3eod iiver Slacier. FRIDAY, JULY 19, IS95. The prune number of the Rural Northwest of July 15th is an excellent paper for those engaged In this grow ing industry of the Northwest. It gives valuable advice and information in regard lo curing the fruit to be mar keted in a dritd state. This Is some thing that concerns the fruit-growers of Hood River. Mr. W. A. Sllnger land estimates that our crop this year will amount to eighty tons of green fruit. We'liuve thousands of young trees that, will come into bearing in a year or two. It would seem that a fruit-drying establishment, prepared to dry prunes and other fruit, Is badly needed here. For the past two years we have shipped our prunes in the green state East, but the returns were very unbatisfactory; in fact, they did not pay expenses of gathering and shipping. It Is a leading question with our prune growers to know how to dis pose of the crop this year. If they could be evaporated here at home and marketed ' In the dried state, there would be some show for the producer to realize something. We do not be lieve it will pay the individuai fruit grower to evaporate his own fruit. It is work that every one cannot learn to do properly. With an establishment here that would make a business of evaporating fruit, the work could be done systematically, and every box of dried fruit turned out would be as good as another of the same grade. Ihere is a good deal of talk going on in the newspapers about the president scheming for the nomination for a third term. We do not believe there is any foundation for these reports. Grover Cleveland may be stronger with the people than his party, but no one knows better than himself that he could not be elected to a third term. No doubt his political enemies would like to see him receive the nomination, knowing that his defeat would be the end of his public career. In his own good time, and in his own way1, the president may be expected to set at rest all anxiety in regard to his third-term aspirations. Grover is too long-headed to be caught in a trap of that kind. Many citizens of Wasco county would like to know why the delinquent tax list is not puhlished. When M. V. Harrison was around last spring col lecting delinquent taxes it was stated repeatedly that the list would soon be published, and all who did not pay up Would have their property advertised nnd sold. Borne of the richest tax payers in the county, including bank ers, we understand, have not paid their taxes for two and three years. What's the matter with printing the list, according to law? Great preparations are being made at Louisville to receive and entertain the Grand Army In September. It Is ex pected the gathering of old soldiers will be the largest held since the en campment at Washington, when it is said there were 150,000 in attendance. Gen.H. B. Compson of Huntington, R. J. Hill of Lexington, and W. S. Meyers of The Dalles, are the delegates from Oregon, The wages of more than a million workmen in the manufactories of the United States have been advanced within the 'past few months. It can now be claimed by tariff' reformers that this is the effect of the Wilson bill, which placed raw materials on, the free list, or made reductions in the tariff on articles like iron, coal and lumber. The attorney general of Texas has rendered an opinion that the state law against prize fighting is valid, and adds that it is the duty of the sheriffs to see that the law is enforced. It is hoped the great state of Texas will be able to prevent the coming fight from taking place within its borders. The Chronicle says a letter was re ceived In The Dalles one day last week, from outside parties, offering to take $40,000 worth of Wasco county war rants at par, and for a larger amount a premium would be paid. This shows that our credit is good. Climbing the snow peaks of this country is attended by too little dan ger to make it attractive. In Switzer land, last summer, 52 persons lost their lives and 13 were seriously injured in climbing the Alps. . '.. Mount Hood Happenings. . Mount Hood, July 16. Harvest ing is the order of the day. Mrs. Fitch of Chicago Is visiting relatives here. Several of the Mount Hood boys left on Monday of this week for the harvest fields on Tygh Ridge. Among them were Robert and Al Leasure, S. B. Hess, Elmer Gribble, James Wishart and James Cooper. Captain J. T. Wishart, of a Liver pool merchantman now loading' at Portland, was visiting relatives here last week. The captain was highly pleased with Hood River valley. He predicts a great future for the Pacific coast and that Hood River valley will come in for her share of the laurels. There was an old-fashioned log-roll ing at Mr. Wishart's place on Tuesday of last week and a dance in the even ing. The men cleared about two acres, and a good . time is reported by the young folks. This is the first of the kind ; in the neighborhood, and we hope it will not be the last. Frank Ries' team ran away with him last Friday evening, while out driving above the stage company's bridge, throwing him' and Miss Pooley out of the buggy. The latter is reported to have received a dislocated shoulder. The front wheels were smashed and the buggy otherwise wrecked. It Is rough on Frank, as it is a new rig he bought about two months ago. - Tomllnson Bros, are sawing out 50, 000 feet of pine lumber for the Hood River box factory. G. S. Mann, manager of the Boston Rubber Shoe (Jo's store at Portland,, who has been stopping a few days on his claim above the Mount Hood Stage Co..'s bridge, returned to Portland Sat urday. Judd Fish and wife of the Umatilla house, The Dalles, accompanied by N. J. Slnnott, were visiting relatives here last week. ' Reporter. . Ascent of Mount Adams. The returning mountain climbers, who made the ascent of Mount Adams, or attempted it, commenced to arrive here at noon on the 12th. The strong wind blowing on the mountain made the ascent very difficult, and many turned back. The ascent was begun about 4.S0 a. m., and five persons reached the top by 10. The heliograph party remained on the summit six and a half hours. From 10 a. in. to 12.30 Mounts St. Helens, Hood and Rainier were visible, but only the tops. After 12.30 St. Helens was shut off from sight by clouds and smoke, and after 2 p. m. Mount Hood could not be seen. , The top of Rainier was in view all the time. No answer was received by heliograph from Rainier Or St. Helens, but from Hood came the message, )Thls is Cool idge," and that was all. The follow ing is the list in order of arrival at the summit, twenty-one gentlemen and three ladies: 1. M. F. Derting, Goldendale. 2. C. E. Rusk, Goldendale. 3. C. H. Sholes, Portland. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. B. W. Grant, Portland. R. 8. Farrell, Portland. Hernlan Smith, Portland. Edgar McClure, Eugene. T. B. White, Portland. 9. O. J. Clancy, Vancouver. ; 10. J. O. Foster, Portland. 11. O. Johnson, Portland. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Alfred F. Sears, Portland. W. Langille, Hood River. F. E. Bailey, Hood River. ' C. D. Moore, White Salmon. C. H. Pearson, Trout Lake. 17. R. J. Johnson, Astoria. " .'; 18. Miss Delia Watson, Hood River. 19. Miss Olive Hartley, Hood River. 20. Roy Slocum, Hood River. 21. L. H. Lamberson, Portland. 22. Charles Michelbach, The Dalles. 23. VW. A. Gllmore, Vancouver. 24. Miss Fay Fuller, Tacoma. All who made the ascent claim It is more difficult than Mount Hood. The descent was made very rapidly by coasting where the snow would allow it; some of the party arriving In camp below the snow line In one hour from the summit. Plan for Setting Trees. Sunday last we had the pleasure of visiting the farm of Mr. J. R. Gailigan and partaking of an excellent dinner. Mr. Gailigan is a practical farmer from the state of Michigan. During his two years residence with his family here he has made substantial improvements upon his 160 acres. He has 30 acres cleared, a large part of which is set to apple trees. His system of setting trees is not common, as we know of but one other orchard in the valley set on the same plan. It is known as the equi lateral angle. Though the rows are only 19 feet apart, the trees stand 22 feet apart. We give below an illustra tion of his plan of setting an orchard: By this plan more trees can be set on an acre than by the old plan of setting (n squares or right angles. It also gives more room to swing the team around the trees in cultivating the orchard. Our School. , Last week mention was made of a proposed extension of the course of study in the Hood River school. If the board can carry out their intentions it is a step in the right direction, and should meet with the hearty support of every young person who IssuBiceut ly advanced and desires more of an education than is embraced lit - the common branches as taught in the average district school. Parents who have childreu of sufficient advance inent should see to it that the school has their support and thus build up a strong school at home. With the fine building which the district now pos sesses and a well defined course of study including the higher branches, Hood River should hare a school hardly second to any in the state. Mrs. Stewart and two children of Walla Walla are visiting Mr. 'and Mrs. f M. Woifnrd. Mrs. Stewart is a sis ter to Mr. Wolfard. , The two Yatjiilles will go into camp above the Turks of Hood river next week. - - - Our Prune Industry. The American people have not as yet learned how important a place the plum holds in the esteem of the people of other civilized countries. The nat ural conditions are unfavorable to the production of first-class plums in all parts of the United States except the Pacific coast region. For this reason it is hard for the avernge American to realize that in Europe the plum ranks next in commercial importance to the apple and the grape. The varieties of plums which are used for making prunes exceed in com mercial Importance the other varieties. Upon the Pacific coast are found con genial natural conditions for the growth to perfection of the fine European plums and prunes which make this kind of fruit so important a branch of the fruit Industry. In Southern Oregon we have climatic conditions conforming very closely to that portion of France which produces the highest grade of French prunes. The climatic condi tions of Oregon and Washington gen erally are quite similar to those of the great prune-producing countries of Eu rope. " "" ; ' The production of prunes upon a larere scale in the Pacific northwest has commenced. ' The . total acreage ofi prunes in Oregon, Washington- and Idaho is now about 50,000, and within five years a crop of 100,000,000 pounds of cured prunes may be anticipated. California will turn out as many or more prunes.' The fact that the aggre gate output from the coast states will soon reach double the amount now consumed in the United States leads to apprehension on the part of some grow ers that there will be no market for the prunes produced In a few years. On the other hand it is believed that the result of placing first-class prunes upon the market at a low price wilt be to enormously increase the consump tion. No "business" grower antici pates other than low prices for the bulk Of the prunes produced. It is antici pated that when consumers can get from six to ten cents a pound prunes which equal in quality those which have hitherto sold at from twenty to thirty cents a pound, the consumption will be enormously increased. ' ' . , The evaporated prunes of the Pacific northwest are a new article in the mar ket. They are unlike any other prunes. The process of curing in evaporators makes sucli a difference in the charac ter of the fruit that the same variety of prunes when cured by the "cooking" process in France, by sun-dryinst in California and by evaperators in Ore gon or Washington, appear to be three distinct varieties. While the distinct and novel charac ter of our prunes is an obstacle to their introduction, from the fact that dealers and retailers are afraid of an Unknown article, yet we confidently anticipate that when the trade and consumers be come familiar with our evaporated prunes they will be preferred to the sun-dried prunes of California,' as those prunes are preferred to "cooked" prunes of Europe. ' The prune growers of the Pacific northwest claim that their prunes are naturally the most highly flavored of any prunes which are dried, that they are the only evaporated prunes of con sequence1 upon the niarket, that evap orated prunes are as superior to sun dried prunes as evaporated peaches or apples are to the sun-dried, and are the most healthful and relishable prunes which can be obtained. Rural North west's Prune Number, July 15th. , Residence Burned. V Thursday, at 2 o'clock, the residence of Mr. Price, living on the place of his step-sou, Hon. T. R. Coon, was discov ered to be on fire, and in a short time was entirely consumed. Mr. Coon was on the east side of the river, at M. V. Rand's place, at the time, and when he discovered the fire, hurried to town and a party of men went out with him to the buruing house, but before they reached there It was burned down. Most of the furniture was saved. The fire is supposed to have Caught on the roof from sparks from the chimney. J A Midnight Attack. Ten years ago rattlesnakes and skunks were a "holy terror" in Hood River. Every lady and gentleman who came here to rusticate was in such mortal terror that, like a certain rev erend who used to summer here, they would buy a bottle of whisky of Dr. Adams as a "preventive" before going into camp. Snakes and skunks have almost disappeared. The pole -cat family, however, is . not . altogether ex-etinhed. Last Wednesday night, at Paradise farm, Dr. Adams was waked from a profound slumber by bis wife saying, "Something is among the chickens." A' favorite hen with twelve joyful chickens (as Virgel says of the "twelve joyful swan") hatched ' out from superior eggs got of a neighbor, was sitting on the ground near the house. The doctor arose from a sick bed, seized his shotgun and rushed out, followed by Mrs. A. carrying a lamp. Mrs. A. pointed at something in the brush, saying, "There it Is! there it is!" The doctor fired twice but hit nothing but moving leaves, which he imagined was some live thing. About this time the young doctor, the hero of the cow episode, appeared on the 'scene in his night dress. ' The doctor senior sent him back for more ammunition; but before his return the skunk appeared j in open ground, and the doctor senior picked up a board, charged upon the skunk and struck him over the back. The skunk gave up the ghost. In striking the skunk the doctor strained his back, which has long disabled him, and fell to the ground in the most ex crutiating agony. It took his wife half an hour to lead him to the house and place him on the" bed. She gave him such treatment as enabled him next morning to get out of bed. The doctor Says he thinks he will pull through if he retains bis present phy The Telegram kicked because any place within a radius of 200 miles of Portland celebrated. People who west to Portland to 1 entertained are .wishing they had gone into the back park at home and spent the entire day rusting and kicking themselves with a patent kicker. Vancouver Indepen dent. . Many a man goes away from home for a week and imagines that he is missed by the hole community, and when he comes back he finds that there isn't a person in town that knew he had been away. Riddle Enterprise. While the editor is away on a vaca tion for a few days Some of our "new women" are at liberty to take his place who will be given plenty of scope to burn uptne men, and the editor as we"- The only condition, they must wear bloomers. Troutdale Champion. " W.'H. Turner, the missing Golden dale man, was found last week at Ru fus, Oregon, and taken home in a de mented condition. Turner imagines it is many years since he was in Gol dendale, and talks as Rip Van Wrinkle did after his twenty years' absence. A carpenter named McDonald, while under the influence of liquor, shot and wounded two men in a saloon in The Dalles Sunday morning. Fred Brodson wus shot through the fleshy part of the leg and a man named Ho gan received a ball in the back. . Both men were cared for by Dr. Holllster and the sheriff took charge of Mc Donald, who is now in the county jail. " " .The first carload of peach plums will be snipped from The Dalles, July 21st. John Hawthorn, the Dalles boy con victed of shooting the Indian, Carpolis, Was sentenced by Judge Bellinger to five years in the penitentiary and a fine of $100. It Is said that apple trees grafted on the Northern Spy root are proof against wooly aphis. . . ' Editor Jackson of the East Oregonian persistently urges that protection and free coinage naturally go together are part and parcel of the same policy. In this he has eminent support in the Philadelphia American, edited by the well-known writer, Wharton Barker. But here the two celebrated men part company Jackson is against both pro tection and free coinage, while Barker holds aloft a banner with 'the mottoH "liimetansm and .Protection," Barker Is the more widely celebrated man, but Jackson may have the more level head, Sunday Welcome. i Don't Stop Tobacco. The tobacco habit grows on a man until his nervous system is seriously af fected, impairing health, comfort and happiness. To quit suddenly is too se vere a shock to the system, us tobacco, to an inveterate user becomes a stimu lant that hissvstem continually craves. Baco-Curo is a scientific cure for the to bacco habit, in all its forms, carefully compounded after the formula of an eminent Berlin physician who has used it in his private practice since 1872,wlth- out a failure, purely vegetableand guar anteed perfectly harmless. You can use all the tobacco you want, while taking Baco-Curo, it will notify yon when to stop. We give a written guarantee to permanently cure anv case with three boxes, or refund the money with 10 per cent interest. Kaco-uuro is notasubsti tute, but a scientific cure, that cures without the aid of will power and with no Inconvenience. It leaves the system as pure and free from nicotine as the day you took your first chew or smoke. Sold by all druggists, with our ironclad guarantee, "at . $1 per box, three boxes, (thirty days treatment), $2.50,' or sent direct upon receipt of price. Send six two-cent stamps for sample box. Book let and proofs tree. Eureka Chemical & Manufacturing Chemists, La Crosse, Wisconsin. DENTISTRY. ' DR. E. T. CARNS U now located In Hood River. First-class work at reasonable rates. All work guaranteed. Oftifo In the Langire House. tvio $25.00 Reward. The Water Supply Co. of Hood RiverValley will pay the above reward to any one who will give information that will convict any person or persons of stealing water, tamper ing with the boxes or breaking their ditchts. By order of th Water Supply Co. of Hood RiverValley.. .T. F. ARMOR, Resident. yJWM. DAVIDSON, Secretary. Jyl2 For Sale. Two large stoves, 85 joints of stove pipe, two elbows, two sections 8x10 blackboard, and two sections 4x10 pulp blackboard. Apply to M. H. Nlckelsen, Clerk, or the School Hoard of Districts. Jyl2 For Sale. One thoroughbred Jersey Bull, one year old; also, one yearling heifer, seven-eighth Jersey. For sale by H. O. HENOST, Jyll Hood River, Or. Fruit or Grain Land. Forty or Eighty Acres of unimproved good iruii or grain lana lor sale citeap. Call on FK.ED KEMP. Jy5 Mt. Hood Stage Road. HOOD BIVBR NURSERY. WM. T1LLETT, Proprietor. Grower and dealer in choice Nursery stock. He has the only stock of the Yakima Apple, The best of red apples, and as long a keeper as I have about 20,000 apple trees of the best Va rieties growing n my nursery. . All standard varieties are grafted from thtrbest stock in Hood River. . , , jola. WE HAVE ADOPTED THE And shall endeavor to merit custom by QUALITY as well as QUANTITY. BICYCLES FROM $100 Ramblers, Ladies orG'ts, Do you want a wheel? How fide $65 drop forged, tool steel and drawn, seamless stcl tubing, bl A. little a, "A No. 1" ladies or gents, BICYCLE, "M. & W." (best in the World) tires, for FIFTY DOLLARS! -a Come and see us at the Drug Store. WILLIAMS & BROSIUS, Hood IkLSurnCLSLC- Fruit All the best variety of Apples. including sonstantly other kinds of nursery stock kept constantly your trees at the home nursery and save expense and damage. We are here to stay. H. C BATEHAM, Columbia Nursery. WEST . " KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND Choice Fresh Meats, Hams, Bacon, Lard, And All Kinds of Game "; ' ;': ALSO, DEALERS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. HOOD RIVER, - - - - . - - - . OREGON. HANNA & WOLFARD, ' . .; . ' DEALERS IN Creneral . Herclb-eiclise, HOOD RIVER, OREGON. AGENTS FOR Peacock BEST IN THE WORLD. HEADQUARTERS FOR LEATHER GOODS 3D. IFLv apXERCETS ST O The Famous C M. For MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN. All sizes and large variety. My motto I""Posstbljr not the Cheapest, but the Best," and the Henderson Shoes are the cheapest In the long run. Don't Fail To call and examine and price thesa goods. They will please you. No trouble to show them. Hand-made Double Team Harness, $20 ! With Boston Team Collars. All other kinds of Harness cheap for 1895. If you doubt it, call and price them. 1 propose to keep Hood River trade at home if price is an object. D. F. PIERCE, Hood River, Or. m , ZEzscellerLt Teaclieis, SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES, Address, MRS. SARAH K. WHITE. Principal. GEO. P. CROWELL, (Successor to E. L, Smith Oldest Established House in the valley. DEALER IN- Dry Goods, Clothing, AND . General Merchandise, Flour and Feed. Etc., HOOD RIVER, OREGON. -'rv (clincher tires) $100.00 does this proposition strike vou? A bona Yakima, Oano, Arkansas Black, etc., and all on hand. Prices will be made satisfactory. Buy on hand. BEOS.; our HENDERSON & CO.'S The Annie Wright Seminary. TACOMA, WASHINGTON. .-. 1834. Eleventh Year. 1894. A Boarding School for Girls, with Superior Advantages. Tra I8Tmmo 1 ArrimoK to m ' MORAL INTELLECTUAL PHYSICAL t DinurtUi J or tii BtBMHTm. T. C. DALLAS, DEALER IN STOVES AND WARE, Kitchen Furniture, PLUMBERbV GOODS. Pruning Tools, Etc. Repairing Tinware a Specialty. Rooms to Let, With or without board. Pleasant cnmnlne grounds. Address WM. TILLETT, Trees Fl Shoe an