The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 23, 1895, Image 4

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    The Official Records,
Showing the
Best Baking Powder.
The United States Government, after elaborate tests,
reports the Royal Baking Powder a pure cream of
tartar powder of greater leavening strength than any other.
Bulletin ij, U. S. Ag. Dep., p. jpp.
1 The .Canadian Official Tests, recently made, show the
Royal Baking Powder highest of all in leavening
strength. ' Bulletin 10, p. 16, Inland Jiev. Dept.
We cordially approve and recommend the Royal
Baking Powder. It is absolutely pure and healthful,
composed of the best ingredients, of the highest strength
and character. San Francisco Board of Health.
Hence, in practical use,
The Royal Baking Powder goes
further, makes purer and more
perfect food than any other.
One on Billy Florence.
"One of the best on Billy Florenoe,"
said an old stager, "was played on him
as late as 1888 by some of the boys at
the St. James hotel. Billy was an ar
dent Republican and valued his stand-'
ing as a party man. Yon know, he
never forgave his old friend, President
. Arthur, for considering his oandidaoy
for consul general at London a joka
Well, when Blaine came back from
Europe, and there was a great hulla
baloo about the unorowned . king, the
boys sent Billy a formal letter from the
committee of arrangements appointing
him chairman of the subcommittee of
reoeption on behalf of the aotors, artists
and auctioneers requesting his check
for $50 and his presence on the steamer
Sloan at 6 o'clook in the morning to go
down and weloome Blaine. Billy bit
slowly, but finally swallowed the bait,
hook and all. He sent his check for $50
to the designated person, and not until
three days after, when he had eaten a
dinner given him by the boys who put
up the joke on him and paid for with
his own $50, did he find out how he had
been fooled.' His only consolation was
that he dot ud too late to be on the
steamer Sloan at the appointed hour. "
Major Handy in New York Mail and
v Hairs Six Feet Long.
In 1880 Philip Hansen, a planter re
siding near Corinth, Miss., was believed
to be the possessor of the longest beard
of any man in the world. He is said to
have sent the Washington Anthropo
logical society single hairs plucked from
his chin which measured 73 inches in
Call It a Craze.
The New York Tribune says : " The habit of
taking ' headache powders ' is increasing to an
alarming extent among a great number of wo
men throughout the country. These powders as
their name indicates, are claimed by the manu
facturers to be a positive and speedy cure for any
form of headache. In many cases their chief
ingredient is morphine, opium, cocaine or some
other equally injurious drug having a tendency
to deaden pain. The habit of taking them is
easily formed, but almost impossible to shake
off. Women usually begin taking them to re
lieve a raging headache and soon resort to the
powder to alleviate any little pain or ache they
mav be subjected to, and finally like the mor-
fihi'ne or opium fiend, get into the habit of taking
hem regularly, imagining that they are in pain
if they happen to miss their regular dose."
In nine cases out of ten, the trouble is
in the stomach and liver. Take a simple
laxative and liver tonic and remove the
offending matter which deranges the
stomach and causes the headache. Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are composed
entirely of the purest, concentrated,
vegetable extracts. One Pellet is a
dose; sugar-coated, easily swallowed;
once used, always in favor. They posi
tively cure sick headache and remove
the disposition to it. -
Mr. E. Varqason, of Oiler Lake, Lapeer Co..
t: .. j. ... .
..jitr., wines; i not
infrequently have an at
tack of the headache.
It usualty comes on in
I the forenoon. At my
dinner I eat my regular
meal, and take one or
two of Doctor Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets imme
diately after, and in the
course of an hour my
headache is cured ana
no bad effects. I feel
better every way for
having taken them
not worse, as is usual
after taking other kinds
of pills. ' Pleasant Pel
' lets 1 are worth more
than their weight in
gold, if for uothiiicr else
E. Varqason. Esq. than to cure headache."
Ely's Cream Balm
Price SO Cents.
Annlv Ritlm into each nostril
Ely Bnos., S6 Warron St., N.
Fill Your Own Teeth
Toothnllne stops
pain and decav. Lasts
a lifetime. Mailed, 60c.
K. M, Gllham, Oakland, Cal.
ItoMnff Piles known by moisture like perspiration, cans
intense itching when warm. This form and Blind, Bleed
ing or Protruding Piles yield at ouce to
whioh acts directly on parts affeated, absorbs tumors, al
leys itching, eiTooting A permanent cure. Price 6i)o,
proggisu or uuil, J5r. Uoaanlio, Puila4a.t Fa.
Food Served From a Side Table Flower
and Conversation.
, Dinner a la Rnsse although for the
matter of that it might be dinner a l'An
glais, a l'ltalien, with jnst as good
reason in spite of its rather fashion
able name, is really a very simple per
formance. It merely means that, instead
of having the varions dishes composing
the repast all put npon the table at onoe,
they are plaoed on a ' a side table and
served from there by the servant, who
passes each in tnrn. This affords a
chanoe for some decoration npon the ta
ble. There is usually some sort of em
broidered centerpiece. The chances are
that it was achieved by one of the love-
ly daughters or even by the lady of the
house herself, and it is always Wise to
remark npon the elaborateness of the
stitch or the beauty of the design if yon
are a gnest en familla That not only
calls out the history of the centerpiece
and makes conversation, but lays up
treasures for yon in heaven and estab
lishes your reputation for good taste and
appreciation of the truly beautiful.
On this centerpiece a bowl of flowers
is commonly placed. In establishments
where money is no objeot orchids, ala
mandas, rare ferns and the newest, cost
liest roses appear and are changed from
day to day. But daisies and clover can
be arranged just as effectively and cost
nothing but the trouble of gathering
them, while in the winter there are jar
dinieres of pieroed silver, which can be
filled with maidenhair or some other
delicate fern, and with a little oare kept
green and thrifty for weeks. The' old
fashioned ooasters nsed as stands for de
canters are often utilized in this way,
for any tinsmith can make a lining for
them in whioh plants will grow like a
green bay tree. The effect of flowers on
the table can hardly be calculated. They
have more charms than musio to soothe
the savage breast, and any sentimental
ist of your acquaintance can tell of in
stances where a glass bowl of nastur
tiums tastefully arranged before him has
so wrought on the feelings of paterfa
milias that he has said not a word abont
the overdone mutton or the soggy under
orust of his apple pie.
If your table be a dream of beanty,
yon will not require half such a hearty
meaL The entire company will be so
wrapped np in admiring the scheme of
color and the originality of your com
binations that no one will be aware of
the smallness of the portions yon serve.
Fully half the expense of your posies
will thus be saved at the outset, so that
they commend themselves to economists
as well as to aesthetes. Boston Herald.
Time and Speed.
Infinite time is diffloult to grasp. Dis
tance is more easily understood, and
some things whioh Sir Robert Ball has
to say about the- distance of the stars
from ns will assist us in comparing
them to the sun. Of these the most
striking is Arcturus, and Dr. Elkin has
put this star at such a distance from the
solar system that the orbit of the earth
round the sun must seem from Arcturus
as large as would a penny piece seen
at 100 miles. Arcturus, in other words,
is perhaps a dozen times as far off from
ns as Procyon is, and Procyou, one of
the nearest bright stars, is 1,000,000
times the distance of the sun from ns.
Bat the marvelous thing about Aro
turns is its movement. It has, compara
tively speaking, a very distinct "proper
motion" across the sky, though not as
large as some stars. Lately, however,
the spectroscope has ascertained for us
the pace of stars along the line of sight,
and Arcturus travels, it is now believod,
at the rate of 880 miles a second. Such
speed as this is truly terrifio, and we
may well ask where this furious star is
hurrying ta As Arcturus, ten genera
tions hence, will not have moved to the
eye by as much as the diameter of the
moon, we shall have plenty of opportu
nity of disoussing the question. Lon
don Spectator.
'- - An Original.
. Little Marjorie There are lots of lit
tle Marjories nowadays, but none other
at all like this one. She is original in her
prayers, as in everything else. The
other night she finished off her petition
"And, O Lord, make all the wioked
people good and wash all the niggers
whitel" New York Tribunal
A Drama For the Stage, Which Will Not
Be Enacted In New York.
An American play writer has been for
some time engaged in the composition
of a drama of contemporary life in
which the chief character is to be a fa
mous Amerioan statesman, now deceas
ed. The title whioh he has chosen for
it is "Blaine, a Tragedy. "-" It certainly
looks . like bad taste to dramatize, at
least in this generation, the career of
the American here named, but the au
thor maintains that he can do it inof
fensively and in such a way as to dig
nify his subject, as the life of Mr. Blaine
was full of dramatio material, and as
there were scenes in it whioh would be
especially serviceable for a drama of
real life. He says that Shakespeare made
use of personages who lived not long
before his time, and even of some who
were his contemporaries, and he gives
the names of other'playwriters who have
used their acquaintances in their stage
compositions. When reminded that even
the greatest and, most picturesque Amer
icans of past tlmijs, from the days of
Washington to those of Lincoln, had
never been used successfully for dramat
io material, as Shakespeare used the
kings of England, he replied that this
was a thing which would surely yet be
done in this country, as it has been done
in other lands, and that, in any event,
it is his purpose to begin the undertak
ing. " -- V' y
"Is there any manager in New York, "
we asked, "who would bring out your
tragedy?" .
" I do not know, but there is a man
ager in Chicago who will bring it out
if it suits him. " .
"Do you not fear that there would be
a storm . of popular reprobation if you
should make your chief character re
semble the original?"
"If there be anything of the kind, or
if the work fail to j)rove attractive, it
will be withdrawn after the first or sec
ond performance. ' But there are in my
subjeot such striking elements for a first
class stage drama and for a winning
one that I shall not think of its failure
until after it has failed. "
"Would not the relatives of the de
ceased statesman object to the work and
get out an injunction against its per
formance?" . "If such an objection shall be raised
by any one entitled to speak with au
thority, or after that one has been pres
ent at a performance of it, it will be
discontinued. The man of my title role
has been a subject for painters, sculptors
and other artists, and there is no good
reason' why he should not be made a
subject for dramatio artists. " .
After the play writer had expressed
the views here reported, The Sun report
er asked a theatrical manager as to the
prospects of a drama of the kind spoken
of. He answered that he did not believe
a single respectable manager in New
York or anywhere else would bring it
out, and that, if brought out in any
American city, it would be a flat fail
ure. He believed that the execution of
the playwriter's ' project would not be
tolerated by the theater going communi
ty. New York Sun, '.:
An American Family, Including a Dog,
Make a Sensation In Paris.
An American family in Paris, accord
ing to Le Temps, has exoited some no
tice in that sensation loving capital by
its conduct over the death of a dog. The
animal was a great pet in the family,
and On his falling ill all. the experts in
dog maladies were at once summoned.
As. he persistently grew worse, he was
taken to an establishment for the care
of dogs, a sort of private hospital, and
orders given that every attention and
effort should be made, to save him.
Members of the family called two and
three times a day to inquire for Kwik,
as the dog was called; but, despite all
care, Kwik died, and there was nothing
left for the sorrowing family to do but
bury him. An undertaker was summon
ed and poor Kwik made ready for the
grave. An oak casket, fitted into a sec
ond pne of lead, was prepared and a
grave made in the ' private plot of a
friend of Kwik's master at Vancresson.
All official red tape was duly complied
with, and on the day of the interment
the funeral cortege comprised three car
The ceremony ended, the undertaker's
bill of $90 was duly presented. This
Kwik's mourners found so very moder
ate that the sum of $40 was added to
be divided among the gravediggers.-
has been cured In a multitude
of cases during the past fifty
years by Pal n-KilJer.
This potent remedy rubbed
vigorously In and around the
suffering parts, three times a
day, will relieve all stiffness,
reduce the swelling, prevent
inflammation and kill all pain.
The most stubborn cases yield
to this treatment when perse
vered In. Use it freely. The
quantity has been doubled but
the price remains the same.
What ft little spark can do is illustrated
by the burning down of Chicago, and the
modern apparatus for putting out great
fires. The spark too enters toe human fam
ily with devastating effects, hence we hear
of so many deaths by accidents with fire
among careless cooks and children. This
is another field of operation but a bottle
of St. Jacobs Oil is the apparatus to put
. 1 I' J. .. f - 1 . I - J J .
me lire uut ui me gymem. ucteu uuuuruiiiK
to direction it will soothe, heal, cure and
leave no ugly scar behind. The healing
process gives new surface and kindly does
Women as Book Collectors.
Book collecting was only taken np by
English women when they took up salmon
fishing, golf and other masculine vanities.
Woman, as a rule, finds that the circulating
library serves her turn. If she buys a book,
it is commonly a Tauchnitz example, and
these she collects, as is believed, chiefly for
the pleasure of smuggling. '"Tis her de
light on a shiny night," or on any other oc
casion, to defraud the revenue. "The prac
tical sex" regards a book as a thing to be
read and generally read over the fire.
Bindings are toasted brown and are in fact
mere annoyances to a student of this kind.
A book is not the kind of bibelot for which
ladies care. They are more at home with
the collecting of fans or of porcelain or,
sad to say, of book plates a modern vice, a
new sin. Mme. de Pompadour, a woman
of rare taste, really was a collector, and her
three castles decorate some excellent books.
Her "Rabelais" not long ago was in a shop
In Pall Mall. Mr. Toovey 's collection in Pic
cadilly also boasted some rare"specimens.
The Rothschilds, among other ruins of em
pires, possess many of her books. London
Saturday Review.
An Eager and a Nipping Wind,
A continuous down pour of rain, inclem
ent weather, . generally in winter and
spring, are unfavorable to all classes of in
valids. But warmth and activity infused
into the circulation counteracts these in
fluences and interpose a defense against
them. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, most
thorough and effective of stomachics and
tonics, not only enriches the bljod, but
accelerates its circulation. For a chill, or
premonitory symptoms of rheumatism
and kidney complaint, particularly preva
lent at these seasons, it is the best possible
remedy. It is also invaluable for dyspep
sia, liver complaint, constipation and ner
vousness. Never set out on a winter or
spring journey without it. Elder.'y per
sons ana the delicate and convalescent are
greatly aided by it. ,
''Her cheeks are like the red, red rose,
- With carmiDe tints imbued; .
The only difference is this,
The rose can't be renewed. '
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many, who live bet
ter than others and enjoy life more, with
'ess expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world's best products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to. health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
and permanently curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak
ening them-and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug
gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
accept any substitute if offered.
enicicEn raising pays
if you use the Petalum
Incubators ft Brooders.
Make money while
others are wasting
time by old processes.
Catalogtelis all about
it, and describes every
article needed for the,
poultry business.
The "ERIE"
mechanically the best
,wheel. Prettiest model.
We are Pacific Coast
Asrents. Bicvcle cata-
logue, mailed
full description , prices, tc, aoewts wanted,
Branch House, 231 S Main St., Los Angeles.
ivt; ptt;t, vfra. a nnR.
A movement of the bowola each day is necesefffy for
health. These pills supply what the system .lacks to
make it regular. They cure Headache, brighten the
Eyes, and clear the Complexion better than cosmetics.
They neither (Tripe nor Bicken. To convince yon, we
will mail simple free, or a full box for 26o. Sola eveiy
Wliere, BOSANKO MED. CO,. Philadelphia. F '
Its wearing Qualities are unsnroassed. aotnallv
outlasting two boxes of any other brand. Free
irom Animal uus. uu r the ujsmiihis.
ana ueaiers generally.
N. P. N. TJ. No. 689 - 8. F. N. TJ. No. 866
I 8 jl 48 Page" 11
VSl Illustrated 1
JQ& Catalogue IU I
J ffOTmttofeircIlUirawgMs. seOeatsalkcMet, I
Depend upon pure, rich, red, nourishing,
strength-giving blood. The nerves derive
their sustenance from the blood, and when
they are weak it is because they do not re
ceive the nourishment needed. The true
cure for Nervousness will not be found in
opiate or sedative compounds. These only
allay the sytnptoms.
H 00 d 's S
Removes the cause by purifying and enrich
ingthe blood, giving to it just those qualities
which aredemandedfor the propersupportof
the nervous system.Hundreds of women who
once suffered from nervousness, write that
they have taken Hood 's Sarsaparilla and ner
vousness has disappeared. This was because
Hood's Sarsaparilfa purified their blood.
TJAftTVC DTT T C act harmoniously 1
tlUUU D riLlilO Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Unless a man loves a woman he does not want
her to pet him. - He would rather put arnica on
his own tore than have a woman whom he dis
likes do it.
The failure of the nerves of the stomach
to perform their functions is the cause of
nervous dyspepsia, a most exhausting form
01 disease. Ali.cock's Porous Plasters
are an excellent remedy.. Senator James
P. Pierce, of New York, writes :
"For the past two years I have suffered
very much from an aggravated form of
nervous dyspepsia. I have resorted to
various remedial agents, deriving but little
benefit. A few months since a friend of
mine suggested the trial of Allcoce's Por
ous Planters. Following the suggestions,
I have been using the same with the hap
piest effects To those similarly afflicted
let me suggest the manner of their use. I
place one over my stompch, one over the
hepatic region, and one on my back. The
effect is excellent. From the day I com
menced their use I have been slowly but
surely improving, and am quite confident
that by continuing I shall again be restored
to my accustomed health." .
. Beandketh's Pills cleanse the system.
Old Offender Wat yer arrestin' me fer? I
hain't done nothin' fer a year. Officer That's
the time ye hit it right; the charge is going to
be vagrancy.
To get at the superiority of one thing over
another is by comparison, and after trav
eling over every line between Minneapolis
and Chicago, the traveler will admit that
the North-Western Line represents the
superlative degree of railway comfort and
luxury in its elegant North-Western Lim
ited. This splendidly equipped train offers
the traveler nearlv as much comfort as he
finds at home, and certainly much more
comfort than he ever found on any other
railway train out of the Twin Cities.
W. M. Mead, General Agent, Portland,
Oregon, of F. G. Savage, Traveling Freight
and Passenger Agent.
, WTCaiO STORE Wilev B. Allen Co., the
oldest, the largest, 211 First St., Portland.
Chickering, Hardman, Fischer Pianos, Estey
Organs. Low prices, easy terms.
10-CJSNT MUSIC Send for catalogues.
The readers of this paper will be pleased
to learn that there is at least one dreaded
disease that science has been able to cure
in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure
known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, reouires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting directlv
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system, thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease, arid giving, the patient
strength by building up the constitution
and assisting nature in doing its work.
The proprietors have so much faith in its
curative powers, that they offer One Hun
dred Dollars for anv case that it fails to
cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address, F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O.
Bold by Druggists, 75c.
Tet Girmia for breakfast. .
Use Enameline stove Polish; no dust, no smell
Estab. 1866. COR B ITT &
IMPORTERS, SHIPPING and COMMISSION MERCHANTS. I lhernl flvimr mrt nr. or,m
consignments of Wheat, Flour, Oats, Wool and Hops. Special imports from China, Japan and In
dia: Tea, Coffee, Rice, Matting and Rugs, Spices, Sago, Tapioca, China Nut Oil, etc. From Liv
erpool: Liverpool Fine, Coarseand Lump Rock Salt, Chemicals of all kinds, Tinplate, -selected
No. 1 returned Wheat Bags, Hop Burlap, Roll Brimstone. Bass Ale. Guinness' Porter. Scotch and
Irish Whisky, Brandy and Wines, for sale fn quantities to suit the trade. PORTLAN D, OR.
Costs no more than inferior package soda
never spoils the flour, keeps soft, and is uni
versally acknowledged purest in the world.
Made only by CHURCH & CO., Rev York.
Sold by grocers everywhere.
write for Arm and Hammer Book of valuable
Three doses only. Trv it.
goods and deliver free to trains or boats. We buy and sell for spot cash, and sell goods cheaper
than any other firm in the country. Send us your name and address, and we will mail you our
new price list, which will be out soon. We offer to day : Climax tobacco, 40 cents per sound
Dry granulated sugar in 10-lb. sacks for 4 76 I Best coal oil per case...... tl 80
Best brands of flour per barrel 2 15 Arbuckle's coffee per pound '','."'. 22K
oeuu us a list 01 wnai you neea, ana we will
" My wife suffered many years with va
rious troubles, severe headaches, debility,
nervousness, indigestion and dyspepsia.
She has been treated by different doctors,
and tried different remedies, but Hood's
Un annnKi lira h aa Hfin o. tyi nra trti h At than
anything else. We consider Hood's Sar
saparilla a most indispensable medicine
a r s a p a r i 1 1 a
for family use, and for all disorders
caused by torpid liver and impure blood,
in fact it is a wonderful health restorer
to the whole system. Hood's Sarsapar
illa has proved itself in my wife's case,
and we can faithfully recommend its
use in every family. Jacob Rommel,
Morrison, Mo.
Unnn'C PTTT C cure alHi ver ills.bilious-
1 ness, headache. 2&o.
'43. Fine Calf &KAngarool
Over One Million People wear the
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
Alt our shoes are equally satisfactory
They give the best value for the money. '
They equal custom Shoes In style and fit.
Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. -The
prices are uniform,-stamped on sole.
rPram $1 to a saved over other melees.
t If your dealer cannot supply you we can.. "" ""
The Best CITRI3 for Coiigbs, Colds and
Sold by ail Druggists. Price, E0 cents. :-'
J. GATES & CO., Proprietors, ...
' .417 Sansome St., 8. F. '
Everywhere. ''
Sold Everywhere.
Grown Everywhere.
Ask your dealer for them. Send for
errys seen Annum tor 1SS9.V
mvaiuaDiewaii piantersatia lovers
01 rine vegetaoies ana neautlful
. JMOwers. write torit Free.
If. M- I EK1IV & CO.,
Portland, Wallft" Walla,
Spokane, via O. R. & N.
Kaiiway ;and ' Great
Northern Railway to
Monlana points, St.
Paul, Minneapolis,
Omaha, St. Louis, Chi
cago and Bast. Address
nearest agents C. C.
Donavan, Gen. Agt.
Portland, Or. R.C. Ste
vens. Gen. Aet. .Seattle
Wash.: C.G.Dixon. Gen. AKt..SDokarie.Wash. No
dust; rock-ballast track; fine scenery;' palace
Blu,nln. an lnln ,. . K..f. 1:i.l;
family tourist sleepers; new equipment '
uvciufi mm uKiiug wis, uuuci.iiuiaiy cars
MACLEAY CO. Inc. 1893.
of imitation
trade marks
- and labels. -
.md ha a. tn
Recipes FREE.
1 S. Mz
ache? ; Does every step seem a bmden? You need
nd n will n w t,u-v.
mane you special prices. Address your orders to
Front Street. Portland. Or.
In Convenient . Form
(To be diluted with water for use)
Ented by the Oregon and Washington
. State Boards of Horticulture
Write for Descriptive Pamphlet and Prices
Manufactured by -