The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 01, 1895, Image 1

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(i lacier.
" " " , ' , ' It's a Cold Pay When We Cet Left., . . , , , ,
vol. 7. ur:.' :k hood river, Oregon; Saturday, june i; 1895. : . no.i.
. r. - . . . 1 1 , n , - . . " ' ' " - - .
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;3f odd fiver (Slaciefr.;
-S.-F. BLYTHE, Publisher.-
Six month. 1 00
Three month. M
8nk1. copy Cart.
, ..Second St., Neat Oak, Hood River, Or.
EVANS 4 HUSBANDS, Proprietors.
Bhavliig and-balr-euttlug neatly done,
fusion guaranteed. ' ,.. s . j
San Francisco's Latest Sen
sational Murder Case. ;
Mrs. Matthews'., Death Undoubtedly Due
".'' to Polson-O.'W' Winthrop la "'
Suapected of the Crime.
San Francisco, May 29. The police
are Btill engaged ''in "gathering ' testi
mony against O.W. Winthrop, -who was
arrested last week in connection with
the death of Mrs. Jennie Matthews,
who died under mysterious circum
stances at the grave, of her child..-. .So
far the only tangible clew " at hand is
the one discovered by the Examiner, to
the effect that Winthrop is named as
the guardian of Mrs. Matthews daugh
ter in a life-insurance olioy of $2,000,
taken out a few days before her death.
The ohild was made the beneficiary in
the policy. Mrs. Matthews' husband
did not know she had her life insured
until after her death, Winthrop, it is
said, . having cautioned her Jo say noth
ing about it to anybody. ' While the
evidence? against Winthrop: is by no
means oonolusive, the polioe say the
olew discovered by the Examiner ,. sug
gests that the most . plausible1 explana
tion of the mystery, taken in connec
tion with' tbe fact that Mrs." Matthews'
said shortly before he death; that1 she
had been given a pill by Winthrop, a
' statement in which her.,., daughter , con
curred. Captain Lees, who .had charge of the
investigation into 1 the death of Mrs.
Matthews," looked Up the law concern
ing the right to open a sealed letter
with view, to ascertaining if. he could
be held responsible if he opened a letter
written by Mr. Winthrop, and address
ed to T. B. Linn, which the head of the
detective foroe has in his possession. -Winthrop
had placed a stamp on ' the
envelope, and' - Captain' .Lees thought
perhaps the federal statutes would , in
dicate whether or not the presence of
the stamp subjected the, letter j to the
regulation postal servioe. He found
that only letters which ' had actually
been in transit through the postofflce
are protected by congressional enact-,
merit. But he found a statute in 1 the
California code which is so broad in its
scope that letters and notes of every de-l
seription that "are sealed by the writer;
are considered sacred, " and to open
them without the consent of the wr.iter,
or the person to , whom they - are-addressed
would constitute a misdemean
or. "In view of that law,'' said Cap-'
tain Lees, "I think I will defer , open
ing the letter until the coroner holds
an inquest. Then we will endeavor to
obtain judicial sanction for opening
Captain Lees has locked the letter in
a safe at police headquarters, as he re
gards it a a valuable ' bit of evidence
in the case. The ' detectives have'1 al
most despaired of ascertaining whether'
or not Winthrop has ever purchased
strychnine in a ' San"' Francisco drug'
store. Lees has madtf a systematic! and
thorough canvass of the oity, employ
ing not only his deteotives, bui police
men from the various precinots, and
found no trace of .what he -wants -to
know. Retail druggists -who have been
approached invariably say that they
don't sell strychnine except on a phy
sioian's prescription. t.
A chemical analysis of the stomach
of Mrs. Matthews -shows that she died
from the effects of strychnine poison
ing. ' :
"We obtained one-third of a grain of
strychnine in the stomach,'.'' said Mor
gan, the chemist, who, with. Professor
Green, made the analysis. "There was
no other poison of any consequence,
and absolutely no arsenic. . ' We found
some chloral hydrate," but did not
search for a quantity, as we knew it
had been administered as an. antidote.
We found a trace of morphia, but did
not estimate the quantity, as we under
stood that it had been administered to
relieve the patient. The cause of death
undoubtedly was strychnine poisoning.
On that subject we have no doubt."
: v. i ......
Arizona Will Soon Have Another Ex
ecutive In Place of Hughes.
V Chicago,' May! 29. A Tribune spe
cial from ...Washington says:,. Arizona
is to have a change of governors. Prob
ably the shift will be made within the
next ten days. Hoke Smith is now in
Atlanta, but he expects to be in his
offloe in a few days. His removal of
Hughes, the present governor of Ari
zona, will be the , first hard work he
does. - It is ' among the probabilities
that ex-Governor Zulick, being Cleve
land's appointee during his first term,.
will ( be named as Governor Hughes'
successor. ;' '
Governor Hughes", twenty years ago,
was a Republican, and became by ap
pointment attorney-general of Arizona.
Charges of financial .recklessness were
made, and after a thorough insvestiga
tion, the charges were sustained, and
Attorney-General Hughes, to , use an
army phrase,' . was cashiered. His Re
publicanism , -it once . took wings and
he became a Democrat. ' "'
t Incidently about that time Hughes
joined the church,: and became ' an ao
tive factor in all churoh affairs. - It
was church influence which procured
his present appointment. No sooner
was Cleveland , inaugurated ',.., than
Hughes became an applicant for the
position of governor, and backed his
claims by earnest' appeals from the
Young ' Men's ; Christian Association,
the ' "Women's Christian Temperance
Union, and all other excellent and re
ligious institutions. .Tit was too strong
a pressure for HokeSmith, himself a
strong, churchman and superintendent
of a. Sunday., school,-., and . he- named
Hughes as Governor of Arizona.
" Before three" months serious com
plaints began to pour in." Hughes made
his wife his seoretary and his daughter
interpreter, although she was not a
Spanish scholar. He also appointed
his son to office, and in an all around
way took care of ' the., entire .Hughes
outfit. - ; . " -'..- '... -:-..'f...w
But this was not all. Charges filed
against him specified irregularities in
connection' with public money. In
spector Oliver," of the secret servioe,
was sent to Arizona to investigate.
This was about May 1, and he is now
on his way home. He has sent private
word to Hoke Smithy that Hughes is
guilty of all that ' has been charged, J
and, the president - and - Smith have determined---that
'Governor -.Hughes' re-'
tnoval will be made at onoe.,!') Incident
ally they have asked ex-Governor Zu
Hoh if he will, take the place," and he
has practically agreed to do so. Zulich
is a resident of New Jersey. The office
has a salary of only $2,500 a year, but
ia rich, in opportunities, ij ',, i 1 1 ,. i li
,l..m. .yalkyrle III Launched.
n Glasgow, May 29. Lord Dunraven's
yacht Valkyrie III was successfully
launched this morning. . It was learned
yesterday that the yaoht might be
launched "on the night : tide. When it
was found that the water would be
sufficiently ) high, it was deoided that
the launching should take place on the
top flood. Shortly before midnight the
yard .. was,, lighted , up brilliantly. A
squad of carpenters were ready at the
ship, but there was no cheering or - ex
citement in the yards as the yacht took
the water. J'The place was" almost de
serted of .' visitors. Besides " Designer
Watson, the workmen, three spectators
on the railway and about twenty on the
ferry wharf , no one saw the launching
of the craft of which so much ' is ex
peoted.tV ' - '
...Guatemala Haa Made Reparation. -&New
York.'VMay 29. A' special" to
the Herald from Guatemala says: ., ,.
t "1 . 1 t j 1 , ' . . 1 .
r .Aidiiuugu mo cusugaiiioii jl rgie,
ail American citizen, was not ordered
by" the Guatemalan "government," the
latter has aoceeded cheerfully and f ully
to the demand for reparation made by
Minister Young. Ample compensation
has been made by President Barrios for
the punishment inflicted i upon Argle
and two others by the- prison, guard."
Minister Young will leave here for the
United States next Tuesday. ' .f -.
The Bennington. Ordered to '.Honolulu.
- New York, May 29. A special to
the Herald from Washington says:
Orders have been issued by the navy
department r to .Commander Thomas,
commanding the United States gunboat
Bennington, to: sail !ior Honolulu, as
soon as his vessel is ready for sea.
Rear-Admiral Beardslee, commander-in-chief
of s the Pacific, station,. -now in
Hawaiian waters with his flagship, the
Philadelphia, has been ordered " to re
turn to the United States, if in his
opinion the presenoe of the two Ameri
can warships is unnecessary. , , .
Expreaa Letter Service Abolished
i San Francisco, May 27. The mail
service of Wells, Fargo & Co., one of
the old established institutions of the
Pacific coast, was abolished today. l, At
one time , 12, p00 letters were handled
daily by this service. The falling off
in its business is ascribed to the im
proved servioe of the federal postal Ae
partment. i fir, ' ' ;;?' h'ii
. A Preacher Advocates War. ,
London, May 28. The Rev. Joseph
Parker, D. D. , in a sermon at the Tem
ple, advocated a war for the redress of
Armenian wrongi, if necessary, ...
It Would Prevent the Return
, of Prosperity.
Besides Incoming Congress, Which Is
, Republican, Would Pass Needed -
,' :',".,; . ,- Tariff Legislation. : , , ; ! ,
Washington," May 28. It is 'under
stood that Cleveland has said that one
reason that why he will not call con
gress to enact laws to meet the defici
ency is because it would prevent the
return to prosperity which he believes
is pending. The president thinks there
would be much r financial legislation
talked of, andmuch tariff legislation
suggested which would unsettle busi
ness of all kinds and prevent business
from going forward.. But, more, than
all is the desire of the president to see
the present tariff law given a ; longer
test than it oould possibly have if con
gress should , reassemble. 1 He knows
that the Republican congress will insist
upon raising the necessary revenue for
the government by an increase of duty
"on foreign goods, . and he would ; be
placed in a most disagreeable position
by refusing his assent to it, and, at the
same time, depriving the ' treasury of
the money needed. ' . ' ' ;
It is now generally talked that , an
effort will be made in the next congress
to pass a proposed .constitutional
amendment eliminating the direct tax
clause from , the constitution, which
would allow an income tax to be lev
ied. It is very doubtful if suoh a prop
osition can pass congress. It would re
quire a two-thirds vote in each house
to put the proposed amendment before
the people. Taking the vote in the last
house for example, it ; is pretty plain
that two-thirds of the house could not
be found willing to vote for the amend
ment ' The same difficulty would also
be met in the senate. ,: The vote , on the
income tax propositon in the senate in
dicated that the , necessary , two-thirds
was , lacking. ,,, Besides, . after such a
propostion had run the , gauntlet of , a
two-thirds vote in each of the houses of
congress, it would still have to secure
three-fourths of - the states either by
legislation or conventions authorized"
for the purpose. There are, or will be,
forty-fiv states after next , December.
Consequently, thirty-four states would
have- to .ratify: the amendment , , If
thirteen refused to do so the amend
ment would : fail. It is almost sure
there would be that number who would
refuse assent ' But the grater difficulty
would be in ; passing the : proposed
amendment ., through . congress. It
would seem that little attention need
be given that idea for the present,
although there are those ; who claim
that an election could be carried on the
issue. v."
An Important Question Regarding In
dian Schools on Reservations.
Washington, May 28. Representa
tive Hermann, of Oregon has raised a
very important question in the interior
department in relation to Indian
schools on reservations where allot
ments in severalty have occurred. . He
has presented the right of a state to ex
tend its common school system over the
Indians' land, with the right to estab
lish school districts in the reservation,
and for the Indian the right to choose
teachers according to the school : law,
and to be under the law for taxation
purposes, ', except as to the taxation
lands held by allotment only.' . The In
dian bureau is inclined to take this
yiew, and further, to hold that it may
aid such schools from the fund out of
which it already contributes 1 to some
district schools certain suins for each
Indian taught in , them. ;' Mr. .Her
mann has formally presented the mat
ter to the secretary, and it will likely
soon, be submitted .to the attorney
general, as the department says it is
the first time the question has come in
this shape. '' Indians on : allotments,
being now citizens, . assert their right
to enjoy a common school education. -
' I'roject for an Air-Line.' ( '
Tacoma, . May ,27. The , project of
building an air-line broad-gauge, rail
road between Tacoma' and Seattle has
been revived ' by ' Henry - Buoey, who
will start at once to secure the right-of-way
and land subsidies. He expects
then to float bonds." The line would
be thirty miles long, a saving of twelve
miles, oyer ; the , present , route. , The
grade would be 1 per cent, , and the cost
of building and 'equipment $600,000.
The Taooma and Seattle Air-Line rail
road was incorporated five years ago to
build the line. The depression ' caused
a postponement of the project.
Rubinstein's "Christus" Produced.
; ; ; Berlin, May 2 8. Anton Rubinstein's
opera "Christus" was produced Satur
day, night at Bremen. The. city thea
ter was suitably decorated in a manner
in harmony with the , religious nature
of the opera. The splendid rendering
created an overwhelming ; impression.
"Christus" is in seven tableaux and
epilogue, the bible story being adhered
to throughout.
Brayt n Ives Opposes President Hill's
, Programme. ,
Chicago, May 28. President J. J.
Hill of the Great Northern will not get
control of the Northern Pacific. It
was supposed the deal was complete,
and its details have been published as
already settled. Information has come
to the Times-Herald, from reliable
sources, that this story has absolutely
no foundation, except that the minority
of the Northern Pacific bonaholders,
who are also interested in the Great
Northern, want to see it brought about
,'. j To those acquainted with the man
and his fighting ability, it is sufficient
to say that Bray ton Ives is utterly op
posed to the deal. . No one is more in
fluential in Northern Pacific affairs.
Back of him is a much .larger propor
tion of secuirties than is back of the
faction favoring the Hill deal. While
the Hill following has been publishing
its plan broadcast as .' an accomplished
fact, ; the , Ives .following., has been
strengthening until there is, ' in, their
opinion, no human possibility of the
Hill people winning control. Certain
it is that Hill and the other outsiders
could not afford to' buy control unless
the bonds were scaled dawn very low
and .the stock practically wiped out.
This is contemplated in the published
plan of the Hill deal. : V , . v . .?
The actual holders of these stocks and
bonds are now rallying to the Ives
standard, and can easily afford to out
bid the Hill people when the road is
organized. . So many holders have done
this that they have already decided . to
bid in the road and operate it . them
selves. . - Unless the totally unexpected
happens, this is exactly the plan which
will be carried out 1 ' ' - ':'
' This movement has only, crystallized
in a' few days, since the Hill plan was
broached. . It gathered strength rapidly
on account of the extremely favorable
earning statements of late and the sum
mary method of the Hill plan of deal
ing with the securities which , were
constantly increasing rapidly in value.
There Undoubtedly will be a scaling
down of securities, but the owners pre
fer to do it themselves. Brayton Ives
himself will be president, if the present
plan is carried out. . , , , . . . '
Statements From the ' Union and Cen-
" tral Pacific. '' ',
New York, May 28. A preliminary
report of the Union. Pacific system ,for
the year 1894 shows: i Gross earnings,
$28,284,054; decrease, v-.-. $4,605,991;
operating : expenses, $16,758, 128; de
crease, $1,126,078; net earnings,' $6,-
474,927; decrease, $3,479,913; total net
income, $6,389,169; decrease,. $3,308,
607; , charges,. $10,397,895; decrease,
$324,179; ;, deficit, ., $4,008,226; .in
crease, $2,984,428. .-':..'.; .,:S,-,
The per centage . of operating ex
penses and taxes to gross earnings was
75 per cent against 68 per cent in 1893.
The gross earnings per mile decreased
$926 in 1894; operating, expenses de
creased $297, and net earnings decreased
$629 per mile. : .
The report of the Oregon Short Line
and Utah Northern Railroad for the
year ending December 81, 1894, shows
gross earnings of $5,046,682, a de
crease of $814,952. '. The operating ex
penses' amounted to $3,673,707," an in
crease of $11,562; the , net earnings
were $1,372,975, a decrease of $926,-
514..' The total net income was $1,249,
950, a decrease of $1,527, 750; charges,
$2,803,681; decrease, $212,345; deficit,
$1,553,731, an increase of $1,815,230.
In the land department there was a de
ficit of $296,540, against a deficit of
$122,901 in 1893. The balance credited
to the land and trust income up to De
cember 81, .1894, was $24,455,279.
The report of the Central Pacific for
the year ending December 81, '1894,
shows: , Gross earnings, $13,118,244, a
decrease of $1,201,663. ' The operating
expenses aggregated $8, 168,857, a' de
crease of , $393,032,. The net earnings
were $4,949,887, a decrease of 848,681;
charges, $4,804,791; decrease,, $208,-
508. tfr-i ., ::'; -.-
The reorganization committee of the
Atchison road has received deposits of'
$52,392,500 general ; mortgage bonds.
Certificates of deposit for this amount
were issued by the committee and they
have been listed on the stock exchange.
, The London Stock Market. -( f ,
London,, May 28. With the decline
in New York exchange,'- the demand
last week for gold in the open' 1 market
entirely disappeared. The, - business
of the stock exchange was ' much re
duced, and the scale of the settlement
which was, going s on , revealed some
weakness., n All the mortgages,;: how
ever, closed in good tone.; , The publio
continued - to favor' American issues,.
which were higher all around. " Mexi
can railways have fallen in the break
up of the pool. Canadians were weak
on adverse orders and rumors regarding
Canadian Pacific. Except for a rise of
1.1-2 in Erie seconds and a fall of 1 1-4
in Lake Shore, the- week's changes
were fractional. - " ' v . j
..-(,- .. . .. ..r ...
' . f A Defaulter (lven Five Years.' A '
Chicago,'May 27. Fred Griffin,' who
was cashier of the Northwestern Na
tional bank, and defaulter for .about
$50,000, was today sentenced by, the
United States circuit ; oourt to five
years' imprisonment r . :,! : i
Condensed Telegraphic Re
. ports of Late Events. -
Budget of News Tor Easy Dlgeatlom Froas
'All Parts of Oregon, Wash- .,
. lag-ton and Idaho.
" The Tacoma Whist Club proposes to
send a team to the whist congress in
The Spokane1 ordinance to fund the
waterworks indebtedness was passed by
the council over Mayor Belt's veto.' :
.'Assessor Zumwaldt' estimates the
population of Curry county, Or., at
3,500, double what it was five years
ago. ... , t. ,; ..
' Hannah Pease, of Seattle, has de
manded of D. B. Denton, through the
courts,, that he pay her $30,000 for
breaking his promise to marry her. '
Rev. Dr. Cooper, of Plymouth, Eng.,
who recently visited Gray's harbor,
says he will' send to the harbor ' a col
ony of Cornish fishermen. ' :
About 1,000 Seventh Day Adventists
from Oregon, Washington and " Idaho,
attended the general assembly confer
ence at Walla Walla reoently. '
' Judge Stallcup, of the superior court
of Pierce ' county, has dismissed the
jurymen in his court because there are
no funds with which to pay them, ,
'' --The Concentrator of Monte Cristd1 is
now running steadily and sending two
or three carloads of concentrates to the
Everett, Wash. , smelter by every train.
t A party, of engineers is inspecting
the Okanogan river for persons who
contemplate putting in a line of light
draught steamers between , Virginia
City, Wash., and the boundary line.
. Mrs. Crouch denies the story of the
death of Jonathan Dise by starvation
in Eden valley, ; Or. She ' says , Mrs.
Dise is very much alive, and living with
Mr. and Mrs. Crouch in Camas valley.
A proposition is - informally being
considered among some of the Taooma
councilraen for the calling of a conven
tion this summer to revise the charter,
under the provision of the new law on
the subjoct. , . , ' T , .. , , .
; Engineer Burrows is having platted
the lines of, the ;Wishkah .(river, , in
Washington, ' to present them to the
state land commissioner when the ques
tion of tide lands on that river . oomes
up for decision. ):ty -,. . ,
County Treasurer Young, ' of Union
county, Or.; gives notice that he has
funds on hand with which to pay all
outstanding warrants which were pre
sented and , indorsed by the county
treasurer up to the first day of Septem
ber, 1890. .
James G. Kidwell, of Walla Walla,
has taken a carload of twenty-two polo
ponies to Philadelphia and disposed of
them at good prices, finding an active
demand for them. ' The ponies were
raised near Walla ' Walla, and partly
trained near that place. ' ' ' V ', .
Cord wood dealers ; who float - their
wood to the boat landings in Astoria
by water chutes, some of which extend
four miles back into the' hills,' have
completely knocked the small dealers,
who have heretofore hauled their wood
to the landings by team,, out of the
business.: ; . ';. -'. -"v';-,t!:j. .,. .
The last sections of the gates have
arrived at the Cascades, and . these will
be put in position as soon as the water
will permit , i The gates that have been
erected keep the water out of the canal
and permit work to be "done and the
contractors are pushing": forward the
improvement as rapidly as possible. -
.William D. Humbert, a woolen mill
man who has been interested in the
mills at Bandon, Coos county," Or. , has
been in Ashland in consultation 'with
the owners Of the Ashland woolen mills
property,.' and looking over, the field
with a view to starting the . mills . up
again if satisfactory arrangements oan
be made. - '. .:1:'''.!'
The Hood ; River, Or. ," -strawberry
orop "gives promise of going fat "ahead
of any previous year. A scarcity of
pickers is. feared, . as nearly everyone
has determined not to use Indian labor,
and so far but few Indians have put in
an appearance. Growers expect to pay
1 1-2 cents per pound and good pickers
can make $2 per day. ' : ' ': i x :
"' The ravages of the caterpillar' in' the
orohards in various parts of Whatcom
county is assuming alarming propor
tions. . In the vicinity, of : Ferndale,
Lnmmi and Fort Bellingham,: Wash.y
whole orchards' are stripped of their
foliage and the trees are dying. " The
Allen orchard at Marietta, has been, it
is said, completely ruined. . .
' E. D. Boyd.of Pendleton, has filed his
first report in the administration of the
estate of Robert Sargent, deceased. -.' It
shows the total receipts from all sources
to be $2,755.48; total disbursements,
$1 ,966.42; balance on hand,' $789.06.
On the preferred claims payments have
been made to the amount, of $374.40;
on notes,, 41,492.46. The . administra
tor haa petitioned for an ' order to pay
a 8 1-2 per cent dividend.
Advance Caused by Small Supplies In
Foreign Countries.
; New York May 27. Bradstreet's to
morrow will say. The moderate re
action in the stock market last week
and this week caused primarily by
frosts and reports of severe damage to
cereal crops, was followed only in part
by a corresponding check to the move-
ment, in general trade. ; Not one of
the larger grain states confirm the re
ports of severe damage ' to' wheat and
corn, with whioh the exchanges have
abounded, and there is less reason to
believe in the extent of it than current- -ly
reported. ' The most bullish feature
in the wheat situation lies in the an
nouced restriction of Argentine and
Russian exports, the reduced export
ability of nearly all the leading pro
ducing countries and shorter supplies
of importing countries. ,Few believe
that wheat has touched ." its highest
point on this wave, although it is 25 '
cents per bushel above the lowest since
the panic . : : ;
Exports of wheat ; from the United
States, both coasts, this week amount
to 2,754,000 bushels, against 2,897,000 :
bushels last week, 2,810,000 bushels in
the third week of May, 1894; 8,108,
000 bushels in the third week of May,
1893; 2,280,000 in the year before that,
and as compared with 2,845,000 bushels
exported in 1891. ''
. This week's record of 'advances is as '
conspicuous as ever, and includes hides,
shoes, leather, Bessemer pig iron, steel
billets, nails, bar iron, oopper, zinc,
wheat, Indian corn, oats, pork, lard, "
flour; coffee, cotton, naval stores, pota
toes, poultry and butter twenty-three
in all. . The tone of the iron and steel
markets is the strongest since the de
pression of 1898-94. . -v '
. Woolen manufacturers are working
on old orders, and some refuse to stock
up with raw materials, as prices in the
interior are above a parity with those
at the seaboard. .-Western views are
that manufacturers may be short of
supplies to meet fall contracts. The
immense advance in - petroleum ; prices
has so far failed; to induce any large
increase in the well output, thus point- '
ing to approaohing exhaustion of sub
terranean stores of this product in the
Appalachian region. , Consumption is .
still lighter than production.
Married Canadians May Marry Again in
j,-"-'' ':' " the United States.
Quebec, May 27. Bigamy in ' the
United States by Canadian .citizens is
one' of the subjects to be grappled with
next week at Toronto by the National
Council of Women of Canada under the ,
presidency of its founder, the Coun
tess of Aberden.' 1 It has latly been de-'
cided that a married person who is a
British subject resident in Canada, and
there goes through a form of marriage
with another person cannot in Canada
be convicted of bigamy; This .is the
case when even no divorce has been ob
tained in the United States. ,Tq law
yers it seems clear enough that bigamy
in the United States is not an offense
against Canadian laws, and therefore it
is not unresonable to expect , that there
should not be any machinery ; for con
victing the offender in Canada, ,&' '
i But the Countess of Aberdeen and
the ladies affiliated with her upon the
executive committee ' of" the National
Council of Women of Canada are bound
to have such provision made if by any
means possible, and there have recently
been some very sad cases of .wife deser
tion in Canada and remarriage in the
United States, calculated to call out
female sympathy in general.
No Export Duty Discriminating Against
American Capital. ; f.
'Washington,; May 27. Senor f, Ro-.
mero, Mexican minister, said today,
concerning the .intention of . Mexico to
decree an export duty discriminating
against the, American -capital invested
is Mexican mining enterprises, that he
was not aware that such a bill had
been approved by the : Mexican con
gress, but that, as it was presented; by -the
executive, he believed that it was 1
very likely to be approved. Senor Ro
mero further said that the real object
of the pending bill was to .distribute
on the whole mining industry of .Mex
ico the very high duty now levied upon
the mining of silver. .The present min
ing duty is 4.44 per cent. Senor
Romero further said that the real ob
ject of the new bill is to - distribute
equally between all the silver produ
cers of, Mexico the present taxes which
now lie on some classes of miners, and .
that the imputation ' that it is a dis- -criminating
measure against American
capital invested in Mexico is utterly
without foundation. '
Allegiance to England Renounced.
New York, May 27. Ballington
Booth, 'of the Salvation Army, and his
wife are' no longer British subjects.
They formally renounced allegiance to.'
the queen of England and all other for
eign rulers in the county clerk's office,
in the Hudson county courthouse, on
Jersey City Heights, and they have
taken the oath ' of allegiance to the
United States, administered by Judge)
Kenny. : ,