The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 04, 1895, Image 2

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    3cd Iiver Slacier.
Our Foreign Policy.
The foreign policy of Mr. Cleveland's
administration, outside of strong parti
sans, has few admirers or even support
ers, and yet it has been a very fair one,
appealing to the enlightened . intelli
gence of the world. When the move
ment to annex the Sandwich islands it
was not endorsed by Mr. Cleveland or
his eabnet, and this was in accordance
with the spirit of free institutions. The
United States has sufficient territory,
and more people than it can govern
well without annexing a mongrel pop
ulation, who have just emerged from
barbarism.'; It is true the revolution
was successfully managed by American
citizens; but the fact that they were
born in the United States, and, at the
time, owed ul egiauce to this govern
ment, should be no reason for extend
ing them sympathy of such a nature
that would contravene the well known
principles of international law. In the
affair of the steamship being fired upon
by a Spanish gunboat in Cuban waters
prompt action was taken byMr. Gresh
am, and reparation has j been made
by the home government. Regarding
the British landing forces at Corints to
enforse the payment of an idemnity of
$75,000 for a flagrant breach of inter
national law and courtesy by Nicaragua
the state department has gone so far as
the exigencies of the case demand, and
it is very evident that the incident will
pass without the least injury to the in
terests of the inter-oceanic canal, or the
slightest infringment of the Monroe
doctrine. England has a right to
guarantee protection to her subjects,
and in case of any injury being inflict
ed upon them, to demand reparation
in the shape of money indemnity. The
United States has adapted the same
course during a similar emergency. If
permanent.occupation of any portion
of Nicaraguan territory had been made
by Great Britain, undoubtidly the state
department would have entered a vig
orous protest; but until that exigency
arises the action of the British govern
ment docs not concern us. In this age
of the world complications between
nations are to be avoided, and war
should lie averted by every possible
means. A contest between armies on
land or navies at sea will cause dread
ful loss of life to victor and vanquished,
and civilization and humanity are ap
palled in contemplating the possible re
sults. Diplomacy is the modern means
of settling international difflculties,and
our relations with Great Britain or
in other countries the contest will be
waged more between clever diplomats
than armed cruisers. The jingo policy
which is advocated by many would re
sult in war, which would be deplorable
if we were successful, and especially
with a nation with whom the most
amicable relations have existed. Mr.
Cleveland and his secretary of state
have followed the more advisable
course and ( the United States will
emerge from all the entanglements
with Hawaii and also with Great
Britain's policy toward Nicaragua
with her honor untarnished, and
respected by the civilized world for her
successful efforts in the direction of en
during peace. Dalles Mountaineer.
State Superintendent Irwin has se
lected Gladstone Park, near Oregon
City, as the place of meeting , of the
etate teachers association, and the date,
July 10th to 20th. Hood River was
selected by the teachers, at the last
meeting of the association, by unan
imous vote, but afterwards it was found
that the state superintendent had the
authority, by act of the legislature, to
say where the meetings should be held.
It now seems the superintendent has
shown his authority by selecting an
other place of meeting in opposition to
the expressed, wish of the teachers who
attend the meetings of the association.
County Superintendent Shelley's letter
to the state superintendent, published
iii the Glacier April 13th, showed
that Hood River was selected by the
teachers in1 good faith, that the teach
ers had regarded the matter as settled,
and everything was favorable for the
meeting here. But the state superin
tendent has listened to the importu
nities of interested parties in other
places,' where street railway companies
have more influence than county su
perintendents or school teachers. He
has given no good reason for the selec
tion of Gladstone Park. His excuse is
that the Chautauqua society will meet
there and that the teachers can meet
with them. The fact that the associa
tion will not meet at Hood River will
be, a great disappointment to many
teachers throughout the state who had
declared their intention of coming to
the meeting at Hood River.
Senator Stewart of Nevada, a popu
list bullionaire senator and an English
man by birth, has written an open let
ter to the president on the subject of
England's occupation of Corinto that
is intended to be very sarcastic. If
Stewart is "spilin1 fora flcht" he ought
to have it, and if such as he could be
conscripted and sent to the front, war
would be welcomed even by the old
soldiers. ' '
The population of The Dalles, as
f"td by County Assesor Wakefield, is
The editor of The Dalles Statesman
was engaged last week in farming,
moving his office and getting out a
faper, and claims to have "had a
ovely time."
After all the comment that has been
m tde over President Cleveland's course
with England over the Nicaragua affair,
it seems that he has been exactly cor
rect. The justness of England's claim
cannot be disputed, and had the United
States interfered it would have been
virtually the establishing of a protector
ate over all the country south of us, and
we would have been kept in hot water
continually by the peppery Spanish re
publics, who not being held responsible
for their acts would have been barking
at the heels of every nation in Europe.
Christian Endeavor Items.
By the County President.
The following delegates from the
Congregational Sunday school have
been elected to attend tlie State Sun
day School Association at Portland
May7th-9th: Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Mc
Coy, J. F. Armor, Mrs. J. L. Hersh
ner, Miss Anne Smith and H. C. Bate
ham. Several of them expect to go on
to Salem to attend the state C. E. con
vention. Father Endeavor Clark "will be pres
ent at the Salem C. E. convention,
May 9th-12th. This announcement of
itself is enough to make every eudeav
eror in the land want to attend. The
programme will be a treat all the way
There will be a meeting of the Wasco
county C. E. union officers at Salem
during the convention, to make final
arrangements and secure speakers for
the coming county convention at The
Dalles. .
Delegates to the Portland and Salem
conventions will take tae Tuesday
morning boat, have a picnic dinner at
the Cascades, and arrive at Portland
just in time for supper before the even
ing session. rue round-trip tare to
Portland is $1.25,'and from Portland to
Salem probably less than $3.
Free entertainment is furnished at
both conventions to all delegates who
Delegates will be elected next Sab
bath to no from the U. B. church and
also from the Christian church in the
Delegates are requested to wear their
badges and carry t tie union banners.
Take a spring vacation; jou can't af
ford to stay at home.
Of Interest to Strawberry Growers.
The Milton fruit growers ' are
anxious to work in harmony with our
local union and have been making in
quiries as to our plan for the preseut
year. ,
The Pacific Express company will
give better rates on fruit this year than
formerly. , Portland, 75 cents; Montana
points, $2.25; St. Paul, Kansas City,
Sioux City and Omaha, $3.50 per liun
dred pounds containing 4 crates to
the hundred.
There will be cars placed here to be
loaded carefully and run through to
destination of fhe fruit without any re-
handling. The cars are to be comM-
nation, and can be. used veutilated
or refrigerator, as is desired.
The fruit picked in Walla Walla and
Milton districts on Monday, for exam
ple, will arrive iu the market at the
same time as fruit picked iiere,ou the
same date.
Read the "Plau of the Frnit
Growers' Union'' in another column,
which is reprinted this week by request
It is of interest to berry growers.
H. F. Davidson, secretary of the
Hood River Fruit Growers' Union, re
ceived a letter from a Denver commis'
sion house stating that when the ship
ping season- for strawberries begins
they will send a check to advance 50
cents a crate on each crate of strawber
ries shipped to them. This house will
take 300 crates a day.
Occasional Correspondence.
There seems to be considerable differ
ence of opinion with regard to wind
breaks. H. F. Davidson has set 180
cherry trees ten feet apart; H. C. Bate-
nain, jju prune trees tour teet apart;
Every Hershey, 8 Lombard poplars.
There is a row of cottonwoods eight
feet apart on the Heald farm, and J7N.
McCoy, J. C. Wheeler and others have
left groves or rows of pines which an
swer the same purpose of deflecting the
excessive currents of the atmosphere
Mr. Bateham, at Columbia nursery,
has kept a record of the age at which
fruit trees and plants will come into
bearing in this locality. He fluds that
strawberry, gooseberry, currant and
raspberry will bear at one year old;
prune, plurn, peach, cherry, near and
grapes at two years old, while the apple,
quince, etc., -often bloom freely the
third year.
Charley Ross has returned to Hood
River after nearly a year's absence. He
is stopping at the hotel, having leased
his farm to Wright & Pay ton. Forthe
lust six months he has 'been through
considerable of the fruit section of both
Oregon and Washington, but failed to
find any locality where the big red ap
ples can be grown ho easily and so free
from diseases and pests as at Hood
River. ' .
The Indian creek bridge has been re
plauked and the J ones hill graded
dowu so as to make that crossing much
better than formerly.
J. C. Markley, H. F. -Davidson, R,
Rand, C. A. Ross, H. C. Bateham,
Axtel Rahm, J. C. Mcintosh and N.C.
Evans have organized a flume company
and will put in a lateral ditch from the
southeast corner' of J. N. McCoy's
place, to irrigate all land between Rail
creek and Hood river.
One hundred of the eminent lawyers,
politicians and business men of the
state have lately, through the columns
of the Oregoniuu, given the farmers
much sage advice as how to conduct
their business in order to prosper. It
would now seem to be the proper
thing for one hundred eminent farmers
to tell the lawyers and business men
how conduct their business in order
t risp-r. Good advice of this sort
lioen.i't cost much, iiini it would be
ungracious to discuss its value. Rural
Dangerous Bike.
Cyclists will do well to heed the note
of warning sounded by Sir Benjamin
Ward Richardson, who is eminent in
physics, besides being an enthusiastic
wheelman. He cautions ail against
overwork, advising cyclists by no
means to give up the wheel, but to use
it temperately, avoiding long-continued
exertion, trials of speed, &c. Like
other muscular exercise, cycling
hastens the circulation, making de
mands on the heart. If overdone,
instead of being the splended aid to
physical development which it is so
well calculated to be, it causes fatigue,
wPh consequent prostration of the
nervous system; and persistence in
this course leads to collapse and prem
ature death. "The heart gets unduly
active, the arteries become unduly ex
tended and the elastic tissue of the
arteries and of the body generally loses
its spring, and then the body becomes
prematurely old and broken." These
effects are in many cases intensified by
the unnatural stooping position, as
sumed merely for the sake of speed,
which compresses the lungs and of
course greatly increases the strain upon
the heart. In these days, when de
rangements of the heart, so grave as
to cause sudden death, are so alarm
ingly prevalent, it will be wise to give
serious attention to this advice.
Chambersburg Opinion.
Names of Country Places.
W. B. Perry, Maple Dell.
T. E. Wlckens, Spring Dale. :
W. J. Campbell, Falls View. . '
B. Warren, Klver View.
B. Warren's 40-acre tract, Oak Sale.
P. F. Cordesi Eyole Fruit Gardens. ,
8. F. Bly the, Twin Oaks.
H. C. Bateham, Columbia Nursery.
W. H. Perry, Pleasant Home.
P. A. Snyder, Edgcmont,
M. A. Cook, East View.
T. A. Templeton, Keystone. ' '
Mrs. E. D. Calkins, Floral Gardens.
Joseph Purser. Hardscrabble.
H. L. Crapper, Lone Fir.
A. E. Curtis, Curly Top.
N. H. Hackett, Vinnle Dale.
C. G. Hanson, Mountain View.
E. E. Lyon, Oak Grove.
Van Johnson, Hermitage. ;
J. W. Morton, Riverside.
R. B. Lindsay, Maple Grove.
Ji. J!i. savage, wauna i,oage.
A Petrified Forest.
In making the fill near the big
bridge the force of men employed by
the O. R. & N. Co. exhumed, a few
days ago, a buried forest of petrified
timber. This is evidence that this por
tion of the country, aside from the vol
canic overflow, has been filling in since,
either from the washing of streams or
other causes. The trees were of the
poplar species which onlv thrive in
moist places while the growths around
.and in the gulch are pine and fir. The
specimens were founu several teet un
der ground, showing that they had laid
in their position foreountlesscerturies.
This buried forest has been visited by
several persons, who have been anxious
to gather pieces of the petrified sub
stance as relics. Mountaineer.
The Indemnity claimed by Great
Britain from Nicaragua is not so large
that it would impoverish the country
to pay it, and there must be some other
reason than that of poverty that it is
not forthcoming. Perhaps the Central
American Republics consider the Mon
roe doctrine advocated for their espe
cial benefit, and that they have only
to ask to receive help from the United
States in any and all emergencies. If
they lake this view of the matter they
are hugging a delusion, for this coun
try U not to be forced into difficulties
with Europe simply because the Latin
nations do not pretend to carry out the
rules of international law in their deal
ings with the world. Mountaineer.
s "But didn't you tell me you were an
an Episcopalian?" I asked. "Oh, yes,"
said the old man; "I'll tell you how it
is. Last spring I went down to New
Orleans visitin', and while I was there
I went ter church, and it happened to
be an Episcopalian one, aim among
other things I heard 'em say that
they'd left undone them things they'd
oughter done and done them things
they hadn't oughter done; and I said
to myself, 'That's just my fix too,' and
since then I have always considered
myself an Episcopalian." "Well,"
said I, as I shook the old man's hand,
"If your ideas of an Episcopalian are
correct we nre the largest denominatiou
in the world." Ex.
Ths Dalles Times-Mountaineer says
that during the flood of 1894 about H3
nshwbeels were washed out by the
flood, at a loss of perhaps $75,000 or
$80,000 to the owners. At the time
this was thought a loss that could not
be recovered for many years; but when
the season opened on the 10th of April,
every wheel had been replaced, and be
sides there were sevearl scows that had
been constructed. Last season there
was a phenomenal run of salmon, but
this year it is not expected to be as large.
The' Chickamauga park committee
has completed the purchase of General
Sherman's battle-ground at the north
end of Missionary ridge, Chattanooga,
and it now becomes a part of the
national' military park. The tract con
tains 50 acres and embraces the ground
of assault if the Army .of the Tennessee
and the position about Tunnel hill de
fended by General Bragg's army.
' Don't Stop Tobacco.
The tobacco habit grows on a man
until his nervous system is seriously af
fected, impairing health, comfort and
happiness. To quit suddenly is too se
vere a shock to the system, as tobacco,
to an inveterate user becomes a stimu
lant that his system continuully craves.
Baco-Curo is a scient flc cure for the to
bacco habit, in all its forms, carefully
compounded after the formula of an
eminent Berlin physician who has used
it in his private practice since 1872,with
out a failure, purely vegetable and guar
anteed perfectly harmless. You can use
all the tobacco you want, while taking
Baco-Curo, it will notify you when to
stop. We give a written guarantee to
permanently cure any case with three
boxes, or refund the money with 10 per
cent interest. Baco-Curo is not a substi
tute, but a scientific cure, that cures
without the aid of will power and with
no inconvenience. It leaves thesystem
as pure and free from nicotine as the
day you took your first chew or smoke.
Sold by all druggists, with our ironclad
guarantee, at $1 per box, three boxes,
(thirty days treatment), $2.50, or sent
direct upon receipt of price. Send six
two-cent stamps forsairlple box. Book
let and proofs five. Eureka Chemical
& Manufacturing Chemists, La Crosse,
Plans of the Fruit Growers' Union, j
Hood River, April 22, 1895. Editor
Glacier: Owing to the fact that a
large number of the fruit growers have
canceled their names from the article
of agreement which formed the basis of
the Hood River Berry Association, the
board of managers elected have decided
to turn the business of shipping the
fruit over to the Fruit Growers' Union,
which was organized on a sounder
basis. The union . has since made ar
rangements to send Mr. T. R. Coon
East to represent the growers in the
Eastern market, and will send others
as they are needed; the undersigned
having charge of the shipping here.
l ne pian to oe useu is tor tue man
ager here to get all the information
possible concerning the markets in the
consuming centers, both from dealers
and our special agents, and furnish the
same to the growers who patronize the
union, who can, if they wish, mark
their fruit to any destination they
choose and turn it over to the manager
here, who will ship' it as directed; or
the fruit can be turned over to the
manager, yho will always stand ready
to put it on the best markets in reach.
And all fruit not sold at a fixed price
before leaving here will be controlled
by the union until It reaches the mar
ket and is sold, and will be subject to
being diverted by the head office or the
special agent in the East, who will be
in touch with the conditions of the
markets by telegraph at all times.
A sufficient amount will be remitted
to the union to defray expenses In
every case, and the balance to the
irrower himself.
' The union will also act as agent of
the box factory, and will be in a posi
tion to furnish boxes to those who wish
Every effort will be made to furnish
to those who have helped to build up
the local union every possible advan
tage in securing the best prices for fruit
at the lowest possible expense. Any
information desired will be furnished
as far as possible by the secretary and
local manager. . ,
The operations of the union will not
be confined to stockholders alone, but
will ship for any person who may wish
to have their fruit shipped.
The union will also sell the fruit on
the track here, or at any point, to any
person who may wish to buy it at a
fair price, so the grower will make him-
sell doubly sate by placing his rruit in
the hands of the union, as under this
arrangement speculators will not be al
lowed to buy at less than- the market
Any recommendations or suggestions
from the growers will always be given
careful consideration, and the board of
directors and manager are always anx
ious to have suggestions ottered and
criticisms made by those whom we
H. F. Davidson,
Secretary and Local Manager.
G. T. Pbathkr,
Notary Public.
H. C. Cob,
M Mate ana Insnrance,
93 Oak St., bet. 2d and 3d.
We have lots, blocks and acreage In the
town of Hood River: also, fruit, hay and berry
farms and timber claims in the most desira
ble locations In the valley. If you have any
thing in the real estate line to sell or rent, or
if you want to buy, give us a call.
Deeds, bonds and mortgages promptly and
cowectlv executed.
We will also attend to legal business injus
tices' courts.
We are also agents for SOUTH WAUCOMA
properly. -.
I have a No. 5 hydraulic ram that I will dis
pose or cheap tor casn or trade.
aplS ' - Hood River, Or.
To trade a Wind Mill, big 5-inch irrigating
rump ana lanK a commute ouim tor irri
gating will trade for work. Apply to
api!7 M. A. COOK, Hood River.
T nffin. a. fWaiMn fit. 1 ,-. .1 .-... 1
klo, ibho. fNouce is nereuy given mai. uie 101-Klowing-named
settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof In support of his
claim, ana mat sal a proor will be niaae Deiore
the Register and Receiver U. S. Land Office at
Oregon city, uregon, on June 12, jsao, viz:
H. E. No. 850H, for the north north-east
section z, townsiiip & norm, range o cast.
He names the following witnesses to Drove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
John Eiden, Hans Wicks. H. H. Harpham
and Q. L. Harpham, all of Cascade Locks,
uregon. nurivt a. MlijL.r.n,
ap20m25 Register.
Snlirtlv MTrm. It T1 TV TV TIT A T Tf
i Atrtasl oftk. Timet. J 1 1 WMit X
A urtm Itducmttr.
Successor of the
" Unabridged."
Standard of the
TJ. S. Gov't Print
ing Office, the U.S.
Supreme Court and
of nearly all the
Warmly com
mended by every
State Superinten
dent of Schools,
and other Educa
tors almost with
out number.
A College President writes I "For
" ease with which the eye finds the
" word sought, for accuracy of deflni
"tlon, for effective methods In indl
" eating pronunciation, for terse yet
" comprehensive statements of facts,
"and for practical use as a working
" dictionary, ' Webster's International'
" excels any other single volume."
The One Great Standard Anthorlty.
Hon. B. 3. Brewer, Justice of the U. S.
Supreme Court,writes : " The International,
Dictionary is the perfection of dictionaries.
I commend it to all as the one great stand-
ara autnonty."
J3rA saving of three cents per day for a
year will provide more than enough money
to purchase a copy of the International.
Can you afford to be without it?
O. fe C. ZTEXRIAM CO., Publishers,
Sprin&eld, Mass., U.S.A..
-Send to the publishers for free pamphlet.
- Do not buy cheap reprints of ancient editions.
Choice Fresh Meats,
Hams, Bacon, Lard,
And All Kinds of Game.
Fruit & Produce Commission Merchants
berries and other fruits. .Returns promptly
And shall endeavor to merit custom by QUALITY as well as QUANTITY. We keep a full line of
. In their season. Do not
Headquarters for All Kinds of Sprays,
We have in stock, economically and scientifically prepared, condensed forms of sprays its
recommended by the Oregon State Board of Horticulture, as follows:
Spray No. 1 Lime, 80; sulphur, 20; salt, IS in such form as to require only to dissolve 1 9
In 2 gals of water. -
Spray No. 2 Sulphur, 100; lime, 100; blue vitriol, 8; of which 1 lb In 2 gals, for winter,
down to 8 or 10 gals, for summer use, Is required.
Spray No. 8 Whale oil soap (80 per cent), 20; sulphur, 3; caustic soda (93 per cent), 1 potash,
1; of this 1 lb In 5 gals, is the proportion.
Spray No. i Rosin. 4; sal soda, 8; 1 lb to 7 gals, water for wooly aphis, etc.
Spray No. 7. Bordeaux M. Copper sulphate. 0; lime, 4- of which 1 pound In 2 gals, of water
for winter, to 4 gals, for summer, is the proper strength.
Acme Insecticide 1 lb to 6 gals, water, as a universal insecticide and wash for all tree and
fruit pesfat; 10, 25 and 100-tb cases.
Also, Paris green, London Purple, etc. Do not fall to see us before buying yonr Insecticides.
Hood IE3I-rer. Ha,r2CLa,c3r-
AT- . ' '
D.- r.-PiEESci;'s '
The Famous 0. M.
For MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN. All sizes and large variety My motto Is "Possibly
not the Cheapest, but the Best," and the Henderson Shoes are the cheapest In the long run. .
Don't Fail
To call and examine and price thesa goods. They will please you. No trouble to show them.
Hand-made Double Team Harness, $20 !
With Boston Team Collars. All other kinds of Harness cheap lor 1895. If you doubt it, call
ana price mem. i propose 10 Keep jtiooa tuver
Excellent Teacliers,
BcavLtifvLl S-Laxro-vn.ra.cLIra.grs-
To Water Consumers.
Owing to hard times I have decided to make
a reduction In water rates, but as some have
paid up to March 1, 1895,' new rates will not
take effect until that date. For all water
rents paid promptly the first day of the
month, the following rates will be accepted:
Present rates of $1.50 reduced to 81.25; bath
tubs, now 50 cents, reduced to 25 cents; livery
stables, $2.50, reduced to $2; hotels, $S, reduced
, to $2.50; rates now $1, no change; Irrigation re-
! duced 50 per cent from old price.
I Above prices apply to those only who pay
promptly lunirui vuuii iuuui.u. - i
Ja28 , - A. 8. BLOWERS.
Horses for Sale or Trade
Three head of Horses for sale or trade.
Land, cleared or uncleared, preferred. Fifteen
acres of best land in the valley, well im
proved, for sale. V K. 0. BROSIUS,
ntarsn Hood River, Or,
mad. apl3 ,
forget that we mean to be
iraae at nome 11 price is an ooject.
D. F. PIERCE, Hood River, Or.
The Annie Wright Seminary.
1 884. Eleventh Year. 1 894.
A Boarding School for Girls,
with Superior Advantages.
Tub lxsnmmM
Oms Cuiro
Amxnoi to m
or tei -Snroiitf.
MRS. SARAH K. WHITE, Principal.
!v Strayed or Stolen.
From mv i-nntre. one lleht bay horse about
15 hands high- no brands; a small bell on
when he left. Also, one dark bay, or brown
mare, branded H on left stifle, and with a dot
I on right stifle; halter head-stall on. Horse
years old, mare 7. I will pay $8 reward for
their return to my place, near Tucker's Mill.
ap20 . A. W. KING, Hood Klver, Or.
To Fruit. Shirvners.
To those desiring to ship strawberries, and
who want boxes or any information, I will
state that I will be at the warehouse of the
Oregon Fruit Union every Saturday till the
shipping season begins, and then will be there
dally. N. C. EVANS,
a20 Local Manager.
Chance of a Lifetime.
One of the very best residence's in Eastern
Oregon for sale cheap. Also, cottages and
vacant property. A bargain can be had by
oallins at the Glacier office.