Y The Mood Eiver Glacier. V it's a i Cold Pay When We Cet Left. jC :: VOL. G. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1895. NO. 47. r . 1 . .i i ' . , . , 1 , 3(ood Piver Slacier. t m PUBLISHED EVERT SATURDAY MORNING BT : S. F. BLYTHE, Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION PRICB. One year ;ft 00 Six months , 1 OC Three months '... 60 Bugle copy ... Crat GRANT EVANS. KOBT. HUSBANDS. THE GLACIER BARBERSHOP, -Second St., Near Oak, Hood River, Or. EVANS & HUSBANDS, Proprietors. Shaving and hair-cutting neatly done. Satis action guaranteed. - ROME'S THUNDERBOLT Stand Taken on the School Question in Canada. POPE . HAS GIVEN EXPRESSION Excommunication for Catholics Who Give Aid to Those Who Would Abolish ..Parochial Schools. Winnipeg, April 18. Nothing since the beginning of the Catholio school struggles in this country has created a greater sensation than, the announce ment of the Catholio archbishop that those Catholics who henceforth lend their aid and influence to those who would , abolish Catholio parochial schools will be excommunicated. A number of prominent Catholics have, during the struggle of the church, ex pressed themselves in favor of a na tional school system..." : - 1 At first it was thought to be a move on the part of the ;arohbishop, and done without authority of Monsignore Satolli or the pope, but today it was learned Archbishop Langivin's action is based on advices from Rome. It is understood the archbishop last week re-, oeived a papal encyclical .on the sub ject. This reviews the school matter, and points out that the case in, the United States and Canada is not ' anal ogous. In Canada! and particularly in Manitoba, it points out that . Catholio schools were guaranteed by treaty and constitution, while no such guarantee was given in the United- States. . The parochial sohools belong to Manitoba Catholics by right of .treaty; it declares, and on this ground affirms that the Catholics who continue to lend their aid to those who would take away these rights shall not be received into com munion with the church. . Archbishop Langivih, speaking on - the matter, was emphatic These were his words: - "The hierarchy of the Catholio church has spoken. ; All those- who do not follow the hierarchy are not Cath olics. When the hierarchy has spoken, there is no use for any,' Catholio to say the contrary, for, if he does, he is no longer a Catholic. Such a man may carry the title, but I declare this as an archbishop I say, and I say it with plain authority, a Catholio ; who does not follow the hierarchy on the sohool question isno more a Catholic. ' And who- will be the one . to entitle such a one to the name of Catholic? Where i is the society which will give him au thority to call himself a Catholio, when I, in my 'authority as a Catholio bishop declare that such a man has no right to the name? Let us repeat; The . Cath olio hierarchy has not the; slightest de sire to govern the country, as has been freely and falsely charged, for we are bound by the law, and will submit to the law, -as -every one else must. ' In God we trust that is our, motto; -We stand by the constitution of the coun try, but we will , have - no Godless schools."'' " It is reported that a meeting of Cath olio dignitaries will soon - be held in New York ' city to discuss and take some action on the' Manitoba sohool question. The church in Manitoba is expecting'- some: aid in-their ohurch affairs in the United States, and, al though Monsignore Satolli's jurisdic tion may not extend to Manitoba,, it is understood Catholics here think he will throw his influence in their behalf. Sending Pictures by Wire. . San Franoisco, April 18. The-first experiment of sending piotures by tele graph over long distances is being made tonight by the Call, which is receiving pictures of occurrences at La .Fiesta at Los Angeles. The inventor of the sys ttffn,'; is Charles Willoughby; ' of this city! " The invention consists in mak ing sketches on specially prepared sheets, whioh are drawn off in squares numbered. The numbers are wired and the artist who receives them traoes the lines of the sketch aooording to the numbers. VENEZUELAN BOUNDARY. Two Letters From Secretary Gresham to Ambassador Bayard. Washington, April 18. The only reference in the published correspond ence of the state department, for 1894 touching the Venezuelan boundary dis pute is found in two letters addressed by Secretary Greshdm to' Ambassador Bayard at London. One is dated July 18 last, but the other is dated Decem ber 10. , ' The. first begins: ' "During your incumbenoy of the office of secretary of state you became acquainted with a long-pending con troversy between Great Britain and Venezuela, concerning the boundary between that republio and British Guinea. . The reoourse to arbitration was proposed in 1881, having been sup ported by your predecessor, and was in turn advocated by yon in a spirit of friendly regard for the two nations in volved. In the meantime .successive advances of British settlers in the re gion admittedly in dispute were fol lowed by similar advances of .; British colonial administration, contesting and supplanting Venezuelan claims to exer cise authority therein.- , '- ' 1 ' "Toward the end of 1887, the Brit ish territorial claim which had, it seems, increased by some 8,000 square miles between 1885 and 1888, took an other comprehensive sweep westward to embrace the rich mining district of Yuruari, as far as Guaoipiti, and this called for your instructions to Mr. Phelps of February 17, 1888, respect ing the 'widening pretentions of Brit ish Guinea to possess territory over which- Venezuelan jurisdiction had never theretofore been disputed. "Since then repeated efforts have been made by Venezuela, as a directly interested party, and by the United States, as the impartial friend of both countries, to bring about a resumption of diplomatic relations, which had been suspended in consequence of the dispute now under consideration. The proposition, to resume such relations had, however, been intimately bound up with the ultimate question of arbi tration. Until recently Venezuela had insisted on' joining to the agreement to arbitrate a stipulation for the restor ation of the status quo of 1850, pending the proposed arbitration; but it seems this condition is now abandoned. ; On the other hand, Great Britain has on several occasions demanded, as a pre: liminary to an understanding touching arbitration, that Venezuela shall defi nitely abandon all claim to a larger part of the territory in dispute, and limit the eventual' arbitration to that portion only to which Great Britain has more recently made claim. " Secretary Gresham goes on to give at length a history of the various attempts that have been made by - the United States and . by Venezuela herself to bring out a - settlement by arbtitration of this dispute, bringing it down to October 8,' 1893, where it now rests, when he says: , 1 "The president is inspired by a de sire for a peaceable and honorable ad justment of the existing difficulties be tween an American state and a power ful transatlantic nation, and would be glad to see the re-establishment of such diplomatic " relations between them as would promote that end., ', . "I can discern but two equitable so lutions to the present controversy. XDne is the arbitral determination of the rights of disputants as respective suc cessors to the historical rights of Hol land and Spain over the region in ques tion. The other is to create a new boundary line in accordance with the dictates of mutual expediency and con sideration. The two governments have been so far unable to agree on a con ventional line. The consistent and con spicuous advocacy by the United States and England of the prinoiple of arbi tration, and their reoourse thereto in the settlement of important , questions arising between them have - made-such a mode of adjustment especially -appropriate in the present t instance, and this government will gladly do what it can to furnish a determination in that sense. With these considerations, I commit the matter-in--your hands, leav ing to yourself any .conventional -oppor tunity to' advance "the adjustment of the dispute in questioift'"' '. -.' t In this letter of last December, Sec retary Gresham thus addressed? Mr.' Bayard:-r: '".":' ';!"'.' ':.;':'-'?. ,::'-' ': . "In conference with Senor Andred during your , Visit" here,' r he 'doubtless expressed thet earnest desire of his gov ernment for a speedy determination . of the question by arbitration. . I cannot believe her majesty's government will maintain that, the validity ' of - their claim to territory long in dispute be tween the two countries shall be con ceded as a condition precedent to the arbitration of the question'', whether Venezuela is ehtitlod to other territory, which, until a recent period, was never in doubt. Our interest in the question has been shown by our friendly efforts to enter ink) a settlement alike honora ble to both countries, and the president is pleased to know that Veneznela is able to renew her efforts to bring about such an adjustment. . "It is not doubted that you will dis cretely exert your influence in favor of some plan of honorable settlement There are 1,000 girls employed in the British postal department,' and there was only one per cent of them married last year. A MANIA FOR MURDER San Francisco's Rival of Jack the Ripper. ; A REGULAR CARNIVAL OF CRIME Missing Blanche Lamont,: Murdered Minnie Williams' Friend, Suffered a Like Fate in the Church. San Franoisco, April 16. The Eman uel Baptist ohuroh on Bartlett street, between Twenty-second and Twenty third, in this city, has been tne scene of two of the most atrocious murders ever committed in the state. - Yester day the mutilated and murdered Min nie Williams was found in the library of the edifice. Today the dead body of Blanche Lamont was found : in the tower of the same church. The same Band the authorities believe, slew both girls, and W. H. T. Durant, the young man suspected of both crimes, is now in custody. Blanche Lamont and Minnie Will iams 1 were members of the Emanuel Baptist'; church ' and ' members of the Sunday school class. , The former was a pupil at the normal school on Powell street in this city; the latter was a companion in a family in Alemeda, across the bay from tie city. Both were 21 years old, brunettes, and pret ty, modest girls. Both had been re cipients of attentions from a young medical student named Durant, who is also librarian of the church, and secre tary of the Young People's Society of the church. ' April 8 Miss Lamont disappeared. Diligent search failed to reveal a trace of, her whereabouts, and her aunt, Mrs. Noble, with whom she had been living, was totally unable to throw any light on the affair." .Miss Lamont came from Dillon, Mont," several months ago, having' been sent to San Francisco for her health, and at the same time to . at tend the normal school to perfect her self as a teacher. The last person seen in her oompany was Durant, the young medical student, who, it appears," had been oh friendly terms with the miss ing girL . ; Saturday morning at 11 o'clock the mutilated body of Minnie ' Williams was found in the library of the Eman uel Baptist church. : r ,The girl had been assaulted and her remains had been cut and hacked, the girl evidently having died from the loss of blood. On fur; ther examination 'it was found that she had been gagged, the assailant tearing part of her underclothing and thrusting it down her throat with a sharp stick, badly lacerating the tongue. Two wit nesses state that they saw a young man and young woman entering the church, the former" answering the- descrip tion of Durant, and the latter that of Minnie - Williams.' 1 Following ' this! clew, the police at once put the resi dence of ' Durant under surveillance. Chief Crowley, in speaking of the case tonight, after detailing the cir1-' cuinstances of Miss Williams' disap pearance last Friday , night, and the fact that a person answering Durant s i description had been seen entering the churoh'with a woman who answers Miss Williams' description, said; V "Durant made his appearance at Dr. ;i Vogel's house at about 9:80 or" 1.0 P. I M. , remaining there until about . J 1:80. Dr. Vogel states that at ..the time Durant arrived at his house he . noticed that ; Durant was somewhat exer? oised, and that great beads of perspirap tion came from his forehead, '- His hair was dissheveled, and he asked Dr. VogV el'a permission to wash his' hands and comb his hair before he - made his ap pearance where the young people were;-' statmg to the doctor that he had ; gust' returned from "the signal'- Corps, ' and consequently his hands were dirty.' He afterward came down stairs, and during the evening read a letter pur porting to'ome from his sister, in Ger man, and after -reading the letter he seemed more composed. - 1 " - - ; The Rev. J. George Gibson, the pas-tot- of the Emanuel'Ohuroh, -has -made a" written statement to the press denying rumorB:'that''he atany'-tinie'' sought' td' hav'e' the 'finding of the murdered 'body' of Minnie Williams kept quite';';or that ' he was in hiding, or that he slept in the church. ' He also tells how he came to find the body, in company with lady members of the. church. He Says he re fused to see reporters because he wanted to aid the polioe and .. prepare a state ment, . ;1 j. , .' '. ;. ' Shipping Salmon to England. Vancouver, B. C... April 18: The steamer Warrimoo sailed for Australia this morning.' r She had only six saloon passengers, but carried a cargo of 1,000 tons. The Texas Lake ee Company made a shipment of frozen , salmon to England via the Australia a few.months ago. ': The company has just recieved word that the shipment arrived in good condition and proved a success. They now intend to ship - regularly by every steamer. ' ' -; -'' . Carle Browne in More Trouble. .,, - Massillon, O., April 16. Carl Browne, of Coxey's army notoriety, was today held to appear before the grand jury in $200 bail to answer to a charge of criminal libel. His arrest grew out of the recent municipal elec tion campaign. WARRING CLERGYMEN. Great Row at a Lecture in San Francisco Over Religious Matters. ' San Franoisco, April 17. Turmoil, hisses and cries of "shamel" prevailed at the meeting of the Congregational Monday Club today, in the auditorium of the Young Men's Christian Associa tion building, when the Rev. C. Q. Brown, pastor of the First Congrega tional church, told the ; Rev. . George Herron, professor of appiied theology, at Iowa college, Grinnell, la. , that he was an anarchist So tumultuous grew the audience,composed of clergymen and laymen, that the reverend gentleman had to cease his address of excoriation. The clergy of the Protestant denomina tions of San Franoisco had been in vited to be present at Professor ' Her ron's lecture on the "Christian State,'' when the latter said: - . "In spite of all we can say,- Protest antanism is losing and Romanism is gaining ground in the United States." "That's not true," exclaimed Dr. Brown, who was sitting near the plat form. .There was a visible sensation among the audienoe at these words, but Professor Herron continuedoalmly: ' "In spite of all statistics, Romanism is gaining. ' I tell you, friends, ' that God will curse this divided Christian ity." ' ' ".. The Rev. Brown then obtained per' mission to make, an address. He start ed in with personal allusions, which provoked another row. Finally a vote was taken, and it was ruled that the Rev. Brown must leave the platform, but before doing so he made the follow-, ing sarcsatio remarks: , "I anticipated this, and I thank you for your advertisement of my next Sun day's sermon. I will then and there revive the' teachings of Dr. Herron,. whom I deem an anarchist " . ! With these words Dr. Brown with drew to the accompaniment of cries of shame and loud hisses. . . ' A QUEER COMPLICATION. Baby Oelrlchs Contest Against ' His - Mother, Uncle and Niece. San Francisco, April 17. Another queer complication has arisen in the Fair will contest. The. Fair ohildren, Mrs. Herman Oelrichs, Miss Virginia Fair and Charles Fair have instituted a contest of the first will of their father, whioh left his immense properties in the hands of the executors appointed by him, and they have petitioned the court to have the will produced by Mrs. Craven, which leaves, the property to the children without reservation, de clared genuine. Now comes Van R.' Paterson, who was appointed . by the court to represent the minor heirs, among whom is Herman Oelrichs, jr. , grandson of James G. Fair, with a pe tition' to haye the Craven declared fraudulent and to have the first will de clared the only original and proper will. Although this application on behalf of Baby Oelrichs is against the interests of his parents, they have nothing to say in the matter, as Paterson holds the au thority of the court to represent- their child, as well as the other minor heirs. PAUL SCHULZE'S WILL. Deceased Asked to Have His Body. . . v Cremated. Tacoma, April 17. The will of Paul Schulze, made in 1880, tin Portland, Or. , was brought up yesterday by Man ager Koehler, of the Southern Paoiflo lines 'in Oregon, who has been its cus todian. It was opened after the funeral and found to be short. The deceased asked to have his body cremated, and bequeathed his books to his brother in Germany, and his furniture to his wife for; use during her lifetime, , It is up poseci to have been his last, will,; and will be probated tomorrows The de ceased's life was insured for $10,000 or $ 1 5, 000, ih his, wife's favor. , ... ,;, ;- Another Who Says Booth Is Alive. ; Newark, Q. , April ' 1 7. Christopher Ritter, who arrived from Germany; in. the winter of 186-1,' 'and . through -,the-influence of J; Wilkes Booth, seoured a position., in Ford's, theater,- tolls the story Of Lincoln's assassination, 'claim ing that Boston Corbett - shot Edward Fuchs, an actor resembling Booth; and not President Lincoln's assassin. '. Bit teJ is well educated, and his character is above; reproach. He declared he as sisted Booth . to escape, and that they sailed for' Brazil, May" 2i 186'5. "He soon left Brazil, but met Booth by ap pointment at "Hamburg eleven- years ago, and on that occasion Booth gave; him the picture of his children," born' to his South American; wife. These piotures, bearing a strong resemblance to Booth,are now in Ritter' s pos&pssioh. Ritter says ho heard from Booth, last winter; and he was then on ; the -South American stage,.-: :,i'i' it. Enjoined From Selling the Bonds. New York," April 17. Judge Patter son, of .the supreme court,, today granted an exparte injunction . in the action brought by the Atchison & Topeka Rail way Company against the Mercantile Trust Company, in which the latter are restrained from selling certain bonds held by them under a deed of trust, dated October 5, 1886, and executed and delivered to the trust oompany by the Atlantic & Pacific railroad. WHISKY TRUST'S END Its Property Will Be Sold to - the Highest Bidder. 4 BOTH FACTIONS HAVE CONSENTED Judge Showalter, of Chicago, Says That the Trust No Longer Has a ; i.' '' Legal Existence. ;. W .'-' 't Chicago, Aprili 15. The properties of the whisky trust will be" Bold to the highest bidder. Judge Showalter, of the United States cirouit court, in an order issued today admitted that the trust had no longer a legal existenoe. Its board of directors was charged with having deserted its trusteeship; that it had no quorum, and any election of a new board would not enable it to reac quire the property from the reoeiver. The court directed that the receiver sell the property, and" that the proceeds be distributed among those entitled there to." ' The attorneys for the Greenhut faction and for the stockholders con sented to the action of the court. , ' The bill upon whioh the order was based begins with a recital that the last meeting of the board of directors was held February 1. , Since the di rectors have abandoned their trust and paid no attention to . its affairs, it olaims, the sole management has been in the hands of John McNulta receiver. The resignation of Nelson Morris left the board consisting of Greenhut, Ho bart, Greene, Freiberg, Hennessy and Beggs. April 8, the complainants aver, Hobart, Greene and Freiberg resigned. There are but three directors -left, and the hill alleges that they do not consti tute a quorum; that they cannot fill the vacancies. The bill then recites : that the attorney -general of the state by quo warranto proceedings, attacked the charter of the trust, and the courts held that it was forfeited, and the issue is now pending before the supreme court of the state. - - The prayer of the bill on which the order was granted by Judge Walter is as follows: , .-, ' , . i "That by an order entered herein the said John McNulta may be appointed receiver of all the property and effects of said defendant-, company, and in vested with full title thereto as receivr. er, and that ' all, of " the 'officers, 'man agers, superintendents, agents and em- ployes of said defendant oompany shall be required forthwith to deliver up to such receiver the possession of each and every part of said', property, wherever situated, and also all books and ac counts, vouchers and papers in any way relating to its business or the operation thereto, or an injuncton to restrain each and every officer, director, superinten dent, manager, agent and employe of said defendant from in any way inter fering with the possession and control of said reoeiver over said property, and that at such time as may be found just and proper, the property of said defend ant may be ordered to be sold and the proceeds distributed among those en titled thereto. " . . ; . : THE ADVANCE IN OIL. It Continues and So Does the Fxoite . ment Consequent Upon the Rise. . Pittsburg, April 18. The oil excite ment continues unabated. The Stand ard Company put the price up 15 cents to $1.50. . On change cash oil opened at $1.50 and sold up to $1.60 May options opened at $1. 50 bid. The. first sale was at $1.60, It then broke to $1.58 and rallied to. $1.60 on sales. -It was then bid up to $1. 68 without sales at 1 o'olock;,' The opening sales was a cash order-for 10,000 barrels at $1. 50. The next sale was three-eighths higer. ..The -firSt-sale in May options was at $1.60. .This is the highest oil has been since .-1887,'-'when is sold; as high as $3.53. : . ; ..: -.-i"-: l- Speculation hitherto oonfined to the National Transit, certificates has been transferred to the Mellon pipe line cer-i uucaies, uuu wie fsaipuf... yyyyu uarri was made '-here today! "UK '.f'fi Sp' far this;week jhefcdvaSce amounts to 40 cents barrel -by the Standard and 48 cents on exchange for ' May option. To the prbducers - 'of Western Pennsyl vania, and ' West Virginia ' this; means $37; 500;a day ytifire "than jh,ey were get ting.fpr , oil laft, wfjk, or an increase of. $3, 500,' 000 per .month.,.' u It. has greatly stimulated .activity in the, field, and not only furnishes additional work for .hundreds of oildrillers," but has also in creased1 jfche d6rhand ' . f or Oil ' and steel supplies' consumed in the business. So far the consumer has been taxed an?ad ditiona.1. cent per gallon ,f or illuminat ing oil, but further advance is almost certain. :- T vJ:-:.",- '.; For the first time ; in years there was some trading today in oil on- the 'local stock ' exchahgei and it is estimated about . 46,000 barrels, changed hands. Heretofore a few thousand barrels would change hands now and then, but nothing worth mentioning passed through the clearing bouse. - The produoers are the only people that are reaping a harvest. In two days the price for not only Penn sylvania, but all other oils, has ad vanced about 86 cents a barrel. From a speculative point there could have been very little money made, as no one has been trading in oil for years. NELLIE BLY WAS WEDDED. The Man of Her Choice Aged and a Multimillionaire, New York, April 16. "Nellie Bly," who is one of the best known newspaper women in the country, is no longer Miss Elizabeth Cochran. She is now Mrs. Robert Seaman. Her hus band is one of the directors of the Mer chants' Exchange bank and a multi millionaire. He is nearly 70 years old. ' In financial and business circles he is as well known as his wife to the de votees of the Sunday newspapers. The reports of-the marriage, which came from Chicago, were quite correct. It occurred April 5 at the rectory of the Churoh of the Ephiphany, on Ashland avenue of that city. The Rev. T. H. Morrison performed the ; ceremony. ' The contracting parties -had met at a dinner in the Auditorium hotel two weeks before, and formed an instant attachment V ; , Miss Cochran did her first newspaper . work on the Pittsburg Dispatch, which ' was when she was 15 years old. : She has been engaged in similar work in New York for eight years and became famous for the sensational character of ) her contributions to the papers. One of her first exploits was to feign insan ity and have herself incarcerated in the Blackwell island asylum for the pur pose of describing her experiences. Her trip around the world in seventy-two days in 1890 gave her considerable no toriety. A Noted Los Angeles "Fence." Los Angeles, Cal., April 16. John Thompson, an ex-oonvict, was arrested ' late last night on a felony charge of re ceiving, stolen, goods. Thompson has been a "fence" for a gang of burglars and thieves for a year. ' In his room were found diamonds, gold rings, sil verware and all other kinds of valuable jewelry. A package of melted gold, which he shipped to the San Franoisco mint, was the means of locating the stolen goods. The thieves have not been captured. Thompson has served., terms in Sing Sing, Folsom and San Quentin. Against the Northern Pacific. Washington, April 18. Secretary Smith has decided adversely to the claim of the Northern Pacifio to lands lying in Idaho within the limits of its grant, , but which were subsequently . withdrawn by proclamation and formed into a part of -the Goeur d 'Alone Indian reservation. More recently the Indians ceded . the' lands back to the United States, and congress confirmed the c'es-' sion. ' The Northern Pacific claims this decision reversed its original rights ' in these lands. - - The King of Saturn. ' Pittsburg, April 16. - Professor James E. Keeler, of the Allegheny ob" seryatory, has made an important as-' tronomical disoovery, for the first time' .. positively demonstrating that the rings .- Of Saturn are made np of innumerable ; small bodies, or satellites, and that they -, do not revolve at the same rate of speed about the planet. Professor Keeler has obtained direct proof of this by means'' of the spectroscope. ' , Death of a Prominent Painter. Paris, April il5. Paul Chenavard, ' the painter, died here today. He was born in Lyons in 1807, and studied in ' Paris and Italy Most of his subjects were taken from ancient ; history for.j instance, "The Deluge," "The Death - . of Zoroaster," and "Birth of Christ" .--He was "an officer of the Legion of Honor, and had been corresponding, member of the academy of fine arts ' Since 1885. v . ' ''' Editor of Ladies' Gem Monthly. Cleveland, O., April 16. Editor Elijah Robinson, who fleeced thousands a throughout the country by means of a - - publication, called the" Ladies' Gem., Monthly,'' a' fake rebus and bogus ,. waoeu Honeixio, was no-aay seniencea Dy tM United States court to three months' ' ' imprisonment and to pay a fine of $250. -He was arrested by the United ' States authorities in Chicago. . ; 5 Kavages of a Pest. Russelville, Ky.,- April 17. The,, army worm has appeared . in thjs and . , many surrounding counties, and mil- , lions of them are making a clean sweep of everything green- in their way. They have devastated fields' of young ' corn and. clover, and hundred of plant i 1 beds have been literally eaten up. Not a sprig of tobacco is left. . , .,' Bumored Discovery of North Pole, ji ; Paris, April 17. -Figaro prints ,a ru mor that Dr. Hansen, the Artctio. ex plorer, has found the North Pole, and . that it is situated on a chain of moun- ' tains. : It is also said that Dr. Hansen1 planted the Norwegian flag there. The story is regarded as untrue. Administrators of the Douglass' Estate. Washington, April : 16. Lew M. Douglass, eldest son, and Mrs. Doug lass, widow of the late Frederiok Doug lass, were today appointed administra tors of the estate. Their bond was fixed at $70,000. Efforts to effeot a compromise between the parties in in terest failed.