The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 11, 1895, Image 1

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.. It's a Cold Day When We Get Left.
3ood Ii'ver ' S Lad er,
One year...,.:.., $2 00
Six months. 1 Of
three months.. , , 60
grille copy Cent
GRANT EVANS, Proprietor.
.Shaving and hiiir-putting neatly done. Satis
faction gatirumeed.
Three of the Guests Dead and - Eighty
' ' Are Very Sick.
Sabula, La., Oct 9. The singularly
distressing illness among the guests at
the wedding of John Taplaw and Anna
Gage is still occupying the attention of
the medical . frateritny of this and
other cities, but so far no physician
' has been able to correctly diagnose the
disease. Three deathB have occurred
and eighty persons are confined to their
. beds, and several of these are not ex
peoted to live. ;
The peculiarity of the disease is
causing great apprehension, and is at
tributed to the failure of physicians to
suooessfully combat it. It is similar
to common forms of poisoning and its
,imperyiousness to all antidotes and
usual remedies is a puzzler. Some of
the victims show every symptom of
trichinosis, though the ordinary treat
ment fails to eradicate the disease, or
allay the fever with Whioh it is ac
companied. They appear to be affliot
ed with ptomaine and the antidotes ad
ministered in case of mineral poisoning
have not the slightest tendency to
check the illness. The fact that most
of the, victims were not stricken until
three weeks after partaking of the wed
ding' feast, furnishes' another surprise
to the physioiahs.' '.' 1 '
There are twenty-five cases in Sa
bula., In the surrounding - country of
Jackson county there are fifty or sixty
' more patients. The symptoms are alike
in every case. Jackson county is ter
ror stricken. Those who. are slightly
ill are apprehensive of . more results and
consequently no medical assistance re
lieves them', Those wb.o are not ill,
but ' who were at . the wedding, are
fearful that the disease may soon as
sert itself on them. The outside phy
sicians called in are in the " dark as
much as. the local doctors.
It transpires that . after the meats
whioh were served at the feast had
been cooked the wedding was post
poned for four days. Irj that interval
the weather was very warm and the
meats became tainted. . .
ri'V "'"'.
What Is Included Thereunder by the
State Lav, '
Olympia, ' Oct. ' Q.A.' W. Haster,
proseouting attorney for King county,
having inquired of the attorney -general
as to what funds the rule of apportion
ment prescribed in chapter 68, session
laws, of 1895, rovidin for a state
school fund, applied, has been given
the following answer by Assistant Attorney-General
"The phrase 'all state annual school
funds,' as used in this law, plainly
means the proceeds of the state tax and
of the income of the permanent school
f unds annually collected and applicable
to the expenses of the common schools.
That this view is correct, is indicated
by ihe . requirement that the income
from the permanent sohool fund shall
be deducted from a sum equal to $6 for
eaoh child of school age, in' order to
determine the amount of the state
school tax. As to the other school
funds cominglnto the county treasury,'
the rule laid down in seotion 8, chap
ter 127, laws of 1891,- relating to the
duties of county superintendents re
main in foroe, this section not having
been repealed either expressly or by
implication." , .
Beer Fight In Germany.
Munster, "Westphalia, Oot. 10.
There has been a growing agitation
here forborne tirne past against the or
der issued to close the beer gardens and
other similar places for obtaining re
freshments at a much earlier hour than
customary. The result is that a num
ber of serious conflicts have taken place
between the police and the inhabitants
in the streets of this city. Matters
j-eached ;a crisis yesterday evening,
when the gendarmes and police charg
ed a mob of townspeople, with drawn
swords, wounding many of the latter.
There is very bitter feeling against
the authorities, and it is feared there
-will be more trouble before long.
Dividing Up the Money Which
Was Paid by Spain.
Decision of the Commissioner of the
General land Office In the Mar- (
quam Case Affirmed.
Washington, Oot. 10. It is expected
that the state department, which is
custodian of the funds paid by Spain
on the, Mora claim, will pay the money
to the different parties in interest
Thursday. The amount finally agreed
on for Antonio Maximo Mora, ' princi
pal in. the claim, is $807,085. This
sum has been reduced somewhat by as
signments, and the actual amount to
be paid Mr. Mora will be slightly
above 1700,000.
The next payment of importance will
be $287,000 to Jose I. Boderiguez, who
has been the attorney of Mr. Mora
since the inception of the case in 1870.
A further amount, approximately
$285,000, will be devoted to the ' pay
ment of Mr. Nathaniel Page, who was
at one time attorney in the case, or to
those to whom he may have assigned
his interest.
In the original agreement between
Mora and his attorneys, he was to re
tain 60 per oent and they were to have
40 per cent, the latter sum to cover all
legal expenses.
Mrs. Waller, wife of ex-United
States Consul-General Waller, now im
prisoned by the Frenoh government,
will arrive in New York Saturday, and
steps are being made to have her met
by representatives of the state depart
ment Her son, Paul Bray, will also
go to meet her. She is aeoompanied by
her young children, the family having
made the long journey from Madagas
car by way of Paris. Relief funds for
her have been raised in Kansas, Iowa
and Washington, and will be available
for her support after landing. Thus
far she has been helped homeward by
private contributions, the state depart
ment aiding her from ' Madagascar to
France, and , Ambassador Eustis ad
vancing her funds for her trip to New
York. Ethelbert Woodford, a young
American in Madagascar, supplied her
immediate needs until assistance was
rendered by the state department. It
is expected she will settle in Iowa.
Secretary Smith has affirmed the de
cision of the commissioner of the gen
eral land office awarding to P. A. Mar
quam land in the Oregon City distriot
whioh he has purchased from the state
as swamp land. Peter Snomela enter
ed the land as a homestead, and his
entry is denied, on the ground that the
land was a swamp at the time of the
In the case of Almon V. Brown
against George W. Hinkle, for a tract
of land in the La Grande distriot, the
secretary decides in favor of Hinkle.
In the case of Henry E. , Wilcox, B.
D. Mullens, H. J. Hunt and John W.
Manning, grantees of the state of Ore
gon, against the Oregon Central Wagon-Road
Company, Lakeview distriot,
the secretary decides in favor of . the
company. :
Assistant Seoretary Hamlin has writ
ten a letter in whioh he states that the
attorney-general has rendered an opin
ion whioh hereafter will govern the de
partment's action, holding that white
lead manufacftured from pig-lead pro
duced in bonded smelting and refining
establishments from a mixture of do
mestic and imported ores, is not en
titled to the drawback under the pro
visions of section 22 of the new tariff
act. This decision,' it is said, is based
upon the faot that the amount of im
ported ores entering .into the white
lead product cannot be ascertained by
a chemical analysis nor will the manu
facturers be permitted to show by other
evidenoe the proportions of domestic
and imported ores used.
A Preacher Censures Dunraven.
New York, . Oct. y 10. Rev. C. F.
Aked, of Liverpool, ' who has arrived
here for the purpose of delivering ser
mons and leoturing at various points
throughout the country, said, in speak
ing of the international yacht raoe: -
"The mass of thinking people in
England censure Lord Dunraven for
his conduct over here as a sportsman.'
He was undoubtedly beaten in the first
race and would have been in the seo
ond had it lasted a short while longer.
The general feeling is that he acted
childishly in throwing the third race
beoause he was piqued. As & true
sportsman he should have accepted the
decision of the regetta committee with
out a murmur. "
Japanese Victory in Formosa.
Shanghai, Oct. 10. A special from
Tokio announces that the Japanese
foroe on the island of' Formosa has
routed the main body, consisting of
10,000 men, of the Black Flags. The
engagement took place near the river
Tao Linma. The dispatch adds the
Black Flags' leader, General Liu Yung
Fnoh, is surrounded on three sides by
Japanese troops, and the capture of
all his warriors is assured. '
The President Itefugeg to Interfere in
the Case of St. Clair and Hesper.
Washington, Oct 10. The president
has refused to interfere in the case of
Thomas St. Clair, oonvioted in Califor
nia of murder on the high seas, and or
iginally sentenced to be hanged Sep
tember 21, 1894. He has been respited
four times, the last carrying the date
of execution to the 18th inst In his
indorsement, President Cleveland says:
"Upon an examination of the merits
of the application on behalf of this oon
vict for exeoutive clemency, I am fully
satisfied that he, and those indicted
with him, are guilty of deliberate mur
der, and I cannot find any factor or cir
oumstance connected with the ' case
which justifies a mitigation of the sen
tence which the court has pronounced."
The president has also denied the ap
plication for a pardon . in the case of
Hans Hanson, an accomplce of St.
Clair, and also convicted in California
of murder on the high seas and sen
tenced to be hanged Friday, October
18, 1895. '
"The appeals for clemency in the
present case," the president says, "-are
so earnest and have come to me from
such various and influential quarters,
and the considerations which would in
vest the granting of clemency with sat
isfaction are so exceptionally strong,
that I regret the conclusion which my
sense of duty has forced upon me. A
thorough examination of the case has
conclusively convinced me that a cold
blooded and crnel murder was commit
ted by this convict and two others
equally guilty. . The fact that one of
them has escaped final conviotion and
punishment is a failure of justice
which ought not in such a case as this
to operate to the advantage of those de
servedly convicted and sentenced. Ev
ery ground upon which the creditable
and humane appeals in . behalf of the
oonvict are based fails when subjected
to the tests of executive duty, in its re
lation to just administration of the
criminal law and the safety and peace
of society. " '
Her Visit Is Supposed to l ave Some
Political Meaning.
' ' .. .
' London, Oct. 10. It is reported that
the visit of Princess Kaiulani to Lon
don has some political meaning, and
that renewed efforts are being made to
secure the interest of Great Britain in
her cause. In addition to Mr. Cleg
horn, Colonel McFarlane and several
other members ,of her adherents are
here, including Theophilus Davis, the
princess' guardian, and Major and Mrs.
Wodehouse. '
Mr. Cleghorn called at the foreign
office yesterday with a letter of intro
duction from the British minister at
Honolulu, and he held another confer
ence , there today. , The Hawaiian
princess is treated with the same for
mality as a reigning princess is treated.
She has grown to be a tall, fine-looking
girl, and has been busy since ' her
arrival from the Continent sightseeing
and reoeiving visits. The princess to
day went to Woolwioh, and this .even
ing she was a member of a supper
party at the Savoy hotel, which Mr.
Hoffmund, late, charge d'affaires of
Hawaii, gave in her honor. Mr. Cleg
horn has been in ill-health for some
time past, and has been ordered to take
a perfect rest. He leaves with the
princess for Italy in a fortnight in or
der to pass the winter in that country.
' John Jj, Hag Hlg Say.
Cleveland, Oot. 10. Although con
fident that the battle between Corbett
and Fitzsimmons will be fought, John
L. Sullivan is apprehensive of the re
suit of the war Governor Culberson is
making on pugilism. ' '
"All such attacks as those made by
the Texas governor and ; the mayor of
Cleveland," said Sullivan,' "tend to
degrade the noble art of boxing in the
estimation of the pocple. If that fight
in Dallas is stopped pugilism , will re
.oeive a blow so serious that it will
never recover until - conditions are
greatly - changed. ' Although the ten
dency of the age is in the direction of
depreciation of this art, I feel so sure
of the American people that I am will
ing to wager dollars to beans that the
"time is not far off when the manly art
will receive its just meed' of honor.
Such affairs as the meeting of Corbett
and Fitzsimmons tend to elevate . the
art in the minds of men.- If right pre
vails, pugilism will have a great fu
ture before it " -' I'' i
"Do you think Corbett has any ri
vals for the championship now?"
1 "No one can tell anything about it,"
said he. "I feel confident, however,
that there is a man in the heavyweight
olass who will, in time, be the cham
pion of the world. ' I refer to Peter
Maher. I know every fiber of that
boy's body and I tell you he has cham
pionship blood in him. - If Corbett
wins the fight, and I am inclined to
think he will, Maher will be matched
against him later." : '
Happy Mexico. '
City of Mexioo, Oct. 9. The banks
are glutted with amounts entirely
without precedent here. Money is
abundant in private hands, and manu-J
factoring is enjoying a boom, with
mills running extra hours. Trade is
improving, and all prospects point to a
busy winter all over the republic
The Fighters Can Find No
Commissioner Browning, of the Indian
Bureau, Says They Shall Not
Fight in Indian Territory.
Washington, Oot. 9. Commissioner
Browning, of the Indian office, has
taken prompt and decisive steps to pre
vent the Corbett prizefight in Indian
territory. He has prepared the fol
lowing letter of instructions to General
M. W. Wisdom, at Muskogee:
"It is stated in the press dispatches
of yesterday and this morning that ar
rangements are being made, or have
been completed, by parties interested,
to have a prizefight between Corbett
and Fitzsimmons come off in the
Chickasaw nation, the plan being to
pay into the treasury of the Chickasaw
nation the sum of $5,000, in considera
tion of which the two fighters are to
be adopted into the nation with a view
of defeating the authority of this de
partment to prevent such fighting.
"It would be, in the opinion of this
office, a great detriment to the peace
and welfare of the Indians of Indian
territory to permit a prizefight to take
place within that territory, and you
are, therefore, instructed to use every
precaution necessary to prevent anyone
from entering the Chicaksaw nation,
or any other nation in Indian territory
and under your charge, for the purpose
of having said fight come off in that
territory. You will advise the gover
nors of the various nations in Indian
territory that this office will not permit
a prizefight to take place within your
jurisdiction, and you will call upon the
United States marshal, and if neces
sary report to this office, and troops
will be furnished you to prevent the j
fight. - ; . .
"Section 2149 of the revised statutes
authorizes and requires me, - with the
approval of the seoretary of the inter
ior, to remove from the limits of any
Indian reservation any person found
thereon without authority of law, or
whose presence there would be, in my
opinion, detrimental to the peace and
welfare of the Indians.
"In the United States vs.' Crook, it
was held that the commissioner of In
dian affairs had authority under the
section above cited to remove an Indian
from the reservation, as well as a
white man. As I have said, it will
be, in my opinion, decidedly detrimen
tal to the peace and welfare of the In
dians to permit anyone to enter the
Chickasaw reservation, whether he be
a citizen of that nation or not, for the
purpose of carrying on a prizefight,
and the whole force of this government
that can be brought to bear will be
exerted to prevent the same; and you
are instructed to keep this office con
stantly advised in order that proper
steps may be taken in time to prevent
the fight in case an effort should be
made to 'pull it ofl in Indian terri
tory. '. ' , ..." ' '
"You will make these instructions
publio so that the people interested in
this fight may be advised of what the
government intends to do in the prem
ises if called upon to act." ., ' .
Commissioner Browning was asked
if the admission of Corbett, Fitzsim
mons and others connected with the
fight to citizenship in one of the tribes
would make any difference in the au
thority of. the government. He said it
would not change the conditions in the
least. The government has power to
expel a full-blood Indian from the ter
ritory if the peace and good order of
the Indians require it. He added: .
"The government would be able to
exercise a great deal of discretion in
the affair. . The United States mar
shals or the Indian agent and his po
lice, backed up by the United States
troops can remove the fighters as in
truders and keep them out and tlien
answer as to violation of the law after
ward. It is not a case where, the .fight
may take place and the fighters then be
called upon as to whether they have
violated the law. The government
will not even wait for the affair to
progress that far. The principals and
others oonneoted with the fight will be
unceremoniously hustled off the Indian
lands on the ground that they are in
truders whose presence is undesirable.
If they make any complaints about it
the courts will have to determine the
rights of the matter and it is believed
the probabilities are that the power of
the United' States government will be
broadly interpreted." .
A Pittsburg Official's Shortage.
Pittsbug, Oct. 9. The committee
of the council which is investigating
the city attorney's office received item
ized statements from two banks today,
which show that Assistant City Attor
ney W. H. House has reoeived, in the
past ten years, on city deposits, in
terest to' the amount of $29,319, of
which no apparent record is made.
There is one more bank to hear from,
which will probably run the amount
up to $50,000. Mr.' House as yet will
say nothing in his defense.
Navy Departmsnt Preparing for Any
Possible Emergency.
Washington, Oct 8. Among the
naval movements reported to the navy
department today were the arrival of
the Monooacy at Shanghai, and the de
parture of the Machias from Han Kpw
for Shanghai and the treaty ports.
While no reason is assigned by the
commanding officers of these vessels for
the movements, it is assumed to be a
desire of the admiral commanding the
station to have them in Southern Chi
na, where they may be readily avail
able in the event of trouble, such as
has been experienced during the past
summer in the looting and burning of
missionary property. Both the Machi
as and the Monocacy are of light
draught and adapted for navigating the
Chinese waters.
' In accordance with section 2 of the
act , of congress approved March 3,
1891, and as amended in ' the aot ap
proved March 2, 1895, Seoretary Morton
has issued the following:
"It is ordered that all beef for ex
portation,, whether fresh, salted, oan.
ned, corned or packed, shall be acconi'
panied by a certificate of an inspector
of this department, showing that the
cattle from which it was produced
were free from disease and that the
meat was sound and wholesome, and,
in order that it might be determined
whether all beef exported has been so
inspected and found free from disease
and wholesome, it is further ordered
that the meat of all other speoies of
animals, which is packed in barrels,
casos or other packings, shall be legi
bly marked in such manner as to clear
ly indicate the species of animal
from which the meat was produced.
Meat which is not so marked, and
whioh is not aeoompanied by a certifi
cate of inspection, will be subjected
to unpacking and examination in order
to ascertain if it is uninspected beef.
Notice is hereby given to exporters
of beef, whether said beef is fresh,
salted, canned, corned, packed or other
wise prepared, and .to owners and
agents of vessels upon which said beef
is exported, that no clearance can be
given to any vessel having on board
said beef until the provisions of this
order are complied with.
"As reliable evidence has been sub
mitted, showing that a large quantity
of uninspected beef has been prepared
for export, the identity of whioh has
been lost in the process of . curing, it is
directed that this order shall not be en
forced until January 1, 1896. All or
ders and regulations of this depart
ment inconsistent with this order are
hereby revoked. "
Yang Yu, the minister from China
to the United States, accompanied by
four members of the legation, left here
this morning for New York. Yang
Yu is also the accredited representative
of his country to the Spanish govern
ment, but he has not yet visited there
in his diplomatic capacity. . The party
will remain in New York until the
12 th, when they embark on board a
French line Steamer for Havre, and
from there they will go to Spain.
While in New York they will be the
guests of the Chinese consul. During
the minister's absenoe, Mr. Hoo will
be in charge of the legation in this
city. The minister expects to be ab
sent two months. '
It Will Be Soon Begun and a Marriage
May Soon Follow.
. New York, Oct. 9. It has been fre
quently said of late that Mrs. Langty's
object in suing for a divoroe was to
enable her to contract a marriage with
Sir Robert Peel, whose attentions to
her were not only the talk of the Mon
aco, where it is said the couple first
met, but also of half of Europe. Mrs.
Langtry and Sir Robert also spent some
portion of the summer together at
Baden. The "Jersey Lily" is at pres
ent in London. In referenoe to the
rumor that Mrs. Langtry was to marry
Sir Robert Peel, her counsel, A. H.
Hummell, said:
"I have no knowledge that Mrs.
Langtry intends any suoh thing, but it
would not surprise me in the least if
after her present marriage bonds are
shattered she should soon marry again,
and, possibly, a scion of the British no
bility. Under the laws of California,
Mrs. Langtry is entitled to a divoroe
on the grounds of nonsupport She
has been a resident and citizen of that
state for seven years, and owns a ranch
in Calistoga, Lake county. The ' sum
mons and complaint in her action are
in the hands of our London corre
spondents for service upon the defend
ant,; but until the issue is joined no
steps can be taken in court
The Floods in Havana.
Havana, Oct 9. The government
has also opened a credit with the sum
of $5,000 for the relief of sufferers in
the inundated districts of Abajo. A
popular subscription for the same pur- j
pose was also opened. Captain-Gen-eral
de Campos headed the list with '
$1,000, and his brother-in-law, General '
Aderius, the commander of the
forces here, gave $250. The Marquis
of Pilar del Rio subscribed $5,000. In
all, the sum of $20,000 has been for
warded. The bodies of ten victims of
the flood have been recovered. '
English Ambassador Asks
That Arrests Cease.
In Iteply the Turkish Grand Vizer li-
pressed His Anxiety to Have
the Situation Improved.
Constantionple, Oct. 8. Saturday
Sir Philiph Currie, the British ambas
sador, had an interview with Kiamel
Pasha, the grand vizer, in which he
made a strong representation and forc
ibly urged upon him to cease making
arrests of Armenians. Kiamel Pasha,
in reply, expressed his anxiety to im
prove the situation. It is expected
that he will advise the sultan to grant
amnesty to all Armenians who have
been arrested in connection with the
riots since Monday.
The ambassadors of the powers held
a conference today and. drew up a col
lective note, which will be presented
to the porte tomorrow. Afterward
they went to the porte personally and
made verbal representations on the sub
ject of Armenia. .
The foreign men-of-war whioh are
acting as guardians have been ordered
to moor in the harbor for the winter,
in order to protect foreigners in case of -need.
Sir Philip Currie has asked leave of
the government to visit the Armenians
now in prison, in order to draw up a :
report Up to Friday eighty bodies
had been registered as victims of the
disorder, all of whom had been terribly
wounded. Some of them contained
over twenty gashes, besides bullet
wounds, and others had been battered
with bludgeons so as to be unrecogniz
able. All . accounts concur that the
number of victims thrown into the sea
was only three. The gendarmes killed
a few of the wounded. ' '
Said Pasha has been appointed min
ister of foreign affairs to succeed Turk-
han Pasha, who was appointed to that
office to succeed Said Pasha when the ,
latter was made grand vizer.
Comment of the English Papers Upon
. the Defeat of Cambridge.
London, Oct. 8. The papers this
nrorning commenting upon the Yale
Cambrudge contest at New York, say:
The Graphic: America has taken"
the conceit out of us in a way unequal-
ed since Australia beat England at the
oval in 1892, and it may perhaps be a
long time before we recover from the
shock.- As a first step toward accept
ing defeat gracefully, we might per
haps cease to talk so much about the
differences of climate as a contributary
cause to our defeat When the Yale
men came over here and were beaten
by Oxford, they had to compete under
conditions of cold and . damp, quite as -
foreign to their experience as the heat
of New York has been t the English
men. We do not urge the disadvan
tages of which Yale had suffered in
diminution of their triumph, and it is
not quite game to enlarge upon similar
causes in mitigation of our defeat"
The Standard: "The victory was
most decisive, in view of the fact that , .
except for . Fitz-Herbert, , the Cantabs
performed as well as they have gener
ally done at home. One is driven to -the
conclusion that Oxford was some
what lucky to beat Yale, or deoidedly
unlucky in subsequently losing to Cam-
bridge. It is impossible to shut our
eyes to the fact that at this time
America is particularly rich in capable
athletes of all kinds. " '..''.
The Sportsman: "The result is not ;
so utterly disastrous as the London
Athletic Club's defeat, but it does not
leave us much to boast of. It is quite
evident that the Cantabs have not done -
well at their training owing to the '
heat" ;
Thomson-Houston Defeated in Its Suit
Against Western Electric. - -
Chicago, Oct. 9. The United States
cirouit court of appeals today handed
down, among others, an opinion upon
which depended, it is estimated, not
less than $25,000,000, and a praotical
monopoly of the electric-lighting busi
ness for four years. The Thomson
Houston Electric Company was the un
successful party in the suit. The ao-.
tion involved the device known as the
automatio regulator, which as to eleo
trio lighting performs a function simi
lar to that of a governor on the stqam
engine. .
The suit was begun against , the
Western Electrio Company, .of this
city, praying for an injunction to re
strain defendant company from using
the regulator and asking an account
ing. The suit came to trial before
Judge Grosscup in June, 1S94. The
court upheld , the Western, Electrio
Company that the contraot, which it
was claimed was being infringed, was
void, becarase the seoond issue of the
patent covered the devioe. . An appeal
was taken to the United States circuit '
court of appeals, which today affirmed
Grosscup's ruling and ordered a, dis
missal qt the oase. This is final.