The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 13, 1895, Image 3

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    3'ood liver Slacier,
The mall arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'
clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de
parts e same days a' noon.
For Chenoweth, leaves at 8 A. M.j arrives at
6 P. M. Saturdays.
For White Salmon leaves dIly at 1 P. M.;
arrives at 8 o'clock P. M.
From White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil
mer, Trout Lake and Glenwood Mondays,
Wednesdays and Frldavs.
Canby Post, No. 18, G. .V. R., meets at Odd
Fellow's Hall, first Saturday of each month
Mt 2 o'clock p. m. All U. A. R. members In
vited to attend.
" C, J. HAYifs, Commander.
A. S. BiOWKKS, Adjutant.
Wauooma Lodge, No. 80, K. of P., meets In
their Castle Hall on every Tuesday night.
J. A. Soksbb, C. C.
Geo. T. Prathek, K, of II. s 8.
Riverside Lodge, No. 88, A O. U. W.. meets
first and third Saturdays of each month.
. V. J. SMITH, M. W. i
J. F. Watt, Financier.
H. L. Howk, Reeoi der.
Professional Cards, per month $1 00
One Inch space, per month 1 60
Rates on larger space given on application.
Business notices In local columns will be
charged 5 cents a line each insertion; under
the head of "Special Notices" half these rates
will be charged.
Legal advertisements will be charged to the
party ordering them, at legal rates, and must
be paid for before proof is furnished;
All kinds of box nails at Dallas';. ',:
Bicycle caps at the Racket Store. '
Land plaster at 8. E. Bartmess'. ' ,
Lost A small pig, properly of Wm.
, Tillett. -.
8. K. Bartmess is agent for the Vic
tor bicycle. : s -.. ; . , - '
M. H. Nickelsen is agent for the
White Hewing Machine.
S. E. Bartmess is agent for the Bri
dal Veil Lumber Company, - - .
Bed room set with bevel edge mirror
for $12.50 at 8. E. Bartmess'. . ' ;
W. J. Campbell is putting out three
acres of strawberries on Tom Wickens'
place. .
A full line of (rents' wool overshirts
and wool underwear at the Racket
Store, v. . ; -
George Mcintosh and H. N. Wait
are taking down the big barn at Para
dise farm. ; .
Miss 'Grace Keywood of Cascade
Locks visited Miss Grace Belding at
L. E. Morse's last week. -, j V
J. R. Galligan has about completed
. a two-Morv residence on his farm three
miles southwest of town. f
Saturday and Monday of each week
will be our grinding days throughout
the fall and winter. , Harbison Bros.
Henry Hibbard received by steamer
Regulator, Tuesday,': several wagon
loads of wheat from his Klickitat ranch.
Mr. Joseph Frazler, who Is .an old
ban (I at plastering and masonry work,
Is now ready for a job at his old trade.
Friday evening, September 20th, the
Crapper school will give a supfer and
entertainment tu raise funds., for,, a
library. - 1 ; ' jj
Special meeting of Canby post, G. A.
R., tomorrow at 3 o'clock. Business of
importance and . a full attendance re
quested. ny thing you need in the line of
doors, windows, window glass,' mould
ings, thresholds, casings, etc., you
will find at the Box Factory.
Mr. H. Prigge last week found a
purse in the'oad containing money.
Owner can have the same by calling at .
his house and proving properly.
Correspondents and others please re-
member that items of any length,
should be sent in early in the week,
and not later than Thursday morning.
After the rain Thursday myriads of
little toads about one inch in length
were jumping about in the streets and
yards of Hood River, all going south
ward. Tillett has 100 Lambert cherry trees 1
for sale; every one having the stamp of,
the horticultural society, showing their
genuineness. Also, all varieties of:
standard apples. . , ... j
Miss Mary Frazler, rho was visiting j
relatives at'Hood River for two weeks,
returned to Portland Tuesday - She
will soon begin another, term in the!
Failing school, with increase of salary
to $75 per month, '" . ;; . I
Stop and think one minute! Is it
not reasonable that without rent1 toi
pay, 1 -can sell doors, "windows and all
kinds of building material, paints and :
household furniture, and compete with j
any dealer in any city or town? Call
and see. ; S. E. Bartmess. j
The O. R. & N. Co., always alert to
the welfare of their patrons,have placed
on sale at principal stations a 1000-mile
ticket at the rate of three cents per
mile; good ryie year from date of sale,
and good for passage over the rail and
water lines ot their system.
O. C Bartmess was down on" the
sand bar Tuesday morning and helped
to draw in a seine for the fishermen, in
which were 109 large salmon- that
would average, he v says, over ten
pounds. They had made three hauls
equally as good before his arrival.
The heavy rain and mud of Wednes
day showed the necessity for a side
walk leading from the town . to the
new school house. It would.i be a
hardship on the pupils from town to
he compelled to wade through the mud
of the state road all winter on their
way to and from school. Lumber is
cheap, and agood plank sidewalk could
be built without much expense.
The Belmont Comedy company will
give an entertainment at the Crapper
echool house, Friday night, September:
13th. The programme will consist of
farces, comic lectures, songs and instru
mental music. The 'Belmont band
.will also furnish music. Of the pro
ceeds, part will go to pay for the Crap-;
perscnool organ ana balance" ror tne
benefit of the band. Admission, 15c.
Wm. J. Smith had an experience
while at work in his box. factory, the
, other day, that he does not wish to re
fieat. He got caught in a shaft, und
lis clothing, with the exception of his
shoes and socks, was ripped off of him
in a twinkling. He managed to geti
iioht or a post just in .time, ana neia
fast while the machinery did the rest.
A few very slight bruises in several
tlaces on his body were received. Afler
being "through the mill," Mr. Smith
now sports a new suit of clothes,, .' .
' Mr. AvV. Underwood passed through
Hood River Monday on his way from
Portland to his homo on the John Day
river.. He is traveling by bicycle and
Is correspondent and soliciting for the
Paci fits Farmer. . Mr. Underwood had
with him samples of the Pacific prune
and Golden prune. The first named is
about double the size of the Italian
prune, and he says it has as good flavor.
The tree is not hardy in the Willam
ette valley, but Is said to do well in
Eastern Washington. , . '
J. P. Hewlett", Insurance adjuster for
the Home Mutual of San : Francisco,
came to Hood River Monday and after
inquiring into the loss of Mrs. G. E.
Woodward, whose residence was burn
ed the Monday before, allowed her the
full amount of Insurance $800. This
company is represented here by L. E.
Morse, our postmaster. Tne quioK ad
justment is : a good recommendation
for this old and reliable company.
By reading ' ordinance No. 13 in
another column, it will be 'seen .that
our city dads have made it unlawful
for chickens and other fowls to run at
large in the night time, and during
the winter mouths they must be kept
up in the daytime. This will protect
belated pedestrians from fowl attacks
at night and our city gardens from the
ravages of the hens while the snow ia
on the ground.
Peter Kopke last week brought to
town several samples of prunos simoni,
of which fruit he has several trees.
Mr. Kopke does not think much of this
fruit and advises others to plant spar
ingly of it. The fruit does well on his
land, but he considers it worthless for
use.: It might do to sell on Its looks,
but judginsr from the sample given us
to taste, it is not as good as the peach
plum, which. we consider about the
poorest fruit raised in Oregon. .
. Captain J. H. Dukes met with a
painful accident last week. While feed
ing a circular saw in the box factory, a
knot flew from a board and struck him
in the eye. He did not experience
much pain at the time and expected
his eye would be all right in a day or
two, but the other eye then became af
fected and wns so painful that ho' was
'obliged to quit work for a few days', :
Miss Delia Red came down from
Heppner Wednesday and will visit for
a couple of weeks with her relatives in
Hood River. She has been attending
school and teaching in the Heppner
neighborhood for two years past.
At the last session of the commis
sioners' court an alias warrant was
ordered issued for the collection of de
linquent taxes for 1S94 v All taxes not
fiaid at the end of 60 davs will be col
ected by sale of the property.
The Mountaineer says' the sale of
property tor delinquent taxes for the
years 1892 and 1893, which was to ha,ve
taken place last Monday, was post
poned till next Monday on account of
lack of bidders. , ,.:.. .
Joseph Fruzier, jr., has bought five
acres of his uncle, Simon Frazier, at
Belmont. He is now engaged, with
his father, in planting one acre and n
quarter of it to strawberries. . ,
The Umatilla House, at The Dalles,
celebrated its . 82d anniversary List
week. Col. Sinnott, its founder, who
probably enjoys a more extensive ac
quaintance than any man in the north
west, is still at the desk.
Our schools commenced Monday
with a large attendance of scholars.
Sixteen youngsters who never went to
school before attended the first day in
the primary department, in charge of
Miss Grace Eliot.
A. B. Jones is setting 2 acres more
of strawberries this fall, part of which
is being done by R. M.Hunt on shares.
Mr. Jones will then have eleven acres
in strawberries, the , largest patch in
Hood River.' ". . ,, ,.,
W. M. Ladd of Portland went up to
Cloud Cap Inn, Thursday of last week,
and brought down his family, after a
stsy of nearly two months. Miss E.
Gile also came down after a stay of two
months. '
' The following named persons from
Portland are stopping at Mrs. Alfred
Ingulls': Mrs. Samuel H. G ruber, Miss
Agnes Jamison, Miss Laura West.Miss
Emily West. George West and "Mel vine
West. ; :. . : , ; .
Prof. G. P. Nauman, an old college
mate of Rev. F. C: Krause, arrived at
Hood River Wednesday from Illinois.
Mr. Nauman Is a teacher by profession
and comes to make Oregon his home. :
. The big rise in the price of nails,
stoves ana otner iron gooas has not ai
fected the price of stove pipe at Dallas'.
He is puttiug up stove pipe for 20 cents
a joint, - ,. '
;Rev.'J. W. Rigby will spend the
next two weeks at points on the north
side of the Columbia river, and will
spend'next Sabbath at Wind River, i
The ladies' aid society of the M. E
church will serve a dime tea at the
home of Mrs. ' Mercer this (Friday)
evening. All are cordially invited. ; ,
Mr. Cox and Levi Monroe have re
cently finished burning a kiln of 50,000
brick's on Mr. Monroe's place on the
Fust Side. . 5-
The Misses Etta and 8tella Parrish
of Chenowith have returned from Al
bany, where they have been attending
school. ' .
' Patents recently Issued are on file In
Tiie Dalles land office for W-A. Sling
erland and Mattle A. Oiler of Hood
River..- ; ; - i ; ,y if.
Rev. Jacob Feak is visiting' his par
ents at Pine Grove. He wilTpreach ct
Pine Grove Sunday morning, the 15th
inst. ' '-' ' . - '
Root. Rand has sold to H. F. David
son fractional lots 3 and 4 in fractional
block 1, Hood River; price $1,000.. . ?
Mies Ruth ' Rigby will -spend i the
winter with her sister, Mrs. Criss Nick
elsen, at Prineville. '
- Charles Miller left Monday for his
home at . Scholl's Ferry , Washi ngton
county. :, j ! ? r. ?, . .f; h
Rememl)er the entertainment at the
Crapper school house to-night.- :.-
Bert and Doug La ngille came down
from Cloud Cap Inn Friday last. .l,.
I 'Oil Morse is authorized agent for t I .
newspapers aud periodicals. , ,. ' ? '
t Scott Boormau has about completed
his new barn..' -,!:; V i
Will Langille of Cloud Cap Inn :s
in town. - - - - : - - - -- -vv' "
-The fall, salmon1 run , -commenad
Monday. '
" Steel enameled ware at the Racket
School In district 2 will begin Mon
day. . ... .,, ,.- ; 'J.;. :,'
Dr. Eliot went to Portland Monday.
, Unfiamcd, unknown or new varie
ties of i'ruit to be sent to the nursery
men's, exhibit at. Salem to be- named
should be left with E. L. -Smith before
Sept. 21st. All such fruit will be sent
or taken to Salem free of charge and
given its right, name. Six spcimens
or each variety are sum cleut.
Earl and Meigs Bartmess will have
on exhibition at the Hood River fair
some of their work in constructing
miniature buildings from stone buila
ing blocks. The boys have received a
series of these blocks from an uncle
and they are making good use of them.
H. N. Wait has-received from his
ranch at Mt. Hood several beads of
Cabbage, some of which measure near
ly 12 inches across. They were grown
within six miles of the snow, line of
Mt. Hood. . A
It commenced raining In this valley
Wednesday morning, and there was
a steady down pour for 24 hours. The
ground is now wet to a sufficient depth
to start the plow and make good fall
" Rev. J. M. Dennison arrived in town
Wednesday. . He will preach at the
M. E. tabernacle Sunday at 11 o'clock
a. m. and 8 p. ft). ,
The Misses Gertrude and Viola
Whitcomb returned to Portland Mon
day along with Charles Whitcomb and
The Glacier was presented with a
cabbage weighing 13 pounds, which
was grown by Grandpa D. D. Rogers.
Miss Mattie Foley returned homt
from The Dalles sick, Wednesday morn
ing, and Thursday a doctor was called.
Rev. J. W. Rigby arrived in Hood
River Thursday and is visiting friends
in the valley.
Mr.-B. Warren and son Willie went
to Portland on this morning's train.
County C. E. Convention.
Plans have, finally been completed
for the meeting of the second annual
convention of Christian Endeavor so
cieties of Wasco county at The Dalles
September 19th and ' 20th, Inclusive.
It is to be a mass convention, and all
endeaverers are invited to attend. To
all such free entertainment will be pro
vided aud the Regulator will make a
50 cent rate from all points in the coun
ty.. Good music and eloquent speakers
will help make an attractive pro
gramme. .. ' .
7.30 P. m. Song service and special
music, led by T. J. Crandall'of The
Dalles., .. ; . . '
Address of welcome, by Rev. W. C.
Curtis of The Dalles; response by Rev.
J. L. Hershner of .Hood River.
Music, by The Dalles choir.
6.30 A. M. Sunrise prayer meeting,
led by A. G. Hoering of The Dalles.
. 9.30 a. m. Praise service, led by E.
Underwood of Boyd.
10 a. m. President's address, H. C.
Batebam of Hood River. ,
Business hour and election.
Music. .
aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini iiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi!!5
To Subscribers of the Twice-a-Week Edition.
One thousand special gifts valued at $6,807.10 weAs distributed to subscribers to S
- the Twlce-a-Week edition of The St. Louts Republic, who sent in their aubscripclona s
In July, and 1,000 special gifts valued at $5,607.20 were given to those who sent in their
subscriptions In August. Another list of one thousand special gifts, valued at 5,512.20,
Is offered to subscribers who send in their orders during September. In addition, a
valuabls engraving is to be given to every subscriber during this distribution, ir.ak- zi
ing the total value of the plfts over J53, 000. The list of gifts for subscribers in Sep- s
tember Is given below. The first 700 and the last 300 subscribers during September who
send correct answers to the question:
Wuere does the word Paper' first ocour la the Bible?
will be awarded the following gifts In the order their answers and subscriptions are
1st Correct Answer Scholarship at
Metropolitan College of Musio, .
J Jiew. Tork City (the leading '
Musical College of America) 1672.00
S3 2 One year scholarship Clara Con
st way Institute, Mempnis, Tenn.... 200.00
S Scholarship Barnes' Shorthand
School, Arthur J. Barnes, Prest..
St. Louis .160.00
S 4 Life Scholarship Watson's Busi-
" ness College (successors to Led- '
JS C . dins Business College), Memphis,
Tenn.; W. T. Watson, Prln 150.00
6 One year scholarship Central Fe-
male College, Archibald A. Jones.
S Prest., Lexington, Mo 115.00
SS 6 One year scholarship complete
-. business course (actual business
SS practice and practical bookkeep
S Ing, with banking), Jones' Com.
SS .. - mercial College, J. G. Bohmer,
g ' Prln., St. Louis 100.00
- s 7 Scholarship Eastman Business
' ; College, Poughkeepsle, N. Y 100.00
zz 8 Complete course New York Col-
. lege of Business 100.00
9 Course of Shorthand and Type-
writing, Jones' Commercial Coi
ls lege, St. Louis 100.00
S 10 Scholarship Christian Brothers'
' College, Memphis 100.00
11 Scholarship K. ,C (Mo.) Bus.
ES University....... 100.00
18 Scholarship French or German.. 70.00
13 Walter A. Wood Cyclone Mower. . 65.00
ES 14-16 One year scholarship Spring- ..
, Held Normal School, Springfield,
H Mo.; J60 each , 120.00
S 16 Springfield Farm Wagon 60.00
2S.17 New Home Sewing Machine 60.00
S 18-18 Round Trip Colorado Springs
via MUsouri Pacific; $54.20 each.. 108.40
CS w une year scnoiarsnip (literary de
s , partment) Baptist Female College,
LAST 300
S Many answers will come In late from
United States, and in order that these mav
the last 800 subscribers sending correct answers (envelope to bear postmark not later than. SS
September 30, 1895, and reach Republic ofhee
s lowing nanusome ana vaiuaDie guts;
' sr. Last Correct ' Answer One year
SS - scholarship Baptist Female Col-
, SS u k lege, Lexington, Mo., Rev, W. A.
SS , Wilson, President $300.08
5 ; 2 Scholarship (same as No. 4 1st 700) 150.00
S3 8 Course at Memphis Keeley Instl-
tute 134.00
S3 4 Scholarship (same as No. 6 1st 700) 316.00
SS 6 Scholarship (same as No. 1st 700) 100.00
S3 6 Scholarship (same as No. 11 1st
S! '00) 100.00
7 Scholarship French or German.. 70.00
SS 8 Scholarship (same as No. 14 1st
700) 60.00
S3 Ticket to Colorado Springs and
s; return ' 54.20
' SS 10 Ticket to Denver and Return 49.00
35 11 Round trip to Atlanta Exposi-
tlon S7.20
-S J2-Gold-filled Hunting Case Watch. 85.00
S3 13 Steamboat trip 12.00
S3 14-15 Home Course Shorthand, $10
, S3 . each 20.00
2 36 Pair Fine Opera Glasses 8.00
S3 17-18 Graphic Atlas and Gazetteer of
S3 World, $7.60 each 15.00
S3 SUMMARY Total value of 1,000 Speetar-
S3 $5,607.20; Total value of Special Gifts to
cravings. National Capitol, etc., $1 each,
prior to August 1st, to.&uf.iu; lotai value ot
S3 Subscribers sending answers too-late to secure one of the first 700 special gifts and 5
S3 too early for the last SOO special gifts will each be presented during: September with a S3
nnl inter thnn Snntfmhpr SO nn nnswer to the
S3 recorded the moment received. This contest will close Seotember 30. 1895, as above stated, 53
ss and the name and address of each subscriber securing one of the 1,000 special gifts will S3
ts be published In the Issue of October 37. Ifi95. -
Address! The Twice-n-Weck Republic, Republic Building:, St. Louts. S3
11 A. M. Three simultaneous confer
ences E. H. Merrill iftid D.H. Roberts
of The Dalles, and Mrs, J. L. Hershner
of Hood River. . -12
m. Intermission. '
2 p. M. -Praise and devotional ser
vice, led by. Rev, W. E. Hoskins of
Cascade Locks.
.2.30 p. m. Three ten-minute talks,
by Rev. T. H. Hazel of The Dalles, Mr.
Stewart of Portland, and Rev. F. C,
Krause of Hood River.
3 p.m. Question box. ,
Ten minutes' recess. '
"Junior .work," by Mrs W. D. Pal
mer of Portland and Miss C.E.Aldrich
of Cascade Locks. . . V-'J
4 p. M. Junior hour, conducted by
juniors. .'; .
7.30 p. m. Devotional services, led
by R. A. Copple of Hood Riyer.
Music. ; '
- 7.45 P. m. Reports of committees.
8 P. M. Address, "Good Citizen
ship," by Rev. C. II. Curtis of Port
, Consecrative service. . ,
The protracted meeting in the Valley
.fhurch began Wednesday night. J.V.
Crawford of Waitsburg, . Wash., was
preseut aud leu the singing. , Kev.
vV. F. Cowdetrof Tacoma is expected
Saturday ana will preach Kunday
norniug and evening. Mr. Crawford
vill conduct a song drill each evening
before the regular services. Everybody
is invited to attend. ;
Rev. F. L. Johns returned from
The Dalles last Wednesday. He will
preach at Belmont liext Sunday, the
15th inst. '
Ui B. church. Sunday. Sept. 15th.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.; preaching
at Jl a. rn.; Junior iiindeavor at 4 p.m.;
Senior Endeaver.with song service and
address by Prof. U. P. Nuuman, 7.30.
All are welcome. ..
F. C. Krause, Pastor.
There will be Sunday school at the
M. E. tabernacle at 10 o'clock, the
usual hour. A welcome to all. SuPT.
In Hood River valley, Sept. 13,-1895,
to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morton, u ten
pound boy. . -' ,
Beware of imitations of Peacock Flour,
Take none without the picture of the bird oh
the sack. HAMNA & WOLFARD.
Ferguson & Davidson have chilled plow
points for sale. - :
$2.50 Reward.
I will pay $2.30 reward for the return of my
coat and pocketrbook, lost on the road be
tween John Monroe's olacc and town, about
August 1st. . WM. TILLETT.
Lexington, Mo., Rev. W. A. Wil
son, President
21 Round trip ticket to Denver via
Burlington Route ,
22 Fine Breech-loading Shotgun
23 24 Round trip to Cotton States
Exposition, Atlanta, Ga. : via L.
& N. and N., C. A St. L. By.;
' $37.20 each
25 Gold Filled Hunting Case Watch
26 Gold Filled Hunting Case Watch
27 China Dinner Set.
28 Steamboat trip .'
'29-31 Barnes' home course Instruction
In shorthand; $10 each
32 Pair Fine Opera Glasses
33- 34 Graphic Atlas Of World; $7.50 ea
35-37 Ladies' Mackintosh, (7.00 each..
38 Solid Gold Ring. 18 karat....
3 Remington 32-CaIlber Rifle
40 Solid Gold Ring, 18 karat
41 Remington 32-Callber Rifle
42 Five Dollar Gold Piece
43 W Subscription to "North Ameri
can Review;" $5 each
68-82 Oxford Teachers Bible; $6 each
83-112 Political and Geographical Map
United StateB (11 colors), $5 each.
113 Set Rogers' Table Spoons
114- 123 Set Rogers' Tea Spoons, $3 ea
124-138 Gold-filled Thimble. $2 each..
139-143 Fine Umbrella, $2 each
144-146 Miniature Atlas and Gazetteer
of World, $1.25 each
147-171 R & O Corset; $1 each i
172-322 Fine Engraving; $1 each
823-522 Tickets two days great St.
Louis Fair, 1895, Oct. 7 to 12; $50,-
000 in premiums; $1 each
623-636 Fine Engraving; $1 eauh
637-695 Dollar Package Old Coon
Smoking Tobacco; $1 each........
696-700 One Silver Dollar each
6.00 S
' '-'5
151.00 il
114.00 .
subscribers who reside in remote parts of the
also receive handBome gifts we will give to SS
a not lacer man uctooer u, loyvt, uie ioi-
19-20 Fine Ladies' Mackintosh, $7 2
each $14.00 S3
21 Solid Gold Ring, 18-kaiat 6.00 S3
22 Remington 82-caliber Rifle 6.00 S3
23 2? Sub. North Am. Review, $5 ea. 25.00 S3
28 Gold Watch Charm 6.00 S3
29- 38 Genuine Oxford Teachers' Bible, 35
$5 each 60.00 33
39-58 Geo.-Polltlcal Map U. S., $5 ea. 100.00 r;
59 Set Rotters' Table Spoons 4.50 S3
60- 64 Set Rogers' Tea Spoons, $3 each 15.00 S3
65- One Gold Coin 2.60
66- 75 Gold-filled Thimble, $2 each..., 20.00
76-78 Fine Umbrella, $2 each 6.00 S3
79-81 Miniature Atlas and Gazetteer S3
of the World, $1.25 each - 3.75 S3
82-90 Fine Engraving, $1 each 9.00 S3
91-104 Celebrated R. & G. Corset, $1
each 14.00 S3
106-204 Ticket St. Louis Fair, $1 ca.. 100.00 S3
205-254 Fine Engraving, $1 each 60.00 S3
255-295 Pkg. Old Coon Tobacco, $1 ea 41.00 S3
296-300 One Silver Dollar each 5.00
..$5,512.20 S3
Olfts awarded ' for answers received rs
Special Gifts given during August, S3
bo given during September. $5,512.20; 35,000 en- S3
$J6,000. GRAND TOTAI, $53,070.50.
OI tne iiAiwnAi, LAriiub. surrounuea
auestion Drlnted above.
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
' Country Produce Bought and Sold.
agcncv rnp
IHSUbMAKn IfUrYHnifl I Ui -
Land for Sale.
Forty acres of land: 5 acres fenced: on the
county road, 6 miles from town of Hood
rviver. i-rice, kbuu. Aaciress
my!8 J. H. KBABY, Tucker, Or.
; Bargain in Land.
For Sale Forty acres nnlmnroved land.
east side of Hood river. 4!C miles from town.
Will sell 5 or 10 acre tract cheap. Inquire at
vjmcier ujiice.
Kitchen Furniture,
Truning Tools, Etc.
Repairing Tinware a Specialty.
Fruit Until for Sale (tap.
Situated 4VZ miles west of the town of Hood
River, on the Columbia. Free from late frosts.
Full crop of all kinds of fruit now on ranch.
Fine irrigating facilities and water for that
purpose belonging to place. Call at (ilacier
office or at ranch. F. K. ABSTEN.
- Attorney-at-I aw,
(Special attention given to Land Office prac
Rooms 44-45 Chapman Block,
' Notary Public,
DR. E. T. CARNS is now located in Hood
River; First-class work at reasonable rates.
All work guaranteed. Oliice in the .Langille
House. k . . . jyl
To Lease.
From 4 to 5 acres of strawberry land, In
good condition to plant at any time. Within
a mile of town. Plenty of wuter. Apply at
Glacier office. . " je!5.
All work given him will be done cor
rectly and promptly. He has a' few
good claims upou which he can locate
parties; Doth farming aud timber lands.
: February, 1894. , .
Bargainsin Land.
200 acres of unimproved land for sale. on the
East Side, 0 miles from town, 7 to 10 an acre.
Other laud, about half cleared. $20 an acre.
Well Improved land, f80 an acre. Plenty of
water tor irrigation. Will sell in 20 or 40-acre
tracts. Inquire at Glacier office. je'22
Large Team, harness and wagon. Price, M50.
aalo J. H. FRARY, Tucker, Or.,
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Aug. 5,
18(15. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof In support of Ills
..latin, and l.hMt. sjiirl nrnof will be made he-
fore Register and Receiver at The Dalles. Ore- 1
gon, on Sept. 23, 18H5, viz:
v WILLIAM W. FOSS,' : : ;
Hd. E. No. 358S, for the southwest section
31, township north, range 11 cast, . M.
He names the fallowing witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: ; .'
E. L. Smith, H. C. Coe, Joseph Purser and
Frank Noble, all of Hood River, Oregon.
asl3 : . ' JAS. r. MOORE, Register.
Team for Sale.
., A good team of bays for sale, 4 and 6 years
old; weight about 1000 pounds; perfectly gentfe
to ride, and will drive single or double. Will
be sold at a bargain. Also, a good tent for
sale. Call and sue me at the photograph galr
lcrv Baturdnvs, or at my ranch any other day
In the week. ... . W. IS. NIFr
fiulft ...
I 1 UlUUliU IA ill
Navigation Co.
Through Freight and
Passenger Line
All Freight Will ComeThrougta
Without Delay. :
One way : $1 r
Round trip . jj yj9
Freight Rates Greatly
': General Agent.
K McNEILl., Receiver.
Gives the choice 0
O TT T 23 S
Minneapolis OMAHA
ST. PAUL. Kansas City.
Low Rates to All East
ern Cities.
I.eave Portland -cwj-jr five days for
For full detail all on (J. Ii. A N. Agent,
Hood Uvea, or addrcwi
Oon'I l'ss. Agent,
. I'oi-tlmid, Oau
Successor to K. L. Smith Oldest KKluMitibed
House In the valley. J
Dry Goods, Clotllng,,
General Merchandise,
Flour and Feed. Etc i
WM. TILLETT, Proprietor.
Grower and dealer In cholea HuiMwy rtuek.
He has the only stock i the
Yakima Apple,
The best of red applos, mid as long a kecer a
the Yellow Newtown.
I have about 20,000 apple tree ol ttic bint va
rieties growing In my nursery. All Kfftmlard
vuriothw are grafted from tliti best. U-k in
Hood River. . jU.
Fruit or Grain Land.
Forty or Klghtv Acres of unimproved eKd
fruit or grain land for sale oheup. Cnllun ,
FKKl) Kl MP.
y3 Mt. Hood Htag lioiid. ,
Horses for Sale. .
Two Horses', 8 years old, perfectly gentleand
sound. Will sell oheap for cash, or trndo 6r
lumber. Apply to . H. L. ORAll'i-.K.
aultl . Hood River, On
House and oornor lot In Hand River tor sulo
cheap. Inquire at the Bakery. wf
Milk Cows for Sale.
Three good milk cows, will he sold cheap
for cash. Inquire or". WM TTI.f ""IT.
st3 , Hood Illver, OA