The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 16, 1895, Image 3

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    ;.3food Iiver. Sla.cier.
rne man arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'
clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; do
pant iw nm uuys at. noon.
For Chenoweth, leaves at 8 A.M.; arrives. at
9 r. m. raatui uuvs.
For White Salmon leaves dally at 1 P. M,;
arrives at. B o'clock P. M.
From White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil
mer, Trout Lake and Olenwood Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridavs.
Canby Post, No. 18, G. A. B., meets at Odd
Fellow's Hall, first Saturday of each month
at 2 o'clock p. m. All G. A. B. members in
vited to attend. ,
C. J. Hayes, Commander.
A. S. Blowers. Adjutant. -,
Waucoma Lodge, No. 80. K. of P., meets In
their Castle Hall on every Thursday night.
- L. N. Blowers, C. C.
Geo. T. Prathkb, K. of R. s.
Professional Cards, per month ..SI 00
One inch space, per month 1 60
Rates on larger space given on application.
Business notices in local columns will be
charged 5 cents a line each Insertion; under
the head of "Hpeelal Notices" half these rates
will bo charged. -.
Legal advertisements will be charged to the
party ordering them, at legal rates, and must
. be paid for before proof Is furnished. -
Men's gloves at the Racket Store.
O. B. Hartley bas bay for sale at $11
a ton. :. ;
S. E. Bartmess is agent for tbe Bri
dal Veil Lumber Company. ,i x
' Lou Morse is authorized agent for all
: newspapers and periodicals. ;.,
J. P. Ross bus purchased 25 acres of
land of P. D. Hinrichs. ; , Price,; $1250.
The family of S. O. Smith have re
turned to Hood River and will occupy
thier house. r ; .' ' . 1 - ? ,
Eugene D. White of Portland came
up on Wednesday (o look after his
tnteret&s at Hood liiver. , !
' Mrs. D. Clark returned from' Port
land Saturday and will reside at Hood
River during the summer. .
Several severe storms of west wind
visited lis 'during the past week,' re
minding us that this iu March: ' . .
Da ven port. & Bros.. Lu m ber Co.' ' are
now ready to deliver lumber td any
port of the valley. ' , ; , , f23
All varieties of peach trees, 5c each;
Spitzenburg and Ben Davis apple trees,
5c each, .$45 per 1000. See Tillett.
Mr. Patterson of Portland, who has
the contract for plasterinir the schotl
house, came up on Wednesday's noon
train'. , ''
Strawberry blossoms were quite nu
merous in the lower part of the valley
before the killing frost of Wednesday
Send in your orders tor trees' for
spring planting. Prices $40, $50 and
$55 per 1000, in 500 a id 1000 lots, at
'i'illett's nursery. '
Will Mercer was visiting friends and
relatives in Hood River the Href part of
t lie week. He returned to work with
L. Neff Tuesday evening. i '
Miss Winnie Champlin, who "has
, tteen me guest ot Miss Jiess isenberg
for the past week, ret united to her
home in Portlaud Wednesday.
Dr. Sanders Is provided with a den
tal chair for his Ilood Riveroftice.- Also
prepared to extract teeth without pain
by the use of narcotized air, called gas.
John Smith, a former ' resident of
Hood River, now of Bonneville, will
move his family into the Eliot house
on the Lyman Smith place for be
Harry Gray and wife, former resl-.
dents of Hood River, having fold their
valuable farm at Snohomish, Washing."
ton, returned (o this place last Satur
day to remain permanently. ,, v-
Hon. E. L. Smith,' president of the
Hood River public library, in receipt
of a check for $i5.00 from Hon.-A, R.
Byrkett of Troy, Ohio, and the. library
people are greatly rejoiced.
After a long spell of dry.: weather,
during which the roads became dusty
and many of the winter creeksuiried
up, a flue shower fell Monday evening,
with snow on the mountains. v:
: M. V. Harrison returned from iThe
Dalles Wednesday. He has " discon
tinued the work of collecting delin
quent taxes, and the rolls will now be
turned over to the sheriff for collection.
L. Neff and wife arrived at Hood
River the first part of the week.1 Mr.
Iseff has taken the place of Mr. Fridly,
deceased, and will be employed, on the
road between Pendleton and Portlaud.
The ooiYhty commissioners granted
the petition for a new road district
embracing the corporate limits of the
tiwn if !4nrwl IIU'AP 'a twi fieri rP
Prather was appointed supervisor for
the same.
Hood River should not complain of
hard times. . Our principal crop Js ap
lles, and good apples are selling at $1
a box. Apple buyers t.ome here and
buy our apples and puck them and pay
from 80 cents to $1 .a iox. These are
good prices for the best of times. -
' Last Sunday evening, March I0th,'n&
there was a total eclipsa or the moon.
The evening was somewhat cloudy,
though the hioon.was visible most of
the time. The shadow of. th,e earth
came up from lelow and- passed up
ward over the disk of the moon. There
will be another total eclipse of the
moon faepieinner 3a. ... . y
Tuesday afternoon a blizzard was
feen playing on t mountain east of
White Salmon, while a few -flakes of
snow fell In Hood River, accompanied
by a strong north wind. Ah hour
later the clouds had disappeared, the
sun was shining , brightly, and this
ww.. ...... 1. . - A........ ' .. ......1 ...111.
iijiruiiitiui H'tJc-2iit-i.i i-ovtritrti wiiii n
heavy coat of snow, while the adjoin
ing mountain to the north of White
Salmon was clear of snow, its green'
elopes gresenting a striking contrast.
Ike Nealeigh recently traded for a
cayuse that is the most beautiful kicker
we ever saw. We happened along by
his house, the other day, when he.. was
having a regular circus. He had , the
harnes's on the cayftse and was train
ing it to get used to the shafts of a ve-"
hicle by drawing a rope around . its
hind .juarters while it was hitched to
a tree. Whenever the rope would
touch the hind legs of the cayuse he
would begin to kick straight out with
both feet and keep it up till lie was
ready to fall exhausted. , The. boys of
the neighborhood were gathered
around iu a circle to enjoy the fun.
Eggs are worth 8 cents a dozen In
Portland'. For the first time in the
history, of Oregon, we are shipping eggs
to the East. A carload sent to Chicago'
sold at 80 cents, netting the shipper;
after freight and all charges were paid,
o cents a dozen.. When wheat was
worth 2 cents a. pound here at Hood
River, eggs generally sold at this sea
son ot tue year tor.JJo cents a dozen.
Wheat is now sold here at tbree-quaar-ter
of a cent; but even with wheat so
low there is no money in eggs at 8 and
10 cents. Prices may advance some
next month, when eggs will be used
for hatching, but we can'texpect much
of an advance before the summer
months, when the summer boarder
will be here with a Hood River
appetite. .
Patrons of the Pottland and Dalles
accommodation train will be pleased
to learn of the change made in the pas
senger equipment. The O. R. & N. Co
has replaced the former one combina
tion car carried with a straight baggage
car and an elegant lately remodeled
first-class coach and smoker. This ar
rangement virtually gives a day pas
senger train betweeu Portland and
Dalles, leaving Portland at 8:00 a. m ,
arriving at Dalles 1:00 p. m., and re
turning, leave Dalles at 2:00 p. m., ' ar
riving at Portland 7:00 p. m. daily, ex
cept Sunday The through passenger
train sll retains its old schedule, leav
ing Portland at 7:00 p. m for the East
and leaving Dalles at 4:00 p. m. for
In another column Mr. P.' A. Snyder
gives the result of his investigations in
regard, to (lie best varieties of apples, to
plant, which will . be of great benefit
to most of us. Mr. Snyder goes Into
the fruit business in a businesslike,
manner, and when his orchards come
intw bearing, it is safe to guess
he will not. lie found selling his apples
for a dollar when bis neighbor is get
ting two dollars a box. But we are all
learning, and knowing that we have a
good climate for the apple, let usr raise
the varieties lu wuich mere is the most
money.- v :.-. 1 '
. .Thursday morning we had a killing
frost, the thermometer going down to j
20 degrees., This is within 10 degrees
of the wildest weather of the winter.
Peached werifi about ready to bloom be
fore the cold snap, and genuine Hood
ltiver peaches will be a scarce article
in outside markets . next summer.
D. F.. Pierce will Set nineteen va
rieties of fruit trees on his grounds in
town, one free of each variety. He
has graded a nice lawn and seeded it
to grass, and by the free use of water
in the dry season will no doubt make it
a tiling of beauty, in keeping with his
neat residence. -v .. ': (,
Persons who are afraid to cut a few.
limbs from their bushy trees would do
well to take a look at M. V. Rand's or
chard.' It looks like reckless work, but
his ideas are correct if you are after
first-class fruit. If you want crabs and
shade trees, stick to your old-fogy no
tions. ' . -.; . ' . ;
Rev. J. W, Jenkins writes: "My
meeting of seventeen days at Heppner
closed last" night (March 121 h). Nine
teen persons obeyed the gospel, mak
ing twenty-eight in all since I began
preaching there about three mouths
ago." ;
The East Side roads are being great
ly improved by Supervisor Baud.
Turupiking ana wide turnouts are
made wherever needed. Stumps and
roots all have to go, and the days of
"a lick and a promise" have gone by.
Hood River carpenters are nearly all
employed on the new school house.
Among the number are Geo. T. Pra
ther, Will Graham, Bert Graham, J.N.
Reynolds, U O. Horning, B. M.Wood
ward and Mr. Howel. -
Miss Louise DuFlon came up from
Portland Wednesday and is the guest
of Mrs. Alma Howe. Her mother ex
pects U come soon, and both will re-
Itmtti fill tt"i Diinmai '
Will Langille.Malcolm Moody,LieutJ
iiiyioi oi . v uiiuuu vei , hiiu uie iwo rai
four Mothers of Lyle, will start for
Cloud Cap Inn today, leav lug Hood
River at noon.
Dr Adams will set 1400 apple trees
this spring. Sears .and Porter of tbe
East Side will set 600. The trees for
both pieces were furnished by H. C.
Batehum. ' y
A good deal of our space this week is
occupied, by town, ordinances. -But
those printed today are. of general
interest and everybody should read
them ; . ,' - . ..
The Frank ton Sunday school Is well
attended each Sunday and much in
terest is taken in it by teachers and
scholars. - M. P. Iseuberg is iu charge.
R. J. Ellis has lieen laid up for a
couple of weeks with a case of blood
posioning, caused by attending a sick
cow. . ... - ..
Farmers intending to irrigate will be
interested in the Hood River.'. Water
uupjjijr vu a uwuuc ill luis lonuc. ' . ji
' T ! 1 T" . it Tl r
uuviii ruiser oi L'Hvei ion was Here
Thursday to attend the funeral of his
- Mrs. A.' P. Morse left Wednesday
for Heppner to visit relatives aud
friends. ... t . '
: Mrs. A.-L. Phelps has been quite
sick with heart trouble, but is improv-
Miss Laura Wilson left Tuesday for
The Dalles, to remain for some time.
Frank Rogers arrived home from the
Sou lid Saturday.
For Sale Seed oats, alfalfa, timothy
and clover seed. F.E.Jackson.
Miss Callison's school, in district 2,
Commenced Monday with 25 pupils.'
' Judge Henry is sick aud confined to
his house; . r v - . f- '
' ' Dr. Sanders was in Hood River Wed
nesday. ., .
. Mrs. E. Snow Is sick, with a severe
cold. , . .
The balk of the season's grinding Is over,
but-the miller will be at home every Satur
day during the summer months, prepared to
grind your grist promptly.: . . . .: ......
' 129 ' : . HAKBISOS-BROS.
First class timothy hay for sale by Ferguson
& Davidson at 15 per ton. " marlO
niack harness oil, Ho cU a quart, at Pierce's
Harness and Shoe Store. ' ' . .
Wm. Tillett Is still in the nursery business,
with a good stock of home-grown trees. If In
Is out of what you want, he can supply you
with the following varieties from one of the
largest nurseries in Oregon: All kinds of cherry
trees; Spltzenberg, Gano, Ben Davis, Red Del
aware, Hyde's King of the West, Tompkins
King, and other leading varieties of apples.
Would he glad to quote prices on lots of 500
and 1000 trees. . Drop blra postal for terms.
. Council Proceedings.
At the meeting of the town council,
oa Tuesday. last,.ordiances numbered
6, 7, and 8 were passedrelating respec
tively to paymentof claims against the
town, licenses and taxing and killing.
dogs..- The: -official onds of t Lie re
corder, marstial and treasurer were
Bled . and approved. . Mayor Wolfard
reported the County Court had estab
lished a new road district to conform
with the town limits, as petitioned for,
and that the Dumber of the new dis
trict was 26,
The council adjourned till Monday,
March 25th, at 7.30 p. m.
Fruit Growers, Attention!
We have in stock, econominally and
scientifically prepared, condensed forms
of sprays as recommended by the Ore
gon state board of horticulture, as fol
lows: ' ' :
Spray No. 1 Lime, 30; sulphur, 20;
salt, 15 In such form as to require only
to dissolve 1 lb in 2 gals, water.
Sprav No. 2 Sulphur, 100; lime, 100;
blue vitriol 8, of which 1 lb in 2 gals,
for winter, down to 8 or 10 gals, for
summer use, is required. .
Spray No. 3 W hale oil soap (80 per
cent. , 20; sulphur, 3; caustic soda (98
percent.), 1; potash, 1; of this 1 lb in
5 gals, is the proportion.
Spray No. 4 Rosin, 4; salsoda, 3j 1
H to 7 gals, water for wooly aphis, etc.
Spray No. 7,- Bordeaux M. Copper
sulphate, 6; lime, 4; of which 1 lb in 2
gals, of water for winter, to 4 gals, for
summer, is the proper strength.
Acme Insecticide 1 lb to 5 gals,
water, as a universal insecticide and
wash for all tree and fruit pests; 10, 25 1
and 100-lb cases. ' - 1 '
Also, Paris green, London ' purple,
etc. Do not fail to see us before buying
our insecticides. .
Wilmams & Brosius. j
In Hood River, Monday evening,
March 11, 1895, Mrs. Martha Purser,
aged 77 years. " ' . .
, Mrs.Purser was born in Bedfordshire,
England, came to America in 1850;
moved to Oregon in 1874, came to
Hood River in April, 1876, and in
June, of the same year, her. husband,
Thomas Purser, died. She leaves five
children Mrs. Wm. FossMrs. Mary
Palmer, David, John and Joseph
Purser. She was buried - in ' the
Masonic cemetary , Thursday, at 10
o'clock. .
Sunday school at the Valley Con
gregational church each Sunday at
10.30, except on church days, when it
meets at 10 o'clock. "Come, now. Jet
us reason together, saith the Lord."
' Regular services are held at the M.
E. barracks, morning and evening of
the first Sunday of each month; In the
evening the remaining Sundays of the
month. The fourth Sunday evening
occupied by T. D. Gregory;. ;p
: ' ." F. L. Johns.
The evangelistic services at the Con
gregational church will continue over
Sunday. Rev. R. A. Rowley will
preach Sunday morning and evening
and conduct a children's service Satur
day, at 3 p. m. There will be no ser
vice on Saturday evening. ' -"
Supt. R. A. Rowley preached "at
Crapper's school house, last Sunday,
and organized a Sunday school of fifty,
members. Mr. J. Wickham was
chosen superintendent. Rev. J. L.
Heiscfener will preach at this school
house the fourth Sunday of every
month, at 3.30 p. m. . -
Rev. J. W, Jenkins will preach at
the Valley Congregational church on
Sunday,, the 17th, both morning and
evening. - ' :
' v Don't Stop Tobacco.
The tobacco habit grows on a man
until his nervous system is seriously af
fected, impairing health, comfort and
happiness. ,To quit suddenly is too se
vere a shock to the system, as- tobacco,
to an inveterate user becomes a stimu
lant that hissy8tem continually craves.
Baco-Curo is a scientific cure tor the to
bacco habit, in all its forms, carefully
compounded; after the formula of an
eminent Berlin physician who has used
it in his private practice since 1872,with
oat a failure, purely vegetable and guar
anteed perfectly harmless. You can use
all the tobacco you want, while taking
Baco-Curo, it will notify you when to
stop. We give a written guarantee to
permanently cure any case with three
boxes, or refund the money with 10 per
cent interest. Baco-Curo is not a substi
tute, but a scientific cure, that cures
without the aid of will power and with
no inconvenience. It leaves the system
as pure and free from nicotine as tbe
day you took your first chew or smoke.
Hold by all druggists, with our ironclad
guarantee, at $1 per box, three boxes,
(thirty days treatment), $2.50, or sent
direct upon receipt of price. Send six
two-cent stamps for sample box. Book
let and proofs free. Eureka Chemical
& Manufacturing Chemists, La Crosse,
Wisconsin. . ' ' ' -
The Ilood River Box Factory hag plenty of
apple boxes on hand.
For sash, doors, mouldings, brackets, com
bination fencing and turning, go to the Hood
River Box Factory.
- Wnt. Tillett has ordered apple trees of the
following varieties: 3000 Spitzenburg, 2000
Baldwin, 1003 Northern Spy, and 00 Oraven
steln. Apple trees, it is expected, will be
scarce In the spring, andlt behooves planters
to order early. f
Special Offer.
Good Only Until March 31, 1895
Send two new subscribers with two dollars
and get one year tree.
Send four new subscribers with four dollars
and receive the paper two years without cost.
. "Do you know a good thing when you see
It? A word to the wise is sufficient." Ad
dress THE REPUBLIC, St. Louis, Mo.
Seed Potatoes.
"RURAL NO. 2.". Took first prize at Hood
River Pair. Good keepers, good quality,
heavy ylelders, smooth surface. 75c per 100
lbs. Will dellverat Hood Uiver if desired.
Seed Corn for Sale.
NINETY-DAY CORN. Can Be had at the
gtore of George Crowell, at the Racket ctore
or atmy house. T. A. .TEMPLEfON,
mail. Hood RtverOr,
be as free from nicotine as the day before you first took your first chew or
smoke. An iron-clad written guarantee to absolutely cure the tobacco habit in
all its forms, or money refunded. Price $1 00 per box, or 3 boxes 30 days'
treatment and guaranteed cure), $2.50. For sale by all druggists, or will be
sent by mail upon receipt of price. SEND SIX T WO-CENT STAMPS FOR
SAMPLE BOX. Booklets and proofs free. v :
- Eureka Chemical & Mfg. Co., La Crosse, Wis. .
' . St. Paul, Minn.. Sept. 7, 1894.
Eureka Chemical and Mfg. Company, La Crosse, Wis. Dear Sirs: I have been a tobacco
fiend for many years, and during the past two years have smoked fifteen to twenty cigars
regularly every day. My whole nervous system became affected, until my physicians to d
me I mustgive up the use of tobacco for the time being, at least. I tried the so-called "Kee y
Cure" "No-To-Bac." and various other remedies, but without success., until I accidentally
learned ot your "Baco-Curo." Three weeks ago today I commenced using your preparation,
and today I consider myself completely cured.' I am in perfec ; health, and the horrible crav
ing for tobacco, which every Inveterate smoker fully appreciates; has completely left me. I
consider your "Baco-Curo" simply wonderful,
truly, .,..-.
Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established
Dry Goods, Clothing,
General Merchandise,
Flour and Feed. Etc..
Stockholders' Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that there will be a
meeting of the stockholders of the Hood River
F'ruit Growers' Union on Saturday, March 1,
1895, at 1 s'clock P. M., for the purpose of dis
cussing and adopting a definite plan for mar-
Keting tne coming oerry crop, .every person
having fruit to market should be present,
whether a member of the Union or not, as
matters of Interest to all will be discussed. By
order of the President.
mar9 . H. F. DAVIDSON, Secretary.
White Russian Oats
For seed, and the best kind rf Seed Beans, for
gale by J. R. GAl.LIGAN, ;
mart . ' Hood River, Or.
A Jersey Bull,
of service.
Service, 81.00, payable at time
Hood River, Or.
Eggs for Hatching.
Thoroughbred Brown Leghorn Eggs for sale
at 1.00 per setting. W. B. POTTER, .
miu-2 Hood River, Oregon.
Top Grafting.
Wm. Tillett is prepared to do Top Grafting,
and an work In the ltne of grafting, by con
tract or by day's work. Leave orders early, so
that scion can be prepared to do good work.
Here's your chance to get red apples to grow
on your yellow apple trees. WM. TILLETT.
I X L Wind Mill and Pump and Cider Mill
for sale, cheap Part cash; balance on time.
Inquire of M. A. CQOK.
For Rent.
A dwelling house in town,
marld - . G.
Inquire of
For Sale.
Five acres of good land 1 miles west of
town. Inquire of G. T. PRATHER.
mar 18
Farm for Sale, Cheap!
Or for rent. About 25 acres under cultivation;
4 miles from town of Hood River. Address
m v JAS. FEAK. Hood River, Or.
On 10 Years' Time,
Or for cash. Eight acres orchard; 8-room,
hard-finish house; 1300 bushel apple house,
stone; barns, etc.; water wheel, 8-horse power,
runs feed mill, '& bushels per hour; 5 perpet
ual springs; steamboat landing; all under
fence. Will sell all or part. Increasing years
compel sale. f28
Abreast of the Timet.'
je orana itducatar.
Successor of the
" Unabridged.'
Standard nf the
U. S. Gov't Print
ing Office, the U.S.
Supreme Court and
oi nearly bu iqi
Warmly com
mended by every
State Superinten
dent of Schools.
and other Educa
tors almost with
out number.
A College President writes I M For
"ease with, -which', the eye finds the
" word sought, for accuracy of defini
tion, for effective methods In lndl
" eating pronunciation, for terse yet
" comprehensive statements of facts,
"and for practical use as a working
" dictionary, ' Webster's International'
" excel any other single volume."
The One Great Standard Authority.
Hon. P. J. Brewrr. Justice of the TT. S.
Supreme Court, writes : " The International
Dictionary is the perfection of dictionaries.
1 commend it to an as tne one great sianu-
ara autnonty."
PA saving of three cents per day for a
year will provide more than enough money
to purchase a copy of the International.
Can you afford to be without it?
G. & C. MERRIAM CO., Publishers,
Springfield, Mass., U.S. A,
atfRmil to the nubllshers for fr immnWet.
no not uuy cneap repnow oi tincieui euiuons.
and lonH be imposed upon by buying a
remedy that requires you to do so, as it is
nothing more than a eubstUule. In the sud
den stoppage of tobacco you must have some
stimulant, and in most all cases the effect of
the stimulant, be it opium, morphine, or other
opiates, leaves afar worse habit contracted.
Ask your druggist about BACO-CURO.
It is purely vegetaoie. iuu
do not have to stop wing to
bacco ivith B ACO-CU RO.
It will notify you when to stop
and your desire for tobacco
will cease. Your system will
and can nuiy recoinmenu il. i our i very
Notary Palilic anfl Ins. Aeeat.
I represent five of the best insurance com
panlesi - -
Collections made and real estate handled on
favorable terms. ,
Office In Prather Block, Oak St.,
First Door West of Post Office.
Boots and Shoes made to order. Repairing
neatly done, and at ;-
; Bedrock Prices.
AH work first class. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
se2 . C. WELDS, Proprietor. ,
; DEALER IN- ' ;" ,
Kitchen Furniture, '
Pruning Tools, Etc.
Repairing Tinware a Specialty.
I have for sale two fine Fruit Farms and the
best hay farm in the valley. Plenty of run
ning water on all of them. 'Will sell any or
all of them Also, fine residence and lots at
different prices. Call on or address '
Hood River, Oregon,
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Country Produce Bought and Sold.
i. c, tun i.v tr-v f i-. v "tiiii.-i :-.
NIckelsen & Luckey will hereafter do all
plumbing and repairing, connecting to or de
taching from water mains.
d22 , . A. S. BLOWERS, Manager.
Forty acres unimproved land, on the east
side of Hood river, Smiles from town. Price
tlO per acre. Inquire at Glacier office.
prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to
WUNN fc CO., who have had nearly fifty years"
experience In the patent business. Communica
tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In-,
formation concerning Patents and bow to ob
tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mecban
. ical and scientlflo books sent free.
Patents- taken through Munn ft Co. receive
special notice In tbe Scientific American, and
thus are brought widely before the public with
out cost to the inventor. Tbls splendid paper,
iBsued weeklr, elegantly illustrated, has by far the
largest circulation of any scientific work In tbe
world. 83 a year. Sample copies Bent free.
Building Edition, monthly, $2.60a year. Blngle
copies, 25 cents. Kvery number contains beau
tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new
bouses, with plans, enabling builders to show tbe
latest designs and secure contracts. Address
MUNN & CO., NEW YOUK, 361 BboauwAT.
The Portland Sun is for sale every day at
the post office after the arrival of the .train
from Portland. ' . -
ThB Dalles, Portlanfl & Astoria
Navigation Co.
Through Freight and
Passenger Line.
All Freight Will Come Through
Without Delay.
One way.... ...$1 50
Round trip 2 SO
Freight Rates Greatly
General Agent.
K. McISEILJj, Keceiver.
" . TO THE
' . Gives the choice of
E O U T IE 3
Via ' . Via
Mi'nnoQTtftlio rTlT A TT A '
'. .i.. IV'n ... . . kT T
ST. PAUL. Kansas City.
Low Rates to All East
ern Cities.
No. 28, Freight leaves at
No. Mail "
- 11.45. A.M
; 10.0(1 P. At
No 27 , Local, leaves at , 8.15 P. M
No. 1, Mall
4:i2 A. M
i Leave Portland every five days for
HV.1" All! rlatutla .oil .... ( T? t- X A nAn.
Hood River, or address
Gen'l Posh. Agent,
i Portland, Or.
The Old Reliable
n ttc o its" rt vt cj '
215 Montgomery fcst.,
. Francisco. Cat. Business center of the
city, convenient to all banks.insuiHtice offices
and places of amusement. Containing X00
rooms. Terms $1.50, 82 and $2.50 per day.
Free coach to and from the hotel.
fl J. 8. YOUNG, Proprietor.
Water Supply
Notice.. Co.'s
Notice is hereby given to all parlies renting
water from the .Water Hupply Company of
Hood IJiver valley that security lor pnyment
of water rent this season, and also Cr delin
quent water rent for last se.!n, must be
given before water will bo turneu out. Pay
ment to be made on or before July 1, 1-0)3.
The securities will be received bv the secre
tary of said comoany until the (Kith day of
March, 1895. upon which day the board ot di
rectors of said company will meet mid take
action on such securities.
J. F. ARMOR, President.
Wm. Davidson, Secretary.
All work given him will be ilmio cor
rectly and promptly. . He him a few
good claims upon which he can locate
parties; both farming and timlicr luinls.
February. 18U4. , ,
nrT TTT.TTIT A "VTTT"T riT.ntr
The undersigned has on hand a good va
riety of choice
Frail ta, Plii? sis Vis,
at Hard Times Prices.
Grafting and budding done to order,
octl - II. C. BATEHAM.
I HI To) rT
iLlolfuo 'V..illd
. Bargain in Land.
For Sale Forty acres unimproved land,
east side of Hood river, 4 miles from town.
Will sell 5 or 10 acre tracts cheap. Inquire at
G acier office.
' - ' " ; ' : ; .