r The Hood River Glacier - It's a Cold Day When We Get Left. '' t VOL. 6. - - HOOD RIVER, OREGON, SATURDAY. MAY 4, 1895. NO. 49. , . . . . . : : : : : i ' : ' i : : : i 3ood -Iftver . Slacier. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAT MORNING BY S. F. BLYTHE, Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION PRICK. One year ...... 92 00 Six months 1 00 Three mouth! 60 Bngle oopy f Cent GRANT EVANS. ROBT. HUSBANDS. THE GLACIER BARBERSHOP, , . Second St., Near 0akf Hood River. Or. EVANS & HUSBANDS, Proprietors. Shaving and hair-cutting neatly done. Satis faotiou guaranteed. ANSEL WHITE'S HEIRS An Olympia Attorney Said to Be Among Them.' HIS LIFE IN THE NORTHWEST White' Neighbor. Say That the Old Man Wh In the Habit of,' Making Willi. Olympia, Wash., May 2. Preston M. Troy, a young attorney of this oity, today received news that he was heir to a New York estate of $4,000,000, by '"" will of Ansel White, for whom search had been- in progress so long. For many years Ansel White resided alone on a ranch adjoining the father of P. M. Troy in Clallam county. White was a bachelor and lived in a log oabin on his ranch for twenty years. May 18, 1888, he died at the age of 76 years, and was buried in the land on which he lived so long. White took a fancy to young Troy, and made a will -making him sole heir and legatee. Just prior to his death, however, ne sold his ranch for a nominal price, retain ing a life interest, and at the time of his death was supposed to have quite a lot of money in his possession. Yet none was ever found, although search was made high and low. His neigh bors believe he buried the money some where on the ranch. White was extremely eccentrio, and seldom held communication with any one except the Troy family. Before coming to Washington he made some money in California. Seven hundred dollars of this he handed to a woman in San Francisoo as he was about to leave, telling her to keep it for him . until he called for it ' He left no word """in San Franoisco regarding his destina tion,' and this fact has for fifteen years balked those searching for him to in form him of his having fallen heir to the estate in New York. It was sup posed that Ansel White's was one of those unknown bodies found floating in " the San Francisoo harbor, yet during : the past two years W. Pierpont White, a son of Ansel White's nephew, has been searching for the lost heir or for conclusive evidences of his death. He was traced to California. Advertising led to the identity of the old rancher as the missing heir for whom long search had been made. At the time of mak ing the will there is little probability , that the old man was -aware -that the New York estate was his. This, how ever, does not affect the will made. It was executed in accordance with law, and the witnesses are still .living. i Amonsr White's former neighbors in . Port Angeles it is generally known that the will is in the possession of Preston ' Troy, who has taken steps to have the will acknowledged.- , . : ' White Made Many Wills. J Port Townsend, Wash., May 2. The neighbors and friends of Ansel White state positively that he has made no less than three wills to as many differ ent persons. Usually for some trivial favor tendered he would make out a will leaving all of his property uncon ditionally to his benefaotor's child. Then if anything went wrong he would change the name of the benenoiary. These acknowledgements were always taken before some authorized officer, Steps are now being taken to prove that White made a will leaving all of his possessions to half a dozen persons, Japan Preparing for Defence. Berlin. Mav. 2. The Frankfurter Zeitunghasa St. Petersburg dispatoh which savs that Japan is malting ex tensive -oreoarations for defense. She has mobilized large bodies of troops, and has erected fortifications and Mocked 'imnortant ooast points with mines. Several swift steamers have recently been bought for the Japanese government in England ana America. Russia, the dispatch says, is still send ing troops to Vladivostock. ' NEWS BY STEAMER. Ravage, of Cholera Am-ng the Japan ' e.e Troop.. ' " Victoria, B. C, May 2. The Em press of China arrived this afternoon, eleven days from Yokohama, with ad vices to April 19, as follows: The capture of the principal stations on the Pescadores islands was easily effected by the Japanese during the last week of March, the process being simi lar to the seizure of the Northern stronghold. Admiral Ito, in the flag ship Matsushima, conducted the na val operations, in which six of his fleet were engaged. Pang Hu and several smaller islands of the group were oc cupied after merely nominal resist ance, and troops would have proceeded to Formosa before this' but for the out break of cholera, which has completely incapacitated the Japanese force and created great alarm. The entire num ber of troops sent Southward was only about 5,000, and of these 500 had died at last advices, while 1,000 were in the hospital. The exoessive mortality is attributed to the unhealthy climate of the Pescadores, to the bad quality of the water and to the sudden change from the oool weather of Japan to the temperature of upward of 90 degrees. In Manchuria cholera has also appear ed, but not in so threatening a form, and the latest reports are reassuring. Strenuous efforts are being made to prevent the disease from spreading. The town of Ujina, near Hiroshima, has been isolated, and most rigid quar antine regulations are everywhere en forced. There has also been an epidemic of smallpox in the Yamanashi prefec ture, the number of cases being 3,000. ESTIMATED DEFICIT. Treasury Receipt. Will Fall Off Forty- five Million.. Washington, May 2. Treasury re- ceipte during the month of April have not met the expectations of offioials, and the indications are the deficit at the end of the fiscal year will be little if any less than $45,000,000. The re ceipts for the month of April amount to $24,247,836 and the expenditures to $32,952,690, leaving a deficit of $8,- 704,854 for the month, and for the fis cal year to date $45,247,000. The re ceipts from internal revenue show a falling off for April as compared with the same month in 1894 of , more than $700,000, and a falling off for the ten months of the fiscal year of about $2,- 000,000. During the remaining two months of the fiscal year there will be no extraordinary expenditures. The pension payments will amount to about $22,000,000, and $1,250,000 will be re paid on interest account, The net re sult of the year is not expected to differ materially from today's figures, and yet in making this estimate a considerable revenue from the inoome tax is antici pated. INDIAN TROUBLES. Red men on the White Earth Reserva tion Causing Trouble. Duluth, Minn., May 2. The set tlers around the White Earth Indian reservation are greatly excited over possible trouble with the Indians, and some of them are even talking of leav ing the district for a time. ' It is feared that the Indians will cause a disturb ance when the next allotment is made, as many of the redmen who have white blood in their , veins, will be debarred from receiving land, and this is mak ing them ugly.i Arrangements are now being made for holding a ghost dance against the prders of the department, and Major Baldwin, the commissioner, has sent word to Washifagton that there may be trouble, and that troops may be needed to prevent bloodshed. , . ' "Rights of a Telephone Company. St. Paul, May 2. By a majority opinion the supreme oburt sustained the lower oourt in holding that the state law of 1893, granting to tele phone and electiro light companies the right of eminent domain the same as railroad companies, was proper and right. Farmer Joshua Ocater objected to the erection of telephone poles in front of his place and took the matter in the courts. The lower court held that the telephone companies had the right to place the poles there without compensation to the land -owner, as it was a publio seryioe, and a part of that for which the road was laid out. This verdict was "sustained today, although Chief Justioe Stuart and Justice Buck dissented. The decision is of much importance. The Cruiser Minneapolis. Washingtion, May 2. The official report of the final trial of the cruiser Minneapolis has reached the navy ae- partment, and shows that the vessel is practically faultless, even under, . ex treme conditions of service. Without effort the Minneapolis maintained a speed for forty-eight hours within a small fraction of 20 knots without us ing her blowers for assisting her fires, which in the tropios, is unprecedented. The Crossley Telescope. San Franoisco, May 2. The neces- sary money to bring the great Crossley reflecting telesoope, from England to California has been raised, and the tel escope will be placed in the observa tory at Mount Hamilton.. NO FAIR THIS YEAR So Washington Commission ers Have Decided. OTHER FAIRS WOULD CONFLICT They Will Save All the Money Possible for a Grand Display of Ki v hiblta Next Tear. North Yakima, May 1. At the reg ular monthly meeting of the state fair commission this evening, it was unani mously decided to forego holding a fair in the ooming fall. Reavis, of bpo- kane, and Engle, of Seattle, outside members of the commission, wrote let ters highly commending such action. The local members were seconded by leading merchants and farmers, in ad dition to Senator Lesh and Representa tive Milroy. The commission was or ganized late in the season, and was thus debarred from making necessary arrangements in time to advantageous ly get before the people of the state. Spokane's fruit fair and Oregon's state fair have been assigned dates . that would have- conflicted with the state fair, which latter is fixed by law, and oould not be changed". The commis sioners feel that the general depression,- low prices of crops and the inability of the farmers and general public to come to Yakima this fall make it almost mandatory that the states' money should not be jeopardized or injudici ously expended. The expenses this year will be small, as only the grounds must be maintained. The commission will have almost a full appropriation for the fair in 1896, at which time the exhibits, it is hoped, will do credit to Washington and the Pacific Northwest. Cousin to Lincoln. . Reading, Pa., May 1. John- Lin coln, aged 86, a cousin of Abraham Lincoln, is an inmate of the almshouse here. . He is tall, muscular and, clean shaven, and his features much resemble those of the martyr president. Recent ly his mind has given way. He is the son of Thomas Lincoln, a wealthy farmer and hotel keeper, who died in 1859. , John inherited $30,000, and-in his. time was regarded as a great sport His money went rapidly and he was finally compelled through family es trangements to go to the county alms house. His wife, Mrs. Annie Lincoln, died at her home in Exeter, this coun ty, a few days ago. . ' "' ' " 6 :- A Fraudulent Concern. New York, May 2. Judge Book- staver in the special term of the court of common pleas today granted an or der permitting Attorney-General Han cock to bring suit in the name of the people for the dissolution of the Equit able Mutual Fire Insurance Corpora tion. . It is alleged that the corporation had fraudulently represented to the in surance department that it had a capi tal stock of $200,000, consisting of $60,000 in cash iand $140,000 in sol vent notes, whereas it had only $6,100. It is also charged that its liabilities ex ceed the assets by $53,091. Broken Pottery Trust. , Arkon, O., May 2. The, combina tion of pottery manufacturers known as the Akron Canton Stoneware Agen cy, which has sold more than two- thirds of the stoneware of the United States for the last ten years, has been broken. Thirteen companies were rep resented. The immediate effect of the disruption will be to paralyze prices in the stoneware industry. The Carson Mint Investigation. Carson, Nev. , May 2. The prosecu tion in the Jones investigation closed today, and the case was postponed until May 10. Cashier Bender, of the First National Bank of Reno, was the only witness examined today. He' said James Henry cashed certificates of de posit with him to the amount of over $5,000, which he had received from the Reno reduction works for bullion. For a Statue of Monroe. Washington, May 1. Advices re ceived at the Venezuelan legation state that a popular subscription has been opened at Caracas for the statue of President Monroe, which is to com memorate the Monroe doctrine. Man uel Carrillon opens the subscription with 100 bolivars, a coin equal to a frano. ' , . Deficit in University Fund.. : San Francisoo, May 2. It was stated at the meeting ' of the university re gents today that there would be a de ficit of about $12,000 in the university funds. Consequently there will have to be a retrenchment, and the contem plated engagement of new teachers will be abandoned. The Paoific Coast Failures. San Francisco, April 80. The Brad street Mercantile Agency reports six teen failures in the Paoifio coast states and territories for the week ended yes terday, as oompared with thirteen for the previous week and thirteen for the corresponding week of 1894. BILL COOK, THE DESPERADO. He Tells a Reporter of Hi. Crime, and Glories In Them. ' Albany, New York, May 1. Bill Cook, the noted desperado, who a under a forty -five year sentence, has been put at work making shirts in, the Albany penitentiary. In the peniten tiary yesterday a reporter had a long talk with Cook in which he told why he went into the bandit business. "The government," said Bill, "is to blame for nearly all of the outlaws that are infesting the Western and South ern country. The old saying that whisky is the downfall of many a man is true, as it is in my case,. Nearly every man who becomes an outlaw in the territory is driven to it by the gov ernment officers, many of whom over ride their duty. The cause of this is the hardships they have undergone dodging officers. My home is near Gib son City, Oklahoma territory. I was arrested more than a year ago on the charge of selling liquor without a li cense. I managed to get out on bonds, and as I did not return for trial, the offioers began a search for me, and the more they chased after me the more I became desperate, and this was the starting point in my career. "After I had started out to be an outlaw and bandit I was soon joined by 'Skeeter,' whose real name is Thur man Baldine, Cherokee Bill, French and others. The three I have named were my lieutenants. French was killed a few months ago while resisting arrest 'Skeeter' . is serving 'a forty year term in the Detroit prison, while Cherokee Bill, who is a negro, is now confined in. the Fort Smith jail, await ing a trial on several charges of mur der. , So you can see our entire gang has been done away with. "I was arrested in Texas, and I was taken by surprise so that I did not have time to resist If I had, some one would have been hurt before they would have taken me alive. In fact, it has always been my intention never to be taken alive. "No, I do not regret my career, and if they wonld take those irons off my legs and hands and allow me my free, dom, I would make straight for the territory and begin the same work over again. Yes, I have had thousands of dollars, but it's all gone now. I spent money as fast as I got it. ..','; "I was a bandit for more than a year, during which time my health was good. I have to serve forty-five years now. I hope, however, after serving a fe' years to secure my pardon. It is only a matter of a short time when some other bandit will spring up and do even bolder acts than any of my gang did." SAN FRANCISCO FINANCES. No Money to Meet the Expense, of the Next two Months. San Francisoo, April 80. The city officials have not as yet been able to solve the problem of how to tide over the city's financial distress until the beginning of the next fiscal year, June 1. "While the mayor, the supervisors and the heads of departments were wrestling with the subject yesterday the supreme court was engaged in writ ing a. decision, affirming its former de cisions that the expenses of one year may not be paid out of the revenue of another. - In other words, the city can not mortgage its future, although the expense of maintaining the fire depart ment and publio institutions for the remaining two months of the fiscal year will be $125,000, to .meet which there is practically nothing in the treasury. Taken with the refusal of contractors to furnish supplies to the hospitals, almshouses and county jails after April 30, this is the condition of affairs that has caused the finance committee to do a great deal of figuring to carry on the functions of the government As the salary demands each month amount to $185,000, it was proposed that the em ployes of the oity should forego the drawing of sararies for April until May 29. Of course this plan does not meet with the approval of ' the employes. After much talking the official gather ing adjourned without having accom plished any thing: THREATENED UPRISING. Mexican Indian. Said to Be Preparing for the Warpath. Nogales, Ariz., April 29. The Oasis is in reoeipt of a special from Minas Priestas, Sonora, conveying the intelli gence that there is danger of an upris ing against the Mexican authorities by the Yaqui Indians in the southeren part of Sonora. The Indians have given the Mexi can government a great deal, of trou ble, but have been quiet of late. Many of their warriors have gone to work, and are employed as laborers in the mines, on the railroads and elsewhere. They make very faithful and efficient workmen. It is now learned that these men have been investing all their spare cash in arms and ammunition of the most approved patterns, which they have been accumulating for many months in the mountain fastnesses of the tribe. Itis believed that they are nearly ready for an uprising, when they will descend upon the settlements along the Yaqui river, and repeat the horrid butcheries that have several times previously been the experience of the settlers along that river. THE EPINAL DISASTER List of Fatalities of the Dyke Break Growing. OVER ONE HUNDRED THUS FAR These .Figure. Will Be Inorea.ed When -All District. Swept by the Water. Are Heard From. Epinal, France, April 30. The list of fatalities by the breaking of the great Bouzey dyke in the Epinal district of the Vosges increases every hour. One hundred and fifteen deaths have already been reported, but only fifty bodies have been recovered.. It is believed the list will be in excess of these figures when all the districts have been heard from. It is supposed many of the dead were swept into isolated places, where they will be a long time before found. The whole -region over whioh thou sands of tons of water swept in a resist less flood is strewn with every sort of wreckage, and the whole country pre sents a most desolate appearance. In many places the early crops were swept clean out of the ground, and losses thus incurred will be very heavy. , Six brig ades of gendarmes have arrived and have been detailed to act as guards. Every attempt is being made to reor ganize the' distirct, but this is made difficult by', the waters. The Aviere, a small stream, is now in some places a mile and a half wide. The railway in the vicinity of the Darinsulle sta tion was torn up, the railroad ties swept away and the embankments de stroyed. Nealry every bridge on the line of the flood was either swept away or so badly damaged that they will have to be rebuilt The construction of the dyke was commenced in 1879 and finished in 1884. In 1889 it was greatly strength ened. It was of heavy masonry, 550 yards long, 66 feet high and 66 feet thick at the base. The masonry was carried into the ground to a depth of 30 feet below the level of the valley into which the reservoir discharged its wa ter, ilt was built against a vertical face of solid rock, .having . a maximum height of 18 feet.. 1 The base restecTTm a sandstone bottom of natural forma tion. The massive construction of the m was considered 'to be a guarantee (hatiTwouI!rhold back, any .weight of water that could be brought against it. Until the strengthening in 1889 it Was not subjected to a full pressure of water which it was built to hold. . . The distress among the dwellers of the valley is great and in many cases they appear to be mentally benumbed by the calamity that has . fallen to them. The government is fully awake to the disaster and is doing everything possible to relieve suffering. The min isters of publio works and interior are now on their way here to assume charge of- the relief work. Three thousand francs have already been received for relief purposes' and the ministers will bring 50,000 more from funds of their departments and 1,000 contributed by President Faure. Madame Heine has sent 20,000 francs which will be ap plied to -relieving the sufferers. The prefect of the department has visited all the districts affected by the disaster. He has organized the employes on the publio roads, and aided by the military will as soon as possible restore com municaton. These and the soldiers will also search for dead bodies and bury all the dead , animals they may find. The municipal authorities are working incessantly in distributing re lief and seeking 'to bring order out of the chaos prevailing. Awaiting Morton'. Investigation. - : Chioago; April 29. E. J. Martyn, manager for Armour & Co. , said yes terday that the statement of the beef trust in reply to the charge of conspir acy to put up prices would , be made when Secretary Morton announces the results of the investigations now being made by . his inspectors at various points. Agitation against the packers in the East has resulted, he admits, in a sharp falling off in shipments of meats to seaboard cities. Many people have either quit buying beef or have restricted their purchases. Satollt Will Remain Here. Washington, April 27. Monsignore Sporetti, of the papal legation, said to a reporter tonight that he was author ized to say, regarding reports more or less widely circulated that Monsignore Satolli, the papal legate, was about to return to Rome, that they had no foundation in fact He said: , "There is no intention on the part of the legate to leave the United States. Nor, so far"'as he knows, does the pope intend to have him do so. " Colombian Insurgents to Be Sentenced. Panama, April 29. The Star and Herald says the trial by court-martial of the revolutionary invaders of Bocas del Toro has ended with the following result: Sofanor More and Manco Cam pos, leaders, are each sentenced to fif teen years' imprisonment, and four others are condemned to prison for five years. All of the others tried were acquitted. FOOD OF THE SAILORS. Statement From the Department as to What It Is. Washington, April 80. The officials of the navy department are nettled by the frequent severe criticisms upon the insufficiency of the naval rations which emanate from the Pacific coast ports. The secretary has no hesitancy in ascribing them to the bumboat men and the keepers of shops patronized by sailors, who have been deprived of handsome "pickings" from the sailors by the enforcement of the order limit ing the number of rations in a mess that may be commuted or turned into cash by the sailors and spent ashore. The naval ration is fixed by an act of congress and it is not within the power of any man, even of the secretary of the navy, to change it, either by increase or diminution. The naval officers assert that it is the most liberal of any furn ished to the sailors of the naval pow ers and that a vast majority of the peo ple of America are not as woll supplied with good, wholesome food as are our sailors. The rations as fixed by the law include the following staples, all, it is said, in sufficient quantity for any per son: - Bread, flour, pork, beef, preserved meat, beans, peas, rice, dried fruits, butter, tomatoes, coffee, tea, cocoa, su gar, pickles, molasses, vinegar, fresh meat and vegetables. . v . .'' When within reach of a market, the law is so oonstrued as to permit a wide range 1 of foods under these general -heads. For instance, the sailor may have fresh, soft bread or biscuit ' under the head of flour. He may have oorn, meat, , hominy, oatmeal, rye, and oracked wheat. If he tires of beef and pork, he may try mutton, veal and poultry, or he may turn to canned corn ed beef and mutton, ham, bacon, sau sage and fish. Any kind of fresh vege tables the market affords may go on the mess table, and for desert he can fall back on dried apples, peaches, rais ins, currants, prunes, figs and dates. But the sailor who still has an ungrati- , , fled appetite may indulge it, for in every mess of twenty-four persons, six rations more may .be commuted each day, including $1.80, which may be -applied to the purchase of luxuries. . No distinction in persons is made in the issue of naval rations and the ad miral commaning the fleet receives the same rations; no more nor less, as the ' apprentice receives, and can receive only the same commutation for each ration. The food supplied the ship from the market must be carefully in spected when brought aboard the ship, and to insure good quality and good cookery the captain tastes a sample of each meat coooked for the men. No one can withhold the full ration from a sailor, and he has simply to "go to . the mast" to have a complaint entered, and if he persists, a board of three offi cers must be appointed to inquire into it and see that the law is complied , with. - - ' The Change in the Comstock. San Francisco, April 29. Mining people in this city regard the change in the control of the Comstock Tunnel Company, as stated in the New York . dispatches, of great importance to the Comstock and its surrounding interests. Those who are in a position to know say that those who have secured control represent a vast amount of capital in this country and in Europe, and that there will be a complete reorganization of the tunnel's affairs. The tunnel and its branches will be in first-class re pair, and the endeavor of the company will be to utilize all the resources of the Comstock, especially its low-grade ores, on up to date and scientific prin ciples. If necessary to assist its pro ject, the control of many of the mines will be bought , . ' . . Deb. Will Issue a Circular. . Terre Haute, Ind., April 29. Presi dent Debs will issue a circular to the local unions tomorrow in regard to the work of reogranization. He predicts that by January 1, 1896, there will be 1,000 unions with a membership of 200,000. Fourteen organizers are at work in the Northwest and on the Pa oifio coast, and the growth 1 of the American Railway Union is working Eastward rapidly. , , ; r , - Zella Has Sued George Gould. New York, April 80. Miss Zella Nicolas has retained Alexander Simp son, of Jersey oity, to bring suit againsl George J. Gould for malicious prosecution.' She will claim $50,000. The papers in the suit were served on Mr. Gould this morning as he alighted from a Central railroad train at the Communipaw ferry. He has ten days in whioh to file his answer. . i The Insurgents Again Defeated. Madrid, April 26. The government has received an official dispatch from Havana confirming the- announcement that General Bosch had defeated the insurgents near ,Guayabea, killing ten, wounding many and capturing a quantity of arms and ammunition. , To Work on Full Time. Wilkesbarre, Pa., April 29.- Incon sequence of the coal war orders were yesterday issued to operate all of the colleries of the Lehigh & Wilkesbarre Coal Company on full time. Six thou sand men are affected by this order.