The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 13, 1895, Image 1

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    VVf i'fT.y
It's a Cold Day When We Get Left.
VOL. 7.
NO. 16.
3cod I.ver (5 lacier.
One year..., ft Of
Bix months i or
Ihree months fit
SiiKte copy I Canto
GRANT EVANS, Proprietor.
" Shavintt and hnlr-cutting noatly done. Satis
faction guaranteed. '
Sugar Bounty Ruling Appealed. -
Washington,- Septula: Controller
Bowler has received a telergam- from
Senator Manderson, oounsel for the
Oxnard Sugar Company, giving notice
that ne would file an appeal to the seo
; retary on the question of the control
ler's jurisdiction, holding that the con
troller cannot hold the sugar bounty
claimants to court without -their 'con
sent It is assumed that Manderson's
' contention '. will be that ; the act of
Maroh 8, 1887, known as the Tucker
act,! which authorizes the department
to send certain oases ' to the oonrt of
claims, "with the consent of the com
plainats," repealed seotion 1008 of
the revised statutes passed June 6,1868,
under whioh the controller aoted. This
section does not make the consent of
the compainant a condition of the ref
' erencn to the court of claims. The
', controller, however, has not common t
' ed on this condition.
The Habit Is Barbarous. ,
San Francisco, Sept.' 11. Charles
Sonntag, president of the California
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty
to Children, went put to Golden Gate
Park yesterday afternoon and returned
with the oonviotion that there is need
for a. big reform in the praotices of
some of the wheelmen. Mr. Sonntag
notioed a number of bicycle . riders
spinning through the park with in
fants strapped to the handlebars of
their wheels. He considers it a highly
" dangerous practioe, and says he is de
termined" put a; stop to it if the
. offloers of the society have to be in
structed to arrest every person seen
carrying an infant on his wheel. Aside
from endangering the life of a child,
he says the praotice of strapping a red
faced infant to a wheel and pushing it
against the fog and wind from the
ooean is barbarous. . ..
Fraker Identified by His Sinter.
Riohmond, Mo., Sopt. 11. Mrs. ': N.
J. MoGruder, of . Atlanta,, Mo. , ;. sister
of Dr. Fraker, arrived here and at once
went to the county jail. If any doubt
existed as to the identity of the man it
was dispelled by his meeting with
Mrs. McGrudor. She reoognized him
at once. The meeting was an affeoting
one. After the meeting in the jail,
Mrs.' MoGruder was seen at her hotel,
and said the prisoner was Dr. Fraker
beyond doubt. Asked in regard to the
money she had received from Judge
Lincoln as a part of her share, she said
the sum was about $ 1,2 00, and it was
now on deposit in a bank in Macon
oounty. She is as yet undecided what
course to pursue in regard ' to it, and
denied the published statement that
she had offered to turn it over to the
insurance company.
Still a Methodist.
Chicago, Sept. 12. Rev. E. . G.
Leonard, pastor of the Hyde Park M.
E. church, who attended the convent of
the sacred heart Sunday and received
the papal benediction from. Monsignore
Satolli, had a lively experience in be
ing interviewed all day yesterday. The
pastor was kept busy all day denying
the rumor that he intended to join the
Romish church. His trustees were
satisfied of his good standing, but the
pastor was far from at ease. .
Zip Wyatt, the Outlaw, Is Dead.
South Enid, O. T., Sept. 10. Zip
Wyatt, alias Dick Yeager, the noted
outlaw, train and bankrobber, died at
noon today in the Enid jail." He was
unoonseious many . hours before his
death, and made no 'confession, except
that Shoemaker, a man now serving a
life sentence for murdering Townsend
in Kingfisher county, is innocent
TownSend's widow "and two children
saw Wyatt before his death, and iden
tified him as one of the murderers.
Representative Quigg to Resign.
New, York, Sept 11. It is authori
tatively annouuoed that Representative
Quigg wjll forward Governor - Morton,
within a day or two, his resignation of
the office of representative for oon
gress. Mr, Quigg has timed his resig
nation so as to enable his place to be
filled at the coming general election.
It is understood his reasons for resign
ing are in the nature of business.. .
Dispute as to a Young Man's
Peculiar Case Involving Considerable
' Valuable Property in the State
' ' of Washington.
Spokane, Wash., Sept. 12. The
oontest for the estate of old John Wy
ant, who was murdered near Spangle,
this oounty, three years ago, has de
veloped one of the most puzzling mys
teries in the history of the-West
John and Joseph Wyant were Vir
ginia boys, who came West many
years ago. Joseph settled - in Iowa,
married and brought up a family of
twelve children. John went to Mis
souri and the question of his marriage
is now in dispute.
: Several years ago John came to
Washington and took up a fine farm
near Spokane. There he lived alone
until the night of his murder and the
attempt of the murderer to destroy the
evidence of his crime by firing the
house. A young man who claims to
be the son of the murdered man is
here, claiming the property and the
case is now before Judge Moore of the
uperior court.
The young man's story is that when
his father came to Washington he left
him with his Unole Joseph in Iowa;
that he grew up there and was thought
to be Joseph's son, by others his
nephew. Six years ago he ran away
and came to the Pacific . Northwest.
Later Joseph Wyant, as a result of
family difficulties, also came ' to this
section. He visited his brother's grave,
then drifted into the Northern mining
country. '..
At Kaslo he found the runaway
boy, advised him that he was the son
of John Wyant and that an estate
awaited him in this oounty.' He came
here, fell into dissipated ways, was ar
rested while drunk for breaking into
a saloon, gave another name and serv
ed out a short sentence in jail. While
in prison he was recognized by a young
man named Metcalf, a former school
mate. In the trial of the oase, Metcalf
and his half-brother testified that they
went to school with Wyant and that
he was known ai a nephew of Joseph
A great many depositions have been
received from Nebraska and Virginia,
but they deepen the mystery. Some
are sure Fred Wyant is the son of Jo
seph; others are equally positive that
he is the son of John and therefore en
titled to the estate, i
The wife of Joseph says he is not her
son, but her oldest son Warren sends
his deposition from Virginia, and says
that Fred is his brother as he remem
bers when he was born. He also at
taches a purported letter from his
mother, saying she had sent Fred out
here to secure the estate. Other mem
bers of Joseph Wyant's family are sure
Frod is not their brother." Some of the
neighbors are quite positive that John
Wyant was never married: others are
equally positive that he was. A de
cision is not expected for some time. ;
Semi-Monthly Session the State School
- Land Commissioners.
Salem, Sept. 12. The state board of
sohool land . commissioners held its
regular semi-monthly session today.
In a matter of an application by I. W.
Case to purchase tidelands in front of
Newport the legal points were present
ed and briefs filed by R. G. Morrow.
The consideration of the applications
for loans of the school funds was post
poned until tomorrow. In the matter
of collections, it was ordered by the
board that the attorney's fees for the
same should be stipulated in advance
hereafter. The matter of collecting
from persons delinquent on sohool
moneys was discussed at length and it
was unanimously agreed that the local
attorneys of the board in the different
oounties be instructed to press collec
tions, especially for interest due, and
to institute suits if absolutely neces
sary. In the matter of lands held for
cancellation by the commissioners of
the general land office, it was ordered
that applicants to : purchase proved
rights or those thereby affected be
notified that they must take the neces
sary steps to protect - their interests.
Where the base used was said to be
mineral its mineral character must be
established by the occupant, and when
rejected beoause of duplication of bases
a new. basis shall be furnished.
- Railroad Sold at Auction. , ,.
Cleveland, Sept. 12. The Valley
railroad was sold today at publio auc
tion under an order issued by United
States Judge Ricks, to the Baltimore &
Ohio Railroad Company, for $3,070,
000, $570,000 more than the minimum
figures set by the court. ' - ,
Unconditional Surrender; -. .
London, Sept 12. A Madrid dis
patch says Campos has. announced i he
would not aooept proposals of any kind
from the rebels in Cuba exoept uncon
ditionally, and except when they had
surrendered their arms. v
The Claim Hastened by England's
" , '. Action at Corinto. .
New York, Sept. 12. Further -par
ticulars of the latest movements for a
Central American Union have been ob
tained from Senor Jose de Gomez, the
Nicaraguan statesman, who, ' as the
speoial minister from the president of
Nicaragua to the Central American
states, conducted the preliminary nego
tiations which lead to the understand
ing now arrived at. Senor Gomez ar-
ri-ed in New York several days ago,
From here he will go to Washington
in a few days to pay his respects to
the Nicaraguan minister. He says
that he is in the United States solely
on private business. In an interview
he said: . . " ,
"The confederated arrangements to
which Nicaragua, Salvador and Hon
duras have just committed themselves,
and which it is hoped Guatemala and
Costa Rioa will also assent to,". said
Senor Gomez, "is primarily in the in
terest of maintaining peaoe throughout
Central America, and promoting civili
zation and progress in the five repub
lics. The substantial and intelligent
citizens in all these countries are
heartily sick of revolutions, which
have been so frequent in the past and
have retarded devlopment, wasted our
resouroes and discredited us in the eyes
of the world. Everybody who has vis
ited Central America, or made a study
of the conditions, knows that ours is
materially, the globe, which ought to
compare favorably with any other for
population, prosperity and , advance
ment But the populationof the whole
of Central America is not much in ex
cess of 13,000,000, including natives
and other inferior races; and its back
wardness is lamentable in various ma
terial respects.
But what hastened the agreement
for union and was probably the deter
mining factor in bringing it to pass at
this time was the arbitrary action of
England in the Corinto affair several
months ago. That was a striking ob
ject lesson of the weakness of the Cen
tral American states when confronted
by foreign aggression; and the union
for defense which we are now inaugur
ating is the direct outgrowth of it.
Last year I was sent by the president
of Nicaragua as a special minister to
the Central American republics to pre
sent to their governments propositions
in behalf of a treaty of union. I re
ceived fair encouragement, but before
my mission was completed, the events
growing, out of England's 'claim on
Nicaragua transpired, and I was sum
moned home. , President Zelaya there
upon decided that the time was ripe for
immediate action, and without wait
ing for the results of my negotiations
to devlope in the ordinary course, he is
sued an invitation to all the Central
Amerioan presidents to meet at Amal
pa, the capital of Honduras. General
Bonilla, president of Honduras, and
General Guiterrez, president of Salva
dor, responded favorably and the three
presidents accordingly met in confer
ence at Amalpa in July. The result
of their deliberations was the treaty,
the details of which have already been
printed." - - ,
Captain Johnson Upheld for Surrender
ing Ezeta's Lieutenant. -
San Francisco, Sept 12. In regard
to the surrender of Flprencio Busta
mente, one of Antonio Ezeta's lieuten
ants, whom the United States refused
to ' give up to President Guiterrez, of
San Salvador, by the steamer City of
Sydney, to the Salvadorean authorities
at La Libertad, Alexander Center, local
agent of the Paoifio Mail Steamship
Company, in an interview today upheld
the conduct of Captain Johnson. Cen
ter said that Johnson did not surrender
Bustamente until forced to do so by the
authorities at La Libertad. He con
sidered it a question of international
law to be solved by the authorities at
Washington. ' :
United' States District ' Attorney
Foote said that while the steamship
company could not be held ': responsible
for the surrender, no' foreign power
had any right to go upon a vessel fly
ing the American flag . and take away
any person for a political offense with
out that person's consent When a
person is on shipboard under the Amer
ioan flag, theoretically, he is on Amer
ican soil. Foote continued: ,;
"The proper course is through dip
lomacy.,. It would be the business of
the American minister at San Salvador
to stay any execution of the prisoner
Bustamente until the United States
government could investigate the mat
ter and see whether any treaty obliga
tions had been violated. It was for re
fusing to interfere in the Barrundia
oase that Lansing B. ' Mizner was re
moved from the office of minister. Bar
rundia was taken from an American
ship and shot, and Minister Mizner
did not interfere to protect him." ;
General Antonio Ezeta is little con
cerned about the fate of Bustamente.
Ezeta does not think that Bustamente
will be harshly treated, beoause of his
former friendship with Guiterrez, but
even if "the monkey," as the captured
exile was known, is put away in his
hole in the ground forever, Ezeta does
not think it will matter much after all.
No Apprehension, However,
- Felt tor the Future.
The Treasury Officials Have Ko, Doubt
- the Syndicate Will Very Soon '.;''
Make the Losses Good. . ;
. Washington, Sept. 11. The gold re
serve today was further depleted by the
loss of $1,200,000 withdrawn for ex
port from the New York subtreasury,
This left the reserve, at the close of
business, $97,710,772. The treasury
officials have received no information
of contemplated gold deposits by the
New York banks, as reported, yet they
have no doubt that the syndicate very
soon will make good the losses below
$100,000,000. For this reason, when
questioned, thef say they have no ap
prehension for the future. As to the
real purpose of the syndicate with re
gard to speedy action, they have no
emcial or reliable information.
The relations between the congres
sional library and the treasury depart
ment have assumed a normal condi
tion. The regular disbursements of
the library for August were made, by
the treasury department on-requisitions
of Librarian Spofford. , The re
port of the copyright payments for
August will be rendered to the - treas
ury this week. . The settlement of old
accounts has not yet been completed,
but it is expected that any balance
found to be still due by the librarian
will be ascertained soon, and a report
of the same made' to the secretary of
the treasury.' - ' - V
Two hundred Chinese, reoently
landed at Vanoouver, B. C. , have made
application to the oolleotor of customs
at Ogdensburg, N. . Y;, for entry at
that port. i It is stated these Chinese
are actors, etc, en route to the Atlanta
exposition, and while there is no good
reason known for their rejection, the
government has taken the precaution to
instruct the oolleotor to Ogdensburg to
make a very thorough examination into
the matter before permitting them to
enter. '
Latest reports from Seal islands in
dicate that the North American Com
mercial Company has taken about 15,
000 skins, the maximum limit imposed
during the season closed August 1. Re
ports received early in the season led
to the belief that there was an unusual
scarcity of seals on the islands, and
that the Commercial Company ' would
not be able to take more than a frac
tion of its . quota, " but subsequent re
ports show no material decrease in the
number herding on the, island sinoe
last year. , ,
The Indian office has received no in
timation of trouble at the , Roseburg
agency. Reoently the agents were in
structed to reduce the prices paid for
hauling supplies, etc. , to a ' fair price,
it being held that they were , three
times as high as they should be. -;. If
the Indians did not care to do the work
at the lower figures, the agents were
instructed to contract with white men
for it Hollow Horn Bear, who is the
leader of the malcontents, is well
known as an agitator. : It is said that
he always cools down soon, and no
real trouble is anticipated.
It is probable that the Oxnard sugar
bounty case will not reach the court of
claims for some time. ' Mr. Ham, who
was associated as counsel with Senator
Manderson, has requested Secretary
Carlisle not to send the case to "the
court until the senator has had time to
read Controller Bowler's decision, and
take whatever action thereon he saw
fit The request was granted, and the
papers will remain in the secretary's
possession until Senator Manderson is
heard from. . : '. '-.
Two Bealing Schooners Seized. ;
Victoria, B. C, Sept 11. The
sealer Beatrice arrived this morning,
having been seized for alleged viola
tion of the Behring sea regulations.
She reports the seizure of the schooner
Ainoko. ' The Beatrice was boarded by
the Rush August 20 and four seal
skins, marked as if by buckshot, were
found aboard.' Although no guns
were found, she was seized on a oharge
of having used firearms in the sea.
She was towed to Unalaska and turned
over to the British ship Pleasant,; by
whom she was ordered to report to the
naval authorities here. - The Ainoko
was seized on a charge of being inside
the sixty -mile protective zone after
seals. The Ainoko left Unalaska be
fore the Beatrice, but is not yet here.
Both vessels will be tried in the
Admiralty oourt Their value, with
fittings is about $9,000 apiece. , The
Beatrice reports a light catch of. seals.
The high line schooner had. only 700.
, A New Coastwise Record.
San FraneiSoo, Sept. 12. The Pa
oifio Mail steamer City of. Sydney - has
established a new ooean record in mak
ing the run from Acapuloo to this port
in five days, nineteen hours and thrity
three minutes. This is more than a
half a day less than the best previously
recorded time. Acapuloo is 1,886
miles from this city, so that an average
peed of 18.16 knots an hour was made,
Observations of a Priest Recently lie
. turned From Missionary Work.
Baltimore, Sept. 1 1. Rev. Father
Zeenus Barnnm, who has recently re
turned from the interior of Alaska,
where he spent four years in missionary
work among the natives, gave to the
Baltimore Sun an interview relating to
the boundary dispute between . the
United States and Great Britain. -
"The claim made by the British gov
ernment at the instance of Canadians,"
said he, "embraces a valuable atrip of
land, a portion of which is the key, to
a vast extent, to the interior of Alaska,
and which possesses rich mineral re
sources. ! Another portion would give
them control of fine natural harbors,
and in a third place they would give
one , of the most magnificent scenic
regions ol the world, ; Glacier, bay,
which is now beginning to be visited
by thousands of tourists from all over
the world during the summer months.
Although the immense value of
this land cannot be accurately deter
mined, a knowledge of its geographical
position on the coast shows that great
commercial advantages should . accrue
in the future . from its possession by
this country. It is a long, narrow
.slice running the whole length of the
narrow circular district of Alaska that
is ; nearest this country. It is most
temperate in climate, and the only
part of the territory that is settled by
any considerable number of white men.
"One important effect of Great Brit
ain's claims, if they should be al
lowed," would- be1: that Great Britain
would have control of the route . which
is the key to the gold fields on the
northwest ; corner of Alaska. ; These
fields pan out about $100,000 eaoh
year, but it has been stated there are
rich prospects there yet unworked, as
well as other mineral resources whioh,
when they become well known, will
likely oause considerable immigration
there." : , : , - .-' m , .-. ;-; :
Turkish Annoyances, - ,
Constantinople. Sent II. The
Turkish authorities at various ports of
Asia Minor, notably at Beyrout and
Sassoun, are again subjecting packages
sent by the American Bible 1 House, of
this city,' for - the mission stations to
fresh examinations and delays at ' the
port of - arrival, notwithstanding the
fact that all packages are, carefully ex
amined by the customs authorities at
Constantinople Not only are these of
frequent occurrence, but the customs
officials at Beyrout have stopped a
consignment of 16,000 Bibles and other
books duly authorized to circulate in
the empire, on the pretext that each
book has to bear the stamp of the min
istry of publio instruction, this being
quite contrary to the contract on 1 the
subject between the United States and
the porte. Mr. Terrell, the , American
minister, addressed a note to the porte,
protesting against the violation of the
contract and demanding the release of
the consignment ' ;''
j - V ' - ;
. Further Outrages Reported.
London, Sept.' 11. A dispatch from
Ears, Armenia, says the entire district
of Eennacks is surrounded by : Turkish
troops, dispatched by Zekki ' Pasha,
under the plea of arresting - Armenian
revolutionists. The villages of Carni,
Trigugener,. Tortan, Boropul and Ma
riga are reported to. be completely
sacked, and the population aggregating
5,000, were severely dealt with. .The
men were : tortured, and ' the women
and children werd ravished. - The four
monasteries were sacked and the altars
and images destroyed. The excitement
and alarm is universal. Authentic in
formation . from Moosh is that an anti
Christian society of Turkish officials
has been formed there and at Bitlis
with the intention of slaughtering
Christians in the event of the accept
ance by the porte of the scheme " of re
forms presented by the powers. It is
declared that Consul Hampson is to be
the first victim. " r !
Killed In a Ball Game.
Washington, Sept. 11. Benjamin
F, Myers, 20 years of age, was almost
instantly killed today in a ' ball game.
He was sliding to second ; base in an
amateur match . when the baseman
jumped into the air to catch a thrown
ball. He dropped on Myers, his body
falling on the young man's neck and
dislocating his spine. ...
Bismarck's Diplomatic Spurs.
London, Sept ' 1 1. A Berlin dis-
patoh to the Standard says that in
memory of Prince Bismarck's ut
terances "I earned my diplomatic spurs
at Erfut" a number of Erfut admirers
have sent a floral piece in the shape of
a pair of gigantio spurs to. the prince.
. , Increase of Cholera, ,. ,
London, Sept. 11-. An Odessa dis
patch to the Daily News says: . There
has been an increase of cholera at
Volkma, and 250 deaths are occurring
daily in the government of Podoria.
Ezeroum is also seriously affected. - ,
A Soldier Killed.
Chicago, Sept' 12. Private Thomas
Coffee, of the Fifteenth regiment of
the United States army, was shot and
killed by the sentinel, J. M. Kress, at
Fort Sheridan today, while attempting
to escape from the guardhouse.
There Yet May Be Trouble in
Stein Mountain Country.
Bodies of Armed Men Are Dally Leav
v ing Burns and Vicinity Ostensibly .
, for Hunting Purposes, -
Burns, Or., Sept 10. Bodies of
armed men are leaving this town and
vioinity daily for the Stein mountain
country, ostensibly for., hunting pur
poses, but the more knowing ones here
think they are going . on a different
purpose, and unless the agents of these
reservation Indians reoall them at
onoe they will probably not have so
many Indians to care for the coming
winter. All the cartridges and am-:
munition have been bought up quietly,
and the town is out of, these articles
today. ' One of our hardware firms had ,
some 15,000 rounds of cartridges at
Huntington, Or. The same firm has
ordered more by express, and a team
has been hurriedly sent to the railroad
after these goods. '
- . The Alaskan Indians.
Seattle, , Sept, 10. Advices from..
Alaska by the steamer Willapa, which
arrived in port last evening, state that
the Chilkoot and Chilkat Indians en
gaged in a general free fight near Dyea
recently, during whioh two Indians:
were shot dead and a ' squaw badly
wounded. . The oause of the bloody,
affray was whisky, and it is feared that
more bloodshed will follow, owing to
the lawless, fierce and warlike nature
of the Chilkats. .
The Alaska News, printed at Ju
neau, says that the primary cause of
the fight was two Swedes, who were "
headed for the Yukon1 country with a
large quantity of whisky in their pos-
session, They hired some Chilkoot
Indians to pack the outfit over the
summit, and claim that six kegs of old
bourbon were stolen from them by the
Indians. .On the other hand, the In
dians claim they received the whisky
in part payment for their services.. . ,
. However that may be, the Chil
koots had the whisky, and invited the
Chilkats to join in a social event In
a short 4ime all were drunk as lords,
and an altercation took place between
the members of the different tribes. In
less time than it takes to tell it, - the -devil
in the red men came to the sur
face and firearms - were flashing all
around. , A general fight ensued, and .
there was an exchange of shots, result
ing in the killing of a Chilkat brave
by a member 1 of the Chilkoots. To
make matters still worse, a Chilkat
squaw caught a flying bullet in her
leg. 'Then the Chilkats retaliated by
shooting one : of the Chilkoot braves
dead as a doornail.:
: The fight was stopped at this point,
and the Chilkats immediately started -for
their village. . A large number of
Chilkats are away from home, but will .
soon return, and it is feared they .will
march on the Chilkoot village in a
body and wipe it out of existence. '
Judge Hanford Refused to Appoint a
Receiver for Margrave's Farm. ,. ,
Spokane, Sept 10. Application for
the appointment of a receiver was de
nied today by Judge Hanford, of the
United States court, in the suit of Rob
ert Balfour against Richard Hargrave.
The suit originated in Walla Walla
by proceedings to foreclose a mortgage :
on a wheat farm in Whitman ' county,
the default in payment of interest hav
ing occurred more than a year ago. In .
denying the application the oourt holds
that the proof of insolvency is not sat
isfactory; that when wheat is worth
an ordinary prioe the value of the land
will greatly exceed the debt' There
do not appear to be any rents or profits
to colleot, for the land has .not been
rented. The object of this application, -the
oourt said, is to seoure this year's
crop on the pretense that the crop is
profits, but the crop does not represent
the profits on the land. The profits
would be an excess of the value after
deducting the cost of deed, planting,
care of growing orop, harvesting, taxes
on land, etc. At the present prices on
wheat ' there would be exoesses after
said deductions. : ,
Endowed by Miss Gould.
: New York, Sept. 9. It has been an
nounced in a circular published in sev
eral newspapers along the lines of the
Missouri Paoifio railroad ' that Miss
Helen. M. Gould has founded two
sohholarships in the New York univer
sity, in memory of her father, Jay
Gould. The scholarships are open
only to persons living on the Missouri .
Paoifio system, and each has an endowi
ment of $5,000, expected to yield $250
annually. ! One of the scholarships is
in the college proper and the other is
open only to teaohers , study ing( in the
school ef pedagogy. -: 1 l;
Mrs. Talmage's Will. ,
Brooklyn, Sept. 11. The will of
Mrs. . Talmage, wife of Rev. T. De
Witt Talmage, was admitted to pro
bate today. The estate is valued at
$166,000, and is left to her husband. "