The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 19, 1895, Image 3

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    3faod Ifrver Slacier.
FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1895.
The mall arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'-
clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de
parts "ie same days at noon.
For Chenoweth, leaves at 8 A.M.; arrives at
v f. jm. aauiraavs.
For White Salmon leaves dally at 1 P. M.;
arrives at 8 o'clock P. M.
From White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil
mer, Trout Lake and Olenwood Mondays,
Wednesdays and Frldavs.
Canby Post, No. 1(1, G. A.. B., meets at Odd
Fellow's Hall, first Saturday of each month
t 2 o'clock p. m. All U. A. ft. members in
vited to attend.
C. J. Hayes, Commander.
A. S. Blowers. Adjutant.
Wauooma Lodge, No. 80, K. of P., meet In
their Castle Hall on every Tuesday night.
J. X. Soksbk, C. C.
Geo. T. Prathee, K. of It, H.
Riverside Lodge, No. 68, A O. U. W.. meets
first and third Saturdays of eaoh month.
W. J. SMITH, M. W.
J. F. Watt, Financier.
H. L. Howe, Recoi der.
Professional Cards, per month $1 00
One inch space, per month 1 60
Kates on larger space given on application.
Business not lees in local columns will be
charged 5 cento a line each insertion; under
the head of "Special Notices" half these rates
will be charged.
Legal advertisements will be charged to the
Sarty ordering them, at legal rates, and must
e paid for before proof is furnished.
Land plaster at 8. E. Bartmess'.
Tin cans mid wax strings at Dallas.'
S. E. Bartmess is agent for the Vic
tor bicycle.
Miss Mary Frazier left last week for
the seaside "
M. H. Nickelsen is agent for the
White Hewing Machine.
S. E. Bartmess is agent for the Bri
dal Veil Lumber Company.
C. D. Moore of white Salmon moved
into his new house Monday.
Lumber wagon, light, for sale.' .
E. E. Savage.
Lou Morse is authorized agent for all
newspapers and periodicals.
J.J. Luckey and family returned
from Portland on Tuesday's noon
Miss Lora Remington of North Yak
ima is visiting Mr. ana Mrs. M. v.
. Benj. Winters.wife and granddaimh
ter of Morrow county are visiting Mrs.
Louisa Keed.
' Cooking apples are now in the mar
ket, and apple dumplings are again
Frank Miller has received his hay
baler and is now prepared to bale bay
for $1.75 a ton.
R. A. Connie started for Umatilla
oouiitv Thursday in the interests of
Jewel t's nursery.
Lost A Lap robe, between town
and E. E. Lynn's place. Please leave
at Glacier office.
J. Wickham, John Hakle. and C. W.
Reed left for the harvest fields of Uma
tilla Thursday.
David Garrison of The Dalles, well
known in Hood River, Is sick with in
flammatory rheumatism.
Rev. J. L. Hershner, while on the
way to the picnic Wednesday, was
taken sick and had to return home.
'' The time for setting fruit trees is
oominsr along. Get your trees of Til
lett, where you, can get them home
grown and true to name. J
Thos. Bishop and dnnehter, George
Wilson and Richard Gibbons left Mon
day for Umatilla county, where the
rnen will go to work in the harvest
Those who have agreed to pay their
' subscriptions in wood are hereby noti
fied to bring it along. Sixteen-inch
stove wood, delivered at our residence,
preferred. I - -
Mr. F. C Doremus of Tokon, Wash.,
arrived here Wednesday on a visit to
his family. Mrs. Doremus has rented
the residence of Mr. A. B. Jones, and
moved into it Wednesday.
I. M. Wilson Tuesday put in repair
the watering trough, at the foot of
Adams hill, doinar the work gratis.
For this,' Mr. Wilson deserves the
thanks of the community.and especial
ly of teamsters.
Stop and think one minute! Is it
. not reasonable that without rent to
pay, I can sell doors, windows and all
kinds of building material, paints and
household furniture, and compete with
any dealer iu any city or town? Call
and see. . S. E. Bartmess.
The O. R. & N. Co., always alert to
the welfare of their patrons.have placed
on sale at principal stations a 1000-mile
ticket at the rate of three cents per
mile; good one year from date of sale,
and good for pnssnge over the rail and
' water lines of their system.
The picnic given by the Congrega
tional Sunday schools at the (-rapper
pprlng, Wednesday, was a decided suc
cess. About 150 persons were in attend
ance. A good dinner was spread un
der the oaks, after which there were
music, games and swings, and at 4
o'clock lemonade and cake was served.
Everybody present enjoyed the occa
sion. Waueoma Lodcre No 30, K. of P ,
elected the following officers for the en
suing term: J. A. Snesbe. C. C; W.
Haynes, V. C; W. Isenberg, P.; Bert
Graham, M. W.; G. T. Prat her, K. of
R. & 8.; C. E. Markham. M. A.; F.
Miller, I. G. A vote of thanks wasex
1 tended to Mrs. Coe for a freezer of ice
cream, which they all claim was the
, best they ever ate.
The Glacier office received a call
Monday from Miss Fay Fuller and
Miss Angle Rice of the Mazamas, who
had just returned from Mt. Adams on
' their annual tour of mountain climb
ing. Both ladies hnil from Tacoma
and belonsr to the editorial fraternity.
Miss Fuller for the past year has held
The position of city editor of the Pen
dleton Daily Tribune.
Friday. Julv 12th, a party consisting
of Miss Grnce'Eliot. Miss A. J. Smith
and Miss Winifred Watson of Portland
and Mr. Rtillman of Pendleton made
the ascent of Mt Adams from their
camp near Trout Lake. The day was
more pleasant for climbing the mount
ain than on the 10th, when the Maza
mas made the ascent, and the atmos
peere helnsr clear, the party had an ex
c llent view and & delightful trip. ,
We have already-told how Mrs. Dr.
Adam's found her watch within
two hours after bunding in an. adver
tisement at the GLACIER office. En
couraged by her first effort, she adver
tised tor a music teacher to teach piano
music to the family for her board. She
says applicants at Portland, Olyropia
and other places are fairly tumbling
over One another for the place. Every
body, it seems, wants to come to Hood
Prof. P. A. Snyder expressed a crate
of strawberries grown on his place to
his sister at Bradford, Pa. The fruit
arrived there in good shape. The fol
lowing item is taken from the Brad
ford (Pa.) Era: "The Era yesterday re
ceived a quart of mammoth straw
berries from A. P. Vogus of Bushnell
street. The berries are nearly as large
as home grown peaches. They were
raised by P. A. Snyder of Hood River,
Ore. Snyder is an uucleof Mr. Vogus."
A cigar manufacturing firm at
Lynchburg, Va., are sending out a
very cheap cigar through the mails.
They will send a box ot cigars to a
merchant witli the bill, and if they re
fuse to take them out of the post office,
a sight draft is drawn and sent to a cit
izen of the neighborhood for him to
collect. Several of our merchants have
been remembered by this firm, but the
cigars remain ln the post office.
A letter to Mrs O. P. Morse from her
son in Logan county, Kansas, stated
that a cloud burst occurred there one
morning, about 4 o'clock, which nearly
swept away his house. Himself and
wife were compelled to" wade to dry
land and carry along their little girl.
About everything in the house was
washed away.
The directors of school distriet No. 3
have decided to open a fourth room
with a professor competent to teach all
the higher educational . branches.
School will commence September 9th'.
All parties outside the district wishing
to avail themselves of this opportunity
pleuse make it known to M.ti. Nickel
sen, clerk, by the 5th of August.
Cabinet photos for $2 per dozen.
Rates will be reduced $1 on cabinet
photos on the 20th and 27th of this
montn only. This is your lust chance
for cheap pictures. All work guaran
teed. Gallery opened on Saturdays.
View work a specialty. Call on or ad
dress . W. E Neff, City Gallery,
. i Hood River, Oregon.
E. B. Foote of Crook county, brother
to Mrs. Win. Tillett, is visiting here.
Mr. Foote is the owner of a thousand
acre ranch and lias 7000 sheep. He is
uere wiiu ine view ui looKiug out a
home and going into the fruit business.
He sold 47,000 pounds of wool at The
Dalles, the other day, for 12 cents a
Our democratic ' county' judge is
given the following personal iu the
Portland Sun: "Judge George C.
Blakeley and wife of : The Dalles
Chronicle will leave this morniug for
Newport to uttedd the annual meet
ing of the Oregon Press Association."
The cherry slug is quite plentiful
this season. Applying rad dust, the
remedy printed iu the Glacier last
year, seems to not have proved a suc
cess. Oak ashes is better and has been
known to make the larger slugs let go
when road dust failed.
. We received a type-written commu
nication this weeii from Pine Grove
ou base bull, matters. As the writer
tailed to his name along, we can
not publish it. . It is a rule of news
papers to not publish anonymous com
munications. The concert given by Mrs. F. Web
ster Hinsdale Tuesday eveuing was ex
cellent throughout. Mrs. Hinsdale's
sweet and cultivated voice, captured
the audience. The other ladies ren
dered their parts well.
W. G. Somerville started for Omaha
yesterday in charge of a train load of
sheep. 1 lie sheep were snipped from
the Willamette valley and consigned
to E. M. Gibson, a Nebraska sheep
dealer. .
: Rev. J. W. Jenkins and family ar
rived at Hood River Tuesday and are
camping at HiuricU's springs, where
they will remain for a couple of weeks.
A ny thing you need in the line of
doors, windows, window glass, mould
ings, thresholds, casings, etc., you
will find at the Box Factory.
Bedstead, wire and wood mattresses,
rocking and dining chairs, but slight
ly worn, as good as new, cheap. ."T,"
care of A. 8. BLOWERS & Co.
Don't fail to attend the entertain
ment at the Fraukton school house to
night. Ice cream and cake, 15 cents,
or 25 cents a couple.
Dr. E. T. Cams arrived Thursday
and Is now prepared to atteut to the
teeth of our citizens. Office at the
Langille house.
Mrs. Lloyd, who has been in attend
ance at the Chautauquas' meeting at
Gladstone Park, returned to Hood
Kiver Tuesday.
Shoo Fly! Screen doors and exten
tiou window screens, fit any window,
at the Box Factory.
Capt. A. 8. Blowers and son Aubrey
went to Portland Saturday, returning
Tuesday. .,..,... .
Mrs. Dullon of Portland came up
last week Mild is stopping at Mrs. Alma
Howe's. . , ,
, Large bands of sheep are beiug pas
tured at the headwaters of Hood River.
Hule's Early peaches were ripe at
M. V, Rand's place lust week.- ...
Bed room set with bevel edge mirror
for $12.50 at 8. E. Bartmess'. , ; .
Wanted To buy a good milk cow at
Paradise Farm.
O. B. Hartley has for sale some ' n ice
young pigs. '
Base Ball. ' . :
Hood. River, July 18, 1895. Editor
Glacier: On Saturday, July 13th, the
Pine Grove base ball team came Into
town witfi flying colors, prepared to
cross bats with the Hood River team.
No arrangements had been made be
forehand for the game, so we were not
prepared for such a bard contest. Not
wishing to disappoint them, we picked
up a few boys and appeared ready for
battle at 4.15. Our team we quickly
named the "Pick-riips,'' there beiug
only four of the regular team present;
but with a little hard playing and
many good decisions by the umpire in
our favor, we were victorious witj a
score of 14 to 9. Hurrah for the
"Pick-ups. " , Player.
Festival Programme.
;;. Following is the programme of the
organ festival to be given at Frank ton
school house this (Friday) evening,
July 19th. After the literary pro
gramme is gone through with the ta
bles will be spread and ice cream and
cake and other good things will be
Music...... Belmont Band
Recitation, "The Housewives" Nora Boor-
mah, Daisy Campbell, Helen Perry, Mae
Somerville, Leila And Helen Boorman
Song, "Birdie, Tell Me What You Say"
Kittle Wallace
Recitation, "Baby Has Gone to School"....
Daisy Campbell
Song : George Rich and F. H. Isenberg
Recitation, "Baby's Bed" Eliza Rogers
Recitation, "Dreaming and Doing"
Leila Boorman
Muslu Belmont Band
Song Belmont Olee Club
Recitation, "Katie's Part" Grace Campbell
Recitation, "The Goodest Mother"-
' .George Boorman
Recitation, "The Funeral,"Marguerette Locke
Song.... Belmont Choir
Recitation Josle Hansberry
Recitation, "Twenty Years Ago" :
.'. Eben Boorman
Song S. J. LaFrance
Instrumental music, violin and organ ......
Grace Campbell and Mr. Fred Howe
Recitation, "Artie's Amen" Fred Ingalls
Song..,. Belmont Choir
Recitation Amy Rogers
Recitation, "A Holy Place is the Hearth-
stone .........Clara Blythe
Music Belmont Band
Recitation Charlie Miller
Song, by Wayland Perry, Helen Boorman,
Louis Campbell and Floyd Campbell. . '
Recitation, "The Prosperous Couple"
Willie Warren
Song Laura Ellis and May Boorman
Dialogue, "Advertising for a Wlfe"-...Loa
Isenberg, Roy Shoemaker, W. Isenberg.
Recitation, "The Country Parson"
Margurite Frazier
Recitation, "My Week" Mae Somerville
Song, "Rock-a-bye, Baby" , May Somer
ville, Daisy Campbell, Lelin Boorman ;
and Helen Perry. .
Recltatlon,."It Makes a Difference" ...........
Louis Campbell and Floyd Campbell.
Music Belmont Band
A New Industry for Hood River.
Messrs. Kellish and Elliot, fisher
men from the lower Columbia, have re
cently located on the island just below
the mouth of Hood river, and
are doing a land office business
catching salmon by seine. They are
now using a seine of 180 fathoms and
have in their em ploy seven men, and
are working five horses. Mr. Elliot is
now in Portland, where he will pro
cure a seine of 300 fathoms, and if the
run of fish keeps up they will give em
ployment to twenty men. They ship
their fish from Underwood's Landing
by the Regulator to McGowan's can
nery. Tuesday they made a shipment
of six boxes of fish, and Wednesday
eight boxes. While these men are
making good hauls of fish every day
with the nets, their fish wheels along
the river are meeting with very poor
success. If the balance of the season
proves as successful, the firm will build
a cannery at Underwood's Landing,
on the Washington side. They have
bought the island of the state of Ore
gon. Mr. Job-i Elliot is a former res
ident of Hood River. About 30 years
ago be lived on the Pratt place, where
he conducted a cooper shop and chick
en ranch.
Cycle Avenue.
Mr. S. E. Bartmess went up on
Hood River heights Friday with a
force of men and cleared a circular
trail for bicycle riders through the love
ly pine groves of Park hurst. Beginning
at a point where the road from town
reaches the top of the hill the work
men cleared a track bearing off toward
the ball grounds, around by the Indian
creek bluffs, and back to the point of
beginning, making a complete circle.
The length of the trail, by the cy
clometer, is just 1J miles. This makes
a beautiful driveway for bicycles, and
when the ground becomes packed it
will be one of the best places to prac
tice on the wheel in the state Jn this
pleasant grove the bicycle riders will
be free from wind and dust. On the
bluffs overlooking Indian creek there
is a good place for picnicking, and here
stalls for the bicycles will be erected.
J. E. Hanna and family arrived
home from Trout Lake Wednesday,
after an outing of ten days. Jim took
a bath while at the lake, and of course
came home with a bad cold.
The wheat crop of Hood River this
yeariseood. H. C. Stranahan has 10
acres of wheat that would compare
with any In the state. ' -'
Ice cream every day at the bakery. .'
Beware of Imitations of Peacock Flour,
Take none without the picture of the bird on
the sack. HANNA & WOLF ARD. ;
Ferguson Davidson have chilled plow
point for sale.
Ladd's New Gun Store.
New line of all Sporting
Goods. Campers.
, Fisher-
men and Prospectors
Supplies at reduced rates.
.Highest rash price
Catalogue. Aduress Ladd's Gun Store, Third
and Murket Sis, San Francisco, al. fjel
lor Haw p urs,
Forty acres unimproved land, on the east
side of Hood river, 6 miles from town. Price
$10 per acre. Inquire at Glacier office.
To Lease.
From 4 to 5 acres of strawberry land, In '
good condition to plant at anv time. Within i
a mile of town. Plenty of water. Apply at
Glacier office. Jel5.
Rooms to Let.
Two rooms to let, furnished or unturntshed,
suitable for housekeeping. In a pleasant part
of town. Inquire at Glacier ofBce. Je29
be as free from nicotine as the day before you first -took your first chew or
smoke. An iron-clad written guarantee to absolutely cure the tobacco habit in
all its forms, lor money ref unded. Price $1 00 per box, or S boxes (30 days'1
treatment and guaranteed cure), f.50. For sale by all druggists, or will be
sent by mail, upon receipt of price. SEND SIX TWO-CENT STAMPS FOR
SAMPLE BOX. Booklets and proofs free.
Eureka Chemical & Mfg. Co., La Crosse, Wis.
St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 7, 1894.
' Eureka Chemical and Mfg. Company, La Crosse, Wis. Dear Sirs: I have been a tobacco
fiend for many years, and during the past two years have smoked fifteen to twenty cigars
regularly every day. My whole nervous system became affected, untU my physicians told
me I mustgive up the use of tobacco for the time being, at least. I tried the so-called "Keely
Cure," "No-To-Bac." and various other remedies, but without suecese. until I accidentally
learned of your "Baoo-Curo." Three weeks ago today I commenced using your preparation,
and today I consider myself completely cured. I am in perfec ; health, and the horrible crav
ing for tobacco, which every inveterate smoker fully appreciates, has completely left me. I
consider your "Baco-Curo" simply wonderful, and can fully recommend it. Yours very
truly, flJ . .. . ' C. V. 11ORN10K.
Rev. J. Henry , Wood . will have
charge of the camp meeting to be held
at Belmont, beginning the 25th inst.
The 4th quarterly conference will be
held on the grounds, Rev. R. C. Moter,
P. E., presiding, August 3d and 4th.
A number of efficient ministers will be
present. Meals can be secured on the
grounds. Everybody welcomed.
Union services at the U. B. church
Sunday evening, July 21st, Rev. F. L.
Johns preaching.
.-The Congregational church will
bold a business meeting on Saturday
(this week) at 2 p. ra. to consider im
portant matters, pertaining to next
year's work.
; There will be preaching in the Val
ley Congregational church . Sunday
Vniorning and evening at the usnal
jects, "The Revelation of Jesus Christ"
and "Patriotism in the time of Peace."
U. B. church, Sunday, July 21st,
Sunday school at 10 a. in., preaching
at 11 a. in., junior endeavor at 6.30
p. m., senior endeavor at 7 p. m.
F. C. Krause, pastor.
Congregational Church Rev.J. L.
Herehner, pastor. . Worship, with
preaching, will be conducted every
Sunday, at 11 a. in. and 7.30 p. in., un
less otherwise announced. Tayer
meeting and Sunday school conference
on Wednesday evening.- Christian
Endeavor society on Sunday evening.
All who attend these 'services will be
made welcome.
Regular services are held at the M.
E. barracks morning and evening of
.the first Sunday of each mouth; in the
evening the remaining Sundays of the
month. The fourth Sunday evening
occupied by T. D. Gregory. ,
F. L. Johns.
. Rev. A Horn of the German Luth
eran church, The Dalles, will preach in
the German language at the Odell
school house next Sunday at 10 o'clock.
Afterwards he will preach in English.
All are invited.
Assessment No. 2.
Notice is hereby giveu to the stockholders
of the Hood River Fruit Growers' Union that
the Hoard of Directors have levied assessment
No. 2, of 50 cents per share on the capital
stock, to be collected according to the provi
sions of the by-laws.
H. P. OAVIDSON. Secretary.
Steam Boiler and Pump
for Sale.
A 10-norse power Steam Boiler and Pump.
All in good repair. Will be sold cheap: 850
down, balance on time. Apply at Glacier
office, or to C. D. .MOORE,
jeza vvmie aimon, wasn.
A red cow. 8 or 7 vears old. with ulender
horns blunt at the points. Any information
in regard to the cow will be rewarded.
jea u. hartley, Hooa River.
10 Acres for Sale.
For the benefit of my creditors I will sell in
acres of land for 8250. The land is 4 miles
from town and within one-half mile of school
house,' flouring mill, saw mill and planer.
Right acres of It Is cleared and ready to set to
fruit trees. Address , JAS. K. FEAK,
Je22 Linton, Oregon.
Bargains, in 'Land
200 acres of unimproved land for sale. on the
East Side, 0 miles from town, 87 to $10 an acre.
Other land, about half cleared, $20 an acre.
Well improved land, $i0 an acre. Plenty of
water tor irrigation, win sell in a) or 40-acre
tracts. Inquire at Glacier office. .1e22
Successor of 'the
' Luabridged."
Standard of the
U. 8. dov't Print
ing Office, the U.S.
Supreme Court and
of nearly all the
Warmly com
mended by every
State Superinten
dent of Schools,
and other Edur-a-tors
almost with
out number.
A College President writes: "For
" ease with, which, the eye finds the
"word sought, for accuracy of definl
"tion, (or effective methods in indi
" eating pronunciation, for terse yet
" comprehensive statements of facts,
"and for practical use ns a -working;
"dictionary, ' Webster's International'
" excels any other singlo volume.'
Tfie One Great Standard Anthority.
Hon. P. J. Brew.r, Justice of the U. S.
Supreme Court,writes : " The International
Dictionary is the perfection of dictionaries.
I commend it to all as the ono great stand
ard authority."
J3PA saving of three cents per day for a
year will provide more than enough money
to purchase a copy of the International.
Can you afford to be without it?
G. & C. MERRIAM CO., Publishers,
Sprtng&eld, Xass., U.S.A. :
"Send to the ptiWIntiem for free imnpfcM.
ln nni Imv .hMnn mnrintn nf D,irAMt MliLlnrUL
w urana jxi
and don't be imposed upon by buying a
remedy that requires you to do so, as it is
nothing more than a substitule. In the sud
den stoppage of tobacco you must have some
stimulant, and in most all cases the effect of
the stimulant, be it opium, morphine, or other
opiates, leaves a far worse habit contracted.
Ask your druggist about BACO-CURO.
Jt is purely vegetable, you
do not have to stop using to
bacco with BACOtCURO.
It will notify you when to stop
and your desire for tobacco
will cease. Your system will
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Country Produce Bought and Sold.
wCttOn L U
I have for sale a seven-year old mare; will
weigh from 1200 to 1300 pounds.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
United States Land Office, The Dalles. Ore
gon, May 81, 185. Notice Is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of the
act of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the states of
California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," Heien R.Davenport of Hood River,
county of Wasco, state of Oregon, has this day
filed in this office her sworn'l,
for the purchase of the W. N. W. section
No. 15, in township No. 2 north, range No. 9
east, and will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable tor Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish her claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver of this office at The
Dalles, Oregon, on Thursday, the loth day of
August. 1895. 1
She names as witnesses: M. M. Davenport,
C. Copple, Frank Davenport and Carl Wood,
all of Hood River, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said 15th
day of August, 185.
Je8al0 JAS. F. MOORE. Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 23,
1895. Notice Is hereby given that the follow
ing-named settler has filed notice of his lnten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Ore
gon, on July 10, 1895, viz:
Hd. E. No. 897il for the northwest northeast
east northwest H and lot 1, section 19,
township 2 north, range 10 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
Henry Prlerge, Robert B. Lindsay, Antone
Wise and John Blnns, all of Hood River, Or.
m25je29 JAS. F. MOORL, Register.
Fruit EmI for Sals Ctap.
Situated 4i miles west of the town of Hood
River, on the Columbia. Free from late frosts.
Full crop of all kinds of fruit now on ranch.
Fine irrigating facilities and water for that
purpose belonging to place.- Call at Glacier
office or at ranch. F. R. ABSTEN.
Notary Public.
H. C. Cos.
M Estate aifl Mm,
93 Oak St., bet. 2d and 3d.
We have lots, blocks and acreage in the
town of Hood River: also, fruit, hay and Derry
farms and timber claims in the most desira
ble locations in the valley. If you have any
thing in the real estate line to sell or rent, or
if you want to buy, give ns a call.
Deeds, bonds and mortgages promptly and
correctly executed. ,
We will also attend to legal business in Jus
tices' courts. . . -v
We are also agents for SOUTH WAUCOMA
. " " ap27 " "
For Sale.
Five acres of good land IV
town. Inquire of G. 1
mar 18
miles west of
Strawberries to Rent.
Four acres and upwards in good growing
condition. Will all be full bearing next seo-
Also, three acres best ground to terrace
and set.
Will be let on good terms to respon
sibie parties,
Apply nt. once to
B. R, TUCKER, Tucker, Or.
Navigation Co.
Through Freight and
Passenger Line.
Daily li Diss ii Porllffli
All Freight Will Come Through
Without Delay. .
One way -... ....... $l m
Bound trip 2 HQ
Freight Rates Greatly
w. c.
General Agent.
E. MCNEILL, Receiver.
Gives the choioe of
Great Union
Nortlieni Rr. Pacific Ey.
.. AKII ' AS I)
ST. PAUL. Kansas City.
Low Rates to All East
ern Cities.
No. 8, Freight leaves at 11.45. A.M.
Ho. 2. Mail
J0.W5 1'. M
3.15 P. M
i M A, M
No 27 , Local, knives at
ao. l, jujui
" Leave Portland every flv dyM for ,
For toll details call on O. R. A N. Agomt,
Hood River, or address -.
.. .. W. H. HURLBITUT,
".. , Gen'l Pass. Agent,
Portland, Or.
All work given ulna will be lmi' cur
rectly and promptly. He lum h fVw
good claims upon which he -in' 1-Mt
parties; both farming and timber Uiiilu.
February, 18S4.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., May 21. ,
1895. Notice is hereby given that tl:1 toilow-ing-named
settler has filed notice of hit, inten
tion to make final commutation proof in kuji
port of hisetaim, and that said proof w ill b
made before the Register and Receiver of rue
U. 8. Land ortioe at Vaaeouvei-, Wusu., on
July 25, IMS, viz: -
H. E. No. am for the east smithrawt.
southwest y southeast H, and ttouthPHxt. (i
southwest section 2, township 4 uui -t.i,mng
10 east, W. SI.
He names the following witnesses to pro'e
his continuous residence upon an:l cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Harvey J. Byrfcett, of Trout Lake, Wih
J. P. Kagan, or White Salmon, W ash.; V. K.
Bradford, Jr., of White Salmon, Wash.; aniL
A. B. Jones, of Hood River, Oregon.
m25Je2 GEO. H. STEVENSON, Register.
Land for Sale.
Forty acres of land; 6 acres fenoi-d; oh th
county road, 9 miuw from town of Hood
River. Price, ((. Address
myl8 J. H, FUARY, Tue!cr,Or.
To Water Consumers.
All who, wish to use water rr Wigating
must make application before asntrl he vnter.
No irrigating will he permitted except
through hose with regulation nozzle.
Any person nsing water contrary to atov
rules will be cut off from the main and no
more water furnished them by this company.
Price of Irrigating is "Scents per lot, or frac
tion of lot, payable Btrici ly In advance.
A. H. Hi OV ERS,.
' E. L. SMITE1,
Directors Hood River Spring Water 0.
Bargain in Land.
For Sale Forty acres unimproved land,
east side of Hood river, 4 miles from town.
Will sell 8 or 10 aero tracts ehup. InjuU. at
Glacier ollioe. ,