Highest of all in Leavening Power. -Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE PESSrMISTIC LABOUCHERE. Ha Thlnki the Principle of PerverltJ Govern All Departments of lUfe. It baa been observed from time im memorial that a curious perversity of olimate so we have been accustomed to consider it generally provides one sort of weather to match a precisely op posite sort of clothing. Thus a walking stick will generally attract rain and an umbrella will produce sunshine. Indeed the principle of perversity governs every department of life. Should sunshine be necessary it will be wet. Documents of no importance are never mislaid. We invariably meet the people whom we are anxious to avoid and miss those we especially wish to meet. A woman generally loses her heart to the wrong man ; a man gener illy marries the wrong woman. Every ne will be able to add to these exam pies almost indefinitely from personal experience. There are no aocidents whatever in life. Modern science has established that every incident is governed by an in' variable law. Careful observation and the study of statistics prove beyond the possibility of doubt that clothes do very materially influence weather, a discov' ery which should be invaluable not only to. the farmer, but to every member of the community. Recent science, moreover, has erro neously adopted the theory of the surviv al of the fittest. The primal law which governs every circumstance of life is the survival of the unfittest. For in stance, if a man is to inherit a fortune from a relative, the latter will survive to extreme old age. In literature and in .art the man of talent fails, the charlatan attains fame. In finance and in com merce the swindler makes a fortune and becomes fashionable, the honest man is driven into bankruptcy. An enemy is sure to flourish. - The pattern Sunday school boy is cut off in his youth ; the truant grows to manhood, marries hap pily and dies respected and regretted by all. The worthy youth never marries the woman he loves ; she marries his utterly worthless rival. London Truth. IMPRESSIVE GLITTER. The Metalllo Splendor of the Diplomatic Corps on New Tear's Morning;. Washington 's most picturesque f ea ture, the diplomatic corps, never gets in to action until the reception at the White House on New Year's day, al though the individual members will be seen out in society for a month or more before the recognized social season. At the New Year's reception, however, the diplomats come out strong, and the pro cession of the members of the foreign legations and embassies from the White Houso to the home or hotel of the secre tary of. state, where the diplomatio breakfast is served, is one of the gala sights of the year. Many of the popula tion of Washington stay up all night in arder to get a place on the White House fence where they may see the procession pass as soon as it has been received and properly attended to by the president. After this reception the entire organi sation lines up and puts out on foot for the home of the secretary of state. As they pass from the White House grounds in their glittering raiment they are the showiest things in Washington and worth coming miles to see. The lowli est attache in the crowd will give cards and spades to the most showily dressed drum major in the country and will win out with ease. They have gold lace and bullion strung all over them, while the aigrets, plumes, epaulets, cords, tassels and ribbons of any one legation would stock a millinery store. Snch is the ef fect of this aggregation of beauty and valor on the great American crowd gathered without the gates that every man in it utters at some time while the procession is passing, with contemptu ous emphasis, the remark which occurs oftenest in the narrative of the adven tures of Chimmie Padden. Indianapo lis Journal. Running the Gantlope. The following extraota give further Information concerning this punish ment : "In running the gantlope, the regi ment was formed six deep, and the ranks opened and faced inward. Each man be ing furnished with a switch, the offend er, naked to the waist, was led through the ranks, preceded by a sergeant, the point of whose reversed halbert was pre sented to his breast to prevent his run ning too fast. As be thus passed through the ranks every soldier gave him a stroke." Grose's "Military Antiqui ties," Volume 3, Page 108. . But the oldest notice I have seen is given in "Monro: His Expedition with the Worthy Scots Regiment (called Mackoyes Regiment), levied in August, 1628, etc London: Printed by William Jones in Red-Crosse-Streete, 1637:" "Other slight punishments we en-, joyne for slight faults, put in execution by their camarades ; as the loupegarthe (running the gantlet; Swedish gantu lopp, to run through a hedge made by soldiers), when a souldier is stripped naked above the waste, and is made to runne a furlong betwixt 200 soul diers, ranged alike opposite to others, leaving a space in the midst for the souldier to runne through, where his camarades whip him with small rods ordained and cut for the purpose by the Gavilliger . (provost marshal), and all to keepe good order and discipline. " Notes and Queries. TWO LIFELONG LOVERS. A Sentence Overheard In the Street A . ewers the Old Conundrum. Tired by a long day's work and feel ing a bit "blue" over some matters which had gone counter to my hopes, I was walking down Broadway one night last week, on my way home. It was after 10 o'clock and the down town streets were almost deserted. As I turned through Sixteenth street I noticed an old lady and an older gen tleman walking slowly, arm in arm, evidently husband and wife. He was apparently about 70, she perhaps five years younger. They seemed vory fond of each other. There was just the least little inclina tion of the head of each toward the oth er, and they were strolling along so slowly as to suggest the thought that thoir pace was regulated not so much by the infirmities of age as by the desire and pleasure of being alone together. They were talking earnestly. It had rained earlier in the evening and the sidewalks were still wet, so that I had put on my rubbers before leaving the office. Consequently my ap proach was noiseless. Just as I overtook and passed the old people the man turn ed to his wife aud said, as 1 in answer to some remark she had made, "But, my dear, I like to think God sent you to me." From a lover to his sweetheart or from a young husband to a young wife the words might have sounded senti mental, and would certainly have seem ed commonplace, but from a husband of three score and ten to a wife of 65 they had a weight and dignity which made them sweet to hear and wholesome to recall. . . - Here was the whole story of two lives told in a sentence. Here was the answer to the old question about marriage. For them it was surely a divine success. Here at least was proof that the writers of fairy tales and of old time novels spoke truly when they said that "they were married and lived happy ever aft er." New York Herald. KOREAN CURIOSITIES. All the Tools Made by Hand and Native ,, Iron Used. , Frank G. Carpenter, writing about the peculiarities of Korea, says among other things: "One of our ponies had to be shod, and another time we put shoes on the bull which carried' the baggage. The pony was first thrown to the ground, and his four legs were tied together so that he couldn t possibly kick. "Then the blacksmith pounded hoop iron shoes on his feet with a rude iron hammer. It was the same with the bull, though one man had to sit on his head while he was being shod. The iron seemed to be very good, and it comes from the mines in the northern part of the country. The tools of the country are made of it, and the farming tools are very ingenious, the three and four pronged hoes being quite as good as anything we have in America. They were making tools in this blacksmith s shop, and all the tools and plows are made by hand. "The blacksmith had a rude bellows, which was worked by a boy who stood on a seesaw and by moving up and down pumped the fire into a blaze. In other places I saw bellows which boys Worked by pulling a stick in and out like that of a squirtgun: and everything is rude in the extreme. "Sometimes horses are shod by being strapped up to poles, so that only two of their feet can rest on the ground, and the band ' which goes around the belly holds the horse up while he is shod." Roxbury Gazette. A Lake of Boiling Lava. Mauna Loa, the gigantio Hawaiian voloano, has two craters or openings, one of which, Eilauea, is the largest active volcanio crater in the world. The mountain is 14,100 feet high, and Ki lauea is situated on the eastern side, about 4,000 feet above the level of the sea. This marvelous crater is really a vast lake of boiling lava which rises and falls continually by the action of sub terranean fires. In tossing to and fro like a troubled sea of molten metal the lava is dashed against the cliffs and hardens there in the form of long, glassy filaments, .gigantio knobs, miniature trees, and in imitation of grass, leaves, etc . - Another form of glassy filament to be found along the shores of this fiery lake is m the shape of queer bunches and tufts of lava made up of an aggre gation of vitreous threads which the na tives call "Pele's hair," Pele being the goddess to whom the mountain is dedi cated. These glassy threads appear to be caused by the passage of -steam through the molten lava. In so doing small particles in the shape of bubble like balloons are thrown into the air, leaving a tail behind like a comet. When the scene of these miniature steam eruptions is near a rock or the shore all solid and oool surfaces are found cover ed with bunches of "Pele's hair. " This hair" was formerly used in mystio native ceremonies, and of late years has been gathered in large quantities by curiosity seekers. St. Louis Repub- Ko. t ' . .zplaineou 'Pa, what is a trip hammer?" 'It's the hammer, my son, that your ma leaves cm the carpet when she hangs np a picture. "Detroit Free Press. THE FASHION PLATE. The dahlia, mulberry and reddish plum shades in velvet and oloth ace much used for elegant fur trimmed cos tumes. ; Changeable velvets in exquisite color mixtures are employed by high class modistes and tailors in the making of Louis XVI theater and opera capes and coats. ' Jacqueminot or poppy red velours in ribbed patterns, edged with cut jet gimp, are used for decorating the bodices of handsome black costumes for , the winter. " Changeable effects in silks, satins, silk and wool mixtures, and in fancy velvets are still the very correct fashion, notwithstanding their long limit of fa voritism. 1 Black crepons with brilliantly colored figures on the wavy background are used for elegant dinner and visiting gowns, and these,. 40 inches wide, cost from $2 to $7 a yard. : Very handsome costumes are made of moss green corduroy trimmed on the coat front with rich iridescent passe menteries and elsewhere decorated with narrow bands of dark mink fur. Fancy belts of fine gold plate not more than two inches wide and fastened with handsome gold clasps are worn with some elegant dinner and reception dresses just brought from Paris. Very bright colors appear upon the fronts of gowns worn even upon the promenade. Brilliant cherry, orange, yellow, green and other striking colors are used in velvet for stock collar and Test or plastron front. The jacket with stitched bands limn lating box plaits, belted in the back and having open fronts over a fancy vest, re tains favor for youthful wearers, both here and abroad. This model has full sleeves and two cape collars edged with narrow fur. New York Post. STAGE GLINTS. Lilla Linden has made a hit as the Mexican girl in the opera " Yetiva. " Henrietta Crosinan has assumed the leading role in "Burma" at the Bos ton theater. , . Augustin Daly has secured Victor Ko ning's dramatization of "L'Abbe Con stantin" for Ada Rehan's use. Court en ay Thorpe is to become a member of the Girard Avenue theater (Philadelphia) stock company. Caroline Hamilton, the original Maid Marian in "Robin Hood," will soon sail for Europe, her intention being to rtudy in Paris. A number of theater managers will meet in Hartford shortly to form "an association for mutual protection against barnstormers. Next season Willard Lee of the "Bon nie Scotland" company, will star in a play written by Herbert Hall Winslovf and W. R. Wilson entitled "The Ever glades. " Gilmore and Leonard, who are known as "Ireland's Kings, "will leave vaude ville shortly and begin a starring tour in a new comedy, the title of which is "Hogau's Alley. ; . Louis Martinetti, : now successfully appearing in "A Baggage Check," will probably originate the leading comedy part in Charles A. Blaney's new play, "A Boy Wanted." John Oliver Hobbes (Mrs. Craigie) will arrive in New York in time to see the production of her play, "Journey's End In Lovers' Meeting, " with Ellen Terry in the principal role. TURF TOPICS. Hal C, 2 :25, is by Hal Dillard, 3 -.04. Budd Doble will spend the winter in Europe. Five of the new 2:10 performers are to be credited to Oregon. Afrite won 14 races and was twice second out of 17 starts. Sirock, 2 :14, has won every race he has started in this season. Directum will make the coming sea son 'in the stud in Kentuoky. Driver Ed Geers has won 65 of the races in which he has driven this year. Myron E. McHenry, the noted driver, has about decided, it is reported, to re tire from the turf. The gray gelding John R. Baldwin, 2 :25U, by the Long Island sire Fallis, recently trutted six winning races in ft days. A.. E. Alvord of Syracuse has pur chased the colt Hod P, a full brother to Mascot, 2 ;04. The colt is said to be very fast. Before being retired for the season Earlmont, 2 :09, showed a half in less than a minute. Strathberry secured 15 track records this season and was a drawing card at western fanrs. r John R. Gentry's last race at Reids ville, N. C, with Joe Patchen gives him the championship among the pac ing stallions by reason of his actual con quests. Turf, Field and Farm. President Hayes and the Farmer. President Hayes had for one of his Ohio neighbors a testy old fellow who kept a small truck farm.' During Mr. Hayes' four years in the White House, on one of his visits home, he passed this eld man's farm and found him planting potatoes. The president, being some what of a farmer himself, notieed some eccentricity in his neighbor's style of planting, and after a little chat called attention to it. The old man defended his method, and finally Mr. Hayes said as he started along, "Well, I don't think you will get the best kind of a crop if you plant in that manner." The farmer rested his elbows on the ifcnce. "They ain't neither one of us above havin fault found with us," he said, "but if you jest go on presi dentin the United States your way and I go on plantin pertaters my way I guess we won't be no wnss off in the end." San Francisco CJtronicle. Oxford Press. The University Press, at Oxford, ifl not only one of the most remarkable printing establishments in the world, but also one of the oldest. It makes its own type and its own ink, burns its own charcoal for making the ink, makes its own paper, and so on. The famous Ox ford India paper is a marvel of compres sion and strength, and the secret of its manufacture is known only to three per sons. From no printing press in the world ae so many 1,000,000 of each Bibles and prayer books issued annu ally, and types are set up in 819 foreign languages and dialects. Boston Trav eller. .' ' . NO NOT ONE. There is not a human being physically perfect. Much of this imperfection comes from heritage, much more from accident, neglect or ignorance. All of this mass of mortal Buffering is manifest in aches aud pains of more or less intensity, or in some kind of unnatural d'Btrees. Hence all strive for relief.piThe simplest and surest is of course the best, and true economy de mands to have it always at hand. When we know that an ordinary sprain may make a cripple for life, we should seek the best remedy at once, and at once we know that it is found in a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil. Those who in any way doubt this can experiment and be sure of cure. Thou sands have done so. It may be love that makes the world Spin round with frightful force, But 'twon't supply the meals that are The stations on the course. riTS. All Fits stopped free by Dr. Kline's Grrat Nerve Restorer. No Fts after the ttral day's nse. Marvelous cures. Treatise and tt.00 trial bottle free to Fit cases. Bend to Br. Kline, 831 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. ' NEW WAT BAST NO DUST. Go East from Portland, Pendleton, Walla1 Walla via O. It. & N. to Spokane and Great, Northern Railway to Montana, Dakotas, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago, Omaha, St.. Louis, East and South. Rock-ballast track; fine scenery; new equipment; Great North ern Palace Sleepers and Diners; Family Tourist Cars; Buffet-Library Cars. Writ A. B. C. Denniston, O. P. & T. A., Portland, Oregon, or F. I. Whitney, G. P. & T. A., St. Paul, Minn., for printed matter and in formation about rates, routes, etc ' INCREASE IOUB INCOKK By earefnl investments by mail through a responsible firm of large experience and great snceess. Will send yon par ticulars free, showing how a small amount of money can be easily multi plied by successful investments in grain. Highest Bank references. Opportunities excellent. Pattlgon St Co., Bankers and Brokers, Boom P., Omaha . Building, Chicago. She What 1 a burlesque? He A lake off. She A take-off of what? He -Of clothes, gen erally. - DISASTROUS FAILURE! We can mention no failure more disastrous than that of physical enemy. It involves the partial suxpension of the digestive and assimi lative processes, and entails the retirement from business of the liver and kidneys. Only through the rood offices of Hostetter's Stonv .ach Bitters can the restoration of its former vigorous status be hoped 'lor. When hub aid has been secured, a resumption of activity in the stomach, liver and -bowels may be relied upon. The Bitters conquers malaria and kid ney troubles. , . Tbt Gbbvsa for Orea-taBt , EVERY FAMILY SHOULD KNOW THAT ft a very remarkable remedy, both tor 17? TBBnl and EXTERN ALuseTand woe Z merful in its quick action to relieve distress. Da if Jfi 11 f f in a sure cure for Bore fT Z V Thront. Con.hs, JJiills, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cramps, Cholera, and att Bouxl Complaints. Pain-Kilter1 THE best rem. Sickness, . Sick Headache, Pnin in the Back or Side, Rheumatism and Neuralgia. Ptin-KiUer gEK MADE. It brines speedy and permanent reiut all cases of Bruises, Cuts, Sprains, Severe Burns, tus. Dain-1fH11 ' tn well tried and J-CtIII-VJiiC; trusted friend of the Mechanic, Farmer, Planter, Sailor, and In fact all classes wanting a medicine always at hand, and tafe to use Internally or externally with certainty of relief. IS RECOMMENDED By Physicians, by Missionaries, by Ministers, fey ' Mecltanies, by Nurses in Hospitals. - BY EVERYBODY. Da ft- tYH1f1 la a Medicine Chrat In MallMmIIllt;i itself, and few vessels leave port without a supply of It. -No family can afford to be without this Invaluable remedy in the bonne. Its price brines It within the reach of all, and It will annually aftve many times its cost lb doctors' bills. Beware of Imitations. Take Bene but tt gtnotns "Fsbby Davis." REDUCED PEICES Breech-Itoading Shotguns Parker hammer gun, twist barrels, pistol grip, lz-gauge, 37.ko, xu-gauge, vw. on. - Parker, hammerless, fine Damascus, pistol (trip stock, checkered and engraved, 12-gauge, 857.00; 10-gauEe, 860.57. , No. 7. fine twist barrels, too snap, pistol erln. patent lore-ena, extension no, m or iz-gauge, W13.00. ' No. 432, fine blued steel barrels, side snap, nistol erln. rubber butt. 10 or 12-gauee. 10 25. No. 47. fine twist barrels, nistol errin. rubber butt, 10 or 12-gauge, 811.25. jno. 167, nne Diuea steei Darreis, top snip, back action rebonndine locks, pistol grip, pat ent tore-end, 10 ana r-j-pravige, No. 686, Belgin fine twist barrels, pistol grip, in onrl 19-cunire. IK11.50. No. 675, fine steel barrels, side, checkered grip, case-hardened locks and mountings, 10 and 12-gauge, 810.50. No. 1786. fine twist barrels, patent fore-end. pistol grip, extension rib, 10 and 12-gauge, No. 67, laminated steel barrels, pistol grip, rubber butt, nicely engraved 10-gauge, 816.25. No. 17, fine twist barrels, bar rebounding locks, top snap, extension rib, pistol grip, rub ber but.l , 10-gauge, 814.00. "Field Gun." extra fine Damascus steel bar rels, bar rebounding locks, extension rib, fine English stock, engraved and checkered pistol grip, rubber butt, a close shooter, 10-gauge, 825.00. H. T. HUDSON ARMS CO. 86 THIRD STREET, Portland, Or. C.M(R WMHf 111 fISF FANS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use m time. oia Dy arntrgists. IT- , 11 Tar w 1,1 DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURES By local applications, as they cannj. reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure Deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining ot the Eustachian Tube. Wnen this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearinsr, and when -it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation caa be take out and this tube restored to its nor mal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are oauBed by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrtr that cannot be cured by Hall s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, tree. P J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. Sold by Druggists, 75o. I use Pif-o' Cure for Consumption both in my family and nractiee. Dr. G. W, Pattkbsoh, Inkster, Mich., Nov. 5, 1894. ' And pains of rheumatism can be cured by removing the cause, lactic acid in the blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures rheu matism by neutralizing this acid. Thou sands of people tell of perfect cures by IrOoodl' Sarsaparilla The One True Blood Purifier. $1; six for $ . TTnrtrl'c Pilla set harmoniously with J1UUU 9 A UlO Hood's Sarsaparilla. 25 cts, DR. GUM'S A It lild Pbynio. One mil for a Pour. A movement of tbe bowels each day is nsoastw fofi health. These pills supply what the sygteni looks tc make it regnlar. They care Headache, brighten thtt Eyes, and clear the Complexion bettor than coemetioct They neither gripe nor sicken. To eoimnce yoo, wv will mail sample free.or ftill box for 2no, Sold every where. IUi. BO&AN&O MED. CO., Philadelphia, Jft. SURE CURE for PILES Itohlng ud Blind, BleediDK or Protruding Pil, TtoM U mn u SR. BO-8AN-KO'S PILE REMEDY, bwp. toon g, abiortM lumort. A poelUTe oaro. Ctroalira sent frM. Prio too. DttusUui or mll. bb. BOSAMUt, faua. Fa, MRC WlWCiniV'C soothing IIUIUo IllilVlkUIl V JDYHUK FOR CHILDREN TEETHING For sale by all Innbh. C& Ceata a battle. If you want a sure relief limbs, use an 4P MIMPKOVKD OVER PI IXS Bear in Mind Not one of the host of counterfeits and imi tations is as good as the genuine. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoko Your Lifo Away! 90 costs will funded. CHICAGO. AICOIDCTC candy cathartic core constipation. Purely vegetable, smooth and U AdU AnC I d easy, sold by druggists everywhere, guaranteed to cure, Only loo. Ti mely Warn i n g. The great success of the chocolate preparations of the house of Walter in 1780) has led many misleading -mm of their name, labels, and wrappers. Walter Baker & Co. are the oldest and largest manu facturers of pure and high-grade Cocoas and Chocolates on this continent. No chemicals are used in their manufactures. Consumers should ask for, and be sure that they get, the genuine Walter Baker & Co.'s goods.; WALTER BAKER & CO., Limited, , DORCHESTER, MASS. Seeds Trees WEINHrlRD'S MALARIA I Three (loses only. Try It. "DON'T BORROW From TT.8.Joumal of MedirlM Prof. w. H. Feeke, ho makes a specialty of Epilepsy, has without doubt treated and cur ed more cases than any living Physician ; his success is astonishing. We have heard o cases of so years' standing cured d; him. He publishes a vai;ua ble work on this dis ease, which he sends .with a larce bot tle of his absolute cure, free to any sufferers who may send their P. O. and Express address. We advise anv one wishing a cure to address Tot W- H. PEEKE, F. 4 Cedar St., Hew Tor HERCULES GflS JlJiD GflSOLIJlE ...ENGINES... NOTED FOR... SIMPLICITY : STRENGTH ECONOMY SUPERIOR WORK MANSHIP... IN EVERY DETAIL These engines are acknowledged by expert engineers to be worthy of highest commenda tion for simplicity, high grade material and su perior workmanship. They develop the iuil actual horsepower, and run without an electric spark battery; the system of ignition is simple, inexpensive and reliable. For pumping outfits for irrigating purposes no better engine can be found oq the Pacific coast For hoisting outfits for mines they have met with highest approval. For intermittent power their economy is un questioned. , STATIONARY AHD MARINE ENGINES MANUFACTURED BY Amer'can Type Founders' Co. PORTLAND, OR. Send for catalogue. N. P. N. TJ. No. 6288. F. N..TJ. No. 705 for pains in the back, side, chest, or Porous Plaster make s trie nerves stronor. and brincm h an lr the feelinsra of vouth to t.h nm. maturelTT olrl mn.n. It restores lost viaror. You mav caln ton pounds in ten days. GUARANTEED TOBACCO HABIT CURE. Go buy and try a box to-dav. It only $1. Your own drno-B-int. sruarantee a cure or mone-w re Booklet, written guarantee of cure am and sample free. Address nearest Office. THE 8TERLINO REMEDY CO.. MONTREAL, CAN. NEW YORK. Baker & Co. (established to the placing on the market and unscrupulous imitations : BUELL LAMBERS0N 205 Third St., near Taylor ' PORTLAND . OREGON WELL-KNOWN BEER (IN KEGS OK BOTTLES) Second to none ; TRY IT... No maltei where Irom. PORTLAND, OR., Pumps DO YOU FEEL BAD? ... DOES YOUR BACK ache? Does every step seem a burden? You need MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY. WW' TROUBLE." BUY 'TIS CHEAPER IN THE END.