The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 06, 1895, Image 1

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    It's a Cold Day When We Get Left. , ,
3feod Iiver Stacier.
One year.
Six mohthfi
Three months..
8n;le copy
...ft or
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.1 CanU
, HOOD lilTEIi, OK.
GRANT : EVANS, Proprietor.
Shaving and hnlr-outtliig neatly done. Satis
faction guuraiueed.
Those Already Filed Aggregate About
. ." Forty-Four Millions.
Chamberlin, S. D., Sept 4. R. P.
Sperlin, agent for the court of claims,
who is at present visiting this state,
says that claims of about $44,000,000
have been filed under the Indian dep
redations act of congress. Texas heads
the list, with New Mexico a good seo
ond. ' Some of these claims are just;
some exorbitant, some fraudulent.
As an example, two ' Mexican
grandees of New Mexioo claimed to
have lost 15,000 sheep valued at $2 per
head, and not only made affidavits ' to
that effect, but had fifteen or twenty of
their employes do the same thing. It
seemed to be A clear case of loss, bnt
the court objected to paying $3 per
head for Mexican sheep. Mr. Sperlin
was accordingly sent to New Mexico
by the court to compromise on $1.50
per head, but the Mexicans declined to
arbitrate. As this was Mr. . Sperlin's
first case, he was anxious to make a
. record ' and began an investigation,
which resulted in establishing the
fact that the Mexioans never owned
more than 1,500 sheep at anyone time,
and that a few hundred head were
actually stolen by Navajo Indians, but
at different . times and places than
claimed. : ' ' ". :
An enterprising Bear Butte ranch
man had filed a claim for the loss of
130 tons of hay at $200 per ton, alleged
to have been destroyed by Indians in
March, 1877:- At the time, hay was
selling in that; region for $20 to $30
per ton. v
Lightning Killed the Driver of the
Hearse and Created a Panic- '
" Baltimore, Sept. 4. A funeral pro
cession had just entered the oemetery
at Mount Winans last evening when a
torrifio thunder storm broke. When
the lightning was sharpest, and the
thunder most deafening, one corpse
. was taken to the burial ground and an
other was taken back. The hearse had
stopped at an open grave when there
"was a vivid flash, followed by a deafen
ing peal, and the driver of the hearse,
William Alsup, fell back dead -on top
of the vehicle. One of the horses was
stunned, but quickly recovered, and,
with his mate, dashed madly through
the cemetery, dragging the hearse along
until it collided with a tree. ; The col
ored people who attended the funeral
. became panic stricken. The horses
drawing seventeen carriages also be
came frightened and a general stampede
was narrowly averted by the drivers.
The lightning played all about the
cemetery where the mourners and at
tendants were, striking a grave and
shattering the tombstone. The shrieks
. of the women rang above the noise' of
the: rain and thunder, and such of the
men as retained their wits did what
they could to quiet their fears, having
all they could do to keep them from
rushing out of the carriages into the
drenching rain. The burial took place
as soon as the storm was over.
War Balloon for Cuba.
Hartford, Conn.,- Sept. 5. Samuel
Andrews, a machinist, claims to have
perfected a war balloon which he has
sold to a syndicate of New York Cu
bans for use in aid of the Cuban insur
gents. The balloon has been' tested in
the field and is said to work perfectly.
Instead of the ordinary carriage, the
balloon is fitted up with an armored
box, from which a number of bombs
' can be suspended, and the bombs are
released by automatic ma jhinery in
the. box. After all are discharged, the
box explodes, destroying the balloon.
The machinery is worked by a steel
spring. Andrews olaims to have a de
vice by which he can . control the di
rection of the balloon. ' . '
On the next steamship of the Ling
ham line to .Pelagba bay,; South Afri
oa, a number of ready-framed houses,
which will only require setting up at
destination, will be sent. The lumber
was sawed at Port Blakeley and framed
in Seattle.
Over Fifteen Hundred Deaths
Daily in Peking.
Envoys of United States and Great
, Brltuln in Peking Arraigned for
. Alleged Neglect of Duty. . ,
" Victoria, B. C.,i Sept. 5. The fol
lowing advices per Empress of China
are at band
The cholera inoreases in Peking and
the deaths exceed r 1,500 daily. It is
also increasing in Japan. ' The total
number of cholera cases reported
throughout Japan on. August 19 was
771, and the deaths 429. The aggre
gate number of cases from the start is
35,000, of which, 1,230 occurred on
transports, and the the deaths number
16,278. There were eighteen new
cases in Tokio in the twenty-four hours
ending at noon August 21, of which
two died. A telegram from Mr. Chin-
das, Japanese consul at Shanghai, re
ports 263 deaths among Chinese and
seven among foreigners in the British
and Amerioan concessions between the
1st and 13th of August. . Another case
has occurred on the Italian cruiser Un-
bria, bringing up the total number of
cases on that vessel to eight.
The envoys of the United States and
Great Britain in Peking are assailed
with excessive violence by their coun
trymen residing in China for alleged
neglect of duty in connection with an
ti-missionary outrages' at Ku Cheng
and Cheng Tu. 1 In the universal ex
citement which prevails, the possibil
ity that these diplomatic agents may
be struggling with unprecedented diffi
culties is not considered for a moment,
nor is any sufficient evidence produced
to justify the immoderate denuncia
tions lavished upon them. Immediate
retribution for ' the atrocities is de
manded, and as ' this cannot be sum
marily inflicted, the ministers are ao-
oused of heartless indifference to the
claims of justice and humanity. The
British consular officials are still more
bitterly arraigned, the incumbent at
Foo Chow, the nearest port to the
scene of the massacre, being partiou
lary charged with reprehensible delay i
in ordering an investigation of the
crimes. . ... -.; . . ;
The American consuls, on the con
trary, are eulogized for' the energy of
their efforts to hold offenders to ac-
oount, but the aotivity is declared to
be unavailing, in consequence of the
apathy exhibited at Peking. It is cer- j
tain, however, that Mr. Denby and his
English colleague ' have induced the
emperor to order the degreadation of
the chief magistrate of Ku Cheng and
to issue a decree for the extirpation of
the Vegetarian Society by the Foo Kien
viceroy. That this command can be
enforced is considered extremely doubt
ful, the imperial authority being much
impaired in the southern provinces.
The willingness of the envoys to accept-
a Chinese escort for an English and
American commission to Eu Cheng is
more severely blamed than any other
of , the reported , misdeeds. In the
opinion of the foreign , community, a
strong body of marines was essential to
the dignity of the expedition. Many
Englishmen believe that the governor
of Hong Kong should have been re
quired to provide a detaohment' of
troop3 from the colonial' garrison.
It is evident that while the storm of
indignation is at its height, nothing
that diplomatists can do will satisfy
their countrymen. The governments
at Washington and London are urged
to take direot action and exact repara
tion without consulting their repre
sentatives at the Chinese capital.
Several of the American missionaries
appear confident that this appeal will
be granted, and that the regular course
of procedure will be set aside in oom
plianoe with their wishes. When they
find themselves disappointed, their
wrath againpt Mr. Denby will be
greater than ever, but time will prob
ably show that the censures which
seemed unoontrollable at a period of
unexampled agitation and grief were
never warranted by actual oircum
stanoes. The idea that an Amerioan
minister in Mr. Denby's position could
deliberately repudiate his responsibil
ity and betray his trust .is ' too mon
strous, to be long credited. in any quar
ter. . . .
- Christian Chinese Assaulted.
London, Sept. 8. The Times' Shang
hai cablegram says: Chinese Chris
tians are being brutally treated near
Hing Hwa, provinoe of Fo . Kien.
Houses have been burned and property
and oattle stolen. One person was fa
tally wounded. The magistrate re
fused to interfere, although he was five
times requested to do so. , He had pub
lished an ambiguous proclamation, re
fering to the Ku Cheng massacre and
inciting a risinar oainst the Christians.
- .
. .. Increased Immigration. i,
: London, Sept. 5. The Chroniole
! comments on the inorease of immigra
' tion to Amerioa as pointing to another
trade boom there. It is certain if
there is an industrial revival there,
there will be no more tariff tinkering.
He Says the Indians Are Not to Blame
for the Jackson's Hole Affair.
Washington, Sept. 5. General Cop
pinger, who had command of the re
cent military expedition to the Jackson
Hole country, today had a conference
with Secretary Lamont, to which Com
missioner of Indian Affairs Browning
was invited: : ; y ,. - y.-;
"I do not consider the Indians were
to blame for the Jackson's Hole affair,"
said General Coppinger, at the close of
the conference. "They are entirely
quiet now, and have been; in fact, they
would not say 'boo,' to a goose."
One question which the general
brought to the attention of Secretary
Lamont and Commissioner Browning
was the advisability of annexing the
Jackson Hole country to the .Yellow
stone National Park. He suggests that
this action would solvo the problem by
preventing all parties from hunting
and fishing in that section, and said as
the country is not densely settled, he
thought there would be comparatively
little difficulty in making the change.
Commissioner Browning said that in
the first place it would be a matter
for Secretary Smith and then, for con
gress, adding that he did not know
how the people of Wyoming would re
gard it, as it would deprive that state
of territory. , .
General Coppinger s report of the
Indian troubles has been turned over to
Secretary Lamont. : The general de
clined to say whether he made any rec
ommendations for the continuance of j
troops in the Jackson's Hole counrty
or for the punishment . of participants
in the trouble. ,
Approaching Marriage of One of Cor-
- nellus Vanderbilt's Daughters.
Newport, R. I., Sept. 5. The en
gagement of Miss Gertrude Vanderbilt
and Moses Taylor, though not formally
announced, is now oonceded by their
friends. The great fortune of Miss
Vanderbilt is almost matched by the
millions of Mr. Taylor. He is the sec
ond son of Henry 'A. C. Taylor, and
his inheritance came from his grand
father, Moses Taylor, a successful old
time merchant. Miss Gertrude Van
derbilt is the eldest ' daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt. She
is pretty, attractive, slightly above the
medium height, and slender. Her com
plexion is fair, features small and reg
ular, eyes gray, hair brown and abun
dant Mr. Taylor was graduated from
Yale in the class of '95. He is an en
thusiast in athletic and outdoor sports
and an expert at polo.
Mr. Taylor inherited part of the es
tate of $40,000,000 left by his grand
father, which, with ' his share of his
father's estate, willgive him $20,000,
000. '
Living in Iope. : ;
San Franoisoo, Sept. "5. The Hawai
ian exiles have not yet given up hope
of returning to their country or of fin
ancial balm for their wounded feelings.
Colonel V. V. Ashford is occupying a
cot in the French hospital, recovering
from the experience of a Hawaiian
prison. -.' A cablegram recently hinted
that Ashford was in correspondence
with Henry Labouchere, M. P. , editor
of Truth, with a view to having his
grievances taken up by the British peo
ple. When interyiewed today Colonel
Ashford admitted that he was in corre
spondence with several of the leading
men in England, but would not state
the nature of the correspondence. He
expresses his belief, however, that the
British government, though slow, will
finally, compel Pesident Dole and his
government to make full reparation for
the wrongs British subjects think they
have suffered. t.
' Exclusion Act Attacked.
Chicago, Sept. 5. Judge Seaman,
of the federal court, attacked the Chi
nese exclusion act, when he discharged
from custody the Chinamen arrested in
Detroit for entering the United States,
and who were ordered to be deported
by Commissioner Graves, of that city.
Judge Seaman in discharging the men,
said he questioned the constitutionality
of the act. : He based his decision on
the section of the act which gives ' to
the United States commissioners the
same power as is given a judge. Judge
Seaman holds that the powers of a
commissioner are limited. , He cannot
pass sentence and inflict fines, but can
simply hold to the federal grand jury.
..Iron Men Meet. ;
Cleveland, ' Sept. ' 5i The Western
Bar-Iron Association held a largely at
tended conference here today. Nearly
all the largest manufacturers in the
Middle and Western states were either
present or represented. ' The meeting
was behind closed doors, and the mem
bers refused to make public the object
of the meeting. It was learned from an
other souroe, however, . that the chief
subjpt discussed was a proposition to
advance the price of the product of the
bar mills, as a result of the boom in
the iron market all along the line.
After a long disoussion it was decided
to advanoe the price on all grades of
bar iron $2 a ton. :
Amnesty to Political Offenders.
Rio Janeiro, August 80. The senate
passed a bill granting general amnesty
to political offenders. .
Peace Now Reigns Through
out Central America.
John Hice Chandler Discusses the Foa
lbilltles of Trade Between This
Country and Southern Kepubllcs. .
' Chicago, Sept. 4. John Rice Chand
ler, correspondent of the Associated
Press in Guatemala, arrived from that
country today and was requested to
make a full and frank statement of
the situation of Central America, -now
that he is on - American soil, j Mr,
Chandler has been in the service of the
United States in Central and South
America for several years, and is fully
acquainted with the situation and can
speak intelligently. He says: .
"There is a general belief that Cen
tral Americans are on the eve of a revo
lution. Recently, this belief has ap
parently been backed, up by the tele
graphic reports of several journals in
the United States. In truth, four out
of five republics are today apparently
quite. The fifth, Salvador, has had
some riots recently, due to the conni
vances of thejJEzetas, headed by General
Antonio Lzeta, who is now in San
Francisco, trying to organize, a filibus
tering, party, with American capital, in
the Californa city. Nevertheless, the
party in power, with General Guiter-
rez at its head, has the good will; of
the majority of the' people and it may
be diffioult to oust him. The other re
publics are doing their best to build up
their national credit and keep all turb
ulent elements in their places.
"Guatemala has been without revo
lution for some tweny years, and there
has been absolute, peace during this
period, with the exception of a war in
1890 with Salvador, which lasted two
months. The great staple of this
country is coffee. Crops are very large
and prices in the last few years have
been very high. Exports this year will
probably reach some 20,000,000 bags.
This government, under General Bar
rios, ably seconded by his minister of
war, General Morales, is all for peace.
Government buildings are being erected
all over the capital. Some, like the
national palace, or government house,
will cost upward of $1,000,000. - Fur
thermore the city is being beautified
with parks and well-paved avenues.
Three new banks have been started
within the last two months, with an
aggregate capital of $6 000,000. Busi
ness generally is very promising, and,
in general, life and property are safe.
The country has one railroad finished
and two in course of construction. The
Atlantic line will finally join the capi
tal with the port of Barrios, and then
the oountry will be but four days from
the .United States, whereas it now
takes fifteen days to reaoh San Fran
cisco by the Pacific Mail line. Most of
the trade of Central America goes to
San Francisco and New York, but
there is no reason why Memphis, St.
Louis, New Orleans and other cities on
the Mississippi, also Chicago, Cincin
nati and other Western cities that are
practically tributary to the Mississippi
river, could not get a very large share
"The country is rioh in minerals as
well as all tropical products, and only
needs the energy and capital of Ameri
cans to build up a new Eldorado. .
"One of the vital questions in Cen
tral America is naturally the Monro
doctrine, and the course the American
government may pursue in sustaining
it. The Central Americans believe that
no other nation but the United States
can and should build the Nicaragua
canal, and that the $100,000,000 which
it may cost would be amply paid for
by , obtaining a majority of : South
America's commerce, especially that of
the Pacific side, its exports and imports
having been calculated to be worth
over $2,000,000 per annum." ; ;-,
. V A Poor Place for Industry. -Washington,
Sept. 5.- United States
Consul Santiago de Cuba, in
reporting to the state department upon
the efforts of the Pohupo Mining Com
pany to supply Manganese ore for the
American market, gives some detail
of an attack upon the miners by Cuban
insurrectionists. The company is an
American corporation, the principal
stockholders residing in Pennsylvania,
but Spanish officers derive a : tonnage
royalty from the mines. , This fact ex
oited the displeasure of the rebels to
such an extent that they fired upon the
miners, causing such a stampede that
the mine was compelled to close. Gen
eral Maceo has since promised protec
tion, but it has has been impossible to
prevail upon the men to return. , The
company just shipped its first shipload
of 600 tons of ore to Philadelphia,
where the demand is so great as to be
beyond the supply capcity of this com
pany, if allowed to operate. The ore
is used in the manufacture of steel. ' ,
The $22,000 bond issue of school
district No. 16 (Pendleton) has been
sold j to Theiss & - Barroll, Spokane
agents for Eastern money lenders, for
$455 premium. The bonds draw 6 per
More Important Matter Than the De.
;-..'''" mand for Gold.
Washington, Sept. 4. The furnish
ing of small notes and silver dollars to
meet the demand for mouey to move
(he crops is likely to absorb the energies
of the treasury department during the
next few weeks more than the demand
for gold. The demand is not so active
this year as it has sometimes been, and
is not expected to be, because the na
tional banks are better equipped than
usually with small notes. Their sur
pluses are larger, and the treasury
itself has been making shipments of
money for $5 and $10. There is a
large supply of both these denomina
tions in the currenoy reserve vaults of
the treasury. The supply of notes for
$1 and $3 is not so. large, . but can be
increased if necessary. There is little
discrimination in the demands upon
the treasury as to the character of . the
paper ourrency sent out, so long as it
is new bills for small denominations.
The usual polioy of the department is
to unload silver certificates as far as
possible, to follow these by Sherman
treasury notes, and then retain the old
legal tender notes until the last. The
diffusion of small Sherman notes in
distant parts of the country prevents
their presentation at the subtreasuries
for redemption in gold and the hoard
ing of legal-tender cuts off in a meas
ure the excess of currency redemption
in gold at New York.
More About the First Production of
be Play. ,.:;.'-
Chicago, Sept. 4. Probably the most
novel stage production ever witnessed
in Chicago was given last night at the
Chioago opera house. It was a drama
tization of the free silver question in
politics, and judging by the remark
able circumstanoes attending the first
public performance, the piece may not
unlikely attract widespread attention.
The Silver Lining" is the name of
the play. The theme was suggested by
"Coin's Financial School,", and Har
vey, the author of "Coin," occupied, a
proscenium box. - Hissing of the lines
early in the piece presumably by anti
silver sympathizers, caused no little
excitement, which was increased
when, after the second act, it was evi
dent the piece had made a hit'
The author, Fitzgerald Murphy, a
well-known Boston newspaper man,
being called before the curtain sudden
ly turned to Harvey and asked him to
say whether the play faithfully pre
sented the spirit of "Coin's School." "
The audience was on tiptoe at the
unusual incident, and Harvey, rising
in his place among the spectators, said:
"It does, most magnificently."
There was great oheering, mingled
with hisses. During the excitement
Miss Frances Drake, the San Francisco
actress who takes the leading feminine
part, had a narrow escape from serious
injury. ' Her horse becoming restive,
backed against the scenery, a portion
of which fell with a crash. Miss
Drake lost her balance and the horse,
plunging and trembling, ' started to
bolt Miss Drake had half fallen from
the saddle, when, grasping'one of tl?e
wings, she managed to steady herself
and rode the frightened animal off the
stage. v. .
The play itself proved unexpectedly
strong in dramatic interest. It was
richly mounted by Manager T. W.
Miner, the play being his first personal
venture, though he has long been as
sistant in the management of Jas. A.
Hern's "Hearts of Oak," and the
theatrical undei takings of his father,
Congressman Miner, of New York, .-...
The author denied before the cur
tain that the play is being backed by
the silver interests. . From Chicago it
goes to Milwaukee and then on an ex
tensive tour of the West aud South.
The company is a particularly compe
tent one, most of the members being
pioked from the Frohman and other
well-known companies. A feature of
the piece is the excellent work of Will
iam Conrtleigh, as the hero, John Jef
ferson, .said to renresfint p.x-Rfinre-
sentative Bryan, of Nebraska. .
j . ' , - Searching for Peary. '
St. John's, N. F.,'" Sept 4. The
first news from the'Peary relief expedi
tion was brought today by the Ameri
can sohooner;' John E. Manckehzie, re
turning from ft Greenland halibut fishery.-
The Mackenzie, met . the ' Kite
with the expedition on- board, .at Hol
steiuburg, July 15. . -At Holsteinburg
the Kite, took aboard Professor Dyche,
one of the members of the expedition,
and - sailed again the same evening.
Very little ice"was reported South of
Greenland waters. The crew of the
Mackenzie think the Kite will have no
difficulty in reaching ' Whale's - sound,
where ; Peary's headquarters are; lo
cated. .The return of the relief .party
is expected about the end of this
month. ' - .
A Rich Pocket.
Breckenridge, Col., Sept 4. In
leased ground on Farncomb hill, Rich
ard Foote and George Cavaux took out
in three days fifty-five pounds of gold
worth $17.50 an ounce. 'The place be
ing worked, out of whioh the fifty-five
pounds were taken, is only four feet
square, and there is more of the ore in
He Was a Medical Student
of London.
The Facts Are All Well Known to the
English Authorities, Who Hushed
.'.'V .' - the Matter Vp
' New York, Sept. 8. Dr. Forbes
Winslow,' of . Loudon, : a well-known
specialist on suicide and insanity, says
th&t "Jack the Ripper," who by his
crimes terrorized liondon a few years -
ago, is incarcerated in a county luuatio
asylum in England. Dr. Winslow
says this fact is known to the' doctors,
but they ; hushed up the tacts. , Dr.
Winslow says that he is a medical .
student, suffering from suicidal mania.
The doctor has oome to New York to
attend the .medical congress, whioh
will be held September 4, 5 and 6. He '
will be chairman of the department of
insanity and mental medicine, and has
prepared a paper on suicide, considered .
as a mental epidemic " The story told
by Dr. Winslow is as follows: . -
Jack the Ripper' was a medical '
student of good family. . He was a
young man of slight build, with light
hair and blue eyes. He studied very
hard and his mind, being naturally
weak, gave way. He became a relig
ious enthusiast and attended early ser- ; 9
vice every morning at St. Paul's. His
religious fervor resulted in homicidal
mania toward the women of the street,
and impelled him to murder them..: He ,
lodged with a man whom I know, and
suspicion was first directed toward him
by reason of the fact that he returned
to his lodgings at unreasonable hours;
that he had innumerable coats and hats
stained with blood. - 't;, - -; '
"I have in my possession a ' pair of
Indian mocassins stained with blood -
that the "Ripper" wore while on his
murderous expeditions. I notified : the :
Scotland Yard authorities, but at that -
time they refused to co-operate with
me. Subsequently the young man was
placed in confinement and remanded to
an asylum, where he is today. '? Since
his incarceration there has been no
repetition of the murders that he per
petrated. ;. - ,, . " .
. 'iThese facts are all known to the - .
English authorities, and it is conceded
that the man now in the asylum is
'Jaok the Ripper.' .' It was deemed de-. ,
sirable, however, to hush 'the -matter
up. The details were too horrible to be -
made the subject of a public trial, aud
there was no doubt of the man's hope
less insanity. " . :. : . " .
Dispute Between the Southern Paciflo
and Western Union.
San Francisco, ' Sept 3. A dispute -
has arisen between the Western Union
people and the Southern Pacific Com
pany. The former leases vall of the
telegraph lines of the railroad and op
erates them as a part of ' its telegraph
system. . This arrangement - has been
in force since 1877. One of the pro- :
visions of the contract provides that
the Western - Union shall - pay Mr.
Huntington $100,000 annually. The
payment for this year is now , several .
months overdue, and the whole trouble
is the outgrowth of this negligence on
the part of the Western Union. " '
The Wwtern Union wishes a reduc
tion made in: this yearly rental. No
definite statement can be obtained as to
the exact amount which the Western
Union would be willing to pay,: but it
is rumored that a demand has been
made for a reduction of at least 33 per .
cent. The Western Union officials say
that there was no opposition on the Pa- -cifio
coast when the contract was made,
but that during the last few years the
company has been subjected to the se- 1
verest kind of competition.. In view
of - these facts they claim - that the
Southern Paciflo should be willing to
grant a material reduction. Mr. Hunt
ington and the Western Union , people
have had the matter under considera
tion for some time, but the. former is
said, so far, to have' declined to me'
any reduction; - He takes the ground
that the lease as it exists is fair to both
parties, and the rental is not too exorb
itant. '"'; v.-:! '''vv
. People in a position to ;. know the
facts are cautious about, speaking on
the subject. It is known, however,
that both sides have taken .a very de-..
termined stand, and the controversy
may eventually result in the cahcella-r
tion of the present obn tract Neither
party, however, is at the mercy of the
other. - The railroad ; simply does not
want to operate its own telegraph lines
while the Western Union does not de;
sire to relinquish them as part of its
ooast service. v ,. ." , ' ; ,-f ' r.;v
, Taking all the circumstances into
consideration, it is more than probable
that if the lease of 1877 should be can
celed, another : would be drawn up. , ,
Before any final understanding ! is
reached, however, there will undoubt
edly be some important litigation in
the United States courts regarding the '
new lease. - , .