3(ood Jiver Slacier. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 29, 1895. THE MAILS. The mall arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o' clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de parts e same days at noon, For Chenoweth, leaves at 8 A.M.; arrive at P. M. Saturdays. For White Salmon leaves daily at 1 P. M.; arrives at 8 o'clock P. M. From Whit Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil mer, Trout Lake and Olenwood Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. SOCIETIES. Canby Post, No. l!L G. A. R., meets at Odd Fellow's Hall, first Saturday of each month at 2 o'clock p. m. All G. A. R. members in vited to attend. C. J. Hayks, Commander. A. S. Blowkrs. Adjutant. Waucoma Lodge, No. ,80. K. of P., meets in their Castle Hall on every Tuesday night. J. A. 80KSDE, C. C. Geo. T. Prather, K. of K. & 8. Riverside Lodge, No. 68, A O. U. W., meets first and third Saturdays of each month. W. J. SMITH, M. W. J. V. Watt, Financier. II. L. Howe, Reeoi der. ' ',' BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. , Fashion Books for sale at Mrs. C J. Hunt's. 0. R. Bone was in Hood River last Saturday. , v Lou Morse Is authorized agent for all newspapers and periodicals. D. F. Pierce is selling lots of goods since he let it be known that he was going away. ' : Mr. S. J. LaFrance was here during the week, to eat his Thanksgiving tur- . fte.y at uumv. Dorrance Smith came up from As toria Sunday to spend Thanksgiving wppIt with rclntlvpH hpre. Dr. F. C. Brosius and wife visited . TH rr.. 1 1 ! ... .. 1 i rni... t . it ji, jiwuisitM uuu who iu iue xmues for several days last week. Saturday and Monday of each week will he our (ft-inding days throughout the fall and winter. Harbison Bros. Wilhelm Killeudonk of Underwood Landing will prove up on his home stead before the register and receiver at vauvvuvci iicai t cuuesuay; A ny thing you need in the line of doors, windows, window glass, mould ings, thresholds, . casings, etc., you wm una ai me ox f actory. Mr. Henry Brown and family have moved up to the Baldwin settlement, where he will work upon the ditch now in course of construction. Sam Smith' and family jeturned to Hood River Monday, after an absence of three months visiting friends in In diana. .Mr. Smith will go hack to his old job on the railroad. v, . Good advice: Never leave home on a journey without a bottle of Chamber lain's colic, cholera and diarrhoea rem edy. For sale by Williams & Brosius, druggists, Hood River." Now is the time to set asparagus, horse radish and pie plant roots. Some 44.... , l. 1 .. . fl. 1 lllir ininnfKi tir 'IMllim MOW HI. VUIUIH liia nursery. Drop a postal to H. J. Bateham and get .prices. John F. Dodson, whose residence on the East Side was burned last week, has purchased a house of Davenport Bros., up at the mills, and moved it over and set it up on his homestead. Mr. William Husbandsof Mosier was in town Monday. William is now the proud father of four children, as h in formed us a son was horn to himself and wife a month ago a nine pounder. Capt. Blowers has secured one of the road graders lieloncing to the county for use on the roads in the vallev.by thft llifFprpitt rnurl BiiiuM'vi&or-a . Tr.' iu now stored in Blowers' warehouse, ready for use when called for. The first Saturday in December, which will be the 7th of the month, ..rill K ......... I..H -!.... .1 e vm ucitiir iricuini iiifeiiuu nay im Oanby post, G. A. R. It will -also be the dav for the election of officers, and a full attendance is requested at this meeting. : . Notice our fancy new graham sacks. W( will IlciA t licoa ItAnnufivi'triuiifl tliAir will always be fi 1 lej with the choicest product. . Examine the brand and see that you pet our "Whole Wheat Gra ham." Beware of inferior stuff. Harbison Bros. The Christian denomination of Hood River, now in charge of Rev. J. W. Jenkins, have concluded the purchase of the Valley Congregational church edifice. The price paid is $500 $200 cash, $150 in one year and balance in two years. The. membership of this church now numbers About fifty. .. D. F. Pierce -received an order from C. L. Mastickof the firm of Patiic.k, Mastick & Co. of Portland, for twelve boxes of Hood River apples, which he will present to friends in California. J. V. Council filled the order, and pent him twelve boxes of his handsome Baldwins, which are not inferior to . Wm. Tillett says he will publish a recipe next week for a solution that will kill the wooly aphis. He advises all who purchase trees from Willamette valley, nurseries to dip the trees, roots and all, in this solution before plant ing. ' An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure, j Thia ( 'hl'ntiifila nf TiimHqw eava. Hon . ty Sheriff Butts started the sale of de linquent taxes yesterday morning. He got through the A's and B's and then stopped temporarily. The sale will be continued till all the property adver tised is sold. As yet no bidders besides the county have put in appearance. 1 Parties from Mount. Hood ordered a lot of fruit trees from a Salem nur sery, which arrived here Monday. After the excitement about. the wooly aphis, the parties refused to receive the trees until they had been examined by Mr. William Tillett. Mr. Tillett found that they hdd been puddled in thin mud to cover defects, but not finding any wooly aphis, the trees were ac cepted. ' ' Last Friday Judge Bradshaw in structed the jury In the case of the State vs. Julius Rothermel to return a verdict for the defendant. The point raised was that the indictment charged Rothermel with embezzlement, but the evidence went to show that he was not the agent of Morsbach, the man from whom the money was alleged to be stolen, consequently he was not guilty of embezzlement. The cost of the case has been very heavy, A great many witnesses testified for the pros ecution, and a large number were sum moned for the defense who did not tes'ifv. Some have estimated the cost of the trial at over $1,000. . As announced in last week's Glacier, we are selling only for cash; We make no exceptions. The richest man in Oregon could not get gobds from us on time. We treat, all alike. We will sell as cheap as anybody. Did you get a price list from The Dalles? Consider it ours; we will fill your orders from it. May be you got one from Portland. Don't send there for your goods, you can get them just as cheap of us. We want your trade. Patronize home. ' Come and see us, you'll find our latch string out. Yours for business, . Hanna & Wolfard. More nominations were filed with the recorder Thursday. A people's primary endorsed the nominations for council'men and nominated C. M. Wol fard for mavor. A third nartv nom inated W. J. Smith for mayor. F. E. Jackson for recorder, M. H. Nickelsen for treasurer. E. S. Olinger for marshal and the following for councilmen: C.A. Bell, W. H. Bishop, F H. Button, G. P. Crowell. Bert Graham, John R. Nickelsen. . Mr. W. J. Smith has since withdrawn. J). F. Pierce has just received an in voice of the celebrated W. L. Douglas (stamped price) shoes for men and boys, which he ordered Sept. 1st, at which time he did not contemplate leaving here He has the $2 boys' shoes and $2.50, $3, $3.50 and $5 men's shoes, which he will close out with the bal ance of his stock at reduced prices. Mrs. Julia Childers found a pair of eye-glasses on the streets yesterday. She brought them to the Glacier office and we wrote an advertisement of the find. The ink had not had time to dry when Rev. J. M. Denison, the owner, called for them. It pays io ad vertise. . , . . The trial of Messrs. Egan, Bradford and Zeigler of White Salmon, charged wit h removing the fence of !.D. Moore of that place, was set for the 26th inst. at Goldendale. Bishop Mills' lecture Is highly spoken of by all who listened to him. He also preached a very able sermon Thanks giving day. Rev. O. D. Taylor returned to The Dalles last week, and Sunday preached from his pulpit in the Baptist church. ,The welcome rain came .Tuesday i and we have bad several downpours that hare kept up for hours since then. ".- Hon. T. R. Coou is secretary of the fruit growers' association that will meet at Walla Walla Dec. 10th. .; A collection of over $10 was lifted at the Congregational church yesterday for the benefit of the sick. Grant Evans started for San Fran cisco last Sunday, on a visit to his sis ter residing there. The mother of Mr. F. H. Button ar rived here from San Francisco last Wednesday. ' , : C. Welds wants all who are owing him to come and settle by Jan. 1st and save costs. Mr. L. Neff and family moved into their Hood River residence Wednes day. Treasurer's Report,' Following is the report of A. S. Blowers, treasurer of the Hood River fair association : ;: Oct. 6 By cash, door receipts received - from J. fl. Dukes..: Si3 00 Oct. 7 By cash, door receipts received from J. H. Dukes.. 52 00 Oct. 7 By cash, door receipts received , from H. C. Bateham. 14 50 Oct. 7 To cash to pay bills . . H. C. Bateham........ t 4 70 ' Pacific Farmer .'. 4 GO A. 8. Blowers & Co......... 7 il O. L. Stranahan i 60 . - Rent of armory ,.' 10 00 R. Husbands 2 00 J. H. Dukes 8 00 S. E. Bartihess 14 68 G. T. Prather 2 50 Oct. 12 Oregoniart' 7 50 Oct. 148. K. Blythe 5 00 Oct. 15-M. O. Wheeler..... 2 60 Oct. 21 W. J. Smith , 1 20 . - Oct. 21 By cash from W. Tillett . 8 50 Oct. 23 To cash to pay bills E. L. Smith ..........;... 8 50 . Nov. 1 Mrs. Mays I 00 ;. M. Nickelsen 'Jo Nov. 11 J. F. Watt 1 75 Noy. 18 dinger & Bone... 50 Nov. 22 Dalles Chronicle.... 2 75 . " F. Chandler, premium.. 5 00 . Geo. P. Crowell , 2 80 Balance.;...., : 25 2d 116 00 .1)6 00 Nov. 25 Balance on hand...... $25 26 Town Primary, The 'primary meeting for the nomi nation of candidates for the town elec tion next Tuesday was held at the Langille . house .' Tuesday afternoon; The meeting was. called to order at 2 o'clock by E. S. Olinger. F.H. Button was elected chairman of the meeting and J. A. Soesbe secretary. , The following resolution was pre sented by Dr. Brosius and read by the secretary:'. '.',.tV;, Resolved, That the candidates of this primary for mayor and council are hereby pledged, if elected, not to in crease the indebtedness of the town, nor to levy, a tax oil. the assessable property of the town without the con sent of the electors of the town. Dr. Adams moved an amendment, to read "a majority of taxpayers," which was adopted and the resolution curried unanimously. , , Nominations being in order, L. N. Blowers was placed iu nomination for mayor by acclamation. From a long list of nominations for couucilmen, the following six names were selected; J. P. Watson, Li. Henry, U.K. Bartmess, L. E. Morse, J. H. Dukes and H. F. Davidson. For recorder, George T. Prather was nominated; M. H. Nickelsen was re nominated for treasurer, E. S. Olinger renominated for marshal, and the meeting adjourned. . : Church Notices. v,' . , " ' ' All the churches will unite with the U. B. church Sunday evening,-wheu Bishop Mills will preach. . . Bishop J. S. Mills and daughter ar rived on the noon train Wednesday, and Wednesday evening he delivered his lecture on Sociology at the U. B. church. Thanksgiving day he preach ed in tlie' Congregational cuurcn, and Sunday" he will preach in-theU. B, church, morning and evening. There will bp Sunday school .at the AT 3D. P. PIEECE'S STOKE. I have signed a contract to buy the only harness business In LaGrande, and must move in January. I shall not carry shoes there, so in the short time Intervening, must clouse outmy entire stock of shoes . . Kegra.rd.less of Cost I T?T7TWT?Hri3'n,T? Portland Isn't in it with my prices, not to mention any little burgs XV JLilU. Ft IVI JjJjXV like Mosier and The Dalles. Don't Fail To call and get prices before the assortment is broken. No trouble to show goods and no kick If you don't buy. In the meantime I will sell . HARNESS AND SADDLES Cheaper than thev can be bought elsewhere In the state. Make me an offer on any part or all of my property in Hood River. D. F. PIERCE. All the best variety of Apples, Including Yakima, Oano, Arkansas Black, etc., and all other kinds of nursery stock kept constantly on hand. Prices will be made satisfactory. Buy your trees at the home nursery and save expense and damage We are here to stay. H. C BATEHAM, Columbia Nursery. T77"EST KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND Choice Fresh Meats, Hams, Bacon, Lard, And All Kinds of Game. .' ALSO,' DEALERS IN ' FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. HOOD RIVER, ,- --- ;- . ... OREGON. M. E. tahernacle at 10 o'clock, the usual hour. A welcome to all. Supt. M. E. services in Hood River every Sabbath evening, and irv the mornings of the first and third Sahhaths of eacli month; at Mosier on the mornings of the second and fourth. . - J. M. Denison, Pastor. U. B. church Sunday, Dec. lst.-r-Sunday school at 10 a. m.; preaching hy Bishop J. S. Mills at 11a. m.; Ju nior Endeavor at 3 p.m.; Senior En deavor at 6.30; preaching by Bishop J.S. Mills at 7.30 p. m. : - ,F. C. Krause, Pastor. The wife of Mr. 'Leonard Wells of East Biimfied, Mass , had been suffer ing from neuralgia for two days, not being able to sleep or hardly keep still, when Mr. Holden, the merchant there, sent her a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and asked that she give it a thorough trial. - On meeting Mr. Wells the next day, he was told that she was all right, the pain had left her within two Hours and that the bottle of Pain Balm was worth $5 if it could not be had for less. For sale at 50 cents a bottle by Williams & Brosius, drug gists, Hood River, Oregon. , ' Bid You Ever ; Try Electric Bitters us a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. ' This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female comp!aints,exerting a wonderful influence iu giving strength and tono to the organs. If you have loss j ofappetite,constipatiou,headache,faint- ing spells, or are nervous,sieepiess,excit able,inelancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the medicine you need. Health and strength are guar anteed by its use. Fifty cents and jl at the Hood River Pharmacy. A Piano for $40. . Chicago's most prominent music house, Lyon & Healy, have a number of slightly used and second hand pianos, taken in trade, used in concerts, and in fact not brand new instru ments, which they have determined to sacri-. tlce rather than try to make room for. These instruments comprise Square pianos at $40, $A tUO, J100 and $125. Upright pianos at $lHi, $140, $150, $li3, $190, &M0, 225, 240 and upward. Urand pianos at $2U0, $250, $300 and upward. Nearly all originally sold for from two to four times their present price. Almost all prom inent makes (in squares and uprights) are rep resented, including among numerous others Chlckering, Knabe, Steinway, Weber, Decker, Hteck, Fisher, etc. This Is. an opportunity that will not occur again, as Lyon & Healy never had so many pianos of this class before. Immediate attention is necessary. A good plan would be to order a piano, leaving the selection to Lyou & Healy. However, they will send a list and full particulars upon ap plication. Any piano not proving satisfactory may be returned at their expense. Address at their new salesrooms, corner Wabash ave.and Adams street, Chicago. Distance is no obsta cle in taking advantage of this remarkable chance to obtain a piano, for in proportion to the saving to be made, the freight charges are insignilicant If you do not already know them by reputation, any banker will assure you of tyon fe Healy's entire responsibility and record of over a third of a century for honorable dealing. Write today so as to avoid disappointment. . . The Toledo Blade. : With a great presidential campaign coming next year, every thoughtful citizen will need, besides his local paper, a great national week ly. The greatest and most widely known of these is the Toledo Weekly Blade.' For.thirty years it has been a regular visitor in every part of the Union, and is well known at al most every one of the 70,000 post offices In the country. , It Is edited with reference to a na tional circulation. It is a republican paper, but men of all politics take It, because of its honesty and fairness In the discussion of all public questions. It is the favorite family pa per, with something for every member of the household.' Herial stories, poetry, wit and humor; the Household .department (best in the world), Young Folks, Sunday School Les sons, Talinage's sermons, the Farmstead, the Question Bureau (which answers questions for subscribers), the news of the week In com plete form, and other special features. Speci men copies gladly sent on application, and If you will send us a list of addresses we will mail a copy to each. Only $1 a year. If you wish to raise a club, write lor terms. Address Tuo Blade, Toledo, Ohior EPOS., LB How to Prevent Croup. Some reading that will prove inter esting to young mothers. : How to guard against the disease. ' :( ' Croup is a terror to young mothers, and to post them concerning the cause, first symptoms and treatment is the ob ject of this item. The origin of croup is a common cold. Children who are subject to it take cold very easily, and croup is almost sure to follow. The first symptom is hoarseness; this is soon followed by a peculiar rough cough, which is easily recognized and will never be forgotten by one who has heard it. The time to act is when the child first becomes hoarse. If Cham berlain's Cough Remedy is freelygiven all tendency to croup will soon disap pear. Even after the croupy cough has developed it will prevent the attack. There is no danger in giving this rem edy, for it contains nothing injurious. , 1 For sale by Williams & Brosius,drug gists, Hood River, Or. , RUPTURE Instantly relieved and permanently C U RED;; Without knife or operation. Treatmeiit Alsolntely Painless. Cure effected in from three to six weeks. Write for terms. THE E. O. MILLER CO., Offices: Rooms 706-707 Marquam Building, PORTLAND, - OREGON. "., ' : 0Ct25 : GEO. P. CROWELL, Successor to K. L.Smith Oldest Established House inthe valley. . DEALER IN 1 Dry Goods, Clothing, AND General Merchandise, Flour and Feed. Etc.. HOOD RIVER, - - - OREGON. Fruit or Grain Land. Forty or Eighty Acres of unimproved good fruit or grain land for sale cheap. Call on FRED KEMP, ya Mt. Hood Stage Road. WM. TILLETT, Proprietor. Grower and dealer in choice Nursery stock. He has the only stock of the Yakima Apple, The best of red apples, and as long a keeper as the Yellow Newtown. - I have about 20,000 apple trees of the best va rieties growing in my nursery. All standard varieties are grafted from the best stock in Hood River,- Jcl. jMgi yf 3jg h 0 A. S. BLOWERS & CO., -DEALERS IN- Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, FLOUR AND FEED. Country Produce Bought and Sold. BRADLEY&METCALFCOl mi CELEBRATED B00TS&SHOES ESTABLISHED 1843 it BIGGESTBU0T IN THEW0RLO TfiAOE MARK COPYfUGMTLf ONE GIVES RELIEF. T. C. DALLAS, DEALER IN ' , STOVES AND WARE, Kitchen Furniture, PLUMBERb' GOODS. Pruning Tools, Etc. Repairing Tinware a Specialty. Fri Mil for Sale Ctap. ' Situated Vi miles west of the town of Hood River, on the Columbia. Free from late frosts. Full crop of all kinds of fruit now on ranch. Fine irrigating facilities and water for that purpose belonging to place. Call at Glacier oilice or at ranch. F. It. ABSTEN. J. H. CRADLEBATJGH, Attorney-at-Law, (Special attention given to Land Office prac tice) Rooms 44-45 Chapman Block, THE DALLES, OREGON. ' O. FREDENBURG, , ; Notary Public, MOUNT HOOD, - - OREGON DEHTISTKY. DR. E. T. CARNS Is now located tn Hood River. First-class work at reasonable rates. All work guaranteed. Office in the Langllle House. Jy 19 C. J. HATES, SURYEYOR. All work given him will be done cor rectly arrd promptly. He lias a few good claims upon which he can locate parties; Doth farming and timber lands. February, 1894! LECTURE COURSE " AT- .t :': UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH, ; . Hood River, "Oregon. STANFORD MANDOLIN ' GLEE CLUB, - Dec. 27 Single Tickets. 35 cts.; for the Course, $1.50. : FORvSALE. Forty acres unimproved land, on the east side Of Hood river, 5 miles from towq. Price 810 per acre. Inquire at Glacier office. G. T. Pkathkk, I ' H. C. Cob. Notary Public. : . PRATHER & COE, Real Mm aii Iarae, 93 Oak St., bet. 2d and 3d. We have lots, blocks and acreage In the town of Hood River: also, fruit, hay and nerry farms and timber claims In the most desira ble locations in the valley. If you have any thing in the real estate line to sell or rent, or 11 you want to buy, give us a call. Deeds, bonds and mortgages promptly and correctly executed. We will also attend to legal business injus tices' courts. We are also agents for SOUTH WAUCOMA property. PRATHER & COE. ... ap27 ; FORSALE. House and corner lot in Hood River for sale cheap. Inquire at the Bakery. se6 Bargainsjn Land. 200 acres. of unimproved land for sale.cn the F,ast Bide, 8 miles from town, $7 to $10 an acre. Other land, about half cleared, 820 an acre. Well Improved land, 8S0 an acre. Plenty of water for irrigation. Will sell in 20 or 40-acre tracts. Inquire at Glacier office. . je22 Administrator's Notice. . : TO CREDITORS. V Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the honorable county court of Wasco county, Oregon, ad ministrator of the estate ot Martha Purser, de ceased. All persons having claims against said estate aro notified to present the same to me In Hood River, Wasco county, OregonJ within six months of the date of this notice.?-) Dated November 11, 18U5. A. H. BLOWERS, Administrator of the Estate of Martha Purser.; deceased. . .nlodlS ,j " THE "REGULATOR LINE." & istori Navigation Co. Through Freight and Passenger Lino. t Dies ni Maul All Freight Will Come Through ' Without Delay. PASSENGER RATES. . One way $1 59 Round trip 8 60 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent. THE DALLES, -- OREGON K. McNEILL, Receiver. To tli.e East, Gives the choice of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL EOUTi: 3 Via Via SPOKANE, DENVEK, Minneapolis OMAHA , AND . AND. . ai. riiujj. nansas uuy. Low Rates to All East ern Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS Leave Portland every five days for SAN FRANCISCO. For full details call on O. R. A N. A(Bt, Hood River, or address W. II. HURLIUTRT. v - Gen'I I'iis". Agent, . - ?.. Portland, Or. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT t Tot prompt answer and an honest opinion, wrtto MDNN & CO., who have had nearly Hfty ynM experience tn the patent business. Coiinuunto tione strictly confidential. A Handbook of In formation concerning Patents and bow to ob . tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of median leal and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. recl special notice in the Scientific American ud thus are brought widely before the public with out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper. Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far t he largest circulation of any scientific work in XLtrn world. $3 a year. Sample copies sent free. " Building Edition, monthly, $2.50 a year. t1np, copies, U5 cents. Every number contain ben -tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new faounes, with plans, enabling builders to showia latent designs and secure contracts. Art drew M.U2W & CO., New Yohk, Jibl BltOAbwAV. , R-I-P-A-N-S ' The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema, Teller,. Snll Rlieuni, fcicalci Jleail, Sore Kipples, (.'ImpiH-il ITandft, Itching l'iles, Hums, Frost J'ilc, ChronicSore Kyes and (i rniiiilated I've J.idn. For sale by druggials at 25 cents per box. ' ' to HORSEOwsraaa. For putting a horse in a line healthy con dition try lr. (Judy's Condition l'owdeiK. They (one up the system, aid digcxlion, curd loss of appetite, relieve const ipiuk.ii, cornu l kidney disorders jmd destroy worms, givintf new life to mi old or nver-worlced horse.' 26 cents per package. For utile hy dnrggistsj .k For sale by WilHama & Urobilin.- COPYRIGHTS.