The Hood River Glacier. . It's a Cold Day When We Get Left. " t 1 1 VOL. 7. HOOD RIVER; OREGON, FRIDAY. JULY 19, 1895. NO. 8. Keed Iiver Slacier. PUBLISHED EVERT 8ATDRDAY HORNING BY S. F. BLYTHE. SUBSCRIPTION PRICB. On. year , ....... ..J 00 six month. 1 Or Three month.. ......... 60 Bnt(le copy ( Cent THE GLACIER BARBER SHOP, BUOD KITES, OR. " GRANT EVANS, Proprietor. BhaviiiR and hair-cutting neatly done. Satis faction guaranteed, . WATER-FRONT CASE The Oakland Suit Decided in Favor of the City. ; .. IN DISPUTE FOR FORTY.YEARS Judge O'Brien Held That the Southern Pacific Railroad Company Had ., No Title to the Land. Oakland, CaL, July ' 18. Superior Judge O'Brien today decided in favor of the city in the case of the City of Oakland against the Water Front Com pany, otherwise the Southern Pacifio railroad, involving the title of eleven miles of water front, valued at , many millions of dollars, and which has been practically in dispute for forty years. The decision does not pass di-. rectly on the title of the third party's holding small portions bought in good faith from the Water Front Company and improved. ; The deoision reoites at length the history of the oase, giving details as to the granting of title by the first board of . trustees to Horace W.. Carpenter, and by him to 1 the Water ., Front Company; the efforts emee made by the city to recover pos session of the property; the acts of the legislature; the hearing of the de cision by the United States supreme court in Chicago water-front oase, eto. ?Wheri the Chicago decision was an nounced, the litigation was in progress before the entire number of superior judges of this county, affecting a small portion of the water front, ocoupied by private persons who were . sued by the Water Front Company to recover pos session. The judges sitting in bank at once deoided that the Water Front Company had no title to the land in Oakland in that oase. The court holds that the oity cannot take possession of the wharves built by the railroad com pany without paying for the improve ments. The oase is one of the utmost importance in Oakland, as possession of the property by the railroad has re tarded improvements thereon, the lat ter refusing to do anything on aooount of the suits pending or threatened suits by the oity to Beoure the property. Indian Horse Races. Lewiston, Idaho, July 18. The"' an nual race meeting on the Nez Perce tracks olosed today. The contests were principally between the Coeur d'Alene and Nez Peroes. The northern neigh bors were viotors in nearly every im portant trial of speed. The gambling element of the home tribe, as a result, is broke. " The visitors have a cargo of blankets and a paok train with whioh to transport them. . A big wall tent is used for a storeroom and there are tiers i of smoke-tainted blankets piled from the sod to the ceiling therein. The bad luck of the native sports, as well as the white tin-horns, has been re markable. One $5 raoe was the only event won by the Nez Perces from their visiting friends. Lewiston sports risked their stakes on the home ; horses to their disaster. Only one white man is reported to have bet on the right horse. He' had pointers from an old friend among the Coeur d'Alenes. ', International Fisheries Commission. "Vanoouver, B. C, July 18 Dt. Wakeham, of Ottawa, and R. .. Rath hune, ,of Washington city, oomposing the international fisheries commission, arrived here today. The objeot of their visit is to inquire into the Point1 Rob erts fisheries, which oome within their jurisdiction. The commission has been in session three years, and, during that time, fisheries in all international waters, except on the Pacifio coast, have reoeived the careful attention of the commissioners. Tomorrow the commissioners go to Point Roberts with Fisheries Inspector MoNab, and will also visit several of the canneries. After their inspection at Point Roberts, the commissioners will prepare their 'report and then their labor will be ended. Professor Price, the Dominion fisheries commissioner, is also here in specting fisheries. JAPANESE MINISTER TALKS. He Says Peace Is Permanently Assured .In the Bast. New York, July 18. Shinichiro Ku rino, Japanese minister to the United States, was at the Imperial hotel last night. He has just returned from Newport on his way to Washington, and talked freely of the affairs in the Orient. He said: "The war has left . Japan in first rate shape. . I think that peace is per manently assured in the far East. China manifests a determination to stay by her agreement, and this has done much to win her favor in Japan. You hear a great deal of talk about Russia's attitude, and the probability of a clash between Japan and Russia over the "boundary settlements. That is nearly all talk. Russia is friendly to Japan. If she were not the treaty of three weeks ago would not have been completed. It is said that Japan allowed Russia to impose upon her the settlements after the war. That is wrong. , Japan is not afraid of Russia, but she is consistent. Russia asked oertain things, and they were granted. Russia today is as friendly to Japan as the United States is,' and so no war is in sight." ' Mr. Kuirno was asked about the re port that there was trouble between the missionaries in Japan and the author ities, that as a result the Japanese gov ernment would take all the missions under its supervision, except those they had trouble with. Mr. Eurino said: "That report is wrong. I know of no trouble between the Japanese gov ernment and the missionaries, and if there has been any it has been of a personal nature." . - : MRS. STANFORD'S GIFT. Chicago Clergymen Denounce Her Plan for Raising Money. Chicago, July 18. The Chicago clergy is emphatic in its disapproval of the announoed intention of Mrs. Leland Stanford, widow of the Cali fornia senator, of disposing of 1,000, 000 gallons of brandy from her vine yard for the benefit of the university. Several of the leading ministers have been interviewed, and all, save one, denounoe the idea. "Her excuse that it will be used for medicinal purposes is all poppy-oook," declared Rev. G. B. Mitchell, of the Calvary Presbyterian church. ;'A nice college indeed to send young men to. Do you think any professor would dare advocate temperance there? I most certainly would oppose sending any Christian youth to a college supported by the sale of liquor. ' Mrs. Stanford can afford to furnish' an example by making grape juice and pushing that article, but the idea of making the gift to the university a cloak : for this infa mous traffic" Rev. James Russ said that it was a shame that the university should be brought into such odium by Mrs. Stan ford's act. "But as she is determined to make brandy," he said, "I hope she will make a very pure artiole. If Mrs. Stanford would only lead the people up to appreciate purity, even in liquor, and establish a branch in her univer sity td include a desire for unferment ed drinks, she might do mora to -solve the temperance question than' all the prohibition and Woman s Christian Temperanoe Union fanatics. ". A DIVORCE MILL. The Original Scheme of an Oklahoma Syndicate. Washington, Jnly 18. -A handsome suite of office rooms have been fitted up by five Oklahoma lawyers, who pro pose . to . seoure divoroes "while you wait."""" ' -- The scheme, whioh is the very latest to relieve the terrible congestion of misfit marriages, is under the control of a syndicate. While Washington is to be the central office for this; part of the country there are branch, offices in Pittsburg, Philadelphia and Baltimore, the move gradually making its way to New York and even Boston.. .' : v' The law of Oklahoma provides; 4hat citizenship may be aoquired : in three months. At the expiration of that time a divorce may be applied for, and in oase there is no defense or the defend ant does not . appear divorce, may be granted in less than four months from the time the applicant-leaves Wash ington. The defendant may not even be apprised of what is going on. A wife disappears, the husband does not know, and perhaps does not oare to know. She has simply gone to Okla homa. If she is well off she stays at one of the hotels,' If, she: is not well off, the man who wants to marry her if divorced foots the 'bill. The attor ney in charge nere said there were about forty or fifty applicants who' had applied for divorce. He mentioned the cases of two society people, but de clined to give their names at this stage of the proceedings. ' .' '. 1 A Long Term for Murder. Detroit, July 18, William Brus seau, the accomplice of Mrs.' Nellie Pope in the murder of Dr. Horace N. Pope, February 2, was sentenced today to twenty-five years imprisonment. Brusseau pleaded guilty to murder in the second degree. NO CHANCE FOR KRUG His Sentence Confirmed by the Supreme Court. THE GRAND JURY SUSTAINED The Conviction of Seattle's Ex-Treas urer Under Section 57 of the Penal Code Held Good. Olympia, July 17. The supreme court has filed an opinion affirming the judgment m the case of the State, re spondent,. vs. Adolph. Krug, appellant. -Krug, as oity treasurer of Seattle, was arrested for appropriating to his own use $10,000 of the city fundi The grand 'jury returned an indictment under section 57 of the penal code, and a trial was had before Judge J. Z. Moore, of Spokane, in place of the reg ular judge, Hume. The appellant in troduced no testimony in his own be half, but demurred to the complaint and raised many Objections to the in troduction of testimony, bnt upon the testimony of the state he was found guilty as charged. A judgment was pronounced, from which an appeal was taken upon the errors alleged. The first contentions was that the court had rred in not sustaining the motion to quash the indictment, on the ground that the grand jury was not properly selected. This the supreme court did not sustain, as there was but a slight irregularity which did not affect the substantial rights of appellant. The next contention was an effort to show that section 57 of the : penal oode did not include within its jurisdiction city officers. This objection also the su preme court set aside and remarked: ' It would destroy not only the mani fest intention of the constitution, but of the statute, to hold that this provi sion of the statute did not apply to treasurers who were directly eleoted under the provisions of the law.". ; ' The vital question, - the supreme court holds, is embodied in the conten tion that ' the demurrer should have been sustained, because the indictment did not state facts and wastiot direct or certain in charging the particular cir cumstances necessary to constitute a complete crime under the law; but the statute especially provides that the or dinary requirements of an indictment may be omitted from indictments of this particular crime, and the penal code is quoted as saying: "It shall be sufficient to allege gen erally in an information or indictment that an officer has made profit out of the publio moneys under his control or has used the same for any purpose not authorized by law, to a certain value or amount, without specifying any further particulars in regard thereto and on the trial evidence may be given of all the facts constituting the offense, and the defense thereto. " "It is contended by the appellant, with some show of reason," says the court,- "that the information furnished in this indictment is rather of a meager quality as well as quantity, and many cases are cited. The supreme court is of the opinion, however, that they can all be distinguished from the case in point, and on account of 1 the impossi bility ' of describing the particular moneys or funds, all of the objections by the appellant to the introduction of evidenoe, without specially mentioning them, should be overruled. " Regarding the contention by appel lant that the court erred in refusing to challenge Juror Fox, - on the ground that he testified that he was a resident for years and a taxpayer, in Seattle and had paid money to the treasurer, whioh money Krug was charged with having converted, the court dismissed as hard ly worthy of discussion. ' The next con tention that the court erred in not sus taining the challenges to Jurors Fox, Cullis and Manogue.on the,' ground .of actual bias, the court found without foundation. 'The objection that, under the constitution and laws of the state, Judge Moore was inelligible to try the case was disposed of in the case of the State vs. Holmes. A careful examina tion of the instructions given by the trial judge convinces the supreme court that no' error was 'committed in this particular case. Numerous other , al leged errors were examined, but, with the exception" of those discussed, were dismissed as without merit. The opin ion was written by Judge Dunbar, and concurred in by Scott. Hoyt concur red in the result Anders and Gordon dissented. .: ' v.,.:. . The France-Brazil Boundary Dispute. New York, July 17. A special to the Herald from Buenos Ayres says: A correspondent in Rio de Janeiro tele graphs that the president of the Swiss republic will act as arbitrator between France and Brazil in the disputed ques tion of the boundary limits of the ter ritory of Amapa. Dr. Blanoo will go to Geneva, Switzerland, on the part of Brazil. . .- t .- - Will Not Be Hanged. ' Vancouver, B. C.,. July, 15. Word was received today from Ottawa that Pat Kane, sentenced to be hanged the 23d inst, for the murder of a Chinese market gardener, has been reprieved, and his sentence commuted to impris onment for life. THE MORA CLAIM. A Diplomatic Scandal Said to Exist in Connection With It. New York, July 17. A special to the : World from Washington says "Spain's payment of the Mora ; olaim, as indicated by cable, will at least de feat the intrigues of American and for eign claim sharps. ' For years a coterie of diplomats at Washington and Mad- ,rid have sought to make the sentiment of this historio award conditional on the acknowledgement of counter claims Lby the United States. . mulct the government brings to light a serious diplomatio scandal and shows how the Mora claim has secretly been rnadejfco figure as . an important inci dent in; .a scheme for securing the transfer of Cuba to the United States. Nathaniel Page, the well-known inter national lawyer, who for years has rep resented the Mora family, furnishes documents and letters whioh seem to throw a flood of light on the obstruc tor interposed to prevent the payment of the Mora award. Mr. Page speci fically charges ex-Secretary of State and Minister to Spain John W. Foster with this work. Mr. Foster has denied the charge and Mr.' Page now comes for ward with papers whioh he claims sub stantiate the charge. Mr. Page, how ever, charges that several Spanish min isters of this country, as well as at taches of the French legation, ob structed the Mora interests and did all they could to induce him to hold up the Mora claims. ; ' "Mora is living in West Sixty-third street, New York, with his daughter." THE NORTHWEST DROUTH. Minnesota and Dakota Wheat of Rain. in Need St. Paul,. July 17. Dispatches from Big Stone, Grant, Swift and Harey counties, Minnesota, . and several counties west of those in South Dakota, say that the prospects for wheat are not so good by 83 per cent as they were ten days ago, on account of the drouth. The section mentioned has had no rain for eighteen days.' Correspondents re port that the yield will not exceed six bushels in Harey and Swift counties, and will be but little better in Big Stone county. It is very dry in Pine and Anoka oounties the Minnesota potato belt and the yield of potatoes will be very small unless rain comes in the next three days. ' . Charles A. Pillsbury, the big miller, says: . : .- 'I thought, on July 1 that Minne-' sota, North and South Dakota -would yield 140,000,000 bushels of wheat, as against about 115,000,000 bushels last year. Now I think the extreme: pos sibility is 125,000,000 bushels, with , a strong possibility that we will raise no more than we did a year ago." ' ', ' New Line to Mexico. ' City of Mexioo July 17. The Mexir can government has granted ah import ant . concession for a new steamship" company, to be called "The Munson Steamship Line to Cuba and Mexico;" which will ply between ports along the Atlantic coast of the United States and points along the Mexican coast..;.: New York and Philadelphia are named as the probable terminal points, but it is expressly stated that the com pany is permitted to seleot other-sta tions. The contract names the Mexi can ports of Tampico, Vera Cruz and Progresso, and may also touch coming and going at Tuxpan, Alvarado and Tlacotalpan. There must be in the Mexican capital an agent with full powers to decide questions that may arise between the Mexioan government and theXsompany, besides agents at the Mexican ports, at which the steamers will. touoh. , The oompany is : given power to increase the number of its steamers touching Mexican ports to ply between Progresso and Cuba, whenever it shall be convenient' ..",'' Belligerents, Not Insurgents. Pittsburg, July 17. A stranger reg istered at the St. James, under the fic titious name of H. Forepaugh Ala bama was in Santiago Cuba two weeks ago before the Spanish government put in force the rule requiring all foreign ers on the islands to have passports. Mr. Forepaugh seems to be -well ac? quainted with the. movements of . the Cuban insurgents; He, stated that on the vessel ' on which he, sailed were thirty-three Cuban planters bound, for Washington to intercede with the cabi net and president that the Cuban insur gents be recognized as belligerents by the United States. Some of the plant ers Mr. Forepaugh says went to Buz zard's bay to see the president , - The Cambridge Team Will Come. London; July 18. The Cambridge University Athletio Club has cabled to Yale its acceptance of the terms pro posed for a contest in track athletics in America.1 The Cambridge team will sail on August 81, and the contests will ocour October 5. Cambridge in sisted on a 800-yard dash, in preference to the 220-yard dash proposed by Yale, and the Americans finally consented to this. "-''.'"'- When you have become acustomed to a breed, stick to it v Any of the thor oughbreds are good. FRENCH HUSBANDRY i The World's Markets for American Products. THE CATTLE PROHIBITION ACT Some Extracts From the Third Bulletin Issued by' the Department f Agriculture. .. Washington, July 16. The secre tary of agriculture will issue in a few days bulletin No. . 8, on the world's markets for American products.-- The bulletin contains a short statistical in troduction on the agricultural condi tion of France, and the reports of con suls from Cognac, Havre; Nioe; Gren oble, Rheims, Limoges : and Bordeaux. It also contains a copy of the decree of the minister of agriculture prohibiting importation of American cattle into France; also a statement of the tern porary suspension of the export of sheep from the United States, owing to the exaction by the French govern ment of a certificate from the United States veterinary inspector to aooom pany all sheep landed in France from the United States, which shall certify that none of them have been exposed to any contagious diseases for a period of six weeks prior to date of shipment. The bulletin - also contains , a map, showing the different localities of the several consuls who have made reports to the department, through the state department ' Among the important statements oontained in this bulletin is one show ing the area, production and trade of wine in France. A comparative state ment of the wine produced by the dif ferent European oountries in 1893 and 1894, as well as by the United States, will also be found, which shows that the production of wine in France for 1894 was 1,031,657,816 gallons, while that of the United States was but 250, 000,000. ." . How few realize that on the western coast of California, which is probably the counterpart of the western coast of Europe, with Great Britain attached to the continent, every condition of soil and climate can be found to pro duce the wines peculiar to European oountries. . - w. -'..-. vicii-!.. ' . The bulletin also contains an im portant statement in . regard . to' the total trade of France, exclusive of the precious metals, as compared with the trade of the United States, Germany and the United Kingdom. This state ment shows that the United Kingdom has an easy lead over her nearest three, competitors, and that her commerce is about equal to that of Sermany, Franoe and the United States,, her two nearest rivals, and that of Germany, France and the United States are i not far apart, France taking the fourth rank. In 1890, 1891 and 1894 Germany occu pied seoond place and the United States third, while.for 1892 and 1893 this or der was reversed with respect to these two countries. . .. :--.;;:!': Seven Dead Indians. Decatur, Neb., July 16. Two Indian- women- and one child died last night at Aoton pasture; where the Omaha Indian, drunk is taking plaoe. The women got drunk on a home-made compound of hard cider, and partici pated in the dance until completely overcome. This makes the seventh In dian who has ' died since the celebra tion began. Captain Beck and fifteen Indian .-.police . from the Winnebago agency , have, arrived on the grounda A man from Correctville, la., was ar rested by the police for disorderly con duct.' Captain Beok sampled the cider, but found it to-be all right' There was ho whisky in sight The police found a two-gallon jug buried. Murder Suspected. San Francisco, July 16. Governor Budd is endeavoring to unravel the mysteiry connected with the death of Frank F.- Goodall, ' whose body'' was found floating in the San Joaquin river near Livingston three years ago and oonsigned to an unmarked grave at the water's edge. Nothing was known about Goodall at the time, .. Governor Budd has recently been informed that Godall resided , in Virginia, and was superintendent of schools in, the town in which he lived. The information was conveyed in a letter from a friend of Goodallj who believes he was mur dered' and robbed. . The governor - will investigate the case. : ' A Double Tragedy In Missouri.' Kansas City, July 16. -News of a double tragedy at Bean Lake, Platte county, this state was reoeived here tonight ' Theodore Kirkman was shot and killed by George Marehel and later in the day Marehel oommitted suicide. Marehel's story was that before getting out of bed Kirkman took down a gun and began fooling with it. i Marehel finally wrested the gun from his com panion's hand. Not knowing it was loaded he pointed ' the gun at Kirk man's head and pulled the trigger kill ing him almost instantly. Late this evening it was learned that Marehel had oommitted suioide. RAILROAD MAN DEAD. A. N. Towne, One of the High Officials -.of the) Southern Pacific. ' San Francisco, July 18. A. N. Towne, second vice-president and gen eral manager of the Southern Pacifio, died suddenly at his residenoe in this city this morning. Towne had been in his office all day yesterday and until 5 P. M. transact ing the usual business of the office. He spent last evening at home and retired in good spirits. He retired feeling quite well, but at 2 A. M; ; Qofoplained of violent pains in the stoniah. sup posed i inoident f to indigestion, - from which he suffered., The physician . summoned applied remedies which' seemed to afford relief, but symptoms of congestion and hemorrhages follows ., ed. At 4 A. M. Towne complained pf :r violent pain in the heart, and fifteen ' minutes later he was dead. . . When in New York five years ago Towne had la grippe, whioh" impaired his heart aotion. , Since then he has had several attacks, but lately has been in excellent health. A. N. Towne was born in Charlton,. Worcester county, - Mass., May 26, J 1829. He entered the railway service in 1855 as freight brakeman on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy rail road. He was subsequently freight and passenger conductor and station 1 agent; atill later he was yard and trainmaster at Chicago, and assistant superintendent; resigned -his position to become .general superintendent of the Chicago & Great Western railway. After a year he returned to the Chi cago, Burlington & Quincy railroad, as assistant general superintendent He remained there until September, 1869, when he was appointed general super intendent of the Central Pacific rail road. In May, 1882, he was promoted . to be general manager of the Southern Pacifio Company and affiliated lines. The fortune of the deceased is esti mated at $700,000. The bulk of the property oonsists of 80,000 acres in San Joaquin valley. The Towne resi dence on California street is valued at $200,000. It is said H. E. Hunting ton, a nephew of C. P. Huntington,' will sucoeed Towne as seoond vice- president, and William G. Curtis, now engineer in the maintenance of way department and chief assistant to Towne, will be the new general mana ger. ' THE EMANUEL CHURCH. Scene of Durrant's Alleged Crime Again a Place of Worship. . : San Francisco, July 16. Emanuel Baptist church, the scene of the grue some murders that horrified the world, was opened for worship last Sunday for the first time since the bodies of Minnie Williams and Blanche Lamont were found in it Nearly all of the old congregation were in attendance at the morning service, which was con ducted by the Rev. J. George Gibson, the regular pastor. No strangers were admitted, except by card of invitation. Only the lower part of the church was used, the gallery leading to the belfry,' where Blanche Lamont's body was found, being closed. In the afternoon a sort of love feast was held, and many mininsters of other churches were present to offer congratulations. . There was no reference in any of the prayers, addresses or sermons to the orimes which made the church notorious. A force of police in citizen's clothes wa -at hand to prevent trouble, but there was no sign of disturbance. , ' , The Irish Federation. : , New York, July 17. The New York council of the Irish National , Federation of America, met last night in Cooper Union J. B. Murphy presid ing.' Resolutions were adopted de nouncing as idiotic folly and as covert treasbnany suggestion of deserting the men who were facing Ireland's foes. The meeting repudiated any yielding to faction whereby it will work in the future the same evils of division that -it has in the past All those citizens of New York whether of Irish birth" ot -not who love justice, liberty and hu manity were urged to contribute to the Irish party moral and financial sup port. . - i Zimmerman to Go Abroad. New ...York, July 17. A telegram to the American Wheelman from. Cham- . pion Zimmerman today announces that he will sail on the St. Louis Wednes day morning for Southampton. Zim merman expects to meet Protin,, the N. C. A. professional champion, and Hau ben; the Belgian ' champion. After racing against them, he will sail for Australia, where he will race next spring. He will be accompanied by his wife, and expects to meet the best foreign talent California's Mineral Railroad Lands. San Francisco, July 17. The Cali-' fornia Miners' Association has not yet given up the fight against -the patent ing of mineral lands to - the railroad. On the contrary, its members declare they will fight the matter to the bitter end, and a meeting of the executive committee has been called at the Pal ace hotel for the evening of , the 29th, to consider ways-and means of carrying on the fight and to formulate a plan of ampaign. ' : . V ! ! J