Hood Eiver (xiacier. It's a Cold Pay When We Get Left. , -; : ;. ; . .-'. i Vv. . VOL. 0. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, SATUKDAY. APRIL 13, 1895. . ' V NO. 46., , Z i . : ; ; ! : : 1 i : A J ?": r -j 3eod Iiver Slacier. PUBLISHED IVERV 8ATPBDAT MORNINO BT S. F. BLYTHE,' Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. One year fg 00 Six months . 1 00 Three months..; .'.' ........ W ,Siifle'oopy...i...:. ....Cnw GRANT EVANS. ROBT. HUSBANDS'. THE GLACIER BARBERSHOP, Second St., Near Oak, Hood River, Or. EYANS & HUSBANDS, Proprietors. Shaylug and hidrcuttlug neatly done, action g jur-a nteed." Satis- FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL, Various 'Items of the . Affairs of the V . ; v,.. ; OoTerument..' ai'v, .Washington, Apr 1 9. In regard to the press dispatches from San Francis- AI ;'-"' co stating that it had been iouhd that the gold coins of the Carson mint for several years past were below the stand- i ard of fineness, as provided by law, Mr. H, Preston, the dirctor of the mint, stated today that -this was not true. Coinage operations were suspended at the Car- ',,, son City mint in May, 1885, by Mr. V Manning .., the . then secretary of the .--.treasury, ..and were not resumed until October, ,1889. " Coinage ' operations were. agaiii suspended by direction of Secretary Carlisle, from June . 1, 1898, since which time no coinage has been executed at '. that mint. . Between the resumption of coinage injl889 and the suspension- in 1893, samples from every "ij delivery of gold coins were assayed by : the bureau of the mint, and in no case t did the- pieces vary from the legal limit ' oi tolerance more than allowed by law. v. ,v TheJooins of each mint are distinguish ed by what are called their "mint . mark." This is in small letters on the coins just below the eagle. New Or eahs has the letter "O," San Francisco ' 'the letter ! "S," and Carson City two '' letters,"- f CC. ' ' , ' Philadelphia :,has no' mint mark, ; In order to manufacture coins .deficient in fineness, it would re-. ) quire collusion on the part of all the ''v:r ' -"P?floers in' the mint and. their assistants, ., " " as well as' some of the'subordinates. ; ;r v. i A- new';resort for . consumptives- has '..'' ;. ; been, discovered.' in the Orange free T' state, South Africa.',,' United .States ' ' ..Consular .Agent Lanfgraff, n a report 'X O to.the. department, talks of the benefi M: ' cial results experienced by persons who; ' have tried it, and adds; - ."" ' ; -T'Vo ooun try n earth-, can rank with th$ Orahge free state as g health resort. : Mjjs. Patterson has been' all over -the world,f :and here she, has1 found relief. I could give hundreds of similar cases, . and that so. few people have oome here is due to the fact that 'the Orange free,! state is so little known, and in most Lpafts"of the-world believed to.be a des-1 "ert mliabited--by brutal i natives and j v-vwild . beasts. . Living is not expensive, ahd persons ooming here can command' from $50 to $00 per month. A family of four or five persons can live nicely on, $1,500 per year.: -Persons whose lungs j -are far goue should" travel by , stages frorh-the sea to the Orange; free' state;;! that such persons, shoujd stay for a month at -Ceres, next' at BCaufort, until; they, are. prepared to 'stand the dry cli-' mate..VvAii.itep.t.,.i0hrney to Bloomfon-. ..tine would mean death" to -such persons.' . The .landing place) 6 Cae' Town. . fi ''i'.-W.'jSi'rStrohel,-.., United States minis " ter to Chili, announces the settlement of the question of what rate of interest. the; gQyeiinmen,t should guarantee to tne;; projeciea irans-vnuiuo railway. , .. 1110 " Chilian 'Oofagress" has. -passed '.a.' -la'vv which guarantees for twenty yebrs'Aj-; ! perjgeAt on a oapitafof i,8o,ooo.- ine J Eiiglisbv;;9a,pitalist''': ,ith whom the; holder' of the ooiises'sioh have been .ne gotiating, in order, to. raise the amonnt.i required to complete wre roaa,-nave ,ior some tiihe plist been demanding a guar antee .of 5.per.,cnt, but the Chilian con gress refused W go beyond' I J' 'per ' cent. '- " lt""Was the jCtlmel'9 Son. -y w. ' San Francisco, April 10. Colonel -S IBoCajo', the lionamer who was such a- ramiiiar nguro. on- wie- miuway uunug the fair, did not kill himself, alj. New Orleans, :as was rumored in this cjty, ' yesterday. ' 1 Aocprding to the- informa ., tion given out ,by .a showman,' who was .at .one time associated with the Colonel, ' there was a suioide in. the Boone fam--' ily,' the uiifortunate one being .Daniel . Boone,- jr. , a son of the ColoneL ' Nebraska's Relief Bureau. Omaha, April 10. President Nason estimates it will require about sixty davs to close the accounts of the relief . bureau. , He says that with the excep tion of garden seed the warehouse is pretty well cleaned out.' A corps of young girls is now engaged in sorting out and packing seeds for distribution. There are twenty-five carloads of seed. wheat en route from Pennsylvania. MET DEATH IN A MINE Many Were Killed in the Blue Canyon Coal Mine. NUMBER PLACED OVER TWENTY The Disaster Csnsed by an Explosion of Firedamp Brought About in an Unknown Manner. New Whatcom, Wash., April 10. An explosion of firedamp in the Bine Canyon coal mine on Lake Whatcom, at 2:45 this afternoon killed twenty one men. W. A. Telford came from the mine tonight. He was at the bunk ers when the explosion occurred. He went to the incline and found James Kearns at the mouth of the shaft, near ly dead from exhaustion." i " Kearns said all in the mine were dead. He had carried Ben Morgan as far as he was able and dropped him", t Morgan, he thought, was dead. Kearns and X, Gellum were the only ones who escaped out of twenty-four auio were at work. Tom Valentine and J. O. Anderson were the incline men, and they escaped. At the switch of the gangway, 800 feet from the mouth of the tunnel, Ecklund and Telford found the body of George Roberts, and beyond were three loaded cars, which had been blown off the track. They next found the body . of Ben Morgan, where.it was dropped by Kearns, Ecklund and others. They were unable to go beyond room 21, 500 feet from the angle of the tunnel and gangway. Their safety lamps went out and the gas drove the - explorers back. In room '21 they found the. bod ies of Thomas Conlin and James Kirby. It is supposed that, in addition to the four found, seventeen perished. The gas was so thick that the rescuing party was able to stay only a few min utes. The missing men 'with families are: . D. Yi Jones, - superintendent; James Kirby, Andrew Anderson, James Mo Andrew, Charles Silvorson, M. Zeiliski. The single men were: ; . . Lucus Latka, E. P. Chase, ' Thomas Conlin, George Roberts, Ben Morgan, John Williams, Eleo Henderson, Will iam Evans, ' Isaac. Johnson, William Lyster, Charles Ramberg, Sam jOlsen, J. A; Morgan -and Martin Blum. - Engineer J. J. Donovan, of the mine, was notified at his home in Fairhaven and -left with a party of men experi enced in underground, wprk. They left this evening on a special train pve the-; Bellingham Bay and Eastern, and took the steamer Thistle to the mine. Phy sicians accompanied them. Mr. Dono van says he does - not; understand, how the explosion, occurred, as safety lamps were used everywhere but in the gang way. The tunnel is 800 feet long, and the gangway 1,000 feet long, and has twenty-six rooms opening from it.'. The fans were kept running all the-time, , and the cause of the explosion ; is; tin- known. The'mine was inspected three weeks ago and pronounced safe. ' The Blue Canyon mine is the prop-i; erty of the Blue Canyon Coal Mining Company, composed of M. E Downey. AP E. Houser and several, other Mon tana capitalists: It was opened in; -1890 . by J. F. Wardner, who sold tjtdthe' present owners.! -The' coal s -Ofhigh quality,: and , is , now being ns,ed on United State9 warships. -The company has spent jnuch money in opening'-the: mine;; and had just got it int'ang'; condition. -. '..... M - s-;-J. V - ' -; . -V.; :",r: !'s".' ! A Seattle Paper's Aeewt.,.c The Seattle Post-Intelligencer,cbrrs-; pondent returned at .2 A. M. from the scene of the terrible 'disaster .,, at, jfch Blue Canyon mine", fifteen jnjles from this city,- on Lake Whatcom-,-- and is , in possession of ; all the particulars now obtainable. , ' In' " the-. bWcksmith.Mshpp',' near the entrance tpl'tbej main , tunnel,. lie' tne DiacKenea jqoajes oi iweniy three dead toiiiers, wile only r two of all. who' were in. the mie (when 'theetf-1 plosion ioGCurre'd. Mved.t6 the story of- tthe Irightfril catastahe.J And1 heir- own miraculous escape, xne ioiiowang are the names of the killed.;.','-- '" Mine Superintendent Da-vid Y-Jones leaves a. wif.e;. Andrew Anders;' leaves a wife' aM;6ne child; James Mc. Andrfews.-leaves a wife; James Kirkley, leaves a wife; Kirk Clinske,. leayes'a wife and four children. ; -,, i.V.i'T: All 'the-"others ..were ; single men. Their names are as f olos; -i :- rrf"5 -TV Charles' - Silverman,-'. C. Ramsberg, William Lyater,. Samuel Olsen, - James McNulty-j J. A.. Morgan, Margin M. , Blum, E..T. -Chase,. Charles . Car lson; H. Ravett, whose home is in '.Fairha ven; Philip Binkile,-William -Evans,' Alexaiider Hendriokson, Ben. Morgan,- George Roberts, Thomas Conlin, Lucas Lotaka. .'I,'.' ,'' ... The two men who: escaped, are,-Ed'- ward Gellon of Fairhaven, who was working, at the outer switch in,, the mine - with George Roberts, and James Kerns. The latter ' was working .. with Ben Morgan in rooom 16, oil the gang way, the outermost of all the works, in which work was going on. t . The explosion occurred' before J 8 o'olock, when the shift would have been 'just changed, and the inihers were already climbing the steep hill.froin the bunkhouse to take the places of the men killed. The disaster was undoubt edly caused by the accumulation of firedamp, " which was exploded by ' a blast in the breast of., the gangway. The faces of the men who were work ing in the breast iare badly burned, but a majority of those who were work ing in the rooms off the gangway were only slightly disfigured by the fire, and many of them not at all. : : v Physicians and miners say that the men working in the breast must have been killed by the shock of the explo sion, while . the others- succumbed . to the afterdamp,' as they; slid down the rooms to the gangway, then filled with deadly gas. This gangway is" reached by ft tunnel 780 feet long and, the dis tance' from the intersection of the gang way to the breast, where the explosion took place, is about 1,000 feet. The main airshaf t ' reached the gangway about 100 feet from the tunnel, and air is supplied by water-power and which was not effected by the explosion. Kearns, the only miner who escaped from any of the rooms, says that he vf&a not stunned or even thrown down by the shock, though Morgan, who was working with him, was killed. Kearns' light was not extinguished, and he saw no fire. , - He slid down the chute to the gangway, losing his light in someway, and managed to make his way in the darkness in some miracu lous manner along the . poisonous pass age, over dead bodies and piles of coal, loosened by the explosion, to the open airJ ' ,. A . ... Before he reached1 the entrance, the work of rescue had already commenced. Out m the tunnel he met a party of brave miners groping their way in ward as fast as the escape of the pois onous gases permitted. This party and others following pushed their way into the mine and carried out, one by one, the bodies of the dead miners, as 'they came among them, scattered all along the gangway. The first bodies found was that of the mule-driver, lying be side the dead animal;'. 950 feet away froiii the mine entrance.'' From there to the fall Of the gangway, a distance of about 800 feet, bodies were scattered along as they fell from the Chutes lead ing to the; rooms. : Little evidence pf struggling, and ill most instances death apparently came quickly, v - : - - ' Mc Andrews body .was found buried under a', slide of coal and McNulty was upon his hands and knees about twenty yards from where, he bad been work ing, and"; had his handkerchiefs ;tied over his Hose and mouth.,., iWhen the correspondent"' left,th'a'. mine, just be fore midnight, the- work, of washing the faces and hands "of - the-.1 dead men had commenced rlAll that is now. pos-' sible is being done to , alleviate the dis tress' of "the-- families' of jthe deceased. The! president -of the- company, M. E. Downs, '' how in .New-York, has been notified by wire. , Coffins have been ordered, and after the inquest tomorrow the bodies will brought to' the city. ,'. -' - - INCOME-TAX DECISION. Published Abstract-' 8ald to Be Abso- ''.'I;:"- .. lutely Correct.;;'.':'.,' '..-Chicago April ,u. The Tribune has the-,foUowings itront Washington: "One ; of the justices rof.-.thei supreme eoUrt praptilly adiliitted,' after- a consulta tion Saturday; that jfchie, "abstract!, of ,fthe decision ih:theV income-tax case: printed in;the:Tribune wasabplutely, correct, and tallied' withv;'ie-,printed:.,:copie8. He alleged, however,' that the.-articles was shriply'the :wori? of- a ; clever1-, ob-; jervef, ;.,yho ,nad suocessiuiiy put; two and two togetheraanft'. atftved .at a re-' suit TOacticaHycoSmsofci, Whether the judges Hd 'dbheMy,h)ngip change the deo'isiotf.at the1"'me'eung- :' Saturday he 'witoldVnot. sayt" to aamit tnat tne publication-c)i.tnevde-. bisiohrf'-had vfte&0m known-' ,t te : 4he : ,'.-. ''' A.eeeial'toa.-daily.paper in .New fori rayli''f'xiiiary'rxr ehcr'p'Hh' jugticje'stjf the-' United States'supe&Q.rferv coUgierthe' imebme tax'apqe);4,'t!hief' Justice Tuller's rough drafts further digcussedn and thft; decision' sa feportjBd" to have . been re-opened f or 'argument on. t5ertaui- featur,es,,, This .has givenrv mse '.to: "vhpWsioij -that.the ide'adlock : onJ the main,noing..4n .'.fKe .Btaute" may be ; brben',p, thfe-fiiefeision withheld for ad' i -.r. 't ,1,-1, . ,'i . ; Stipposea- whereabouts of Brady. - here belieye ats-jaeki Brady -and- hi companion th0',two- ccbmpli6es in the traii Mold-up i hear.: Marysville- 4 - 'yseek ago,' are somewn6re;tiprtn of Keno, m the vicinity of Honey ;lake,-valley -and are-, making yevery - efforf'to capture them. ' ' r' - " : ' ; .; : -." Indians Rising In the Kootenai Valley. ; f Nelson, &..fcj.i; April 10.-They' In dians are rising' in' the Kootenai valley, on the Reclamation Company's works. The company has telegraphed the gov ernment for ''assistance. The Indians' are saidi-tb -come "from ,the American side of the boundary. - ; ; . v '( ,' ' '' The Chttral JKxpedltion. ' ' Calcutta, April-' 11.- It is reported thai? Freebooter Umra Khan has with drawn his troops from Chitral. This, if true,' will relieve the British garrison in the Chitral forts. The natives north of Sw'att river were again defeated in a fight with the British last evening. WILL NEVER SUBMIT Venezuela Will, if Necessary, Resort to Force. HOST 'ANYTHING BUT DISHONOR The People Ready to See Their Homes ' and Their Cities Desolated and laid in Ashes. ' Washington, April 7. It is stated by persons in a position to speak with authority that as soon as Venezuela is convinced that Qreat Britain has final ly decided not to'arbitrate or settle the boundary dispute, as suggested by the! United States through Ambassador Bay ard, the Southern republic will regret fully but resolutely resort to what she regards as her only course--a resort to force. It is declared that her people are ready to see their homes and their cities desolated and laid in ashes rather than submit to what they regard as national dishonor. It is said that the contention with Great Britain is not so much one of territory as. one ' of senti ment. So firmly impressed have the people become with this, that the: opin ion is expressed that they would rather see the country go out of existence than pass into practical control of foreign hands. A strong feeling exists in the Venezuelan government that the United States will not stand idly by if a resort to force" is made. " " It is understood that the position of Great Britain in declining the sugges tion of the United States for the set tlement of the trouble is substantially as follows: .; . ' First Great Britain takes the posi tion that the question of arbitration was once before proposed by Venezuela. At that time the foreign office ; gave the subject careful attention , and sub mitted a reply embodying a proposition to arbitrate certain definite subjects,',of controversy. To this proposition Vene zuela has never made a reply, either ac cepting or rejecting the proposed basis of arbitration. Under the circum stances it is not desirable to proceed to a second proposal of arbitration while the first remains unanswered. 1. " Second In any event, there ar'e cer tain portions of that territory to. which Venezuela lays claims, which under no circumstances will be made the subject1 of arbitration, as they are recognized portions of the British domain, and are not therefore subjects on which the aid of arbitration could be invoked. . . Third-rThe subject matter is one be tween Great Britain .and Venezuela, so that the good offie'es. of the. United States are not regarded as essential to a settlement, for it is not understood that the United States has assumed '"a: pro-' tectprate over Venezuela or her interest more than that of a friendly governent.' MISS WI.CKES AN ACTRESS..? Youngest Daughter of Pullman' Vice ' ' President Now on. the Stage; j.; ., 'Memphis, April 10. -Miss Florence Lillian Wickes,'. youngest daughter" of : the vioe-president'of the Rullpian Palace Car ' 'Company,- o Chioago made her. debut on the professional) Stage,. ,Jast evening at the Lyceum., theater, ap pearing "in- the1 '-'Sign-, of "'the jpism" with .the. company of Wilson-rBairett. Mr. Barrett said this afternoon: ; -,,. I , oan see nothing 'in ' connection with this move of Miss 'whites'' which! should particularly interest; ttfes public,' it came aDOut soieiy tnrpiign me instru mentality of the late, theatrical. ;inap? , J-,'-- T-i'l.'i-tlT1;-. "VT ' - - " 'J ager, j omi w . x orion, who, ; was my friend, and who was killed in a railroad wreck, some weeks, aga He had re-' quested me to' give bertaih bro'teged of' his $rials, ,arii Misfe Wibkes' VasJahipngj tfae; number. ; ; " I had ppcsⅈ jhereupOh'J tp judge of . her talent, and tovfcei to' possess .unmistakable ability asean4 agtV,' ress. ,and I am, srlaia .to' haveiihervwith my company, , She as.eat talent aiidJ I have no -doubt as, to Jiej'. futilrebril liant'succ'ess as' an Octrees; of course, -she1-plays ;-oly; theE:.'jtipipr pirtk ' &' ' 'If ; '.'4 : 5f tK ti j&i&$$Jft . a -A&Y'cf ctt,I'ti J4 v-San-Franoisco, ApT:Th9' States steamship Patterson ilsaow beiSog fitted 'Put here -for a trip to JflasWa wih ,a party of surveyors, who yilT'wfcflf f6n The, harbors about Sitka wlj.," a1,. Be sounded, ahd'a; map'ihade' p;the,w find ings. The party wiftbe, engaged,. np north .for three years. A bigupply-if coal Vifl.be. taken im. 'at Puget'? sound,' 'and a steam launchwill be' tewed along in order to work m shallow inlets' sue cessfully. " The first" survey'ihg'viir' be'j done, in Portland inlet This, as, where. the bo'undary line' begjns, and much dis pute" has arisen of late over this point between the Uhited States'; and'. - British Americai - Both countries' limits -seem to overlap each other, and itfwill b the duty ; of Captain Morse to 'solye'. this problem1 for :tbe government.; .' The Washington' county' grand jury finds' the county jail "enirely unfit -and inadequate for the needs of this county. We deem it entirely unsafe for- the keeping of criminals 'or prisoners of any kind, and so constructed as to be a veritable niahrap'in case of fire. ' DEATH OF HEILBRON. The Editor of the Post-Intelligencer Is , Stricken by Appoplexy. Seattle, April 8. George H. Heil- bron, part owner and editor of the Post Intelligencer and manager of the Guar antee jjoan and Trust Company, was found dead in the bathroom of his resi dence at 9 o'clock' this morning. , Mr, Heilbron arose about 8 o'clock, in or der to attend a meeting of the directors of the Guarantee Company, which was to be held in the morning. He took the morning paper and entered the bath rootn as was his custom. After pre paring breakfast and waiting some little time for Mr. Heilbron to appear,- the servant knocked at the door, and ob taining no response, entered the bath room. She found Mr. Heilbron dead. A physician' was "summoned," who said that death was due to apoplexy. 1 This was confirmd ' by the autopsy subse quently 'field. l " Mr. Heilbron was a native of Boston and 85 years of age. He was a gradu ate of Harvard, and practiced law for a while in Boston. He came to Seattle early in 1887, and, after practicing law for three months, he," with L. S. J. Hunt and others,: organized the Guar antee Loan and Trust Company, of which he was secretary and then man ager. Tne latter position he held at the time of his death. , He was an ar dent Republican, and was recognized as one of the leaders of that party in this state.. He was married in Janu ary, 1886, to Miss Adelaide E. Piper, of Boston. -' His family consists of. two children, a boy: and a girl.' . It is reported that Mr. Heilbron had $147,000 insurance on his life. He had four policies, aggregating $100,000, in the Mutual Life of New York, $40,000 in the Equitable Life and $7,000 in secret societies chiefly in the Royal Arcanum. .His estate is supposed to be worth from $5.0,000 to $60,000, and his business affairs were in good shape. '' son Against father.' Nature of the Charges Made by Rudolph -.: Spreckles. San Francisco, April 8. Rudolph Spreckels, the youngest son of Claus Spreckles, has sprung the latest sensa tion in the family, altercation. . In the course -of the trial of his injunction suit against the Nevada : bank, Rudolph Spreckles' attorney 'handed in . an affi davit full of ugly charges against ' his father. Rudolph has 'signed the : docu ment" and "duly acknowledged it before an attorney. ' Its purport is to charge Glaus Spreckles with endeavoring to in jure the credit of his two younger sons to prevent them- from paying the in debtedness of C. A.- Spreckles to' .his father,-' In the event of the obligation not 'being met, certain securities in the Nevada bank, '.turned over to guaran tee; payment,-Would- become the , prop erty .ot . (Jiausi , ,!? prec Jties., , , JKudolpn in his affidavit 4enies the:charges;niadeby the bank that he aided or abetted the Hawaiian revolutions He also charged that the Nevada' bank is not a bona fide purchaser 'Of the stock, but is trv- .lngltp '.assist ' Claus Spreckles . in , the performance of .a threat' publioly made that he would yet ruin and,'" destroy Ru dolph ana break with; liim. , .The affi davit also alleges that Claus' Spreckles is trying hard- to injure the credit , of Rudolph and prevent;- the 'paynjeht of the debt'Htf 'O.' A. Spreckles when it falls due. ' ''The Sase will go onv-tQmor-' TOWiV'i fr't.c. i- s,fj-'.v : ', REMARKABLY RICH' ORE. r Big Birike 'in , aii 'Tdatio-' IIne Unex- i ,, , .'. pecteaiy. -i( -. ;Boise,,,' Idahe,-,-April 9.(r-News has been recieved here of a remarkably rich strike made, in. . the . Alta mine:,, at De Lamai?. An. air1 shaft is being ;. sunk. Some tiiev'ag'(J it' struck 'in toi-xnineralr ize'd : matter," .apparently "' a. flat vein, .similar;.-:, .;hat "respect, to the other yeins in tnat locality.. ' . - -, fi -Durmg.-the.past few .days it becanie. apparent ;that the pre was valuable,"'- and; i t has beett' sampled.- The result of !asteriishing,u.li;,Verage value of the $&ffl$-JS-J&9i& to be $27 avetae'es ft70!..oer '.ien'm lorolA. ' BeloW f penptraM two and baBUM'. feetSof :,ore that has not yet Sn-edv':brit which, shows' le yery ricfi.. . ,xne aa.ua - mine aajoins tne De! Lamar mine. It was recehtlv bond- sCj, tb ,Putch.parties, : who; . have trans- ferred-vthe .bond Jo Chicago capitalists. ,v;Tbei price , at Jsyhiph the. Chipago peo ple TOute me properly .18; unaersTOoa' to be $100,'O00, and theyihave paid $5,000 to dim tne contract. ,Th Southern pacific Kmployes. Pan FranoisCOt April 10. Superin- itendent J. ;A. Filmore, who has just re- TiurnBu iroiii a. louriui nisptjcuun over ifche"'Po'rtiahd' and Oregon lines, declares that there is absolutely no truth in the story, -that a strike is imminent. The engineers; he says,! patched up all their differences with the company by agree ing tp th5 schedule, of wages :now in effect. , As- for the ,. trainmen, whose organmtion includes conductors, brake men' and switchmen,' they have agreed with the' company -to work under the terms of the readjustment ; enacted at the, beginning of the year until June 1, on which date the company will con sider any complaints .against any fea ture 'of their wage schedule. ' SOME CENSUS FIGURES Interesting Because of Su v preme Court's Decision. A COMPILATION OF STATISTICS They Show the. Farms and Homes Owned and Rented by the Peo ple of the Country. Washington, April 11. The compil ation of farms, . homes and mortgages statistics, made by the last census, is interesting in view of the decision of the supreme'-'court. ' The statistics do not, however, give details concerning rents paid. ' A summary of the statis tics shows there are 12,690,197 families in the United States, and of these fam ilies 52 per cent hire their farms or homes, and 48 per cent own them, while 28 per cent of the owning fam ilies own subject to incumbrance, and . 72 per cent own free of incumbrance. Among 100 families, on the average, 52. 'hire their farms or homes, 18 own with incumbrance, and 85 without in cumbrance. On the owned farms and , homes there are liens amounting to $2, 132,949,568, which is 87 per cent of the value of the incumbered farms and homes , and this debt bears interest at the : average rate of 6.65 per cent. Each owned incumbered farm or home on the average is worth $3,352, and is subject to a debt of $1,257. In regard to the families occupying,, farms, the conclusion is that 84 per cent of. the families hire, and 66 percent own; the farms cultivated by them; that 28 per cent of owning families own sub-, ject to incumbrance, and , 72 . per cent own free of incumbrance. Among , 1,100 farm families,' on the, average, 84 hire farms,-19 own their farms, with incumbrance," and 47 without incum brance. On the owned farms there are liens amounting to $1,085,995,960, which is 35 per cent of the value of the incumbered farms, and this debt bears interest at the average of 7.07 percent. . Each owned and incumbered farm on . the average is worth $3,444, ' and is subject to a debt of $1,224. - WALLS GAVE WAY, Collapse of Two Business Structures at Wheeling. ' ' '; Wheeling, W. Va., April 11. At 8:20 o'olock this morning the south wall of the four story brick building of Hutchinson & Co. , on the 'corner of . Main street and the alley south of Twelfth street, collapsed without warn ing. Next door north was' Chapman & - Son's place. , They were just finishing . a five-story brick block and they had already stored in it about $14,000 worth of paints, glass, etc., and were doing , business there. Hutchinson- & Co. dealt , in . hardware, saddlery, etc. , and , that building was packed 'full of goods. The wall on the alley first .fell out, pull ing with it the partition wall between Hutchinson's and . Chapman's. The crash of the falling buildings was ter rificj and soon drew thousands to the scene;" The horror of the-'accidnet was increased by a fire" which, broke out, and as there was large quantities of oil and -turpentine and like "material in Chapman's , the situation was hard to meet. "".-'-. .'.-;&" Four "employes were caught in the Hutchinson building. ;They were Robert Winchester, Eugene Birch, P. J. Horan and M. J. Ford. The first . three .have not been found, and are doubtless dead. Ford , was rescued. Charles: Haller and Adam Blum, the junior partner, were penned against the rear wall and -were released uninjured. Mr. Hutchinson was in the second story and was badly injured, but was rescued alive and hopes are entertained that he may recover. ,- .. . . When the collapse .came Ford was selling goods to Benjamin,'iPritchard, a Wagon' manufacturer of Buchanan, W. Va. 'Pritchard's body-was found lying across Ford's legs. ' A' short time be fore the ' accident Rev.' Father Parke. vicar-general of the Cathpjic diocese of Wheeling, was seen to .etiter the alloy, and he was believed to be, killed. This belief was sadly confirmed this evening, when his body was recovered. He was 72 years old, a distinguished clergy man,' chaplain of Mount' feechantal ac ademy, and. had been twipe administra tor of the. diocese. ,', V--' ' A . Western , Union -.passenger boy, Harry Cowl, aged 14, is 'also thought to, have been in the alley, but his body has not been recovered.' No others axe known to be lost. There was an early report that a cab, its driver and four occupants were buried; by the falling walls, but this proyed tOhe untrue. The falling brick and Jiimbers knocked a hole in the three story brick building across the alley, eocupded by G. M. Rice & Co. , wholesale milljners, and smoke and water ruined their.y'aluable stock. The smoke also penetrated the adjoin ing house occupied by Speyer Bros. , wholesale milliners, and their loss will be heavy. Several other establishments in the neighborhood were damaged to a small extent. The fire was not extin guished until 9 o'clock' in the evening. The total loss will amount to over $200,000.; , . ;