The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 18, 1895, Image 4

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The U. S. Government Tests
Show the Absolute Superiority of
Royal Baking Powder.
Data, from the latest Official U. S, Government Report on Baking
Powders, Department of Agriculture, Bulletin IJ, page jpp)
"QOYAL is placed first of the cream of tartar
-L powders; actual strength, 160.6 cubic inches of :
leavening gas per bunce of powder.
Every other powder tested exhibited a much
lower strength than the Royal; the average being
33 per cent. less. ' :
Every other powder likewise showed the presence
of alum or sulphuric acid.
The claim that this report shows any other powder of superior
strength or purity has been denounced as a falsehood by the
Government officers who made the tests. ,
Fashion Xu Afghanistan.
Civilization will rejoice in the fact that
the queen of Afghanistan has decided to
adopt European dress. A fashionable
firm in London has forwarded to her
majesty four costumes, which I hasten
to describe. The material in each case
' Is wool. Her majesty's fondness for flow
ers has been respected in the trimming.
One" fuchsia dress has a velvet basque
with gold fringe and tabbed skirt. A
convolvuli 'costume is made up of a vel
vet zouave bodice and skirt trimmed
With guipure lace. A striking charac
teristic of a heather costume is an um
brella skirt, while green silk and ivy
leaves add to the attractions of the fourth
costume. All the dresses are high necked,
' short skirted and silk lined, and in ap
pearance are a sort of compromise be
tween English simplicity and oriental
iplendor. London Cor. New York Sun.
Sensible Handkerchiefs.
Sensible women have been earning
new claim to that adjective lately by se
lecting hemstitched initial handkerchiefs
in preference to the one time fashionable
flimsy cobweb. Apropos of this, it might
be remarked that it is always in rather
questionable taste to tuck a handkerchief
under the bodice, even with the excuse
of a pocketless gown, and the daintiest
nnrl jrarfiur, lnnn trimmed handkerchief
proWttalTtg-from the bosom of the waist
is too suggestive to be sanctioned by
good taste. A handkerchief of fair size,
of fine but firm linen, is truly usable and
will 4 yj iimuuu iaio uivpug vi
shopping expedition without being re
duced to the stringiness of the tiny lawn
affair. Detroit News.
A Friend of the Soldiers.
Lady Wolseley, never weary of work
ing for the welfare of soldiers, whose
happiness she has close at heart, has de-
of a fund for founding a much needed
soldiers' home in Dublin in Easter week
and is already throwing herself into the
preliminary work in that whole hearted
fashion so characteristic of her. The
bazaar will open on Easter Monday in
the grand old hall of the Royal hospital
and will be a delightfully picturesque
affair, the gleaming armor, the torn and
faded flags and the trophies of arms
fnrTninor a nnitA rminnplv nrmrrmriata
""O 1 X J 1 I L
and charming background for the pretty
tents which will be utilized as stalls.
Dablin Excuanse.
Explosives That Must lie Shocked.
Some explosives, such as dynamite,
nitroglycerol, gun cotton, picric acid
and the new German military powder,
when simply heated, burn quietly if
freely exposed, or, if confined, explode
only at the spot where heat is applied,
without the whole mass taking part in
the explosion. According to H. Blitz,
this is probably because (hey are bad
conductors of their own explosive wave.
If, however, the .same substances are
. i . i i j. . i i . J.,
suDjeciea to a violent kuucjs uy iuh ex
plosion in their midst of initial charges
of mercury fulminate, the shock appar
ently affects all the molecules of the ex
plosive at once, and the whole mass of
the latter explodes with a violence that
is enormous and destructive.- '
Must Be Very Good.
Jenny Papa, cook must be very good.
Papa Why, my dear?
Jenny Because in my lesson last Sun
day it said that the wicked shall not live
out half their days, and cook says she baa
lived out all her life. Harper's Young
People. "" ' ' ' ' -' "
Absolutely free of cost, for a
The People's Common Sense Medical Ad.
viser, By R. V. Pierce, M. D., Chief Consulting
Physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical
Institute, Buffalo, a book of over 1,000 large
pages and 300 colored and other illustra
tions, in strong paper covers to any one
sending 21 cents in one-cent stamps for
packing awl postage only. Over 680,000
copies of this complete Family Doctor Book
already sold in cloth binding at regular
price of $.50. Address : with stamps and
this rVinnrtnt V7nn i.n1! niepvMBmv M i.-t
S ical Association, No. 663 Main Street,
I Buffalo, N. Y.
ItoniuK Piles known bj moisture like perspiration, cans
Intense itching; when warm. Inistorm and Blind, Bleed
ing or Protruding Piles yield ut ouce to
vhloh acts directly on parts affected, absorbs tumors, al
lays itching, effecting permanent cure. Price B to.
JJruggUw or mail. lit. llo.auiio, l'litlada., Pa.
106 WALL 8T.. NEW-YORK. 53
Who Can Look on the Infirmities of a
Veteran Without a Feeling of
Deepest Sympathy? .
From the Herald, Woodstook, Va.
There is an old soldier in Woodstock,
Va. , who served in the war with Mex-
ioo and in the war of the rebellion, Mr.
Levi Molnturff. He passed through
both of these wars' without a serious
wound. The hardships, however, told
seriously on him, for. when the grip
attacked him four years ago it. nearly
killed him. who can look on the in
firmities of a veteran without a feeling
of the deepest sympathy? His towns'
people saw him confined to his house so
prostrated with great nervousness that
he could not hold a knife and fork at
the table, scarcely able to walk too, and
as he attempted it, he often stumbled
and fell. They saw him treated by the
best talent to be had but still he
suffered on for four years, and gave up
finally in despair. One day, however,
he was struck by the account of a cure
which had been effeoted by the use of
Drt Williams' Pink Pills. He lm
mediatly ordered a box and commenced
taking them. He says he was greatly
relieved within three days time. ' The
blood found its way to his fingers and
his hands which had been palsied
assumed a natural color, and he was
soon enabled to use his knife and fork
at the table. . He has recovered his
strength to such an extent that he is
able to chop wood, shock corn and do
his regular work about his home. He
now says he can not only walk to
Woodstock, but can walk across the
mountains. He is able to lift up a
fifty-two pound weight with one hand
and says he does not know what Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills have done for
others, but knows that they have done
a great work for him.' .
He was in town last Monday, court
day, and was loud in his praises of the
medicine that had given so great relief.
He purohased another box and took it
home with him. Mr. : Molnturff is
willing to make affidavit to these facts.
, The proprietors of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills state that they are not patent
medicine but a prescription used for
many years by an eminent practitioner
who produced the most wonderful re
sults with them, curing all forms of
weakness arising from a watery condi
tion of the blood or shattered nerves,
two fruitful causes of almost every ilf
to which flesh is heir. . The pills are
also a specific for the troubles peculiar
to females, such as suppressions, all
forms of weakness, chronio constipa
tion, bearing down pains, etc. , and in
the case of men will give speedy relief
and effect a permanent cure in all cases
arising from mental worry, overwork,
or exoesses of whatever nature. They
are entirely harmless and can be given
to weak and sickly children with the
greatest good and without the slightest
danger. Pink Pills are sold by all
dealers, or will be sent post paid on
receipt of price, (50 cents a box, or six
' bulk or by the 100) by addressing Dr.
Williams' Medicine Company, Schenec
tady, N. Y. V . , ; . . .
Tungsten. ' '
The fact is well known that a mix
ture of tungsten with steel imparts to
the latter so great a degree of hardness
that it readily scratches glass and
quartz. Recent investigations have
thrown light upon this pomewhat re
markable phenomenon that is, a def
initely crystallized compound of iron
and tungsten is announced as having
lately been discovered, the crystals be
ing so hard as to be capable of scratch
ing topaz. . Tungsten is a brittle white
metal, almost as heavy as gold, and the
crystals formed by its combination with
iron, in the proportion of one atom of
iron to two of tungsten, are silver gray
and very brilliant. The conclusion ar
rived at by experts in this line is that,
on tungsten being alloyed with steel,
some of the compound just described is
formed in the mass, thereby producing
the remarkable increase in the hardness
of steel and adding to its usefulness.
New York Sun.
Her View of It. V
Old Maid Is he hurt much, doctorf
Doctor Not much, but pretty well shak
en up.
Old Maid (eagerly) Then he,'s ready to
be taken, ain't he, doctorf Atlanta Constitution.
Dr. Bertillon on His Anthropometrical
Method Based on Anatomical Science.
Would Enable the Police of All Countries
to Hunt Down Malefactors.
Dr. Alphonse Bertillon, the author of
the French system for the identification
of criminals, writes as follows in re
gard to the best means for making it of
general use by the police of the large
capitals of Europe:
"The growing ease and rapidity of
communication between the great cities
of Europe have so lessened distances that
the intercourse between the police of the
various countries daily becomes more
frequent. London, for example, may
now be said to extend as far as Paris,
and Brussels is practically a suburb of
the French capital. In the midst of
these daily exchanges of good services
where is the officer who has not longed
for the creation of an international de
scriptiveor distinctive mark, signal
eltiques method and language?
"In the other branches of human ac
tivity, especially in electricity, con
gresses have, in proportion to the nec
essity, supplied this want of a universal
understanding. . It is thus that the elec
trical units watt, ampere, volt, etc.
have been created and unanimously
adopted. Why should not the police of
civilized or policed, for it is all one
countries do as much for the description
and notation of the different shapes of
forehead, nose, color of the eye, etc.?
"There exist under the name of hip
pology whole treatises filled with words
of English origin for the description of
the coat and the points of the horse.
For the description of the human being
all seems left to chance. Nothing was
attempted in this direction until the ap
pointment by Mr. Asquith of the com
mission for comparing the different
methods of identification and descrip
tion. "This commission found at Paris, by
the side of a system of measurement
which has borne some little testimony
everywhere, a very carefully considered
method of describing the human body,
and the face in particular. There is in
this neither invention nor personal pro
prietorship.. My intervention has con
sisted in transporting and adapting to
the wants of the police the procedures
of description in use in anatomical sci
ences, and particularly in anthropology.
"Anthropometry, properly so called,
is only a part of that whole knowledge
necessary in tracking criminals, and 'its
sole aim is to supply a basis of classi
fication.' One is able by means of the
metrical information supplied by it to
classify several hundrd thousand indi
vidual notifications. But let me hasten
to say that these notifications should
themselves always be accompanied by
an abstract of particular marks found
upon the person examined, and it is this
last document much more than the
agreement of measurements which is
appealed to to give judicial certainty to
an ulterior identification.
"At Paris photographs of the person
in profile and full face are added, which
by themselves also afford the certainty
of identification. Thus the elements of
certainty are not wanting. A photo
graph or impression of the ear would
alone suffice to establish an identity. It
is, as a matter of fact, impossible among
100,000 individuals to find two ears ex
actly alike except in the case of twin
"The great advantage of adding to the
anthropometrical notification a complete
descriptive photograph of a person is
that the police are provided with a docu'
ment which, in case of a fresh offense,
of escape, etc., can be looked to to ren
der the greatest possible assistance.
"It may be well to add to these ele
ments of information, clearly independ
ent of one another measurement, par
ticular marks and profile photograph
which, together, 10 years' experience
has shown to be absolutely infallible
a fourth element, 'finger tip impres
sions' (1 'impression des filigrammes du
pouce). It goes without saying that I
see no major difficulty in it. But I am
afraid that the exercise of the process
may at first sight appear much more
simple than it really is. In the first
place, let me repeat that the finger tip
process neither does away with nor re
places in any way judicial anthropom
etry, for these delineations are so diver
sified that they do not offer an adequate
element of classification that is a point
which no one disputes. ' Therefore the
finger tip process should be considered
as affording supplementary information
only, capable at the most of replacing
photography.' '''
"Moreover, does not Mr, F. (Jalton
himself say that the examination of
these impressions can be properly made
only by means of photographic enlarge
ments? Then why not photograph the
man "himself whose measurements have
just been taken? -
"I must own, however, that up to the
present I have always postponed the full
trial of the finger tip process on account
of the unpleasantness of sending all my
subjects before the court with their fin
gers more or less blackened, for every
body knows how viscous printing ink is
and how difficult to get off. Never
theless I have quite, determined, if
the process should become customary
in England, to petition the minister of
the interior and the prefect of police for
the requisite authority to add it to the
anthropometric description so great is
the importance that 1 attach to interna
tional uniformity in police communica
tions." New York Herald.
The Knife Was All Bight. "
Dumley (who had been asked to carve
the duck and is meeting with poor suc-
Landlady Isn't the knife sharp, Mr.
Dumley? I had it ground today.
Dumley The knife is all right, Mrs.
Henricks. You ought to have had the
duck ground. London TiMJits.
There is a natural and very strong de
sire in the spring and early summer to get
rid of underwear and overwear, so that the
fresh air may thoroughly refresh. But the
worst colds of the whole year are taken,
and especially at open windows, where the
(ira i is are Btrongeut ana a emu tne surest.
It is there where lumbago sets in. It is
just the condition and circumstance to
make such an attack sure. It is just the
time also when St. Jacobs Oil should be
handv ior immediate use. It is a time.
loo, when it makes its surest cures. For
lumbago it is a certaia remedy. !
' Where to Put the Moral. '
A preacher says that one time while ad
dressing about 8,000 children and enter
taining them with a variety of stories he
thought it might be well to point the mor
al of one of them. He had hardly, how
ever, begun to say, "Now, this teaches,"
when a little ragamuffin on the front bench
cried out: "Never mind what it teaches.
Gi'e's another story." "I learned from
lfti-io msinl " hp snirl. "to wrao the
moral well in the heart of the story, not
to put it as a sting into rne iau.
Horn., ... . ,
Pain is alwsys a terrible visitant, and often
domiciles itself with one for life. This Inflic
tion is prevenlible, in cases of rheumatism by a
timely resort to Hostetter's Stomsch Bitters,
which checks ihe eucroachments of tbls obni
naie and dangerous malady at the outset. The
term "dangerous- is usea aaviseaiy, ior rneu
malism Is always liable to attack the vital or
gans and terminate life. No testimony is more
conclusive and concurrent than that of physi
cians who testify to the excellent effect of the
Hitlers in thiB disease. Persons incur a wetting
In rainy or snowy weatner, ami wno are ex
posed to draughts, should ue the Bluer as a
preventive of ill effects. Malaria, dyspepsia,
liver and kidney trouble, nervousness and de
bility are also among the ailments to which
this popular medicine is adapted. For t be lu
ll i milieu. s reness and stiffness of the age I lc is
highly beneficial.
He wrote for all the magazines
Great man, without a doubt;
i And this we note
Was wbat he wrote: .
'Is my subscription out?"
as mercury will surely destroy the sense of
smell and completely derange the whole
system when entering it through the mu
cous surfaces. Such articles should never
be used except on prescriptions from repu
table physicians, as the damage they will
do is ten told to tne good you can possiDty
derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure.
manufactured by F. J. Cheney fe Co.. To
ledo, v., contains no mercury, ana is lanen
internally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system. In
buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you
get the genuine. It is taken internally,
and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney
& Co. Testimonials free.
dJ-Sold by all Druggists, price 75o per
DOttle. ; '
MUSIC STOKE Wiley B. Allen Co., the
oldest, the largest, 211 First St., Portland.
C bickering, Hardman, Fischer Pianos, Estey
Organs. Low prices, easy terms.
- 10-CENT MUSIC Send for catalogues.
I have found Piso's Cure for Consump
tion an unfailing medicine. F. R. Lotz,
13J5 Scott St., Covington, Jty., Oct. 1, 1894.
Guard yourself for Bummer malaria, tired
feeling, by using now Oregon Blood Purifier.
Tby Qibm ba for breakfast..
Cough ! Cough ! I It's the
hacking cough that often ends
in the most serious trouble.
stops the cough at once by
removing the cause and thus
prevents the trouble. ut two
teaspoonfuls of this good old
remedy in a small cup of
molasses, take teaspoonful
often, and your cough , will
quickly cease. Sold every
where. You now get double
the quantity of Pain-Killer for
the same old price. -Perry
Davis & Son, Providence, R, I.
- A movement of the bowols each day is necessary for
himlth, These pills supply what the system lacks to
make it regular. They oure Headache, brighten the
Kyes, and clear the Oomploxion better than ooemetlcs.
'I'hey neither frripe nor sicken. To convince yon. we
will mall sample free, or a full box for ?6o. Sold every
where, EO&ANKO MKT). CO.. Philadelphia, Pa, ,
H flAT The money you have
i OS I Forever IS
M WW I prove, build or pure
The money you have paid for rent 1'
lost to you. isy oni
plan, we loan, lm-
M lot or both, anywhere you may re side or se
Jlectit. It is deeded to vou. -Yon occupy ti
nwtird kni H a tu hi h a(-A Hi. hAn.a
ft mid Ttiiv month Iv rent tons, until the amount
due is paid. In case ou die, the debt isr.aid
Men of push can represent us everywhere.
Avtociatlon Bldg., 208 Masun St., room 7, San
Francisco. Cal. Staoon for trowectus. etc.
SSPW5?'iS Inducements for monthly invest-
Incubators A Brooders.
Make money while jji
oiners are wasting
time by old processes.
Catalog tehs all about
it, and describes every
article needed for the,
poultry business.
The "ERIE"
mechanically the best
wticci. jTrciucsiuiuuci.
We are Pacific Coast
Aerents. Bicvcle cata-
c. aaaus- logue.maueo. tree, gives
full description, prices, etc, aents wasted.
Bkanch House, 131 8 Main 6t., Los Angeles.
Qtj Catalogue UJ
To many people Spring and its duties
mean an aching head, tired limbs, and
throbbing nerves. Just as the milder
weather comes, the strength begins to
wane and "that tired feeling" is the
complaint of all. . i . .
The reason for this condition is found
in the deficient quality of the blood.
During the winter, owing to various
causes, the blood becomes loaded with
impurities and loses its richness and
vitality. Consequently, as soon as the
bracing effect of cold air is lost, there is
languor and lack of energy. The cure
will be found in purifying and enriching
the blood. , ,
Hood's Sarsaparilla ia the greatest
and best spring medicine because it is
the greatest and best blood : purifier.
It overcomes that tired feeling because
Hood's Sarsapa r i
Is the Only
Tru e B I odd Pu r if i e
."I-, . Prominently in the Public Eye Today.
I have bought from the RECEIVER of F. L. POSSON &
SON, the stock, fixtures and good will of the seed business
lately carried on by them and will continue the same at 205
Third Street. BUELL LAMBERSON, Pobtlakd, Ob.
Estab. i860. CORBITT & MACLEAY CO. inc. 1893.
IMPORTERS, SHIPPING and COMMISSION MERCHANTS Liberal advance made on approved
consignments of Wheat, Flour, Oats, Wool and Hops. Special Imports from China, Japan and India:-
Tea, Coffee, Rice, Matting and Rugs, Soices, Sago, Tapioca, China Nut Oil, etc. From Liv
erpool: Liverpool Fine, Coarse and Lump Rock Salt, Chemicals of all kinds, Tinplate, selected
No. 1 returned Wheat Bags, Hop Burlap, Roll Brimstone, Bass Ale, (iuinness' Porter, Scotch and
Irish Whisky, Brandy and Wines for sale in quantities to suit the trade. PORTLAND, OR.
H Three nones only. Try It.
Grew Blggq Purifier,
HE.ADAQHt CQSIlv ENESS. -fjKf 11 1
Ely's Cream Balm
Price SO Cents,
Balm into eaoh nostril
EtY Bros. , 66 Warren St.,
IT 15
Artificial Eyes
Elastic Stockings
Trusses . . .
Crutches ...
Wrlie for Prices..
..Portland, Oregon
Portland, Walla Walla,
Spokane, via O. R & N.
itauway ana ureal
Northern Railway to
Montana points, St.
M m m Montana points, St.
Bit it W' Paul, Minneapolis,
If 1 1 AA H ' Omaha, St. Louis, Chi
Vf W m m ' cago and East. Address
nearest agent. C. C.
Donavan, Gen. Agt.,
Portiand.Or.; R.C.Ste
vens. Gen. Act.. Seattle.
wash.; c. G. Dixon, Gen. Agt., bpotane, was a.
No dust;. rock-ballast track; fine scenery; pal
are sleeping and diningcars; buffet-library cars;
family tourist sleepers; new equipment.
Its wearing qualities are unsurpassed, actual!
outlasting two boxes of any other brand. Free
from Animal Oils. GET THE GKNUINK.
and Dealers generally.
' ' America's Finest -cent Cigars.
f f f Five inches in size and Havana
W V filled. If your dealer does not
'm n keep them, send S3. 85 and we
wl llAK will mail you a box of GO cigars.
I. P. KOHLBERB CO ,102 Third St. PtrUand,Or.
' ' ' Write for Special Cash Price-List. .
V P N. TT. No. 597 - . V. N. TT. No 674
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use
in time, goia oy oruggists.
it makes pure, ricr, blood. It gives
strength to serves aiiil muscles because
it endows the blood wi'th new powers of
nourishment. It : creates an appetite,
tones and strengthens the stomach and
digestive organs, and thus buildB up the
whole system and prepares it to mcot
the change to warmerweather.
Hood's Sarsaparilla 'is a medicine
upon which you may depend. It is the
only true blood purifier prominently
before the public eye today. It has a
record of cures unequalled in the his
tory of medicine. It is the medicine of
which so many people write, "Hood's
Sarsaparilla does all that it is claimed
to do." You can take Hood's , Sarsa
parilla with the confident expectation
that it will give you pure blood and
renewed health. Take it now.
Mixes with cold water. Improvi s the wool. -
JAMES LAIDLAW &. CO., Portland, Or, t-WSWSl
Second to none . TRY IT...
No matter where from. PORTLAND, OR.
ache? Does every step seem a buidenf You need
The Aermotor ell Steel Feed Cutter Worth
' ' W will furnish thi$ feed cutter, one only to one per
om not later than July 1, 189S, for $10.00 cash, tnd ad
dresses of ten neighbors and acquaintances of the tender
known personally by him to be responsible and influential men
in their localities tcho need and are likely to buy some
thing in our tins this year. After July 1, money sent in
oh this offer will be returned to sender and no attention will
be paid to inquiries or Jitters concerning this offer. It is
literally now or never. The feed cutter is delivered f. o. b.
ChienKo. If shipped from ' branoh home
back freight will follow.
Thli nil itetfl frame tnd
aw which we nut out at 1
ell only at $25.00, it Juitly mZr one of the rtiost popular
article we ever made. AERMOTOR CO Chicago
' Ladles' and Gents'
.; All Slzes...AU Weights ;
$45, $55. $65, $85, $IOO
. Second-hand Wheels for sale and exchange
8end for catalogue, FREE. Lire agt's wanted
387 Washington St., PORTLAND, OK.
Jr 26-inch very si
k3L 15 00 tat rear, b