-Hood River. Slacier. 3 FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1895.Jv THE MAILS. The mall arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o' clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de parts Sesame days at noon. . For Chenoweth, leaves at 8 A. It.; arrives at P. M. Saturdays. For White Salmon leaves ddtlyat 1 P. M.; arrives at 6 o'clock P. M. From White Salmon, leaves for Fvida. Gil mer, Trout Lake and Olenwood Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. .. .;' , 'y ' SOCIETIES. . - - ' ' ; Canby Post, No. 16, O. . R., meets at Odd Fellow's Hall, first Saturday of each month it 2 o'clock p. m. All U. A. B. members In vited to attend. C. J. Hayks, Commander. ' A. 8. Blowkrs. Adjutant. Waucoma IiOdge, No. 80, K. of P., meets In their Castle Hull on every Tuesday night. , . J. A. 80K.SBB, C, C. , Oho. T. PRATHEft, K. of R. S 8. Riverside Lodge, No. 68, A O. U. W., meets firs t and third Saturdays of each month. V v J. SMITH, AI. W. J. K. Watt; Financier. : : H. L. Howe, Recorder. ' " ADVERTISING RATES. '- Professional Cards, per month SI 00 One inch space, per month - 1 60 Rates on larger space given on application. Business notices In local columns will be charged 5 cents a line each Insertion; under the head of "Special Notices" half these rates will be charged. Legal advertisements will be charged to the party ordering them, at legal rates, and must be paid for before proof Is furnished,, j .-., ; BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. : Land plaster at S. E. Hart mess'. . . ; ' Hats and caps at the Backet store. . - Tin cans and wax strings at Dallas.' 8. E. Bartmess is agent for the Vio :, tor bicycle. Will Langille came down from Cloud Cap Inn Monday. . - .. , Just received, a lot more of those hose at the Backet store. . . M. H. Nickelsen is agent for the White Sewing Machine. S. E. Bartmess is agent for the Bri dal Veil Lumber Company. r Lumber wagon, light,- for sale.'"- '.'i .v y - E. E. Savage. A full line of gent's shirts at the Backet store. ,v i-t,, . Little Dt Watt gave a party to her playmates Thursday afternoon. Scott Boorman is building a barn, . 80x40, on his place on Phelps creek. Jack Denipsey is at Hood Blyer for health, stopping at the Mt. Hood . . : Shoo Fly! Screen doors and xten- Hon window screens, fit any window, ' at the Box Factory. ; .. : Walter Mays was thrown from his pony Monday evening and sustained a broken collar bone. H. N. Wait has moved down from Mt. Hood and is occupying the house on T. J. Watson's place. Louis Clark came up Tuesday from Portland and will remain on his father's ranch for a couple of months. . Mr, nnd Mrs. Wra. Boormari return-1 " ed to Hood Biver last week after an ex tended trip to Portland and Ocean Park. Jones & Perry are having a drain luiilt from their building, Fourth and Oak, to connect with the sewer on Biver street. The time for setting fruit trees is coming along. Get your trees of Tll lett, where you can get them home grown and true to name. V JoesjBrant, editor and proprietor of the Columbian of Vancouver, was here . Inst week and went out to Sandy Flat in company with Bert Graham. , Bead the new ad of Ferguson & Davidson, dealers in agricultural imple ments, and go and examine their handy baskets for gathering fruit. . John Henrich of the East Side has rurehnsed a Southwick hay press of D. Henrioh, and Is now prepared to Dale liny at tne rate orzu tons a aay. Those who have aarreed to pay their subscriptions in wood are hereby noti , fled to bring It along. Sixteen-lnch stove wood, delivered at our residence. s 'j-a n un . vi cntv . t'uiniHj night to an old-fanlioned ,.' Eastern h?rtvy winds accompanied the thunder (ML IV UMUIGIIMIK' " J. L. Atkinson, the well known real estate dealer ot Portland, and Mrs. Jennie Champlin came up Monday and went out to her fathers, Mr. Ge. Booth. Tuesday, Mr. Atkinson went up to Cloud Cap Inn. - Stop and think one minute! , Is it nub icamiiinntc biinu - witliifub .iciib in pay, I can sell doors, windows and all kinds of building material paints and , household furniture, and compete with mu,y ucatu ill miy vit'jr 'i wm 11 1 . VyMll and see. . -. S. E. Bartmess. ' The O. B. & N. Co., always alert to the welfare of their patrons, have placed on sale at principal stations a 1000-mile ' ticket at the rate of three cents per mile; good one year rrom date or sale, and good for passage over the rail and water lines or their system."' .: Clan T.TnfuK la 1,1 it A B Ka.1 - ,I.VJ II (OU I ' ' U HI ... I llf U L... . II VI. Paradise farm. He will use a good deal of the material from the old . barn recently torn down, and which was about the oldest building in the val ley. The timbers are found to be' as ' sound and as serviceable as the day ; they were hewn for the old bai'u.,.., , a nne young jersy uun oeionginir to tt rt r x , . , i , , jj . j. xiengst uroKe ois necx in a sing ular manner one day last -week. The animal hjd a rone around its neck held by two men, and in trying to break away from its captors the rope caught on at oaK gruo ana tne nun was turown on Iiis head and broke his 'neck. . J Mrs. j. id. x). mailings or rortiana is Improving her twenty acres U miles south of town, opposite I be place of M. E. Cook. The lady has bought an interest In the Band ditch extension. Jack Nealeigh has been employed to grub the land and will begin work next weeki Mrs. Stallings, we under stand, will build a residence' ou ber lots in town. , .. Dr. Adams returned from Portland Saturday. He says people in - Port land are constantly inquiring for a nice place to board in Hood Biver. He is anxious to recommmecd some place, but cannot, as he does not know who takes boarders. He says if boarding houses would advertise in the Glacier or call and tell him about recommend ations, prices, etc., he may be of some service to them, The report of the librarian, in last week's Glacier, was somewhat mis .leading iu regard to the books donated to the library. To make the matter straight, we are asked to state tbt the books came from tiie late First Congre gational church, which organization is now disbanded and the members have united with the Congregational church iu town. The lamps of the church were also sold, and the proceeds $6 or $8 which has not been collected, will be turned into the library funds. - - Dr. Adams informs us that in less than teu hours after the Glacier came out with an ad for a cow, a man led a fine milk cow to Paradise farm, price $25. He found a market and went home happy. . Applications came in so fast by letter that one morn ing, when Mrs. A. saw the herders bringing up some twenty town cows, she said, "Well, I believe there is another lot of cows coming In answer to our ad In the Glacier.'' j The city government of Hood River j has been run economically, so far. After all the expense of the election, prepar- j ing ordinances . and publishing the j same, priuting, etc., the outstanding warrants against tue town amount to only $65.90. Licenses have been col - lected to the amount of $48, and there 2? XT, pl . 1 "1 l yse a the amount of $8.55. The little boy of PostmaAter Morse, aged altout 2 years, has been danger - ously ill with summer complaint fori the past week. The child has not been well for about six weeks, and while the family were in the mount- alns seemed to be cettinit well, but since their return home it has grown worse again. . : The ladies' aid society of the Con gregational church will ' spend next Friday with Mrs. McCoy, leaving the l-uureiim o.ou in mc niuiuii.. good attendance is desired as there some work to be finished at this meet- iug. There will not be another meet- lug during the month of August. Kev. j. Li. Hershner and iamily left mursciay ror Monmoutu, roiK county, mhor. Al,-. ITot-.hnor'u huponla rnalHo Tliey will be absent about one mouth. The Christian endeavor society will uavecuarge or ttie bunaay morning services during the pastor "p83" of Henderson shoes from Chicago Thursday, and to make room for a shipment from Boston, due the com- tug week, he will run a bargain counter ana ciear out a ioi or summer ana; other goods at cost for cash. Seecbange of ad next week. Wednesdnv. P.-. M. Warren. Frank Warren, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Srong and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Taylor of Portland arrived at the Langille house and went to Cloud Cap Inn. Thurs day, W. - A. McKensie and wife, of Portland came up and went out to the Inn.- ' , . ' , ! Mr. B. -Warren ; has sold the west half of his Oakdale property to Rich ard Kirbyson for $400. Mr. Kirbyson will build upon the land during the coming fall and move upon it with his j family, consisting or a wire and taree children. ' , J. H. Cradlebaugh has gone back to his old business and opened a law and gospel shop in The Dalles, where, he ! says, he will dispense law and dispense i witn tne gospel. Kead bis card m ; another column Lost Between the nlaces of John Monroe and M. V. Band, on the East Side, a coat containing pocket book. A reward of $1 will he paid for same if left at Hanna& Wolfard's. , Wm, Tillett. ny thing you need in the line of doors, windows, window glass, mould ings, thresholds, casings, etc., you will find at the Box Factory. . Miss Carrie Poor, who has often visited Hood Biver; came up from Portland last Saturday , with Dr. Adams and his family. - ' . Miss Ida. Foss ' returned ' Tuesday from Shattuck, near Portland, where she has been visiting for a couple of months. 4 ' , ' Williams & Brosius have received their $50 bicycles. . They are daisies, ("all and see them at the drug store. Mrs. Geo. C. Jficbolson and son of Portland came up Tuesday and are stopping at Mrs." Alma Howe's. : "The question of bringing out a big ditch from Hood river to irrigate the west side of the valley is again talked of. Mrs. Belle Schaller, music teacher, came up from Portland Tuesday , and Is stopping at Paradise farm. " Bev. 8. Homibrook from Golden- dale arrived on Thursday to attend the Belmont campmeetlng. . v Mrs. Peter Cordes, who has been sick for a long time, is now very low. ' Ladies sailors and lace 'flats at the Backet store."' -" ;- ; Bed room set with bevel edge mirror for $12.50 at S. E. Bartmess'. - --Mayor Wolfard and family are in camp at Sandy Flat, v , . School will begin Sept 2d In district 2; J. T. Neft'aud Miss Isentierg, teachers. Mrs, C. P. Heald is quite sick. ."King Lear" to night.- ' .' .' 1 ' ""' To Set Strawberries. : ' : If every one who contemplates net ting 'strawberry plants this summer and fall succeed in setting as many as they claim they will, the acreage Jn that delicious and profitable crop will be increased ' at least ten' times oyer what it has been. : Many new planters Will be In the field, and the' output of strawberries next year will astonish some of us old-timers here who at one time were of the opinion that Hood Biver climate was only good for health and its lands could grow nothing but mortgages. Among others, 8. J. La France intends to set six aeree- on Ids land- adjoining the Lyman Smith place. Lyman Smith will set five acres. J. J. Luckey and M. N Foley each' four acres.; W.' ; J; .. Baker has' commenced to set two acres, which will make him 'five acres In straw berries., - - . ; ', .;,;.;.;;. ..;.:,.. : Card of Thanks Hood Biver, Ore., July 28, 1895. Editor Glacier: Would you through the columns of your valuable journal, express to the people of Hood Biver and vicinity our heartfelt and sincere thanks for their uniform kindness and tender BHsistance during the late ill ness of our little daughter Eva. Mr. and Mrs. I. R, Birt. A Destitute Family. Saturday last a destitute family were brought down from Mt. Hood and re ported toCapt. Blowers, ' nounty com inissioner. . The family consists of an aged couple and Ave children ranging from 5 to 12 years of age. The mother of two of the children was sent to the asylum about one year ago. The old folks are living on a claim near Mt Hood, where they find it hard to make a living. The old gentleman had been without tobacco for some time, and no having enough to eat, was on' the verge-of insanity. ' His. wife thought him insane, but he was examined by Dr. Broeius, who pronounced him all right if he could have his regular ra tions, of. grub and tobacco. Capt. mowers furnished tnem witn some thing to eat and then gave them a sup ply of provisions on account of the two children whose mother is in the ttay- lum.i He will report the case at the uext '.meeting of the commissioners 1 and the children will probably be sent ; to the state orphan asylum. While in : Blowers' store, the eldest went Into t lie warehouse to get a drink of water Before he reached the water be spied a 1 a pile of bacon, when he hurried back to the store and yelled to the other nniidrn: ..r RBW mMtl r.aw mat!'' ; . . .. i CaPl- Blowers could do no more than send them back to their claim by the same conveyance that brought them in, with provisions enough to last for some time. - - Cauipmeetlng Items, Teama will Im at rh AT V. phnnpl is1.. le?m8 ul M at the M' chapeI i Sunday moraing at Ba. m. to convey the Sunday, school children, their I parents and all Interested to the camp- grounds and return. All come and . , . h I onng your lUOCn The presiding elder will be present, ' as it is the fourth quarterly meeting , occasion. Love feast at 9 o'clock; preaching at 10; children.' meeting at i 44 UOCK,f : r- ; ' ' , Quarterly conference Saturday after- noon at 2 o'clock. . It is especially de- ; sire( tnat an tne official board be t . . . . . .. Tde interest Is gooa on the camp- ground d souls are obeying the : Spirit of God and receiving His bles- sings. Everybody invited. F. L. J. DIED. At Mount Hood, Sunday, July 28, iS!iov Alexander Jos, aged 70 years. ' Deceased was born in Aberdeen, Scot lau'l,. came- to .tola country ; seven or eight years ago and located on claim at Mt. Hood. He was a miller by occupation, and for' sixteen years was nigbt foreman of a flouring mill. He contracted miller's asthma, which dis ease caused his death. He was father- in-law.of Wra. Davidson of Hood Biyer valley. A widow and six children are left to mourn bis loss. ' - " At Hood Biver, Oregon, July 27, 1895; of consumption, Eva W., only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Birt of Portland, aged 10 years, 7 mouths and 2 days. ; : The little sufferer was brought to our city about two weeks ago, but the dreaded disease had gained too large a hold on her for our invigorating cli rtrrae to eradicate. Her last moments were peaceful an a May day. , '. i SPECIAL , NOTICES. T v Beware of Imitations of Peacock Flour, Take none without the picture of the bird on thesack. HANNA A WOLFARD. Ferguson A Davidson have chilled plow points for sale. ' ' Don't Stop Tobacco. ' The tobacco habit grows on a man until bis nervous system is seriously af fected, impairing health, comfort and happiness. ' To quit suddenly is too se vere a shock to the system, as tobacco, to an inveterate user becomes a stimu lant that bis system continually craves. Baco-Curo is a scientific cure for the to bacco habit, in all its forms, carefully compounded after the formula of an eminent Berlin physician who has used it iu his private practice since 1872, with out a failure, purely vegetableand guar anteed perfectly harmless. You can use all the tobacco you want, while taking Baco-Cufo, it will notify you when to stop.. We give a written guarantee to permanently cure any case with three boxes, or refund the money with 10 per cent interest. Baco-Curo is not a substi tute, but a si-leutific cure,' that cures without the aid of will power aud with no inconvenience. ' It leaves the system as pure and free from nicotine as the day you took your first chew or smoke. Sold by all druggists, with our ironclad guarantee, at $1 per box, three . boxes, (thirty clays treatment), $2.50, or sent direct upon receipt of price. Send six two-cent stamps for sample box. Book let and proofs tree. Eureka Chemical & Manufacturing Chemists, La Crosse, Wisconsin. . r GEO. P. CROWELL, (Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established , House In the valley. -DEALER IN Dry Goods, Clothing, ! General Merchandise, Flour and Feed. Etc., HOOD RIVER, OREGON. O. FREDENBURG, Notary Public. MOUNT HOOD, ; OREGON. ITS DON.?F TOBACCO be as free from nicotine a the day before you first took your first chew or smoke. An iron-clad written guarantee to absolutely cure the tobacco habit in all its forms, or money refunded. Price $1 00 per box, or S boxes (SO days treatment and guaranteed cure), $3.60. For sale by all druggists, or will be sent by mail upon receipt of price. SEND SIX TWO-CENT STAMPS FOR SAMPLE BOX. Booklets and proofs free. ' :-: - Eureka Chemical & Mfg. Co., La Crosse, Wis, '. ': OmCBOVTHS PIONEER PRESS COMPANY, C. W. HORniCK, Supt. St. Paul, Minn., Sept 7, 1894. Eureka Chemical and Mfg. Company, La Crosse, Wis. Dear Sirs: I have been a tobacco fiend for many years, and during the past two years have smoked fifteen to twenty cigars regularly every day. My whole nervous system became affected, until my physicians told me I mustelve ud the useof tobacco for the time beitu;. at least. I tried the so-called "Keel v Cure," "No-To-Kac." and various other remedies, but without guocesa. until I accidentally learned of your 'Baco-Curo." Three weeks ago today I commenced using your preparation, and today I consider myself completely cured. I am In perfec ; health, and the horrible crav ing for tobacco, which every Inveterate smoker fully appreciates, has completely left me. I consider your "Baco-Curo" simply wonderful, aud can fully recommend It. Yours very truly. CHURCH NOTICES. II. 'B. church, Sunday, Aug. 4th, Sunday school at 10 a. m., preaching at 11 a., m., junior endeavor at 6.80 p. m., senior endeavor at 7 p. in. - ,', a. c. ivRAUSK, pastor. Regular services are held at the M. E. barracks morning and evening of the first Sunday of each month; in the evening the remaining Sundays of the month. The fourth Sunday evening occupied by T. D. Gregory. . Li. JOHNS. : Assessment No. 2. Notice Is hereby given to the stockholders of theHood River Frnit Growers' Union that the Board of Directors have levied assessment No. 2, of 60 cents per share on the capital stock, to be collected according to the provi sions of the by-laws. - H. r. DAVIDSON, Secretory. Bargains in Land. 200 acres of unimproved land for sale, on the East Side, 6 miles from town, J7 to 810 an acre. Other land, about half cleared. 820 an acre. Well Improved land, 830 an acre. Plenty of water for Irrigation. Will sell In M or 40-acre tracts. Inquire at Glacier omce. , je22 Ladd's New Gun StoreJ New line of all Sporting uooas, (jampers, f isher men and Prospectors' Supplies at reduced rates, . Highest ei -so price pi .for Raw Furs. Send for Address Ladd's Oun Store. Third and Market Sts, Han Francisco, al. Jel FOR S ALE. Forty acres unimproved land, on the east side of Hood river", 8 miles from town. Price f 10 per acre. Inquire at Glacier office. . To Lease. From 4 to 5 acres of strawherrv land. In good condition to plant at any time. Within a mile of town. Plenty of water. Apply at Glacier office. e!5. . G, T. PRATHEB, H. C. Cox. Notary Public. PRATHER & COE, Real Estate aiS Insoraiice, 93 Oak St., bet. 2d and 3d. ' v in. .vi i . 1 1.. u ii i. a n i, 1 1 ii wurcHKO u U1Q town of Hood River; also, fruit, hny and oerry farms and timber claims In the most desira ble locations in the valley. . If you have any thing In the real estate line to sell or rent, or If you Want to buy.give usacull. . Wo kon 1.1 t I . L leeds, bonds and mortgages nromntlv and correctly executed. We will also attend to leral business in I no tices' court. We are also agents for SOUTH WAUCOMA property. , PRATHER & COE. For Sale. Five" acres of good land IK miles west of town. ; Inquire of PRATHER. mar 18 WM. TILLETT, Proprietor. Grower and dealer In choice Nurserv stock. He has the only stock of the vYakima Apple, The best of red apples, and as long a keeper as I have about 20.000 aDDle trees of the best va rieties growing in my nursery. All standard varieties are grafted from the best stock in Hood River. . . Jel5. M Raiti fir Sals tep. Situated iM miles west of the town of Hood River, on the Columbia. Free from late frosts. Full crop of all kinds of frnit now on ranch. Fine Irrigating facilities and water for that purpose belonging to place. Call at Glacier office or at. ranch. F. R. ABSTEN. 30TICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that bv an order of the county court for the slate of Oregon for Wasco county mad and entered this 22d dav of July, 1895. In the matter of the estate of John L. Rich, deceased, Monday, September 2d, 1895, at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M., was nxed as the time, and the county court room of said county as the place, for the bearing of said final account of the executor of the last will and testament of said deceased. All per sons having any objections to said final ac count, and to the settlement of said estate, are directed to appear at said time and place, then and there to show cause, If any there be. why said final account should not be ap proved and said estate settled. Jy24 , ANNIE RICH, Executrix. For Sale. One thoroughbred Jersey Bull, one year old; also, one yearling heifer, seven-eighth Jersey. For sale by H. C. HEN GST, JyU HoodRJver, Or. Catalogue INJUR 10 US TO STOP SUDDENLY and don't be imposed upon by buying a remedy that requires you to do so, as it is nothing more than a substitute. Jn the sud den stoppage of tobacco you must have some stimulant, and in most all cases the effect of the stimulant, be it opium, morphine, or other opiates, leaves a far worse habit contracted. Ask your druggist about BACO-CURO. It is purely vegetable. You do not have to . stop using to bacco with BACO-CURO. It will notify you when to stop and your desire for tobacco will cease. , Your system will fl6 C. W. HORNICK. A. S. BLOWERS & CO., . ( DEALERS i '" ' ' s Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, .. FLOUR AND FEED. Country Produce Bought and Sold. AGENCY FOR BRADLEY&METCALFCO! 1 CELEBRATED B00TS&SHOES ESTABLISHED 1M I . I BIGGEST BOOT IN THE WORLD time mask canracNnr FORJ3ALE. I have for sale a seven-year old mare; will weigh from 1200 to 1300 pounds. ap27 GEO. T. PRATHER. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, The Dalles. Ore gon, May si, iSHo. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 8. 1S78. entitled "An act far the sale of timber lands In the states of California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory, ' Helen R.Davenport of Hood River, county or Wasco, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office her sworn statement No.lCl, for the purchase of the W. )jN.W,5j section No. 15, In township No. 2 north, range No. -9 east, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said laud before the Recister and Receiver of this office at The Dalles, Oregon, on Thursday, the loth day of AUgUHt, ' ' She names as witnesses: M. M. Davenport. C.Copple, Frank Davenport and Carl Wood, all of Hood River, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to tile their claims In this office on or before said 15th day of August, 1895. . Je8al0 JAS. F. MOORE. Register. pans ONE GIVES RELIEF. $25.00 Reward. The Water Supply Co, of Hood RiverValley will pay the above reward to any one who will give Information that will convict any person or persons of stealing water, tamper ing with the boxes or breaking their ditches. By order of the Wuter Supply Co. or Hood RiverValley. J. F. ARMOR, President. WM. DAVIDSON, Secretary. Jyl2 For Sale. Two laree stoves. 35 lolnts of stove dIdc. two eTbows. two sections 8x10 blackboard, and two sections 4x10 pulp blackboard. Apply to M. H. Nlckelsen. Clerk, or the School Board of District 3. Jyl2 Land for Sale. Forty acres of land: fi acres fenced: on the county road, 5 miles from town of Hood River. Price, 8600. Address myl8 J. H. FRARY, Tucker, Or. . Rooms to Let, With or without board. Pleasant csmnlng grounds. Address WM. TIliLETT, jyia uooa River, or. - ; v, ' Strayed. A red cow, 8 or 7 years old, with slender horns blunt at the points. Any Information in regard to the coir will be rewarded. Je2 O. B. HARTLEY. Hood River. Bargain in Land. For Sale Forty acres unimproved land, east side of Hood river, 4 miles from town. Will sell 6 or 10 acre tracts cheap. Inquire at Glacier office. t T. C. DALLAS, DEALER IN mm AND TMAi, Kitchen Furniture, . ! PLUMBERb' GOODS. i Pruning Tools, Etc. . Repairing Tinware a Specialty. THE Ri ,;v'... ;. THE "REGULATOR LINE." I X Wi UIUIU U. IlliiU Navigation Ckx Through Freight , and Passenger Line. BailFM.DiesiifPtiitM All Freight Will Come Through Without Delay. - PASSENGER RATES. ; One way ,.........-.. $1 .fii Round trip...;... hm Freight Rates 'Greatly Reduced, W. C. ALLAWAY, ... General Ageiist. THE DALLES. OREGON E. MCNEILL, Receiver. . ' TO THE Olves Uyd cluuoe of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL B O TJ T.E S Via Via SPOKANE, DENVER, Minneapolis OMAHA ' r ' AKD . ' . AND ST. PAUL. Kansas City. Low Rates to All East ern Cities. KAST BOUND FROM HOOD) KIVBR No. 28, Freight leaves at ' ll.tr. AJ No. 2. Mail " , iO.OO I'. M WBRT BOUND FROM HOOT) RIVKIL. No 27 , iocut, leaves at : 3.15 P. M No. 1, Ma .. 4: J2 A St OCEAN STEAMERS Leave Portland every five tops .tor SAN FRANCISCO. For full details call on O. R. St H. AtSf-rH, Hood River, or address W- II- HURMWHT, . Jeu'i Pass. AtfiinJ, ' FurthMMl, v ' ' C. J. HAYES, SURVET);, All work given him will be lonf or rectly and promptly. He hu a tw good claims upon which he etui livai parties; ooth farming and timber IkihIh. i-eoruary, lam. INTERNA TION Ah 'XWZDICTIONAR Y Successor of the " VnabTidged." Standard of the TJ. 8. Uov't Prlnt ing Office, the U.S. Supreme Court and of nearly all the School boftks. Warmly com mended by every State Superinten dent of Schools, and other Kilura tors almost with out number. A College President writes I " For " easa with which . the eye finds the " word soneht, for accuracy of dcCnl "tlon, for effectlvo methods in JndU " eating pronunciation, for terse yet " comprehensive statements vf iacts, and for practical use as a working " dictionary, Webster's Internet :mcl' " excels any other single volume.' " V' The Ona Great Standard Avltr N Bon. I. JF. Brewr, Justice of tt , Supreme Court.wri tea : " Tne InternitUvjI iettonary in the perfection of dictionaries. I commend it to all as the one great stand ard authority. " rTSA saviniTAf three nentsrw dan for a year will provide more than enough moiicv to purchase a copy of the lnteniatlo::a!. " utn you anora vo uo wiuhiui icr G. C. MERRIA.HI CO., PuWisiers, Sprint&eld, Mass., V.S.-i. "SMlittothpnWlheforfrfTiiTplni. J tf Do not bur cheap reprints of niicivnt i-UiUom. V EM. EAST, I WEBSTER'S 1