The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 30, 1895, Image 4

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    . . - -- -- -- -- --
Accept None of
JECAUSE inferior
preparations are bought at wholesale at a price
so much lower than Royal, some grocers are
urging consumers to use them in place of the' Royal at
the same retail price.
If you desire to try any of the pretended substitutes
for Royal Baking Powder bear in mind that they are
all made from cheaper and , inferior ingredients, and are
not so great in leavening strength nor of equal money
value. Pay the price of . the Royal Baking Powder
for the Royal only. ,,
It is still more important, however, that Royal Baking
Powder is purer and more wholesome, and makes better,
finer, and more healthful food than any other baking
powder or preparation.
Charles H. Hackley, a Pioneer Lumber
man of Western Michigan, Relates
His Experience He Has Done Much
for That Country.
From Grand Rapids, Mich., Evening Press.
The most beautiful spot in all this city
is inseparably associated with the name
of Hackley. Charles H. Hackley has
been in the lumber business here con
tinuously since 1856, and in that time
has amassed a fortune which gives him
a rating among the wealthy men of the
nation. But with wealth there did not
come that tightening of the purse strings
which is generally a marked charac
teristic of wealthy men.
It is no wonder then that the name of
Charles H. Hackley is known at home
and abroad. Mis munificence to Muske
gon alone represents an outlay of nearly
lialf a million PYlV fhA nflflf. t.wAnt.V
years he has been a constant sufferer
from neuralgia and rheumatism, also
numbness of the lower limbs, so much
so that it has seriously interfered with
his pleasure in life. For some time
past his friends have noticed that he
seemed to grow young again and to
have recovered the health which he had
in youth.
To a reporter for the Press Mr. Hack
ley explained the secret of his trans
formation. "I have suffered for over 20
years," he said, "with pains in my
lower limbs so severely that the only
relief I could get at night was by put
ting cold water compresses on my
limbs. I was bothered more at' night
than in the day time. The neuralgic
and rheumatic" pains in my limbs,
which had been growing in intensity
for years, finally became chronic. I
made three trips to the Hot Springs
with only partial relief and then fell
back to my original state. I couldn't
sit still and my sufferings began to
make life look very blue. Two years
ago last September I noticed an account
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People and what they had done for
others, and some cases so nearly re
sembled mine that I was interested, so
I wrote to one who had given a testi
monial, an eminent professor of music
in Canada. The reply I received was
even stronger than the printed testi
monial and it gave me faith in the
"I began taking the pills and found
them to be all that the professor had
told me they would be. It was two or
three months before I experienced any
perceptible betterment of my condition.
My disease was of such long standing
that I did not expect speedy recovery
and was thankful even to be relieved. I
progressed rapidly, however, towards
ranstrora an A ftr r.VlA lnnt. BIT mnnt.rin
have felt myself a perfectly well man.
I have recommended the pills to many
people and am only too glad to assist
others to health through the medium of
this wonderful medicine. I cannot say
too much for what it has done for me."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain all
the elements necessary to give new life
and richness to the blood and restore
shattered nerves. They are for sale by
all druggists, or may be had by mail
from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company,
Schenectady, N. Y., for 50c per box, or
six boxes for $2.50.
The Top Floor the Healthiest.
' Live as. near the top of your house as you
can. It is the most healthful part of the
whole building. There is more air, a freer
circulation and less of the unwholesome
dust from the street. ,
' ' People often wonder at the rugged health
of servants in spite of their constant and
wearing duties. It is to a great extent ow
ing to the fact that they usually sleep in a
purer atmosphere than any other occupant
of the house. . ,
; The attic, generally devoted to storage
and servants' rooms, is far more valuable
than the second floor bedrooms pre-empted
by the heads of families. There are cer
tain physicians who insist on their patients
being taken way up stairs at the beginning
of an illness.
In the average flat house the top floor is
always rentea lor a smauer sum man any
of the others, and yet it is sure to be light
ana cooi, wniie in me siuuy uuwu suura
rooms one must burn gas all day. No one
passes your door or tramps over your head,
and you can have the roof for a garden.
Some people object because their ceilings
get the benefit of every leak in the roof.
But there is deep consolation in tha fact
that no one can be legally compelled to pay
rent when the roof leaks.- " "
Substitutes for
and cheaper made baking
108 WAU 8T.. NEW-YORK.
Interesting Career of "The Tall Pine of
the Merrlmao."
"Man is a rational being and subject to
a ohauge of mind. A jackass is a stub
born animal ana
never changes. I
am a man," is one
of the planks In
the political plat
form of Cyrus A.
Sulloway, con
gressman elect
from New Hamp
shire. Sulloway
was elected as a
Republican, but he
has flopped around
among the politi-
CYRUS A. SULLOWAY. col parties, and
the only defense he makes when confront
ed with his vaccinating oourr.e Is the state
ment above given. He has been attract
ing considerable attention of late owing
to the fact that he is the only avowed
free silver congressman in the entire New
England delegation. He would make an
excellent running mate physically for the
Populist and free silver senator, William
Vincent Allen of Nebraska, for the roason
that he is 0 feet and 6 inches tall In his
stocking feet. In another respect he
would mate well with Senator Pefter, for
his hair is as luxuriant as the Kansas sen
ator's whiskers.
Sulloway was born in Grafton, N. H.,
66 years ago, and when he was admitted
to the bar early in the seventies was an
ardent Republican. For a time he was
prominent in the local councils of the par
ty, but when the Greenback agitation be
gan he joined the ranks of the Greenbaok
ers. His next political somersault was his
advocacy of the election of Cleveland and
Hendricks in 1884. Not long thereafter
he became ambitious to seoure a seat in
congress and returned to the Republican
fold. One of his most powerful political
enemies in the party was Senator Chan
dler, who twice suooeeded in turning down
"The Tall Pine of the Merrimac,". as
Sulloway's admirers term him, but the
third attempt on the part of Sulloway re
sulted in his nomination and election.
Ho is said to have been very fond of
good whisky, handsome women and a
quiet game of poker until he became con
verted, joined the Salvation Army and
married Miss Mattie B. Webster, a Salva
tion Army lassie well known throughout
New England. Sulloway is an able law
yer and enjoys an excellont practice. It is
his proud boast that ho has never yet con
tributed so much as a 6 cent cigar toward
securing a nomination or election to any
The American Woman.
The American woman is again the sub
ject of an interesting paper from the French
point of view that has lately been done into
English for The Popular Science Monthly.
Of her the writer says: "Of all the gifts
which it (nature) has lavished upon her,
one of the most characteristic is certainly
adaptability. Few women In Europe pos
sess in the same degree as the American
woman the faculty of identifying them
selves with their medium of changing
country, climate and surroundings with so
wonderful suppleness.
"More perfectly than others she accom
modates herself to circumstances, while she
preserves her individuality in a strange sur
rounding. Whenever we meet the Amer
ican woman and we meet her everywhere,
in the ranks of the English peerage and of
the highest European aristocracy, as well
as in more modest conditions we are struck
with that marvelous adaptability in which
wise men see the signs of the superiority of
a race or of a species." .
, Every Girl Should Be Taught to Darn.
Every girl should be taught to darn with
all the dainty stitches of the art. There
should be instilled into her a sense of tha
disgrace of wearing a stocking with even a
broken thread, while a darn well put In has
a homelike, respectable look that in no
way deteriorates from the value of a good
stocking. Darninj? is a lady's occupation
akin to embroidery in deftness and gentle
ness of touch. It requires skill and judg
ment to select the thread, which should be
but a trifle coarser than the web of the
stocking, or, in case of xloth, than the
thread of the goods. Wliere a cloth may
be easily raveled it is better to darn it with
the ravelings, unless it is in a place where
more than ordinary strain come on the
goods. Thick cloth should be darned be
tween the layers, and when done by a skill
ful hand and well pressed the work becomes
practically invisible.
Progress of Electricity. "
Twenty-four years ago eleotrlcity as a
mechanical power was unknown. Now
$900,000,000 is invested in various kinds
of electrical machinery.
Some Thrilling and Exceedingly Uncom
fortable Experiences With the Pesky
Insects Means Employed as Protection
Against the Saw Bills.
The mosquito is a universal pest. It
thrives in lands both frigid and tropical.
From one end of the earth to the other the
little tyrant persecutes mankind with his
vicious bite and tantalizing singing.
In Alaska during the summer time his
presence makes life almost intolerable
even the tough old moose and caribou and
shaggy coated bears are driven from the
valleys and compelled to seek shelter on the
hilltops, which are swept clear of insects by
the constant breeze.
When the Indian is resting in the woods,
he sets Are to the leaves and twigs around
him, making a smudge which protects him
against the clouds of insects till he is ready
to shoulder his pack and take the trail
again. Before leaving he never thinks of
extinguishing the fire he has made, and big
forest fires often result from this neglect.
A breeze will fan the smoldering embers
Into a flame, which will creep up into the
dry spruce and hemlock and rapidly spread
till miles and miles of timber lands are
burned to blackened stumps. -
When traveling in Alaska, the white man
smears his hands and face with bacon fat
and pine pitch as a defense against mos
quito bites, but even with this unsavory
precaution I have had my head so swollen
by the poisonous stinging that I could not
wear my hat.
Sleep is simply Impossible without the
shelter of a good mosquito net, and this
must be carefully tucked in, for all night
long swarms of mosquitoes will be creeping
all over it, persistently seeking an entrance,
and if there is a weak spot in your fortifi
cations it will be discovered. When by
some accident a man finds himself at the
mercv of these Dests. he will attemnt an es-
! cape no matter what the risk.
I remember that one time in Alaska l
was hunting mountain sheep on some
heights which could only be reached by
dangerous climbing. Late in the evening
I found the darkness closing around me,
and I was at an elevation of 8,000 feet. At
all points steep stones reached down to the
valley below. After searcmng lor a possi
ble means of descent I finally discovered
the head of a small cascade, and I decided
to follow this..
At first the little stream tumbled over
huge bowlders, among which I carefully
made my way without accident, but then
I reached a point where the waters flowed
over a smooth face of rock which slanted
down abruptly for 50 feet. As I was hesi
tating about continuing my journey by
this dangerous route clouds of mosquitoes
were swarming around me and attacking
me most unmercifully, and I determined to
escape from them at all hazards.
Throwing my feet out in front of me, 1
let myself slide down the steep rock. For
some distance J. sped along merrily, but 1
was unable to stop myself, and upon reach
ing an uneven stretch of stone I was thrown
off my course and tumbled head over heels,
in which undignified position I continued
for a few yards until I was flung broadside
onto a hemlock stump, which stopped my
further progress in a nerve shattering man
ner. The tobogganing experiment had been
unpleasant. I was bruised and scratched
and stabbed all over with the spikes of the
devil's cub plant, but as I sat in the smoke
of the campfire that night I felt grateful
for having escaped the mosquitoes, even at
such a cost.
The Alaskan Indians have a legend re
cording the origin of mosquitqes.
In the olden times there lived in the
snow buried mountains of Klecea an old
giant, hideous to behold and mighty in
strength. He lived with his wife and three
big sons. All were cannibals, and they
subsisted entirely upon human beings. The
old father had snares and spiked pitfalls
on all the trails leading to the interior with
which he caught the unwary traveler. So
successful were the giant's inhuman efforts
that the powerful nations of Chilcat and
Goonennar dwindled down till only a few
families were left.
Eventually a medicine man ambitions
for glory decided that he would pit his nat
ural cunning and , supernatural power
against the giant's strength and skilL
Armed with a keen bladed knife and an as
sortment of wonder working -charms, the
doctor started oil for the contest. He ap
proached the traps very carefully and then
purposely and with but slight Injury he
caught himself in one of the snares and lay
still as though dead. Soon the old giant.
making his rounds in the morning, came
along, and seeing the sleek carcass of the
doctor chuckled to himself at his unusual
success, and putting the body into a sack
which he always carried for the purpose he
started home to receive the congratulatory
remarks of his family upon his fat catch.
and upon his reaching his hut preparations
were at once made to convert the doctor
Into a dainty meaL
The smoldering embers of the fire were
blown into flame, and big cooking pots had
already been provided, when suddenly the
doctor sprang to his feet and commenced to
cut and stab with his knife. So unexpected
was the attack and so dexterously was the
weapon handled that in a few minutes the
bloodthirsty old giant and his entire fam
ily were lying dead. These cannibals .had
been very untidy and dirty, and everywhere
the dust was lying inches thick. This
flew up in clouds when the scrimmage took
place with the medicine man, and every
, particle turned into a mosquito when the
! giants died. E. J. Glave in Philadelphia
I T-
V What to Bead.
' The difficulty of finding something to read
In an age when half the world is engaged
in writing books for the other half to read
Is not one of quantity but quality, so the
1 question "What shall I read?" inevitably
1 suggests the parallel query, "What shall I
' not read?" The wisdom of writing, ao
1 cording to Mr. Lowell, consists of knowing
1 what to leave In the inkpot. Applying the
same truth to reading" it may be said that
he who reads most wisely is the reader
who knows what books to leave uncut. If
' the number of books extant in the time of
Solomon was so great as to call for com
' ment, Carlyle has far more reason to bewail
the prolific press of today, "Still undaunt
ed, rushes on the great array of publica
f tions, unpausing to their final home, and
till oblivion, like the grave, cries 'Give.' "
' Chambers' Journal , , , ,
Old Acquaintances. ,
Magistrate Prisoner, I seem to know
your face. You have been here before, I
suppose? i
Prisoner Oh, yes, your worship! I have
been here more than once. I knew you
again directly. You have grown a bit
stouter since I met you last. How is
madamef London Tit-Bits.
We run wild over the furnishings of a
house; its furniture, carpets, hangings,
pictures and music, and always forget or
neglect the most important requisite.
Something there should be always on the
shelf lo provide against sudden casualties
or attacks of pain. Sue h come like a thief
in the night ; a sprain, strain, sudden back
ache, toothache or neuralgic attack. There
is nothing easier to get than a bottle of St.'
Jacobs Oil, and nothing surer to cure
quickly any form of pain. The house is in
complete without it. Complete it with a
good supply.
A Hint l or single Sisters.
Two sisters can help each other a great
deal by wearing gowns that suit each other
and by posing about harmoniously, making
pictures of themselves. It is ornamental
to the rooms too. I know a pair of girls
who owe half their invitations to the fact
that they make a Point of posing in corners
and looking sweet and interesting. They
devote themselves so much to this that
they are not at all particular about getting
the usual attention girls expect, and host
esses realize how decorative they are and
useful, too, in a way. Of course girls who
go in for this kind of thing should set each
other oft One might be, for instance, a
vivid red blond and the other a dull ashes
blond. One ought to be either distinctly
prettier than the other, or one should be
quite another type from the other. Boston
Courier. ' .
, A Safe Rule.
Guest So you always want pay in ad
vance now, baggage or no baggage?
Hotel Clerk Yes. You see, a great deal
of money has been lost lately by hotels
burning down. New York Weekly.
An Eager and a Nipping Wind,
A continuous down pour of rain, inclem
ent weather, generally in winter and
spring, are unfavorable to all classes of in
valids. But warmth and activity infused
into the circulation counteracts these in
fluences and interpose a defense against
them. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, most
thorough and effective of stomachics and
tonics, not only enriches the bljod, but
accelerates its circulation. For a chill, or
premonitory symptoms of rneumatism
and kidney complaint, particularly preva
lent at these seasons, it is the best possible
remedy. It is also invaluable for dyspep
sia, liver complaint, constipation and ner
vousness. Never set out on a winter or
spring iournev without it. Elderly per
sons and the delicate and convalescent are
greatly aided by it.
"When I broached maMmony, she dismissed
tnesutgect witn awora." "wnat aid sne sayi"
res." -
At the close of the war the Japanese will be
nttea lor no worn outside oi stoeiiyaras.
The wise man runs no unnecessary risks.
There are few greater risks than allowing
a cold to fasten itself upon the system,
Whether it attacks the throat, the lungs, the
stomach or the muscular system, if given
even a little time, it is sure to strengthen
its hold and can then be shaken off only
with great difficulty.
It is entirely unnecessary to run these
risks. Alloock's Porous Plasters applied
to the back, chest, pit of the stomach or to
the limbs will effectually prevent the
trouble from increasing. They are simple
in tneir ingredients, periectiy sale, ana can
be applied by a child.
Bbandreth's Pills tone up the system
"And vou say your father was wounded In
the war?" "Bad, sir." "Was he shot in the
ranks?" "Norsir; in the stummlck;" :
100 BEWAKp 8100.
The readers of this paper will be please !
to learn that there is at least one dreaded
disease that science has been able to cure
in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's
Uatarrn uure is tne only positive cure
known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system, thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up tne constitution
and assisting nature in doing its work.
The proprietors have so much faith . in its
curative powers, tnat tney oner une Hun
dred Dollars for any case that it fails to
cure. Bend lor list oi testimonials.
Address, F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O
tWSold by Druggists, 75c.
MUSIC STOKE Wilev B. Allen Co., the
oldest, the largest, 211 First St., Portland.
C bickering, Hardman, Fischer Pianos, Estey
Organs. Low prices, easy terms.
10-CKNT MUsIC Send lor catalogues.
Absolutely free of cost, for a
The People's Common Sense Medical Ad
viser, By R.V. Pierce, M. D., Chief Consulting
Physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical
Institute, Buffalo, a book of over large
pages and 300 colored and other illustra
tioiiSj in strong paper covers to any one
sending 21 cents in one -cent stamps for
packing and postage only. Over 680,000
copies of this complete Family Doctor Book
already sold in cloth binding at regular
price of $1.50. Address: (with stamps and
this Coupon) World's Dispensary Med
ical Association, No. 663 Main Street,
Buffalo, N. Y.
The Largest Manufacturers of
1 On thli Continent, hare recerred
from the great
Industrial and Food
In Europe aod America.,
Unlike the Dutch Process no Allca-
llies or other Chemicals or Dyes are
tmed in anv of their Drenarations.
Their delicious BREAKFAST COCOA is absolutely
pure and soluble, and coats leu than one cent a cup.
Itching Piles known bj moisture like perspiration.canea
intense itching when warm. Tiiis form and Blind, Bleed
ing or Protruding Piles yield at once to
wnloh acts directly on parts affected, absorbs tumors, al
lays itching, effecting a permanent cure. Price 6;o.
Jusauko, i'lillaUa.,i.
m vmm
In the body of an adult person there are
about 18 pounds of blood. '
The blood has as its most important ele
ments, small round corpuscles, red and
white, in proportion of about 300 red to 10
white ones.
If the number of red "corpuscles becomes
Jiminisbed and the white ones increased
the blood is impure, thin lacking in the
mtrition necessary to sustain the health
and nerve strength of the body.
Then Thut Tired Feeling, Nervousness,
:crofula, Salt Rheum, or others of the long
train of ills, according to the temperament
and disposition, attack the victim.
The only permanent remedy is found in
i reliable blood medicine like Hood's Sar
aparilla, which ac's upon the red cor
pusrles, enriching them and increasing
their number. It thus restores the vital
fluid to healthy condition, expels all im
purity, cures Nervousness, That Tired Feel
ing, Scrolula and all other diseases arising
from or promoted by low state of the blood.
That these statements are true we prove
not by our own statements, but by what
thousands of perfectly reliable people say
about Hood's Sarsapafilla. Read the testi
monial in the next column from a beloved
clergyman. Then take
ood's SarsapariSSa
The Blood, Purifier and True Nerve Tonic:
Go East from Portland, Pendleton, Walla
Walla via O. R. & N. to Snokane and Great
Northern Railway to Montana, Dakotas, St.
Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago, Umana, ot.
Louis, East and South. Rock-ballast track ;
tine scenery : new eq uipment Great N orth-
ern Palace Sleepers and Diners; Family
Tourist uars; iJunet-JUiDrary (jars, write
C. C. Donovan, General Agent, Portland,
Oregon, or F. I. Whitney, G. & T. A.,
St. Paul, Minn., for printed matter and in
formation about rates, routes, etc.
Tbt Gibhia for breakfast.
Ely's Cream Balm has
completely cured me of ca
tarrh when everything else
failed. Many acquaint
ances have used it with ex
cellent results. Alfred W.
Stevens, Caldwell, Ohio.
EtY'S CREAM BALM Opens and cleanses
the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain and Inflamma
tion, Heals the Sores, Protects the Membrane
from colds, Restores the Senses of Taste and
Smell. The Balm is quickly absorbed and gives
relief at once. s, , ,
A particle is applied into each nostril, and. is
agreeable. Price, 60 cents at Druggists' or by
66 Warren Street, New York.
nv vtt.t. inn a nnsR.
A increment of the bowols each day is necessary fo
health, These pills supply Vfhat the system lacks to
make it regular. They cure Headache, brighten the .
Eyes, and clear the Complexion better than coemetlos.
They neither (fripe nor sicken. To convince yon, W9
will mail sample free. OT a full box for S60. Sold every
where, EOLWJKO MED. CO., Philadelphia. Ps.
Special Doctors for Chronic, Private
and Wasting Diseases.
Dr. Lleblg's Invlgorator the greatest remedy for
Seminal Weakness, Losb of Manhood and Private
Diseases, Overcomes Prematureness and prepares
all for marriage life'B duties, pleasures and respon
sibilities; 1 trial bottle given or sent free to any
one describing symptoms; call or address 400 Geary
St., private entrance 406 Mason St.. San Francisco.
Cor. Second and Stark Sts., Portland. Or.
Tour Wife Can Run it. Hercules Oas or Qasoltoie
Palmer Si Key, S. F., Gal. and Foreland, Or.
ipiiiuiL 1 Fin your Own Teeth
,,..., '(' II pain and dens
!TS!s 1 a lifetime. Ma
K. M, Gilham, I
denav. Lasts
Mailed, 60c.
uallanil, lai.
Its wearing qualities are unsurpassed, aotnally
outlasting two boxes of any other brand. Free
from Animal Oils. GUT THE GKNUINK.
and Dealers generally.
N. P. N. TJ. No. 590 8. F. N. IT. No. 667
Three dopes only. Trv It.
1 1 Zf I
pSrWINSLOW'S s0v0i
i ffswtedofcTKlIDnsglsts. ftOeatcabOa. I
"In view of the benefit I have had from
Hood's Sarsaparilla, I wish to give the fol
lowing testimonial: I have several times
been badly -
Poisoned with Creeping Ivy.
As the old school of medicine simply tried
to remove the symptoms instead of the
sources of them, much of the poison was
left in my system to appear in an itching
humor on my boiy with very violent exer
tion in warm weather. At all times there '
weYe more or less indications ot. poison in
my blood, up to a year ago last winter, when
Large Sores Broke Out
on my body. 1 then purchased a bottle of
Hood's Sarsaparilla, and after using that
and a half of another bottle, the sores and
hum r disappeared. I attended the Christ
ian Endeavor Convention in Montreal and
also visitPd the World's Fair in the hottest
weather of the summer. Was on the go
all t he time, but
Had No Recurrence -
of the burning and itching sensation which
had marred every previous summer's out
ing. I have reason, therefore, to be en
thusiastic in my praises of Hood's Sar
saparilla " Samuel S. Schnet.l, Pastor of
Free Baptist Church, Apalathin, N.. Y.
Dyspeptic.Delicate.Infirm and
n v. ANa convaij
;' John CArle&Sons.NeWYork.
W.L. Douglas
S3 SHOE !?
s. cordovan;
4.3.5 Fine Calf&KAngarooi
3A POLICE, 3 soles.
Over One Million People wear the
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our shoes are equally satisfactory
They give the best value for the money. '
They equal custom Shoes In style and fit.
Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed.
The prices are uniform,-stamped on sole.
From $i to $3 saved over other makes.
If your dealer cannot supply you we can.
Leave u-
Doubtful Seeds alone. The best
are easy to, get, and cost no
more, ask your aeaier lor
Always the best.- Known
everywhere. Perry's Seed
Annual for 1899 tells you
'what. how. and when to plant-.
i fceut f ree. uet It. Address i
D. M. FERRY & CO.,
Detroit, Mich.
if you use the Petalum
Incubators A Brooders.
Make money while
others are wasting
time bvoldorocesses.
Catalog; telis all about
it, and describes every
article needed lor me.
poultry business.
The "ERIE"
mechanically the best
wheel. Prettiest model.
we are Paclhc Coast
Acrents.' Bicvcle cata-
. inji;iir,mmirn ir x.
full description, prices, etc., agents wanted.
Branch House, 231 S Main St., Los Angeles.
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ache? Does every step seem abuiden? ''You need