Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report kH MA ABSOLUTELY PURE Management. Nobody likes being managed. The secret of management is not known to all, but those who have learned it from the good fairies who preside over do- mestic tranquillity have attained brevet rank among the fortunate of the world There is everything in taking people at the right moment and in suggesting an arrangement instead of ordering an ar bitrary change of base. "My cousin Cornelia," said a lady, "always has her own way, without ever seeming to want it. 1 Jabez, her husband, constant ly proposes things in a masterful fash ion, which he imagines first occurred to bis own brain, the truth being that he is merely carrying out what Cor nelia determined upon before the good man had so much as had a glimpse of trie situation. A secret of successful management in the home campaign is briefly stated in a sentence, "Keep your temper and do not antagonize any one. "I am Ieav ing home for a week, " a mother ob- Berved, "and I have given Phyllis charge of the house, her father and the boy." " But Dorothy is the older daughter, is she not?" was the inquiry of the per son addressed. ' "Yes, Dorothy is the older, but not the wiser in this particular instance, " eaid the mother. "Dorothy never con ciliates. She asserts and endeavors to enforce her wishes. The result is strife and bitterness. Phyllis is gentle and patient. She yields in minor matters and only makes a stand where some thing worth struggling for is involved I go away with a light heart when it is a question of dropping my cares into the hands of Phyllis. " Harper's Bazar. Shopper Isn't 5 rather dear lor this? Sales- man I he price Is 2, That ether ticket Is meant to be kept ou when you make a present oi uie urucie. OTHERS L recovering from the illness at tending child- birth, or who suf- 'fer from the ef- i fects of disorders, derangements ana displace merits of the wo manly organs. ' will find relief and a permanent cure in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Taken during pregnancy, the " Prescription " HAKES CHILDBIRTH EASY by preparing the system for parturition, thus assisting Nature and shortening "labor." The painful ordeal of child--birth is robbed of its terrors, and the dangers thereof greatly lessened, to both mother and child. The period of con finement is also greatly shortened, the mother strengthened and built up, and an abundant secretion of nourishment for the child promoted. ' HEALS RUNNING SORES CURES THE SERPENT'S STING mnmmi CONTAGIOUS In all its stages completely eradicat BLOOD POISON edbyss.s. obsti. . ""yw" nate sores and wsf uh,h,i j cm ulcers yield to its healing- powers. It re moves the poison and builds up (he system Mult)! treatise on the disease nd IH treatment mailed free . SWIFT SPECIFIC CO .AtW.r.. DR. GUNN'S IMPROVED LIVER PILLS A MILD PHYSIC. INH! PITT FIYR. A DOSE. A move raent of the bowols each day is necessary for health.- TheBe pills supply what the system laoksto make ft regular. They cure Headache, brighten the Ryes, and clear the Complexion better than cosmetics. They neither (Tripe nor sioken. To convince yon, we will mail pimple iroe, or a full box for C6c. Sold every Where. EOSANKO MED. CO., Philadelphia, WALTER BAKER & GO. The Largest Manufacturer of , PURE, HIGH GRADE Cocoas and Chocolates On thb Continent, have received HIGHEST AWARDS from the great i Industrial and Food EXPOSITIONS IN EUROPE AND AMERICA, Caution : Ln..T.ler,?',5! 1 of the lobeli and wrapper on our poous, continue ihouiu make ruro that our plaro of niantifnrture, namely, Dorchester, Mass is printed on each package SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE. WALTER DAKER & CO., OORGHESTER, MASS. N. P. N. TJ. No. 602-S. F. N. U. No. 67S LJ Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use PT1 In time. Bold by druggists. X ( KtS WHhKt AIL HSI U S, i : 'Bakih A WAB ECHO. EVERY HONORABLE VETERAN DESERVES HIS PENSION. And the Lone limb Ig Not the Only Reason for Receiving a Govern ment Reward Klther. From Journal, Lewiston, Me. Samuel R. Jordan has just given the Journal an account of his life, which, in view of his extremely hard lot for the past few years will be read with interest. "I am 48 years old and have always lived in New Portland. I enlisted in the army in 1862 as a private in Com pany A, 28th Maine Volunteers. My army experience injuried my health to some extent, although I worked at blacksmithing some part of the time, when suddenly, several years ago, J was prostrated with what able' physi oians pronounced Looomotor Ataxia, At first I oould get around somewhat yet thedisease progressed quite rapidly until I had hardly any feeling in my legs and feet, they felt like sticks of wood and I grew so much worse that I could not move for three years without help, as my neighbors and friends can testify. I employed several physi- cians in my vicinity, and elsewhere, and they all told me that medicines would not help me, that they could do nothing to effect a cure and that in time I should become entirely helpless. I beoame discouraged. I was a great care to my wife and friends. Shortly after I met an old army comrade, Mr. All. Farlin, a resident of Madison, and he inoidently mentioned how he had tried Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for a severe case of rheumatism and a spinal and malarial trouble, that he had suffered in consequenoe of his army life, and had been greatly benefited by their use. By his earnest recommend ation I was induced to try the pills. After taking them for a time I began to feel prickly sensations in my legs and a return of strength so I could move them a little. After a few weeks I began to feel a marked improvement in my conditions. I soon was enabled to walk around a little with the help of crutohes. After taking for some time I oan now walk without orutohes, my general health is much improved and I have regained my old-time vigor. oan walk about and enjoy life once more, for which I feel very thankful, and this happy result is due to the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." ' Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are not a patent medicine in the sense that name implies. They , were first compounded as a prescription and I used as such in genearal practice by an eminent physician. So great was their efficaoy that it was deemed wise to place them within the reach of all, They are now manufactured by the Dr. Williams' Medioine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. , and are sold in boxes (never in loose form by the dozen or hundred, and the public are caution ed against numerous imitations sold in this shape) at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.60, and may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company. A BAD MARK FROM GOD. A Little Girl's Original Definition In Court of "What Is a Sin?" An incident worth reoording occurred before Chief Judge Sedgewick of the superior oourt in the trial of the action brought in behalf of Ida Goldberg to re cover $15,000 damages from Edward Ridley & Sons for injuries received in being knooked down and run over by one of the wagons of the firm. ;The girl had her arm fractured. The defense was that she was responsible for the acci dent by her own negligence. , Lottie Goldberg, a sister of the plain tiff, who is only 1 1 years of age, was called to the witness chair to testify to the circumstances of the accident. She was such a little child that she was questioned as to her understanding the nature of an oath, in order to ascertain whether she should be allowed to testify. "Do you understand the nature of an oath?" "Yes, sir." "What is It?" , "It is a swear." On cross examination the little girl was asked: "What do you mean when you say it is a swear?" "Well, it is that I have to tell the truth." "If you don't tell the truth, what then?" "That would be a sin." "What is a sin?" "A bad mark from God, " answered the little one. The venerable chief judge was visibly touched at this answer of the child and remarked, "This is a very intelligent child and perfectly understands the ob ligations of an oath. " She was then al lowed to give her testimony. New York Recorder. Tramps Walk. Johnny Papa, where do tramps get all their money to make European trips? Papa Who said tramps made Euro pean trips? Johnny Nobody I know of, but there's so much in the papers about tramp steamers that I thought they all did. Roxbury (Masa) Gazette. A CUTE LITTLE MAN. HAPPY CHANCE ENABLED HIM TO ; .FOIL THE ROAD AGENTS. He Kept His Own Counsel Until the Jour ney Ended and Then Saved His Neck by Explaining The Old Lady With Money In Her Shoe Had to Give Up. "One day in 1879, " said an old stage driver to a newspaperman, "the Black Bills coach left Cheyenne for Deadwood with eight passengers seven were men, one was a woman. As they journeyed toward Deadwood they conversed among themselves. Each expressed different cpinions as to the probability of a hold tip. Some said they would hide money Under the cushions, others would sur render what bills or gold they might possess, while two or three men exhib ited revolvers and vowed that they would make resistance. The woman said she had only $100 in the world She had come out west to make a living by keeping a restaurant in the mining camps and had done very well until a fire destroyed her property and her In vestment. She was going back to her son in New England to spend the re mainder of her days upon the farm.x The safest place imaginable, in her opinion, was the sole of her left foot, and she had accordingly placed two $50 bills inside her shoe. "There was a small man seated In the corner next to the driver. His hat was pulled well over his eyes, and he kept constantly in his lap a small black valise. He took no part in the conver sation, and it was not long until the passengers, who received rather curt responses to such questions as they ad dressed to him, began to regard his ac tions with suspicion. "Well, the coach rolled on toward Deadwood. Next morning toward 9 o'clock the expected robbers appeared The messenger was shot and slightly wounded, the horses were held and both driver and messenger compelled to dis mount and put up their hands. The passengers were ordered out of the coach, and it is needless to say that they obeyed with alacrity. The three men who were to resist the robbers were So awed ' by the presence of several large revolvers thrust in their faces that they gave up their treasures with little re monstrance. Said one of the robbers, 'It's agin our rules to bother women, so, old girl, we won't search you.' While two of the desperadoes went through the pockets of the men another happened to see the small man in the corner. 'Hello, said he. 'here's one in the coach. Come out of there.' The man appeared, but without his little black valise. He was very poorly dressed, thin, pale and affected by a hacking cough. Said he: 'Boys, I hain't got much only a few dollars. 1 am going back east to die. If you take what little I got, I won't have no money to get meals. My railroad ticket ain't any use to you. If you will let me alone, I will tell you where you can get $100.' "At this the poor old woman turned pale and some of the passengers began to mutter. " 'All right,' said the spokesman of the bandits, 'we'll search you, and if you ain't lying we'll let you go if you'll tell us where we can get that $100. ' "So they searched him and found $7 or $8 in silver in his pockets, which they let him keep. " 'Now,' said the consumptive look ing man, 'if you'll make this old wom an take off her left shoe, you will find next to the sole two $50 bills.' "The robbers compelled the old wom an to loosen her shoe and found the money. Upon this they took their de parture, the passengers mounted the coach, and the journey toward Dead wood was resumed. . "Scarcely had they entered when a torrent of abuse was poured upon the small man. 'You villain,' said one, 'you ought to be hung.' One of the men called to the driver to stop. The mean man in the corner was dragged out of the coach, and the excited passengers were about to string him up to the near est tree. , 1 ' 'One minute just one minute!' pleaded he. 'It is only 10 or 12 miles to the next station, and it is customary in this country to give a man a little show for his life. 1 beg of you just go that far, and if I can't properly explain yon can hang me.' , "The driver told the passengers that the men at the station would not inter fere if the suspect could not make a proper defense, so they all re-entered the coach and proceeded upon their journey. There was little said during the next hour and a half. The mean man was closely watched by the male passengers, and escape for him was im possible. "As the buildings of the station came into view upon the coach suddenly swinging around a bend in the road the small man brightened up considerably. Now, 'said he, 'I will tell you. We are perfectly safe here, as this end of the line is tree from robbers. I have $25,000 in my grip, and the only way that I could save it was by diverting the attention of the jobbers to someone in the party. Unfortunately that one had to be the lady. That is why I have kept my own counsel during the jour ney. As the coach rolled up in front of the postoffice he opened his valise, pre sented the old lady with six $20 bills and in addition gave each of the other passengers sufficient money to cover bis expenses to Deadwood." San Fran cisco Examiner. . On the High Seas. Steward Did you ring, sir? Passenger Yes, 1 I rang, waiter. Steward Can I get you anything? Passenger Ye-es, waiter. Br-bring me some terra firma, or at least an is land bring me something solid no ma-matter what jt is. If you can't do that then scut-scuttle the ship! Am Airs. iiuutiu-ii'B Uailia. Mrs. C. P. Huntington recently got a new maid. She instructed her about the arrangement of her bath. "You will prepare my bath overy morning and every night, "she began. "Mon Dieu!" exclaimed the new maid, "two baths a day I Why, my last lady took one in a week, and the little children only took one a week too. " "Poor little wretches!" exclaimed the new mistress. And she tells the story in the same spirit, but she does not tell whom .her maid lived with before she got her. The two baths a day are supposed to have an effect in keeping down her flesh. Philadelphia Press. . . ' . ' . To the Manner Born. Grubber What a well bred man Mixer is! Dumley (who doesn't like him) He ought to be. His father is a baker. Quips. LIKE A SIEVE. The chief function of the kidneys Is to separ ate from the blood, in its passage through them, of certain impurities and watery particles which make their final exit through the bladder. The retention of these In consequence of inactivity of the kidneys is productive of Bright s d sease, dropsy, diabetes, albuminuria and other mala dies with a fatal tendency. Hostetter's Stomach B liters, a highly sanctioned diuretic and blood depurent, impels the kidneys when inactive to renew their slfiing function, nnd strain irom the vital current impurities which Infest it and threaten their own existence as organs of the body. Catarrh of the bladder, gravel and reten tion of the urine are also maladies arrested or averted by this benign promoter and restora tive of organic action. Malaria, rheumatism, constipation, biliousness and dyspepsia also yield to the Bitters, which is also speedily bene- nciai to tne weaK ana nervous. ' Dodge I attended a seance last night The medium called up the spiritof Napoleon. Lodge what message does ha seuar Dodge lie de nies everything and demands an investigation. HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured oy iiaii'8 uatarrn uure! i i J. CHENEY & CO., Props., - Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the past 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. - West & Teuax, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O. WALDINO, KlNNAN & MAEVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucoUB surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bot tle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials frefe. - NEW WAT EAST NO DUST. Go East from Portland. Pendleton, Walla Walla via O. R. & N. to Spokane and Great Northern Railway to Montana, Dakotas, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago, Omaha, St Louis, East ana South. Rock-ballast track; fine scenery; new equipment; Great North ern Palace Sleepers and Diners; Family Tourist Cars; Buffet-Library Cars. Write O. C. Donovan, General Agent, Portland, Oregon, or F. I. Whitney, G. P. & T. A., St. Paul, Minn., for printed matter and in formation about rates, routes, etc 3--GM-DAYS--3 July 3, 4, 5, '95 -IN- PoRTLAND, Oregon Parade Starts 10:30 fl. of the Fourth. Gorgeous Pyrotechnic Display o -AT NIGHT o Speed Association Races in the Afternoon for Purses Aggregating $29,000. Races From June 20 to July 6. REDUCED RATES ON ALL THE LINES See small bills for Programmes, DR. LIEBIC & CO., Special Doctors for Chronic, Private and Wasting Diseases. Dr. Lfeblg'a Invigorator the greatest remedy for Heminal Weakness, Loss of Manhood and Private Diseases, Overcomes Prematureness and prepares all for marriage life's duties, pleasures and respon sibilities; fi trial bottle given or sent free to any one describing symptoms ; call or address 400 Geary St., private entrance 405 Mason St., San Francisco. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT IS THE BEST Nursing Mother, I n fants CHILDREN JOHN CARLE & SONS. New York. HOITT'S SCHOOL FOR SOTS. Ira G. Hoitt, Ph. D., Master at Bnrlin game, San Mateo county, Col., is one of tbe best schools' for boys on the Pacific Coast. I cannot speak too highly of Piso's Cure for Consumption. Mes. Fkank Mobbs, 215 W. 22d St., N. Y., Oct. 29, 1894. MUSIC STORE Wiley B. Allen Co., the oldest, the largest, 211 First St., Portland. Chickerlng, Hardraan, Fischer Pianos, Estey Organs. Low prices, easy terms. 10-CBNT MCSlC-Send for catalogue!. Tbt Germea for breakfast. Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts fently yet promptly on the Kidneys, liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. - CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, KY. NEW YORK, N.Y, "REX" 5cCigar5c KING OF ALL. Full Caballeros size, S35 per thousand: 3 per cent cash discount. All first-class dealers should keep them. If your dealer does not keep them : WRITE SIG SHHELS G0.,AGLrs Portland, Or Samples free. Correspondence solicited. I used Ely's Cream Balm jor catarrh and have re ceived great benefit. I be lieve it a safe and certain cure. Very pleasant to titer, r. - ' , CATARRH ELY'S CREAM BAIM Opens and cleanses ihe Nasal Passages, Allays Pain and Inflamma tion, Heals the Sores, Protects the Membrane from colds, Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. The Balm ig quickly absorbed and gives relief at once. A particle is applied into each nostril, and is agreeable. Price, 60 oeuts at Druggists' or by mall. ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warren Street, New York. MDO UIIHCimATC Soothing FOR CHILDREN TEETHING For olo by nl 1 Druretatfl. 25 Cents a bottle. SHEEP-DIP LITTLE'S Mixes JAMES LAIOUW WEINHARD'S Antifermentine Preserves all kinds of Fruit without cooking, nd retains their natural flavor. "HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOL O Insist on ARH W HAMER SODA packag in Costs no more than inferior package soda never spoils the flour, keeps soft, versally acknowledged purest in Made only by CHURCH & CO., New York. Sold fcy grocers everywhere. , Writ for Ann and Ham mar Book of ralu&bls Reoipes FREE. How is Your BiSod? Ifitispoor and thin and lacking in the number and quality of those red corpus cles, you are in danger of sickness from disease germs and the enervating effect ot warm weather. Purify your blood with Hood's Sarsapari.la The great blood purifier which-has proved its merit by a record of cures unequalled in medical history. With pure, rich blood you will be well and strong. Do not neglect this important matter but take Hood's Sarsapanlla now. UnA'n CV 1 1 are tasteless, mild, effec- nUUU I-I native. All druenists. 25o. Gl STAYER X GO. succEssoas sxAYER WALKER PORTLAND, OREGON General Agents for Aultman & Tavlob Thebshkes, Teaction Engines and DlNGEB WOODBUEY PoWEB. A Have for Sale v HAND-CASE SEPARATORS AND ENGINES And other Machinery of Staver & Walker Stock to dose out cheap. Write for Catalogue and Prices. Room 550 Worcester Block, Portland, Or. AMERICAN YPE FOUNDERS I. Palmer & Rey Branch Electrotypers Stereotypers... Merchants 1 in Gordon and Peerless Presses, Cylinder Presses, Paper Cutters, Motors of all kinds, Folders, Printing Material. - Patentees of Self-Spacing Type. Sole Makers of Copper-Alloy Type. CHICKEN RAISIKG PAYS if you use the Petalum Incubators A Brooders. Make money while others are wasting time bv old processes. Catalog tells all about it, and describes every article needed for the. poultry business. The "ERIE" mechanically the best wheel. Prettiest model. we are Pacific Coast Agents. Bicycle cata- loirue, mailed iree.gives fulldescription, prices, etc., agents wanted. PETALUMA INCUBATOR CO.,Petalnma,Cal. Branch Housb, 3i S Main St., Los Angeles. FRAZER BEST IN THE WORLD. AXLE CREASE Its wearing qualities are unsurpassed, actually outlasting two boxes of any other brand. Free from Animal Oils GET THE GKND1IIK, FOR SALE BY OREGON AND WASHINGTON MERCHANTS' ana ueaiers generally. - YOUNG YOU CAN MAKE MONEY BAL ing hay with a good Hay Press. Write us for information. BICYCLES Wn sell all the liest first class Bicycles. Write 2: lor catalogue. . I. J. TRUMAN & CO., 336 Bush Street, San Francisco, Cal. Please mention this Paper when writing. A SURE CURE FOR PILES Itching Piles known bj moisture like perepiration, ci intense itching when warm. Thia form and Blind, Bl cause Leeo DR. BO-SAN-KO'S PILE REMEDY, which cts directly on parts affected, absorbs tumors, al lays itching, effecting a permanent cure. Price bite. Druggists or mail, lr. Bosauko, PMlad., p POWDER DIP THE BEST MADE I with cold water. Reliable and safe. . 4 CO,, Poitani, Or, 'fanl: WELL-KNOWN BEER . ,(IN KEGS OR BOTTLES) Second to none TY IT.. No matter where from. " 1'ORTLiND, OR. BMW ARB Of imitation trade marks and labels. and is mi. tbe world. a MSB, ,1