liver Slacier. FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1S90. . The citizens of the eastern part of Wasco county have been at work cir culating petitions to the acting com missioner of the general land office, praying that the order prohibiting flheep and other stock from grazing on the Cascade forest reserve be rescinded, nd the petitions are being generally nigned. It, looks as if the sheep will be permitted to contiuue to range on Mt. Hood, to the great detriment of the settlers at the upper end of this val ley. They will continue to pollute the sources of our. streams and eventually endaugi-r our water supply. No one seems disposed to oppose the sheep ranging on the. mountain,-outside of Hood River people and our friend V. O. Steel. Our senators and repre sentatives are being asked to use their influence at Washington to open the reserve to the , sheep, and they are using it to that end. Sheep' men are few In number but they seem to have a strong pull with legislators and those in authority and generally manage to get what they want ' The La Grande land office officials publish in the Heppner Gazette the following extract from the law in re gard to cutting and disposing of timber by homesteaders on public lands: "Tim ber lanl embraced in a homestead, or other entry uot consummated, may be cleared in order to cultivate the land and improve the premises,-but for no other purpose. If, after clearing the land for cultivation, there remains more, there is no objection to the Bet tier disposing of the same. But the question whether the land is being cleared of its timber for legitimate pur poses la a question of facts which is liable to- be raised at any time, , If the timber Is cut and removed for any other purpose, it wjll subject the entry to cancellation, and the person who cut it will be liable to civil suit for the value of said timber, and also a crim inal prosecution under section 2461 of the Revised Statutes." c A fruit man of California has discov ered a new pear tree pest. He wrote to Mr. Sargent, formerly secretary of the state board of horticulture, who re ferred the matter to the board. The writer says: "We have a new pest in the pear orchards. At least it is new in the orchards, but we have known of its existence on the French seedlings imported by nurserymen for propagat ing for several years. It is the pear root aphis, and is supposed to be as fatal to the pear tree as the phylloxera lias been to the grape vine. The trees where this pest has been discovered have made little or no growth the past season, and on examining the small, fibrous roots of the trees, the minute uphis,' with its - white exudations, is found in large numbers. This is quite another thing from the woolly aphis of the pear and apple. As far as we can learn there is no remedy, and we would like to know how generally it Is distributed over the coast." Ellis and Hermann voted with the democrats and populists and 45 other republicans against the . bond bill. Senator Mitchell it is expected will vote Against it in the senate. Senator Mc Bride dodged the vote on Allen's res- ..!...! ... l. : I 1 . i . .. 1 .. . : J i u LIU u , yyiuvil buuwcu tut? icmuvv strength of the two parties in the sen ate on the silver question, and so we do not yet know but that our delega tion in congress is solid for the free silver theories of the populists. "' The populists held a mass meeting in Portland last Sunday. Represent atives of the rjartv from different Darts ' of the state claimed the prospects were good for carrying the state. Multno mah and Clackamas were claimed for the party of Pennoyer, and one man from Eastern Oregon claimed every .county east of the Cascades. This claim, of course takes in Wasco. .There was no representative irom noou .tuver to promise a solid vote from our three precincts. The populists of Oregon are begin ning to stir for the approaching cam paign. We don't see why the popu lists can't join us in re-electing Ellis and Hermann- to congress, who are good enough populists on the main question, and thus save the wear and tear Of separate party organization. Oregonian. . The latest official statistics of the in ternal revenue department reveal that in the prohibition state of Iowa there are. 636 more people engaged in tbe sale of liquor than are engaged in both the manufacture and sale of liquors in the state of Kentucky. ''.'-..- The contractors at the Cascades say the locks will be completed not later than March 1st. Arrangements have been made, it is said, to allow the Reg ulator the honor of being the first boat to pass through the locks. . Senator Mitchell of Oregon is favor ably mentioned by the Eastern pres3 for the nomination for vice president on the republican ticket. President Cleveland has announced the appointment of the Venezuela boundary commission, as follows: David J, Brewer of Umisas, associate justice of the U. S. supreme court; Richard H. Alvey of Maryland, chief justice of the court of appeals of the District of Co lumbia; Andrew D. White of New York; Frederic R. Coudert of New York, and Daniel C. Oilman of Mary land. Brewer and White are republi cans, Alvey and Coudert democrats, while Gilman has never figured in politics but is supposed to be a republican. The editor of "Note and Comment" in the New Year's Oregonian -says: "The married life of Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Johnson of Agency, Iowa, is one of the longest on record. They recently cel ebrated the 61st anniversary of their wedding, which occurred in North Adams, Mass., in 1834; Mr. Johnson being 84 and his aged companion 78." A Hood Ri ver couple can beat this record- for length of married life. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Rogers of Hood River were married in Troupsburg, N. Y., April 24, 1834. Mr. Rogers was born February 4, 1815, and bis aged companion November 22, 1816. This worthy couple retain the use of all their faculties unimpaired, and both of them are able to attend to their habitual du ties about their home. They came to Hood River In 1878. The Salem Journal suggests that when the republican primaries are held in that congressional district that the names of all the candidates be printed on a little slip a la Australian ballot and let all the republican voters of the district say who their candidate shall be the man receiving the largest vote to be the candidate without any con vention. ' The republicans have organised the United States senate. This makes that party responsible for all legislation en acted by the present congress, and it will also beheld responsible for the fail ure of all needed legislation. The secretary of the state horticul tural society has issued a call for the annual meeting of the society, which will be held at Portland, Tuesday, Jan uary 14th. Our School. The board of directors of this district at their meeting last Friday evening, voted to have a wood engraving made of the new building, which Is to be used as an illustration in the course of study which was adopted for the school at a previous meting, and which will be printed as soou as the engraving can be made. The engraving will be made direct front a photograph by the Electric-light Engraving company of New York city and will be of the highest style of art. .. , v ' ; ' . , The board adopted three or four reso lutions at the same meeting which are for the government of pupils and teach ers in the school and relate more es pecially to examination and grades. The resolutions are in substance that any pupil who absents himself from the regular examinations shall not be permitted to enter his classes again till he has passed the examination as re quired by the other pupils. The second resolution provides that any pupil who wilfully or purposely re fuses to do his best in an examination shall be dropped from his grade. . The third resolution provides that when any pupil fails to obtain a general average of 70 credits out of a possible hundred in all the branches in which he is examined, he shall be transferred to a lower grade, and if nec essary to a lower department. A further resolution provides that no resident pupil of district No. 3, under 21 years of age, shall be permitted to take any of the higher branches taught in the school until the pupil hascom Dleted the -eight-year course of study which will be provided for the shool in the near future, and ' shall have re ceived a diploma or certificate to that effect.' This last resolution goes into effect after June, 1806. Rev. J. A. Finnell. , Editor Glacier: Rev. J. A. Fin nell, the Indian evangelist, left for Eu gene Thursday morning of last week. There was a good degree of interest in the meetings held while he was with us, and the town is the better for his having, been here. , Whatever may have been said disparagingly of him either by professed Christians or oth ers, one thing is very sure, there was displayed on his part true Christian fortitude a prayer for all those who would persecute. : Bro. Finnell left a great many warm friends both in and out of the churches, and we will welcome him at any time, for we know that he is consecrated to his life work, and Is giving his life fully to the cause he has espoused. He has promised to return some time in the future and give us a lecture on his early experience with the Indians, and we predict for him a hearty wel come. The history of his life is a ro mance, twenty years of which was spent an Indian captive. : B. Itucklen'j Arnica Salve. The best salv in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or. money -'refunded. Price, 25 cts per box. r' For sale at the Hood River Pharmacy - i Bert Stranahan is at Castle Rock, where he is engaged in fishing, A Great Invention. , ' " Jloro Observer. ',''''. Elder Neece has a friend in the East who has solved the problem of how to make a cow give down her milk. Pie has been loth to impart the secret of his new discovery to the public until he had given it a fair and impartial, trial and was sure of its success in every particular. This has been fully demon strated, as it took but two applications to cure his own cow of the habit it had fallen Into of holding up her milk (for a higher price), and now we give it to the public' Take a board (not a hotel or resturant board, but a common, every day, ordinary piece) about four inches wide by 18 inches long, shape it into a paddle, and through this, a few inches from the wide end,drive two six-penny wire nails, opposite each other and about two Inches apart. There's your milk producer, and a very simple one it is, but of no account unless you uu derstaud its use. The directions, as given us by Mr. Neece, are as . fol lows: ""When the cow refuses to give down her milk all that is necessary is to take the paddle, place the nail points one oh each side of the bovine's spinal column and give it a vigorous scratch ing, drawing the paddle along the aforesaid column, but not pressing hard enough to wound the hide. If you have ever noticed, there is general ly a slight elevation in a cow's spine when she is holding up her milk. 1 he scratching process will educe the "ele vation" almost immediately, -and ap pears to loosen up all the animal's cords and muscles, making it impossible for her to bang onto the milk. " This is a great discovery, and has "ut the inventor in the front ranks as one of the world's greatest benefactors. We heard one man say today that lie was going to fix up one of the paddles and see how it will work on the milkman; while auother one is figuring on trying the experiment upon a friend of whom he wants to borrow $10. , However, laying all jokes aside, Mr. Neece says it works like a charm and is so simple and Inexpensive th,at any one can give it a trial. ' ... The Salem Statesman learns from persons who are in a position to know that the state tax levy for 1896 will be the largest for several years. ' It is stated that it will not be less than seven mills. Notwithstanding that this year has been au unusually -dull year tor busi ness throughout the upper country, the earnings of the O. It. & N. Co. are said to have been greater in 1895 than they were in 1894. Mountaineer. v The maddest woman in town is a married lady, who on a recent night sat up until 1 o'clock waiting for her hustmnd to come home- from lodge. Oh, no, she wasn't going to say any thing to him. Finally, utterly worn out by her long atul fruitless vigil, she went to her room to turn in and found the missing husband in bed, fast asleep,where he had gone immediately after supper instead of going to lodge. And all that woman is mad about now is that she can't get into the right posi tion to kick herself. Prineville Re view. ., v . ;V'.V; v- The coyote and wildcat scalps are piling in pretty rapidly, and quite a pull from the treasury will be made after the next .meeting on Jan 4th. The scheme is working admirably, and it is to be hoped that all the members of the union who have not yet paid their assessments to the treasurer, Mr. Frank Irvine, will do so at once. It is surprising the amount of wildcat scalps that are coming in, and sheep men inform us that these brutes do learly as much damage to their Hocks as the coyotes themselves. Antelope Herald. Why is it that criminals, as a rule are better fed than many law abiding people? Every once in awhile we rend about the tine turkey dinner given at the jail in large cities while there are hundreds of poor people who do not know where to go for a crust of bread. It does not seem to be any punishment to feed prisoners on the fat of the land. Fewer luxurious dinners and more hard work might be a diet to try. Columbian. - V C. A. Shurte, who has had a good opportunity to know, says there is an increase of fifty per cent in full-sown grain this year over any previous yar and thut the condition is a hundred per cent better. The abundant snow fall, even this early, indicates that the moisture will be sufficient to secure a good crop next season Arlington Record. In making nominations for mem bers of the next legislature, care should be taken to choose persons favorable to the re-enactment of the mortgage tax law and the clause for the exemption of honest indebtedness. The repeal of these statutes has worked much more hardship on the tax payers of Oregon than any other legislative enactment for years. Jacksonville.Times. Williams and Reed, two Hood River hunters, treed a bear after following it over the divide two days, then went to Portland to consult the U. S. district attorney about shooting it, as the bear was within the limits of the 50,000,000 acre reservation of Hoke Smith's part ner Bowers. Observer. The Mountaineer says: Mr. A. Buch ler was at the Cascades Monday and spent an hour looking over the locks. He says the three miles of pipe for lead ing water to the hydraulic which will operate the gates has been laid, and the apparatus for working the gates is now complete. One week will suffice to complete the rock work at the lower end of tbe canal, and tbe blasting at the upper ' end is being pushed as rap idly as possible. The contractors will begin dredging in a short time, so that when tbe rock work is completed the canal will be open , for tbe passage of boats. ', ' . Cure for Headache. As a remedy for all forms of headache Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure, and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle and give this remedy a fair t rial. In cases of habitual constipation, Elec tric Bitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cuses long resist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Fifty cents and $1 a bottle. . tor sale at the'Ho'od River Pharmacy. ' Tucker Items. ':-:.. - Mrs. Kemp returned lately from a visit to The Dalles. She is able to walk very little yet. Her son-in-law, Mr. Roberts, came down with her and will remain here for some time. Mr. Collins' little boy Ulva is con fined to his bed with a serious attack of rheumatism. y There was no public Christmas tree on tills side of the river, but Santa Claus'made his regular rounds and re membered some of us just the same. " Mr. Shelley went coon hunting last week, but failed to And any tracks. Johnnie Tucker Beems to be moving into his tine house. It is too big for a bachelor, and we do not believe he built it for a bachelor. Mr. Shelley and his daughter Mar guerite have gone to the state teach ers' meeting. ' r Lee and Willie Odell are now living on their claim iiear Booth's. Mr. John Lenz is at The Dalles un der treatment for catarrh by Dr. Hol lister. : - ' ' , - . 9 The Discovery Saved His Life. Mr. G. Cailloutte, druggist, Beavers ville, 111., says: "To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with la grippe and tried all the physi cians for miles about, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery In my slore,I sent for a bottle and began its use, and from tbe first dose began to get better, and after using three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold-. We won't keep store or bouse without it." Get a free trial at the Hood River Pharmacy. BARGAINS. . A bargain In a second-hand top Baggy; one man-weight cultivator; three heating Stoves, one Cook Stove, Lawn Mower, Stone Jars and Glass Fruit Jars. If you dou't see what you want, ask for it. Also, remember my residence property can be bought very cheap before 1 leave Hood River, which will be the latter part of this month. D. F. FIERCE. Stockholders' Meeting. HOOD RIVER FRUIT GROWERS'UNION. Notice is hereby given that the third annual meeting of the stockholders of the tiood River Fruit Growers' Union will be held on 1 Saturday, January 11, 189G. At 10 o'clock A. M., at the Mt. Hood hotel, in Hood River, Oregon, for the purpose of elect ing a Board of Directors for the ensuing year, making the reports of ttie officers and trans action of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. . H. F. DAVIDSON, Secretary. Stockholders' Meeting. ARMORY ASSOCIATION. - Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Hood River Armory Association will be held on Saturday, February 1, 1896, At 2 o'clock, P. M., in- Hood River, for the election of officers and the transaction of such otiier business that may come before the meeting. By order of the president. W. H. BISHOP, Secretary. Strayed. One yellow steer, 4 years old; one light red heifer, 2 years old; and one cow, deep red, with a few white spotri, about 4 yeurs old. All are branded "J. K." on left hip and left ear cropped. The cow Is supposed to have a young calf. I will pay a reward for information that will lead to their recovery. JOHN KROEGER, J8 Hood River, Or. Lost. A bunch of keys on a leather string. They were lost during the week of the bazaar at the Langllle house. Finder will please leave with T. C. Dallas. . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver; Wash., Nov. SO, 184)5. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settlers have filed notice of their In tention to make final proof in support of their claim, and that said proof will be made before W. R. Dunbar, Commissioner United States Circuit Court for District of Washington, at Goldendale, Wash., on January 15, 1890, viis: JOHN C. COCHRAN, H. E. No. 7821, for the east southeast sec, 10, and north of northeast 4 sec. 15, all In township tt north range 12 east, Willamette Meridian. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: August Hildlng, Peter O. Hoult, August Berg and Richard Granville, all of Glenwood P. O. Washington. And AUGUST HILDING, H. E. No. 7854, for the south of northeast and west of southeast section 15, town ship 6. north range 12 east. W. M.. who names the following witnesses to prove his contin- linn, ri.a1rl.nAn nnnn onri .Mill vtitl.m ff antrl ' land, viz: John C. Cochran, Peter I). Hoult, August Berg and Richard Granville, all of Glenwood P. O., Washington. dliJIO GEO. H. STEVENSON, Register. FOR SALE. House and corner lot In Hood River for sale cheap. Inquire at the Bakery, . . se6 Bargains in Land. ' 200 acres of unimproved land for sale. on the East Side, 6 miles from town, S7 to $10 an acre. Other land, about half cleared. S20 an acre. Well improved land, $30 an acre. Plenty of water for irrigation. Will sel 1 In 20 or 40-acre tracts. Inquire at Glacier office. - Je22 Administrator's Notice. - TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the honorable county court of Wasco county, Oregon, ad ministrator of the estate ot Martha Purser, de ceased. AIL persons having claims against said estate aro notified to present the same to me In Hood River, Wasco county, Oregon, within six months of the date of this notice. . Dated November 11, 1895. A. 8. BLOWERS, Admi nistrator of the Estate of Martha Purser, r deceased. nlSdlK NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Dec. 11, 1895. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on January 21, 1895, viz: ALBERT B. JONES, . . - . Hd. E. No. 4IM7, for the east southeast nonhwest i koutheast and southwest northeast J4 section 1, township 2 north, range 9 east. lie names the following witnessesto prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: C. .T. Hayes, E. Udell, M. F. Loy, C. Morgan, all of Hood River, Orejron. dJ8 . J AS, F, MOORE, Register, ITla-e Isice for ZBstrgfSLlirxsI Our store has Just received a fine line of Boots and Shoes and other goods which we are offering at prices that will suit you, every time. Our Felt Boots are the best article for solid comfort ever brought to Kpod River. Read the price list of some of our goods, as follows: Felt Boots, for solid comfort, - - $2.50 Men's Solid Leather Boots, large sizes, - 1.50 Ladies' Dress Shoes, - - - 1.00 Ladies' Patent Leather Tip, - - - 1.60 Ladies' Solid Leather, heavy,' - - 1.75 Old Ladies' Comfort, . - - - 2.00 Men's Shoes, rivet, the best, - - 2.75 Men's Congress, - . , - - - 1.75 Little Red School House Shoes, from $1.25 to 1.75 All Other Goods in Proportion. We are agents for America's Largest Woolen Mills, and have 100 different styles of gent's and ladies' samples of cloth to choose from. We will take your measure for tailor-made suits from cloth direct from the mills. Fit and satisfaction guaranteed for less money than you ever beard of. Try us. IS. K. TUCKER, TucKer, uregon. WE HAVE ADOPTED THE And shall endeavor to merit custom by QUALITY as well as QUANTITY. WILLIAMS & BROSIUS, TT"W"n"P,.T?rT A TTTT.T? A "NTT4 TTRTT? A T.TVT"P"P Anddcaier v j.i axiav a ujlix Ajiuujjiuuxv of Building Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, etc., etc. Agent for the Bridal Veil Lumlier Company. DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Staple and Fancy Groceries, FLOUR, FEED AND SHELF HARDWARE. I I I w bUlgVdl UIIU III IO I. VVI I I J Iblb wivvn IN HOOD RIVER. HANNA Sc DEALERS IN- Sell only : We invite trade of close buyers.- WE WANT YOUR TRADE. MOUNTAIN STAGE AND LIVERY CO. OF HOOD RIVER, OR., WILL CONDUCT GENERAL " ' Livery STABLES Comfortable conveyances to all parts of Hood River Valley and vicinity. Heavy dray lng and transferring done with care and promptness. Also, dealers in . , A G R I C U LT U RA L I M P L E IVI E N T S And Vehicles of All Kinds. ' Call and see our stock and get prices; they are interesting. "WEST KEEP1 CONSTANTLY ON HAND Choice Fresh Meats, Hams, Bacon, Lard, t And All Kinds of Game. - - ALSO, DEALERS IN ' FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. HOOD RIVER, - - .-. - ... - - ; - OREGON. In all kinds Materials, WOLFARD, for' CASH at , BROS-v 1 and 0