The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 01, 1895, Image 4

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"T) OVAL Baking Powder is absolutely pure and
- healthful, composed of the best ingredients,
and of the . highest strength. It is impossible to
make a purer or stronger baking powder.
San Francisco Board of Health.
Mrs. V. Curley, of I larence, Iowa, Tells
an Interesting Story of Her Ex
perience With Pink Pills.
From the Republican, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Mrs. V. Curley who has resided in
Clarenoe, Iowa, for the past twenty-two
yeras, tells an interesting story of what
she considers rescue from premature
"For ten years prior to 1894, I was a
constant sufferer from acute stomach
trouble. I had all the manifold symp
toms of acute dyspepsia, and at times
other troubles were present in complica
tion I did not know what it was to
J 1 XT.. t-t-. 1
I might be as to the quality, quantity
' and preparation of my food, distress
always followed eating. I was des
pondent and blue. Almost to the point
of insanity at times, and would have
l 1 1 J j- . Cj . . . .1 .. f . T
ueen gmu w me. kjlwu auu x
could no sleep. Sympahetic heart
trouble set in and time and again I
was obliged to call a doctor in the night
to relieve sudden a tacks oi suffocation
which would come- on without a
moment's warning.
My troubles increased as time wore
on and I spent large sums in doctor
bills, being compelled to have medical,
. attendants almost constantly. ., . During
1892 and 1893, it was impossible for me
to retain iood, ana water Drasnes
plagued me. . I was reduced to a skele-
ton. A consultation of physicians was
; unable to determine just what did ail
me. The doctors gave us as their opin
ion that the probable trouble was ulcer
ation of the coats of .the stomach and
Vialri Innf fin rirmfi' of rmnvflrv. Onfi
aoctor saia, ah can oo iu relieve
: your suffering is by the use of opium."
About this time a friend of mine,
Mrs. ; Symantha Smith,' of Glidden,
Iowa, told me about the case of Mrs.
Thurston, of Oxford Junction, Iowa.
mv.; 1...3 .3 ..1. 1. ,. J T i 1
much the same as I had. She had
oonftulted local physicians without re
lief, and had gone to Davenport for
treatment. ' Giving up all hope of re
covery, she was persuaded by a friend
to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The
result was almost magical.
I was led to try them from her exper
ience, and before many months 'J felt
better than I had for a dozen years,
I am now almost free from trouble, and
if through some error of diet I feel
' badly, this splendid remedy ' sets me
right again ; I have, ' regained my
strength and am once more in my usual
a. l, T i n ,a i. in
jiesu. x Bleep wen uuu utiu eub wiiuuut
distress. I have no doubt that I owe
my recovery to Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. I only wish that I had heard of
them years ago thereby saving myself
the years of suffering . and . much
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills oontain all
the elements necessarv to cive new life
and richness to the blood and restore
shattered nerves. They are for sale by
. all druggists, or may be" had by mail
from Dr, Williams' Medicine Company,
Schenectady, N. Y., for 50c per box,
or six boxes for $2.60.
People Who Vanish.
Among the periodic waves which
1 A. f . i
ubrmu uur reitb ueubuis mere ih uune so
strange as that of mysterious disappear
ances. Such a wave selects its victims
from all classes, ages. Men, women and
children are impartially its prey. Some
times the absentees return in a dazed
condition unable to tell of their where
abouts. Others present a mystery dark
er still, for they never return and are
no mora heard of. Fonl rilav. a nrnxarl
fever for wandering, premeditated
flight, are called to acoonnt as causes,
but some of these mysteries have neither
. apparentcause nor end. It is a queer
and weird feature of our modern life
that these mysterious disappearances can
so easily take place and their subjects
be neither traced nor recovered in spite
of our .crowded civilization. But per
haps it is because of it. Baltimore
. ; Tracked by Bits of Dog.
A woman novelist told a funny story
the other day about the numerous let
ters she received from ambitious young
writers, asking her to put their works
on thfi mftrkflfc. Thnv wnnlrl "dnrllv
give her a percentage of the sale if, she
only would. " Among suoh. letters was
one from a young lady who had chosen
a highly dramatic plot for her story, in
developing which the good young hero
ine is carried off by the wicked villain.
They are pursued by the good young
man. The good young heroine had a pet
doe that followed her and snatmed at
the villain's heels. . The villain became
enraged and shot the faithful brute.
Fragments of the little animal are found
scattered all along the road by the good
young man, who by the assorted bits of
dog by the wayside runs down the vil
lain. Philadelphia Press.
He Knew the Sex.
"How does Midgely get the reputa
tion. of being such a,n angel?" ,
"Oh,! be just looks unhappy and
speaks of his wife always in such high
terms that all the other women are will
ing to swear she's a tartar."-""' "
. .. I
System of Refined Torture That Kill In
Three Years.
Though the death penalty was prac
tically abolished in Belgium over 30
years ago, the punishment of those con
victed of capital crimes is so awful that
none has yet been able to endure it more
than three years. Another curious thing
is that little Belgium until recently had
two public executioners, while but one
was sufficient for her vaster neighbor,
Franoe Deibler, otherwise known as
"M. de Paris." The king of the
Belgians recently ordered the retire
ment on a pension of 1837 francs of the
"exeontor of high works" (as he is
euphoniously termed), wbo was - sta
tioned at Liege. .: The executioner at
Brussels still holds his place.
The duties of public executioner in
Belgium are singular, but not arduous.
The courts still continue to sentence
malefactors to death, but the guillotine
has been replaced by a scaffold on which
is posted a copy of the sentenoa Much
ceremony is observed in affixing this
document A troop of gendarmes, with
their . imposing helmets plumed with
horsehair, is drawn up about the place
of execution, which they gravely guard
with sabers drawn, while the red robed
executioner mounts the steps, nails up
the decree of the court and after a mo
ment takes it down again. , ;,'
But the condemned' man might more
mercifully have perished by the ax or
rope. He is placed in a dungeon so
constructed, that from the moment he
enters it he will never hear the sound
of human voices nor see a living being.
His food is passed through a sliding
panel in the door 'of his cell. ,
Not one of these prisoners has been
able to survive this confinement more
than three years.' r The authorities have
striven in vain to prolong their lives by
varying their food as much as possible,
but those who are moderately or lightly
nourished gradually waste away, while
those who are generously fed go mad
and die raving maniacs. New York
A Time When Feminine Styles Were Pre
ferred by Men. 1
'In point of fact,' the early mediaeval
man and woman looked as much alike as
the fin de siecle wheelman and his bi
cycle girl. ; Take the king and queen in
a pack of cards. They are early mediae
val. ; Notice the surprising similarity
in their costumes the same, wide robes
and angular folds, the same stained
glass stiffness. ; Novices at oards may be
excused for being at a loss sometimes,
at least until they have learned to look
for the king's beard.
With the wane of the age of chivalry
there came a , singular exaggeration in
the toilet of- men.' ; They deliberately
imitated the women. They allowed
their hair to grow long; cultivated curls
by the hot irons and ointments and ac
tually wore chaplets, like diadems, to
curb their flowing locks. In the texture
and color, of their garments they showed
the same effeminacy, for they began to
affect brilliant reds, and blues and to
wear costly trimmings and jewelry.
' This, too, was the age of the sighing,
wailing lover, fainting at his mistress'
frown. Every knight who could write
or sing posed as a minstrel and re
hearsed his love affairs. At every gath
ering of the nobility there was a child
ish prattle of love, cloying and monoto
nous , for . very sweetness The sexes
seemed to have changed places. It was
the lover who was a shy wallflower,
who blnshed and went about woeful
and woe worn from - his secret passion.
As we look over the poems of the min
nesingers, those bards of love, the lady
seems always unapproachable, listening
with contemptuous mien to the gentle
man's gentle advances. While he suc
cumbs to nervous exhaustion she goes
about her business perfectly healthy,
either indifferent or cruelly conscious of
her power. -W. D McCracken in Lip
pinoott's. ' ' ' "'. , .
Jack I don't quite comprehend Miss
Smith. "? ' ;.?,,(
Tom-i-In what respect?' ' ' "
Jack Well, we were children tosether.
and here now I'm 32, and she's only 22.
Tom You've lived faster than she has.
. Jack Thanks, old fellow, I guess that
explains it. Detroit Free Press.
The oldest mathematical book in- the
world is called the "Papyrus Rhind." It
is in manuscript, of course, and was writ
ten by one Ahmes, an Egyptian who lived
In the year 2000 B. C, The book is now in
the British museum.'
There was only one complete die made
for, the purpose of coining money by the
Confederate States of America that for a
1 cent piece, which was made - by Lovett,
the Philadelphia engraver, in 1861. '
Boccio is the name of an Italian game
which consists in throwing large wooden
balls at a small one. The points go to the
man who throws his large ball nearest the
one aimed at. ' ' '
Petrified horse tracks are among the cu
riosities attributed to Missouri. They are
said to, be found in the bottom of a creek
in Kay county.
f.iiito Knrtla rf tlto n-iiflFin na veal an oniH
the creature is as large again as the lion.
Many a girl makes a blunder In not tak
ing a man at his word when he says, "I
am not worthy of your love."
Mr, Ecltenrede's Eel Catch Almost llnpar-
alleled In the Annals of Fishing.
A remarkable haul of eels was made
the other day by Cosmos Eckenrode, who
was fishing along the Tulpehocken.
There is a variety of eels known as the
tandem eel, which is very seldom found
in this state, though common in the west.
A peculiarity of this variety is that they
travel, when migrating, single file, about
six inches apart, and maintain that dis
tance exactly during the time of their
progress. If one of the lot shoots ahead
too rapidly, the one following immedi
ately grasps him by the tail in order to
drag him back to his proper place in the
line. They appear to have a remarkable
instinct for distance, and the variation
of an inch will cause the rear eel to ex
ercise his authority to put the brakes on
the one ahead.
While Mr. Eckenrode was fishing he
hooked one of the travelers, a very re
markable circumstance, as they seldom
bite while migrating. As soon as he had
hooked it he of course gave a haul on the
line, which caused this particular eel to
shoot ahead. He was - immediately
grasped by the one following, and as
that one likewise shot ahead the next one
did the same, so that when Mr. Ecken
rode began to haul out he found a solid
rope of eels. Dropping his rod and line,
he grasped the living rope and began to
haul in hand over hand: He kept haul
ing in and piling up the eels until he
was utterly exhausted, when he ! was
obliged to stop and cut the connection.
He quickly ran for assistance,' and a
number of the neighbors came to help
him take care of his rare catch. When
they were all gathered up and loaded on
wagons, it was found that he had 875
pounds. ' About $50 worth were sent to
the Reading market, and the rest were
distributed among his neighbors.
The news of his remarkable catch has
spread all over the upper part of the
county, and a great many fishermen have
been endeavoring to repeat it, but with
out success, since, according to natural
ists, an occurrence of this sort is one of
the rarest in fishing. Reading Herald,
A Large Electric Light Plant to Be Put In
by the Government.
. It is probable that the electric lighting
plant to be put in the nation's capitol
will not only be required to light that
building, but also to illuminate the con
gressional library, which is to be the
largest building of its kind in tne world,
and which, by reason of its uses, will re
quire the best class of illumination.
To accommodate such a plant it will
be necessary to locate the engine and
dynamos in a structure erected for this
special purpose. The location of the
power house is now being carefully con
sidered, and the decision will probably be
reached very soon. The house will be
ornamental in appearance, and will be of
sufficient size to contain not only the
eight dynamos necessary for the present,
but also for other buildings that may be
added to the group clustering around the
capitol, notably the home for the su
preme court.
A careful estimate has placed the orig
inal cost of the building, the machinery,
the wiring and general installation of the
plant at $200,000. This will insure the
work to be of the best character and the
plant to be of sufficient size to furnish all
the light that can be used in the build
ings and the grounds. This latter is a
most important item in the calculations,
for at present there is an Utterly inade
quate illumination of the great park. It
is not certain whether the. grounds will
be lighted by arc lamps or groups of in
candescent globes. But this is a matter
of detail to be settled afterward.
A rough estimate that has already been
made of the cost of maintaining the new
plant, which will do not' only the work
now done by the gas and electric plants
in the capitol building, but also the entire
work of lighting the new library build
ing and the Maltby House, shows that it
will cost in the neighborhood or $1U,U0U,
Philadelphia Record. , . ..
. Barry O'Brien's Canard. -
The Speaker, a weekly literary organ
of liberalism, endeavors to create a po
litical sensation by announcing the dis
covery of a grand new Tory scheme. The
design is to dish the Home Rulers by the
establishment of five great national coun
cils, two for England and one each for
Ireland, Scotland and Wales, with the
endowment of an Irish Catholic univer
sity. The Speaker further declares that
the scheme has been submitted to the
leaders of the Irish Nationalist parties.
Probably this pretty story has been ca
bled to America with a show of authority.
There are signs that it set politicians here
talking freely. Therefore it is neces
sary to say that the whole thing is a fan
tastic fake. The proud author is Barry
O'Brien, barrister, journalist and writer
of several books on Irish politics which
Gladstone has praised. London Letter
A House of Buttons. , . .
Clapisson, the French musical celeb
rity, is building a chateau composed en
tirely of buttons.- 'The walls, the ceil:
ings, the doors," the exterior, the inte
rior, are all ornamented with this novel
clement of architecture. Buttons of every
description, from the very origin of their
invention up to those of the present day,
have been employed in the arabesques
and ornamentation of the walls. ' Every
country has been ransacked, and some
curious specimens have been brought to
light. Those dating from the lower
Greek empire are of the most curious
manufacture. London Tit-Bits.', ' i
Love Versus Politics.
'The Princess Elizabeth of Bavaria,
who has just been married to a young
lieutenant, is spending . her honeymoon
in a residence presented by her grand
father, the emperor of Austria. The
emperor, who at first so strongly opposed
the match, as he desired the princess to
be the future empress of Austria, is re
ported to have said: "The poor child
shall marry the man she loves. We have
already made sacrifices enough to poli
tics." Vienna Letter.
The Strangest of the "True Fairy Tales" of
. . Modern Science. ! , i
Among the well known diseases whose
bacterial origin is already placed beyond
reasonable doubt are erysipelas, tubercu
losis, diphtheria, tetanus, typhoid fever,
croupous pneumonia and influenza. . The
facts discovered regarding some of these
during the past 15 years are among the
strangest of the "true fairy tales" of mod
ern science. For example, the micrococcus
of croupous pneumonia, as discovered by
Dr. Sternberg, lurks in, the mouth and is
harmless there, awaiting, as it were, an
opportunity when a condition of lowered
vitality of the By stem, as from exposure to
cold, shall enable it to take up its active
abode in the lungs and begin a develop
ment whose results will be manifest in an
inflammation of those organs. Again, it
appears that the bacillus of tetanus, or
lockjaw, is abundant everywhere in the
soil and may rest on ' the surface of the
human body or be taken into the stomach
without producing injury. Even on the
surface of an open wound it cannot devel--
op, it being one of the bacteria that can
not grow in the presence of free oxygen
But if introduced into a deeper wound
away from the air it may develop rapidly
and produce the painful and often fatal
disease tetanus. Thus is explained the
fact, always before a mystery, that even
slight and seemingly insignificant punc
ture wounds are more likely to produce
this disease than are open lesions that
otherwise are far more serious.
It js an interesting and highly suggest
ive fact, as showing the power of resist
ance of the human body under normal
conditions, that a bacterium capable of
producing such a disease as this may be
so abundant all about us and yet so infre
quently find opportunity for malignant ac
tivity . But the same thing appears, to be
true in greater or less degree of all the
other bacteria that may develop in the hu
man body.. Even when introduced into the
body they are harmless, unless they find
the conditions there favorable to their de-.
velopment. Thus there are probably very
few persons who have not at one time or
another inhaled the bacillus of tuberculo
sis or its spores, but the lungs of only the
relatively few furnish a favorable soil for
its development. These susceptible per
sons develop the disease. .. The others are
said to be immune as regards this partic
ular bacillus. But susceptibility and im
munity are relative terms, and a person
whose tissues at one time resist the mi
crobe may at another time succumb to it,
The exact nature of the ."inherent vital
ity" which we are accustomed to speak of
as giving the tissues power to resist the
micro-organisms we understand as little
as our ancestors understood the real cause
of the contagious diseases. Perhaps the
microscope will help to enlighten us in
this regard in the next, bait century.
Harper's Weekly. - , if : . v
The Old Southern Gentleman Still.
"There are some touches of nature to be
found among the decayed gentility of the
sonth that to me are peculiarly sympathet
ic," said L. E. Buford of Charleston. ' "I
was in Augusta, Ga., some time ago, and
I will relate an incident that illustrates
what I mean. Green street in Augusta
constitutes the principal business street,
and at either end of the business thor
oughfare is a market in the center of the
street. I was strolling through 'one of these
market houses wheto I noticed a very old
man with an antiquated hat from which
all the nap except a few straggling threads
of silk had been brushed, a wide shaker, a
broadcloth suit buttoned to the throat
and carefully darned at the elbows and
around the binding, and carrying a gold
headed cane. : He walked with an air of
dignity, while at his heels trotted a bare
footed, ragged pickaninny. He went to a
meat stall, and in tones of unconscious
patronage said, 'Give me 5 cents' worth
of round steck, sir.' The meat was wrapped-
up, and the old man searched his
pockets, the expression of his face show
ing the greatest mortification. 'I did have
a dime, sir,' he said. The dime was found,
and after receiving a nickel in change the
old man banded the meat and the nickel
to the little darky, who trudged home be
hind the old man. It was a little thing,
but it contained a whole biography of that
man's life to those who knew the customs
of the old time southern aristocracv. "
Portlandi Walla Walla,
Spokane, via O. K & N.
Railway and Great
Northern Railway to
Montana points, St.
Paul, Minneapolis,
Omaha, St. Lonis, Chi
cago and fast. Address
nearest agent. C. C.
Donavan, Gen. Agt.,
Portland.Or. ; R. C. Ste
vens. Gen. Act. Seattle.
Wash.; C. i. Dixon, Gen. Ago., Spokane, Wash.
No dust: rock-ballast track: fine scenery: tal-
a'-e sleeping and diningcars; buffet-library cars:
lamuy tourist sleepers; new equipment. .
Artificial ryes
E'astic Stockings
Write for Prices...
move f rn
Trusses . . .
Crutchss . . .
Portland, Oregon
Ely's Cream Balm
irice 60 Cents.
Annlv Halm intnn&nh nostril.
Ely Bkos., 66 Warren St., N.Y.
ing hay with a good Hay Press.
Write us for in ormation.
BICYCLES We sell ail the
best first class Bicycles. Write
f(,r Catalogue.
830 Bush Street, San Francisco, Cal.
Please men'.lon this Paper when writing.
Obd;qn BloodPubifier?
U Vl-t- 13
Its wearing Qualities are nnsn massed, actually
outlasting two boxes of any other brand. Free
irom Animal un. Ma v this ukjmjxihic.
ana ueaiers generally. - . . .
toSK&atrailJUnnists. HOiis.M
The chief function of the kidneys Is to sep
arate from the blood, in lis passage throagh
them, of certain impurities and watery particles
wblco make their final exit through the blad
der. The retention of these, iu consequence of
Inactivity of the kidneys, is productive of
Brlght's disease, dropsy, diabetes, albuminuria
and other mnladieB with a fatal tendency. Hos
tetter's Stomach Biters, a highly sanctioned
diuretic and blood depurent, impels the kid
neys when inactive to ienew their sifting func
tion, and strain from the vital current impuri
ties which infest it and threaten their owu ex
istenoe as organs of the body. Caiarrh of the
bladder, gravel and retention of the uriue are
aUo maladies arrested or averted by I his beulcn
f promoter and restorative of organic action. Ma
aria, rheumatism, constipation, biliousness
ami dyspepsia also yield to the Bitters, which is
also speeaily beneficial to the weak and ner
vous. Gay boy 'at party) Miss Wool is finely formed.
Miss Wool (wi.o overheard the remark) Yes,
and the form is all wool.
.Jack I proposed to May last night.' Tom
How did you come out? Jack Head first.
We offer On Hundred Dollars Heward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
curea by Hall's Oatarrh Cure!
- ... F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props.,
. - t Toledo, Ohio. '
We, the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by their firm
West & Truax,
,, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Walding. Kinnah & Mabvis, '
-' Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bot
tle. Bold by all Druggists. Testimonials
free. .
. I believe Piso's Cure for Consumption
saved my boy's life last summer Mr".
A & IB DououAse, Le Roy, Mich., Oct. 20,
18SM. V
, MUSIC STOKE Wlle B. Allen Co.,tbe
oldest, the largest, 'll First St., Portland.
C nickering, Hardman, Fischer Pianos, Estey
O gans Cw price", easy terms.
' 10-CESX MU4IC Send for catalogues. -
Guard yo'iriclf for summer malaria, fred
feeling, by using nov Oregon-Blood Purifier.
Tbt Gibmia for breakfast ,
and those soon to
become mothers,
should know that Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription robs child
birth of its tortures
and terrors, as well as
of its dangers to both
mother and child, by
aiding nature in pre
paring the system for
garturition. There
y "labor " and the
period of confine
ment are greatlv
shortened. It also ' promotes the secre
tion of an abundance of nourishment for
the child. , .
Mrs. Dora A. Guthrie, of Oakley, Overton Co.,
Tenn., writes : " When I began taking Doctor
Pierce's Favorite Prescription, I was not able to
stand on my feet without suffering almost deaths
Now I do all my housework, washing, cooking,
Bewing and everything for my family of eight. 1
am stouter now than I have been in six years.
Your ' Favorite Prescription ' is the best to take
before confinement, or at least it proved so with
me. I never suffered so little with anv of mv
children as I did with my last.1'
TViA nnlv Rtanrloril Ttmuurrir,.!. TiritVi Da.ln.iu
Visible Writing. Supplies for All Machine.
W. A. RIDEOUT, Gen: Ag't
No, B47 frtark St. PORTLANP, OR.
Itohlng Pilea known bj moisture like veMpimtionTosasa
.rTiCr? "T,?- ,'m" IorI na Kund, Bleed
ing or Protruding Piles yield at once to
Droi, rv?. ks, atadS
1 nave bought from the RECEIVER of F. L. POSSON &
SON, the stock, fixtures and good will of the seed business
lately carried on by them and will continue the same at 205
Third Street. BUELL LAMBERSON, Portland, Ph.
Preserves all kinds of Fruit without cooking, and retains their
' " . : natural
Three doses only. Try It.
Estab. 1866. CORBITT &
IMPORTERS, SHIPPING and COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Liberal advance made on approved
consignments of Wheat, Flour, Oats, Wool and Hops. Special Imports from China, Japan and In
dia: Tea, Coffee, Rice, Matting and Rugs, Bpices, Sago, Tapioca, China Nut Oil, etc.
erpool: Liverpool Fine, Coarse and Lump Rock Salt, Chemicals of all kinds. Tinplate, selected
No. 1 returned Wheat Bugs, Hop Burlap, Roll Brimstone, Bass Ale. Guinnes' Porter, Scotch and
Irish Whisky, Brandy and Wlne, for sale In quantities to suit the trade. PORTLANI', OR.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is often of great value
in giving the strength t-o much desiied.
Mr. W. Q. Wyman ot Saratoga, Cal., ha'l
a large bunch, called a tumor, on his
right breast. He took Hoo i's Sarsapa
rilla which gave him new life and vigor
and the pain and all traces of tumor have
wholly disappeared. . He says: ''Five bot
tles did the work. - It is literally tru,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
cures. We also think Hood's Pills the best.",
" : ; . i
a cis vai in rvm TSis?icnp rvr '
" ', IT 1 5
Dyspeptic.DelicateJnfirm and
health. These pills supply what the system lacks to
make it regular. They cure Headache, brighten the
yes, and clear the Complexion, better than cosmetics. .
They neither gripe nor sicken. To convince you, we
will mail sample free, or a full box for ?5o. Sold every
where, BOSANKO MED. 0OM Philadelphia.
if yon use the Petalum Z Jf
Incubators Brooders. L t'1!
Make money while
others are wasting
time bv old Drocesses.
Catalog telis all about
it, and describes every
article needed for thej
poultry business
The "ERIE"
mechanically the best
wheel. Prettiest model.
We are Pacific Coast
A (rents. Bicycle cata-
v . : 3tort?r
full description, prices, etc., agents wanted.
Branch House, 331 S Main St., Los Angeles.
Gas or
1 1ABltti.A tlnwA. U ...... 1 XT. T I .1 1
neer. Your wife Can Kun it.
PALMER & KEY, San Francisco, Cal. and Portlani, Or.
; No Batteries or Electric Spark. '
N. P. N. TJ. No. 599 S. F. N. IT. No. 676
I Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use
m time, twig py qruggtsta.
U I Illustrated I 1
P"fJL Catalogue ILtfi
m& FREE.
' ' Mixes with cold water. Improvt-s the wool.
JAMES LAIDLAW & CO.. Portland, Or. t::&WSS'2t:
flavor. '
. . (IN KEGS OR BOT1XES) ; ,
Second to none . . TRY IT...
; No ma ter where from., , . PORTLAND, OR.
ache? ; Does every step seem a but den? You need
MACLEAY CO. Inc. I893.
In Convenient Form
T (To be dl uted with water for nsBi
Write for Descriptive Pamphlet and Prices
Manufactured by
Prop Phoenix Oil Works