The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 03, 1896, Image 1

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It's a Cold Day When We Get Left.
. i .
3(ood Iiver Slacier.
J , . S. F. BLYTHE.
( On. year..., ft 00
six months 1 or
Three months. ....... M v W
Siurle oo py f Cent
GRANT EVANS, Proprietor.
Shaving and hair-cutting neatly done. Satis
actlou guaranteed.
Spirited Opinions From All Shade, of
.... the American Press.
Chicago Chronicle.)
' The president's message is not only
a strong appeal to American pride and
patriotism in a matter now at issue; it
is a clean out and vehement enuncia
tion of the Monroe doctrine, which in
his hands is ' vitalized as never before
since its promulgation. ,
Unanswerable Argument.
San Francisco Chronicle
The argument of the president is
unanswerable. Amerioans of all shades
of political opinion will endorse the
speoial message of the president in
that regard.
- Approval Is Assured.'
Cincinnati inquirer.)
President Cleveland, may rest well
assured Of the hearty approval by the
American people of the stand he has
taken. He can depend on them to
follow him to the lighting point, and
then through the fight on this import
ant issue.
Few Discordant Voices.
Iowa State Register.
The few disoordant voioes in the
Monroe chorus are, we are sorry to say,
in Mr. Cleveland's own party. The
New York World, whioh .is a popular
and powerful exponent of the Demo
cart party in New York city, calls
the president's message a blunder and
a humiliation.' "
There Can Be No War. -.
Chicago Times-Herald
Great Britain will not engage the
. United States in war for two sufficient
reasons. Frist, because she is depend
ent on foreign soil for more than half
her food supply. Seoondly, because in
addition to starvation her people would
be threatened with paralysis of their
industry. '
Better Late Than Never.
r' ; Boston Journal.
If a fraotion of the administration's
vigor had been manifested two year ago,
, it might not be necessary to speak out
' bo plainly now and the country would
have been saved some humliacing ex
periences. But better late than never
is a. sound maxim. We can afford to
let bygones be bygones.
Great Britain Will Assent, i
New York Times.
As it stands today in the message of
the president, it is a clear, grave Asser
tion that the United States will see
justioe done; neither asking nor acoept-
ing less, to any independent state on
- the oontinent. . To that prinoiple, soon
' or late, we believe Great Birtain will
assent "; By that principle, in any
event, the Amerioan nation will stand.
- i
Cleveland In New Uniform.
, - New York Sun.
Mr. Cleveland has borrowed a new
uniform, but all the same it is the
Amerioan uniform, and the country
will follow the man who wears it. For
the Monroe doctrine, as enunciated in
the president's message, exoept for a
line or two we need not consider here,
the people of the United States are
solid and enthusiastic. And the con
tinuation of this interesting and im
portant business by the adminstration
will be watched and sustained with an
unfaltering spirit of pride and deter-
ivmination to uphold the interests of the
United States. Let the good work go
Insult to the South.
Chicago Inter Ocean.) ,
An Knclish newspaper sneeringly
rlrftd a few days aso that there
were more friends of Jefferson Davis
than pf Grover Cleveland at the bouth,
and General Gordon repelled that in
sult by giving eloquent expression to
the loftiest patriotism in its applica
tion to the present situation. He spoke
1 with an enthusiasm whioh showed that
his whole soul was in it, and undoubt
edly he expressed the prevailing senti
ment of the South That section of
the oountry is not the Ireland of Am
erioa, only waiting for an opportunity
to strike down the flag that waves
over it. In his financial policy the
president is not popular at the South,
out in standing by the Monroe dootriue
be has fired the Southern heart to a
. white heat of patriotism.
An Army of 18,000 Insurgents March on
to Havana In Spite of the Efforts of
Captain-General Martlnes de Campos
A Cuban Victory.
Havana, Deo. 27. Further details
reaohed here today from Matanzas of
the rapid advance of the insurgent
army, numbering about 12,000 men,
upon Havana after forcing its way
through the provinoe of Santa Clara
and into the province of Matanzas, in
spite of the efforts of Captain-General
Martinez de Campos and about 8,000
troops at his disposal in the territory
invaded. . .
The reported important battle be
tween the Spaniards under Campos and
the insurgents at Coliseo plantation,
twelve miles from Cardenas, does not
appear to have been a very severe
engagement. Cardenas is a seaport,
and quiet an important place for Cuba,
of about 40,000 inhabitants. It is only
twelve miles from Matanzas, the capi
tal of the provinoe of that name, and
the largest town between Cardenas and
Havana. ....
The Spanish forces do not appear to
have encountered the main body of the
insurgents, as at first announced. The
fight at the Coliseo plantation was be
tween a portion of the northern column
of the insurgent columns, now pushing
through the provinoe of Matanzas, and
instead of turning out to be a great
victory for the Spaniards, the result of
the engagnement was virtually a de
feat for Campos' forces, for the Cuban
army pushed onward uncheoked, and is
still advanoing on the oity.
The fighting took place amid burning
cane, underwood, tall grass and trees,
and was of the usual guerilla nature.
At times both the troops and insur
gents were surrounded by walls of
flames, and the smoke was so dense
over certain portions of the ground con
tested that the Cubans and the troops
were unable to see each other, and kept
banging away at open space, wasting
good ammunition. It is true that this
indiscriminate ring was more notioed
upon the part of the troops than on the
side of the insurgents, but for one in
surgent killed, at least 2,000 shots
must have been fired. The Cubans,
following their customary taotios,
seemed to melt away into the distance
as soon as the troops got within fight
ing distance of them, and nealry all
the firing was at very long range, al
though the soldiers made several gal
lant charges through the burning terri
tory. This style of fighting is termed
a defeat for the insurgents, but as they
succeeded in accomplishing their object
holding the Spaniards in check while
the Cuabns pushed on southward the
result was- really a Cuban viotory.
The captain-general was as near to
the front as possible throughout the
battle, enoouraging the troops by words
and aotions. One of the captain-general's
orderlies, who was sitting on his
horse beside Campos, reoeived a
bullet in his breast and fell to the
ground badly wounded. The shot was,
no doubt, intended for the Spanish
Movement to Substitute the Popular
Vote (or the Electoral College. .
New York, Deo. 26. A local paper
says: . ,
T. M. Curtin, a cousin of the late
Andrew Curtin, who was governor of
Pennsylvania, and a relative of Jere
miah Curtin, who for many years was
oonnected with the United States lega
tion at St. Petersburg, is preparing to
spend $100,000 to secure an amend
ment to the constitution of the United
States. Most of the money will come
from Mr. Curtin's own pocket. The
balanoe will be given by two friends,
who are earnest believers in his project
and who have the utmost faith in his
ability to aooomplish his object
Mr. Curtin and his private secre
tary are at present visiting friends in
this city. The amendment to the con
stitution for whioh Mr. Curtin is now
working is the election of the presi
dent by a popular vote instead of by a
oollege of electors.
After he has accomplished this, as
he feels sure he will, he intends to
work for a change by which United
States senators will also be chosen by
popular vote. Suoh a change, Mr.
Curtin thinks, would be of great bene
fit to the oountry and would prevent
much injustice from whioh the people
are now suffering. As a first step
toward bringing about the ohange,
Mr. Curtin and his friends are about to
establish .a bureau in Washington
through whioh an expression of opin
ion as to the best man to be nominated
for president by the leading parties
will be secured. This bureau will be
opened in a few days and will be at
work until after the Democratic and
Repulbioan conventions.
, Report of Cuban Defeat Confirmed.
Madrid, Deo. 26. A dispatch from
Colon, province of Matanzas, Cuba,
oonfirms the report that Spanish troops
routed 4,000 insurgents on the Cal
mena river.' One hundred of the
enemy were killed.
The Terrible Fate of Albert Staub, a
Portland, Or., Dec. 27. Albert
Staub, a sausage-maker, fell into a tank
of hot water in the steam sausage fac
tory at the corner of Flanders and
Ninth streets, about 1 o'clock yesterday
afternoon, and was so badly scalded
that he died at 7:80 o'clock last even
Staub had been at work almost night
and day for the past four days, render
ing lard and preparing for a holiday
display. After this had been taken
away, he bad been killing chickens,
and yesterday he started to clean up
the premises. He had heated water
for that purpose in a steam tank, whioh
is about four feet square and the water
was two ' and one-half feet deep in it.
The valve for shutting off the steam is
at the back Of the tank, so as to be out
of the way. ' Staub stood on a sort of
grating in front of the tank, whioh is
raised from the. floor on slats, and
reaohed across to turn off the steam.
As he leaned forward the grating
slipped on the greasy floor, and he
pitched head first into the boiling wa
ter. In a moment he had his head
above the surface, sprang out of the
tank, and ran to the door, calling in
agonized tones, "Helpl help:l"
R. Gerdes and his brother, who live
near by, ran to his assistance. Staub
was in great agony and his screams
were pitiful. They tore off his shirt
as quickly as possible, and, when the
sleeves were pulled down over his
hands, the skin of his arms came away
from the elbows down over the hands
to the ends of the fingers, where it
hung, like long gloves turned inside
As quickly as possible, physicians
were summoned, and did all in their
power for the sufferer.
He lingered through the afternoon,
gradually failing, and finally fell into
a oomatose condition, and about 7:30
passed away. Staub was a Swiss by
birth, about 26 years of age, and leaves
a wife and infant child. He had taken
out an accident policy a month or two
since; so they will not be unprovided
English Press Comment Is Calmer and
a Peaceful Settlement Hoped Fori
New York, Deo. 27. The World
publishes the following cablegrams re
oeived in reply to its requests for opin
ions upon the Venezuelan situation:
From the Prince of Wales Sir
Francis Knolleys is desired by the
Prinoe of Wales and the Duke of York
to thank Mr.JPulitzer for the , cable
gram. They earnestly trust, and oan
not but believe, the present crisis will
be arranged in a manner satisfactory
to both countries, and will be succeed
ed by the same warm feeling' of friend
ship which has existed between them
for so many years.
From the Bishop of London With
all my heart I - pray to God to avert
from this country and the United
States the crime and disaster of war be
tween them; and I hold it to be the
bounden duty of every man in both
countries to avoid all provooative lan
guage, and to do all that he can con
scientiously to promote peace.
The following unsolicited dispatch
was received from the Freemasons of
Manchester: "Christmas Greetings
Freemasons' Club, Manchester, to
Amerioan Freemasons: Glory to God
in the Highest; on earth, peace, good
will to men."
Various English religious bodies
have cabled their brethren in Amerioa
their sympathy with their efforts for
peace. ' ,
London, Deo. 27. The afternoon
newsapers today continue their com
ments upon the Venezuela question,
and hopes are expressed that the Christ
mas holidays will oontinue to bring
about a calmer mood on both sides of
the Atlantio. The possibility of war
between Great Britain and the United
States is regarded as past and the affair
is now viewed chiefly from the stand
pint of Amerioan domestio politics and
its bearing upon the financial situa
tion. ; ' ' '
Thomas A. Edison, the inventor, is
being pleasantly chaffed as the result
of the publication here of an alleged
, interview with him, in which he is
quoted as' describing a number of
startling inventions whioh he is said
to be ready to bring forward in the
event of war. ' ,
I The St James's Gazette, comment
ing upon the statement attributed to
j John Redmond, the Irish leader , re-
. garding the attitude of Ireland in case
of war, styles him a traitor, and says
it believes him also to be a libeler
when he says that Ireland would go
solidly American. ' The St. . Jame's
Gazette asks what would happen to the
Amerioan politician just now who
would say, in the event of war, Ire
land would fight for Unlgand. .
Kansas City, Pittsburg & Gulf.
Kansas City, Dec. 26. Directors of
the Kanas City, Pittsburg & Gulf to
day voted to inorease the capital stock
from ,$10,000,000 to $20,000,000.
This insures the completion of the
Pittsburg & Gulf to the Gulf of Mex
ico without delay,
Supreme Court of Washington Sustains
Acts of Capitol Commission Over BOO
Homestead Entries Filed in the Jfes
Perce Reservation-Oregon News. .
Much valuable data is oontained in
the reoent annual report of the engineer
in charge of the improvement of the
Willamette and Lower Columbia river
and their ' tibutaries. It is a very ex
haustive report and covers compre
hensively all the improvements and
surveys under Major Post's charge.
The report was transmitted to congress
by the secretary of war, who summar
ized its prinoipal features in his own
report Mouth of the Columba river,
Oregon and Washington The project
for this work was adpoted in 1894.
During the year ending June 80, 1895,
138,900.1 tons of rock was added to the
jetty whioh was raised to its com
pleted height for a length of about
three and a quarter miles (station 53 to
station 230). Groins Nos. 3 and 4
each 1,000 feet long were also finished
and the main line of the jetty with the
exception of about 700 feet at the
inshore end, where some additional
rock is still required, was completed.
An elevated track for use in construct
ing the shore revetment whioh has a
total length of 3,675 feet, has been
nearly finished. Soundings taken in
May and June, 1895 show that there is
now a direct channel over the bar
seven-eights of a mile wide and thirty
feet deep at low water and that for a
width of one-half mile the low water
channel depth is at least thirty-one
feet' Columbia and Lower Willamette
rivers below Portland, Or. The pro
ject for improving these rivers, adopted
in 1877 and modified in 1891, contem
plates seouring a channel from Port
land to the sea having a low water
depth of twenty-five feet. Prior to
commencing the improvement the low
water depth of the channel was from
ten to fifteen feet at the shoalest places.
Up to 1891 this depth had been in
creased to ninteen feet by the construc
tion of dams at Swan island chute, at
Willamette slough, and at . other
sloughs in the Willamette river near
its mouth, and of a dike at St. Helens
and dams at Burke slough and Martin
slough in the Columbia -river, the '
effect of these works being aided by
dredging and bank protection where
most needed. Since the modification
of the porject so as to secure a channel
depth of twenty-five feet, dikes have
been built by the port of Portland and
St. Johns and Postoffioe bars in the
Willamette river, and at Walker's
island, Snag ' island, and Cathlamet
bay in the Columbia river. This cor
poration has also dredged the channel
at Swan island and Postoffice bar in
the Willamette river and in the Co
lumbia river at the mouth of the
Willamette, at St Helens, at Martin's
island, . at Walker's island, and in
Cathlamet bay, removing a total of
820,241 cubic yards of material at
these points. The work done by the
United States has consisted in extend
ing the dike at St. Helens, in construct
ing a dike at Martin's island, in the
Columbia river, in dredging the ohan- j
nels of both rivers at various places,
and the removal of snags wherever
neoessary. During the year ending
June 80, 1896, the dike at Martin's
island has been thoroughly repaired,
and dredging has been carried on to
maintain, and, as far as practicable, to
increase the depth of the channel from
Portland to the sea, the total quantity
of material removed being 423,872
cubio yards. In the Willamette dredg
ing was done at Postoffice bar and at
the mouth of the river, and in the Co
lumbia river, on the bars at Hunter's
point, at Martin's island, at Pillar
rook, at Walker's island, and opposite
Astoria. Vessels drawing twenty feet
oan now pass over the " shoalest places
at low water, and, by taking advantage
of the tides, vessels drawing twenty-
three feet of water or more can come
to Portland without difficulty. Co
lumbia river between Vancouver,,
Wash. , and the mouth of Willamette
river The project for this improve
ment, adopted in 1892, provides for
the construction of a low dam across
the slough on the Oregon side of Hay
den island to increase the volume of
water, and by the additional scour to
remove a troublesome bar in the main
ohannel. Work during the fiscal year
has oonsisted in dredging the bars on
the notrh side of the island for the re
lief of navigation, the depth on these
bars having been increased from nine
feet to thirteen feet at low water.
Willamette river, above Portland,
and Yamhill river, Oregon At the
time of the adoption of the present pro
ject, in 1878, the mouth of the Yamhill
river, forty miles above Portland, was
the head of low-water navigation,
with a draft of two and one-half feet.
The project of 1878 contemplates the
improvement of the river by the re
moval of obstructions and the construe
tion of dikes to oontract the waterway
at shoal places so as to seoure a navig'
able ohannel for light-draft boats from
Portland to Eugene, a distance of 172
miles, This project was extended in
1892 to include the removal of obstruc
tions in the Yamhill river from its
mouth to McMinnville, and by the
river and harbor acts of 1892 and 1894
allotments of $3,000 and $2,000, re-1
speotively, were made for the purpose
from the appropriations for improving
the Willamette river above Portland.
During the past year snagging opera
tions have been continued from Port
land to Eugene on the Willamette
river and to MoMinnville on the Yam
hill river. Amount that oan be profit
ably expended in flsoal year ending
June 80, 1897, $25,000.
Davenport wants a new town hall.
The construction of the new Catho
lic churoh at Marysville has been com
menced. It is reported that an eleotrio light
plant will be put in at Stella to light
up the water front .
Hanson's Ferry is to have a two-
story building, the lower floor to be a
postoffioe, and the upper story to be a
public hall.
The Commercial Club at Everett is
to publish pamphlets desoriptive of the
place, 20,000 copies of which are to be
printed in January.
The Asotin flouring mill, recently'
burned, is to be rebuilt on a larger
plan. The work of rebuilding will be
commenoed shortly.
The New Whatcom counoil has been
petitioned for a franchise by the B. B.
& E. Railroad Co., to build a bridge
and single track railroad.. The motive
power to be steam or electrioity. .
The prospective owner of the Ta-
coma, Lake Park & Columbia River
railway has arrived for the purpose of
looking over the road with a view to
extend it through the Cowlitz pass.
The North Yakima Commercial Club
wants the Northern Pacific to put up
a new depot building there, adequate
to the needs of that section and in keep
ing with its commercial importanoe.
It is reported that a charter has been
applied for from the Columbia river
to the Kettle river district and that
the road will be built next season. The
Canadian Pacific is reported to be back
of the enterprise.
One of the biggest jams known in
the Skagit for five years occurred re
cently. Loggers claim that 16,000,000
feet of logs came down. The river was
filled so solidly for three hours that it
oould be safely orossed. r
Iron ore has been brought from the
Conner mines near Hamilton to Ever
ett to be tested. It is rumored that
the tests have proven satisfactory and
that soon shipments at the rate of ten
carloads per day will oommenoe. .
It is now understood that the agent
of the Boston capitalists, who thought'
of advancing funds to complete the
Blaine & Eastern have deoided to re
port unfavorable, because of the scat
tered oondition of the subsidy pro
posals.'"'. ' x "' .' : ''' "
Eastern orders have taken a sudden
sump and - the shingle trade is at a
standstill. For the past three weeks
little or no business has been done by j
the dealers than to olean up the orders
on hand. The situation of two months
ago is reversed. I
The new gymnasium of the uni
versity of Washington offers unexcelled
facilities for athletic training. The
number in attendanoe at the oollege
this year is somewhat smaller than last
year, owing to the standard being
raised . and two departments, musio
and art, being dropped.
The supreme court has sustained the
position of the capital commission.
This removes the . last barrier to the
board awarding the contract The de
cision was written by Judge Gullen
and is concurred in by the entire court
A call for a meeting of the commission
has been issued and new bids will be
doubtless called for.
The loggers of the Sound, controlling
about three-fifths of the output have
held a secret meeting for the purpose
of forming plans with which they can
oompete with mill-owners. They in
tend to put an end to exoessive compe
tition by combining with an establish
ed and uniform price and classification,
and by amicable agreement of the mill
owners to seoure advance of prices,
whenever the oondition of the market
warrants it. - -
Idaho. .. -
James R. Sheldon, a pioneer of
Lewiston, is dead. r i
Five thousand rabbits were killed
at a reoent drive at Oakly.
The Presbyterian churoh of Boise has
deoided to erect a parsonage. -.-,
The Albion State Normal school will
be completed about the first of April.
The state treasurer has given notioe
that the oapital building bonds Nos. 26
to 50 are now payable by him. ; ,
Two or possibly three new steamers
will be built on the Kootenai for pass
age between Bonners Ferry and Lake
Bounds next spring.
A special agent of the treasury has
disbursed in payment $50,000 to the
Nez Perce Indians. It is estimated
that 343 native Nez Perces have died
sinoe the Fletcher allotment of lands
was completed in 1893. The births
are reoorded to the number of ninety
four. These statistics show the des
tiny of this favored Indian tribe.
At the Hands of Northwestern Farmers
Whatcom Boord of Trade En
courages the Raising of Flax Fibre
on Puget Sound. ' ,
Success in flax culture for fibre de
pends upon thoroughness and atten
tion to the lesser details of nrunHnA
says the Montana Stockman. Three
things are essential: A most careful
selection of the soil, with a thorough
soil preparation and fertilizing: the
use of the best . seed that 'can be pur
chased; and, lastly, careful and intelli
gent handling and manipulation of the
crop from the time the flax is tin 1 led
until the straw is ready for the opera-
won oi cleaning or soutchmg. Only
the first two considerations interest the
farmer, the third consideration he! on a.
ing properly to the manufacturing side
oi me industry, although some foreign
flax farmers do pull and ret their crops.
The Belgian farmer selects a deep and
well cultivated soil that is not too
heavy, experience proving that in a
ary, calcareous soil the stalk remains
short, while in a heavy clavev soil it
gives greater length, though at the ex
pense of finer fibre. In Ireland, any
clean land in good state of fertility
that will produce a good crop of wheat,
oats or barley is considered suitable for
flax. On heavy soils the Dutch Nnnrl in
thought to give the best results, while
Riga seed is sown upon the lieht or
medium soils. Recent experiments in
our own country have demonstrated
that the heavier soils, when well
drained and of proper fertility, are
preferable to lighter soils, known ah
sand loams. . But more depends noon
soil selection, where reasonalbe care
has been exercised. Among the favor
able soils mentioned in the rnnnrt of
the agricultural department experi
ments are dark, rich, loamy olay,"
"heavy olay loam, well drained," and
" soils varinar from sandv loam tn the
heavier alluvial of the timber lands."
In general terms, a moist, deep, stronir
loam upon upland will give the best
results. I
'... Will Flax Pay.
Will flax-raising pay? The Montana
Stockman says: "Well, we should
say so. A yield of from two to four
tons of flax straw and from fifteen to
twenty-five bushels of flax seed oan be
raised to the aore. Hackled flax sells :
in Boston at from $370 to $800 per ton.
Scutcher flax fetches from $180 to $500
per ton and the seed sells in Chicago at
yo cents per bushel. Dr. Thornton
says that a neoessary plant to haokle
flax could be put in for $11,500 And
expense account of $28,000 for the first
year, a total of $40,000, the net profit
on whioh would be $81,250. This is
important to Teton oounty, if true, be
cause the farmers oan raise flax to beat
the world. It grows wild there.
A Remunerative Crop,
The Whatcom board of trade says:
"We have demonstrated to the satis
faction of the linen manufacturers of
the country that flax fibre of the finest
quality oan be grown on Puget sound
and we feel certain that flax will be
the leading and safest crop of our
farmers and the most remunerative.
"In Whatcom oounty eaoh acre
yields four tons of flax straw, whioh
makes one and one-third tons of
scutched fibre. For this fibre, properly
prepared, there is always a ready mar
ket at prices ranging from $140 to $800
per ton, aooording to quality the bet
ter the quality the greater the demand.
Besides fibre, each acre produces
fifteen bushels of seed, worth from $2
to $3 per bushel.
"The cultivation of flax and prepara
tion of the fibre requires the greatest
care and skill, and we advise farmers
without experience to sow flax in small ;
quantities the first year, and to grow
none at all except - for seed, unless ar
rangements are made to properly ret
and scutch the fibre. For seed part of
the flax should stand still fully ma
tured. ' -
"We reoommend the building of co
operative Soutch and oil mills. A
scutch mill will cost from $800 to
$500; an oil mill . is a trifle more ex
pensive. '
"Further information oan be ob
tained from the seoretary of the board
of trade, with whom all persons desir
ing to grow flax next season should
immediately correspond in regard to
seed. . :-, .
"Farmers' bulletin, No. 27, relating
to flax culture, can be obtained free
from the United States agricultural
In ordering trees for plantinir.
the two-year-old apple, pear and plum
trees instead of three anrl fonr-T-nor-olH
trees, as they almost invariably have
more nne, norous roots in proportion
than do the older trees. The most
extensive planters prefer to plant
young trees. ,
There is dancer that the
price for ootton will tempt planters next
year to abandon, to a considerable ex
tent, the safe plan of raising abundant
home supplies.