U. S. Gov't Baking Powder ; "Tests.-"'.;- : " ; ' THE report of the analyses of Baking Powders, made by the U. S. Government (Chemical Division, Ag'l Dep't), shows the Royal superior to all other powders, , and gives its leavening strength and the strength of each of the other. cream of tartar powders tested as follows: ROYAL, Absolutely Pure, ' AH OTHER POWDERS TESTED are reported to con tain both lime and sulphuric acid, and the best of them to be of the following strengths respectively, v" . These tests, made in the Gov't Laboratory, by impartial and unprejudiced official chemists, furnish the highest , evidence that the " Royal" is the best baking powder. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. THE STORY OF A CLIPPER. She Sailed Like a Witch and Engaged la More Trades Than One. , ' . A young Swede came to this oonntry in 1851 with some money and the in tention of bnilding a craft to be fitted up for passengers to the World's fair in London. , For this purpose he located himself at Portsmouth, contracted with shipbuilders who had shipyards at Eliot, just opposite Portsmouth, for a ship of about 1,000 tons, with expen sive cabin arrangements for passengers. The model of the ship was that of an extreme clipper. ' When nearly completed, the projec tor fell short of money. Masts, spars and sails had all been contracted for and were in a state of forwardness. The meohanics' concluded to complete the ship and put her in the hands of Gov ernor Goodwin of Portsmouth for sale, each contractor to take his pro rata of his oon tract. When oompleted, the ship, under mechanics' lien, was transferred to the governor, brought to Boston, purchased by Sampson & Tappan, named the Nightingale and under the command of a Captain Dumaresque sailed for Aus tralia with a oargo valued at $125,000. From there she proceeded to China, where she took the highest freight of the season, 5 per ton for London. To test her merits Messrs. Sampson & Tap pan published in the London Times a challenge to the British merchant fleet to race from the Downs to China and back for 10,000 a distance of nearly 80,000 miles. But no one oould be found to aooept the challenge. She was after ward sold to a Salem house, who sent her to Rio Janiero, where she was sold and sent to the ooast of Africa as a slaver, was captured by a United States cruiser, the slaves liberated and the vessel sent home. She was subsequent ly used by the government during the rebellion, and after the olose of the war was sold and put into , the California trade. The Nightingale made the short est known run from the equator to Mel bourne 25 days. " Her whole passage from New York was 68 days. Proceed ings of the Bostonian Sooitty. HIGHEST AWARD WORLD'S FAIR. IS The BEST PREPARED SOLD EVERYWHERE. JOHN CARLE & 50NS, New York. DR. LIEBIC & CO., Special Doctors for Chronic, Private and Wasting Diseases. Dr. LIeblgr'8 Invlgorator the greatest remedy for Meminal Weakness, Loss of Manhood and Private Diseases, Overcomes Prematureneas and prepares all for marriage life's duties, pleasures and respon sibilities; fi trial bottle given or sent free to any one describing symptoms; call or address 400 Geary St., private entrance 406 Mason St., San Francisco. TAKE PrilfsfDER'S. OreepnBloodPuhifier, -CURES' .KIDNEY LIVER DISEASES. DYSPEPSIA.' P MPLES.BLOTCHES AND SKIN DISEASES. JHCADACHO C0SI1VENESS. v-lfJTil ft SURE CURE FOR PILES Itomng Piles known by moisture like perspiration, eann Intense itohin when warm. ThisformandBlind,Bteed lug or Protruding Piles yield at once to DR. BO-SAN-KO'S PILE REMEDY, wbloh ots diroctly on parts affected, absorbs tumors! U lays itohing. effecting a permanent cure. Prioe 6(j, Vroggtsts or mail. Or. Uonuiiko, i'ullada. , Pa. FRAZER BEST IN THE WORLD. AXLE CREASE Itn wearing qualities are unsurpassed, aotnallt outlasting two boxes of anv other brand. Fret from Animal oils. OKT THE GKNU1.NK. . FUR 8AEE BY OREGON AND HOT-WASHINGTON MERCHANTS-! and Dealers generally. U n II II ft YOU CAN MAKE MONEY BAL- I II II N ll inR hay with a good Hay Press. w w Write us for Intormatiou. wo BICYCLES W sell all thf best flrBt class Bicycles. Writ mr uat-'iogue. I. J. TRUMAN & CO., 836 Bush Street, San Francisco, Cal. Please mention this Paper whoa writing. A II i? LEAVENING OAS. Per cent. Cubic in. per oz. . . l60.6 . . 151. 1 . 133-6 . 123.3 .114. ' . '.' 1 1 1.6 . , . 06.5 . . 87.4 ,'106 WALL ST., NEW-YORK. EXTRAORDINARY! AN OCCURENCE THAT WAS MAR VELOUS INDEED. Not Uerely Belief From an Insignia, cant Ailment, But a Human Life Involved. The newsgatherer on his daily search for items of interest often oomes aoross happenings of more than passing note. It was during a recent conversation with Mr. A. H. Cransby, the 1 well known commercial traveler, with the Cochran Lumber Company, that a re porter of the Commercial learned of a wonderful case. Mr. Cransby is well known in Memphis and surrounding country, and now resides at 158 Kerr street. .: ' ..- ': Just ten years ago," said he, my wife noticed a small lump in her breast. She thought nothing of it, but it moreased in size rapidly, and soon broke through the skin, . and com menced to discharge. She was put under treatment of the best physicians, but they very soon found that they oould do her no good, and simply pre scribed antiseptics to keep the place clean. Both her grandmother and aunt, by the way, had died with can cer, and when apprised of this fact, the doctors told me that they would not attempt to save her; that she was incurable. Although the cancer had by this time beoome deep seated, and her health very low, I had one of the most noted specialists of New York to treat her. After treating her awhile, this doctor admitted that the case was hopeless and further treatment useless. It is difficult to imagine how despond ent we all became, knowing that, she must die, and unable to give her any relief. I had spent over five hundred dollars with the best medical skill to be had, and felt that there was no fur ther hope. ' "One day I happened to read an ad vertisement of S. S. S., recommending this remedy for cancer, and in view of the failure of the most eminent physi cians in the country I confess I had lit tle faith left in any human agency. However, I purchased a bottle of S. S. S., and to my delight it seemed to ben efit her; after she had taken a couple of bottles, the cancer began to heal, and as astonishing as it may seem ' a few bottles more cured her entirely. You can probably better understand how remarkable this cure was when I explain that the cancer had eaten two holes m the breast two inches deep. These healed up entirely and although ten years have elapsed, not a sign of the disease has ever returned and we are assured of the permanence of the cure, which we at first doubted. "I oertainly regard S. S. S. as the most wonderful remedy in the world, and it is truly a God-send to those afflicted with this terrible disease. Yes, sir," he concluded, "you may be sure that I shall always be grateful to that remedy, for without it my home would now be desolate and my children motherless. ' ' Memphis, Tenn. , Com mercial. ' : Died While the Doctors Quarreled. ' Here is the latest episode of Parisian life. The cold weather of late has been rather severe on the simian population of the gay capital, and it was keenly felt by Maurice, the orang-outang of the Jardian d'Acclimatation. When Maurice fell ill, it was decided by the managers of the Jardin that inasmuch as Maurice possessed . far more resem blance to a man than to an animal, a regular doctor should be summoned, and accordingly the services of a physi cian were invoked. On his arrival bow ever, the doctor declared that, as the patient occupied an intermediary place between the quadrumanes and the hu manes, its treatment should devolve upon a veterinary surgeon, who, how ever, hesitated . to assume the re sponsibility on the ground that Mau rice was . more human than beast. While the discussion was in progress between the two medicos the monkey died. Boston Herald. . .-!.. Woman Knocks at Its Door. A bill is pending in the Virginia legis lature for the admission of women to the University of Virginia. Hon. John E. Massey has argued in favor of the measure before the committee on schools and colleges. The bill is based on the recommendation in the governor's mes sage that provision be made for the more liberal education of women. Exchange. 13.06 112.58 11. 13 0.26 953 9.20 8.03 7.28 FOR LITTLE FOLKS. Ned the Trotter. The celebrated trotter Ned is in town. Ned does not belong to the equine fra ternity of sprinterB, as one would sup pose, but, on the contrary, is nothing more nor less than a phenomenal dog trotter, ready to trot against any other canine living, or against any pony undei 12 hands in height. The dog is a beau tiful English pointer, liver and white licked, and stands 26 inches high. ' His weight is 71 pounds when in condition for a speed trial, and he can cover a mile easily in three minutes. "No price can be attached to the dog at all," said Mr. McCue when inter viewed last night. "I have said some times that he'was worth $10,000, but to tell you the truth I would not sell him for twice that amount. He has made more than that for me and can make much more. Ned is just 3 years and 9 months old at present, and no dog alive can trot with him, and not a great many horses can stand his gait either." ' Ned has never yet been defeated in a match. He has trotted with 72 ponies under 12 hands in height, and also 52 bicycle riders under 15 years of age, and won all of the contests. This is quite a remarkable record. Ned pulls a pneumatic tired sulky weighing 20 pounds. A boy weighing 60 pounds handles the ribbons, but then he is only a "dummy," for Ned is always given his head, and the instructions to the youthful driver are to sit still and mind his own business. In other words, the dog is given full credit for all he ac complishes. San Francisco Chronicle. The Age of Animals. - A butterfly lives only a few weeks, a crow may live more than a century, and swans are said to live sometimes over 800 years. An eminent naturalist tells of a falcon that was 162 years old. A white headed vulture, caught in 1706, died in 1826 in the aviary of the palace of Schonbrunn, near Vienna, where it had been in captivity 118 years. Again, parrots and ravens think noth ing of tumbling about the world for a hundred years or more, and some of the sea birds and water fowl outlive several generations of human beings. To come down to some well known birds, the ordinary cock lives from 20 to 25 years, and a pigeon lives for about 10. A nightingale may live 10 years in cap tivity and a thrush 15, but when free they live much longer. Of quadrupeds the elephant lives much longer than any of his f riencUj and breth ren. He may reach the age of 400 years. And, you will think, he looks as if he was made to last a long time. A camel is old at 40, a horse or a bull at 25, a lion and a bear at 20. As for the whale, it disports itself in the sea for some 800 years, and no tortoise is considered to have attained a ripe old age before it reaches 90 years. Exchange. A Toudb Violinist. . Miss Leonora Jackson, the young girl whose beautiful playing on the violin has attracted much attention of late, is a Chicago girl whose talent must some day make her renowned. During her re cent sojourn of 10 days in her native city she so captivated the select audi ences before which she appeared that some of Chicago's most influential soci ety leaders have become interested in her. A brilliant future is predicted for this little artist by all who have had an opportunity to judge of her gifts. She is still a child, with unassuming, childlike ways. Her health is perfect, and with her rare talent she combines a strong character energy,, patience and deter mination. Chicago Post. s ' , Sewing Song. I have a little servant . ' With a single eye. She always does my bidding Very faithfully, But she eats me no meat. And she drinks me no drink ' A very clever servant, as you well may think. . - Another little servant -.-On my finger sits. She the one eyed servant Very neatly fits. But she eats me no meat, And she drinks me no drink very clever servant, as you may well this. Now, one more little servant. Through the single eye. Does both the others' bidding Very faithfully, But she eats me no meat, ' And she drinks me no drink A very clever servant, as you well may think. A needle, and a thimble, ; And a spool of thread, N&V" Without the fingers nimble T And the knowing head. They would never make out If they tried the whole day fo sew a square of patchwork, as you well may lay. . : -St. Nicholas, - . - Saved by a Woman. An incident during the disturbances in Sicily is related by a correspondent in Palermo. AtTerrasini, a village of about 7,000 inhabitants, the people rebelled against the communal administration, burning the bureaus of the taxes. A company of bersaglieri arrived to put a stop to the disorder, and the lieutenant ordered his men to make ready to fire. At that moment a woman ran up to the lieutenant, and holding out to him a por trait of Queen Margaret asked him to kiss it, while at the same time the riot ers, men and women, suddenly sank on their knees in front of the soldiers, cry ing out, "Kill us; we are already dying of hunger." The lieutenant ordered the soldiers to retire, and the riot was at an end. -.' - ; ' .' 1 ,. . i ' A New Notion, ; t A new notion is that of marriage cards conveying, like their Easter and Christ mas prototypes, the proper sentiments of the occasion, good wishes, and the rest, which may accompany the wedding gift or merely arrive, per se, as an evi dence of good will. It remains to be seen whether brides will take kindly to this palpable aid to the nonpresent giv ing quest. An avalanche of these paste boards on the wedding day,, however artistic and proper they may be, will hardly be a relished substitute for even fishkniyes and sirup jugs.--"' ;",". ;: ' HOW'S THIS T We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure 1 , ' P. J. CHENEY & CO., Props.. Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Tbttax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. WALDINO. KlNNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. ' Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bot tle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. I could not get along without Piso's Cure for Consumption. It always cures. Mac. E. C. Mouxtox, Needham, Mass., Oct. 22..1894. MUSIC STORE Wilev B. Allen Co., the oldest, the largost, 211 First St., Portland. . Chickering, Hurdman, Fischer Pianos, Estey Organs. Low prices, easy terms. 10-CIfiNT MUSIC Send tor catalogues. ; . Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta genily yet promptly on the llidneys, J-dver and Jiowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds,' head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy ot its kind ever pro duced, pleasiD2 to the tasto and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial m its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Uo not accept any substitute, r. ... ; . . . , ; . CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ' LOUISVILLE, KY. NEW YORK, N.Y. DIRECTIONS for usu, CREAM BALM. AppV S3 a particlelfif the Balm well up into tlie nostrils. Aftei a moment draw stroni breath through tlie nose. Use three times a day, after meals preferred, and before retiring. CATARRH ELY'S CREAM BALM Opens and cleanses uie jNnsai rassages, Auaya rain ana lnnumma tiou, Heals the Sores, 1'rotectp the Membrane from colds, Reslores the Senses of Taste and Smell. The Balm is quickly absorbed and gives relief at once. 1 A particle is applied into each nostril, and is agreeable. Piice, 60 cents at Drugejsls' or by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street, New York. . FOR CURES SCROFULA, BLOOD POISON. THE cures CANCER, ECZEMA. TETTER. BLOOD J UJULUE All CIOC CAII C FT ; - rimy J&2f&sm. lij Best Cough Syrup. Tantes Good. Use flfl CiJ In time. Sold by druggists. pH mm , . .. LIKE A SIEVE. The chief funotion of the kidneys is to ep araie from the blood, in Irs passage through them, of certain im purities and watery particles whicu make their final exit through the blad der. The retention ol these, in consequence of inactivity of the kidneys, is productive, of Bright's disease, dropsy, diabetes, albuminuria and other maladies with a fatal tendency. Hos tetter's Stomach Bit ers, a highly sanctioned diuretic and blood depurent, Impels the kid neys when Inactive to lenew their sifting func tion, and strain from the vital current impuri ties which Infest it and threaten their own ex istenoe as organs of tbe body. Catarrh of the bladder, gravel and retention of the urine are aUo maladies arrested or averted by this benign firomoter and restorative of organic action. Ma nria, rheumatism, constipation, biliousness ami dyspepsia also yield to the Bitters, which is also speeuily beneficial to the weak and ner vous. . ..... "Well," said the monkey to the organ-grinder as be sat on the top ot tbe organ, "I'm simply arrled away with the music" NEW WAY EAST NO DUST. Go East from Portland, Pendleton, Walla Walla via O. R. & N. to Spokane and Great Northern Kail way to Montana, Dakotas, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago, Omaha, 8t Louis, East and South. Rock- ballast track ; tine scenery; new equipment; Great North ern Palace bleepers and Diners; Family Tourist Cars; Buffet-Library Cars. Write C. C. Donovan, General Agent, Portland, Oregon, or F.I.Whitney, G. P. & T. A., St. Paul, Minn., for printed matter and in formation about rates, routes, etc. Guard yourself lor summer malaria, tired feeling, by using now Oregon Blood Purifier. Tet GaBiiiA for breakfast. Dr. PIERCE'S PLEASANT mm PELLETS SICK HEADACHE, BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, POOR APPETITE, ....... V and all derangements of the Stomach,. Liver and Bowels. Of all druggists. ONCE "cnn ALWAYS IN FA VOR. MttSCIBlUJIxd WALTER BAKER & CO. Th Largeit Manufacturer of PURE, HIGH GRADE Cocoas and Chocolates On thU Continent, mire reoeircd HIGHEST AWARDS , from the great Industrial and Food EXPOSITIONS IN EUROPE AND AMERICA. Caution: 'n.Tm,: j of the labels end wrappers on our ffooUB, consumers Bnouiu make sure thnt our place of manufacture, namely. .Dorchester. Mass.. Is printed on each package. . SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE. WALTER BAKER St CO., DORCHESTER, MASS, , DR. GUNN'S ,( IMPROVED LIVER PILLS A MILD PHYSIC. ftNic ptt.t. wtm. a nnsR. A movement of the bowols eacn day is necessary for health, These pills supply what the system laoks to moke it regular. They cure Headache, brighten the Eyes,nd clear the Complexion better than ooametios. They neither gripe nor sicken. To convince you, we will mail sample free, or a full box for 25a Sola every irttere. BOSANKO MED. OO., Philadelphia, Jp mtiimk - FOR CHILDREN TEETHING - 1 , Fop sale by all Druffglats. 85 Cents bottle, 1 SEEDS I have bought from the RECEIVER of F. L. POSPON & SON, the stock, fixtures and good will of the Beed business' lately carried on by them and will continue the same at 205 Third Street. BUELL LAMBERSON, Portland, Or. SHEEP-DIP Antifermentine Preserves all kinds of. Fruit without cooking, and retains their ' . .. , " natural flavor. WEINHARD'8 4 BEWARE : ol Imitation trade 1 ' marks and labels. is the whole story about 1 API M9 1 WNm SOPA j lit IVHrtrOTPC Costs 110 morethan other package soda never spoils .u truviyuww. iiour universally acknowledged purest in the world .1 Made y CHURCH fe CO., tew. tork. Sold by grocers everywhere. Tl Write foe Arm and Hammer Book "A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BA GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE US SAPOLIO I PRIZE HOOD'S Barsaparilla more than any remedy I have ever taken. I have never been robust and was subject to severe headaches, and had -no appetite. Since taking t - Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood's Pills I am a well wome.n, have a good appetite and sleep we!I. I cordially recommend Hood's fcaj saparilla. Mks. S. M. Gobham, Fillmore House, Fillmore, California. t-tnrt-'c Dlllc cure aU liver 11,s' b,1-: nOOU O rlllo iousness, headache. 25a Gl STAYER m 'MS"' STAYERS WALKER 'PORTLAND, OREGON General Agents for Aultman & Tayloh Threshers, Tractton Engines and Dingeb Woodbury Power. Have for Sale - HAND-CASE SEPARATORS AND ENGINES And other Machinery of Staver & Walker Btpck to dose out cheap. - , Write for Catalogue and Prices. Boom 550 Worcester Block, Portland, Or, CHICKEN RAISING PAYS if you use the Petalum .Incubators ft Brooders, f Make money while others are wasting I timo VwnlH nrnrpfifipa. ! Catalogtelis all about 9. Tncr it, and describes every article needed for theJ Illustrated Catalogue tLJJ poultry business. The vERIE" mechanically the best wneci. i-reiiifHiiuouei. We are Pacihc Coast Ajrents. Bicycle cata- logue,mailed"free,gives fulldeserirjtion; prices', etc., AOKNT9 wanted. PETALUMA INCUBATOR CO.,Petaluma,Cal. Branch House, 231 S Main St., l,os Angeles. AMERICAN M IMS' CI. Palmer & Rey Branch Electrotypers Stereotypers... Merchants in Gordon and Peerless Presses, Cylinder Presses, Paper Cutters, Motors of all kinds, ' Folders, Printing Material. !; Patentees of Self-Spacing Type. Sole Makers of Copper-Alloy Type. N. P -N. U. No. 600 S. F. N. TJ. No. 677 LITTLE'S NON-POISONOUS, SAFEST AND BEST - - Mixes with cold water. Improvi s the wool. JAMES LA1DLAW t CO.. ? inland, Of. Ur' SSSSST WELL-KNOWN BEER r, iIN KEna oRHfYri-r n-m Second to none : TRY IT... ' No mailer where from. JPOKTXAND, OR. ot valuable ReclpeaFSHH.