csd Jiver Slacier. SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1S90. IIK)d River's Opportunity. Mr. W. R. Keller, representing the I.lfblmrdt Coiutuieslon Co. of Denver, h is lieen iu Hood River during the week. Mr. Keller, who la a well-informed frentlenian, la8 traveled this waHoii in the interest of his house from Texus and Arkansas north, through California, following up the ripening of, the slrawlerry crop In different sec tions, lie informs us that Hood River lias the bout strawberries he has ever wen. He says we should go into the Uusint'K here on a larger scalo and send our berries through to Chicago and 2ew Yoi'K in r f.-igerator cars, where fancy good u.wiiys bring fancy prices. Mr, Keller says when we get to growing berries on a larger scale, there will be uo trouble In getting labor to gather the crop. He uited Vau Buret), Ark., where, he says, they commenced hixnit as we have here, a few years ago, 'ami now during the fruit season they send to market train loads of straw berries daily. 'Families come from a distance aod camp during the berry iteason, and there is tyo trouble in pro curing all the' help needed. Though their berries come in much earlier than ours, they do not realize such good prices as Hood R'iver berries. But I heir extensive patches pay them well mid the country is prosperous. Here is Hood River's opportunity. Our strawberries are in demand in every market they ever reached. The reputation gained for Hood River titrawbvrries this season alone will sell our crop at good prices for years to come, even if we did not continue to produce a better quality of berries and market them iu bettershape thau other localitit-s. Our strawberry growers see their opportunity, and next year the urea planted to this fruit will be at least doubled. The valley is now well Watered by irrigating ditches, and fveiy acre, or part of an acre, that can be tilled in strawberries should be planted as fast as the ground can be made ready. Plants set in July and August will the next season pay all vxpenseft, and more, too, in early and favored locations. Hood River has the advantage of two paying crops winter apples aud Btraw berries. Plant apple trees, and while they are growing cultivate straw berries between the rows. No danger of uYLTstocking the market for either, from HU Hood. Mr. J. A. Knight, we are sorry to say, is suffering from an attack of rheumatism. r P. V. Fouls' cabbage has beeu wiped oft' by the rabbits, or something that is fond of this favorite vegetable. Mr. Jirowu, representing a Salem , nursery, has been canvassing iu this Neighborhood and has takeu several orders for trees. Why can't we have a liome nursery to supply our wants and patronisse it? See Tillett. Mr. J. N. Knight had a steer severe ly injured by a partly finished barb- wire fence. This will be a lesson for others regarding wire fences; they are Hot desirable even when flulshed. A bear was started from the brush, near the Elk Ceils,' last Monday, by Mr- Knight, who was looking for his horses. His dog gave it a short chase, but his courage failed' and he came back. - He isn't a bear dog. Misses Rosy and Lottie Iteis, from Montana, are home on a visit. A dance was given by Mr. Frank Iteis, last Friday night, at the Ross house. All present report a good time. . Mt. Hood. Annio Wright Seminary. The last term's work of the Annie Wright seminary is drawing to a close, the results being highly satisfactory to the patrons. The facilities for the study of music and painting are exceptional. Mr. E, D. Crandall, whose superior method of Voice culture places him in the front rank as a vocalist and as a teacher, has charge of these departments, and his pupils show great proficiency. Odell School House Items. IWritten by the Pupils. Mr. Divers has moved into ..his new house. '::1.':,;,.' " -. Y'v Miss Lizzie Ehrck has come home to Stay two weeks. Don't Stop Tobacco. The tobacco habit grows on a man until bis nervous system is seriously af fected, impairing health, comfort and happiness. To quit suddenly is too se vere a shock to t he system, as tobacco, to an inveterate user becomes a stimu lant that his system continually craves. Jlaco-Curo is a scientific cure for the to bacco habit, in all its forms, carefully compounded after the formula of an eminent Berlin physician who has used It in his private practice since 1872,with out a failure, purely vegetable and guar anteed perfectly harmless. You can use all the tobacco you want, while taking Baco-Cnro, it will notify you when to Btop. We give a written guarantee to oermanently cure any case with three boxes, or refund the money with 10 per Milt interest. Baco-Curo is not a substi tute, but a scientific cure, that cures without the aid of will power and with no Inconvenience. It leaves thesystem us pure and free from nicotine as the day you took your first chew or smoke. Hold by all druggists, with our ironclad guarantee, t $l per box, three boxes, (thirty days treatment), $2.50, or sent direct upon receipt of price. Send six two-cent stamps for sample box. Book let and proofs tree. Eureka Chemical fc Manufacturing Cheniints, La Crosse, Wisconsin. ' Concluded From last Week.. The greatest enemies to our country today are not those which can be dis posed of with powder and shot. We have time only to mention some of the foes threatening the welfare and happi ness of our nation, as well as our very national existence. . 1. There is the liquor traffic and in temperance, an hydra-headed monster stalking through the land, producing misery and 'want, wretchedness and unhappiness, broken homes and broken hearts, ruined lives and early graves. 2. Unrestricted Immigration is an other source of danger calling for at tention from Christian patriots. Tidal waves of immigration have brought to us many of the worst classes of South ern Europe. Since 1880, the Italians have tripled their numbers, and Bohe mians, Poles and Hungarians have added greatly to the socialistic, anarch istic and nihilistic army of invaders. 3. Let me call your attention to an other alarming fact: In the words of Dr. Gould, lecturer on social science at John Hopkins university, he says: "I am convinced that one of the funda mental factors in modern social discon tent is the desertion of home by moth ers. One may well wonder what this wholesale employment of women in industry will lead to in the course of a generation or so. It is difficult to see how young girls, armies of them, who never had any domestic training, and who, early went to work in factories and clerk' in stores, are going to make either acceptable wives or good moth ers. This state is due primarily to man himself, in refusing to create homes and families and neglecting to support and care for them when created. Vith the families of foreigners, many of whom are not in sympathy with our government, increasing at the ratio of five or six, to one and t wo in American families, it takes only half an eye to see what the state of things will be in three or four generations." 3. Roman Catholicism," for most part a foreign power, is most impudent in daring to dictate or suggest to our peo ple how this government shall be con ducted. If there are those who choose to become Roman Catholics, let them do so. This country dictates to no per son what his religion shall be. But this government, "by and for the peo ple," does say to this ecclesiastical hier archy, and to every ecclesiastical body, hands off of the government. And our patriots must say it In emphatic terms. 4. Gambling and commercial im morality are foes to our national integ rity and well being which our Christ ian patriots must meet. Gambling is a monster iniquity, because it breeds idleness, dishonesty and vice. Gam bling in ''futures" is a national iniqui ty, sucking, as a vampire, the life out of the people and defying the arm of the law. The gambling clement has insinuated itself into the trade of the country, and so we have "pools" and "corners" In wheat, rye, oil, meats; and what product of our free land is there that is not being "cornered" in the interest of commerce and trade? The humiliating fact and national dis grace is that these rich commercial traders are getting richer by "gam bling in futures," by the manipulation of "watered stocks" and by effecting "corners". In trade, so that the unsold, and even as yet unproduced products of the producer, are unjustly levied upon ana made to pour more into the coffers of these rich gamblers. . The lust of the flesh, the lustof office, the lust of party, so corrupts, sways, sacrifices and makes shipwreck of our national judiciary system that we will have to look to other sources tor deliv erance. The patriotism of our land which went forth1 and wiped slavery out or existence can again go forth and wipe out of existence the gigantic ma chines of corruption in governmental and commercial places which oppress millions of ovir people, and which makes it almost intolerable for them to live "in the land of the free and the homo of the brave," dearly as they love it. we nave in our land powertul combinations and trusts and gigantic corporations which . practically and openly declare that none but those who are in these "combines" and "trusts" shall have the privilege of prosecuting these lines of business. And the hu miliating and disgusting fact is that our government no, not our govern ment, but our so-called administration ot law under different administrations. has been utterly impotent to enforce t he laws against the ponderous steals of trusts ana combinations, gamblers In "futures" and conscienceless office holders. ' The republic of America will not con tinue to enjoy the unyielding devotion and patriotic support of its common people if the amassing of immense for tunes by the few is to receive the unfair nrotection of our . Government,. T he Basis of our patriotism is the promise of equal rignts. jjut wnen equal rights are denied, and the endowments of our people are subverted,patriotism changes into criticism, anct criticism into a lack of reverence, and a lack of reverence into disloyalty, and then will ensue death to patriotism and death to our nation. The conditions which de stroyed the empires of Greece, and the republics of Rome and Sparta, aud the large commercial cities of Ninevah, Babylon, Tarsus and Thebes, will de stroy our nation it they are perpetuated. Monev has no patriotism. The 8hv- locks of our land, and the ShylocUs of otner nations, who levy tribute upon our land, have no patriotism. Patriot Ism, if it lives at all, lives in the breasts ot the people. The cry of the times is. More money! 'J he gold standard! Free coinage of silver! Which ever side wins will not settle this Question. What matters it if we get stacks of goia or carioacts ot silver u gigantic thievery in governmental and commer cial places is allowed to put the thumb screws of oppression down tighter than ever and cramp our common people more, the money will flow back into coffers of conscienceless rich men they the richer and you the poorer. Abraham Lincoln exclaimed, "Men of America! history through the cen turies has been teaching . us that might makes right Let it lie our mis sion in this nineteenth century to re verse the maxim and to declare that right makes might." ' It was done: Will It have to be done over again? This same great and good man, who loved his country and posterity more than lie loved his purse, said, "Gold is good in its place, but living, .brave and J utricle men are letter th an gold." hiring the dark days of the rebellion a csmpany of bankers came to Washing ton from New York. Jay Cooke was among the number. They were Intro duced to President Lincoln by the sec retary of the treasury in these words: "Mr. President, these men have come to Washington from patriotic motives, to help save the credit of the govern ment. They want to buy our bonds; they will put money in the treasury; and, Mr. President, you know "where the treasure is there will the heart be also." Mr. Lincoln drew himself up, standing head and shoulders above the company, and said: "Yes, Mr. Secre tary, but there is another passage of Holy Writ which you may remember: "Where the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together." We could expect such a man to say, "Twenty thousand dollars are enough for any man." When he was a young man he built a raft and took a cargo of produce down the river to New Or leans. While there he saw the auc tioneers selling black men, women and children. They proclaimed their good qualities as they would those of a horse or mule. Again and again the ham mer of the auctioneer fell, and hus bands and wives, were separated for ever, and children, there and then, were doomed never again to look into the faces of father and mother. That scene set the blood of Lincoln on fire. His lips quivered and his voice choked in his throat as he turned and said to his fellow boatmen, "If I ever get a chance to hit that thing, I will hit it hard, by the eternal God!" Who was he that said this? Only a boatman, a splitter of rails, a teamster, a back" woodsman; a young man whose pov erty was so deep his clothes were in tatters. 'That was an act worthy of Jesus Christ! He got the chance, and he hit the accursed traffic hard, and the shackles fell from 4,000,000 slaves. O for a man of the nerve and unpur chasable purity of Abraham Lincoln, to lead our honest yeomanry and loyal patriots to strike the blow that will tell the shackles, forged and welded by "combinations" and "trusts" around the homes and hearts of our people, into a thov sand pieces and beyond ail hope of ever again being forged and welded. Our children should be taught that our liberty and our institutions cost streams of tears and rivers of blood. The Italian school law requires that the portrait of the king be hung in every school room. The pictures of Wash ington and Lincoln in every school room would be an excellent thing. The Woman's Relief Corps, a noble organization, has done a great work in urging that patriotism be taught in every school, and in placing the Amer ican flag over every school house and in every school room in our country. It is an inspiring sight to see the chil dren standing with their right hands pointing to the flag and hear them say: "We give our heads and our hearts to our country one country, one lan guage, one flag." All honor to this patriotic organisation of women! A gentleman said to me, the other day, as he was about to leave on an Eastern trip, "When I reach Chicago I shall go to the headquarters of the Grand Army of the Republic and pur chase some pictures of famous battle fields and have thein attractively framed, and then I will adorn the walls of my home with them, to teach my children that our country, with its glorious institutions, was saved at' the cost of blood." i : It may yet be necessary to hang alongside our home mottoes, such as "Mother, Home and Heaven," and "No Place l ike Home," the pictures of some of our revolutionary and civil war battlefields, to teach our children, by an impressive object lesson, that our country, with its superb institutions, cost streams of blood and rivers of tears. Thus there may be instilled In the hearts of the rising generation a sense of patriotic responsibility that win aetena our national lite against the attacks of lawless hordes of social ists and anarchists who would overrun our fair commonwealth. We hail with pleasure every means of inculcating patriotism in the hearts of our people. Undying patriotism is the need of the hour. The following incident shows Mr Lincoln's estimate of patriotic citizen ship. May we emulate it: William Scott, a boy from a Vermont farm, went through a long march and stood picket all hight. The next day he marched all day and that night volunteered to stand pu-Ket lor a sick comrade, it was too much for him; he fell asleep while at his post. It was a dangerous neighborhood: the enemy was near. Discipline must be' kept. He was ap prehended, tried by court-martial and sentenced to be shot. Wm. Scott is a prisoner in his tent, expecting to be shot the next day. News of the case is carried to Mr. Lincoln. Before night- lau the naps or his tent parted and President Lincoln stood before the condemned boy. He had never talked with a great man before, and he was embarassed. Mr. .Lincoln asked him about the people at home, the neigh bors, the larm, and where he went to school, and who his school-mates were. Then he asked him about his mother and how she looked. . The boy proudly took her photograph from his bosom and. showed it to him. Mr. Lincoln said, "How thankful vou ought to1 be that you have a good mother, and that she still lives; and if I were in your place I would try to make her a proud mother, and never cause her sorrow or a tear." But Mr. .Lincoln said nothing about that dreadful next morning when he was to be shot. ... The boy thought, "Why does he say so much about my mother and my not causing her a tear, when I know 1 must be shot tomorrow morning?" While the boy was thinking, Mr. Lincoln said, "My boy, stand up here and look me in the face." The boy did as he was bidden. "My boy, you are not going to be shot tomorrow; I believe you when you tell me you could not keep awake. ' I am going to send you back to your regiment. Butt I have been put to a good deal of trouble on your account. I have had to come up here from Washington, -when I have a great, deal to do. How are you going to pay my bill?" There was a big lump in Yvm. Scott's throat; He expected to die the next morning, and had got used to thinking that way. But he got the lump crowded down and man aged to say, "I am grateful, Mr. Lin coln. I hope I am as grateful as ever a man could be for saving my life; but j it comes upon me sudden and unex pected like. There is some way to pay you, and I will rind it after awhile. There in the bounty in the savings bank. ;1 guess we could borrow some money on themortgage of the farn v There is my pay, and if you could wait until pay day comes, 1 ainsure the boys would help. So I think we could make it up If it wasn't more than $500 or $000." "But it is a great deal more thau that," said Mr. Lincoln. "Then I don't see how I can pay, but I will find some Way, if I live," said the boy. Mr. Lincoln put his liquids on the boy's shoulders, looked him in the face and said: "My boy, the bill is a very large one; your friends .cannot pay it, nor your bounty, nor the farm, nor all your comrades. There is only one man in all the world who can pay it, and his name is William Scott. If from this day Wm. Scott does his duty, so that It I was there when ne comes to cue, he can look me in the face as he does now, and say, 'I have kept my promise and have done my duty as a soldier,' then my debt will be paid." The promise was cheerfully given. Thence forward there never wus such a soldier as Wm. Scott. But the record of the end came. It was in one of the awful battles of the Peninsula. He was shot all to pieces. Said the boy: "I shall never see another battle. If any of you ever have the chance, I wish you would tell President Lincoln I have tried to be a pood soldier and true to the flag, aud that I should have paid my whole debt to him if I had lived. I thank him because he gave me a chance to fall like a soldier in battle, and not like a coward at the hands of my comrades." . 'Who can pay the debt of devotion and patriotism we owe to our beloved land? . The centralized forces of social ism, anarchy, idleness and vice will uev"r pay it. The greedy and soulless forces of combinations and corporations will not do it; aud corruption in high places will not. But patriotism will. I think we can depend upon the patri ots of our land ,to strike the fatal blow, if it becomes necessary, to defend our government and perpetuate our na tional life. N Fourteen men stood in line, all that was left of a regiment after one of the severest battles in the late war. A wo man; the late colonel's wife, approached them bearing a flag clotted with human blood. She said, "Boys, I jave come from a visit to the hospital, where many of your comrades lie dying. There I found this flag, saved from the hands of the enemy. I have given to my country all I have to give my hus band.". He led you to. buttle; he was left dead, as most of your comrades, on the field. The dearest object left me is this flag. Soldiers, this flag I give to you, knowing that you will ever re member the dying words of my hus band, 'Never surrender the flag.' " So today we say, Comrades and patri ots, as vou lovs this country dearer than the apple of your eye, "never surrender the flag." Arrangements are about completed for incorporating a company under the law passed by the last legislature of Washington, tor digging a uiten so as to control the water of Camas Prairie lake and drain it off at the proper time to secure an annual crop of hay. Timber Land, Act J une 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, The Dalles. Ore gon, May 81. 1895. Notice Is Hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Ctonirress of June 8. 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," Helen B.Davenport of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Oregon, has tills day tiled In this office her sworn statement No. li'l, for the purchase of the W. N. W. section No. 15, In township No. 2 north, range No. 9 east, ana win oner prooi to snow mat tno iana sought Is more valuable for Ita timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at The Dalles, Oregon, on Thursday, the ljth day of August, 181(5. She names as witnesses: M. M. Davenport, C. Copple, Frank Davenport and Carl Wood, all of Hood River, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office ou or before said 15th day of August, 1895. Je8al0 J AS. F. MOORE. Register. Ladd's New Gun Store. New line of all Sporting Goods, Campers, Fisher men aud Prospectors' Supplies at reduced rates. Highest cish price paid for Haw Furs. Send for CatalitMuu. riuuress Ladd's Gun Store. Third and Market Sts, San Francisco, ml. . Jel Spray Pump for Sale. " A Gould Spray Pump, 25 feet of hose and nozzle; all In good order; been In use one sea son. . , C. E. MARKHAM. Horse for Sale or Trade. ' I have a good work horse for sale, or will trade for a milch cow. MRS. LOUISA F. REED, Jel Hood River, Or. Furnished House to Let. A house of three well furnished rooms. Ap ply to M. F. 8LOPER, Hood River. Or. Team for Sale. A team of two mures and harness for sale Both gentle- will work single or double. Weight about 1150 pounds. Price $li!5. M. F. SLOPES, Hood River, Or. ' 5 -Acre Tract for Sale. Five acres unimproved land for sale. One mile from town. Good water privilige m. i. L,ui'jiu, uooa uiverj or. : ; N OTiOE i'OU t UUL LCATI0N7 Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., May 22, 1895. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be niade before W. R. Dunbar, Commissioner United states Circuit Court for District of Washington, at Goldendale, Wash., on July fl, 1895, viz: -. EDWARD R. ALLISON, H. E. No. W.8 for the lots 1 and 2 and south northeast i sec. 6, township 5 north, range 11 east, W. M. . . He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: John Peterson, Noah Etter, Jacob Bchmlel and Nels Olsen, all of Trout Lake, Wash. GEO. 11. STEVENSON, ma25Je29 Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouverv Wash., May 22, 1895. Notice Is hereby eiven that the follow ing-named settler has liled notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. R. Dunbar, Commissioner U. . Circuit Court for District of Washington, at his office In Goldendule, Wash., on July 6, 1895, viz: EDWARD R. ALLISON, One of the heirs of Clinton B. Allison, dee'd., H. E. No. 6587 for the south southeast 14, northeast southeast and southeast northcant section 23, township 0 north, ranse 10 east. Will. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: , John Peterson, Noah Etter, Jacob Schmlcl and Nols Olseu, all of Trout Lake, Wash. mifiJoSil ' GEO. 11. STIC VE.VHO.V, Register, WEST. ; KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND Choice Fresh Meats, Hams, Bacon, Lard, And All Kinds of Game. ' ALSO, DEALERS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. HOOD RIVER, -' - - - - - - - OREGON. Fruit & Produce Commission Merchants Helena; Montana. Helena Is the best, distributing point In Montana. We solicit" consignments of Straw berries and other fruits. Returns promptly mad. apl8 WE HAVE ADOPTED THE . And shall endeavor to merit custom by QUALITY as well as QUANTITY. BICYCLES FROM $100 DOWN. Ramblers, Ladies or G'ts, (clincher tires) $100.00 Victors " - " 100.00 Columbias, " .. " 100.00 Monarchs, " " 100,00 Ben Hur, " " (clincher tires) 85,00 Defiance, " " 75.00 Cresent Special, 50.00 Ideals, (clincher tires), $65, $55, and 45.00 Aiid many others at prices to suit. '" "WILLIAMS; & BROSIUS," Hood -El'-sT-eS: DaJar am.eic3r. HANNA & DEALERS IN HOOD RIVER, OREGON. AGENTS FOR BEST IN THE WORLD. HEADQUARTERS4 FOR LEATHER GOODS The Famous C M. For MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN. All sizes and large variety. My motto is "Possibly not the Cheapest, but the Best," and the Henderson Shoes are the cheapest in the long run Don't Fail To call and examine and prlce thesa goods. They will please you. No trouble to show them. Hand-made Double Team Harness, $20 ! With Boston Team Collars. All other kinds of Harness cheap for 1895. If you doubt It, call and price them. 1 propose to keep Hood River trade at home if price is an object. D. F. PIERCE, Hood River, Or. ISsrcellerrt .'Tca-cli.ers, ZBeardtif'-u.l ; S-o.rro-vjLrLd.ira.g:s- s SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES, Address, NOTICE FOR UBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 7, 1805. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on June 20, 1895, viz: . .CHARLES II. ROGERS, . Hd. E. No. S389, for the southeast i section,32, township S north, range 10 east, W. M. He names the loll iwlmr witnesses to rjrove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Alfred Boorman, W. A. Eastman, Antone Wise and E. D. Calkins, all of Hood River, Or. mallJIS - JAS. V. MOORE, Register. Mt Rail for Sale Gtoi). Situated miles west of th town of Hood Ri ver,oi the Columbia. Free from late frosts. Full crop of all kinds of fruit now on ranch. Flue irrigating facilities and water for that purpose belonging to place. Call at Glacier ofllco or at ranch. F. II. ABSTEN, BBOS., VOLFARD, -AT- HENDERSON & CO.'S The Annie Wright Seminary. TACOMA, WASHINGTON. J 1 884. Eleventh Year. 1 894. A Boarding School for Girls, . with Superior Advantages. Tin IitsTrnrnoi Grrea CtsiruL ATrarnoir to m ) MORAL ' S ( J. INTELLECTUAL J ) PHYSICAL ( Drmonrtft or tn BiuBim. MRS. SARAH K. WHITE. Principal. G. T. Pbather, . Notary Public. H. C. Cob. PRATHER & COE, M Esls aii Insurance 93 Oak St., bet. 2d and 3d. (IHy We have lots, blocks and acreage in the town of Hood River; nlso, fruit, hay and ocrry farms and timber claims In the most desira ble locations In the valley. If you have any thing in the real estate line to sell or rent, or if you want to buy, give us a call. Deeds, bonds and mortgages promptly and Correctly executed. We will also attend to legal business In Jus tices' courts. We are also agents for SOUTH WAUCOMA. property. PRATHER.. & ,COE. ' : op27 ; ' - .