The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 01, 1895, Image 3

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    3(ood Iiver Slacier
The mail arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'
clock A. M. 'Wednesdays and Saturdays; de
parts e same days at noon.
For Chenoweth, leaves at B A.M.: arrives at
fl P. M. Saturdays.
For White Salmon leaves dally at 1 P. M.;
arrives at 6 o'clock P. M.
From White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil
mer, Trout Lake and Glen wood Mondays.
Wednesdays and Fridays.
Canby Post, No. 18, G. .V. B., meets at Odd
Fellow's Hall, first Saturday of each month
at 2 o'clock p. m. All G. A. R. members In
vited to attend.
C. J. Hayes, Commander.
.A. S. Blowers. Adjutant.
' Waucoma Lodge, No. SO, K. of P., meets in
their Castle Hall on every Thursday night.
L. N. Bloweks, C. C.
Geo. T. Pbatheb, K. of R. 8.
PiafaiBlnno) ra1a ai mAnth 411 AA
One Inch space, per month 1 60
Hates on larger space given on application.
Business notices In local columns will be
charged 5 cents a line each Insertion; under
the head of "Special Notices" half these rates
will be charged.
Legal advertisements will be charged to the
party ordering them, at legal rates, and must
be paid for before proof Is furnished.
' ' Carriage for sale Inquire at the
Backet store. .. .. : .
"Ladies' ready made waists only 75c
v at ine nacKei store. v.
Mrs. Hodge, who is about 00 years of
age, is on the sick list.
S. E. Bart mess is agent for the Bri
dal Veil Lumber Company.
Lou Morse is authorized agent for all
newspapers and periodicals.
ytFouud A pair of ladies' gloves. Call
for them at Glacier office. '"
' New stock of corsets just In at the
Bucket store. Extra long waists
For Sale Thorough bred Jersey cow,
$50." E. E. Savage.
-Mason fruit jars, (iiiurts, $1, gal
l;n. $1.25. A. S. Blowers & Co.
' M.' V. Harrison has moved Into the
Neff house, corner Fourth and Oak Sts.
Call and examine our '' stock of
hosiery from 10c to 50o ner pair at the
Backet store. -
The'Lanirille bovsihave completed
their'Joti nt Deschutes and returned
home Monday.
Among the attorneys In attendence
at the circuit court we And the name
of J . H. Crad iebaugh.
O. B. Hartley has good, clean hay at
$12 and $14 per ton. Will .trade for
cord wood or milk cows.
: Davenport & Bros. Lumber Co. are
now ready'to deliver lumber to any
part of the valley. f23
Hanna & Wolfard have some fine
ice. Will deliver it anywhere in town.
Leave orders at store.
The picnic of the Congregational and
Crapper school house Sunday schools
has been postponed till July.
Mr. A. L. Wells of Kelso; Wash., an
old-time friend Htid,neighwor of J. L.
Langille, is visiting the' latter at his
ranch.';-, i ,-" ' w,;;.; -
On motion . of the district attorney,
the-CHse against Mrs. Mattie A Oiler,
brought by citizens of Hood Biver, was
Mrs. Doreitum, a sister of Mr. J. J.
Lucky, arrived, here Wednesday from
Tekoa, Wash., with her three children,'
to make an extended visit. - .,
Herring the Photographer, will visit
Hood River aUut July. 1st.. If you
want first-class Artists to come here,
pntronize them when they come. a20
Bev. F. C. Krause, the new pastor of
the. U. iB. church, arrived with his
fatnlly from Euueire last week.- They
occupy tihesresuiehce next the church.
The World's Fair Farce Co. will give
h performance at Armory hall this
evening (Friday, May 81st). A good
bill will be presented. Admission free.
. The big sturgeon at Paradise' farm
was moved Into another reservoir
Tuesday. While out of the water he
was placed on the scales and found to
weigh 75 pounds. .... "
W. H. Bishop and family returned
to Hood Biver Friday of 'last week.
Mr. Bishop has not.yet completed his
work on the Catholic church at Cas
cade Locks, and went back Wednesday.
Dr. Adams wishes the public to know
that he long sine quit practicing med
icine. His age and infirmity require
him to take a rest. . He is still willing
to examine chronic cases and prescrile
free of charge. No others need apply.
Mr. D. A. Clough, who has a straw-
brought to the Glacier office during
the week a box ;of Clark's ',. seedling
strawtterries that would be hard to beat
for size. Just 34 of them filled the box.
G. T. Galllgan came up from Port
land lmt week on a visit to his narentn.
Mr. and Mrs. J, r Bi Galligan. Mr.
Galligan is traveling agent for the
Boston Bubber (:, between Portland
and Ashland. , ...
Fruit men intending to set fruit trees
n x" fall should remember that home
(rrnwn tires are always the best. Order
your trees of Tillett and get the best
n i't the che-nes'.' ' He has 20,000 trees
growing in hie nursery for next fall's
delivery. -
Notice. Persons contemplating
building will find that it will be greatly
to their Interest to call at the Hood
Biver Box Factory and look at the new j
etock of doors, windows and alt kinds I
of mouldings. Will be pleased to show
goods and quote prices to all iuteuding
-It is not generally known that we
have a brass band in Hood Biver val
ley. And It is a good one, too. The
Belmont band, which discoursed good
music at the decoration services Thurs
day, might very appropriately be
named the, Isen berg band. , It is com
posed of M. P. Isenherg, four sons and
his nephew, Louis Isenberg, and Geo.
Bieh. ;
The O. K. & N. Co., always alert to
the welfare of their patrons, have de
cided to discontinue the mixed passen
ger and freight trattr leaving Portland
In the morning, returning in the even
ing, and substitute a regular passenger
train which will run daily including
Sundays: Leaving Portland 8:00 a.m.,
arriving: Dalles 12:15 p.m., and return
ing to Portland 6.30 p.m. About April
15th this train will carry an elegant
observation ear, and low rates for the
round trip will be placed in effect. ,
Next week we' will print the pro
gramme for Mrs. Heald's concert, to be
held on the 14th of June. Bear In
mind the date, and make vour arrange
ments to attend. It will lie an enter-
t.t 1 n ... n . t . l- . i. n .1 n nnlmf
and. will comprise a great variety of
vocal and instrumental music, loose
whp beard the Glee Club in the con
cert last winter, will be sure to want
to hear them again, and will not be
disappointed. All the music on the
programme will be new to Hood Biver
M. A. Cook has an Iudian game ben
that is mothering a brood of young
grouse. Biddie seems to nnderstand
their plaintive cries and hovers them
with the greatest tenderness.
Miss Mattie Ellis of Portland came
up on the Regulator Wednesday and
is the guest of Mrs. M. A. Cook. ;
Memorial Services.
Decoration day, the Grand Army,
W. B. C, Sons of Veterans and a
goodly number of citizens assembled at
Irving cemetery. After the ritual ser
vices by the Orand Army, the graves
of their departed comrades, B. Hull
and Howe, were decorated with
flowers, and an unknown grave in the
cemetery was decorated in memory of
the unknown graves of their comrades
in arms. The W. B. C. decorated the
grave of Newton Thomas. The Bel
mont band furnished good music at the
cemetery. . Before breaking ranks, the
Grand Army voted their thanks to the
Belmont band. Canby post , had 23
veterans In line.
William Carroll McCIure died May
21, 1895, at his residence at Mosier, Ore
gon. Was buried on the 23d lu Biver
view cemetery; F. L. Johns," William
Mlchell and'T. D. Gregory officiating.
A large number of the friends showed
their respect and sympathy by their
presence and tears. Deceased was born
iu Knox . county, Tenn., August 23,
1817; moved to Illinois, thence to Coop
er county, Missouri, where he grew to
manhood. He was converted at Pilot
Grove camp-meeting when 17 years of
age; united with the Methodist church,
and has been a faithful member ever
since. In 1842 he was married to
Amelia H. Sullivan. Two sons and
two daughters were given them.. Mr.
McCIure crossed the plains in 1S52 and
settled in Yamhill county, Oregon,
where he resided twelve years; came to
The Dalles In 1864, lived there two
years, and then to Mosier, where has
been bis home siuce. An energetic
pioneer has gone. F.L.J.
From Mt, Hood.
Mr. Baldwin is having all in this
vicinity work out their road tax, which
will Improve our, roads some. What
we need in this as well as other places
is more work donated, and each settler
should look after the road through his
claim when it rains, and see that it
does not wash out too much.
Mr. W. W. Nasan has goue to pick
strawberries for W. A. Slingerland.
Mr. S. is one who says his berries may
rot in the patch before a Chinaman or
Jap cau pick for him. Put a feather
in his hat and others like him, so 'hat
we may know when we meet a man of
our sentiments aud take oil our bat to
W. H. Baker and Albert Leisure are
cutting cordwood for Davenport Bros.
They might have picked berries bad
the celestials and Japs not been so
thick. . : '
Bobert Leisure, W. S. Gribble and
John Fredenberg are making ties near
the Oregpu Lumber Co.'s flume.
Mr. George Perkins put out 400 apple
trees this spring, alt of which are look
ing fine,
Mr. Foss has been busy clearing on
his ranch, ' since the snow left this
spring, and has made quite a showing.
He is now enclosing it with a barb-wire
fence. - , . . .
Mrs. Moore and her' two little girls
have returned to Portland after a short
stay on her claim aud visiting friends.
tsh" will be Imi-K and stay longer after
her little girl's school is out. v
Mt. Hood.
"Monarch" Bicycle Agency.
Gents or Ladies' 22 lb "Monarch, ".$100
Gents or Ladies' 24 lb "Moaarch," , 85
Gents or Ladies' 28 lb "Defiance," 75
A "Defiance" rattle is on this week.
Take a chance; you may get the wheel
for 1 cent.
Wheels sold on monthly payments.
. Williams & Brosius.
: " ; Notice. .- ''
There will be public memorial ex
ercises at I. O. O. F. ball on Tuesday,
the lltn day of June, at l p. m., and at
the cemetery at 2:30 p. ui.
.--. . l, e, Morse, Secretary!, -
Beware of Imitations of Peacock: Flour,
Take none, without the picture of the bird on
the sack. HAN J? A & WOLFARD.
Block harness oil, 85 cla a quart, at Pierce's
Harness and Shoe Store. ; 5 -;
Ferguson & , Davidson have chilled plow
points for sale.
Ferguson A Davidson have good cow pas
ture for $1.25 a month. ....
See the new spring-tooth cultivator at Fer
guson Davidson's. It is the thing for or
chard work. They also have a nice line of
chilled and steel plows and some cultivators,
which they offer at prices In keeping with the
times, at the Champlin building.
Ladd's New Gun Store.
' Mew line of alls
Goods, Campers, Fisher
men and Prospectors'
Supplies at reduced rates,
fl ignest ci sh price paid
for Raw Furs. Send for
Catalogue. Address Ladd's Gun Store, Third
and Market Sts, San Francisco, al. Jel
Spray Pump for Sale,
A Gould Spray Pump, 23 feet of hose and
nozsle: all in good order; been In use one sea
son. . ... C. E. MARKHAM.
Horse for Sale or Trade.
' I have a good work horse for sale, or will
trade for milch cow. . .. :
Jel Hood River, Or.
The Strawberry Crop.
Prices realized for straw berries by the
Hood Biver Union have been above ex
pectations.' A few small lots have sold
low, but the bulk of the shipments
have brought good money.Beturns
are coming in daily, which are prompt
ly paid to the growers, and all hands
are well satisfied except the pickers
'and consumers, who can't get berries
enough. And this Is rather a pleasing
condition. Two years ago it took bard
work to get new markets; now it is as
hard to keep them patient until the
fruit ripens. They even come here
after it from such places as Butte, Om
aha, Denver and Portland.
The Hood Biver union sold 90 crates
in Helena, Wednesday, at $4.25 per
crate Monday's pick.
The bulletins posted at the Oregon
Fruit Union's warehouse show prices
as follows: May 24th Helena, $4.50;
Butte, $4.50; Salt Lake; $4; Deuver $4.
May 25th Helena, $5; Butte,$4; Salt
Lake, $4; Denver, $4. May ; 27th
Helena, $3.50; Butte, $3; Salt Lake, $3;
Denver, $4; Omaha, $4.50. May 28tb
Helena, $3.50; Butte, $3; Salt Lake,
$3; Denver, $4; Omaha, $4.50. May
29th Helena, $3.80; Butte, $2.50 $3;
Salt Lake, $2 $3; Denver, $4;
Omaha, $4. . ;
Shipments by the Hood Biver Fruit
union since last, report are as follows;
Mav 24th, 81 crates; 25th, 1; 26th, 2;
27th, 160; 28th, 144; 29th, 161; 30th, 105.
Total shipment of Hood Biver berries
to date, 1500 crates.
From Hon. T. B. Coon's letter from
Denver, May 27th, to H. F. Davidson,
we extract a follows:
Berries bring $4 here. A good manv
Sarcoxie berries are on this market sell
ing at $2.75. They are very small and
interior looking berries, beinir a "mix
ture of all breeds." Liebhardt
says he will shut off the Missouri ship
ments and let us iu. He estimates
that the first carload will sell at $4,aud
the second and , third at $3.50 and $3.
Now, I will see what Kansas City will
do, also Omaha, and have them divert
ed if we can do any better.
I saw some of our berries put on the
car at Ogden yesterday. They were
piled up with all kinds of merchandise
in the express car, and this morning I
saw them being repacked, as they ar
rived soft. The repacking was done in
my sight before I made myself known.
No. 22 fell short one pound; No. 12 fell
short one pound, and No. 1 fell short
six pounds. The growers themselves
could not have complained at the fair
ness or tne repacking. Mr. Moo res'
berries, which' were first shipped here,
were picked too green and made trouble
for wholesale and retail men alik. I
first learned this at Liebhardt's, and
also got the same information at a
fancy grocery which took some of
them. .
I have seen a good many people al
ready, including Mr. Leimer, superin
tendent of the express company iere,
aud all seem to think we should ship
in car loads to insure arrival in good
condition. If you start car loads here,
and this market gets too weak, we can
easily divert on to Omaha, Kansas
City, Lincoln, Sioux City or otherwise.
I told Liebhardt that I didn't think
this market could long hold upagainst
the Nebraska points, and that it might
be necessary for us to let go here at any
time. -
As to rates by car lots, I understand
from Supt. Leimer that the rate will
be the same in cars whether the car is
full or not 1. e., $3.50 per hundred,
straight. .
There are some fine groceries and
fruit Btores here. Denver has 157,000
population; Salt Lake, 50,000.
There will be no local berries to
amount to anything for over a week,
at least. . "
Odell School House Items.
Written by the Pupils.
John Hinricbs, Wm. Slingeftand,
Mr. Clark, Wm. Ehrck, Milton Odell
and Asa Straight are doing volunteer
carpenter work on Mr. Divers' new
house. Other neighbors are hauling
lumber. They think the family can
move in the first of next week.
Mrs. Joe Divers aud the children are
visiting Mr. Divers.
The Columbia Brewery Co. sent Mr.
John Hinrichs and Mr. H. Lage each
a keg of beer about the first of May.
Those rho sampled it pronounced it
gOOd. . V
The Odell boys' dog, Bowman, left
with them for Canada. He went as
far as Sherman county and then came
home. He was so hungry and thin
when he got home that he could hard
ly walk. The dog is about 8 years old.
' The lady (?) who yesterday called
the attention of another to our patched
breeches, whereat they both laughed
so heartily, is informed that a new pair
will be. purchased when her husband's
bill Is settled. It has been due nearly
a year. . Don't criticise a printer's dress
too closely while you are jingling money
due us. Tell your husband to send us
$2 and save the cost of a lawsuit. We
need another pair of pants. Biddie
At No. 807 Sellwood street, Albina,
May 21, 1895, Mrs. M. J. Hammond of
Albina aud Mr. Otto Harlan of Pueblo,
:l BORX. '""
At Albina, May 23d, to Mr. and Mrs.
F. E. Dean, a daughter; weight 12
pounds. Mother and child doing well.
' M. E. Conference.
The Dalles District Conference of the
M. E. Church will convene iu Hood
Biver June 4th, and continue in session
three days. Presiding Elder Moter
will preside at the sessions. Following
is the programme of the conference: .
Tuesday Evening, June 4th, 7.30.
Praise service, conducted by . John
The Preparation of the Sermon,' T.B.
Ford, presiding elder Puget sound con
ference. . . ;;
Wednesday Morning, June 5th, 9.
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, con-
be as free from nicotine as the day
smoke. An iron-clad written guarantee
all its forms, or money refunded.
treatment and guaranteed cure), $2.60.
sent by mail upon receipt of price. SEND SIX TWO-CENT STAMPS FOR
SAMPJjJU HUJL. Jsoociets ana proofs jree. i
Eureka Chemical & 3(fg. Co., La Crosse, Wis.
ST. Paul, Minn., Sept. 7, ISM.
Eureka Chemical and Mftr. Comnanv. La Crosse. Wis. Dear Sirs: I have been a tobacco
fiend for many years, and during the past two
regularly every day. My whole nervous system
me I must give up the use of tobacco for the time
Cure," "No-To-Bac." and various other remedies, but without success, until I accidentally
learnea oi your "isacoHjuro." inree weeas ago
and today I consider mvself comDletelv cured.
ing for tobacco, which every inveterate smoker
consider your "Baco-Curo" simply wonderful,
ducted by B. C. Moter, presiding elder.
Appointment or committees, etc.
Hebrews and its Authors, J. W.
A Keview or trie History or nation
alism, E. Baker.
Wednesday Afternoon, 1.30. Devo
tional service, Sam Hornibrook.
The Office of the Spirit in Bringing
Men to Christ, J. H. Wood, followed
by r . Li. Johns.
A Keview or tne rniiosopny or xne-
ism, G. B Morehead.
Theory or reaching, li. w.isarunart.
Business details.
The Preacher in the Pulpit, T. B.
Sermon, J. N. Denison.
Thursday Mornine. June 6th. 8.30.
Devotional service, U. F. Hawk.
A Study and Exercise in Beading:
Scripture lesson, T. B. Ford.
The JNeeds or a Youne Jfreacner,
C. D. Nickelsen.
How to Study the Conference Course,
Tbos. Gregory, followed by G. E. Baw
lins. The Preacher and the Church Rec
ords, Wm. Haskins.
How to Study the Bible, Jos. Piggott.
Thursday Afternoon. 1.80. The
Preacher in the Pulpit, T. B. Ford.
suites oi umciai uoara to rastor.
B. C. Moter.
When Should Sanctiflcation be
Preached? W. H. Zellers.
Beports of committees aud business,
etc. . - . ' '
Sermon, G. Rollins; alternate, C. E.
The Preacher Out of the Pulpit, T.B.
Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established
House in the valley. y.
Dry Goods, Clothing,
General Merchandise,
Flour and Feed. Etc..
Furnished House to Let.
A house of three well furnished rooms. Ap
ply to M. F. SLOPER. Hood River. Or.
Team for Sale.
A team of two mares and harness for sale.
Both gentle- will work single or double.
Weight about 1150 pounds. Price $125.
M. F. SLOPER, Hood River, Or.
5-Acre Tract for Sale.
Five acres unimproved land for sale. One
mile from town. Uood water prlvllige
M. F. SLOPER, Hood River, Or.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., May 22,
18(io. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
W. H. Dunbar, Commissioner United States
Circuit Court for District of Washington, at
Ooldendale, Wash., on July 6, 1SH5, viz:
H. E. No. 6(118 for the lots 1 and 2 and south
northeast sec 6, township S north, range 11
east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
John Peterson, Noah Etter, Jacob Schmlel
and Nels Olsen, all of Trout Lake, Wash.
. ma25Je29 , .i Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., May 22,
1895. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of bis inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
W. R. Dunbar, Commissioner U. B. Circuit
Court for District of Washington, at his office
in Uoldendale, Wash., on July 6, 18115, viz:
One of the heirs of Clinton B. Allison, dee'd.,
H. E. No. 6587 for the south southeast M,
northeast southeast , and southeast
northeast section 28, township 6 north, range
10 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses, to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
John Peterson, Noah Etter, Jacob Schmlel
and Nels Olsen, all of Trout Lake, Wash.
m25Je29 GEO. H. STEVENSON, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash.. May 21,
I8U5. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of his Inten
tion to make final commutation proof in sup
port of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before the Register and Receiver of the
U. S. Land office at Vancouver, Wash., on
July 25, 18B5, viz: ...
H. E. No. 9390 for the east southeast
southwest Vt southeast and southeast
southwest section 2, township i north,range
10 east, W. Si. -
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Harvey J. Byrkett, of Trout Lake, Wash.;
J. P. Kagan, of White Salmon, Wash.; P. F.
Bradford, jr., of White Salmon, Wash.; and
A. B. Jones, of Hood River, Oregon.
m2&Je2 GEO. H. STEVENSON, Hog ister.
and don't be imposed upon by buying a
remedy that requires you to do so, as it is
nothing more than a substitute. In the sud
den stoppage of tobacco you must have some
stimulant, and in most all cases the effect of
me sttmuiam, oe it opium, morphine, or other
opiates, leaves afar worse habit contracted.
Ask your druggist about BACO-CURO.
It is purely vegetable. You
do not have to stop using to
bacco with BACO-CURO.
It will notify you when to stop
and your desire for tobacco
will cease. Your system will
before you first took your first chew or
to absolutely cure the tobacco habit in
Price fl 00 per box, or S boxes (30 days'
For sale by all druggists, or will be
years have smoked fifteen to twenty cigars
became affected, until my physicians told
being, at least. I tried the soalled "Keely
wraay i cumiiienceu using your prcpuruuuii,
I am In Derfec : health, and the horrible crav
fully appreciates, has completely left me. I
and can fully recommend it. Yours very
L J "
. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, April
15, 1895. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the Register and Receiver U. S. Land Office at
Oregon City, Oregon, on June 12, 1895, viz:
H. E. No. 8508, for the north north-east i
section 2, township 2 north, range 8 east.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
John Elden, Hans Wicks. H.H. Harphara
and G. L. Harpbam. all of Cascade Locks,
ap20m25 Register.
' T. 0. DALLAS,
Kitchen Furniture,
Pruning Tools, Etc
Repairing Tinware a Specialty.
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Country Produce Bought and Sold.
Forty acres unimproved land, on the east
side of Hood river, 5 miles from town. Price
$10 per acre. Inquire at Glacier office.
For Sale.
Five lores of good land 1 miles west of
town, inquire oi u. x. ritAinut,
mar 16
Light Spring Wagcn
For sale or trade. Indulre of -
ap!3 Hood River, Or.
I have for sale a seven-year old mare: will
weigh from 1200 to 1300 pounds.
To trade a Wind Mill, big 5-Inch irrigating
Pump and Tank a complete outfit for Irri
gating win traae ior worn. Appiy
apz; M. a. lwk, Jtiooa Kiver.
Horses for Sale or Trade
Three bead of Horses for sale or trade.
Laud, cleared or uncleared, preferred. Fifteen
acres of best land In the valley, well im
proved, for sale. F. C. BROSIUS,
man noon rxiver, ur.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 23,
1895. Notice Is hereby given that the follow-lmr-named
settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore Register and Receiver at Th Dalles, Ore
gon, on July 10, 1805, viz:
Hd. E. No. 8976 for the northwest M northeast
yt, east northwest and lot 1, section 19,
lownsnip z norm, range iu east, w. m.
He names the following witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence unon and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
Henry Prigge, Robert B. Lindsay, Antone
Wise and John Blnns. all of Hood River. Or.
mii)o2fl J.VS..F. MOORii, Resistor.
n -l. m
T&b Dalles, Porflanil & AslDiia
Navigation Co.
Through Freight and
Passenger Line.
DailyBeL Dalles aM PorUanfl
All Freight Will Come Through
Without Delay.
One wy .........,;....'$1 fit
Bound trip ....... .. 2 5(1
Freight Rates Greatly
' General Agent.
E. MCNEILL, Beceiver.
Give the choice of
f Via 1
Minneapolis OMAHA
ST. PAUL. Kansas City.
Low Rates to All East
ern Cities.
'' '''' : '! .
No. -28. Freight leaves at H.45. A.St
No. 2. Mall .., " iO.Ofl 1'. DC
No 27 i Local, leaves at 3. 15 P. H
No. 1, Mall - , t:t2 A. It
Leave Portland every flv daj-s fori
For full details call on O. R. A X. Agent,
Hood River, or address
Gen'l Pass. Agent,
' Portiaswa, Or..
All work given him will b)one cor
rectly and promptly. He linn a few
good claims upon which he can Uviite
parties; Doth farming and timber lands.
February, 1894.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash.. April lfl,
1805. Notice Is hereby (riven tliat.tltc fallow,
lng-named settler has filed notice !' her hi- ,
tention to make final proof in support of her
claim, and make najrment for the land de
scribed, and that said proof will e made bp
fore W. R. Dunbar, Commissioner U. s. Ulr- ,
cult Court for District of Washington, nt. his
office in Ooldendale, Wash., on May ii, l&fc,
n. E. No. 8380, for the northeast V of north
west X section 83, township) north, ranu It
east, Willamette Meridian.
She names the following witnesses to prove ,
her continuous upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: i ,
Ellis B. Hewett, Jesse P. Snider; Robert A. j
Snider and Marion M. Snlawa. ail! of Lvre 1"
O., Washington. GEO. H. BTEVKNWONV , '
apismis wkikmm... .,
Land for' Sal34;;::.
Forty acres of land; 5 acres fenced j1 ori'tite"
county road, C miles from -town WiHoot'"'
myl8 J. H. FRARY, Tiieker, Or:-; -
To Water Consumers.;-
All who wish to nse water fnr irrl(ratin
must make application before uslne the water.
No Irrigating will be permitted except
through hose with refrulatlon now-lc.
Any person using water contrary to above
rules will be eut off from the main and no
more waterfurnlshcd them by this company.
Price of Irrigating Is 75 cenfrs per lot, or frac
tion of lot, payable sirleily in advance. -A.
. K. L. MiriI.
' Director Hood River Spring Water Co.
Bargain in Land.
For Sale Forty acres unimproved land,
east side of Hood river, 4 miles from town.
Will sellfior 10 acre tracts ebeap. Inquire at
Glacier office.