Highest of all in Leavening T7 A if 1 1 V PRESIDENT COLLIER'S HELPMEET. She Will Be Conspicuous In the Social Function of Atlanta's Exposition. Mrs. Charles A. Collier, the wife of the president of the Atlanta exposition, will naturally be a prominent figure in the social functions in connection with that international event, and she is well fitted for such leadership as her position will impose upon her. Mrs. Collier is one of the members of the executive board of women managers and has done excellent work for the ex position. She is pretty, clever and tact ful and combines wit and amiability. She is somewhat below medium height, with blight blue eyes, exceedingly light complexion aDd hair that Titian loved to paint.- She has a pleasing voice and far MRS. CHARLES A. COLLIER. the still, more pleasing faculty of saying the right thing in the right place. She dresses in excellent taste and is withal , a charming woman. As viewed from the bloomer stand point Mrs. Collier is Jiot a "new wom an." nor would she; be classed with what is known as the "advanced wom an. " She is, however, splendidly edu cated, a thinker and a reader, and deep ly interested in many movements of the day for bettering present conditions. She is essentially domestic in her tastes, being devoted to her., family, and her home is one of comfort, cheerfulness and generous hospitality. Mrs. Collier js a daughter of the late William A. Bawson, a prominent and influential citizen of Georgia, and was married in January, 1875, to Mr.. Col lier. They have several children, one of whom, a charming daughter, will make her debut in Atlanta society this au tumn. J . Jsasy..;- ' "Nirvana," said the businessman's Wife, who has taken to occult subjects, "is a place where we see, feel and hear nothing'. How to reach this peaceful condition is the great question. " "Huh 1" replied her husband, "if you had been in business as long as I have, you would know that it's easy. " "How would you go about It?!' "I'd simply quit;' advertising. " London's Smoke. The smoke of London in certain states of the wind is found condensed on the sea as far away as Devonshire, blacken . ing the water for miles. : i . AN UPRIGHT MAN. There is certainly some slight feeling of humiliation in being bent down and ob liged to oreep along for fear of a snap in the spinal column. It is such a plain show of decreptitude that we, leel embarrassed. It is seen every daywhen lumbago takes a good hold on a stitch in tbe back. There is very little sympathy for one in such a plight, -for it is so well known that St. Jacobs Oil will cure it promptly and that neglect is the cause of bo much disability. Why not keep the remedy always on hand and prevent such discomfort. 100 REWARD, 8100. The readers ot this paper will be pleased to learn that there is ac least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to tbe medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot the system, thereby destroying the foundation oi the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hun dred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. . Bend for list of Testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. "Sold by Druggists, 75c. 70,000 ORDER FOR TYPEWRITERS The Western Union Telegraph Com pany have placed an order tor 2,000 Blick ensderfer's Typewriters, for use in their offices throughout the United States. This is perhaps the largest order ever placed tor typewriters and is certainly a strong testi monial for the superior merits of the Blickensderfer Machine. .We understand this niaohiiiH embodies the latest patented improvements (and weighing but ft pounds it is easily carried), and equaiB any high priced maohine in quality of work, and ex cels them all in convenience.' The Blick ensderfer is ready for sale in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Agents are wanted in every oounty. Good lively ones can make handsome (alary. FIT. All Fits stopped free by Tr. Kline's GrratHarTD Restorer. No F'ts after the tlrst day's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and S2.00 trial bottle free to Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline, 931 Area St., Philadelphia, Pa. Piso's Cure is the Medicine to break up children's Coughs and Colds. Mas. M, Gf. Blunt, Sprague, Wash.. March 8, 1891. p Tbt Gismia for breakfast v p. P.TT. U. No. 617-S. F. N. TJ. No. 694 Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report i Powder PURE MISS POWER WAS A WINNER. She Kan Her Father's Political Canvass, bat Does Not Wish to Vote. The new woman has many phases, and the scope of her activities is broad and constantly widening. In Mississippi a bright young woman has de mon str ated marked ability and tact as a po litical manager, successfully con ducting a spirit ed campaign, oj. She is Miss Kate ,w Power, and in to- politics at least has shown that her name is not V a misnomer MISS KATE M. POWER! Miss .Power is the daughter of Colonel J. h. Power Jackson, Miss.; the veteran editor of of The Clarion, which for many years has been the official paper of the state of Mississippi. Colonel Power was ambi tious to become secretary of state. There were two other candidates in the field, and a hot campaign lay between him and the goal of his ambition. Early in the campaign Colonel Power was taken seriously ilL He managed to direct his canvass for a few days from his bedside, but steadily grew worse, so it was impossible for him to do any thing toward securing the nomination, His prospect of getting , the office seemed hopeless. His family feared that in his weakened condition if he were defeated his life would pay the penalty. It was then that his brave daughter came to the front and took charge of his waning canvass and heroically carried it to a successful termination. She had lived in the air of politics for years, as Jack son is a city of politicians, and had been for a time on the staff of The Clar ion. She began by writing personal letters to all of Colonel Power's and her own friends, announcing his illness and that she was in charge of his canvass. Then followed addresses to the men of Mississippi, published in many of the papers of the state,' and finally she made a personal canvass among the voters in nearly all the counties, showing the tact and shrewdness of a veteran campaigner. She directed the course of her father's delegates in the convention and won the campaign. The crowning marvel is that Miss Power is a strong antisuffra- gist. . , Miss Power is a typical daughter of the south. She is rather tall, with black hair and large, lustrous chestnut brown eyes, shadowed by long dark lashes, and is an accomplished and attractive young woman. She is the editor of a ' 'review, ' ' the only one in the gulf states pub lished by a woman. . The Isabella Coin. Mrs. P. H. Palmer, president of the board of lay managers of the World's Columbian commission, has issued a circular in which attention is called to the Isabella coin recently minted by or der of congress. The coin is intended to commemorate the fact that a board of women was for the first time 'called by the government to take official part in the Columbian exposition and also to honor tbe great Queen Isabella, whose portrait it bears. The circular further states that the profit realized from the sale of this coin shall be funded and the interest employed to effect permanent service to humanity. The price of tbe coin is $1, and orders may be addressed to the Merchants' Loan and Trust com pany, Chicago. Tea Tables and Tea Trays. The most approved tea table this sea sou is square two wooden trays mount ed on four spindle legs. The upper tray has an oval aperture at either end, so that it can be carried across a room with ease.' Such tables are to be found span new at the furniture warehouses, but those that are to be picked up at tbe brio-a-brao shops are valued much more highly. They are not designed for their present use, of course, and are, in point of fact, queridors of the latter part of the last century. Some pretty trays for single or tete-a-tete sets are made in the form of a three leafed shamrock. They are mostly in copper, the teapot and sugar basin of the same metal, and the cups and cream jug of white eggshell china. The Tell. The first requirement in a veil is that it shall be of unstinted size, double width, unless it is to be worn with a very small bonnet, and a yard long, so that it may -be gathered up in generous folds over the hat brim and pinned a veil should never be tied well up at the back of the hat A better fit and a prettier effect are given by a little cluster of gathers directly in the middle of the front. It is to be hoped that women will some time learn that veils figured with sprigs, or indeed, anything but un obtrusive dots, are never becoming and make them look, as a man was heard to remark the other day, "as if their faces were covered with flies. "Phila delphia Press. Portable Railroads. The French are experimenting with a single track temporary railroad that can be laid on a country road or across the fields. They expect to use it in military operations and in harvesting crops. ' The barrows and cars used are on the bicy cle principle, and they can be operated either by hand or horsepower. "17 .HsO BAALBEC'S RUINS. They Are the Grandest Monuments of the Fast In tbe Orient. The ruins of Baalbec,' the ancient metropolis of Syria, especially those on the "platform" where the temples stood, are the grandest in the orient. The platform referred to above and upon which the largest of the famous Baalbec temples were erected is an artificial mound about 80 feet higher than the surrounding plain, which gave room for immense vaults under the gigantic structures which in ancient times graced the "wonderful city of the east. ". , "A good idea of the immensity of these ruined temples may be gained when it is known that there are several stones in what remains of their founda tions which are 65 .feet long, 15 feet wide and 13 feet thick, and what is till more remarkable some of these giant blocks of limestone were raised to a height of 20 feet from the ground. Three temples formerly stood upon the artificial platform the Temple of the Sun, the Temple of Jupiter and the great circular temple. The first was 290 feet long by 160 broad and was sur rounded by Corinthian columns of gran ite 75 feet high and 7 feet 3 inches in diameter. . Six, only of these immense columns now remain standing. The ruins of the Temple of Jupiter stand on a portion of the artificial mound some 10 feet lower than that upon which those of the Temple of the Sun are now scattered about. Its dimensions were originally 230. by 120. The circular ruin, almost as imposing as either of the two whose dimensions are given above, is supposed to have been the chief seat of the sun worshipers of very ancient times. The gigantic blocks of stone which contributed toward forming the graceful outlines of this once most famous circular temple were so scatter ed about by the earthquakes of 822, 975 and 1759 that its dimensions in feet cannot be accurately given. These three temples and the platform upon which they were erected were once surrounded by a wall which was' a wonder within itself, many of the separate blocks which formed it being 30 feet long, 15 feet wide and 12 feet thick. " St. Louis Re public. ; , - :- MARRIAGE IN KOREA." I A Slmplo Ceremony, but With It Comes the Dignity of Manhood. '. Korean girls, according to Mr. H. S. Saunderson, after enjoying freedom till they are 8 years old, are consigned to the women's quarters, where they live in seclusion till they are married at 16 or 17 years. After marriage the woman is allowed to see no man but her hus band. The boys, on the other hand, are taught that it is undignified for them to enter the women's part of the house. They never see their brides till the wed ding day, all having been arranged for them, often when both bride and groom are infants. The marriage ceremony is very sim pie. The bride and bridegroom invite their most intimate friends to assist them in dressing their hair in the man ner befitting their new estate. Then the bridegroom mounts a white pony, which is led by two servants, while two others on either side support the rider in his saddle. Thus he proceeds to tbe bride's house, accompanied by his relatives. At their destination they find a pavilion erected in the courtyard of the house, in which the bride and her relatives are awaiting their arrival. A goose (the Korean symbol of fidelity), which the bridegroom brings with him, is then produced. The bride, who has to oover her face with her long sleeves, and the bride groom then bow to each other until their heads almost touch the ground. This they do three or four times and are then man and wifa A loving cup is passed round, and then the bride is taken off to the women's apartments of her husband's home, where she is looked after by her mother and mother-in-law, while the groom entertains his friends. The husband must maintain his wife properly and treat her with respect Marriage is the great event in a Ko rean's life, for he then attains man's estate. Before marriage, no matter how old he may be, he is treated as a boy, and has to maintain a deferential atti tude toward the married men, even though they be only half his aga Pop ular Science Monthly. GREAT MEN'S READING. Franklin read all he could find relat ing to political economy and finance. Michael Angelo was fondest of the books of Moses and the psalms of David. ' i Da Yinoi read Pindftr and thought him the noblest poet who ever wrote in any language. , , Landseer was a student of anatomy and zoology, and made collections of books on these subjects. ' Vandyke, the painter, was fond of the "Decameron," and often in conver sation quoted from its pages. ' David, the French historical painter, was a student of French history to the exolusion of almost all other reading. Tolstoi is said to have a large library of sociology and to read attentively any book bearing on some new social fad. Addison's specialty was the history of medals and coins, and he eagerly pe rused anything treating of this subject. Shakespeare must have been an omniv orous reader, for his plays show odds and ends of learning gathered from ev ery quarter. George I liked the German folklore tales,, but hated the trouble of reading them. He usually preferred to have them told in the form of anecdotes. Burke always prepared for a speech by reading everything he could find bearing on the subject on which he was to speak. He said that he generally read "with a business purpose. " Gibbon read nothing that did not have a bearing on his history, but every thing he could find that, even remotely, had referenoe to his work. He said he had no time for miscellaneous reading. . Football. Woman seems now to have a task be fore her in which we fear greatly she will fail. Report goes that female foot ball teams will shortly contest in pub lic, and the problem is now, on the one band, to make tbe performance grace ful, and, on the other, to not spoil tbe game. Those who have witnessed the modern developments of, that noble sport will probably doubt whether even women will be able to harmonize such conflicting aims. Into this question we will not enter. Whether the real game played by women is a graceful' Or a dis graceful sight Mrs. Grundy must de cide, and whether the game played in a ladylike manner is worth ' looking at will doubtless soon be settled by the polite frequenters of the football field, who, we are sure, will not be backward in expressing their opinion. ; British Medical Journal. 4 Not What She Expected. Miss Antique -(schoolteacher) What does w-h i-t-e spell? Class No answer. '' Miss Antique What is the color of my skin? Class ( in chorus ) Yellow ! Tit- Bits. ..... Peculiar In combination, proportion and process, Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses peculiar curative powers unknown to any other preparation. This is why it has a re ord of cures unequalled in the history of medicine. It acts directly upon the blood and by making it pure, rich and healthy It cures disease and gives good health. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the only true blood purifier p ominently in the public eye today. $1: six for $6. l ,,J Dllle- cure habitual rdustlpa nOOU S rlllO Hon. Prioe 28 cents. HEALS RUNNING SORES CURES THE SERPENT'S STING CONTAGSQIIS In.a its completely eradicat- Rinnil PRISTS ed by S.S.S. Obsti- nate sores and ulcers yield to its healing- powers. It re moves the poison and builds up the system rstombls treatise on the disease and its treatment mailed free, , J " .1 I .11. 1. ,-,-,- . .1 ..U.MI.IA A PRACTICAL Type- Writing Machine... AT A LOW PRICE The Bli .5 PRICE...$35.00 84 letters and characters. Weleht onlv 6 lb. Equals any high-priced machine In capacity ana quHiiiy oi wont ana excels mem all lu convenience. We Guarantee Every Machine. . Twelve I'olnts Low vrice. Full ker-board. Writing always In sight, Portability, Excellent manlfulder. Type-wheel, Direct "riming and Inking. Interchangeable tVDe. Mot du-able machine made, Lexst number of parts, Weight 6 lbs., No ribbon used. Agents wante'i lu every county in Oregon, musuiugiuu aim luauo. ' THE BLICKENSDERFER MFG. CO. PORTLAND OFFICE WITH Palmer & Rey, Second and Stark Sts. Ely's Cream Balm Will. CURE Catarrh L" Price 60 Cents. 1 Apply Balm into each nostril. Ely Bbos., 66 Warren St.,N. Y. to Dermatic Egg Shampoo Cleanses the scalp and makes the hair grow.. Will be mailed for 25 t0 any address Woodard-CJarke S Co.. ..Chemists , Sole Makers... Portland, Or. A SURE CURE FOR PILES Itching Piles known br moisture like pennlnttion.oa.nM uvBurciuuuu wiwii warm, i mm lorm ana Ifllna. meed luc or Protruding Piles yield at once to R.R" BO-SAN-KO'8 PILE REMEDY, jrniori sots directly on parts affected, absorbs tumors, al lays ltohmg, effecting a permanent core, Pnoe Coo. Prutguu ur mail. On liosanlto, 1'hlUda., raw FRAZER AXLE CREASE BEST IN THE WORLD. Its wealing dual ltles are unsurpassed. aotuallv outlasting two boxes of any other brand. Free irom Animal uiis. ujut ihs WUJMU1.NJK, FOB BAKU BY OKKGON AND fsF WASHINGTON MfSRCHANTS-S ana ueaiers generally. ',- FOR CHILDREN TEETHING - 1 1 Torsade by all Prusrglats. Ceata a nettle, and COLIC are 'quickly with Pain-Killer. Cramps may assail you at any time, without warning. Ypu are at a complete disadvantage so sudden and violent is their attack unless you are provided with a sure cure. . in - is the surest cure, the quickest and the safest cure. It is sold everywhere at 25c. a bottle. See that you get the genuine has "Perrv Davis & Son" on bottle. FERTILIZER I JUST OUT SENI JUST OUT SEND FOR ONE GIANT POWDER WEINHflRD'8 MALARIA I Three rlo'es only. Try n. m "HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO Successor of the Specimen pages, etc., nearly tui ouuuuiuuuas. THE BEST It is easy It is easy It is easy It is easy G. & C. Men-lam Co., Chichestbr-8 English. THE ORIGINAL ANO GENUINE. LiftdlfM. ask DrasiciBt for Chichester i boxes sealed with bine ribbs. Take All pills in pasteboard boxes, pink wrappers, are dangeron eon ntr felts. At Druggists, or send nf ftcln stamps for particulars, testimonials, and "Relief for Lad tea," in letter, by retura MatL lO.OOO Testimonials. Name Paper. Sold by all Local Oruffiriata. CHICHKBTEB CHEMICAL CO.. 181 JUadUaa 8q., PHILADELPHIA, PA. World's Fair! HIGHEST AWARD. S IMPERIAL JSrr x xtttx t I ITryitwhenthe digestion; is WEAK and no FOOD; : seems to nourishTryiti !wften seems impossible to: ikeep FOOD "he stomach !i Sold by DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE I ! John Carle & Sons. New York. 5 if you use the Petahim Incubators . brooders. Make money while others are wasting time by old processes. Cataloflrtelisall about it, and describes every article needed for the, poultry business. The "ERIE" mechanically the best wneei. rreiucsimuuei. i We are Pacific Coast I Agents. Bicycle cata- logue.mailed free,givea full description . prices, etc., aoewts wanted. PETALUMA nrCUBATOR CO., Petalnma.Cal. Branch Hocsb, 231 S Main St., Los Angeles. DR. GUNN'S , ,, IMPROVED UVER PILLS A MILD PfirSO. fkism ptt.t. vrm a nnsR. A movement of the bowels each day is uocesnary fot health. These pills supply what the system lacks to make it regular. They cure Headaohe, brighten the Eyes, and clear the Complexion better than cosmetics. They neither ffripe nor sicken. To convince yoo. we rill mail sample free, or a full box for 26c. Hold evaty Uttere. toQ&ANKQ UEIX CO.. Philadelphia, Fa R3EW Portland, Walla Walla, Spokane, via O. B & N. Railway and Great Northern Railway to Montana points, St. llif m II OmaafauLoSfiCbt as w s v cago ana nasi. Aauress EAST! nearest agent. C. C. Donavan, Gen. Agt., Portland.Or. : B. C. Ste vens. Gen. Airt. . Seattle. Wash.: G. G. Dixon. Gen. Asrt.. SDokane. Wash. No dust; rock-ballast track; fine scenery; pal. ar sleeping and diningcars; buffet-library cars; family tourist sleepers; new equipment. r.URFK wHlKr 1 ALL ILSt 1AIL5. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. TJse in time, eoia Dy arugfrists. ihw wmim PAYS) iBjrSrrff I , i lflust?Ited I I jam Li CURED Mile I Buell Lamberson V .. SEEDSMAN... f 205 Third St.... PORTLAND ALL GRADES CLIPPER MILLS, Black Blasting Powder, Judson Im proved Powder. Best Caps and Fuse. JAMES LAlDLAW & CO., Apis, 95 First SI, Portland, Ore WELL-KNOWN BEER (IN KEGS OR BOTTLK8) Second to noue TBT IT... No matter wnere Irom. FOBTLAKD, OR. mBffl DO YOU FEEL BAD? DOES YOUR BACK ache? Does everv step seem a harden? You need MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY. ESUBBElr' Webster's International " Unabridged." -fji ( sent on application. U 1 V- llUllliry Standard oftheTJ.8. Supreme Conrt.thetr.S.Oov't Printing Offloe.and uimueuueuuyiwotaieDuperinienaQAUoi&cnooig. FOR PRACTICAL PURPOSES. to find the word wanted. to ascertain the pronunciation. to trace' the growth of a word. to learn what a word means. , ; Publishers, Spring-field, Hass. Red Cross The onlT Safe. Snivu anrl reliable Pill for s&la. Bnalish Diamond Brand In Had and Gold metallic no other klad. Hefus Subttitutiona and Imitation. HERCULES CAS and GASOLINE -NOTED FOB simplicity; STRENGTH; ECONOMY AND SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP In Every Detail. fflneers to be worthy of highest commendation for simnllni tv hifri-ororij maioriai workmanship. They develop the full actual Battery; the system of Ignition is simple, inex pensive and reliable. ...... For pumping outfits for irrigating purposes no better engine can be found on , the Pacific Coast. For hoisting outfits for mines tney have met with highest approval. For Intermittent power their economy Is un questioned. rMRINI MANUFACTURED BY ' PALMER & REY TYPE FOUNDRY, PORTLAND, - ORECON C$t" Send for catalogue. Tr, Diamond Brand JS. Engines