The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 08, 1895, Image 3

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    2KdS& Iftver Slacier.
The mall arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'
clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de
parts '"le same days at noon.
t For Chenoweth, leaves at 8 A. M.; arrives at
t P. M. Saturdays.
For White Salmon leaves dally at 1 P. M.;
arrives at 0 o'clock P. M.
From White Salmon, loaves for Fulda, Gil
mer, Trout Lake and Glen wood Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
' Canby Post, No. 10, O. A. R., meets at Odd
Fellow's Hall, tlrst Saturday of each month
at 2 o'clock p. m. All G. A. R. members In
vited to attend. '
, C. J. Hayes, Commander.
A. S. Blowbbs. Adjutant.
Waucoma Lodge, No. 80, K. of P., meets in
their Castle Hall on every Thursday night.
L. N. Blow BBS, C. C.
Geo. T. Prather, K. of R. & 8.
Riverside Lodge, No. 68, A O. U. W.. meets
first and third Saturdays of each month.
W. J. SMITH, M. W.
J. F. Watt, Financier.
H , L. Howe, Recoi der.
Professional Cards, per month $1 00
One inch space, per month 1 50
Rates on larger space given on application.
Business notices in local columns will be
charged 6 cents a line each Insertion; under
the head of "Special Notices" half these rates
will bo charged.
Legal advertisements will be charged to the
Early ordering them, at legal rates, and must
e al(J for before proof is furnished.
Mr. S. It. Husbands of Mosier was
on our streets Tuesday.
Miss Shattuek went to Portland
Monday tor a week's visit.
S. E. Bartmess is agent for the Bri
dal Veil Lumber Corapauy .
For Stile Thoroughbred Jersey cow,
$50. E. E. Savage.
Mason fruit jars, quurts, $1, gal
lon, $1.2.r. A. 8. Blowers & Co.
Mrs. Dr. Marsh of Forest, Grove came
up Saturday for a short visit with her
daughter. . ; .
Mrs. A. 11. Byrkett will go to Seattle
Monday on a short visit to her daughter
livingat that place.
O. B. Hartley has good, clean hay at
$12 and $14 per ton. Will trade for
oordwood or milk cows.
Hauna & Wolfard have some fine
Jce. Will deliver it anywhere in town.
Leave orders at store. .
Mrs. W. R. Justice of Cascade Locks
came up on t lie Regulator Tuesday and
is visiting Mrs. W. H. Bishop. ; v"
Judge J. A. Soesbe was called to
Portland Monday to attend the funeral
of his brother's wife, Mrs. E. L. Soesbe.
Davenport Bros, have moved to their
upper null, w tie re inev win remain tin
they have cut about 200,000 feet of
Dr T. B. Ford of Seattle will lecture
thin (Friday) evening at the Congre
gational church. Subject, "The Great
American Conflict." .
A'entof the Kniiihts of Maceabes
was instituted at Chenowith last week.
l)r. Brosius of Hood River has received
notice that he was elected physician.
Herriti, the Photographer, will visit
Hood River about July 1st. If you
wahtflrst-cTass Artists to come' here,"
patronize them when they come. n20
The "Bill of Fare" as given by the
Glee club at next Friday's concert will
alone be worth the price of admission.
Delmonico could not do It in better
Hood River will celebrate. The cit
izens of the town and valley wilt meet
at M. H. Nickelsen's store Wednesday
evening next to arrange a programme
for the 4th of July celebration.
Just Received Those Oxford t'es, In
both tan and black. Latest styles, and
bfing drummer samples, will sell at
. prhe that, will please you. Also, tan
shoe dressing, at D. F. Pierce's Harness
and Shoe store.
Miss Irene Calliso'n,' oiie of.- Hood
River's accomplished school teachers,
who has been teaching in the public
schools here for the past two years,
left on Monday's train for an extended
Visit at Athena, Oregon. -",
Fruit, men intending to set fruit trees
Ti xt fall should remember that home
grown trees are always the best. Order
your trees of Tillett and get the best
and the cheapest. He has 20,000 trees
growing in his nursery for next fall's
delivery. ;
M. F. Sloper and wife took charge of
the Langille house Monday. The
bouse lias been renovated and refitted
and is now open to the public. Mr.
and Mrs. Sloper are old hotel keepers
and we bespeak for them success. ...
Miss Flora Hartley, recently grad
uated from the university of California,
Is visiting her brother, O. B. Hartley
of Hood River. Tuesday she went to
;8hrmun county for a week's visit, after
which she will return here for the
euiumer. .
' Stop and think one minute! Is it
not reasonable that1-without' rent to
pay, I can sell doors, windows and all
kinds of building material, paints and
household furniture, and compete with
any dealer in any city or town? " Call
aud see. , S. E. Bartmess.
Mrs. A. R. Byrkett of White Salmon
1 ft at the Glacier office Tuesday a
nox of berries of the Sharpiess variety
that are ahead of those sent in last
week by A. D. Qlough. Twenty-fie
of these berriei rounded up the box too
high to pack for shipment.
The LAngille brothers have gone to
the Elk Beds, where they will take up
quarters In the house of T.C.Dallas and
work the road from there to Cloud Cap
Inn, getting it in readiness for tourist
travel to that famous summer resort.
Mrs. Langille accompanied the boys.
Notice. Persons contemplating
building will find that it will be greatly
to their Interest to call at the Hood
River Box Factory and look at che new
stock of doors, windows and all kinds
of mouldings. Will be pleased to show
goods and quote prices to all intending
The O. R. & N. Co.,' always alert to
the welfare of their patrons, have de
cided to discontinue the mixed passen
ger and freight train leaving Portland
In the morning, returning in the even
ing, and substitute a regular passenger'
train whish will run daily including
Sundays: Leaving Portland 8:00 a.m.,.
arriviug Dalles 12:15 p.m., and return
ing to Portland 6.30 p.m. About April
15th this train will carry an elegant
observation car, and low rates for the
round trip will be placed in effect.
On Sunday, June. 16th, Archbishop
Gross will .dedicate the new itomau
Catholic church at Cascade Locks. The
rightrevereird gentleman- will be as
sisted by Rev.- A . Brousgeest, of The
Dalles. It is expected that the arch
bishop will also confer the right or con
firmation on that date.
Myron Champlin came up Saturday
night, and Sunday morning, with T.
C. Dallas, went to his grandfather's,
Mr. Geo. Booth, and returned to Port
land Sunday night. Myron is now
employed jn the office of the master
mechanic of the O. K. N. Co.
Mrs Clum and son of St. Paul, Minn.,
relatives of Mrs. A. P. Baleham, ar
rived at Hood River recently on an ex
tended visit. They are delighted with
our little valley and expect to visit Mt.
Hood and enjoy a trip to the coast be
fore returning home.
M. A. Cook has sold five acres of
land on the west side of his place to
Matt Russell for the grubbing of eight
acres and a half aud cutting the timber
into oordwood. Mr. Cook intends set
ting the land into fruit trees next year.
In another column we print the pro
gramme for the concert to be held next
Friday evening. Look it up and be
sure to attend, tor u promises to oe the
best aud most enjoyable musical enter
tainment ever given in Hood Kiver.
D. H. Leech of Eutledge, courity
commissioneer of Sherman county, at
tended the M. . E. conference. Mr.
Leech was granted a license by the
conference as local preacher.
Miss Grace Beldingof Belding.Mich.,
and Mrs. A. W." Rains, sister of C. L.
and L. E. Morse and Velina Morse,
niece, arrived on the delayed train
Friday morning.
The following deed was filed for
record in the countyv clerk's office
Thursday: F. C. and Belle Sherrieb to
F. E. Bailey, 10 acres iu sectiou I); con
sideration, $500. ;
We were shown a bunch of clover
Thursday, grown on John Parker's
place without irrigation, the stalks of
which were four feet iu length.
Mrs. Robinson arrived on Wednes
day's train from Salem and expects to
spend the summer with her grand
daughter, Mrs. Mary Cook.
Mrs. Ella Murdock of Snohomish,
Wash., and three children are visiting
her grandparents, Mr. aud Mrs. D. D.
Received at the Racket Store, some
more of those boys' suits. Call and ex
amine goods and prices before sending
The cherry crop will be short at
Hood River. It is thought the were
thinned out by the cold snap in March.
The steamer Regulator will come
from The Dalles this (Friday) eveuiug
with a party of excursionists.
M. Willis has made the discovery
thy t strong soap suds aud salt will kill
the green aphis.
E. W. Winaos and wife will leave
next week for a visit to their Old home
in Illinois.
Ion Morse is authorized agent for all
newspapers and periodicals.
Struck It Rich.
Captain Coe has struck it rich. Last
week he employed a man to dig Into
the hillside at the upper side of his
land, and after going down" about fifT
teen feet, he was "rewarded by a fine
stream of water, which flows out of the
hillside in quantities sufficient to sup
ply the town of Hood River. The
captain's theory Is, and he has been of
the opinion for sometime, that , an old
lake bed extends from the brow Of the
hill above town back to Hood river and
west nearly across the west side of the
valley. The drainage from the hills
and mountains keep this lake supplied
with water, and it is the source of the
the many springs along the Co
lumbia river front, and along Hood
river aud Indian creeks The captain
has demonstrated that ; the water is
there. He will for the present use the
water to irrigate his strawberry lands,
which are about as extensive as any iu
the valley.
A Veteran Sailor.
A. H. Tieman of Mt. Hood was in
Hood River Saturday. Mr. Tteraan is
an old sailor and when -a young man
served in the U. S. navy. In 1852 he
was on the war ship, Saratogo, off
the coast of Japan. . The Japs were
then a burbarous people and ill-treated
American sailors wrecked on their
coast that year.. This caused the ex
pedition to lie sent under Commodore
Perry, who opened Japanese ports un
der treaty. The ports were opened for
the protection of American seamen
more than for trade. Mr. Tieman says
lie little thought when iu Japan 43
years ago that ho would ever see, these,
then blood-thirsty people1, la- America
competing with Americans for every
day labor. ' ' ' ""
"Base BnlL
A lively game of base ball was
played here Sunday between the Hood
River aud Portland nines. It seems
among the strawberry pickers here
from Portland are some base-ball play
ers, who challenged the Hood River
boys for a game. ...The Portland nine
played a rattling good game,' but their
pitcher was not an expert. The Hood
River nine knocked them out With a
score of 28 to 7. The names of the
Portland nine are as follows: ' Shields,
Caiman, Raider, Collins, F. Gates,
Black, Bailey, C. Gates and J. Hunt.
Hood River nine Ivons, Wendorf,
Custner, Rand, Stranahan, Luckey,
Hansberry, Loy and Chase.
The case of Ed Martin, ex-deputy
county clerk, charged with over-issuing
county scrip, was called by Judge
Bradshaw this morning. At the last
term of court Mr. Martin's attorney,
A. 8. Bennett, interposed a demurrer
to the complaint which was overruled. I
Today the iudtre withdrew that ruling;.
and announced that on Friday next he
would hear argument upon the motion.
Should the demurrer be not sustained
it is thought the trial of the case will j
proceed forthwith. Mountaineer.
. Programme of Concert
To be given by Mrs.Heald, assisted by
her pupils, the Glee club aud others,
ut the Congregational church, Friday
evening, June 14th, at 8 o'clock. Ad
mission 25 cents:
1. The Mouse and' the Clock; Belrly
Glee Club.
2. Turolienne waltz.. Raff
Miss Mabel Hodgson.
8. March Pontificate.. Gounod
Miss Oracle Campbell.
4. The Vagabond Molloy
Mr. W. James Lewis.
5. March Mllltalre... i ....Schubert
Misses Irma Coe and Maud Gilbert.
6. "Girl Wanted"..... ...Weinberg
Mr. 8. J. LaFrance.
7. Fantasia Polonaise .....Raff
Mrs. Heald.
g. Soldiers' Chorus........... "Faust'
, Glee Club. -
1. Babbling Brook Wilson G. Smith
Miss Clara Blythe.
2. "Bill of Fare" ; Zollner
Glee Club. ,
8. Le Desir .-. Cramer
" ' Miss Fay LaFrance. -'
4. The Quaker Stephen Adams
Mr. W. James Lewis.
5. Rhapsodic Hongroise, No. II Liszt
' Mrs. Ueald.
9. To Thee, O Country Elchberg
V Glee Club.
The ' gentlemen comprising the Glee
Club ; are Messrs. Kickelsen, Watt,
Brosius, Bartmess, D. E. Rand, Lan
gille, J. E. Rand and Husbands.
Children's Day at Congregational Church
Following is the programme for the
exercises at the Congregational church
on Children's day, at 8 o'clock p. m.:
Processional Organ
Song, "Lord, Thy Glory Fills the Heav
ens" ..School
Reading of Scriptures and Prayer
Recitation, "The Children's Day"
Bertha Prather
Song, "The Father's Call"- ........School
Recitation, "The Children's Appeal"
Donald Hill
Responsive Reading Congregation
Motion song ; Infant class
Duet, "Angel Voices" .
....Mrs. Woodward and Mrs. Button
Recitations, (a) "The Voice" Divine".........
Edgar Button
, (b) " A Willing Child"
.: Harold Hershner
(c) "I Want to Live" Geo. Howe
Song, "The Shepherd's Voice"
Nellie Naylor, Bertha Prather, Anna :
" Wolfard and Agnes Dukes.
Recitation, "The Mothers of Salem"
Fay La France
Song, "We Come with Song Rejoicing"...
.V Mrs. Armor's class
Recitation, "That Sweet Story"...Agnes Dukes
Song, "AVhen His Salvation Bringing"...
Recitation, "The Children's Hosannas"...
; Matthew Sloper
Recitation, "The Call of Jesus" Ada Hunt
Horn solo, "Emanuel" ....Mr. Bert Langille
Missionary offering
Song Choir
Benediction v
Children's Day at U. B. Church.
Following Is the programme for the
exercises at-the U. B. church, Chil
dren's day, Sunday, June 9th, com
mencing at 11 o'clock a. m.:
Scripture Reading....
Anthem, "I Will Lift Up Mine E. es" Choir
Recitation, "Children's Day".. Willie Foss
Hong, "Morning Praise"...Mrs.Harrlson's class
Dialogue, "The Sparrow and the Daisy"
Meigs and Gladys
Song, duett, by ......Two little girls
Recitations, "The Bluebird and Blue Bell,"
with responsive chorus
Mrs. Hartley's class
Quetrumentul trio..... Violin, guitar and organ
Reading, "The Resurrection of the Flow
ers" '. Grace Howel
Song, "I've Gathered These Flowers for
You" ...Alma Todd
Reading, "In Blossom Time" Mrs. Rand
Remarks Rev. Krause
Offertory .....
Dozology -
The Strawberry Crop.
The past week has been favorable to
strawberries aud they are now ripening
rapidly. Two carloads are leaving
daily for the East. The following
number of crates were shipped since
the last report by the Hood River
Fruit Growers' Union: May 31st, 158J;
June 1st, 2401; June 2d, 274; June 3d,
390; June 4th, 667; June 5th, 340;
June, 6tb, 640. Number of shippers,
82. Eight hundred apd twenty-three
crates were shipped independent of the
local union since June 1st.
School Report, District 3.
- Whole number enrolled during term,
130; average daily attendance, 101; av
erage number belonging, .118. Those
in grammar grade passing an average
above 0 per cent in the examination:
Agnes Dukes, Carrie Shute, Mellie
Olinger, Grace Howell, Irma Coe.Rosa
Boggs, Fay LaFrance, SamucK Blow
ers, Earl Bartmess, Meigs Bartmess,
Bertha Markley, Harry Mercer, Emily
Palmer, Hulda Rankin, Roy Slocuru.
H. L. Howb, Principal.
There is some talk of the Third regi
ment holding an encampment at Hood
River during one of the summer
months. Nothing has been definitely
settled however. Hood River would
be an ideal place to hold an encamp
ment, but we doubt whether the finan
ccs of the state will premit any en
campment this year. Such an occasion
would be of great benefit to the organ
ization. Chronicle.
Wanted To trade Portland property for
Hood River property, or for work at Hood
River. T. M. WELCH, 174 First St., Portland.
Beware of imitations of Peacock Flour,
Take none without the picture of the bird on
the sack. HANNA & WOLFARD.
.Black harness oil, 85 cU a quart, at Pierce's
Harness and Shfie Store.
Ferguson & Davidson have chilled plow
points for sale.
See the new spring-tooth cultivator at Fer
guson & Davidson's. It Is the thing for or
chard work. They also have a nice line of
chilled and steel plows and some cultivators.
which they offer at prices in keeping with the
times, at the Champlin building.
ST0P '
be as f ree from nicotine as the day before you first took your first ' chew or
smoke An iron-clad written guarantee to absolutely cure the tobacco habit in
all its forms, or money refunded. Price $1 00 per box, or S boxes (SO days'
treatment and guaranteed cure), $2.60. For sale by all druggists, or will be
sent by mail upon receipt of price. SEND SIX T WO-CENT STAMPS FOB
SAMPLE BOX. Booklets and proof s free: ,
, . Eureka Chemical & Mfg. Co., La Crosse, Wis.
Officii op THE PIONEER PRESS COMPANY, C. W. Hormck, Supt.
St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 7, 18W.
Eureka Chemical and Mfg. Company, La Crosse, Wis. Dear Sirs: I have been a tobacco
flend for many years, and during the past two years have smoked fifteen to twenty cigars
regularly every day. My whole nervous system became affected, until my physicians told
me I mustgive up the use of tobacco for the time beln. at least. I tried the sooalled "Keely
Cure " "No-To-Buc." and various other remedies, but without succes. until I accidentally
learned of your "Baco-Curo." Three weeks ago today I commenced using your preparation,
and today I consider myself completely cured. I am In perfec; health, and the horrible crav
ing for tobacco, which every Inveterate smoker fully appreciates, has completely left me. I
consider your "Baco-Curo" simply wonderful, and can fully recommend it. Yours very
truly, fiaj C. W. UORNICK.
J K; M. E. Conference. t , K .,
The Dalles district conference of the
M. E. Church has been lit session in
this place during the week. . The fol
lowing ministers were present:
Bickelton J. W. Rigby. .
: Centerville S. E. Hornlbrook.
j Gilmer George White. :
j Goldendale U. F. Hawk, 8. Horn i
brook. : v -
I Fossil W. II. Zellers.
: Antelope Geo. Morehead.
Hood River F. L. Johns, T. D.
Grass Valley John Evans, Louis
Dillinger, D.'H. Leech.
Heppuer J. M. Denuison.
Dufur G. W. Barnhart.
The Dalles J. P. Gorham, A. M.
Walker. : , '
Arlington E. P. Green.
. .About 25 lay members, representing
nearly every charge in the district,
were present. Reports received show
a good growth in membership In most
of these charges. Despite the . hard
lines, two churches have been built
since the annual conference. Another
is under way, while in several charges
improvements in church and parson
age, of from $1 to $15 0 valuation, were
reported. Besides the routiue busi
ness of the conference a number ot
papers of greater or less ability were
presented. The one receiving the
greatest commendatiou. was from our
former fellow citizen, Criss Nickelsen,
on "The Needs of a Young Preacher."
Dr. T. B. Ford of Seattle gave four able
and-instructive lectures on the differ
ent phrases ot a Dreacher's' life." The'
case of W. W. Gregory, the preacher at
Lexington, came up on the report of
the committee on complaints. He
was allowed to resign.
Resolutions were passed expressing
gratefulness lo the chairman, R. C.
Moter, P. E., and the secretary, E. P.
Green, for their faithfulness: to T. B.
Ford, D. D., whose lectures found a in the hearts of the mem
bers of the conference; also, to Rev.
S. Davis of Seattle; to the good people
of Hood River, whose homps were open
and hospitality shown; to the paster
aud his people of the Congregational
church for their kind hospitality
shown; and to the pastors of Hood
River for their untiring efforts to pro
vide, entertainment, for the conference.
The evening sessions held in the Con
gregational church were, devoted to
preaching services led by different
members. The conference adjourned
Thursday evening to meet at The
Dalles next year. '
Next Sunday will be Childrens' day
at the Congregational church. The
pastor will preach in the morning to
parents and children on geography,
arithmetic and grammar.
At the U. B. church, Sunday, ser
vices will be as follows: Sabbath school
at 10 a. in.; Children's day exercises, 11
a. ru.; Junior Endeavor, 0.30 p. m ;
Senior Endeavor, 7 p. hi.; preaching
8 p. ui. - ; .. ..; , . , , .
Rev. W. H. Zellers of Fossil will
preach at Pine Grove, Sunday, June1
Uth, at U o'clock, and at the M. E.i
tabernacle in liood River at 8 p. m.
Rev. A. Horn, German Lutheran
pastor, of The Dalles, will preach in
the Udell school house, Sunday, June
9th, at 10.30. ,
Regular services are held at the M.
E. barracks morning and evening of
the first Sunday of each month: in the
evening the remaining Sundays of the
month. Tb fourth Sunday evening
occupied by T. D. Gregory.
if . L). JOHNS.
BO It".
At Portland. May 20th, to the wife of
E. L. Soesbe, a son.
At Portland, June 3d, Elleanor M.
Soesbe, wife of E. L. Soesbe, aged 20
There will be public memorial ex
ercises at I. O. O. F. hall on Tuesday,
the Htn nay or June, at l p. in., ana at
the cemetery at 2:30 p. m.
Li. ifj. worse, Becretary.
Ferguson & Davidson have good cow pas
ture for $1.25 a month. '
Tor Sale.
Five acres of good land IU miles west of
towiu Inquire of G. T. PRATHER.
max i)
and don't be imposed upon by buying a
remedy that requires you to do so, as it is
nothing more than a substitute. In the sud
den stoppage of tobacco you must have some
stimulant, and in most all cases the effect of
the stimulant, be it opium, morphine, or other
opiates, leaves afar worse habit contracted.
Ask your druggM about BACO-CURO.
It is purely vegetable, xou
do not have to stop using to
bacco with BACO-CURO.
It will notify you when to stop
and your desire for tobacco
will cease. Your system will
Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, Aprli
15, 181)5. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the Register and Receiver U. S. Land Office at
Oregon City, Oregon, on June 12, 18U5, viz:
H. E. No. 8503, for the north north-east
section 2, township 2 north, range 8 east.
He names the il lowing witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
John Eiden, Hans Wicks. H.H. Harpham
and G. L. Uarpham, all of Cascade Locks,
ap20m25 ; Register.
Kitchen Furniture' " ''
Pruning Tools, Etc.
Repairing Tinware a Specialty.
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Country Produce Bought and Sold.
E 411 1 1 .N&.HHIM X
Successor to E. L.Smith Oldest Established
House in the valley.
Dry Goods, Clothing,
General Merchandise,
Flour and Feed. Etc., :
I nave for sale a seven-year old mare; will
weigh from 1200 to 1800 pounds.
To trade a Wind Mill, big 5-lach Irrigating
Pump and Tank a complete outfit for irri
gating will trade for work. Apply to '
M. A. COOK, Hood River.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 43,
1805. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof .will be made be
fore Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Ore
gon, on July 10, 1805, viz:
Hd. E. No. 3978 for the northwest northeaRt
yt, east northwest and lot 1, section 19,
township 2 north, range 10 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of. said land, viz:
Henry Priuge, Robert B. Lindsay. Antone
Wise and John Binns, all of Hood River, Or.
mi)KS) JAS. F. MOORI Register.
IT" I 1
. Navigation Co..
Through Freight and
Passenger Line.
All Freight Will Come Through
Without Delay.
One way .................,.....,.....$1 5
Round trip.
Freight Rates Greatly
jxeaucea. ' , '
, General Agent.
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
Gives the clvoKe of
Minneapolis MAHA
ST. PAUL. Kansas City.
Low Rates to All East
ern Cities.
No. SS, Freight leaves at 1 1. 45. A. ME
No. 2. Mail "" ' : U0.06 P. JE
No 7 , Local, laves ut -. : 1,15 P. V
No. U Mail. . il:42 A. X
'"'Leave Portland evea-y live du,ys for
For full details call on O. R. & N. AsoMt,
Hood River, or address ,
W. H. HUBLtTirE.
; ... jen'l Pass. Aent,
PortlMRd, Ur.
C. J. HATES, SL'It7:r0R.
, All work given him wfll vlinew
reetly und promptly. He h;ts a Jew
good claims upon which lie cmi Wtcni
parties; both farming And tiiuU'r Utnd.
February, 18U4
: - : . .
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., JIny 21,
1805. Notice is hereby given that the Billow-.
Ing-named settlor has Uled milieu ui 'lilK inteji-
tion to make final commutation luom In U)
port of his.laifn,ni'that ni(4 .' will bt
madu before lh; Keg inter and Receiver ot tlm
U. H. Land olH at Vancouver, U'ttsh., on
July 25, 1805, viz:
GEO lit! K C. JONES, Jii.,
H K. No. 0.190 for the east nnutlieast. .
southwest southeast lmJ sourlifnat 't
southwest y. section 2, towiustii.) 4 nurtii.runsn
10 east, W. AI.
He names the following 'itesn to pro1-
his continuous residence upou aiiu tuiltiva
tion of said land, vl.:
Harvey J. Byrkett, of Trent La'.?. Wnsh
J. P. Eagan, of White Salmon, li.; P. K.
Bradford. Jr., of White aljjjin, Vi; and
A. B. Jones, of Hood River, Oregon.
m25Je30 GEO. H. BTKVKNHQ.s. Itegister..
Land for Salo.
Forty acres of land: 5 acres IVnceil: on Mm'
onnty road, 5 miles frm towu !' Hood
iviver. i-rice, wxju. Aaaress
inyl8 J. H. FBABV, Tiu-ker, Or.
To Water Consumers.
All who wish to use water for IrrlcatliiK '
must make application before oslnitliio watci.
No irrigating! will bo jwimiiti'd except
through hose with regulation aiiij.W.
Any person using water contmrv to abovo
rules will be cut off from tin" man) and n
more water furnlohed them hy thfe company.
. Price of irrigating ts 7i eewtu per lot, or frao
tion of lot, payable strictly in itdvunw.
A. K. BUWKflS,
a j. larh vxw.,
. Directors Hood River Spring W ater Co.
Bargain in Land.
For Rale Forty acres unimproved land,
east side of Hood river. 4 miles from town.
Will sell 5 or 10 acre tracts cheap. Inquire Jit
Glacier office ,