The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 27, 1895, Image 3

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3(ood . ver . Slaci er .
The mall arrive from Mt. Hood at 10 o'
clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de
parts e same days at noon.
For Chenoweth, leaves at 8 A. M.t arrives at
6 P. M. Saturdays.
For White Salmon leaves dally at 1 P. M.;
arrives at 6 o'clock P. M.
From White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil
mer, Trout Lake and Glenwood Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
Canby Post. No. 18. G. A. E. meets at Odd
Fellow s Hall, first Saturday of each month!
at z o'oiock p. m. Ail li. a. a. memoers in
vited to attend.
C. J. Hayes, Commander.
A. S. Blowers. Adjutant.
Waucoma Lodge, No. 80, K. of P., meets In
their Castle Hall on every Tuesday night.
J. A. Soesbk, C. C.
Geo. T. Pratheb, K. of R. dk S.
Riverside Lodge, No. 08, A O. U. W.. meets
first and third Saturdays of each month.
W. J. SMITH, M. W.
J. F. Watt, Financier.
H. L. Howe, Recoider. .
Holiday goods at th e Racket store.
The famous leather suspenders at the
Racket store.
F. I. Hubbard, photographer, Hood
River, Oregon, :
M. H. Nickelsen Is selling hisCbrist
. mats goods below price.
Lou Morse is authorized agent for all
newspapers and periodicals.
Andy Rand moved his family from
the mills to Haynes spur last week. '
Just received at the Racket store,
another full line of gent's underwear.
David Gibhons and Wm. Isenberg
have returned from their trip to San
Francisco. ' .
Mrs. M. A. Cook has been sick with
la grippe for the pust month and is now
bedfast. .. .
Remember, the Racket store is orig
inator of popular prices. We lead,
others follow.
Saturday and Monday of each week
will tie our crindin? days throughout
the fall and winter. Harbison Bros. ,.
Tom Pierce of Drano, Wash., was in
town last Friday. Tom is now captain
of the Oregon Lumber. (Jo.'s steam tug.
Miss Sadie Orser of Chenowith came
lip Tuesday and visited friends in the
valley miring I unstinas, returning
home Thursday.
The Frankton school is taking a re
cess this week, and will begin again
January 2d. The Hood River school
will take their recess next week.
Col. Sinnott has abandoned the
scheme of raisin t a brigade to fight the
British and will enlist but one regi
ment. He thinks one regiment
is enough, of the kind of material offer
ing their services to him. : ,.
Notice our fancy new graham sacks.
We will use these henceforth and they
will always be filled with the choicest
product. Examine the brand and see
that you eet our "Whole Wheat Gra
ham."": Beware of Inferior stuff.
' Harbison Bros.
At the Valley church, Christmaseve,
there was a full house and a very en
joyable time was had. The Crapper
district united witli the people of the
Valley church. Two hundred and six
bugs of candy were given out, and then
it was found that there was noteuough
to go round. y
William Lnngille and William Gra
ham have been working fur the past
five weeks on a new house for Mal
colm Moody, at the bridge over the
Deschutes. Mr. Graham came home
to spend Christmas, while Mr. Lan
jjille took his Christmas dinner, with
Mr. Mrtody at The Dalles.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Locke entertained
a number of friends aud their families
on Christmas. At 2 o'clock the guests
were serve 1 to an excellent dinner, uf-
ter which Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus,
wlfo were impersonated by Tom Cal
kins and Miss Margaret Locke, appear
ed and distributed the presents trom a
Christmas tree laden wift gifts for all
present. , :
The wife of Mr. D. Robinson, a prom
inent lumberman of Hartwick, N. Y.,
was sick with rheumatism for five
months. In speaking of it Mr. Robin
son says:' "Chamberlain's Pain Balm
is the only thing that gave her any
rest from pain. For the relief of pain
it cannot be beat.'1 Many very bad
cases have been cured by it. B'or sale
at 50 cents per bottle by Williams &
.Brosius, druggists. .
Persons who are buying second-class
fruit trees from abroad can get the
same kinds of trees of Tillett for less
money. He has 2,000 second class
trees.'two to three feet high, well root
ed YHkima, Spitzenburg, Ben Davis,
Gano, King, Red Russian, Delaware
Red and Jonathan which ne will sell
for $25 per thousand. Or, if you wish
first class trees at regular rates, he can
accommodate you.
The following letter from F. . P.
Watrenner.of Vancouver to Mr. Amos
Underwood was considered a good
enough Christmas gift by the recipient:
"Vancouver, Dec. 23, 1805. Dear Sir:
Your land is O. K. Cook's motion for
review was denied by the secretary.
Th case is now closed and the apple
tree is yours; also the subterranean
cavern 60 feet across and 8tt feet deep,
which Mr.. Cook told me he found on
the place. Merry Christmas."
A passenger who had imbibed too
much holiday whisky was aboard the
local triln leaving The Dalles Christ
mas daj. When the conductor called
"on him for his fare he refused to nut up
the fullVmount and was dropper! off at
Rowenal He started after the train
afoot, bi$ his jng was so great that it is
not likely he got very far towards his
destination, which was Viento. He
had a we! filled bottle with him, and
did not stem to care whether school
kept or not so long as the bottle didu'l
go back or him.
When mst needed it is not unusual
for your failily physician to be away
from bome.j tsucti was the experience
of Mr. J. Yl Schenck, editor of "the
Caddo, IndJ Ter., Banner, when his
'little girl, two years of age, was threat
ened with alsevere attack of croup.
He says: "Wy wife , insisted that I
Miould go fo the doctor, but as our
Vmily phsidan was out of town Ipur
ased a Ixhle of Chamberlain's
7Ugn itemeiy, wnicn relieved ner
mediately. I will not be without it
""ure. For sale at 50 cents per
. J 1 " . .
Ck hW VViUiUmu I'lvitio ilfilirtnttt I
tv sj ii tint? vv -- i voiutii v op f
The local passenger train on Christ
mas day, iu rounding a point of rocks
two aud one-half miles east of
Mosier, ran into a pile of rocks
that had rolled trom the bluff upon the
track. The teuder was derailed and
brake beams knocked off the baggage
car. The train was detained one hour
and a quarter while removing the rock
and getting the trucks of the tender
onto the track. It looked like a serious
matter for a while, and the half-dozen
passengers thought they' were doomed
to stay there the rest of the day. But
the train men were equal to the emer
gancy and soon had the traiu spinning
along toward The Dalles.
On the 10th of October last, Mrs. I
Alma Howe met with an accident by a
stick of cordwood falling : upon her
ankle. She thought at the time that
it was only a bruise and kept on about
her work, but in( a few days she was
unable to walk and has been confined
to her house ever since, not being able
to bear her weight on the injured
ankle. Physicians here say . they can
do nothing for her and advise her to go
to Portland for treatment. She ex
pects to go to Portland aoout the 1st
of January. , ,
' The lecture course committee regrets
having to announce that the Stanford
University Mandolin -club will not
come north this season, therefore we
must be disappointed with other places,
in the northwest. We have just
learned that the club has decided to go
south, the objective point being At
lanta. The committee is makinsr every
effort to supply the place and hopes to
be able in the near future to announce
the date. . . " '
Christmas was observed as usual at
the Belmont M. E. church on Christ
mas eve. A short programme, consist
ing of recitations and music by the
Belmont choir, was carried out, after
wiiicn the candies and presents were
distributed. The church was taste
fully decorated with evergreens, while
on the wall were the woids, in cedar
bougbs,"Peaee ou Earth, Good Will to
Men." , v-'-vv "" -; '
Before throwing aside, this paper,
gentle reader, and declaring there's
nothing in it, Us usual, cast your eyes
over into the next column and read the
price list in B. R. Tucker's big ad.
Then, when you have bought a bill of
goods at his prices you will have money
left aud gladly cull and pay up your
subscription for the GlacxIsk. ..';".
Mr. C. P.! Heald aiirt family left
Hood River last Friday night on the
traiu for their future home at Peoria,'
Illinois. They expected to reach their
destination on the evening before
Christmas. , - - ;.
Any one who wishes to ascertain the
manner in which theThanksgivingcot
lection, lifted tor the. afflicted, was dis
tributed, can do so by calling at the
store of A., S. Blowers & Co.
Owing to the storm, Hubbard, pho
tographer, will continue; his offer till
New Yeyrs. Cabinets $2. cards $1 per
doz. After New Years, cabinets will
be $2.50, cards $1.50 per doz.
Little GUdys Maikley is still at Mrs.
Howe's, recovering slowly from her
late spell of typhoid fever.
Rolled wheat, the best of horse feed,;
can now be had at the box factory.
IjOok out tor trie Maccabees ball an
nounceuient next week. '
- Candies, peanuts
Racket store. -
and gum at the
. ' One doz. cabinets and life size crayon,
$5. ' F. I. Hubbard.
Gent's slippers at the Racket store.
! ': At the Methodists' Barracks.
In addition to th&r services, hereto
fore announced, on Christmas eve the
Methodist Sunday school took advan
tage of the holiday season to have a
picnic dinner at the barracks on Christ
mas. . Two long tables, loaded with
tempting viands, were surrounded by
the happy children, before whose on
slaught the piles of eatables soon grew
small ' One of the amusing features of
the occasion was a group of four In
dians who seemed to have smelled the
savory articles from afar. They were
provided with a table by themselves,
and the way they stored away the pro
visions was a wonder to the children.
Again and again were the good things
heaped upon their plates, only to quick
ly dissappear down their capacious
throats. Finally, even they were satis
fied and left taking with tliinii an invi
tation to come again next year. Near
ly dark, the company broke up, all
feeling that they. had indeed had a
Merry Christmas.
Written for the Glaciek.
To Mr. J. Bull.
Grover, keep your foot tight down, '
Just let the lion froth;
He thinks to make us, by a frown,
Declare Monroe was off. ,v ... l,s-'
He won't by gosh! Just let him roar;
Our daddies met him twice before, -.. ' ', , .
And now we've sixty millions more
Oh, "Some one head us off!" '
Perhaps he thinks that party lines
Will cut a figure some.' 1 '. .
No; they are used in peaceful times,
In family lights alone.
Say, Johnny Bull, lend me an ear
I have a tale that you should hear.
You won't? Confound your dirty ear!
Then, "Johnny, get your gun!"
My tale when told might surprise.,. . .. ,
A few e'en here at home, v 4 J-'
If Bull depends on broken ties, . . i -
He'll And our nation one. .-!' ; i ,;'
We pray for peace, but if we array.
We'll have one cause, one flag display, ;
The "Star Spangled Banner" our bands will
play . - ' , '
And "Johnny comes marching home."'
Grover, if you should call today,
To arms! on land and water, ' ;
No Jealousies could hold their sway, ';
Trey'd meet with instant slaughter. .
Each patriot's star would then shine forth,
Aud while we never want the earth, ., :
Our boundary lines might move up north ;
, If "We light for Grover's daughters."
' .' "'"; v - - ' '.. Imp. '
Lessons in Music.
Mrs. Billings, teacher of Piano Music and
Harmony, can be seen at Mrs. M. Sue Adams'
residence, Paradise Farm.
Winter Prices for Milk.
From and after Jan. 1, 1890. the price of
milk will be 7 cents per quart;-15 quart milk
tickets for 81.
nui uckckj ai uie raw oi iu
cento per quart.
Estray -Notice.
Taken up, Dec. 23, 1815, a small, mouse-colored
mule, shod in front. Mo brands. Owner
win vuine uuu puy ujmijtn iiuu mm
r07T W TT l)TTTrrrV
" ,lw J J A vy-.
The print is too fine most of it is,
nowadays. Don't injure your eyes at
tempting to read it. We can make it
so much easier for you with a pair of
spectacles or eye glasses. We have no
poor glasses; our cheap ones are good
glasses in cheap frames. There are too
many of other kinds ou the market
made to look at, not through. We
test every pair before we let you take
them away, and if they dou't suit after
trying them a short time, we take
them back, of course. '
Williams & Brosius,
Druggists. .
. . ' . Boru.
In Hood River, Christmas morning,
1895, to Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Button, a
son. , .
Married. .
' In Hood River, December 24, 1895,
"at the residence of Rev. J. L. Hersh-
ner, who performed the ceremony
that made them one. Axtel N. Rahai
and Miss Henrietta Rand. '
The bride is the worthy daughter of
one of the best known families iu
Hood River Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Rnd, while the bridegroom is one of
,Hood River valley's most enterprising
and worthy citizens. A large circle of
friends unite in wishing the happy
pair long life,happiness and prosperity.
Mr. and Mrs. Rahm are at borne in
their neat and newly furnished house,
one mile south of Hood River.
. Mr.' Lyman Smith came up from
Astoria iast Sunday and speut the
week in Hood River.
Major C. T. Pictou is manager of the
State hotel, Denison, Texas, which the
traveling men say is one of the . best
hotels in that section.. In speaking of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy, Major Picton says: "I
have used it myself and in my family
for several years, and take pleasure in
taying that I co-isider it an infallible
cure for diarrhoea and dysentery. 1
always recommend it to my guests in
the hotel, and in every case it has
proved itself worthy of unqualified en
dorsement." : For sale by Williams . &
Brosius, druggists.
;, 1 M ; Church Notices.
at the Congregational
church on Sunday at 11
a. in. and 7
p. m. Subject at evening . service,
'ITnur' rll Xvt Tlxnu'?" Kim,iu anhmil
How Old Art Thou?"
at 10 a. m. and Junior society at 3 p.m
M. E. services in Hood River every
Sabbath evening, and' in the mornings
of the first and third Sabbaths of each
month; at Mosier on the mornings of
the second and fourth,
J. M. Denison, Pastor.
' Belmont Circuit Appointments.
First Sunday of each month at Mount
Hood: second Sunday, Belmont at 11,
Crapper school house at 3, and Pine
Grove at 7; third Sunday, Pins Grove
at 11 and Belmont at 7; fourth Sunday,
Belmont at 11 and Pine Grove at 7.
Jb L. Johns, Pastor.
U. B. church Sunday, Dec. 29th
Sunday school at 10 a. m.; preaching
utlla. m.; Junior Endeavor at 3 p.m.;
preaching at 7:30.
' F. C. Keausb, Pastor.
' There will be Sunday school at the
M. E. tabernacle at 10 o'clock, the
usual hour. . A welcome to all. Supt.
Tla-e : :E?lsi,ce for Bsuxgraln-sl
Our store has Just received a fine line of Boots and Shoes and other goods which wo are
ottering at prices that will suit you, every time. Our Pelt Boots are the best article for solid
comfort ever brought to iiood River. Read the price list of some of our goods, as follows: -
Felt Boots, for solid comfort, - - $2.50
Men's Solid Leather Boots, large sizes, - 1.50
Ladies' Dress Shoes, - - - - 1.00
Ladies' Patent Leather Tip, - - 1.60
Ladies' Solid Leather, heavy, - . 175
Old Ladies' Comfort, - - - 2.00
Men's Shoes, rivet, the best, 2.75
Men's Congress, - - . - - - 1.75
Little Red School House Shoes, from $1.25 to 1.75
AN Other Goods in Proportion.
We are agents for America's Largest Woolen Mills, and have 100 different styles of gent's
and ladles' samples of cloth to choose from. We will take your measure for tailor-made
suits from cloth direct from the mills. Fit and satisfaction guaranteed for less money than
you ever heard of. Try us. ,
B. R. TUCKER, Tucker, Oregon.
Choice Fresli Meats,
: Hams, Bacon, Lard,
And All Kinds of Game.
HOOD RIVER, - - - - . - . OREGON.
Hns again made his headquarters with M. H.
NIOKLlsEN. He has the .. .
Ever brought to Hood River. To be sold at
Free Trade Prices.
Instantly relieved and permanently
Without knife or operation.
lit AW
Cure effected in from three to six weeks.
Write for terms. .
Offices: Rooms 708-707 Marquam Building,
oct25 -
Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established
House inhe valley.
Dry Goods, Clothing,
General Merchandise,
Flour and Feed. Etc..
WM. TILLETT, Proprietor.
Grower and dealer In choce Nursrv Ht,ork.
He has the only stock of the
Yakima Apple,
The best of red apples, and as long a keeper as
the Yellow Newtown.
I have about 20,000 apple trees of the best va
rieties growing in my nursery. All standard
varieties are grafted from the best stock in
jiuou iuver. joia.
For Sale at Belmont.
The Ketehum nlace. bv K. C Roa-ern. Ali
E. C. Rogers" place, cheap for cash, or one-
nuii uown una Daiance on easy terms, dla
Wagon for Sale.
A good second-hand wagon for sale or trade.
Apply to E. D. CALKINS,
nlo Hood Kiver.Or.
Harness Repairing.
t will be ready for repairing and oiling har
ness after January 1st. Farm products will
be taken in ti;ade. E. D. CALKINS.
Here's Your Chance !
The best improved 74-acre Farm in Clarke
county, Wash., only 16 miles from Portland,
3 miles from Boat Landing, to lrade for im
proved land In Hood River valley; an apple
ranch preferred. For further particulars ad
dress the undersigned, or call at the Glacier
office. L. MINTENER.
d20 Pioneer, Wash.
. 0
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Country Produce Bought and Sold,
i Afirhirv rno
id? ;v
tBD mark cacymcsTtr
T. 0. DALLAS, '
. Kitchen Furniture,
Pruning Tools, Etc.
Repairing Tinware a Specialty.
Ml Ml for Sals Clip.
Situated 4 miles west of the town nf Tfrvnrl
River, on the Columbia. Free from late frosts.
Full crop of all kinds of fruit now on ranch.
Fine Irrigating facilities and water for that
purpose belonging to place. Call at Olacier
Qfflce or at ranch. , F. B. ABSTEN.
(Special attention given to Land Office prac-
Rooms 44-45 Chapman Block,
. Notary Public,
DR. B. T. CARNS is now located in Hood
River. First-class work at reasonable rates.
All work guaranteed. Office in the Langille
House.. jylH
, All work given him will be done cor
rectly and promptly. He has a few
good'claims upon which he can locate
parties; Doth farming and timber lands.
February, 1894.
. r Hood River, Oregon.
GLEE CLUB, - Dec. 27
Single Tickets. 35 cts.; for the
Course, $1.50.
Forty acres unimproved land, on the east
side of Hood river, 5 miles from town. Price
810 per acre. Inquire at Glacier office. ;
Q. T. Prathkr,
Notary Public.
H. C. Coe.
Real Mis ani tana
93 Oak St., bet. 2d and 3d.
town of Hood River: also, fruit, hay and Derry
farms ana timber claims In the most desira
ble locations In the valley. If you have any
thing In the real estate line to sell or rent, or
li you wani ro ouy, give us a can.
Weeds, bonds and mortgages promptly and
correctly executed.
we win also attend to legal Dusiness in jus
tices' courts.
We are also agents for SOUTH WAUCOMA
House and corner lot In Hood River for sale
cheap. Inquire at the Bakery. set!
Bargains in Land.
200 acres of unimproved land for sale. on the
East Bide. 6 miles from town. 87 to 10 an acre.
Other land, about half cleared, $20 an acre.
Well Improved land, 30 an acre. Plenty of
water for irrigation. Will sell in 20'or 40-cre
tracts. Inquire at Glacier offlee. 1o22
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
hfi.K hen rlulv fmnni nteri hv the hnnnrnhle
county court of Wasco county, Oregon, ad
ministrator of the estate of Martha Purser, de
ceased. All persons having claims against
said estai aiit nouneu to present tne aJne w
me in Hood River, Wasco county, Oregon,
within six months of the date oi this notice.
Dated November 11, l.S'Ju.
Administrator of the Estate ot Martha Purser,
deceased. nlodW
, ..:..' THE
Ifinrl 0
Navigation Co.
Through Freight and
Passenger Line.
All Freight Will Come Thrbuffh
Without Delay.
One way $1 50
Round trip.............; 2 50
Freight' Rates Greatly
General Agent.
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
To tlie East,
Gives tho choice of
Norffiern By. Pacific Ey.
Minneapolis OMAHA
' AND .. . AND
ST. PAUL. Kansas City.
Low Rates to All East
ern Cities.
Leave Portland every five days for
For mil details civil on O. R. & Jf. Agent,
Hood River, or add ref ,
Gcn'l Pas-. Agent,
Portland, Or.
xoriniormationana rreo HanutxmK write to
MUNN & CO., 8(11 Broadway, New Youtt.
Oldest bureau for sccurln patents in America.
Every patent taken out by us Is broutrht boforo
the publlo by a notice given free ot euure la tus
gtimtiiit mnimn
Largest circulation of any solentiflc powr In tho
world. Splendidly Illustrated. Nb liitclllirci'.t
man should be without it. WeeUlv,
year; $1.50 six months. Addresn, MUNN & CO
Pubusbkbs, 361 Broadway, Now York City.
The modern stand
ard Family . Medi
cine: Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity..
Chamberlain'sEyo and Sliin Ointment
Is uncqtiiillcil for liczema, 'J'elter, fciilt
Rlieuni, Heald Jleatl, Sore !Niiiles, Chaiu'eJ
Hands, Itching l'iles, Hums, Frost Biles,
ClironicSoro ICyes ami Granuliilml JCve Jids.
For sale by druggists at 25 cents ier box.
For pullins a horse in a fine lieiiltliy con
dition try Dr. Cadv'u Condition l'owders.
They tone tin the system, aid difrestion, cure
loss of appetite, relieve constipiilidi, correct
kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving
new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 .
cents jer package. For sale by druggists.
For stile by Wyiiains & KioKiu.s.
rtlfio American
OP J.Ffyl