v3(ood Jiver Slacier. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1S95. The custom of celebrating an annual day of thanksgiving a few weeks be fore Christmas originated among the Puritans of New England in early col onial days. The day was set at a time when the crops were all harvested, the . year's work done, the winter's fire wood laid by and the people prepared fiir the long cold season in which little could be done but wail for spring. In , time this annual thanksgiving day be came the principal holiday of the year in that part of the country, and it was known ax the New England Christmas. It was much more a day of feasting aud merriment than Christmas was. The iMiatmii in' Uwninsr an annual dav of thanksgiving spread gradually to .other states, but, was almost unknown , in the South thirty years ago. During the Revolution congress annually rec ommended a day of thanksgiving, but after a general thanksgiving for peace in 1784, there was no national appoint ment until 1789, when President Wash ington, by request of congress, recom mended a thanksgiving for the adop tion of the constitution. In 1795 Pres- ident -Washington appointed another day of thanksgiving on account of the suppression of the whisky rebellion that had raised a rumpus n Western Pennsylvania. In 1815 President Mad ison recommended a day of thanksgiv ing for the restoration of peace after the war of 1812, the treaty having been signed at Ghent, in Belgium, on the Christmas eve of 1814. This thanks giving was joyously kept in all parts of the, United States except New Eng land, where hostility to Madison's ad ministration and his war policy was so hitter that it became .almost treason able. The Protestant Episcopal prayer book, adapted in 1789, recommended for a dy of thanksgiving the first '. Thursday In November, and this day was observed by that church generally in states here there was no official thanksgiving appointed. Proclama tions recommending special thanksgiv ing for Union victories were issued by President Lincoln in ,, 1862 and 1863. In 1863 and 1864 he appointed the aiir nual Thanksgiving day. Since that time the custom of appointing or rec ommending an annual thanksgiving V l ! II UVV II I M 1 1 M .. I'vlln I . . dents, the last Thursday of November being the day invariably named. These national proclamations are supple mented by - proclamations from the governors of the' several states. Thanks giving day is not a legal holiday except in states that have declared it such by legislative enactment. St. Louis Re public. ' '" ' "" " v " :'y: , The primary for the: nomination of candidates for the town offices will be ' held 'next Tuesday. At this meeting ' all candidates should be placed in nom ination .. If there. is to.be two or more tickets, two or more sets of. candidates can be ' nominated. Mr. Lawrence Blowers has announced himself as a candidate for mayor. We have heard of. no other candidates for this office, though there Will likely be two tickets in-the. field for all the offices. Mr. Blowers is a young man who will fill this important, office, if elected, with dignity and ability."-" ' The Oregon City Enterprise prom-J fees' 'its patrons a daily' they will be proud of when the proper time arrives, and says the daily will come to stay. ,, The Portland Dispatch figures out that Congressman Ellis has been in Oregon thirteen,, years and held office twelve years of that time. . Irrigation is King. . Thus saith the Lord: Make this val ley full of ditches. Ye shall not'see wind, neither shall ye see rain; yet this valley shall be filled with water, that ye may drink, both ye and your cattle and your beasts. II Kings, 3 ch., 16-18. The Wooly Aphis. 1 -The fact that wooly aphis wasbrought Into the valley last week on trees shipped from the Salem Wholesale Nurseries caused much excitement , among fruit men. Heretofore-our or chards have been free from, this pest, which is said to be one of the most dif ficult to eradicate when once it gains a footing in an orchard. But the pfompt measures taken to destroy the trees affected will no doubt prevent the spread of the wooly aphis here. Mr. Wm. Tillett was the first to discover the presence of the wooly aphis on trees he had ordered from Salem to fill out orders received for trees from his own nurseries, and he immediately reported to Mr. " Schanno. Mr. Campbell, an agent of, the Wholesale Nurseries, has sold a great many trees that have been delivered here this fall. It would be well for every one' who has bought trees of agents to carefully scrutinize every tree and destroy all that are in the least affected with the wooly aphis. Among those who. have received trees from this "nursery are the following: M. B. Potter, Wm. Tillett, M. P. Iaen berg, F. E. Bailey, II. H. Bkiley, Tom Wickens, George Williams, Mrs. Pierce, Henry Brown, Mr. Miller, Geo. St.raii ahan, A. W. King", Charles Chandler, and .inauy otheiui : , ..', ..,.'...'.. . The following correspondence shows that the matter is being investigated and measures taken on the part of officials to protect us in the shipment of trees:, , '. , , ," ;. j The Dalles, Nov. 14, 1895. Dr. P. G. Barrett Dear Sir: You will find inclosed a letter I received from Mr. Minto of Salem, secretary of state board of horticulture, which is an answer I received in regard to the nursery stock you left me, which was affected with wooly aphis; 1 have appointed Mr. H. F. Davidson to inspect all nursery stock coming into Hood River. Yours truly, ; Emil Schanno. Salem, Nov.. 13. Emil Schan no, The Dalles, ; OK Dear Sir: The four trees sent by express came to hand this morning, and shortly afterwards Mr. Daily came in and we opened the pack age. There was remains of the wooly aphis on the trees, but it was all dead, so far as we could make out, presum ably by the effect of the treatment the trees received at the nursery, according to Rule 15, except one spot on one of the trees, under a scale or bark, about half the size of one's Utile finger nail. 1 went to the office of the Oregon Wholesale Nursery company, and the manager told me he would order the trees shipped buck to Salem. In this case the law, or rules made under the law, have been complied with. I think you did right in .-telling P. G. Barrett that you had no power to order the trees destroyed. L, M. Minto. '.Another large shipment of trees was received Thursday morning, and upon lnspectiony live wooly aphis was found upon one tree. . After a careful inspec tion by Mr. H. F. Davidson, no more of the pests were found, and the trees were allowed to be taken away tiy tnose who had engaged them. . . -. Co-operative Ditch Building. A Nebraska correspondent of the American Agriculturist tells how the farmers succeeded in building an irri gating canal in that state, as follows: The Castle Rock irrigation canal and water power company was organized hi May, 1889. . This company was com- nnQail tf a fci7 fttimui.a liuine in fViatla i , . , v vri iv ii ill. ,ii, i ,i . ii, vwvw Rock precinct of Scott's Bluff' county, Nebraska. The plan was to build a canal about 17 miles in length, 18 feet wide on the bottom, with the banks sloping two feet horizontally to one toot in deptn, ana deep enough to carry 3J feet of - water, to be run on an aver age grade of 18 itiches to the mile. The bottom of the canal where the water is taken from the river is two feet below j the bed of the stream, me canal is oU feet wide at the' headgate, and grad ually narrows down for two miles to its regular width of 18 feet at the bottom. The headgate at the river is 50 feet wide, with a Hume tsu teet long tor the purpose of regulating the flow of water from the river. It is constructed of lumber, and much of it is hewed into shape by the tarmers.. - me canal is iiv tended to irrigate about 8,000 acres Nineteen farmers, without money and with a very scant supply of food for themselves or teed tor their teams, re siding upon their homesteads in sod houses or log cabins, in possession of strong faith and plenty of pluck, un dertook to accomplish this large work, which reouired the concentrated ef forts . of all engaged for nearly four years before water for irrigation pur poses was obtained, and the entire work is not quite finished. ' After the survey, work was commenced along the line of the canal witn teams and scrapers. There was a great deal of hard work at the head of the canal, where the water seeped m through the sand. At one place on the line there is a rock' cut, about half a mile long and 10 feet deep. At the deepest pluce it passes throuirh magnesia rock, much of which had to be blasted out with powder. About two years after work was begun a part of the stockholders purchased a New Era grading machine, with which con siderable, progress was made. The farmers who built the canal have as a rule excellent tracts of land, in good shape for irrigation, and are now on the way to independence (especially of rainfall).: Jhe estimated cost -or the canal is about $20,000, which was most ly paid in labor, it has no mortgage or bond debt, and the company's lia bilities do not exceed $200, and this was incurred principally for lumber and material that could not be procured ex cept for cash. These farmers have al ready demonstrated the great value of irrigation under their canal, and are highly gratified with results.., Primar ily, this canal was constructed to ob tain water for personal use, but the company provided for the sale of water rights to ; persons owning land under the canal who were non-residents and did not aid in its construction. All applicants are now accommodated with perpetual water rights of 40 inches each at 200 apiece. An inch of water is what will flow through an orifice an inch square, four inches below the sur iace of the water, and will irrigate about one acre., . Deniesi that it is a "Sample" Statement. Portland, Nov. 18, 1895. Editor Glacier: I notice in one of your ex changes the following clipping under head of "From the Glacier:'' The following is a sample statement of returns on fruit shipped from Hood River: L. Henry shipoed two crates of silver prunes, i hey were sent to Den ver 'and sold for $1. Transportation charges amounted to 76 cents; refrig erator, icing, 6 cents; commission, 10 cents leaving Mr. Henry 8 cents to pay for boxes, paper and packing. '; Mr. Henry made two ' shipments only, atai I am at a loss to know why the a (rove statement of the shipment of two crates of silver prunes should be styled a "sample statement" more tlian the following: Mr. L. Henry shipped from Hood River 16 crates of prunes. They were sent to Philadelphia and sold for$13.40.' Transoortation charges amounted to $6,24; refrigerator, icing, 48 cents; commission, $1.34 leaving Mr. Henry $5.34 to pay for boxes, pa per and packing. The boxes and paper cost $1.70. Mr. Henry therefore re ceived $3.64 for 16 crates, or 22 cents per crate of 20 pounds. In very few instances has fruit been sold for as low as 50 cents per crate. Selling fruit East for 50 cents perorate, when the freight and boxes cost that lliuchj'is not a "sample statement" by any means. , Willis Brown. ' Hons. : -In Hood River, Sunday, November 17, 1895, to Mr. and Mis. F,C. Doremus, a daughter, : Rivals Glowerourem's "lsaak Walton." ? "Yes, I observed many curious things about fish when I was on the Indian river," remarked Colonel Wardell, a few days ago. "Fish, as a rule, . are very shy, and yet they frequently become, so tume that they can almost be picked out. of the water, and they seem to know peo ple, just as a cat or dog does. Some of the sea 'cats' became so tame around my place that they would actually eat out of my hand. I had a board run ning from the house out over the water, and I used frequently to go out on this board to clean fish, throwing the clean ings into the water. These 'cat' would swim up as fearlessly as could be, and on several occasions they pulled the fish that I was cleaning out of my hand. The fish evidently knew me, however, because when a stranger went out on the board they would not go near him, but would swim around at a distance, as though they were afraid. . "The eel is ordinarily a very shy creature, and I do not remember ever having seen more than two or three in the Indian river. I had an oyster bed forty or fifty yards from my house.and I went out there one day for the pur pose of getting a basket of oysters. To my surprise, an eel came swimming up to me, and all the time that I was get ting the oysters it swam around my legs and rubbed against them much as a kitten would. I waded back to my house and the eel followed me. 1 found that I did not have enough oysters, and so I went back again. The eel was still there, and followed me across and back again. Now, I had never seen, the eel before, and" never saw it again after that day, and the only way that I can account for its peculiar ac tions is that it was the companion of either a large fish, turtle, or perhaps a manatee, and that it had become sep arated from it, and seeing me in the water, thought I was the object for which it was searching. "1 have often had .much amusement watching the antics of the needle fish. This fish, when at play, will jump over sticks, straws or other small objects in the water, and I have frequently had them jump over t he float of my fishing line. They did this apparently just to amuse themselves.." Florida Citizen. : Whisky Makes Tramps. There is one other cause for vagrancy more potent than all I have described, and its- name is whisky, says Josiah Flint in the 'Century. The love of liquor brings more men and women into trampdom than anytbihgel!e,and until this fact, is more conscientiously recognized there can be no thorough treatment of the tramp. There is no need to enter into details on this subject; all that I can do is to report the fact. The public needs to realize more fully than it now does the awful effects of string drink on vaga bonds. A realization of this fact is likely to be productive of some remedy for the evilsit represents. If the tramps of America could be freed from the bondage into which whisky has brought them, there would not be very many vagrants in the country. That the American tramp is the resultof the fluctuations of the labor market, as some claim, I do not believe. The American tramp does not want work, as a rule; but I know that he does want to be free from liquor. And if this can be accomplished, I feel safe in saying that he will go to work. Un der the influence of liquor he becomes a sort of voluntary idler; but if he were temperate, he could be made a valuable citizen. . Cnre for Headache. As a remedy for all forms of headache Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure, and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle and gi ve this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual constipation, Elec tric Bitters cures by giving che needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist t he use of this medicine. Try it once. Fifty cents and $1 a bottle. For sale at the Hood River Pharmacy. School Report, District CI. Those whose uames have been placed on the roll of honor for excellent 3e portment and have been present every day without being tardy are: Maud Miller and Willie Miller. Those who,, in deportment and scholarship, aver aged 70 and over: Lewra Wickham, Nellie Wickham, Jennie Miller, Maud Miller, Pearl Crapper, Susie Kelley, Willie Miller, Herman Prigge, Lester Wickham. Mollie Dunlap, Teacher. 1 -, 1 : Frankton Notes. Written by the pupils of Frankton school. Mr. E. D. Calkins expects soon to open up a harness shop at his place. I In spite of the severe weather last week, roses and chrysanthemums are still blooming in the flower gardens of Frankton, and buttercups and straw berry blossoms can be found "blooming alone," like the "last rose of summer." Walter. Isenberg entered school on Monday. ' Tuesday, while Dock Gibbons and another employe at the planer were pushing a truck of lumber along the tramway, the load was upset and the lumber fell upon Dock, nearly break ing his legs. He was soon extricated but was unable to ' walk, and Bob Pierce took him home in a buggy. He is so bruised that it is thought he will not be able to resume his work for a month or more. Elton Hayden made a trip to Wasco on his horse, leaving home Saturday and returning Monday. Last Sunday Dr. Barrett lanced an abscess that had been gathering upon the face of Scott Boorman's baby. , Report of The Grand Jury. ,. We, the grand jury for the November term of court, 1895, respectfully submit this, our final report, for the term: - We have been in session nine days, and from time to time, as matters were brought before us, have found and re turned Into court twelve "true bills" and five "not true . bills." We have subpenaed and examined before us 95 witnesses on the various cases. We have visited the county poor house and found the same neatly kept and the in mates seemed generally satisfied. The bui Iding is comfortable but the sleeping rooms are somewhat overcrowded, anil we would recommend that an addition be built and made into c ijnl'ortabie bed rooms. We have visited the va rious county offices and found the same in perfect order and clean. The coun ty records, so far as we are able to judge, were ijeatly and correctly kept, and-we congratulate the taxpayers of Wasco county on having such honest and capable men in charge of the va rious offices and the county's finances We have visited the county jail and recommend that, as soon as the county finances will admit, the county court purchase a lot and erect thereon a good and sufficient jail, the 1 present one be ing, in our opinion, totally inadequate. We further recommend that the pres ent jail be calcimined inside and the water closet be placed in proper condi tion. We further call the attention of the court to the fact that certain jus tices of the peace in this county seem more desirous of making fees than of performing the legitimate duties of their otnee. (sometimes frivolous cases are begun and the parties bound over to the grand jury, or the parties dis charged and the costs taxed up to the county. We, find, upon examination of the county court docket, that at the September term of the county court, the enormous sam'of $1,000 was al lowed for justice courts alone for cases tried during only two months. We heartily endorse the action of the coun ty court In disallowing all bills where, in their opinion, the charges made were unnecessary. '.'.- ' .'. A. S. Blowers, Foreman. . Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or monev refunded. Price. 25 cts per box. For sale at the Hood River Pharmacy. ' Notice for Publication. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Nov. 19, 1895. Notice Is hereby (riven that the follow ing-named settler has Hied notice of his intens tion to mane nnat proor in support ot nis claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Register and Keceiver at The Dalles, Ore gon, on January 4, iyo, viz: . JOHN F, DODSON, Hd. E. No. 42GG, for the north northwest southwest northwest H and northwest a northeast yi section 34, township. 2 north, range 10 east, W. M. He names the fwllowine witnesses to nrove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion oi, saia lann, viz: Clarence Knapp, Charles Murphy,. Peter uaen ana jonn ienz, an or Mood itiver, or. nzzaz jas. v. uuvius, iiegisier. NOTICE FOR P UBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles. Oresron. Nov. following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim,, and that said proof win De macie Deiore itegister ana Keceiver at The Dalles, Oregon,: on December 80, 18U5, viz: -: CHESTER WELDS, . ' Hd. E. No. 3528, for the lot 2, section 81, and lots 1 and 2, section 30, township 8 north, range 11 east. He. names the foil jwinff witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion or, saia lana, viz: T. H. Emerson, Wm. Busklrk, J. N. Rey nolds and Wm. Foss, all of Hood River, Or. n22d27 JAS. F. MOORE, Register. Whom it May Concern. I wish to settle all outstanding accounts. If I have missed any one, please address me at ijinnton, Oregon. jajils ii. jt.AH. Wagon for Sale. A erood second-hand wacon for sale or trade. Apply to E. D. CALKINS, nio iooa Kiver, or. Fruit Farm for Sale. I will sell my place, 2 miles from the town of Hood River, near a graded school, contain ing 40 acres, good house and barn, strong spring, wind mill, 1 acres in orchard, acre in strawberries, all fenced. Including siock ana iarm implements, ior $iuu. nl FRED HOWE, Hood River. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Oct. 24, 1895. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing-named settler has filed notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore w. R. Dunbar, Commissioner U. S. Cir cuit Court for District of Washington, at his office In Goldendale, Wash., on Dec. 10, 1805, viz: WILLIAM B. COLE, H. E. No. 7744 for the S. of S. E. sec- tlUI) OU, LOWllSHljJ U X1U1 lill, luugu lu, cask, n 11- lamette Meridian. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Bert C. Dymond and Courtland W. Chap man of Pulda P. O., Washington; Robert Bar- Ker ana tticnara uranvine ot oienwooa . u., Washington. " nld6 GEO. H. STEVENSON, Register, . Horse s for Sale or Trade Four head of Horses; oiie 0-; ear old mare, one 4-year-old gelding, and two coming 8 year-old colts sired by "Midnight;" dams be long to F. U. Button. F. C. BROSIUS. Strawberry Land. I will lease on favorable terms one of the best and very earliest tracts of Strawberry land in this section. Five acres or more in tine condition for planting this fall. For full particulars call on or address me at White Salmon, Wash. ol8 A. H. JEWETT. . FOR SALE. Twenty-five acres off the Glenwild Place anciently called "Pole Flat." House and cleared land; plenty of water; fine apple land. Also, 20 acres near town, joining T. L. Eliot. Includes buildings, cleared land, fine springs., fine oaks, views of Columbia river. Hood river rapids, etc. T. R. c6"ON. Competent Nurse. Ladies needing a competent nursej on rea sonable terms, apply to B. FULTON. 03 Hood River, Oregon. .: NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. : Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Oci. 15, 1805. Notice is hereby given that the following-named, claimant has filed notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of his claim, under section 8 of the Act. of Septem ber 2!), 1890, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver of the U. M. Land office at Vancouver, Wash., on De cember 4, 1895, viz: . " . WILHELM KILLENDONK. D. 8. No. 203, for the north northeast Ji, southwest northeast and northwest southeast section 15, township 8 north, range 10 east. He names the following witnesses to prove his claim to said land, viz: .. John Clarkson of White Salmon, Wash: and Amos Underwood, Kdwnrd Underwood and Harry Olson, all of Hood River, Oregon. GEO, 11. STEVENSON, Register, ol8n23 . - H ANNA & DEALERS IN- Sell only WTe invite trade of close buyers. WE WANT YOUR TRADE. The owner of South Waucoma needs money, make such a reduction in prices that it will sell. read over the list and see what we will do. Here's Our First Bargain! And if you think you can come within J100 hunt it up and buy it. for a sni p. We have two blocks of 5 acres each directly back of the new school house that can be had for $750 each. This is at the rate of $150 per acre, and we know that the owner, less than a year ago, refused $175 per acre for same ground. Bargain No. 2. A reduction of 25 per cent on all lots In South Tocoma, viz: $300 Lots for - - - -$200 Lots for -$120 Lots for - - - ' - $ lOO Lots for - - - Bargain No. 3. An 8-room hard-finished house, with six 50x150 foot lots, in the most desirable location in town, only $1200. - Bargain No. 4. A 7-room hard-finished house, with three 50x150 foot lots, beautiful location, only $800. Bargain No. 5. 25 acres of meadow land, all under fence, inside of corporation, $50 per acre. We have also several other tracts of land lots and houses that can be had at hard times prices. Now, if you know anything about land values in Hood River, you will know that nothing equal to these prices has ever been kno ivn, nor will they remain long on the market. . For any further information, apply to -: ' Heal Esta-te- Dealers, - HOOD RIVER, OREGON . MOUNTAIN STAGE AND LIVERY CO. OF HOOD EIVER, OIL, WILL CONDUCT GENERAL : ST A B L E S - : ' Comfortable conveyances to all parts of Hood River Valley and vicinity. Heavy dray Ing and transferring done with care and promptness. Also, dealers in A G R I C U LTU RA L I M. PL E M E N T S , And Vehicles of All Kinds. v Call and see our stock and get prices; they are interesting. i WE HAVE O mm S HH ' -And shall endeavor to merit custom See our CONDENSED SPRAY COMPOUNDS aud get literature at the hor ticultural fair or at our store. , 1. Lime, Sulphur and Salt, per pound by the hundred weight 05 2. Sulphur and Vitriol, per pound by the hundred weight 06 3. Soap, .Sulphur, Caustic Soda and Lye, per pound by the hundred weight 07 4. Rosin and Salsoda, per pound by the hundred weight .07 5. Whale Oil Soap, 80 per cent, per pound by the hundred weight i 03 7. Lime and Blue Vitriol (Bordeaux Mixture), per pound by the hundred weight .07 Acme Insecticide, 10 cts; Blue Vitriol, 6; Sulphur, 3; Rosin, 5; Salsoda, 8 cts. We keep a full line of insecticides and spray materials. If yon do not see what you want, ask for it, and if obtainable we will get it. WILLIAMS & BROSIUS, UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER oBuudtg'Vateriafs8 ' Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, etc., etc. Agent for the Bridal Veil Lumber Company. ' -DEALERS IN- Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Staple and Fancy Groceries, FLOUR, FEED AND SHELF HARDWARE. The Largest and Most Complete Stock' IN HOOD WOLF ARB, for CASH at and to get the same he has directed n to Now, whether you want to buy or not. Just an acre of our price anywhere around it, just $225. 175 , QO 75 1 1 ADOPTED THE ZE3 mm r3 X 23 I I by QUALITY as well as QUANTITY. RIVER.