun. on short suburban roads
, where the tramo is heavy and tHo trains
, are run at frequent intervals, and thus ap
proximate more closely to the ideal condi
tions of the economical eloctrio railway.
These electric spurs will then be gradual-
v ly extended until in the course of time the
"s entire line will be adapted to the now order
of affairs, and a new generation of railroad
officers, less wedded to the other methods,
will have come into existence. So far as
new, light railways are concerned, such as
1 those oontoinplated in England at the
present time, and which are rapidly in
creasing in tho United States, electricity
presents advantages which cannot be dis
puted. It has even been suggosted that
such agricultural roads might largely in
crease their income by supplying electric
powerir farming operations in the dis
tricts through which they pass. Some
trolley roads do this now. Scribner's. .
Diversions of Spirit Life.
There is a woman in Atchison whose
husband died some years ago. She onoe
hud a sweetheart, who also died. She is a
spiritualist and claims that she married
her sweetheart in tho spirit, and that her
1 1w....l ..t..if lo .l.n,-,4- It CtiA enna
I1UBUUUU o Bi-mi in iiutvi nuuuv. iu. uiiu onj a
her husband's spirit and her sweetheart's
spirit are always fighting,' and that hardly
a day passes that they do not blacken each
other's eyes. She says that she often sees
the battles in tho spirit land, and that one
. I e 4- K I.,. i....
Ul liiltsill injliuuiiliij guia mo uliiua uynu
and pounds him. Atchison Globe.
! Is Pure and unsweetened;
land can be retained byj
ithe weakest stomach. I
iA safe, easily digested?
John Curie & Sons. New York.
DIRECTIONS for using
a particle of the Balm well
up into the nostrils. After
a moment draw strong
breath through the nose.
Use three times a day, after
meals preferred, and before
XXY'S CRKAM BALK Opens and cleanses
the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain and Inflamma
tion, Heals the Sores, Protects the Membrane
from colds, Restores the Senses of Taste and
Smell. The Balm is quickly absorbed and gives
relief at onoe.
A particle is applied Into each nostril, and 1
agreeable. Price. 60 cents at Druggists' or bi
K Warraa Street, Nw York,
E tfSiY's I
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Active as Crickets, They Make a Good Liv
ing by Their Wits.
Among the many curious ways of mak
ing a living resorted to in the French capi
tal none is more singular than that of the
marriage poets, who celebrate in verse ap
prouching weddings. . s ,
Paris is divided into 20 arrondissements
or districts, in each of which is a sort of
town hall called the mairie, where all civil
marriages must take place, v
Kvory Sunday the makers of marriage
Verses visit each mairie to consult the bul
letin boards devoted to the publication oT
the banns and pick out the names they
think most promising. ,
In making out his list the poet classifies
appproaching weddings as "good" or
"bad," according to the profession of the
bridogroom. Civil engineers, lawyers,
merchants, manufacturers, capltalists.etc.,
are considered good, while notaries, bailiffs
ant the like are classed as bad.
His list completed, the poet hastens to his
lodgings and there pens his acrostics and
letters of inclosuro, copying out the former
In a neat hand upon a sheet of fine paper,
with edges.of lace like a valentine.
The verses, as may be supposed, do not
vary much. All the Marios and all the
Jeannes receive identically the same. Here
is a literal translation of one intended for
Lucie: ; .- .
Love said one day to Friendship: "My dear,
United and smiling let ua walk the earth."
Cheorfully Bhe replied: "Ah! you fill my heart
with joy.
It is sad here bolow, the solitary path ;
Ever lot us journey hand in hand. "
When the letters and rhymos are writ
ten, the sedentary partTif the task is done,
and then begin the poet's trips to the four
corners of Paris to deliver the missives
the messengers of hope.
He must go over his route twice, for
most of the letters do not call for a reply
until the next day or the day after that,
according to the poet's judgment of the
neighborhood or the emptiness of his pock
et. It is vory rare that he goes away empty
handed. Joy over their approaching mar
riage generally renders the maidens gener
ous. Almost all give thoir mite, which
varies from 1 to 20 francs and is generally
tho former. '
Though the marriage poet's trade is a
fatiguing and uncertain ono, there is al
ready brisk competition. Some brides to
be receive from 15 to 35 acrostics apiece,
and naturally with the number the size of
tho recompense diminishes. Chicago
Times-Herald. ... x : -
. A Modern Adam.
Up in Bear valley two summers ago I
came across a camp where a thin, beard
ed, bronzed man of about 30 was cutting
wood before a small "A" tent. In the tent
were many sciontiflo works, including a
set of Encyclopedia Britannica. .Engaging
him in conversation, I found he was a
prospector who had come in from the des
ert to let his burros rest and fatten on the
grass. He htwl come down from Pahrumph
valley across the burning desert in the hot
test part of the summer. .
"I stopped at Vandorbiltj" said he
"and made several locations, one of which
I think will prove valuablo, but I got tired
and moved on and am now on my way to
ward southern Arizona. "
I asked him how he liked the desert, and
he replied that he liked it better than any
other place.
' 1 See, ' ' said ho as he flung open the front
of his shirt, "I wear no clothing when on
the desert." '
His breast was a deop copper color, even
to his armpits, und fully bore out his state
ment. His conversation proclaimed him
to be an educated man, and he said his
books were a part of his camp outfit and
accompanied him wherever he went. H
volunteered no oilier information regard
ing himself, and his bearing was such as
to preclude any questioning, but I have
often wondered what could have caused
him to choose such a mode of llfo.. Of ona
thing I am sure he will follow no other.
Los Angeles Times.
Scientific Living.
Parent Why do you advise against my
boy Willie using a slate and pencil in
school ? -
Dabster In Science Because they are
covered with deadly microbes, that would
undoubtedly kill your boy if ho lived long
Parent (much impressed) Then I sup
pose I had better get him a paper pad to
do his sums on?
Dabster In Science My dear sir, do you
want to commit deliberate murder? There
aro millions of bacilli in every page of pa
per made. - .
Parent (anxiously) Woll, how will he
do his sums then? In his mind?
. Dabster In Scionce Worse yet. It has
been found that abstract introspective
thought ovor imaginary problems stimu
lates the growth of lethal bacteria in the
brain colls. If you want your Willie to
live, you had better keep him in a room
prayed with antiseptio vapor. New York
Tribune. ( ' -
A Russian Earthquake Story.
A Kussian journal with a name that no
one with only ono tongue in his head
would attempt to pronounce gives a story
from Khornssan that we have some diffi
culty in accepting, A certain carter re
lates that on leaving the town of Eutschan
on Jan. 17 he hoard loud subterranean
noises. He looked back and saw the air
filled with clouds of smoke and dust and
gays that when they cleared away there
was no town left. The consular agent in
Kutschan has written .to a friend in Aska
habod that on the same date he felt a
strong shock of earthquake, ran out into
the street and beheld the whole place dis
appear in an immense chasm in the earth.
Why he did not disappear, too, we do not
understand, and we wonder whether the
vodkl in that part of the world is as strong
aa the earthquakes. London Globe.
Had to Give Both or None. ,
' As one entranced she stood and looked
at the fatal spot where the cruel waters
had closed over his head.
"He has yielded his life for me, "she
The tempest tossed her hair in wet ring
lets over her face. She hooded it not;
"And his was a double life tool"
The extent of his sacrifice had a tragic
fascination for her, Detroit Tribune,
He Is s Congressman Now, but He Will
Never Forget the Time When the Teach
er Had Cause to Consider Him the Great
est Idiot In the Asylum.
"You have no doubt noted how com
pletely the felon a man looks the moment
you charge him with crime and lock him
up?" It was a congressman from Ohio
who asked the question. Without waiting
for a reply, which was bound to be in the
affirmative, he went on: .
"Many years ago, in Columbus, while I
was a member of the legislature, a couple
of fellow statesmen, who were on a com
mittee which had to do with the institu
tion, were called- by dint of business to
pay a visit to the State Asylum For Idiots.
It was an evening enterprise, and as I was
without any programme I accompanied
them. It chanced to be a field day, or
rather field evening, at the asylum. The
inmates were In a long hall with a hard
iloor, a cross between a ballroom and a
"At the far end of the hall, on several
tiors of seats, much like that luxurious
upholstery one finds at a circus, were hud
dled tho more irresponsible. But down in
the body of the big room were probably
100 persons of both sexos, ranging from 10
years to 40 and 50 years, and who were
equal in a mental way to going through a
kind of drill in calisthenics with wooden
dumbbells. And they did it very nicely,
as I noticed from my place, with my fellow
visitors up in front. There was a brass
band, too, the Instruments being managed
by inmates who had a taste for the melo
dious. I am bound to say that it was a
good -band, far better than many which
might boast more brains. The zany who
operated the B flat cornet was a wonder.
I was much interested in all I saw, and as
many of "these weakmindod folk were
girls, and pretty ones at that, my reflec
tions, as I gazed on the scene, were not
without a cast of melancholy. I felt sorry
for them ; their fates seemed very hard.
To be born into an easy world like this one
of ours and thon not to be granted suffi
cient wit to take advantage of it was hard.
"Perhaps an hour was taken up in the
dumbbell exercises of the boarders and
the musio of their band.' -The meeting
then lapsed easily into an informal dance,
quadrilles being rapidly arranged. Every
now and then a waltz or round dance of
some sort was pulled off. It all went
smoothly enough,, too, the 'gentlemen'
seeking their partners with the most stud
ted, if not labored, politeness, and the 'la
dies' conducting themselves in all respects
like belles of the first water.
"My fellow statesmen had beon over
there before and appeared, like the horse
thief in Louisiana, to feel perfectly at
home. It was no time at all when I be
held them, each with a partnor, take their
places in a quadrille. And to their credit
be it said, they did yeoman service and
danced every bit as well as the idiots.
While I was feeling proud of them Mrs.
Doren, the wife of Dr. Doren, the superin
tendent of this homo of little light, and
who felt somewhat responsible for my en
tertainment;, asked me if I ever danced. I
admitted that on one or two occasions,
casting caution to the winds, I had in the
teeth of the advice of my friends given
way to this frivolity.
" 'Why didn't you tell mo?' cried Mrs.
D. 'I'll get you a partner in a moment.1
And before I could . restrain her she called
to a very beautiful girl, seemingly about
20 years old, who was dancing with a still
younger girl for a partner.
" 'Here, Anna,' said Mrs. D. in a pleas
ant sort of haste, 'here is Mr. G. and he
has no partner. . Won't Maggie excuse you
and let you danoe with him?'
"Anna seemed in nowise loath. She
approached with smiling eyes, and the
next moment we were a part of the waltz
just then raging.
"1 was very much pleased with Anna.
She was such a dainty, beautiful creature
that her mental shortages were made all
the more a blow. I paid no heed to the
rather informal introduction which Mrs.
D. bestowed upon us, rightly concluding
that where the wit of a person might be
measured by a child of 8 elaborate social
observances would only serve to tangle
and abash.
"As Anna and I were circling down the
situation we conversed. I hammered my
observations down so as to keep them
within Anna's reach, and we got along up
top. After the waltz Anna and I prome
naded the hall with the others. I asked
about her homo and her parents, and pro
posed such other topics as A child of 5
might safely struggle with. I didn't Want
to overload Anna's brain.
' " Perhaps I was with her half an hour,
and It was the most sorrow bitten 80 min
utes I ever added to my life. I was young
er then, and more capable of the softer
sentimentalities. Anna was so beautiful
and so unfortunate. . Without that luster
of the soul, wanting that rich warmth of
color which springs from intelligence,
what could Anna be? My heart wept for
her. .
"But it was time to go bock to tho Neil
House. There ware divers cares of state
waiting for me to plunge into them. I led
Anna to a seat, where there was quite a
cluster of idiots, and where she, therefore,
would not feel so keenly the pang of my
absence. Then I shook her poor, inane
band, and after gently patting her on the
head told her to be good, and that before
long I would see her again. She thanked
me nicely, and there was a smile in the
corners of her mouth which made her ap
pear almost intelligent. :
" 'How did you find Anna as a partner?'
asked Mrs. D. while we wore busy with
our coats in the reception room.
" 'Excellent,' I said, 'excellent.' Then I
launched into eloquent regrets over the
twilight fate of one so fair and so afflicted.
"' Why, surely, you didn't take Anna
for one of the inmates?' said Mrs. D., and
there was horror in the lady's voice and ire
within her eye. . "
" '1 certainly did,' I replied, while alarm
began to curl at my heart.
" Why, dear, dear! said my hostess,
'What a horrible mistake! Anna is our
head teachor.'
"1 never went back, and I never saw
Anna again," concluded the lawmaker.
"1 hear she is married now, and make no
doubt she at times recalls me as the big
gest idiot she met at the asylum." Wash
ington Star.
May Betray Him. .
"I think," said the cheerful idiot, "that
it will not be long before thd fellow who
was arrested for the murder of that man
Saturday will be convicted. "
"Do you think he is going to confess?"
asked the landlady. '
"Oh, no," said the cheorful idiot. "I
base my idea on the fact .that the confine
ment in orison mav tell on him. " Indi-
I ajiapolU journal. .
Some people are so influenced by the
electric currents of the- atmosphere that
they can foretell the coming of a thunder
storm with perfect accuracy, and others
there are with nerves so sensitive that they
are sure of having neuralgia from a low
and fretful state of the nervous system.
Now. whv can't the latter be warned in
time and know that an ounce of preven
tion is worm a pouna oi cure, to use est.
Jacob's Oil promptly will ward off an at
tack, or if attacked, will promptly cure.
Such people can do for themselves what
otners ao rrom weatner propnecies. tieea
the signals and save the wreck and dis
aster. 1
Not Happily Expressed: New office boy A
man called here to thrasn you a few minutes
ago. naitor wnar, uiu you say to aim; jjoy
I loia mm i was sorry you weren't in. .
Is fraught with Import doubly dire to the un
happy man who beholds his dwelling or his
warehouse feeding the devouring element un
insured. Hapnlly most people wno can, Insure
everything but health. Nine tenths of us
neglect the preservation of this when It is iu
palpable jeopardy. Incipient indigestion, liver
uompiaim, la grippe, inaction oi me Kiaueys
and bladder and malaria are all counteracted by
riostctters stomach Hitters. . ,
By local applications, as they cannc. reach
the diseased portion of the ear. There is
only one way to cure ueatness, ana tnat is
by constitutional remedies. Deafness is
caused by an inflamed condition of the
mucous lining ot the Eustachian Tube.
Wnen this tube gets inflamed you have a
rumbling sound or impertect bearing, and
when it is entirely closed Deafness is the
result, and unless the inflammation can be
take out and this tube restored to its nor
mal condition, hearing will be destroyed
forever: nine cases out of ten are caused by
catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
tuub uaiiiiob ub vureu uy a Vttuariii
uure. csena ror circulars, tree.
J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. 0,
Sold by Druggists, 76c . . ; .
Is the truthful, startling title of a book about
jNO-To-u&u, tne narmiexs, guaranteed tooacco
naoit cure tnat braces up uleotinizea nerves,
eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak
men (tain strength, vigor and maunood. You
run no physical or financial risk, aa No-To-Bac
is soia Dy aruggistB every wnere under a guaran
tee to cure or money refunded. Book free.
Address, Sterling Kemedy Co,, New York or
FITS. -All Fits stopped free by lr. Kline's
Great Nerve Restorer. No Fits after the Bret
day's use. Marvelous cureB. Treatise and (2.00
trial bottle Tree to f it cases. Bena to Ar. luine,
m Arch St., Philadelphia. Pa.
Piso's Cure cured me of a Throat and
Lung trouble of thrfe years' standing. E
Cady, Huntington, lnd., Nov. 12, 195.
Tet Gibmia lor breaKiasi..
They Are Used For Linings, And Sealskin
Is Not a Favorite.
The foreignor visiting Russia finds that
hp must reconstruct his ideas about furs,
If he bo an American, his first discovery is
that his favorite sealskin is out of the race
entirely. No Kussian would pay the prioe
which, is given for sealskin in return for
such a; "cold fur," nor would ho wear it
on the outside for display, while it would
be too tender to uso as a lining. Sealskin
is good only for a short jacket between
seasons for walking, aud if one sots out on
foot in that garb sho must return on foot;
she would be running a serious risk-if she
took a camago or a sledge. ,.
All furs are used for linings in short,
by thus reversing nature's arrangement.
one obtains the natural effects and wears
the fur next his skin, as the original own
cr of the pelt did. f Squirrel is a "cold, "
cheap fur, while mink, also reckoned as a
"cold" fur, though more expensivei is
used by men only, as is the pretty, mottled
skin obtained by piecing togother sable
paws. The choapest of the downy furs,
which are proper for the climate, is the
brown goat. Noxt .bomo the various
grades of red fox fur those abundantly
furnished with hair, where tho rod is pale
and small in area, and the gray patches
are large and dark, being the best.
The kuni, which was the unit of curren
cy in olden days and was used by royalty,
is the next in value, and is costly if dark
and with a tough lightweight skin which
is an essential item of consideration for the
necessary large cloaks. Sablos, rich and
dark, are worn by any one who can afford
them, while the climax of luxury is at
tained in the black fox fur, soft and deli
cate as feathors, warm as a July day. The
silky curly white Tibetan goat and the
thick straight white fur of the psetz make
beautiful evening wraps for women, under
velvet, and are used by day also, though
they are attended by the inconvenience of
requiring frequent cloamng. ; i
Cloth or velvet is the proper covering
for all furs, and the colors worn for driv
ing are often gay or light. A layer of
wadding between the fur and the covering
adds warmth ; and makes tho circular
mantle called a rotonda set properly. Mos
cow is the place to see the coats made for
"really cola weather," garments made, of
bearskin and of reindeer skin, imporvious to
cold, lined with downy Siberian rat or other
skins which one doosnotsoe in Petersburg
shops. Condensed. From "Russian Ram
bles." ' - v '' - '
Publicity the Greatest Moral Force.
Hore is a "sentiment" which a New
York newspaper proprietor sent to be read
at a complimentary banquet to one of the
correspondents who had been at the war in
the east: Whatever the temptation, what
ever the influence or pressure, whatever
tho government itsolf, whatever the conse
quences or personal sacrifice, never sup
press news. Always tell the truth, always
take the humane and moral side, always
remember that right feeling Is the vital
spark of strong writing, and that public
ity, publicity, publicity is the greatest
moral factor and force in our public life. :
And pains of rheumatism can be cured
bv removing the cause, lactic acid in the
blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures rheu
matism by neutralizing this acid. Thou
sands of people tell of perfect cures by
The One True Blood Purifier, ft; six for f 5.
FT flfld'a PfHa aot harmoniously with
- 8 ua Hood's Barsaparllla. '25ot.
Mloodl 's
T. A. 8 locum Offers to Send Two Bot
tles Free of His Remedy to Cure
Consumption and All Luna; Troubles
An Elixir of Life.
Nothing could be fairer, more philan
thropic or carry more joy in its wake than
the offer of 1. A. Slocum, M. C, oi 183
Pearl street. New York. Perfectly confi
dent that he has an absolute remedy for
the cure oi consumption and all pulmon
ary complaints, he offers through this pa
per t3 send two bottles free to any reader
who is suffering from lung trouble or con
umption, also loes of flesh and all condi
tions of wasting. He invites those desir
ous of obtaining this remedy to send their
exDress and postoffice address, and to re
ceive in return the two bottles free, which
will arrest the approach oi death. Already
this remedy, by its timely use, has per
manently cured thousands of cases which
were given up, and death was looked upon
as an early visitor.
Knowing his remedy as he does, and be
ing so proof-positive of its beneficent re
sults, Dr. Slocum considers it his religious
duty, a duty which he owes to humanity,
to donate his infallible remedy where it
will assault the enemy in its citadel, and,
by its inherent potency, stay the cutrent
of dissolution, bringing joy to homes over
which the shadow oi the grave has been
gradually growing more strongly defined,
causing tond hearts to Brieve. The cheap
ness of the remedy offered freely apart
from its inherent strength, is enough to
commend it, and more so is the perject
confidence of the great chemist making the
offer, who holds out life to those already
becoming emaciated, and says: "Be
cured." . '
The invitation is certainly worthy of the
consideration ot the afflicted, wno, for
years, have been taking nauseous nostrums
without effect; who have ostracised them
selves from home and friends to live in
more salubrious climes, where the atmos
phere is more congenial to weakened lungs,
and who have fought against death with
all the weapons and strength in their
hands. There will be no mistake in send
ing for.these free bottles the mistake will
be in passing the invitation by.
By careful Investments by mall through
a responsible firm of large experience
and great success. Will send you par
ticulars free, showing , how . a small
amount of money can be easily multi
plied by successful Investments in grain.
Highest Bank references. Opportunities
excellent.- 1'attison & Co., Bankers and
Brokers, Room P., Omaha Building,
t hicago. ' .
Guarantee skirt edges
from wearing out. Don't
take any bin dine unless
youseeS. H. &fl." on the label no -matter
what anybody tells you.
I f your dealer will not supply you,
we will.
' Send for samples, showing labels and ma
terials, to the S. H.&M.Co., P. O. Box 699,
New York City.
Tf k . i:r c
limbs, use an
,uu v. a tit. si auic icnci tut
Bear in Mind Not one of
tations is as good as the genuine.
Chichebteii'8 English, red
Ladles, atk Drnjrztst for Ghitsktit'. Alalia
boxeo sealed with bine ribbon. T.bMnMkili.l. u..,.. e........ ,
111 pills In pasuboard boses, pink wrappers, are daneeraoa counterfeits. At Druggists, or send OS
fSlS S.. Plnl. testimonials, and "UeW r, Ladlea," In letter, , Mtora Mall! .
a;90I''J?5! !" Pf". Sold bv aU Looul Drnrl.
jlliuilf.riui CHBMlfJAI. CO..
Seeds, Trees, Spray Pumps 5gg
A klMUflPn N OR BOTtLs-?
V V I II M I I Kl l I I 1 Second to none- TRY IT...
11 11 111 1111 V mJ J No matter where from. . PORTLAND, OB,
Ivilll filKIU I ache? Does every step seem a burden? Yon need
Both the method and results whea
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
Sently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy or its hind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial m its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c
and $1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
THE AERMOTOR CO. does half the world's
windmill business, because It has reduced the cost of
wind power to l.'O what it was. It has many branch
nouses, and supplies its eooas ana repairs
your aoor. it can aim does lurnisn a
, better article for less money than
others. It makes pumping and
Geared, Steel, Otal van t zed-after-Corn
pletlon Windmills. Tilting
Fixed Steel Towers. Steel Buzz Saw
Frames. Steel Feed Cutters and Feed
Grinders. On abDllcatlon It will name one
111 of these artirles that it will fumiRh until
January 1st at 13 the usual price. '"It also makes
Tanks and Pumps of all kinds. Send for catalogue.
Factory: 12tb, Rockwell and Fillmore Streets, Chicago.
Portland, Walla Walla,
Spokane, via O. B. & N.
Railway ;and Great'
Northern - Railway to
Montana points, St.
cago and East. Address
nearest agent. A. B. C.
Dunniston, V. P. AT A.,
Portland, Or. i R.O. Ste-
yens. G. W. P. A emit.
San ttle;C.G.Dlxon,Gen.Agt., Spokane, Wash. No
dust; rock-ballast track; fine scenery; palace
sleeping ana aioing cars; Dunewiorary can
ituuiiy mi
- tourist sleepers; new equipment.
Fo.itlT ly Oared with Vegetable Remedial
Have ouved tho nsands of oases. Cure cas pro
nounced hopeless by bestphyslclans. From SrstdoM
lymptoms disappear; In ten dayi atleast two-thirds
all symptoms removed. Send for free book teitlmo
atals of miraculous cures. Ten Jays' treatment '
free by mall. If you order trial, send 10c. In stamps
or pay postage. Dr. H.H.Orsbn Sons, Atlanta, 6.
ifyouordertrlal return this adTertlsemen to nv
A HT:1J V.I 1 - A n...
. A movement of the bowels each day w necessary for
health. These pills supply what the system lacks to
make it regular. They 0ure Headache, brighten the
byes, and olear the Complexion better than cosmetioa,
I hey neither gripe nor sicken. To convince you. wa
trill mail sample free, or full box for 2iw. Sold even,
where. DR. rfoSAMKO MED. CO., Philadelphia, IS.
Itobing and Bllad, Bleeding or Protrnding Pllee rleld at mm to "
DR. BO-SAN-KO'S PILE REMEDY, lup, itoh- i
lag, abaorDi tumors. A positive cure. Circulars aeot frea. Prioe i'
too. Druggist! or mail. JH. liUSANlkU. PhUaw P-
r.llRrX WHfHF 111 HSf FlIIS.
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use I
in time, csoia Dy aruKtrists.
Morrthine Habit Cured In m l
j to 20 days. No pay till cured,
a DR. J, STEPHENS, Lebanon, Ohio,
N. P. N. U. No. 629-8. F. N. U. No. 706
:. at. u--t- - j. V .3
uiuiia ui Luc uaca. s mv. ensst. nr
9 Porous
& Plaster
the host of counterfeits and imi
only Safe, Sure, and reUMlt Ptil tor .ale.
niamntui flm,, ,i t.j .. .:-tj
B1 Madison 111ILAUELPII1A, PAs
Ti At and
;MRS. WINSLOW'S ssytrhupq;:
i Fora.le by all PrurcUta. B5 Oeats a battle. , 1
w Diamond Brand a. :