The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 08, 1895, Image 1

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V v; It's a Cold Pay When We Get Left. . '--.-"r : ' , W Yt:.. :V:'
3food Iiver Slacier.
One year ..... W 00
Six months 1 Of
Thru, month. W
Snifle copy Cent
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GRANT EVANS, Proprietor.
ShavIoK and hair-cutting neatly done. Satis
factum guaranteed.
Commercial Provisions of the
Oriental Agreement.
The Concessions Will Open Vp to tUe1
Enterprising Islanders Many Im
portant Ports and Localities.
Washington, June 6. Minister
Denby, of China, in a dispatoh dated
May 25, has furnished the state depart
ment a synopsis of the treaty of peace
between China and Japan. The com
mercial provisions are as follows: .
A new treaty of commerce is to be
made immediately after this treaty is
ratified, and until the treaty is made,
Japan is to have favored nation treat
ment. Six months from the date of
the present treaty, April 17, the fol
lowing concessions are to take effeot:
First The following ports are to be
opeued to Japanese trade, residence,
industries and manufactories: - Shin,
' in Hapei; Chung King, in Szeohuan;
Suohow, in Kiaug Su; Hong Chow, in
Seoond Steam navigation on the
Upper "Yangtse river, from Iohung to
Chung King, and on Woo Sung river,
and the oanal from Shanghai to Su
ohow and Hong Chow.
Third Japanese may rent or hire
warehouses for storage of goods in in
terior China free of taxes or exaotions.
Fourth Japanese may engage in
manufacturing, and may import ma
chinery at ports. '
In a previous dispatch dated April
23, Minister Denby states that Vice
Consul Bandidnal, of New Chang ter
ritory, still "occupiedc by,. Japanese
troops, had received a oommunioation
from the Japanese authorities announc
ing that a speoial commission for the
port had been appointed and that oom
meroe would be carried on with certain
restrictions usual and essential during
military occupation. . The customs du
ties, fees, etc., levied upon exports and
imports are to be the same as prevailed
upder Chinese rule. '.-
The Transfer 01 Formosa. ,
Shanghai, June 6. Lord Li Hung
Chang, son of Viceroy Li Hung Chang,
and John W. Foster, who have been to
the island of Formosa for the purpose
of formally transferring it to Japan,
according to the terms of the. treaty,.
have returned.'--Foster, in an inter
view, stated that Admiral Viscount
Kaibayeta, formerly chief of the Jap
anese navy department, has been ap
v pointed governor,., pf . Formosa. The
formal transfer was effeoted June 22.
Foster will return to the United States
on the first steamer. -
Sentenced to Be Shot. -
Madrid. June 6. -Gneral Prima de
Rivera, oaptain-general of Madrid, who
was shot yesterday by japtain viavigo,
is better. The. trial,,, of Clavigo by
court-martial began today. In his dei
fense, Clavigo stated he was driven to
commit the deed by persecution to
which he had been subieoted byRivera,
TTb dpmlnrert the general acted on the
influence of a demi-monde- who had a
o-rnrlfffi aarainst him. The general, he
further stated, had ordered his pay to
he withheld, with the result that he
heoume obliged repeatedly to oall upon
the generosity '; of his friends. The
oourt pronounoed the prisoner guilty
and sentenced him to be shot tomorrow
morning at 6 o'clock. .-
He Prayed or Is Sight.
Metropolis, 111., June 6. A preacher
named Benton, blind from nis birtn,
reoeived his eyesight last night, and is
today the happiest man in the city. He
is a preacher for the United Brethren
' here, and he claims that the receiving
of his sight is the direct answer to
' prayer. Mr. Benton is 80 years of age.
Strikers Taken In.
Providenoe, R. I., June 6. There
has been a slight increase: today in the
working force of the ., several mills
which opened their doors to the return
- lag strikers yesterday. ;
Archbishop Kenrick Still in I'ossesslon
of Ills Title.
Rome, June 6. It is stated at the
Vatican that the brief cable from St.
Louis announcing the pope's deposition
of Archbishop Kenrick and nomination
in his stead of Archbishop Kain, is due
to an unfortunate misapprehension of a
cable from Rome, which summarized
the action taken by the congregation of
the propaganda. The written decree
was mailed to the United States sev
eral days ago. It does not depose Arch
bishop Kenriok from his present title
or position nor appoint Archbishop
Kain his successor. . Such action could
only have been taken through a papal
bull, i The present action is the decree
of the congregation made for the. pur
pose of assisting m the management of
the administration of the church prop
erty of the archdiocese. Had the arch
bishop been relieved, he would have
been given a new title as arohbishop of
a suppressed diocese in the far Fast, in
order that the change would entail no
sacrifice of dignity or station, but the
decree. made no ohange in his title and
leaves him in possession of his present
title as arohbishop of St. Louis. It de
fines exactly and clearly the position of
Arohbishop Kain as coadjutor, making
more definite powers than were confer
red upon him a year ago. It does not,
however, make him successor 'to Arch
bishop Kenriok, . but gives him such
powers as coadjutor tnat ne will be
able to carry on the laborious work of
managing tne cnurcn property ana
affairs as though he were archbishop
in name or fact This will bring no
deposition or removal of the venerable
head of the archdiocese. It is regret
ted the few words sent by cable sum
marizing the full deoree should have
been misconstrued.
Chicago Women Cyclists Stirred Up by a
Preacher's Sermon.
Chicago, June 6. The "Sabbath
Cyoling" sermon preaohed by Rev.
Kittridge Wheeler, pastor of the Fourth
Baptist church of this city, has stirred
up the feminine devotees of the wheel,
from the humblest shop girl who rides
to her work to save oar fare, to the
leaders of Chioago society. They do
not resent the scoring reoeived on the
ground that they have become habitual
Sabbath breakers, but the ironical
words in whioh this sarcastio divine
holds up to ridioule the female cyoling
costumes have touched the pride of
every woman who has ever worn one
of them and of those who- have never
gone further than a short skirt worn
over kniekerbookers. Mrs. Catharine
MoCullooh said today in referenoe to
his sermon: -
' While it may seem undignified for
a minster of the gospel to leave the
preaching of salvation to indulge in
comicalities about women's bioycle
dresses, it will not worry the bicyolers
any, for few women depend on the pul
pit for their f ashions. While I have
not yet found time to learn to ride the
bioycle, 1 congratulate all women who
do ride, and especially those enterpris
ing women who have adopted a more
healthy, more oleanly, less dangerous
and less expensive style of dress. As
to the immorality of abbreviated skirts,
it cannot be mentioned in the same
breath with the bathing costume or the
ordinary evening dress worn by fash
ionable women. "
- Mrs. Heaton Owsley said:
"The ridiculing of any prevailing
bicyole oostumes worn by women im
presses me as very foolish, especially
in a pulpit utterance supposed to be ser
iously intended. There is nothing in
trinsically immodest in either bloomers
or knickerbockers. "
An Exile's Tale. !
San Francisco, June 6. Karl
Kleeme, ex-chief of the Hawaiian
mounted polioe, has sent an to
Washington stating that he had been
imprisoned and exiled because he de
clared against the immigration of Jap
anese which the Dole government fa
vored. ' He says he had no 'connection
with the insurrection and no prior
knowledge of the ' intended .insurreo'
tion. In prison he suffered from asthma
and lack of food. He was told if he
did not leave the oountry he woul
be tried by a military : oourt and his
two brothers would also, be -arrested.
He was denied medioine brought by his
wife to him. He says' Captain Davies,
who landed arms for the natives,
turned states' evidence and informed
against many revolutionists to effect
his own escape. -
Denounced the Supreme Court.
- Spokane. Wash.. June 6. The
Trades Connoil adopted resolutions to-
night denouncing the supreme court
for sending Eugene V. Debs to jail,
"for no other reason than it was the
wish of a srreedy corporation and the
plutocratic thieves of the country."
The supreme court is declared to be
factional, whimsical and unreliable,
being out .of the reach of the people
and irresponsible. It is further declar
ed that members of that body have
been known to change their opinions
on important matters without inform'
ing the publio of the reasons, causes or
amont of consideration for suoh
ohanges of opinion..
The Dallas People Confident
, . of the Big Mill. fr
If They Secure It, It Will Be Fought
on the State Fair Grounds the
Third Week in October.
New York, June 6. Fitzsimmons,
Vendig and Stewart called on Lawyer
Friend at his office and disoussed the
pros and cons of the big mill. They
all- agreed that everything . looked
promising for the meeting between
Corbett and Fitzsimmons. Lawyer
Friend said he was satisfied with the
guarantee and that the affair would go
through. The Corbett end of it, ac
cording to Manager Brady, is also sat
isfied with the guarantee by the Texas
man. Later, the backers of the pugi
lists met in an uptown sporting house,
and they repeated after the conference
that they are oonfident the fight will be
pulled off in the latter part of October
at Dallas.
As preliminaries to the ' contest for
the championship, it is proposed to
match the winners of the Maher
O'Donnell and Choynski-Hall fights,
soon to be decided. Matches between
Tommy Ryan, of Chicago, and Billy
Smith, of Boston, and the best man at
the weight against Billy Plimmer for a
limited or a finish fight are also men
tioned. ,
Dallas Tex. , June 5. In pugilistio
and sporting circles it is regarded as
certain that the Corbett-Fitzsimmons
fight will take place here. . The follow
ing was received here today from A.
C. Stewart, who is in New York:
"Am almost certain everything will
be closed our way tomorrow night. I
am trying hard to mike terms that
will leave the Yankee money in Texas."
The fight will occur during the state
fair, which begins October 15 and ends
the 81st. An immense building en
closing an amphitheater with a seating
capacity of 80,000, will have to be
erected for the occasion. This build
ing will probably be erected just oufc
side the fair grounds. .
Quebec, June 5. Attorney-General
Casgrain was asked if there would be
any objection on his part to the Corbett-Fitzsimmons
fight coming off in
this province and he replied:
"It certainly will not take place in
the province if I can help it, and I will
take all possible means to stop it if any
attempt is made to have the contest
come off here." -
Salvation Army Defies the Ordinance.
Los.Gatos, CaL, June 5. The local
oorps of the Salvation Army has bid
den defiance to the recent ordinance
passed by the board of town trustees to
the effeot that hereafter no drum-beating
or horn-tooting would be permitted
on the streets of Los Gatos without
first getting permission from the presi
dent of the board. The corps appeared
on Main street last week as usual with
their drum and cymbals. A warrant
was sworn out before Justice Beggs for
the arrest of Captain Wright, charging
her with violation of the ordinanoe.
When arraigned she entered a plea of
not guilty, and her trial was set for
Saturday ; next, , Instruction were re
ceived from the San' Francisco head
qua ters of the army, to . make a test
case. '
' Protest From Organized Labor.
Chicago, June 5. -At the meeting of
the Chicago Tirade and Labor Assem
bly, held at the bricklayers', hall last
night, the committee appointed to in
vestigate the , legality of the proposed
use of street railway cars as mail cars
submitted its report. : It said so far as
it could learn there was no. legal au
thority for the issue of permits for. the
use of these cars as mail cars. In the
course of the discussion on this subject,
Delegate Pomeroy denounced the op
position to the use of street oars as inail
cats as opposition to the.' progress of
civilization. The real objection to. the
use of cars on street car lines is said
to be that in times of labor , distrub-
anoes the government might use . the
lines for the transportation of ' troops,
and in a case of a street car strike the
men would be "compelled to refrain
from stopping; the cars, of else come
into conflict with the federal author!
ties.,. .. . - v - -:-
... The Big Telescope Finished.
Cambridge, Mass.', June 5. The
great forty-inch lens, .the highest, : tele-
soopp glass ever made; which Aivan Ej.
Clark has been working on for more
than a year for the Yerkes telesoope, is
completed, and will soon be shipped to
its destination. The Yerkes telescope
will be so much bigger than the Lick,
now the largest in the world, that its
promoters are confident that astonish
ing discoveries may be made as soon as
it is set up.
Byrnes to Bival Plnkerton.
New York, June 5. It is reported
that Thomas Byrnes, ex-superintendent
of police, will organize a private de
tective agenoy in the near future. ,
The National Cordage Company Now in
Receivers' Hands.
New York, June 5. Justice Ingram,
in the special term of the supreme
court, today appointed John I. Water
bury and William E. Strong receivers
of the national Cordage Company,
under bonds of $100,000. The receiv
ership is the result of the proceedings
instituted by B. Rollins Morse. ' .
The application for the appointment
of receivers was due to the fact that
the company has not sufficient funds
to carry on the business, and was un
able to arrange for sufficient time to
meet the requirements of the occasion.
A receivership became necessary.
Messrs. Frank Sturgis, William Bar
bour and John I. Waterbury, who have
agreed to act as a protective committee
under the reorganization of the com
pany, have issued a circular, in whioh
they say that the conditions require an
immediate introduction of new capital,
to be represented by new first-mortgage
bonds, which shall be applied to
take up underlying loans and as an in
creased working capital. , They submit
a plan for reorganization as follows:
The issue of $3,000,000 first-mortgage
6-per-oent 50-year gold r bonds.
The issue of $7,500,000 consolidated
mortgage 5-per cent 50-year gold bonds,
With voting power. These bonds are
to be non-cumulative, but to receive 5
per cent interest, payable from profits,
in any year prior to any dividends on
the stock of the company. In any year
in whioh a dividend of 2 per cent is
paid on the stock of the company, there
shall be paid from profits on such con
solidated bonds an amount not to ex
ceed 2 1-2 per cent, provided the un
paid interest in arrears on such bonds
shall equal such amount, and, if not,
then the to the amount of such bonds
as may be so in arrears. The issue of
common stock to the amount of $12,
000,000, holders of the present $7,500,
000 bonds to receive par in new con
solidated bonds. Holders on present
ing the stock shall subscribe at par for
new first-mortgage bonds, to the
amount of $20 per share, and shall re
ceive 8 per cent in the common .stock of
the oompany. Present preferred stock
holders shall subscribe at par for the
first-mortgage bonds to the amount of
$10 per share, and receive 40 per cent
of the new stock. Present common
stockholders shall subscribe at par for
the new first-mortgage bonds to- the
amount of $5 per share, and Shall re
ceive 25 per cent of the common stock
of the ' new company. ' Deposits of
present securities must be made with
the Manhattan Trust Company by June
The subscription to the present new
issue of $3,000,000 of first-mortgage
bonds has been undertaken by the syn
dicate. The orders of appointment of
receivers provide for a continuance by
the receivers of the business of the cor
porations. Uneasiness in ewfoundland.
St. John's, N. F., June 6. Another
adjournment of the legislature occa
sioned uneasiness among the public;
especially as the newspapers publish
press clippings tending to show that
certain legal ; points require to be
proven before the loan negotiations can
be concluded. The legislature may not
proceed to business until after Colonel
Secretary Burns' return from England,
if he can get back before the end , of
June, as it is essential that all regrad
ing of the salaries and reducing of
grants shall begin before , the next
quarter. '''. ".
An Inch and a Half of Ground. .
San Francisco, June 6. J. K. Prior
and Claus Spreokels are having an
amusing dispute over an inch and a
half of ground. Spreokels recently
purchased some property on Market
street adjoining a fine building owned
by Prior. It was discovered that Pri
or's building trespasses one inoh. and a
half on Spreokels' gronnd. Spreokels
will not sell this small seotion of land,
and Prior will not move his building.
So far the parties have failed to reach
an agreement.
Final Transfer of the Fair Wheat,
San Frahoisoo, . June 6; The final
transfer of 179,600 tons of wheat, be
longing to the Fair estate, was consum
mated this afternoon. -. Four leading
shipping firms,' George W-'McNear,
Epbinger " &, Co. ; Balfour.' Guthrie &
Co., and Girvin, Baldwin & Eyrie,
were the purchasers at $17 a ton. the
certified checks given in payment
amounting to $3,053,200. McNear's
claim againBt' the estate for storage was
$110,000. : The court allowed $89,000
as comimssions to the "brokers who ne
gotiated the sale.-,:. .
Mrs. Hartley Must Go to Prison. .
Carson, Nev., June 5. The request
for a speoial meeting of the board of
pardons to consider the case of Mrs.
Alioe M. Hartley, the slayer of Senator
M. D. Foley, was complied with and
the board met today. - Petitions from
all" parts of the state asking her release
were read and many friends spoke
in her behalf, but they were of no
avail. When a vote was taken one was
for pardon - and four against. Mrs.
Hartley is sentenced to eleven years'
imprisonment . '
Statement From Illinois' Gov
ernor on Debs Decision.
He Accuses the Supreme Court of Hav
ing Trampled Upon Bights of
the People. .
Springfield, Ills., June 4. Governor
Altgeld is of the belief that the su
preme court has established a danger
ous precedent in remanding Eugene V.
Debs and his American Railway . Union
associates to jaiL He expressed him
self in a very caustic manner today
regarding the decision, and accuses the
oourt of trampeling on the . rights of
the people, and being the tool of a
monopoly. He gives his views for pub
lication in a signed statement, in
which he says in part:
"This decision marks a turning
point in our history, for it establishes
a new form of government that is,
government by injunction.
"The provision of the constitution
that no man shall be deprived of his
liberty without a trial by an impartial
jury is practically wiped out by this
deoisionof the supreme court of the
United States, and the theory that ours
is a government of law is now at an
end, for every community is now sub
ject to any whim or caprice whioh any
federal judge may promulgate. And
if federal judges can do this, then it
will not be long until state judges will
follow this example. For over a cen
tury our government moved along the
lines of the constitution, and we be
came great - and powerful; life and
property .-were protected, and the law
was enforced. Now we have made a
departure; the bulwark of liberty has
been ' undermined; trial by jury has
been stricken down.
"For a number of years it has been
remarked that the decisions of the
United States oourt were nearly always
in favor of the ooprorations. Then it
was noticed that no man could be ap
pointed to a federal judgeship unless
he was satisfactory to those interests.
"Over a year ago the New York
World talked about a packed supreme
court, and that oourt has, -within a few
days, rendered two . decisions whioh
unfortunately tend ' to confirm this
charge. A week ago it did violence to
the constitution and laws of the land
by holding that the government had
no power to tax the riches of this coun
try. Now it has stricken down trial by
jury, and nas estabiisnea -government
by injunction.'
"Forty years ago the slave power
predominated; today it is that of cap
italists. The American poepie crusnect
the slave power and saved our institu
tions. : Can they rescue them again?
Many say yes, but they have not re
flected that the crushing force. wnion
now conironts tnem is greater man
was ever the slave power. Capital sits
in the White House and legislates in
the capitol. The oourts of justice are
its ministers and legislators are its
lackeys. The whole ; machinery of
fashionable society is its handmaid.
"Just see -what a brood of evils have
sprung from the power of capitalism
since 1890: First, the striking down
of over one-third of the money of the
world, thus 'crushing the debtor class
and paralyzing industry; second, the
growing of that corrupt use of wealth
which is undermining our institutions,
debauching . publio officials, shaping
legislation, and creating judges who do
its bidding; third, the exemption or
the rich from taxation; fourth, the sub
stitution of government by injunction
for government by the constitution;
fifth, - the striking down of trial by
jury. ' ' ; ; ' . '' :.
"Never has there been so mucn pa
triotic' talk as in the last twenty-five
years, . ana never was mere so many
influences at work strangling republi
can institutions." ' :- s ,"
Disciplining the Hawaiian Army.
Indianapolis, June 4. A private let
ter from Honolulu, under date of May
20, printed in the , JNews today, says
among other things, that MoLane, late
of the United States army and navy,
who had. charge of General Grant's
funerl procession, has been made colo-
nel of an Hawaiian regiment. . lie ar
rived on the last boat and took charge
at once. He is regarded by. the troops
as. thoroughly military, and has made
some radical changes and inaugurated
a oourse of strict discipline, which has
heretofore been rather lax. The letter
adds that there are lots of rumors afloat
on the island of a filibustering expedi
tion that is supposed to be on its way
down the islands, or else getting ready
to come.. The government has hired a
steamer, placed a cannon on board,
and has it patrol around the islands
watching for any suspicious vessels
that come in sight.
To' Prison for life. .
Detroit, Mich., June 6. The jury
in the case of Mrs. Nellie Pope, charg
ed with the murder of her husband, r&
turned a verdict of guilty this after
noon. She was immediately sentenced
to life imprisonment
Eagerness Prevailing in Europe Soon to
. . ' Beach This Country.
San Francisco, June 4. Irwin C.
Stump believes that the eagerness for
investment in mines which now pre
vails in London, Paris, and Berlin
will soon extend to New York and
spread over this oountry. He looks for
a genuine boom in mining properties
in the United States. As he is at the
focus of mining thought and enterprise
in New York, his opinion is of value.
He further said: .
"I would not express an opinion of .
that kind unless I had some foundation
for it. And I will explain to you why
I think that a great deal of money will
be invested in American mines in a
short time. . There is . at, present as
great excitement in London over min
ing properties as there was in San
Francisoo in 1876 over the Comstock.
Men with money want mining proper-
ty. This eagerness for mining proper
ties is not confined to London, but is
quite keen in Paris and BeVlin. In
fact mines are now the favorite invest
ment throughout Europe. ' !
"We had a similar boom in Califor
nia during the Comstock days, but the
exoitement of those days and the in-'
vestments then made are insignificant -to
that which is now going on in Lon
don. Europe is now engrosed with
the properties in Africa and Australia.
The efforts to mine for gold in the new
fields in Australia will in all probabil
ity be a failure, owing to the lack of
water there. The quest now will be
confined to Africa. The system of de
veloping those properties is as follows:
An exploration company was
formed of which the Rothschilds are
the chief spirits, and Cecil Rhodes the
promoter in Africa. This oompany as
the name implies, explores the country ;
for mines. . The stock of iron mines is .
placed on the exchange in London for
sale, and this the people all over Eu
rope are buying.
Now as to America. There is no
doubt , that an exploration company
will be formed in New York on the
same lines as those in London. It
would doubtless have been organized
this month had certain gentlemen re
mained in New York. Senator Jones
is deeply interested in the project, and
D. O. Mills and J. W. Mackay will in
vest. : New York is quite as ready to
take up mining investments as London
or Paris. - All the .money needed to.
oarry on a work in the" United " States
similar to that which the Rothschilds
are backing in Africa can be had in
New York in a short time.
'The exploration company which
will be organized in New York in a
few weeks or months will operate in
this way:
"In the first place it will have a very
large working capital. - If a mine
owner comes with a mine for sale to
the company he will be requested to
pay for an examination of the property
by one of the experts of the company.
If the report is satisfactory ' the com
pany will buy the property and de
velop it or will endeavor to sell it,
charging a commission. With the in
dorsement 'of the property by the com
pany this will not. be difficult to do;
or, if the mine-owner wants enough
money to put up a mill, the company
will do that and take a share of the
returns; or the oompany will take a
proportion of, the stock, with a view of
opening it up to see what it oontainS.
If it is not satisfactory after a certain
amount of work has been done, it will
be dropped and the loss accepted. , It
will be the aim also of the company to
list the stock of the "mines on the ex
changes and offer it lor sale to the pub-.
lie. , -
"New York is eager for this move
ment. The great exoitement in -Europe
over mines has extended to this
country, and the people in the East are
ready to invest their money in mines.
It is my opinion that this country is a
better field for a mining boom than '
Africa or Australia. We have good
mining territory in New Mexico, Ari
zona, California, Colorado, Nevada,
Utah, " Oregon, - Idaho, Montana andj
Washington, There are innumerable
prospects here which will pay a com- -pany
to explore.
"New. York is now the center of
mining interests in the United States.
There are ten mines offered for sale
there now to one in San Frftnoisco,
and scarcely a day passes that three or
four mine-owners do not call at my
office with a property for sale. If an
exploration company takes hold of
these properties, examines them care
fully by a oompetent expert and then
publishes his opinion of them,, people
in the East will have more confidence
in them and will put their money in
them. I think this movement in
American mines will begin in the
fall." . ;
An Altrurian Colony Split Up.
Santa Rosa, Cal., June 6,' It is
rumored that the Altrurian colony, lo
cated at Markwest, a few miles from
this city, split up into two factions re
cently. Work on the big hotel started
there a few weeks ago has been stopped,
and it is reported that the dissatisfied
faotion purchased the Crigler ranch,
above Cloverdale, and will go there and
establish an independent oolony. The
colony stated at Markwest under flat
tering auspices last fall. ' .