The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 06, 1895, Image 3

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    . 2Ked Iiver Slacler.
The mall arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'
elook A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de
parts 'he same days at noon.
For Chenoweth, leaves at 8 A. M.; arrives at
P. M. Saturdays.
For White Salmon leaves dally at I P. M.;
arrives at 6 o'clock; P. M.
From White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil
mer, Trout Lake and Glenwood ftloudays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
Canby Post, No. tfl, G. . R., meets at Odd
Fellow s Hall, first Saturday of each month
at 2 o'clock p. m. All G. A. R. members In
vited to attend.
C. J. Hayes, Commander.
A. 8. Blowers. Adjutant. .
Waueoma Lodge, No. 80, K. of P., meets in
their Castle Hall on every Tuesday night.
J. A, Sokhbk, C. U.
Geo. T. Pbather, K. of K. t s.
Riverside Lodge, No. 68, A O. U. W., meets
first and third Saturdays of each month,
J. F. Watt, Financier. ;
H. L. Howe, Recoi der.
Fashion Books for sale at Mrs. 0.
Hunt's. .'. , .
Lou Morse Is authorized agent for all
i newspapers and periodicals.
Prof. Nauman started for San Fran
clsoo, Wednesday, on a short visit. '
C. -Welds wants all who are owinp
tiim to come and settle oy Jan, 1st and
save costs. '
E. D. Calkins is agent for the Horse
Keview and is now taking orders for
their big Christmas number.
" Saturday and Monday of each week
will be our grinding days throughout
the fall and winter. Harbison Bros,
Mr. John Michell of The Dalles was
eulogist at the memorial services held
by the order of Elks at Cuscade Locks
last Sunday. : ; . !, : v
J. B. Rand lust week killed two hogs
that dressed about zio pounds each.
From these two hogs he rendered 110
pounds of lard. v .
The "melt'; in the hog this year in
dicates a mild winter, according to
those versed in reading it, with a cold
snap In February.
Miss Dorothy Eliot gave a recital at
the Congregational church at The
Dalles' Thanksgiving evening, which
was largely attended,,- ", t
ny thing you need in the line of
doors, windows, window glass, mould
ings, thresholds, casings,' etc., you
will find at the Box Factory. l.
The GLACiitft goes to press Friday
mornings. All communications or
other matter intended for publication
should be sent in in time to be set up
Thursday. '':.'.
Rev. J. W. Rigby came up from
Stevenson, MondM,y,to visit his daugh
ters, who are stopping with Rev. F. L.
Johns at Belmout. Mr. Rigby is now
located at Stevenson, where he has
built a church.
, The first Saturday in December,
' which wil! be the 7ih of the month,
will be the regular meeting 1 day of
Canby post, Ci. A. It.' It will alno be
the day for the election of officers, and
,: a full attendance is requested at this
; meeting. '..''.,
Notice our fancy new graham sucks.
We will use these henceforth and they
will always be filled with the choicest
product. Examine the brand and see
, that you get our "Whole Wheat Ora-
ham.". , Bewure of inferior stuff.
, : Harbison Bros.
Another evidence ttiat advertising
pays. - A stray cow has been at Will
C'rappor's place siuce lust Muy. Wed
iiiesaay he sent an advertisement to
this paper, notifying the owner where
he cotih 1 find his cow. Yesterday, be
fore the ad had been put In type, Mr'.
Orapper dropped in to inform us that
the.owner had called tor the cow. -
W. II. Perry, school clerk of district
2, wrote to the state superintendent
and asked his advice . in regard , to
whether the school board could , run
the school in one room, at any time to
the exclusion of the scholars btlonging
in the other room.1 The superintend
ent replied that, it was a matter left en
tirely with the board of directors, that
there is no law governing the case. ,
Two men, with rolls of blankets on
their Stacks, passed through town Wed
, nesday from Cuscade Locks, where
they have been employed on the canal.
They report that "sixty men have quit,
work there within the past few days.
Men are employed and put to work
, and laid off every few days, so that
' they are not enabled to earn more than
enough to pay their board and store
bills. They are compelled . to -buy at
the company store, where prices are al
ways higher than elsewhere. , ,.
, Mr. John Kroeger, who wns a caller
''at the Glacier office Wednesday, sug
, gested a good remedy. or preventive, of
pests on apple trees. He said lie had
seen orchard ists in the East place to
bacco leaves in the forks of trees, where
they would remain all winter, and the
rain washing the strength of the to
bacco down the trunk of the tree, pro
tected it from the ravages of pests. In
, Hood River valley, where every farmer
can raise plenty of tobacco of the
strongest kind, this ought to be a cheap
and effective remedy.
George Williams and Charley Reed
were up on Mount Defiu nee, last Fri
day, on a bear hunt. They struck a
trail on the east side and followed it
over tha mountain to the west side be
fore Bruin was overtaken. : The snow
was so deep and the road back so diffi
cult that Mr. Williams decided he
couldn't get the bear out if he killed it,
and let him live after getting within
twelve feet of him. At one place,
where Williams had a good chance to
measure the bear's track, he found he
"had a foot that measured just seven
inches. . . v ... . .
Friday last, Bishop Mills, Rev. F. C.
Krause, S. E. Bartmess and M. F. Loy
went to Sandy Flat on a bear hunt.
They returned Saturday evening with
out the bear, but all got soaking wet in
tli rain and enjoyed . the trip im
miiisely. The party was joined in the
wwods by a young man from the valley
who was also loaded tor bear. This
young man was also full of bear stories,
and in relating them to the party, not
knowing there were ministers in the
crowd, he emphasized his remarks with
hard words that are well 'understood!
by "the boys," but they wouldn't look
well In print. All of which was quite
entertaining and amusing to the whole
party. ,,, .i
The ladies having the bazaar in
charge will be found at the Langille
houe on Friday and Saturday next.
The front room will be devoted to the
four seasons, represented by Hood
River's fairest maidens in separate
booths, each booth representing a sea
son, in the adjoining rooms win De
found dinner at the noon hour, and in
the evening tea will be served and
everything pertaining to a nice tea.
We are making a specialty of prettily
dressed dolls. Come and buy one for
yours or somebody else's child. Don't
forget-the days, Friday and Saturday
of next week. President.
i ne u. ti. s i. uo. is uuuciinganew
bridge across Hood river at this point.
The engineers came up Sunday night
in charge of Mr. Newell, and all week
workmen huve been engaged driving
piles. The new bridge will span the
riyer at a point near the depot .and
make the road nearer straight, avoid
ing the bend that is made by crossing
the river where the old bridge stands.
It is expected the work will be com
pleted by the first of the year. :
Prof. Howard C. Tripp, known in
J'owa as the "Iowa Temperance
Cyclone," lectured at the U. B. church
last night and will appear, at the
Methodist church tonight. The pro
fessor is a talented gentleman who
comes highly recommended. He is
the author of three published volumes
of poems, and it is said they rank with
the best works of Will Carlton or any
of the famous poets of the day. He
should have a full house tonight.,
D. R. Cooper and wife of Mt. Hood
went to. Portland Monday on the Reg
ulator. Mr. Cooper shipped 170 boxes
of apples to . Portland and will sell
them where he can do the best. His
apples are always first class and he will
find no trouble in getting the highest
market price. His little orchard pro
duced this season about 600 boxes of
The foreign missionary concert of
East Hood River charge will be held at
Odell school house on the second Sun
day in December, at 2.30 p. m. Some
fine singing is expected. The August
meeting n suited in a collection of
$14.50. All friends of the cause cor
dially invited. "Let us work while
the day lasts." - .
- Mrs. Troy Shelley.
Quite a number of the youngfriends.
of J. A. Knox of the East Side met at
his ranch on last Wednesday, Nov.
28th, armed with their grub hoes, and
cleared about five acres of willow laud. 1
In the evening others came in and all
had a dance, with an oyster supper at
12 o'clock. The dance broke up at 8
o'clock in the morning.
E. D. Calkins is putting up a build
ing 18x24, to be used for his office,
workshopjind carriage house, at Frank- j
ton. When completed he will open a
harness shop. The building is now en
closed, with the roof on. Next spring
he will open a Jivery stable in connec
tion with his other business. -
Mr. W. Rodenhclmer of Mt. Hood,
who has been suffering from a severe
attack of typhoid fever, is now conva
lescent. Mrs. Kels ot the same place,
who has been quite sick, is ' getting
better. 1 Dr. Brosius is visiting these
patients, t. ;".' , - ' '
When out looking for Christmas
presents don't pass by the Racket store,
we will be on hand for the holidays
with novelties in cenuioio, such as,
were never before shown in Hood !
River. - , '
mi. 1 1 " t : . ci . 1 .. . . i . TV
i lie vvuue ouiiiioii paruen who werift
arrested for cutting down a barb-wire
fence for C. D. Moore at White Salmon,
were fined by the court at Goldendule
$10 each and costs.
M. A. Cook has finished the carpen
ter work on the houses of Axtel Rahni
and H. C. Batebdm. Mr. Rahm has
his new house neutly
new furniture.
furnished with
O. L. Strannhan, who has been on
jury duty at The Dalles for the past.
lour weeks, was "excused .by -Judge
Rradshaw and came home to vote,
Tuesday., . ," " ."
Henry A. 'York has returned to The
Dalles from San Francisco, where he
has been attending the pharmaceutical
department of the university -of Cal
ifornia. M. A. Cook anti his wife had a few
words yesterday, and Mr. !ook has
left her at home, to be gone a few days,
visiting friends in Klickitat. 1
M, H. Nickelson, last "Sunday,, lost
his A. O. U. W. pin, with square'and
compass on. He will pay a liberal re
ward to the finder. , - '
Louis Clark is surveying the line of
the ditch of the East Fork Irrigation
Co., from Joss' divide to the lower end
of the valley. ., . . .'.y .- v
" R. E. Harbison will take advantage
of the cut rates in railroad and steam
ship fare and start for. San Francisco
next Monday; ; ; .'Vi'-i : .'
It is reported .that George' Herbert
will resign his position ns storekeeper
at Grant and go into business at The
Dalles.' V-.- ' v.-r
Mr. Hubbard, who has been . in ; the
employ of Herriu at ; The Dalles, has
rented Mr. Nerf's photograph : gallery.
. West Bros, killed a beef, Saturday
that dressed 091 pounds. It was fat
sened by 'Mike Iverson of Viento.?' .
The Rural Northwest says nice Hood
River apples are retailing at $1.50 a
box in Portland. ; .
The new council will' hold its first
meeting on the1 second Tuesday in
January. ; ' ' '
Look over the stock of ribbons at the
Racket store before'- buying elsewhere.
, Rev. F. C. Krause and family have
moved into the Sam S'hith-house. ;
The United Brethren are about to
organize a church in The Dalles., i .
Rev. Haskins of Cascade Locks came
up on the noon train Thursday.
" Regular council meeting next Tues
day evening.
Grant Evans returned; from, San
Francisco Monday.
. , Our Grist Mill , ;
Will be shut down Saturday night and
will not be in operation again for two
weeks. Come tomorrow, if you are in
Immediate need of any work.
Harbison Bros.'
Stockholders' Meeting.
There will be a meetin?of the stockholders
of ttie Kast Fork IrrlKating (Jompany at the
Odell school house, on Saturday, l)ec. 14, MIH,
at 1 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of electing
three directors to hold their office for one
year. This being the first regular meeting of
said company, it will be open for the transac
tion of all lenal business that may come be
fore the meeting. ,
.. J. A, KNOX, President.
vf - M
I have signed a contract to buy the only harness business in LaGrande, and must move in
January. I shall not carry shoes there, so In the short time Intervening, must clouse outmy
enure slock oi snoes . , , .
': Beg'ardleGG of Cost !'
T? T7 TVT "nT "R L' f Portland Isn't in it
v-i ij-v - une Mosier ana xne
'.'): . V Don't
To call and get prices before the assortment Is
kick if you don't buy. In the meantime I will sell -
Cheaper than they can be bought elsewhere in
all of my property in Hood River.
All the best variety of Apples, lncludins
other kinds of nursery stock kept constantly
your trees at tne nome nursery ana save expense ana aainase. we are nere to stay.
": ' H. C BATEHAM, Columbia Nursery
Choice Fresh. Meats,
,t7 . Hams, Bacon, Lard,
And All Blinds of Game.
' Born. .
K At Viento, November 30, 1895, to
Mr. and Mrs. J . YV. t'urtimau, a son
12 pounds. ' :
Died. - .
In Hood River valley, Dec, 2. 1895,
Miss Alvie Markley,; aged 19 years.
Funeral Tuesday. '
In Hood River valley, Sunday, Dec.
1, 1885, at the residence of Ins son-in-
i law,. Jtt. jm. rioweii, j. v. Ciuin, aged
66 vears. 10 months and 18 davs.
V ' .
Deceased had been in bad health a
nnmber of years, yet his fatal sickuess
was suddenttiid death came unexpect
edly. Ai-aged wife and two daughters
mounijfh'jlf loss of a kind and affection
ate IvttKlvartd and farther. Services
i were l?eld at the house on Monday, ivith
internet, in Idlewilde. .
Church Notices.
ME. services in Hood River every
Sabbath evening, and in the mornings
of the first and third Sabbaths of jeach
month; at Mosier on the mornings of
the second and fourth.
i J. M. Denison, Pastor.
U.' B. church Sunday, Dec. 8th
Sunday school at 10 a', m.; preaching
at 11 a. m.; Junior Endeavor at 3 p.m.;
literary programme by the Junior and
Senior Endeavor at 7.30 p. m.
T - -. F. C. Krause, Pastor. :
Rev. F. L. Johns will preach at Bel
mont Sunday morning at 11 o'clock,
at Crapper school house at 3 and at
Pine Grove at 7.
There will be services at the Congre
gational church next Sunday at 11 a.
inland 7 p. m. - Subjects, "Endow
ments and Requirements," and "The
Raven' and the Dove." Sunday school
at )0 a. in., Junior society at 3 p. m.
v'V-; . . J. L. Hekshner, pastor.
The Valley Christian Sunday school
is making preparations . for their
Christmas entertainment, which will
consist of Xmas trees laden , with pres
ents, appropriate literary exercises,
music, etc. They will hold their enter
tainment on Christmas ete.
When most needed it is not unusual
for your family physician to be away
from home. Such was the experience
of Mr. J. Y. Schenck, editor of the
Caddo, Ind. Ter., Banner, when his
little girl, two years of age, was threat
ened with a - severe attack of croup.
He says: "My wife insisted that I
should go for the doctor, but as, our
family physician was out of town I pur
chased , a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy, which relieved her
immediately. I will not be without it
in the future. For sale at 50 cents per
bottle by Williams & Brosius,druggists,
V Meeting Notices. :
The Trustees of Idlewilde fraternal Cem
etery Association are urgently requested to
attend a called meeting at the office of the
president tomorrow, Deo. 7, at 10 A. M. sharp.
. - . E. L. SMITH, President.
,F, C. Biiosius. Secretary. - . .
The Board 04 Control of the Hood River
Library Association are earnestly requested
to assemble at the office of the Librarian, Mon
day next, at 10 A. M. important business and
amendments await your action.
, . K. L. SMITH, Chairman.
F. C. Bitosius, Secretary,., .,
Has again made his headquarters with M. H.
M ICKKLSEN. , He has the ,. -. ., , -
Largest Stock or Xmas Ms
liver brought to Hood River. To be sold at
Free Trade Prices,
3 E -
with my prices, not to mention any little burgs
wanes. .
'Fail ' V
broken. No trouble to show goods and no
the state,
Make me an offer on any part or
" . D. F. PIERCE.
Yakima. Gano,
Arkansas Black, etc., and nil
on hand. Prices will be made satisfactory
A Piano for $40".
Chicago's most prominent music bouse,
Lyon fc Healy, have a number of slightly used
and second band pianos, taken In trade, used
in concerts, and In fact not brand new Instru
ments, which they have determined to sacri
fice rather than try to make room for. These
instruments comprise Square pianos at $40,
S . 5, (UK), 8100 and $125. Upright pianos at 8125,
8140, 8150, $m, 8100, 8200, 225, 240 and upward.
Grand pianos at 8200, 8250, SROO and upward.
Nearly all originally sold for from two to four
times their present price. Almost all prom
inent makes (in squares and uprights) are rep
resented, including among numerous others
Chlckering, Knabe, Stelnway, Weber, Decker,
Bteck, Fisher, etc. This Is an opportunity
that will not occur aguin, as Ijyon & Healy
never had so many pianos of this class before.
Immediate attention is necessary. A good
plan would be to order a piano', leaving the
selection to Lyon & Healy. However, they
will send a list and full particulars upon ap
plication. Any piano not proving satisfactory
may be returned at their expense. Address at
their new salesrooms, corner Wabash ave.and
Adams street, Chicago. Distance is no obsta
cle in taking advantage of this remarkable
chance to obtain a piano, for In proportion to
the saving to be made, the freight charges are
insignificant. If you do not already know
them by reputation, any banker will assure
you of Lyon & Healy's entire responsibility
and record of over a third of a century for
honorable dealing. Write today so as to avoid
Instantly relieved and permanently '.
C II R E D'i-
Without knife or operation. ,
TreatisRt Ateolntsly Painless.
" Cure effected in from three to six weeks.
Write for terms.
Offices: Rooms 706-707 Marquam Building,
oct25 . --. .
Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established
, House in'the valley.
Dry Goods, Clothing,
, .''. ' " AND ' ' ' ' '
General Merchandise,
Flour and Feed. Etc.,
Fruit or Grain Land.
Fortvor Eighty Acres of unimproved good
fruit or grain land lor sale cheap. Call on
. , FK.ED KEMP, -y5
, : AH. Hood Stage Koad.
WM.T1LLETT, Proprietor.
Grower and dealer in choice Nursery stock.
He has the only stock of the
Yakima Apple,
The best of red apples, and as long a keeper as
the Yellow Newtown.
I have aboui 20,000 apple trees of t he best, va
riet.'cH ffrowinir In. mv nurserv. All standard
varieties are grafted from the best stock in
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Country Produce Bought and Sold.
Aftrturv ma .
SIGGlSTBUDT in the world
18a0 mark c0pvrkt(j-
Kitchen Furniture,
" ' Pruning Tools, Etc. -
Repairing Tinware a Specialty.
Fruit Rancli for Sale Gfteaii.
Situated 4 miles west of the town of Hood
River, on the Columbia. Free from late frosts.
Full crop of all kinds of fruit now on ranch.
Fine irrigating facilities and water for that
purpose belonging to place. Call at. Olacier
office or at ranch. . F. K. ABSTEN.
(Special attention given to Land Office prac
. . . ticc) - -.:
Rooms 44-45 Chapman Block,
Notary Public,
DR. E. T. CARNS Is now located in Hood
River. Firstclass work at reasonable rates.
All work guaranteed. Office in the Langille
House. jyl
All work given him will be done cor
rectly and promptly. He has a few
good claims upon which he can locate
parties; ootn tanning and timber lands.
February, 1894. .; .
Hood River, Oregon. ,
Dec. 27
Single Tickets. 35 cts.:
for the
Course, $1.50.
Forty acres unimproved land, on the east
side of Hood river, 5 miles from town. Price
$10 per acre. Inquire at Glacier office.
, H. C. Coe.
.Notary ruDiic.
Final Estate aii tain,
' 93 Oak St., bet. 2d and 3d.
ii uaic iutn, uiuvno auu nvi.a j t ini;
town of Hood River; also, fruit, hay and nerry
farms and timber claims In the most desira
ble locations In the valley. If you have any
thing In the real estate line to sell or rent, or
ii you want to ouy, give us a can.
Deeds, bonds and mortgages promptly and
correctly executed'. '
We will also attend ,to legal business in jus
ticcs' conrlrS
We are also agents for SOUTH WAUCOMA
. . ; ap27 . .
House and corner lot in Hood River for sale
cheap. Inquire at the Bakery. se6 .
Bargains in Land.
200 acres of unimproved land for sale. n the
East Side, 8 miles from town, 7 to SI0 an acre.
Other land, about half cleared, $20 an acre.
Well improved land. 30 an acre. Plenty of
water for irrigation. Will sell In 20 or 40-acre
tracts. Inquire at Glacier office. Je22
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the honorable
county court of Wasco county, Oregon, ad
ministrator of the estate ot Martha Parser, do
ceased. All persons having claims against
said estate aro notified to present the same to
me in Hood River, Wasco county, Oregon,
within six months of the (late of tins notice.
Dated November 11, iwjo.
A. S. BfiOWKItS."'--'
Administrator of the Estate of Martha Purser,
deceased. . ; ...... nlodis
T&eDallePorDaEiI & Asloria
Navigation Co.
Through Freight , and
Passenger Lino,
DailFM. Dies M Mil
All Freight Will Come Through
' Without Delay. -
One way.... ftO
Round trip.;....... 2 50
Freight Rates Greatly
General Agent.
E. McNEILL, Receiver. '
To.tlb-e ZEsust,
Gives the choice of
Minneapolis OMAHA
AND - , '. ' .. AND t .
ST. PAUL. Kansas City.
Low Rates to All East
" ' ern Cities. V
Leave Portland every five days for, . " '
For full details call on O. R. A N. Agent,
Hood River, or address ; ' ' ' i
,., : , v ': W. H. HURLBUMTi V
.' , ; , Gcu'I I'asv. Agf-nt,
. : Portland, Or.
prompt answer and an honest opinion, mice r
WUNN & CO., who have had nearly fifty yoars
experience In the patent business. Coniumtnc
tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In
formation concerning Patents and how to ob
tain them sent free. Also a catalogue ot mechan
ical and scientific books sent free.
Patents taken through Munn A Co. recei
special notice in the Scientific Anicn an, end
thus are brought widely before the public with
out cost to the inventor. This splendid paner,
issued weekly, elesantly illustrated, has by far tli
largest circulation of any scientific work In tlt
world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent ?rea.
Building Editionjmonthly, $2.50 a year. Glnpi.a
copies, ii5 cents. Every cumber contains boun
tiful plates, in colors, and photograpns of no
bouses, with plans, enabling builders to show tb
latest deslpns and secure contracts. Address
MUNN & cOm New Youk, 301 Bkoatjwat.
: R-I-P-A-N-S
" ' 'n l - : r i
The modern stand
ard Family Medi
cine:' Cures, the
common every-day
ills of humanity.
Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment
Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt
Ttlieum, Hcald Head, tiore jinnies, (Jl)aipel
Hands, Itcuing Piles, lnirns, Frost Jiite,
Chronic Sore Kyes and Oramilalcd Kve Lids.
For sale by druggists at 25 cents jior hox,
For putting a Iiorse in a lino li&ili'.iy con
dition try llr. (JiuIv'h Condition JVnvdt'.s. ;
They tone up the system, aid digest ion, cure
loss ofapnetite, relieve conslipatii.n, coriwi
kidnev disordein and destroy worms, givin?;
now life to an old or oveiMvor!;cd hoi-se. Ho
cents per piicUare. hv h tiista.
For sivlo ly.Wljiiams,:S Brosiiit;.
J.1UU-U u-i-yvr, . . - - t . jcio. 1 1