The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 13, 1895, Image 1

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It's a Cold Day When We Get Left.
VOL. 7.
NO. 29.
3eod liver (3 laci er.
On. year ...ft 00
Six months I OC
Three month! H
DiiKie copy leou
GRANT EVANS, Proprietor.
Shaving and hair-cutting neatly done. Satis
factiou guaranteed.
San Francisco's Hard Flght-The Date
Fixed at June 10 Next The Deci
sion Reached as to the City After
Two Hours' Balloting'. '
Washington, Deo. 12. The Repub
lioan national convention will be held
at St. Louis Jnne 16 next. That was
the decision reached by the Republican
national committee after spirited bal
loting lasting two hours The succes
sive ballots are shown as follows:
1 2 8 4 6
St. Louis IS 14 18 22 29
Ban Francisco 20 19 It 19 16
Pittsburg 9 9 6 10
Chicago....;. 8 8 9 8 6
New York; 1 0 0 0 0
The morning was spent in hearing
speeches in behalf of the contending
cities, the doors being open to the vari
ous contesting delegations. This con
cluded, the convention began its after
noon session behind closed doors. An
eager crowd choked np the corridors
leading to the oommittee room and
awaited the announcement of results.
The first important question was the
fixing of the date of the convention.
The executive oommittee reported a
resolution favoring June 16. This was
. amended by Committeeman Lannan, of
Utah, in favor of August 18. There
was a sharp debate and Mr. De Young
finally proposed a compromise, between
June and August, viz: July. The
De Young and Lannan amendments
were both defeated, and then by a
practically unanimous - vote, the date
was fixed at June 16.
Then came the contest between: the
cities. There was much excitement as
the ballots proceeded, the committee
men from the interested seotions hur
rying about and seeking to - effect com
binations. At the outset, San Fran-,
oisoo seoured one more than the nine
teen olaimed from the first The an
nouncement of her lead was greeted
with enthusiasm when it reached the
oorridors. The strength of St Louis
was somewhat greater than had been
expeoted, while neither Pittsburg nor
Chicago made the showing anticipated.
St Louis gained steadily on each bal
lot San Franoisoo sought to . meet
this by drawing the votes of Chioago,
but without avail. The first serious
break occurred when David Martin, of
. Pennsylvania, led the Pittsburg forces
toward St Louis. On the fourth and
last formal ballot San Franoisoo forces
broke for the first time, Michigan,
Wyoming and Connecticut going to St.
Louis. That settled it, and gave St.
Louis the convention. The choioe was
made unanimous on motion of Mr. Do
Young. ! '
Will Start a Plantation In the San J om
' quln Valley.
San Franoisoo, Deo. 12. Colonel C
F. Crooker is going to start a coffee
plantation in the San Joaquin valley,
and if his experiment proves successful
the fertile ranches thereabouts" will
have a boom that will be without
precedent. The Paoifio Mail steamer
San Juan, which arrived last Sunday,
brought from Central America 1,000
yearling plants with ' which Colonel
Crocker, will commenoe his interesting
venture. - Just where in ' the valley
Colonel Crocker proposes to looate . his
plantation is not now. known. The
colonel is out and left no
word. The plants will be set out this
fall, most likely, but six years must
elapse before they will be old enough
to bear berries, and not until that time
will the success or failure of the exper
iment be known.
Scientists who have studied the soil
and climate of San Joaquin valley are
somewhat doubtful as to whether ooffee
plants . will thrive there. The ooffee
plant not only requires fertile soil and
plenty of . sunlight, : but a certain
amount of moisture, and that , is where
the rub comes in California. The soil
is rioh enough and the heat sufficient,
but there is a soaroity of other require
Oregon and Washington Cases Tagged
, Upon by Secretary i.eynolds.
, Washington, Dec. 12. Acting Seo-
retary of the Interior Reynolds has
affirmed the deoision of the general
land office in the case of Douglass Har
rison, whose application to make a seo-
ond homestead entry on land in The
Dalles land district, Oregon, was re'
jeoted, and who appealed to the depart'
' In the oase of the cash-entry contest
of Austin H. Six against Lyman M.
Watrus, involving land within the
limits of the grant to the Northern Pa
oiflo Railroad Company, ' in the La
Grande district, Oregon, the secretary
of the interior affirmed the action of
the general land office. The entry was
made March 21, 1891, and the contest
was filed January 14, 1892, charging
that Watrus was not in possession of
the land under any deed, written con
tract or license from the Northern Pa
cific The land offioe decided in favor
of Watrus, and this aotion the depart
ment sustains, holding an entry cannot
be canceled on mere suspicion of fraud,
and that more convincing evidence is
necessary. The motion for review
made by George C. Poland in the oase
against the Northern Paoifio railroad,
involving land in the North Yakima
land district, Washington, has been
denied. .The decision of the general
land office in the case of Henry Sohutte
vs. the Northern Pacific railroad, in
volving land within the Northern Pa
oifio grant, near Seattle, Wash., has
been affirmed by the department
Sohutte's homestead application stands
rejected. . The deoision of the general
land offioe holding that land applied
for by David B. Renton, near Seattle,
Wash. , located within the granted lim
its of the branch line of the .Northern
Paoifio between Portland - and Puget
sound, passed to the company under its
grant, has been affirmed.
Representative Barrett Desired the Im
peachment of Minister Bayard.
Washington, Deo. 12. Representa
tive Barrett of Massachusetts, . enjoys
the distinction of being the author of
the most thrilling incident of the pres
ent house. He threw a bombshell into
that body soon after it oonvened, by
offering a resolution to impeach Thom
as F. Bayard, ex-secretary of state and
now United States ambassador to the
court of St James, for high crimes and
misdemeanors. The grounds advanced
were utterances of Mr. Bayard deliver
ed before the Edinburgh, Scotland,
Philosophical Institute, November 7.
In this speech Mr. Bayard spoke of
"protection" as a form of "state so
cialism" and said it had done more to
foster "olass legislation," "breed iai
quity," "corrupt public life," "lover
the tone of national representation"
and "divorce ethics from politiocs"
than any other single oause. Suoh re
flections in the government poliay by a
United States ambassador before a for
eign audienoe, the resolution' cited,
were in serious disregard of the pro
prieties of his obligation, and calcu
lated to injure our national reputation.
It concluded by instructing the foreign
oommittee, which was empowered to
send for persons and papers, to' inves
tigate and report "by impeaohment or
otherwise." . , :
. Barrett's resolution had been pre
ceded by one by MoCall of Massachu
setts milder in tone.. MoCall's resolu
tion had went down before an ob
jection, and it was then that Barrett
sprang his impeachment resolution as
one constituting a question of privilege.
The Porte Permits Guardshlps to Pass
the Dardanelles.
Constantinople, Deo. 12. The long-drawn-out
controversy between the
ambassadors of the powers and the sul
tan over the question of admission of
additional guardships for the. protec
tion of the embassies, . was settled at
8:10 o'clock this evening by the issu
ance of an irade granting the necessary
firmans to permit the guardships to
pass the Dardanelles. The final tri
umph of the powers in forcing a com
pliance with their demands seems a
barren one and long-sought permissions
to double the regular guardships for
the embassies, now that it is obtained,
seems hardly worth taking ..advan
tage of. , , .,
Previous to leaving the British em
bassy, where he had taken refuge, Said
Pasha, the ex-grand vizier, requested
the sultan to permit him to leave the
country with his family. Further ad
vioes are continually being' received
here, of th disorders in the interior,
and specially of the burning of Armen
ian villages. This form of outrage is
particularly prevalent in the vilayet of
Van, where the distress existing is ter
rible. ' ' '
The porte has not yet granted the
exeqnateurs of the new British vioe
oonsuls at Van and Sives, the invaria
ble polioy of delay having been follow
ed in this, as well as in all diplomatic
dealings of the Turks. But Sir Philip
Currie, the British ambassador, has de
termined the newly appointed vice
oonsuls shall start for their posts next
Wednesday, with or without their ex-equateurs.
The Founder of Klamath Falls Dead
How the Watervllle Merchants Beat
Spokane New Factories and Water
works Oregon News.
The big Owyhee ditch in Malheur
oounty, and in Owyhee county, Idaho,
is completed. It reclaims a vast
amount of land.
J. F. Steffen, of Portland, has been
awarded the contraot by the govern
ment for the construction of a light
ship, oosting $69,750, whiob will be
stationed off Umatilla reef.
The stock inspector of Umatilla
oounty reports the sheep in very good
condition, although range feed has
been soarce. There is an inorease of
62,000 head over last year. .
Polk oounty has outstanding uncalled-for
warrants amounting to, with
interest, $22,472.05. The estimated
resouroes of the county amounting to
$83,004.63. .'...'
George Nurse, the founder ' of the
town of Klamath Falls, formerly
known as Linkville, is dead. . He con
ducted a store in that town until 1883,
when he was appointed register of the
land offioe and moved to Yreka, Cal. ,
where he died. '.
The citizens of Jacksonville and
Medford have a oommittee to select a
site, and estimate the cost of the con
struction of a fair ground and raoe
track, and to receive subscriptions to
stock out and capitalize on a basis of
$10,000, one-half paid up.
State Fish Commissioner MoGuire
has been asked to extend the open sea
son for salmon. It seems that this
year the season has been, unusually late
and that the fish have just oommenoed
to run. The commissioner has replied
that the law is mandatory.
The telephone line is to be extended
from Granite to Robes.
Denver has received a demand from
San Franoisoo for all of the flour they
can manufacture.
Snohomish has started a new indus
try in the shape of a saw mill with a
cash bonus of $650.
Surveys have recently , been made
relative to the erection of a large
flouring mill at or near the mouth of
the Wenatohee river.
The saloon men of Everett have
organized for protection and will pros
ecute those parties who are selling li
quor without a license.
It is reported that a flouring mill is
to be built at Spokane for the purpose
of grinding flour for the China and Ja
pan trade. .
The preliminary work for the con
struction of the new torpedo boat at
Seattle is about completed and plates
for the construction of the vessel will
soon arrive from the East - -
The Holland colonists from Dakota
and Michigan have arrived, and closed
a deal for land near Snohomish. There
are ten families, consisting of fifty-six
persons. , Tnere are many otners wno
will come in the spring.
A tannery is assured for Taooma,
the site having been purchased on the
Puyalup. Lace leather and belting
will be manufactured. . The proprietor
has been engaged in this business for
twenty years at Pittsburg.
The magnitude of the shipments of
fish from Seattle during the past sea
son is reported . by the fish commis
sioner as follows: Salmon, fresh,
5,210,000 ' pounds; smoked, 60,000;
barreled, 10,000; halibut, fresh, 1,510,
600; smoked, 100,000; small fish, soles,
tomood, smelts, etc., 237,000; trout,
7,000.; shell fish, oysters, 4,975 sacks;
clams, 2,220; mussels, 240; crabs,
6,560 dozen; shrimps, 2,826 pounds.
Much comment has been made in
Spokane over the fact that Waterville,
forty miles from a railroad, undersells
it in some lines. It is alleged that a
special contraot has been made by the
merchants ot Waterville with the
Great Northern, for which the Great
Northern gives Waterville merchants
carload rates to Wenatohee and . a free
steamer service on the Columbia river
to the Waterville landing; in return it
is said the Waterville Merohants Asso
ciation bind themselves to ship exclu
sively through the Great Northern and
to turn wheat shipments to that line. '
There has been serious trouble be
tween sheep and cattlemen in Cassia
oounty, and war between the two fao
tions is feared. ;
Boise is agitating the establishment
of a mining bureau for the purpose of
proouring investment of capital in the
mines in that state. ; r
A oompany composed of young In
dians of the. Kamiah settlement are
planning to engage in the general mer
chandise business at that place.
. The estimated wheat crop of North
ern Idaho and Eastern Washington is
far Bhort of the average. ' It is esti
mated that it will be 10,000,000 bush
els. Last year it was double that
amount '
Bozeman has organized a law and
order league.
The new opera house at Billings is
to be completed and opened on New
Year's night
A dam has been completed at the res
ervoir at Nutmeg Flat and work on
the canal will be pushed next spring,
and the Cove reservoir oontract next
summer and fall. This improvement
will bring a large amount of land into
The state board of land has sold the
permit to cut a big lot of timber,
amounting to 24,500,000 feet from
land belonging to the general school
fund. The oompany is to pay $1.28
per thousand feet This will yield the
state $30,000 for common school fund,
the company can have three years in
whioh to pay it ' Any trees .measuring
less than twelve feet around the butt
will not; be cut . .
British Columbia.
A large corporation is being formed
in the East to open the marble quarries
in Chicagoff island next season.
It is reported that the Kaslo & Slo
can Railway have bought the Sliverton
town site and have decided to extend
the road to that point ',""
The Fraser River Industrial Society
has deoided to secure a site as near the
mouth of the river as possible for can
nery purposes, and to accept one of the
three lots offered by the oity of West
minster for wharfage, fish house, office,
A new sealing oompany has just
been incorporated under imperial char
ter as the Victoria Sealing and Trad
ing Company, with a capital of 100,
000. The stockholders are all Victor
ians. Already a fleet of seven schoon
ers has been secured.
The scheme to build an all-rail route
through British Columbia into Alaska
is again being discussed; this time it is
to go by way of Eamloops, the North
Thompson and Bakerville, through the
heart of Cariboo. The distance to
Barkerville from Eamioops is about
350 miles. Suoh a line would be of
great advantage in opening up and de
veloping the gold fields of Cariboo, in
which section of the country, it is be
lieved, there still is to be found more
wealth than has yet been produced.
But if such a road is to be built it will
be by. the Canadian Pacific Railway
Company, for the construction of
which line a oharter is already held by
parties in this city, but who are sup'
posed to be aoting for the Canadian Pa
cific Railway people in the East.
Topics of the Day Discussed by the
Leading Papers.
New York Herald.)
Without Mr. Cleveland the Demo
crats cannot win; with him they may
win. It , was his great popularity,
firmness, and wisdom that wrested the
presidency from the Republicans four
years ago, and had Democratic leaders
heeded his warnings and followed his
counsel there would not have been a
Republican tidal wave this year. His
strength with the masses saved the
party from defeat in 1892, and it is the
only thing that can save it from defeat
in 1896.
' Cleveland Ably Supported.
Pittsburg Press.)
The greatest and most influential
Democratio newspapers of the country
today are outspoken in . favor of the
president's renominatioh. One need
only mention the New York Herald,
the New York World, the New York
Evening Post, the St Louis Republic,
and there are others by the score, not
omitting the Pittsburg Post'
The President's Strength. . .
Chicago Record.
It is patent that notwithstanding the
popular prejudice against third terms,
Mr. ' Cleveland is still the strongest
Democrat who is at the present junc
ture could be put forward for nomina
tion. ' Supposing that he is willing to
accept the honor, it is well within the
lines of probability that the Democracy
may pick upon him not perhaps, be
oause of a positive preference, but be
oause of the foroe of a logical necessity.
Grand Old Hater. .
- Louisville Times.) '
Nobody who reads John Sherman's
book will ever after call him cold. He
is a grand old hater, and his hate is
red hot from the furnaoe. The differ
ence between him and his brother, the
general, is the politician is politio and
the soldier was impolitic
No Possibility of Winning.
-.- New York Sun.) ' . ; .
As for the Democracy, judging ' by
the elections of 1894 and 1895, it is
oapable of getting beaten as badly as
any reasonable man could ask, without
any third term tied around its neck.
i In An Equivocal Condition..
St. Louis Globe Democrat. '.-.
It may be true, as General Alger
says, that he did not use any money in
the convention of 1888; but if so, then
there is no reasonable way to account
for the.votes that be received, and t" us
he is still left in an equivocal oo .
Hon. '
Substance of the Bills and Resolutions
Introduced in the Senate and House
... Make-up of the Various Commlt
., tees Senate. ,
Washington, Deo. 9. The new con
gress up to this time has been an un
usually conservative one in the matter
of proposing new leigslation. Fewer
bills than usual have been introduced,
and most of those were for projects
which failed to pass the last congress.
Plans for the admission of Oklahoma,
Arizona and New Mexioo to statehood
have again made their appearanoe, the
first being presented by General
Wheeler, who was chairman of the
oommittee on territories in . the last
oongress, and the other two by the new
delegates of the respective territories,
Murphry and Catron.
The first bill introduced by McClel-
lan of New York, who is one of the
youug Democrats and a son of General
MoClellan, was one to authorize the
senate to confirm military nominations
made by President Lincoln, whioh
have never been aoted upon, and the
issue of commissions to the nominees,
stating that they were nominated to
the rank conferred by Lincoln. Other
of the more important bills introduced
By Hicks of Pennsylvania For the
relief of persons who served ninety days
or more in the various construction
corps attached to the army or railroads
operated by the military authorities
during the war; also, a bill granting
medals to those who responded to and
enlisted under President Lincoln's first
call for troops.
By Overstreet of Indiana To au
thorize the suspension of pensions ob
tained by fraud.
By Meikeljohn To prohibit the sale
of intoxicating drinks to Indians,
framed to meet the deoision of Judge
Bellinger, of Oregon, as to the sale of
liquor to Indians who have become
citizens of the United States.
By Wheeler of Alabama To in
crease the pensions of the soldiers of
the Florida war; also, providing an
additional United States judge for Al
abama. By Harris of Ohio Levying a duty
on wools as follows: Wools and hair
of the first class, 11 cents per pound;
second class, 12 cents per pound; third
class and on oamel's hair of the third
class, the value whereof shall be 13
cents or less per pound, including
charges, the duty is to be 32 per cent
ad valorem. Wools on the skin are to
pay the same rate as other wools.
By Morse of Massachusetts To re
peal the interstate commerce law.
By Bowers of California Prohibit
ing the appointment of aliens to office
under the government
By Southard of Ohio To enclose
and improve the sites of certain forts,
battlefields, and graves of Amerioan
soldiers and marines . in Maumee valley.-.,
Washington, Dec 9. When the
house met' today Terry, Dem. , of Ar
kansas, and Boatner, Dem. , of Louisi
ana, belated members, were formally
sworn in, and a motion for a oommit
tee to pass on the members' mileage
accounts was passed.
Baker of New Hampshire asked
unanimous consent for the immediate
consideration of a resolution calling on
the secretary of agriculture to report
whether he had expended the whole or
any part of the appropriation made by
the last congress for the distribution of
farmers' bulletins. MoMillin of Ten
nessee objected.
Walker of Massachusetts offered a
petition in form of a resolution, from
the naturalized ' Armenians of the
United States, nine-tenths of whom,
he said, lived in bis district, and re
quested it to be printed in the Record.
After reciting the alleged oppression
and outrages of the Turkish govern
ment, it oonoluded:
"Resolved, That the people of the
United States, through their represent
atives in congress ' assembled, hereby
express their deepest abhorence and
condemnation of the outrages thus com
mitted on their Armenian fellow-citizens
as well as the Christian subjects
of Turkey,
"Resolved, further, That this house,
composed of immediate representatives
of the American people, pledge its sup
port to the government in every meas
ure justified by international law and
common humanity to vindicate the
rights of our fellow-citizens and their
families in Turkey,' and to, hinder and
prevent, as far as practicable, the con
tinuance of the outrages and massaores
in that land."
.The petition 'was referred to the
oommittee on foreign affairs.
Washington, Deo.' 11. A large
number of bills were introduced in the
senate again today, the most important
of which wore:
By Berry--To provide a territorial
form of government for Indian terri-
'- ' 13 W - J '
tory, with the usual staff of territorial
officers, the territory to take the name
of Indianola.
By Palmer Giving a uniform pen
sion of $50 per month to all who lost a
hand or foot in the late war, and $60
to those who lost an entire limb.
By Allen Disfranchising any oiti- '
zen of the United States who shall so- '
licit or accept a title, patent of nobil
ity, or degree of honor from a foreign
nation, and punishing this act as a
crime by both fine and imprisonment
By Voorhees Granting pensions to .
soldiers and sailors who were captured
and confined in Confederate prisons
during the war.
By Mantle Appropriating $55,000
for the purchase of sites for public
buildings at Cheyenne, Wyo.i Boise
City, Idaho, and Helena, Mont, and
providing for buildings at Cheyenne
and Boise oosting $200,000, and at r
Helena costing $500,000.
By Squire For a gun faotory for ,
heavy ordnance on the Paoifio coast.
' Washington, Deo. 11. Among the
bills introduced in the house were the
following: ;
By Wilson of Idaho Establishing
United States mint at Boise, Idaho;
also a bill establishing duties on wool
similar to those in the MoKinley law: '
By Bailey of Texas Prohibiting
senators and representatives from so
liciting or recommending the appoint
ment of any person to any offioe, the
appointment of which is vested in the
presidont or the head of any depart
ment. ' ' '
By Cobb of Alabama Making all
fast freight lines, express and car com
panies, whether operated by corpora
tions, associations, receivers or indi
viduals, eaoh in connection with or in
dependent of common carriers, eto.,
subjeot to the act to regulate com
merce. .'.:,
Washington, Deo. 12. The senate
today adopted the joint resolution offer
ed by Jones of Arkansas, authorizing
the secretary of the interior to suspend ' '
the removal of intruders in the Chero
kee country until there shall be an' ap
praisal of the value of improvements t
made by them. . ,
Cullom then addressed the senate in
support of the Monroe doctrine. "This ...
government," he declared, "is not one .
of conquest or of usurpation. If we '
keep up with the march of republics in r
this world of competition' and strife, ;.
and maintain our national honor with
our territorial unity and integrity, w "'
must have some t ffl.-mative, distinctive
idea or polioy, of such simple and un
questioned propriety that, it shall re- .
ceive the universal sanction of our peo
ple. This much is due to ourselves,
that by no laxities on our part oan it
be truly said we are too long sleeping
upon our just rights. And this, too, is
due Europe, that the governments of ( v
the Old World may know that 75,000,
000 Amerioan citizens, speaking .
through their representatives in con- .
gress, are a unit in maintaining the .
American doctrine of James Monroe.
It is also due the independent gov-' -
ernments of the other America lying to V
the south of us, whose tenure of exist
ence praotioally depends upon the hon
esty of the United States in sustaining
the doctrine of the message of 1823. ' ! :
"This nation has played at diplo- .
maoy long enough and without much
effect Great Britain has been disre
garding our polite requests, protests '
and arguments, and if let alone will '
finally dominate Venezuela. " '.'"
In closing Cullom deolared emphati
cally that "Our policy is an Amerioan ' :
polioy, our-doctrine is the protection '
of American interests, and our motto
is 'America for Americans. ' " -
At the conclusion of Cullom's speech
Squire addressed the senate in support .."'-..'
of a bill introduoed by him concerning ,
the personnel of the navy. He advo-
cated the appointment of naval cadets -by
senators, and made a plea for thor
ough education of naval engineers. ".'' .
Call presented ' several memorials
from citizens of Florida, for the recog
nition of the belligerency of the Cuban.
insurgents. v ;
Sherman presented the memorial of -
the National Woolgrowers' Associa- " ".
tion, and Peffer, from the oommittee
to examine the branches of the civil- ""
service, favorably reported the bill in- -troduced
by him to prescribe the meth- ;
od of conducting congressional fun-
erals. ' ,; '
At 1:80 the senate adjourned.
' House. '.
Washington, Deo. 12. In the house,
Fisher of New York offered for imme-'
diate consideration a resolution to in
struct the committee on naval affairs,
when appointed, to investigate the re
ports that the battleship Texas was
faulty in construction, and also to re
port upon the plans, construction, cost
and seaworthiness of the ship. Crisp
objected. V
The following oommittee on ao-
counts was announced:
Aldrich, chairman; Odell of New
York, MoCall of Tennessee, Tracy of
Missouri, Long of Kansas, Rusk of
Missouri and Price of Louisiana.
Then, at 8:85 P. M., the house, on
motion of Dingley, adjourned until
1 .o-