COOK BOOK FREE. Every housekeeper wants to know the best things to eat, and how to prepare them. "The. Royal Baker and Pastry Cook' Contains One thousand useful recipes for every kind of cooking. Edited by Prof Rudmani, New -York Cooking School. Free by mail. Address (writing plainly), mentioning this paper, - . , ROYAL BAKING POWDER COl 106 Wall Street, N. Y. Who Owned the Bird? A hawk captured and killed a carrier pigeon in Druid Hill park a few days go after a protracted chase. The chase Was witnessed by a number of persons. The lightninglike movements of the pur suer and pursued were a revelation to those who were not versed in the flights of birds. The pigeon, as long as it kept in a straight line, beat the hawk flying, but on becoming frightened and confused it began a zigzag course and was then . an easy prey. Captain Cassell frighten ed the hawk sc that he got the pigeon, but the pigeon was dead when it struck the ground. On on of its legs was a metal band bearing the capital letters A. S. H. C, the large figures 291 and the small figures 86. Baltimore Sun. ; , How He Was. X. is a malade imaginaire whose chief hobby it is to get a doctor to visit him every day. ' A friend called to see him one morning. ',' Well, how are you today?" . v ' v . ... "I don't know the doctor hasn't been here yet 1" Qrillon. A GREAT CELEBRATION. Portland Will Observe the Fourth Bet . . ter Than Ever. : Arrangements are well under way Jt J.1 A A. 11 4.2 .. il lur - liio glow ueiuurtmiuu ui uio Fourth of July at Portland ever held in the metropolis. , The celebration will ocoupy three days, from tbe 8d to fcVifl Kfh. innlnaivfi. Thn TTnnrr.h will of course be the big day, and will be filled up with a splendid programme. A great parade will take plaoe at 10:80 A. M. During the day there will be numerous and varied amusements, with many new features. Speed Associa tion races at Irvington Park, purses aggregating $29,000, in the afternoons. The most gorgeous pyrotechnic display , ever witnessed in the Northwest in the evening. Everybody assured a "great time'' . at small expense. ' Reduced rates on all lines of travel. ' Dr. PIERCE'S uoiden nedicai DISCOVERY Cures Ninety-eight per cent, ot all : cases of Consumption, In all Its Earlier Stages. Although by many believed to be incura ble, there is the evidence of hundreds of living: witnesses to the fact that, in all its earlier stages, consumption is a curable disease. Not every case, but o large per centage of cases, and we believe, fully gS per cent, are cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, even after the disease has progressed so far as to induce repeated bleedings from the lungs, severe lingering cough with copious expectoration (includ ing tubercular matter), great loss of flesh and extreme emaciation and weakness. NEW Portland. Walla Walla. Spokane, via Q. K. & N. Kauway .ana ureal Northern Railway to ym mm m m m Montana points, St. ail L W Paul, Minneapolis, 1 f 1 1 AA u umana, t. lxmis, uni mt M m m m cago and East. Address nearest agent, v. v. Donavan, Gen. Agt, Portland, Or. ; R. 0. Ste- A r. aAn.l sssssbw wm -ss- mm tqub, uau. Agv.jicniua Wash.; C.G.Dixon, Gen. Agt-, Spokane, Wash. Ns dust: rook-ballast track: fine scenery: palace Bleeping and dining oars; buffet-library oars family tourist sleepers; new equipment. EAST DR. GUNN'S IMPROVED LIVER PILLS A MILD PHYSIC. iwn pit.t. irnTf k nosR. A movement of tbe bowols each day is neoessavy for ho<h, These pills supply what tbe system laoks to make it regular. They oure Headaohe. brighten the Eyes, and clear the Complexion bettor than "osmetics. They neither gripe nor sicken. To oominoe you, we will mail sample free, or a full box for 2fio. Sold every where. "BOSANKO MED. CO.. Philadelphia, Pa, ; MEN suffering from the errors, In discretions, excesses of youth, or diseases of the reproduc tive organs, all of which lead to Consumption or Insanity if not treated in time, can rind permanent cube by correspond ing with us. Our remedies are endorsed by the medical profession. NoQdackery. Hopkins MEDICAL Co., Manchester, Conn A SURE CURE FOR PILES itching- Piles known by moisture like perspirationoanse Intense itohimrwhen warm. This form and Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding Piles yield at once to ' DR. BO-SAN-KU'3 PILE REMEDY, Mme. Pattl's Proudest Moment. Mr. Arthur Warren asked Mme. Pet ri what had been the proudest experi ence in her career. "For a great and unexpected honor most gracefully ten dered," saidPatti, "I have experienced nothing that has touched me deeper than a compliment paid by the Prince of Wales and a distinguished company at a dinner-given in honor of the Duke of York and the Princess May a little while before their wedding. The din ner was given by Mr. Alfred Rothschild, one of my oldest and best friends. There were many royalties present and more dukes and duchesses than I can easily remember. During the ceremonies the Prince of Wales arose and, to my great astonishment, proposed the health of his "old and valued friend, Mme. Patti." He made such a pretty speech and .in the course of it said that he had first teen and heard me in Philadelphia in 1860, when I sang in "Martha," and that since then his own attendance at what he was good enough to call my "victories in the realm of song" had been among his most pleasant recollec tions. He recalled the fact that his wife had held Up little Prince George, in whose honor we were this night assem bled, and bade him kiss me, so that in after life be might say that he had 'kissed the famous Mme. Patti.' , And then, do you know, that whole company of royalty, nobility and men of genius rose and cheered me and drank my health." Popular Magazine. IT. T. N. U. No. 603 -S. F. N. U. No. 680 ' ! , An Apache Sea Cook. Since the days of William Kidd, the talented but unfortunate buccaneer of the Spanish main, there has been a halo of romance over the head of sea cooks. Not one, however, is himself a more unique' specimen than the cook of the British ship John Cooke. The vessel is now lying at the Santa Fe wharf after a long and dangerous voyage from Cardiff. The cook is a full blooded ( Apache In dian, born in the White mountains of Arizona. His people, the terrible White mountain and Ton to Apaches, have caus ed no end of trouble to the troops and settlers in Arizona. This man was nam ed Tumashancy (Silver River) and was taken when still a child to Mexico, where he was raised. He has followed the sea for the greater part of his life and has visited every part of the globe, learning several languages, including English, and becoming some years ago a member of the Masonic fraternity. In civilization he is known as John Levin. He is quite dark, with the Indi .an physiognomy, and although 60 years of age appears hardly in middle life. He has a Mexican wife and family living on the peninsula of Lower California and says that this is his last voyage. He was picked up in Liverpool by Captain Lillia of the John Cooke. Levin, or Silver River, is an intelligent fellow and a good sea cook and does not seem to be half as bloodthirsty as many other cooks with a far different pedigree. San Diego (Cal.) Union. . . .-, j Earthworms Not Blind. .James Weir, Jr., in a curious little study in evolution, shows that all tbe five senses of man are found in the low er forms of animal life. Darwin, while admitting that earthworms are sensible to light, maintains that they are blind. Weir, in The North American Review, maintains the contrary. He says that the circumscribed spots on the . dorsal surface of tbe worm are primitive eyes. The microscope reveals in these spots a transparent membrane, an accumula tion of pigmentary matter, a special nerve spread out in this matter and ex tending to the central nerve structure. The membrane is tbe cornea, the pig mentary matter a retina and the special nerve an optic nerve. As there is no lens, the worm can distinguish only light and darkness. The arrangements for the sense of touch are not materially different from those in man. The sense which they are without is that of hear ing, but sound waves are conveyed to the sensorium through the sense of touch. That worms have taste and smell can be proved by experiments with food. As to smell, pnt musk near them, and it is amnsing to see them hunting their holes to escape it. "The nerves of taste and smell are blended to gether and can readily be made out with the microscope in the lips, so to speak, of the oral pouch." Pittsburg Times. ' i . Wifely Sympathy. " He You are crying, darling. How is this?.' - - Sho Because my friend, Frau Moller, bas been presented by her husband with a valuable set of diamonds that must have cost 1,500 marks at the very least. He And that is what makes you weepf She Well, yes. I am sorry you will Dow have to spend such a lot of money when you can so ill afford it. Schweizer Wochenblatt. A BUDDHIST PRIEST. TWO TRAVELERS HAVE AN INTEREST ING TALK WITH HIM. '! They Found Him In Ceylon, Where the Original Buddhism Is Maintained The Chaplain Asked Questions, but Was Not Converted by the Answers. My companion, the chaplain, has a keen interest in ail psychological ques tions and especially in the development of the religious man. . In Japan and China he pursued his investigations without rest, but he had. never found the opportunity for which he longed to talk with some authoritative expo nent of Buddhism. Here in Kandy the pportunity offered, and it was speedily embraced. I decided to go along to give a layman's view of the interview. We learned that we could see and talk with the ' high priest by means of an inter preter. Now, Ceylon, you must know, is the place where the original Bud dhism has been maintained. In Japan and China it bas been modified and cor rupted. In Ceylon you still find the leal article. Besides, Kandy, from having so important a relic as the Buddha s tooth large enough to serve as a dentist's sign is the very holy of holies of Bud dhism. . To this place must the seeker after truth come, and here we were, the secret almost within sight and bearing. So we meandered half way round the lovely embowered lake which adorns Handy- an artificial construction of the Kandyan kings, 800 years old, fed by a pure mountain stream and came to a maze of stone buildings, under bo trees and spreading palms. At the entrance we were joined by a numerous retinue of priests and monks, draped in mantles about the size of sheets, yellow in color, arranged to leave the right arm and shoulder bare. This is the costume of one sect. ' The other covers both shoulders. We were conducted through narrow ways, under projecting leaves, which gave a pleasant shelter from the tropical sun, and with considerable flurry were introduced into a room opening on a gallery occu pied by a single old man. He was re clining on a lounge, and as his yellow robe had slipped down he presented the appearance of a Spare bronze figure. He elowly rose to receive us, adjusting his flowing robe. Chairs were brought for us, and we sat down, while the attend ant priests stood about, curious in pic turesque attitudes. . Saving the chaplain for the more knotty points, I announced through the interpreter that we were travelers from America, having a lively interest in the country, students of all forms of hu man development and happy to be able to meet and converse with one who stands high in the Buddhist faith; that the name and fame of Buddha were not unknown to ns, and that we came re spectfully to learn more of his teach ings; that there were admirers of Bud dha and Buddhism in our country who would be glad to hear what he could tell us better than anybody else. The high priest bowed and furtively scratched his side under the loose folds of his robe. We took this as a favor able symptom, and the chaplain squared himself for the delivery of questions which had been growing hotter and hot ter within him for three months. He asked leading questions in his impa tience to get on, and 1 cannot undertake to follow them in their order. But the substance of what we learned was that Buddhism is the one true way, 'and he who obeys its laws obtains peace. ; The five points of the law prohibit killing, lying, stealing, uncbastity and intem perance. The chaplain asked if all the priests in Ceylon are celibates. The answer came out rathor slowly that they are all required to be, and that when it is discovered that one is not he is dis-' robed and can be priest no more. j We were informed that Buddhism is kept in its purity in Ceylon, and that Kandy is undoubtedly the true center of it, because it bus the Buddha's tooth. They have a catechism which is taught to the youth, and the priests give ethical instruction to the people by preaching and teaching at stated times. The law against killing animals is very strict. The chaplain asked the high priest if be would kill a cobra. He said be would not. . "What would you do if one came Linto your room?" asked the chaplain. The reply was that he would remove him. To the question, "What is under stood by Nirvana?" the answer was that it was a state of perfect peace, no de sire unsatisfied, . conscious happinesB. One of the other priests put in a remark which seemed intended to modify the last expression. He said: "In a warm day we are fanned. We cannot see the air, but it gives us pleasure." They used metaphors in several cases. ' They spoke of life as a candle burning in the wind, which disturbed its flame. Pro tected, it burns steadily. , The chaplain asked if they believed in God. The reply was that there are many gods some good, some bad. But who created the world? It came into existence spontaneously It could not do otherwise, as a cocoanut tree bears cocoanuts and no other fruit.- . The old gentleman spoke sententious ly. His teeth, unlike Buddha's, have hot been preserved. He seemed rather amused at some of the questions, and he frequently scratched himself under his robe. There are about 60 priests and mojks attached to this temple. They f r se at 4 o'clock in the morning, de vote some hours to study, then go out with their bowls on begging expeditions, return to study in the afternoon, clean up the buildings and grounds, go to bed at 10. . They are not wholly dependent on what they get by begging. , I do not think the chaplain will be come a Buddhist. He did not get any thing to convince him that Buddhism is the only right way. Cor. Boston Her ald. . H , . ( . , At Saltsburg, Austria, a man was kept prisoner in a cellar for 15 yeas, during which time he never saw a human face. I HOITT'S SCHOOL FOlt BOYS. Burlingame, San Mateo County, Cal., will reopen August 6th. It is in charge of Ira G. Hoitt, ex-State Superintendent, and is one oi tne oest scnoois ior Doys in uamor- nia. o. J) . Hixaminer. . . . Arrangements are being made to bore for coal on the marsh land adjoin ing the Beaver mill mine, Or., to de termine the depth the vein lies under ground. . . - . : - LIKE A SIEVE. The chief function of the kidneys is to separ ate from the blood, in its passage through tbem, of certain impurities and watery particles which make their final exit through the bladder. Tbe retention of these in consequence of inactivity of the kidneys is productive of Bright's disease, dropsy, diabetes, albuminuria and other mala dies wun a latai tendency, uosieiter s oromacn Bitters, a biehly sanctioned diuretic and blood depurent, impelB the kidneys wben inactive to renew their sifting function, and strain Irom the vital current impurities which infest it and threaten their own existence as organs of the body. Catarrh of the bladder, gravel and reten tion of the urine are also maladies arrested or averted bv this benign promoter and res'ora. tive ot organic' action. Malaria, rheumatlBm, constipation, biliousness and dyspepsia also yield to the Bitters, which is also speedily bene- nciai to tne wean, ana nervous. "Are you going to the Browns' dance?" "No, I havn't been asked." "Oh-I suppose it's quite a young people s dance, you know." "Goodluck has had bis salary raised. Was it for extra work?" f-Yeg; he always listens when tne proprietor tens Bis Daoy s smart sayings." HOW'S THIS? . We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured Dy Hairs uatarrn uurei F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo. Ohio We. the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the past 15 years, and believe mm perfectly nonoraoie in an Dusiness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by tneir nrm. West & Tbtjax, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O, ' Waldino, Kinhan & Mabvik, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O ' Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bot tle. Bold oy ail uruggists. , , testimonials tree. . . For Whooping Cough Piso's Cure is a successful remedy. M. r. dieteb, b7 Throop Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y Nov. 14, '94. , MUSIC STORE Wiley B. Allen Co., the oldest, the largest, 211 First St., Portland. ; Chickering, Hardman, Fischer Pianos, Estey Organs. Low prices, easy terms. 10-CENT MUSIC Send for catalogues. . Tbt Gkrmka for breakfast.- Your Health Depends Upon pure. rich, healthy blood. There fore, see that your blood is xiade pure by ood's ' Sarsaparil la The 1 only true blood purifier promi nently in the public eye today. HOOD'S PILLS 3--GAU-DMS--3 July 3, 4, 5, '95 -IN- PoRTLAN D, Oregon Parade Starts 10:30 fl. JH. of . the Fourth. Gorgeous Pyrotechnic Display -AT NIGHT- Speed Association Races in tne Afternoon v for Purses Aggregating $29,000. ,-: Races From June 20 to July 6. REDUCED RATES ON ALL THE LINES See small bills for Programmes,' Ely's Cream Balml QUICKLY CUKES COLD in HE AD I Price SOCtsTI Innl.R.lm intn ntteth nnatrif. Ely Bkos., KWarren St., N. T 2SfcJtonC0LDl WSJ? A Artificial Eyes Elastic Stockings Trusses . Crutches .:. . Write for Prices... WOODARD, CLARKE & CO, DRUGGISTS ..Portland, Oregon MDC WINCinW'C Soothing til HO. IIIIIOLUII V SYRUP - FOR CHILDREN TEETHING For sale br all lrurvlit. B5 Cents a bottle. Summer Complaints, there is no cure equal to Pain-Killer. Get a bottle to-day. ' Keep it con stantly on hand, for there is no kind of pain or ache internal or external that - aIrB-KilSeE will not relieve. Accept no imitation or substitute. Genuine has Perry Davis & Son on bottle. The U quantity has been doubled, but the price is still 2 kc. - SHEEP-DIP LITTLE'S . POWDER DIP THE BEST MADE! Mixes with cold water. E eliable and safe. . James laidlaw a do, Putud, or, otjskse- taptxtt t n nn JO WELL-KNOWN BEER (IN KEGS OK BOTTLES) Second to none- ' THY IT.. No matter wiiere from. 1'OBTL iHD, OR. Anti FERMENTINE Preserves all kinds of Fruit without cooking, and retains their -'v:;-," natural flavor. . ', DON'T BORROW TRO U BLE." BUY S A PO L IO 'TIS CHEAPER IN THE END. Estab. 1866. COR B ITT & MACLEAY CO. Inc. 1 803. IMPORTERS, SHIPPING and COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Liberal advance made on approved consignments of Wheat, Flour, Oats, Wool and Hops. Special Imports from China, Japan und In dia: Tea, Coffee, Rice, MattiDg and Rugs, Spices, Sago, Tapioca, China Nut Oil, etc. From Liv erpool: Liverpool Fine, Coarse and Lump Rock Salt, Chemicals of all kinds, Tinplate, selected No. 1 returned Wheat Bags, Hop Burlap, Roll Brimstone, Bass Ale, Guinness' Porter, Scotch and Irish Whisky, Brandy and Wines, for sale in quantities to suit the trade. PORTLAND, OR. Chichester s English. Red Cross THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE. Th only Safe. Sure, udrsKofrl Pill for lala. IiSdfe. uk Druggist for Chichester $ Snalish Diamond Brand in Uori and OniA boxes sealed with blue ribbon. Take n othnr kind. Rtfua SubatiiittOmM and rmiintmM All pills In pasteboard boxes, pink wrappers, are danATerona eounterfetta. At Druggists, or send al 4v. In stamps for particulars, testimonials, and "Relief for Ladlea," (n letter, bj return MalL 10,000 Testimonials. Kame Paper. Bold by all Local Urua-irlata. tlUCHESTElt CHEMICAL CO., S81 Madlso. SgT, FHILADELPHIA, PA. Diamond Brand t CHICKEN MISIKQ PAYS if you use the Petalum" Ifjffl Incubators tjt Brooders. Make money while others are wasting time by old processes. Catalog tells all about It, and describes every article needed for the. poultry business, jrjM illustrated I I QL Catalogue Ui The "ERIE" mechanically the best wacci, jrreiiiesi mouet. We are Pacific Coast Agents. Bicycle cata-t logrue.mauea lree, gives full description, prices, etc., agents wanted. PETALOMA nrCUBATOR CO.,Petalnma,Cal. Branch House, 131 8 Main St, Los Angeles. HERCULES n Engines ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT 15 The BEST FOR Dyspeptic,DeIicate,Infirm and AGED PERSONS JOHN CARLE & SONS. New York. DROPSY TRFATF.n FPinr PoflitlT ly Cured with Vegetable RemedLlc. Have cured thn ntM.n fin - mu. rnM mba n. aounoed hopeless by best physicians. From flrstdow symptoms disappear; in ten day latleaat two-thirds wl symptoms removed. Bend for free book testimo dials of miraculous cures. Ten Jays' treatment free by mail. If yon order trial, send lOo. In atamne urpsy puBiage. uk. n.i.tJHiBN e bons, Atlanta, w. FRAZER BEST IN THE WORLD. AXLE CREASE ' Its wearine Qualities are unsurpassed, actuallv outlasting two boxes of any other brand. Free irom Animal uus. iiux this ukhuihii, 1TOR BALK BY OREGON AND fVWASHINOTON HEBCHANTS-Vl , , aua ueaiers generally. AMERICAN Palmer & Rey Branch ; Blectrotypers . v Stereotypers... Merchants in Gordon and Peerless Presses, Cylinder Presses, Paper Cutters, Motors of all kinds, , Folders, Printing Material. Patentees of Self-Spacing Type. Sole Makers of Copper-Alloy Type - 1 . C NOTED FOE , , . SIMPLICITY, STRENGTH; ECONOMY AND SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP , In Every Detail. "vr These engines are acknowledged by expert en gineers to be worthy of highest commendation for simplicity, high-grade material and superior Vnrlcman.hlr, Than .v.- 7 .. UU..UU.H. .up, uoTwuii me lull actual horse power, and run without an Electric Spar . j , oj.reiu yi ikuiliuu is simple, inex pensive and reliable. . . For pumping outfits for Irrigating purposes llO better AllCrillA MS Wa falmH nn t'ha TaAln Coast For hoisting outfits for mines they have met with highest approval. For intermittent power their economy Is unquestioned. MQIM MANUFACTURED BY PALMER REY TYPE FOUNDRY, PORTLAND, - ORECON Send for catalogue. I Kt-S WHrUF Al I f SC All $ I Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. m ma eoia Dy druggists.