The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 20, 1895, Image 2

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    3ced Jiver Glacier.
Tuesday, the president sent his mes
sage to congress transmitting the cor
respondence between Secretary Olney
und Lord Salisbury on the, Venezuelan
question. As has been known for
Borne time, the British premier holds
that England has nothing to arbitrate
in the matter. The president vigor
ously upholds the Monroe doctrine
and recommends that a. commission be
authorized by congress to proceed at
once to Venezuela and investigate the
boundary dispute. There is no doubt
about congress upholding the president
in his defense of the Monroe doctrine,
and if the commission finds in favor of
Venezuela, war between the United
States aud England will be the result,
unless the latter backs down and
agrees to arbitrate. It will be a great
pity if the two great English speaking
peoples of the world must go to war
South America claimed by a couple of
million half-civilized half-breeds, but,
in the patriotic language of Grover
Cleveland, "there is no calamity which
a great nation can invite which equals
that which follows supine submission
to wrong and injustice and the conse
quent loss of national self-respect and
honor, beneath which is shielded and
defended the people's safety and great
ness." ',
In the event of war with England,
awhile in the capture of our Atlantic
- sea coast cities, but in the end, if the
war had to continue for ten years, he
would win. The seaport cities might
fall a prey to the British warships and
, be made to pay heavy tribute, but in
th meantime our armies would march
into and take possession , of Canada
from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and
When the war ended Great Britain
would never have any more boundary
disputes in either JNortn or boucn
A morion
Where is our Hood Kiver militia?
Did they smell the battle afar off when
: they allowed the company to be dis
banded? We will be in a bad fix, In
case of war,- without our militia, once
the pride of the valley. But, for
tunately, the Cascade locks are not
complete, and it will be impossible for
British gunboats to reach us.
The Monroe Doctaine.
The Monroe doctrine grew out of the
successful revolt of Mexico and others
of the Spanish American Republics of
Central and South America against the
sovereignty ot spam, une govern
ments instituted by the people of those
countries after their independence had
been recognized were necessarily weak
und in constant danger of resubjuga
tion. The holy alliance of Europe, em
bracing all the powers which had com
bined against and overthrown Napo
leon Bonaparte, seriously contem-,
plated . extending its operations to the
New World and re-establishing, by
force of arms, European control of the
country. This design was largely in
Mpired by the house of Braganza, reign
ing in ''Portugal and over that great
section of South America then aild now
known as Brazil. The Braganzas
feared the influence of republicanism
surrounding them on the western con
tinent, and the holy alliance feared the
growth everywhere of that republican -lulu
which if, had been at so much cost.
of blood, and treasure to suppress in
' France. " .
In this emergency the Monroe doc
trine was declared. , It was evidently
intended to be as much an assertion of
our own interest as of the interest of
any other people. The monarchial
governments of Europe were advised
that any effort to "extend their system
to any portion of this hemisphere"
would be regarded as ."dangerous to
our peace and safety" and, being so,
would provoke our resistance. It was
certainly understood, by the men re
sponsible for this declaration, that in
the face of it no government would at
tempt encroachments upon any Amer
ican power without first clouding the
question by every means familiar to
trained diplomacy. Arbitration must
have been contemplated by them as a
necessary means of settling many
vexed questions, but it is impossible to
believe that they contemplated the
possibility of European arbitration of
any such questions. It was the logic
of their position that in all such cases,
involving, as they declared, the right
and interest of the United States, this
country must be the final arbiter, and
not any one or more of the European
governments banded together for pur
poses of mutual conquest and dominion.
This conclusion is unavoidable when
their attitude is considered in the light
of their specific declarations and of the
conditions of international comity then
existing. As final arbiter of all ques
tions arising under construction of the
limitations they had declared, the
United States would be in position to
maintain their own security and that
of the weaker republics, without war.
Of course. " ninth n. rmsitmn wiiu in ef
fect, a declaration of the dictatorship
of the United Stdtes on this continent,
but that is what the Monroe doctrine
within its limits was, and hns always
been undentood to be, whether the j
dictatorship shall find expression in
the council or the field. St. Louis Re
public. - ' .
The Fruit Convention at Walla TVnlla.
From .the Klickitat Agriculturist's
report of the meeting we make the fol
lowing extracts: -
C. A. Tonneson of Tacoma addressed
the meeting, who said: "To be a suc
cessful fruit grower, spraying and other
means of preventing the attack of fruit
pests must be employed from the stage
of first planting the tree. More than
this, the work must begin in the nur
sery, vvitn tue great possibilities De-
fore the fruit growers of the Pacific
northwest, we cannot be too particular
about guarding against the introduc
tion of infected plants, trees, fruit or
any material in connection therewith
from outside sections. When first
planting the orchard we are slow to
realize and thoroughly understand
that in this mild climate of even tem
perature, which is so favorable, for fruit
culture, insects and fungus diseases
may cause serious losses unless pre
ventive measures are constantly being
used to keep them in check, for condi
tions specially favorable for fruit are
also favorable for insect life.. The work
of combating fruit pests should be done
intelligently. . It is not necessary that
fruit growers should learn the scientific
names of the insect species, but certain
general classifications should be under
stood in order to determine their feed
ing habits, so that the proper remedies
may be applied."
Prof. Balmer of the Pullman agri
cultural college talked on the "Success
ful Methods of Propagating and Plant
ing Fruit Trfees." He held that bud
ding, was preferable to grafting, and
that grafting to a piece was better than
grafting the. whole root. He stated
that the grafting of one variety of any
species of fruit upon another would not
result in the fruit on the grafted limb
haviusr more than one flavor. One
delegate contended that he had known
one apple to have as many as three
flavors. This delegate thought that
the pollen from a Spitzenberg apple
tree, for instance, would impregnate a
Yellow Newtown Pippin with its own
peculiar flavor, and that the result
might be two flavors in one apple. The
speaker did not think this view was
established by good authority, but that
it was still an open question.
The Art of Pruning.
' The art of pruning fruit trees in Cal
ifornia, as practiced by many of the
best orchardists, may be1 described as
follows: After planting one-year-old
trees from bud or graft, they cut them
back to within 18 to 24 inches of the
ground. The young tree is allowed to
make all the growth possible the first
season; next, all shoots that have made
a growth of over a foot are cut back to
a foot or thereabouts. The next sum
mer the growth is again forced, cutting
back the shoots the following spring
from one-half to two-thirds, leaving
the upper shoots the longest and cut
ting back the side shoots and lower
ones more, thus beginning to shape the
head of the tree i n the form of a goblet
The third, fourth and fifth winters the
pruning and shaping are on the same
general plan, except that at and after
the third pruningaportion of the twigs
on the outside of the head of the tree
(in cases where two or more shoots
have started from the end of a shoot
where cut the year before) should be
cut smoothly out. - And then the
proper pruning remains about the same
during the life of the orchard. . And,
as Downing says and proves, the or
chard may be kept , in perfect health,
vigor and fruitfulness for an indeflte
period of time by pruning back from
above downwards. ;
Beginners should not only study the
systems of pruning given by Downing,
Wickson and others, but should care
fully study the practices of the most
successful fruit growers in the neigh
borhood. No cast-Iron rule can be
given, for much depends upon local
conditions which are so exceedingly
varied that successful practice in one
place may not serve in another com
paratively near by. California Fruit
Grower. ' '"
County Institute Postponed.
Hood River, Dec. 15, 1895. Editor
Glacier: Our county institute, notice
of which was kindly given in your last
week's issue, must necessarily be in
definitely postponed. The state asso
ciation has been changed to fall on the
same date. I suppose no one is to
blame, but in justice to myself I would
like to make the following statement:
' When planning for the time of our
meeting, I bad no thought that a state
association would be held this winter,
as one had been held last July, and it
has been customary to hold but one
each year. To make sure, however, 1
wrote the state superintendent, who in
reply, Nov. 30th, gave me the first
news of the state meeting, fixing the
date Dec. 26th, 27th and 28th, a week
before ours. It was, however, an un
fortunate date, as one can see, and was
changed to Jan. 1st, 2d and 3d, the
same time ours was to be held. It is,
of course, unwise to attempt to hold
both at the same time, and moreover,
President Campbell is compelled to at
tend the state meeting.
Troy Shei-iet,
. School Superintendent.
"Mr. George Mcintosh has been laid
lip with u severe cold. ' ' I
Vrankton Notes.
Written by the pupils of Frankton school.
Miss May , Boot-man has recovered
frpm her attack of erysipelas und re
sumed her, studies at school Monday.'
Mr. J." W. Conuell is shipping his
fine crop of winter apples to Portland.-
Miss Bess I sen berg made a short visit
to The Dalles last week. Her brother
Howard took her place as teacher last
Friday during her absence
Three residences in this vicinity
came near burning down during the
past week. Wednesday, W. J. Camp
bell's house caught fire from his fire
place, but the blaze was soon extin
guished without damage. - Early
Thursday morning fire was discovered
in the roof of Scott Boorman's house,
and with the prompt application of
water the fire was put out. The fire
caught from a stove pipe projecting
through the roof, the top of which-had
blown off during the night. Friday
morning a blaze was discovered on Tom
Wickens' house, but Mr. Wickens and
Mr. Campbell happened to be near by
and put it out. It also caught from a
stove pipe passing through the roof.
Mr. aud Mrs. R. J. Ellis and Burns
Jones and wife left Thursday for a visit
with relatives in Portland.
The Belmont Juvenile Temple gave
an open meeting Monday evening.
The entertainment was greatly en
joyed by those. present
The Frankton boys received a chal
lenge from the Barrett base-ball nine
to play a nine-inning game at Belmont
Saturday afternoon, but owing to the
rain, the game had to be postponed.
' Work at the planer at Hay lies' Spur
has been stopped for the winter. -.
J. J. Luekey has purchased a grub
bing machine from R. Rand & Son,
which be thinks is just the thing for
oak grubs. The machine is of iron,
weighs about 200 pounds, and is man
ipulated by horse poiver. It is called
the "Little Giant."
Testimonial to Mrs. Heald.
Hood Rivek, Or., Dec. 10, 1895.
Mrs. C. P. Heald: Your determination
to remove to an Eastern state has re
cently been announced. You have,
during your several years' residence in
Hood River, both created and catered
to the musical life of the place. Many
have received direct benefits in the
way of instruction, and all have been
inspired by your efforts. .
As a token of appreciation of your
charming accomplishments and cheer
fully given services, your many friends
wish to lender you a testimonial con
cert. If this meets with your approval,
please indicate to us the time that
would best suit you, together with any
other suggestion that may occur to you:
F. C. Brosius, , Mrs.E.C.Bartiuess,
A. P. Bateham, Alice M. Cleaver,
J. F. Watt,. Mrs. F. H. Button,
E. L. Smith, Mrs. F. E. Jackson,
J. E. Hanna, ' Mrs. J. B. Hunt,
J. A. Soesbe, C. M. Wolfard,
Mrs. W.H. Bishop, Eleanor LaFrance,
S. E. Bartmess, J. E. Rand,
E. V. Husbands, Mrs. J. E. Rand,
A. S. Blowers, S. F. Blythe,
J. L. Hershner, J, H. Ferguson,
D. E. Rand. :
Hood River, Or., Dec. 18, 1895v
Dr. F. C. Brosius and Others Dear
Friends: Allow me to thank you for
the good will which prompted you to
propose for me a farewell benefit, and
at the same time to decline the same
in view of the fact that we are to leave
here so soon; but be assured I shall al
ways prize highly'this final proof that
I am leaving many friends in Hood
River. I Mks. C. P. Heald.
East Hood River Items.
, The show business was all the go on
the East Side a couple of weeks ago.
The show, a magic lantern exhibition
of the poorest quality, was free. But
the poor suffering and tired lookers-on
were kindly asked, after part of the
show had been given, with a promise
of much more to follow, to vote for the
ugliest man and the most popular lady
in the house at 5 and 10 cents a vote.
It is needless to add that suckers are
too scarce in Hood River for a concern
of this stripe to succeed.
The Columbian Educational club is
holding regular meetings now, and a
most Interesting time is reported. The
old time debating society, when prop
erly managed, is a great help to those
taking part. The Pine Grove people
have found the secret to good order by
allowing none but members to attend
these meetings.
It looks a little suspicious to see so
many of our young bachelors either
building or repairing. Among them
we might mention Henry, Fred and
John. "A hint to the wise is suffi
cient." Boys, get your tin cans ready.
There was a small runaway at Hans
Lage's place last Friday. A man driv
ing E. L. Smith's team was loading a
hog on the wagon when the horses
took fright and ran away; They were
overtaken aud stopped without serious
damage. . '" ' ' ''"''
It May Do as Much for You.
Mr. Fred Miller of Irving, III., writes
that he had a severe kidney trouble for
years, with severe pains in his buck, and
also that bis bladder was affected. He
tried many so called kidney cures but
without any good result. About ayear
ago he began use of Electric Bitters and
found relief at once. Electric Bitters is
especially adapted to cure of all kidney
and liver t roubles utiil oft en (rjvesaimost
instant relief. One trial will prove our
statement. Price 50c aud $1, at die Hood
River Pharmacy.
'", Congregational Church.
The leading festival exercise for this
Christmas will be held at 11 a. m.
Sunday. On Tuesday evening, at 6
o'clock, a more informal and social en
tertainment ' wijl be given, with a
splendid treat by Santa Claus ut 7.30.
The following is the , programme for
Sunday morning:
1. Doxolgy.
2. Invocation. . ;
. 3. Anthem, "Conwaud Worship."
. 4. Responsive Scripture.
y 5. Song, "Happy Voices" Choir.
6. Recitation, by Flossie Phelps.
7. Anthem,' "Glory to God in the
Highest." '
8. Recitation, by Miss Agnes Dukes.
9. Song, "Jesus is Born" Choir.
10. Select reading, by Miss Fay La
J Anthem, "The Herald Angels."
12. Address by Rev. J. L. Hershner.
Subject, "Christmas Here Christmas
in Armenia." " ". ,
J3. Prayer. t ;
14. Song, "Whi'.e Shepherd's Watch
ed their Flocks." ..."
15. Benediction..
At the Methodist Tabernacle
The usual Christmas services will be
held on Tuesday evening, December
24th. An entertaining Christinas ser
vice will be rendered by the children,
after which the attention of . the au
dience will be invited to the Christmas
tree. Let all who desire to do so feel
at liberty to use this tree in making
presents to friends. Services will be
gin at 7 o'clock.
The Ideal Panacea.
"I regard Dr. King's New Discovery as
au ideal panacea for coughs, colds and
lung complaints, having used it In my
family for the last five years.t.o the ex
clusion of physicians' prescriptions or
other preparations."
Rev.John Burgus,Keokuk,Io., writes:
"I have been a minister of the Method
ist Episcopal church for 50 years or more
and have never found anything so ben
eficial, or that gave mesuch speedy re
lief us Dr.Kinsr-'s New Discovery." Try
this ideal cough remedy now. Trial bot
tles tree at Hooq, liiver i'narmacy.
. Christmas Greeting.
It Is the Joyous Christmas time,
When all our thoughts ring out a chime
Of sweetest melody;
When weary cries of pain and woe, .
Like frightened birds at fall of snow
Hush their sad threnody.
When toil and fret and tire of mind ' '
Give place, dear niends, to things more kind,
To pilgrims on Life's road.
When low ambitions, reaching higher,
To deeds of Christmas love aspire,
And drop care's heavy load.
( For as a little child, new born,
Love comes to each on Christmas morn
And wakens Memory!
Who from her precious boarded store.
Brings back our childhood joys once more "
To feast with Keverie.
And He, who came this day to save
His wayward children from the grave ,
Of human selfishness,
. Sends forth his angels, shod with peace.
That every good thing may Increase
Towards Heavenly happiness!
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Dec. 11,
1895. Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon,
on January 21, ltW.5, viz: ,
Hd. E. No. 4947, for the east southeast,
northwest southeast and southwest
northeast section 1, township 2 north, range
9 east.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
C. J. Hayes, E. Udell, M. F. Loy, C. Morgan",
all of Hood River, Oregon.
dl3 J AS. F. MOORE, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Nov. SO,
1895. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settlers have filed notice of theirin
tention to make final proof in support of their
claim, and that said proof will be made before
W. R. Dunbar, Commissioner United States
Circuit Court for District of Washington, at
Goldendale, Wash., on January 15, 1890, viz:
H. E. No. 7821, for the east southeast i Sec.
10, and north of northeast sec. 15, all in
townships north range 12 east, Willamette
Meridian; -
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
August Hildlng, Pettr O. Hoult, August
Berg and Richard Granville, all of Glen wood
P,0. Washington. And
H. E. No. 7854, for the south of northeast
and west of southeast y section 15, town
ship 6, north range 12 east. W. M., who names
the following witnesses ! prove his contin
uous residence upon and- cultivation of, said
land, viz:
John C. Cochran, Peter O. Hoult, August
Berg and Richard Granville, all of Glenwood
P. O., Washington.
dfijlO GEO. H. STEVENSON, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Nov. 19,
1895. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Ore
gon, on January 4, 1895, viz:
Hd. E. No. 426G, for the north northwest H,
southwest northwest and northwest
northeast section 84, township 2 norths
range 10 east, W. M.
He names the fallowing witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
Clarence Knapp, Charles Murphy, Peter
Odell and John Lenz, all of Hood River, Or.
n22d27 , J AS. F. MOORE, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Nov.
la luDE Vniin.. 1- 1 , : .i
ou-. i.iibikw in lie, given Limb Ule
following-named settler has tiled notice of
his intention to make final proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
win ob maue oeiore ivegister ana ueceiver ai
The Dalles, Oregon, on December B0, 1895, viz:
Hd. E. No. 8528, for the lot 2, section 81, and
lots 1 and 2, section 30, township 8 north,range
11 east. ,
He names the foil jwing witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
T. H. Emerson, Wm. Buskirk. J. N. Rey
nolds and Wm. Foss, all of Hood River, Or.
n22d27 JAS. F. MOORE, Register.
Whom it May Concern.
I wish to settle all outstanding accounts.
If I have missed any one, please address me
at Linnton, Oregon. . JAMES E. FEAK.
Wagon for Sale.
A good second-hand wagon for sale or trade.
Apply to, K. I). CAI.K1NS,
iitu iioou Kiver, or.
easa ..." ;. '
O rS i & ' IS mm l3 m I I
' AndshallendeavortomeritcnstombyQUALITYaswcIlasQUANTITY.
See our CONDENSED SPRAY COMPOUNDS and get literature at the hor
ticultural fair or at our store.
1. Lime, Sulphur and Salt, per pound by the hundred weight 05
2. Sulphur and Vitriol, per pound by the hundred weight .08
3. Soap, Sulphur, Caustic Soda and Lye, per pound by the hundred weight .07
4. Rosln'and Salsoda, per pound by the hundred weight,.....,..,.., ,07
5. Whale Oil Soap, 80 per cent, per pound by the hundred weight ; .OS
7. Lime and Blue Vitriol (Bordeaux Mixture), per pound by the hundred weight .. .07
Acme Insecticide, 10 cts; Blue Vitriol, 8; Sulphur, 3; Rosin, 5; Salsoda, 3 cts.
We keep a full line of insecticides and spray materials. If you do not see what you want,
ask for it, and if obtainable we will get It. , - '
UNDERTAKER AND EMB ALMER fABundinegr 'nMa"teriafs"
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, etc., etc Agent for the Bridal Veil Lumber Company.
Dry Goods, Clotting,
Boots, Slices, Hats and Caps,
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
i , .. -. .........
The Largest and Most Complete Stock
Sell ohly
. - ' We invite trade of close buyers.
Comfortable conveyances to all parts of Hood River Valley and vicinity. Heavy dray
ing and transferring done with care and promptness. Also, dealers in
And Vehicles of AM Kinds.
Call and see our stock and get prices; they are interesting.
I have signed a contract to buy the only harness business in LaOrande, and must move In
January. I shall not carry shoes there, so in the short time Intervening, must clouse out my
entire stock of shoes
; Kegrard-less of 'Cost I
T? T7TVn5,TVr"RU,T? Portland isn't In It with my prices, not to mention any little burgs
XVXilU. XLllXl HEaJX like Mosier and The Dalles. '
Don't Fail
To call and get prices before the assortment is broken. No trouble to show goods and no
kick if you don't buy. In the meantime I will sell , ......
Cheaper than they can be bought elsewhere In the state. Make mo au offer "on any part or
alt of my property in Hood Itiver. D. F. PIERCE.
All the best variety of Apples, including Yakima, Oano, Arkansas Black, Ac., and nil
other kinds of nursery stock kept constantly on hand. Prices will be made satisfactory. Buy
your trees at the home nursery and save expense and damiwe. We are here to stav.
H. C BATEHAM, Columbia Nursery.
for CASH at