X 7 t ' Hood Jivcr Slacier. FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1S93.) THE MAILS.! The matl arrivos from Mt. Hood at 10 o' clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de- purrs ' ie same uays at. noon. for Cnenoweth, leaves at 8 A. M.; arrives at 0 P. M. Saturdays. For White Salmon leaves dally at 1 P. M.j arrives at 6 o'clock P. M. From White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil mer, Trout Lake and Glenwood Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. . SOCIETIES. Canby Post, No. 18, G. . R., meets at Odd Fellow's Hall, first Saturday of each month t 2 o'clock p. m. All CJ. A. H. members in vited to attend. '.'! C. J. Hates, Commander. A. 8. Bloweiis. Adjutant. Waucoma Lodge, No. 80, K. of P., meets in their Castle Hull on every Tuesday night. J. A. SOK9BK, C. C. . Geo. T. Prathee, K. of 1. & S. ... , 'Riverside Lodge, No. 08, A O. IT. W.. meets first and third Saturdays of each month. W. J. SMITH, M. W. j J. V. Watt, Financier. H. L. Howk, Rooo der. ADVERTISING RATES. Professional Cards, per month ....$1 00 One inch space, per month.... 1 60 ' Hates on larger space given on application. Business notices In local columns will be eharged 5 cents a lino each Insertion; under the head of "Special Notices" naif these rates Will be charged. I-iegal advertisements will be charged to the garty ordering them, at legal rates, and must e paid for before proof is furnished. BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS, ... Land plaster at S. E. Hartmess'. " f ; Hats and en pa at the Racket store. !7; Tin cans and wax strings at Dallas.' S. E. Bartmess is agent for the Vic y tor bicycle.- ' Just received, a lot more of those hose at the Racket store. I'OU Morse is authorized agent for all newspapers and periodicals. . 7 M. H. Nickelsen i9 agent for the White Sewing Machine. , r : S. K. Bartmess is agent for the Bri 'dal Veil Lumber Company. Lumber wagon, light, for sale,' E. E. Savage. A full line of gent's shirts at the Racket store. " Ladies sailors and lace flats at the Racket store. - Bed room net with bevel edge mirror for $12.50 at S. E. Bartmess'. Mr. Sf R. Husbands of Husband's t Landing was in Hood River Thursday. Mr. H. Puph is buildinsr an addition to his house. Bert' and Will Graham doing the carpenter work. Miss Ida Foss and Miss Bess Isen berg went.! to The Dalles 'Thursday. From tliere Miss Isenberg will, take a trip to Portland. The time for setting fruit trees Is oomiiiif along. Get your trees of Til lett, where yon can get them home grown and true. to name. , ' , .A nv thing vou need In the line of ' doors, windows, window glass, mould ings, thresholds.- casings, etc., you will find at the Box Factory. Those who have agreed to pay their subscriptions in wood are hereby noti fied to bring Halong. . Sixteen-inch stove wood, delivered at our residence, preferred. Mr. O. R. Toiler of the Portland Directory Co. and publishers of a monthly directory for the city of Port land, ishere working the valley .and gathering names and inforniatioiiv.for a directory of Wasco county. Stop and think one minute! Is It not reasonable that without rent to. Tw I can Sell doom, windows and all kinds of luilding material, paints and household furniture, and compete with any dealer in uny city or town? Call and see. S. E. Baktmess. The O. R. &N. Co., always alert to the welfare of their patrons, have placed on sale at principal stations a 1000-mile ticket at the rate of three cents per mile; good one year from date of sale, and good for passage over the rail and water lines of their system. Rev. J.'L. Hershner returned from Monmouth Wednesday noon to of ficiate at the wedding of Miss Hartley and Prof. C. W. Greene. He reports that himself and family had a pleasant trip from here to Monmouth. They went by boat from here to Portland, and from there by the narrow g.uige railroad up the Willamette valley, tak ing two days to make the journey from here. He returned to Monmouth Thursday. ,. t . We are informed that a man named Ilanson and a partner have struck a vein ot coal on the river blurt opposite Memaioose island. The vein is six by four feet in thickness and starts from the fare of the bluff about 500 feet above the water's edire. The men have tunneled in on the ledge some thing over thirty feet. Mr. R Dins more, an old coal -miner, living near by, thinks the men have a gcod pros pect. ; ..... The Mount Hood hotel had a narrow escape from rlre Sunday night. The Japanese dish-washer had gone to bed S and it is thought neglected to extin- j guish his light. About 12 o'clock he: awoke and found everything in his ! room on fire. Prompt aid from the guests ot the house extinguished the Haines, but it was a close call. , When the alarm was sounded, Mine Host Bell, with great presence of mind, rushed for the hose and turned on the water. Iu his hurry to reach the fire he din't notice that the hos had snapped in two, and he arrived at the burning room with aboutsix feet of the nozzle end. When he returned for the balance he found his wife coolly filling buckets from the other part of the dis connected hose. ....... Monday, during the hottest part of the day, sparks from a passing locomo tive set fire to the dry grass on the lower part of C. Weld's' place, on the East Side. The Hie run up the hill in the direction of T. H. Emerson and C. Welds' places, but did no damage be yond burning the' dried grass. Mr. Welds saw the fire from town and hur ried home. He was soon at work with a hoe scraping a ditch in the loose soil and dry grass. But the intense heat was too much for him; he became blinded and deafened, when he hurried to his house, and it was an hour before he recovered. He thinks if he had re mained at work five minutes longer he would not have been able to reach the house. The thermometer at his house marked J10 in the shade. The item iu last week's paper in re gard to a drain being dug by-Perry & Jones was ail right as fur as it went, but it seems there are others interested in the work. The ditch was construct ed to drain the lots. of J. E. Hanna, T. C. Dallas, E. Bartmess and Perry & Jones, and will empty below River street, near the railroad. A sewer is needed in River street, to empty into Hood river, which would drain the blocks on the south. Mr. J. -B. Rand has placed a large watering trough at the roadside near his place on the hill east of town; also, a faucet with dipper attached for the refreshment of thirsty mortals. This deed v i 11 be certain to bring him- the lasting gratitude of the East Side farmers and the public generally, Williams A Rrosius have o-otten nn a neat lithograph design for prescription pads, note heads, labels for pill boxes, powder boxes, etc., and other station- arv. It is a view of Hood River val- ley, with Mt. Hood looming up In the distance, ana on its snow-white sur face are the words "Hood River Phar macy." . Frunk E. Pierce and Clement Ket l ..e U....I....J i. -j afterstopping with friends at White Salmon tor a few days, came over to tic ui j. '.uuniiu I'tiuie u u mnt wetsu. riiu this side and took a drive over the val ley Tuesday. They returned to Port land Wednesday. They are well pleased with their trip and will come again. Mrs. I. Robison,' grandmother of A .... r A t 1- ...... 1 . i 1. at Salem Tuesday. Mrs. Cook accom- J"' ' P 1 ' panied her as aas Portland and will j ttn the n,oU,8e- ' return with her sister-in-law, Mrs. , Dr- Chapman's lecture Friday even Dinsmore, who has a sick child tne ! lnS flt fhe U. B. church called out a doctors recommend bringing to Hood ood audience, and all speak In high River. ' terms.of the evening's entertainment, it ! 82ur,:;JEvoiutioident a iviaii i 1 1 1 viatcii nuu xuiga xjiiiiq Murray, a friend.cume up Wednesday i to stop a couple of weeks with their, f:randfather, Mr. Geo. Booth. Myron ' irought along his bicycle, and all lu te nd to have a good time on their visit. The change of weather and high winds Tuesday brought smoke that; filled the atmosphere so that the"! hills across the Columbia were hidden from view. By parties returned from Portland we learn that the smoke -, was : still thicker iu the Willamette. An excursion to Cascade Locks will . L"' ', T' .mUk- be given Saturday, August 17th, from ! w- J- Smi'h n1 J,' 8- Harbison re points on the O. R. & N. as far east us turned on Wednesday night's train Baker City. The fare from Hood frorn Portland. Their train ran over a River will be $1 for the round trip, aud : !0W J"8' above the Cascade Locks and the train will pass hers at 4.33 a. m. j wa8 delajed fifteen or twenty minutes. Mrs. Jennie bamnlln made the as-1 cent of Mt. Adams one day last week. She wus the first woman to make the ascent alone with the guide, aud made It in less time than any other woman that ever went to the summit of Mt. Hood. Editor Joe Brant of the Vancouver Columbian, who recently made the trip to Lost lake, Is loud in iiis praises of .that locality for au outing and of the good people who live along the route and furnished supplies. Amos Underwood of Underwood's Landing CIEB JNewtown apples or last year's gro wn apples of last year's growth that are as sound us when picked from the tree. . ' Monday was the hottest day of the season, the mercury at' 2 o'clock rang ing near the 100 mark. ' Laboring men worked : throughout the day without seeming discomfort, but it was very trying on the loafer., ' . ' W. J. Baker went to The Dalles Wednesday by steamer Regulator. He is nearly through planting his two acres of berries. The plants are set on new land, which lias; recently been grubbed of large oak trees. - - Mr. H. Henn,- the accommodating i agent ot tbe u. it. & ss. at tnis place, is taking a month's vacation. Mr, month's vacation Mooney, the night operator, will fill; his position, and Jus. Ellison will take : service. At the conclusion of the cere the place of Mr. Mooney. ! mony, congratulations were Informally Dr. W. D. Noyes and wife of Tacoma extended to the happy pair, after which addressed a large crowd of Hood River i ,, , . ', . citizens Monday evening on the subject a delicate supper, consisting of the or "uuinoiicism." ine doctor ciaimsj to lie stale organizer for the A. P. A. in Washington. , j Lost On the road between John1 Kelley's place and town, a gold finger j ring. The tinder will be amply re-! wui'fiprl liv Iptivliiup Ilia riiicr ut. Tllou-pra' store or with the owner, Mrs. John . .r - - -r- - r Hakel. Scott Boorman's little boy, 3 years ! old, wandered off I he other day, and was not found for three hours. Justl at dusk he was found below the bluff back of R. J. Ellis' place, setting on a log. - C. L. Gilbert and family came down from The Dalles Saturday and, iu com pany with ("apt. Coe and family, went out to Mayor Wolfard's camp, on the Buskirk place, and spent Sunday. Harbison Bros, have sold their one third interest in the Lage & Hinrlchs thresher to Perry McCrory. Threshing will begin at Harbison's place Mon day, August 12th. Paul C. Bates of Portland and Wm. A. Marshall of Oakland, Cal., came up triduy and went out to Lost lake on a fishing excursion. u Oscar Stranahan desirs to notify the party who borrowed bis spoke augur that he wants it returned, as he has use for It. J. H. Cradlebaugh came down on the Regulator Tuesday and returned tft The Dalles on the boat same day. mounta .' abo Vhe Da ven port m Vital Monday and Tuesday. JHorest fires were raging in .....i.... : ,v. i 11. V. Perry and family of Portland ; are visiting the families of W. H., W . . 1 1... r :i!.. . f i I r t-ir i B. and F. S. Perry. Lieut. Calkins of the U. S. navy and his two sons are camped at Capt. Blowers' big spring.' . Mrs. Lyman Smith, who was quite ill last week, we are glad to state is much improved. - You will find something to interest you in p. F. Pierce's new ad, appear ing this week. ,- - - - Dr. Eliot returned from a trip to th Sound, Saturday. Thursday he went to Portland. v.' Lyman Smith came up from Astoria lust Friday and returned Wednesday. Lunch and meals at all hours at the Bakery. Board, $3.50 per week., Mr. Frohn of Chicago is visiting his sister, Mrs. J. O. Eastman. Teachers' examination at The Dalles, August 14th. Alfred Boorman is building a barn 20x30. : A warrant was issued Friday morn ing from Justice Soesbe's court. for the arrest of Dr. Julius Rothermel, who is stopping at VVinans, and Constable O linger went out to serve the warrant. i ue floctor is charged by a young German named August Morschbach of taking from tlie post office letters con taining drafts to the amount of $280, and getting them cashed, and retaining tne money. JViorscnoacu has been sick all summer and the doctor has been at tending him. On the other hand, it is stated that the young1 man. was -owing tne doctor for professional services and authorized him to take the drafts from . the post office and get them cashed. . ' Warrants were sworn out Thursday by members of the Rod and Gun club for the arrest of the owners and man- I a?ers f tl,e t,lree w mills and planer, charged with allowing sawdust and i shavings to lie carried into the waters i of ,he Columbia and Hood river. The toiiowing persons were arreted this morning: Frank Davenport of Dav enport Bros. & Co.; B. R. Tucker of Tucker's Mills; Heiiry Tomlihson of Mt. Hood; and Mr. Carver of the Ore ' gOll IjI gon Lumber Co. The Rod and Gun i..u j . ,, - a V. th. f.,l3 lV!2"??J ,aW8 . t0 the fulle9t vAtvuv vi iiuo inn , One day during the week, while the wind was blowing hard, the dry grass along the bluffbelow town caught j fire from sparks from the engine. The fire ran up the bluff to the Buskirk house. The fire was seen by Melville Yesterday Walter . Isenberg was at work with the baler on George Mcin tosh's place, and bis pet dog who was along managed to get hold of a dead digger squirrel, that had been killed with strychnine, which . caused his death. , . Notice. All interested in the com ing Hood River fair are notified that on Saturday. August 17th, there will be a meeting at Smith's office to mke preliminary arrangements and elect . K00t- Husbands uas lately recovered from a spell of malaria fever that con fined him to the house for a couple of weeks., He was nursing a felon on his thumb at the same time. Win. Foss will make Jinal proof on his homestead before the register and receiver at'The Dalles, September 23d. - Matrimonial. A very pretty wedding took place on Wednesday evening, August 7, 1895, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Hart- ey tiie contracting parties being Prof. Cal.,and Misg Flora Rachel Hartley of Hood River, Oregon. The wedding was very quiet, only the immediate relatives of the happy couple ' being present. Rev. J. L. Hershner, pastor of the Congregationul church, perform ed the ceremony, the beautiful and impressive ritual of .the Episcopal ! Church being used by request. Prompt ly at 8 o'clock, the contracting parties entered the front parlor, while Mrs. O. LB. Hartley presided at the orgati, and taking their places surrounded with a bower of , floral - decorations, they pledged their, troth, each with the other, observing the beautiful ring dainties of the market, was served Prof. Greene is a teacher in the de partment of physiology in Leland Stanford university, California. The bride was graduated by that institution in June, ad will teach in the depart ment of zoology the coming year. They will return to tiiis famous insti their work in September. Happiness aud prosperity abide with them, . - tution or learning in time to resume Don't Stop Tobacco. -The tobacdl habit grows on a man until his nervous system is seriously af fected, impairing health, comfort and happiness. To quit suddenly is too se- l vere a shock to the system, as tobacco, j to an inveterate user becomes a stimu j hint that hissystem continually craves. Baco-Curo is a scientific cure for t lie to bacco habit, in all its forms, carefully compounded after the formula, of an ! eminent Berlin physician who has used it in his private practice since lij7a,wiili nut. u f)4illlrA lilirulv L'utrotMlkla utwfl trmir. tt,,teed perfectly harmless. You can use Ru tue tobaecovou want, while taking Baco-Curo, it will notify you wnen to stop. We give a written guarantee to permanently cure any case with, three boxes, or refund the money with 10 per cent interest. Baco-Curo is not a substi tute, but a scientific cure, that cures without the aid of will power and with- no inconvenience. It leaves thesysteui uo pure uim iree uom lai-miie as me ay you tk your first chew or smoke , Z lZl miirtv iuv tnumpnn jmso- r n. x. . " ' ' direct upon receipt of price. Send six two-cent, stamps for sample box. Book let and proofs free. Eureka Chemical & Manufacturing Chemists, La Crosse, Wisconsin. GEO. P. CEO WELL, Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House in the valley. . DEALER IN Dry Goods, Clothing, ' . AND . .. .. - ' General Merchandise, Flour and Feed. Etc., HOOD RIVER, OREGON. ITS DON'T STOP: TOBACGO in smoke. An iron-clad written guarantee all its forms, or money refunaea. Friee $1 00 per box, or 3 boxes (30 aays1 treatment and guaranteed cure), $2,50. Forsale bi all druggists, or will be sent by mail, upon receipt of price. SEND SIX T WO-VENT STAMPS FOR SAMPLE BOX. Booklets and proofs free. . Eureka Chemical & Mfg. Co., La Crosse, Wis. i : Office of THE PIONEEB PRESS COMPANY, C. W. HoEnicK, Supt. . St. Paul, Minn.. Sept. 7, 18114. Eureka Chemical and Mfg. Company, Tja Crosse, Wis. Dear Sirs: I have been a tobacco flend for many years, and during the past two years have smolced fifteen to twenty cigars regularly every day. My whole nervous Bystem became affected, until my physicians told me I must give up the use of tobacco for the time bein, at least. I tried the so-ealled "Keely Cure," "No-To-Bac." and various other remedies, but without succes.-,. until I accidentally learned of your "Baco-Curo." Three weeks ago today I commenced using your preparation, and today I consider myself completely cured. I am In perfc ; health, and the horrible crav ing for tobacco, which every inveterate smoker fully appreciates, has completely left me. I consider your "Baco-Curo" simply wonderful, and can fully recommend it. Yours very truly, c CHURCH NOTICES. U. B. church, Sunday,, Autr. 11th, Sunday school at 10 a. m., preaching tit 11 a. m., Junior endeavor at - 0.30 p. tn., senior endeavor at-7 p. m. j. c. i.rause, pastor. Union meetings will be held at the. Congregational church Sunday even ing, August 11th, at 8 p. m. Rev. F. C Krause will conduct the service. There will 1 Sunday school at the M. E. tabernacle at 10 o'clock, the usual hour. A welcome to all. Supt.. Regular services are held at the M. E. barracks morning and evening of the first Sunday of each mouth; in the evening the remaining Sundays of the month. The fourth Sunday evening occupied by T. D. Gregory. r . U. JOHNS. Assessment No. 2. Notice Is hereby elveu to the stockholders of the Hood River Fruit Growers' Union that the Board of Directors have levied assessment No. 2, of 50 cents per share on the capital stock, to be collected according to the provi sions of the by-laws. II. P. DAVIDSON. Secretary. Ladd's New Gun Store. New line of all Sporting Goods, Campers, Fisher men and Prospectors' Supplies at reduced rates. Highest ci h price paid for Raw Furs. Send for lataloitue. Address Ladd's Gun Store. Third and Market Sts, San Francisco,) al. Jel FORJ3ALE, Forty acres unimproved land, on the east side of Hood river, 5 miles from town. Price S10 per acre. Inquire at Glacier office. . To Lease. From 4 to 5 acres of strawberry lnnd, In good condition to plant at auy time. Within a mile of town. Plenty of water. Apply at Glacier office. jel5. G. T. Prathkk, Notary Public. H. C. Cob. PEATHER & COB, Beal Estats and InsnrancB, 93 Oak St., bet 2d and 3d. We have lots, blocks and acreage in the town of Hood Klverjnlso, fruit, hay and oerry farms and timber claims in the most desira ble locations in the valley. If you have any thing in the real estate line to sell or rent, or It you want to buy, give us a call.' Deeds, bonds and mortgages promptly and correctly executed. We will also attend to legal business in Jus tlccs courts - . i . We are also agents for SOUTH WAUCOMA property. PRATHER & COE. ap27 I . For Sale. Five acres of good land 1 miles west of town. Inquire of G. PRATHEK.. ,- mar 11 WM.T1LLETT, Proprietor. Grower and dealer in choice Nursery stock. He has the only stock of the Yakima Apple, The best of red apples, and as long a keeper as the Yellow Newtown. I have aboui 20,000 apple trees of the best va rieties growing In my nursery. All standard varieties are grafted from the best stock In Hood River. jelo. Bargamsjn Land. 200 acres of unimproved land for sale. on the East Side, 6 miles from town, 87 to $10 an acre. Other land, about half cleared. $20 nn acre. Well improved land, an acre. Plenty of water for irrigation. Will sell In 20 or JO-ncre tracts. Inquire at Glacier office. . Je22 J H. CRADLEBAUGH, Attorney-at-Law, (Special attention given to Land Office proc- ticc) Rooms 44-45 Chapman Block, THE DALLES, OREGON. 0. FREDENBURG, ' Notary Public. MOUNT HOOD, OREGON. ' DENTISTRY. DRV eVt. CARNS is now located in Hood River. . Firstrcluss'-wftrk at reasonable rates. All work guaranteed, OJlice iu the Langillo House. - . Jyl C 1NJURIO US TO STOP SUDDENL Y and donH be imposed upon by buying a remedy that requires you to do so, as it in nothing more than a gubatitule. In the sud den stoppage of tobacco you must have some stimulant, and in mottt all case's the effect of the stimulant, be it opium, morphine, or other opiates, leaves afar worse habit contracted. Ask your druggist about BACO-CURO. Jt is purely vegetable. You do not have to stop using to bacco with BACO-CURO. Jt will notify you when to stop and your desire for tobacco will cease. Your system will to absolutely cure the tobacco habit in inoj . v. v. tiottiNiutt.. A. S. BLOWERS & CO., DEALERS IN- Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, FLOUR AND FEED. Country Produce Bought and Sold. - AGENCY FOR SSBOOTS&SHOES mmMKK established THE. BIGGEST BOOT IN THE WORLD INMJt NANK COrrKJGHTtT ... Timber Land, Act June S, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Offlce, The Dalles, Ore gon, May 81, 18H5. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," Helen R.Daven port of Hood River, county of Wasco, stateof Oregon, has thisday filed in this offlce her sworn stntementNo.m, for the purchase of the W. N. W. section No. 15, In township No. 2 north, range No. 9 east, and will offer proof to show that tho land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said laud before the Register and Receiver of this office at The Dalles, Oregon, on Thursday, the loth day of August, 1895. She names as witnesses: M. M. Davenport. C. Copple, Frank Davenport and Carl Wood, all of Hood River, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this offlce on or before said 15tb day of August, 1895. - . . Je8al0 JA3. F. MOORE. Register. ONE GIVES RELIEF. For Sale. Two large stoves, 1!5 Joints of stove pipe, two elbows, two sections 8x10 blackboard, and two sections 4x10 pulp blackboard. Apply to M. H. Nickelsen, Clerk, or tho School Bosrd of District 8. - Jy2 Land for Sale. - Forty acres of land; 5 acres fenced; on the county road, 5 miles from town of Hood River. Price, $000. Address myl8 J. H. FRARY, Tucker, Or. Bargain in Land. For Sale Forty acres unimproved land, east side of Hood river, 4 miles from town. Will sell 5 or 10 acre tracts -cheap. Inquire at Glacier offlce. - - s T. C. DALLAS, DEALER XN ' STOYES AND TINWARE; Kitchen Furniture, PLUMBERb GOODS. Pruning Tools, Etc. Repairing Tinware a Specialty. M Eicl for Sals fcii. Situated miles west of the town of Hood River, on the Columbia. Free from late frosts.. Full crop of all kinds of fruit now on ranch. Fine irrigating facilities and water for that purpose belonging to place. Call at. (Jlacier offlce or at ranch. F. R. ABSTEN. 0TICE OF HSAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby gi ven that by an order of the county court for the state of Oregon for Wasco county made and entered this 22d day of July, 1816. in the matter of the estate of John L. Iticn, deceased, Monday, September 2d, 18B5, at the hour of 1 o'clock P. Ml, was fixed as the time, and the county court room of said county as the place, for the hearing of said final account of the executor of the last will and teslamentsof Said deceased. All per sons having any objections to said final ac count, and to tne settlement of said estate, are directed to appear at said time and place, then and there to show cause, If any there be. why Bald , final account 'should not be ap proved and said estate settled. Jy2i AMIE RICH. Exccutrlx.- "7 THE 7 7,7 "REGULATOR LINE." J X Ul UUuU U. Willi Navigation Cc, Through Freight and Passenger Line. Daily betDalles anfl Porflana All Freight Will Come ThrougJa Without Delay. . PASSENGER RATES. - Oims way . -.... 58 Round tiip.............................. u r9 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. W. C. ALLAWAY, ' General Agent. THE DALLES, OREGON E. McNEILL, Receiver. - TO THE Gives the choice ef TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ' Via Via SPOKANE, DENVER, Minneapolis OMAHA AND A.VIJ , ST. PAUL. Kansas City. Low Rates to All East ern Cities. . OCEAN STEAMERS Leave Portland every hve dayR for SAN FRANCISCO. - For fitll details all on O. R. A N. Agent, Hood Rlvr, or nddri 1 - ' , W. H. HURLBUIltl', 1 , . Cen'l Pus. Agent,. .... . Portlnnd, Or. , COPYRIGHTS CAW I OBTAIN A PATENT ? For a prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to WUNN fc CO., who have had nearly H.ftv 5 enrb' experience in the patent businesB. Comninmnn- . tions strictly confidential. A HaudboAk ot In formation concerning Patents and bow to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mu;btu icol and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. rncelre special notice in tbe Scientific Auiiti'irnu. and thus are brought widely before the public with out cost to the inventor. Thia splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has hr farina largest circulation of ony scientific work in the world. $3 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, $2.tX) a year. smtrla copies, tJ5 cents. Every number contains beau tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses, with plans, enabling builders to show tho latest designs and securo contracts. A -"ei MUNN & CO,. Nft" .- WEBSTER'S INTERNA TIONAL Ahr,t rik4 Times. ' J X l.LVlV X j nntirtlv Nan. TT-fl Tf T A 7TT A itrttnd hducator. JSticcessor of tho " Vnabridged." Standard -of tho Milt U. S. -Gov't 1'rtnt- ng Onie.e. the U.S. Supreme Court and of nearly all the bclioolbonliS. .. Warmly com mended l.y every State bu erinten dent of SclKwis, and other Bihiea : tors almost with- t out numLer. A College President writes: 'Tor ! " ease xvith which , tho eye f nda the " word sought, for accuracy vt deCnl- 5 ; "tlon, for effective methods iu indl- ' " eating pronunciation, for terse j-ct I " comprehensive Btatementa cf facts, U I " and for practical use as a working ? ; "dictionary,' Webster's International' 5 1 " excels eay other singlo volume." 5 : .'- ' : - Tlie One Great Stanrlnrr! Authority. lion. P. J. Brewr, Justice of to V. 6. RmireiTiB Court.writes : ' The lutrrnatlimal i DinH.inaTvistheiierfecHonof-die.MonarKiS. t ! I commend it to all Li the tmst ie::Z suu:d- 5 , ard autUoiity." . , J5 ' ' -7'' 5 nn?" A sa.vinir of three cents wr Stv for a 1 I year will provide more thanno(rh nioni-y 1 to purchase a copy of tlie International. S 1 Can you afford to be wlthoui i:' 5 O. & C. MERRIAn CO., TtiW.sierc, CpringGeld, Mass., U.S.--. 1 jPml tn(hepnbllBhemforfiwyiT'f!!li. g - lo not uuy cueup repnuisoi Kiitient-utinOTiia. t