The Hood Eiver Glacier. It's a , Cold Day When We Get Left. VOL. 6. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, SATURDAY. MARCH 16, 1895. NO. 42. ' 2)eed Iftver (5 lacier. PUBLISHED ' EVERT SATURDAY MORNING BT S. F. BLYTHE, Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION PRICK. ! .' On. year. , Bl n , Six months 1 OC " ' Thrafi month. M Stifle copy I Cat. , GRANT EVANS. ROBT. HUSBANDS., THE GLACIER BARBER SHOP, Second St., Near Oak, Hood River, Or. EYANS 4 HUSBANDS, Proprietors. Shaving and hatr-cuttiug neatly done. Satis actum gaaranteed. v, . . JEWS IN GERMANY An Old Subject Revived in the Reichstag. CAUSED MUCH EXCITEMENT After M,uoh Confusion and. Personal Abuse the Deputies Rejected Motion Restricting Jewish Immigration by a Vote or 167 to 51. . , i . Berlin, March 8. During the. debate in the reichstag tb-day the question of . restricting Jewish immigration was dis cussed. Herr Haas suggested that nat uralization should be made conditional upon the national sentiment of the in dividual applying for it and upon his ability to earn his living. ? Herr Reick ert declared Herr Haas wished to erect a Chinese wall against free intercourse. Dr. von Boetticher said it was contrary to the spirit of thai commercial treaties , to prevent a Jew belonging to a contract . state from engaging in trade in Ger many. On the,,ther hand, there was nothing to preveittbq government from v expelling a foreigner who infringed the police regulations; Herr Hermes, amid loud and unceasing interruptions, vio lently attacked the anti-Semites, whom he declared to be a disgrace to Germany and worse everi than the Socialists. . Rector Ahlward, the notorious Jew hater, indulged in a violent - diatribe . against the Jews, whom he repeatedly described as being beasts of prey, swint dlers and pirates. Herr Richter pro tested against the president of the ' reichstag, Herr Levitzow, allowing such scandalous remarks to pass without cen " sure, but Richter. was himself rebuked by Herr Levitzow, who amid loud ap ' plause from the members of the right said he could not permit his conduct in the chamber to be criticised. To this Herr Richter retorted: "If I have not a technical right to do so, I have at least the moral right on my side." , ' The discussion was then closed, and after heated personal criticisms the pro '' posal of Haas was rejected. Later the resolution of Von Hammerstein against Jewish immigration was rejected by a vote of 167 to 51. CHANGED INTO A HORSE. The Days of Witchcraft Have Been Re. !" " newd in Indiana.. . ' Brazil, Ind., March 8. The days of witchcraft are revived at , Brazil.,- Two months ago a man named Stapleton, aged 60, married a Miss Johnson, aged 16 years. Two weeks ago the wife , left her husband, returning to her parents, since which time she is "controlled, by a mvsterious influence, under which she has spasmodic spells. They prey heavi ily upon her both physically and men tally. She alleges that her husband has bewitched her, and seeks, redress in the courts. The most peculiar phase of the phenomenal case is that by his black art, his wife alleges, the husband has transformed her into a horse, and re peatedly he has ridden her, under the cover of darkness to the point of - ex haustion. The young wife's brother threatens the life bf her husband, whose eon has filed complaint praying that -he be compelled to. execute ., a bond for surety of the peace., ; The situation is becoming complicated and sensational. ' 1 The Nicaragua Canal. WASHiNGTON,.March 8.7-Congressman Money, of Mississippi, will visit Nica ragua the last of this month and travel over the route of the proposed canal. He says he is riot satisfied with the pro visions of the, bill recently passed by the senate appropriating $70,000,000 for work en the canal, inasmuch as it is not stipulated that .the money should be en tirely expended in the work of construct ing the canal proper and might all, he claims, be thrown away in dredging the harbor of Greytown, which he declares would fill up again under the first "norther" that occurred. The sundry civil appropriation bill contains an item that $20,000 may be used in the govern ment's survey of the canal route. MADE IN ONE LUMP. Sufficient . Sum Appropriated to Build the Capitol. ' Olympia, March . 8. Scobey's bill, making an appropriation of $500,000 to continue work on the capitol building the next two years, came up for consid eration as the special order in the house at 2 p. m. The lobby was filled with residents of Olympia, a majority of whom were ladies, and great interest was manifested in the 1 result. J. C. Taylor, of Pierce, started the ball rolling Dy onenng an amendment which pro vided mat $U3U,uuu should be appropn ated instead of $500,000. The amend ment was adopted, the friends of the measure accepting it with favor. Taylor naa previously opposed tne measure, but he with others of the opposition were willing to support it if a sufficient amount to complete the capitol were appropriated at one time. They be lieved that an appropriation by each legislature tended to extravagance. Mor gan of Walla Walla moved to lay the bill on the table. This motion was lost 23 to 44 the Populists supporting it, The bill was then put on its final pass age. Before the vote Scobey made a speech in favor of the bill. He .said the amendment had been offered by certain gentlemen who were previously opposed to the measure, but had now come to its support. Rogers, the Populist, made a long speech against the bill. He re peated the argument made before the committee that the state was too hard up to expend money for a building at this time, and that the lands to be sold to raise the capitol fund would not bring a sufficient amount to make tne' bonds good. McArdie, under suspension of the rules, endeavored to amend the bill so (that laborers on the building should re ceive the pay usually given for such work by private i individuals. , The amendment was. lost. Then, .after nu merous speeches, the vote was taken and the bill passed 49 to 21. .. IN THE IRON WORLD. Uneasiness In Coke Dlsirlot Over Labor Troubles. : New York, March 8. -The Iron Age to-morrow will say : The outlook is fa vorable for a moderate advance in Bes semer ore and there is little hope , of any recovery in non-Bessemer ore. As a matter of fact, sales have been made to Eastern furnaces at figures lower than ever. This means there is a chance for higher cost of Bessemer pig, but little prospect through producers' necessities in foundry grades. Only a rush in the demand can bring that about. mi i - . . ii ml iue cone situation is puzzling, xuere is uneasiness as to renewed labor trou bles and some evidence that producers are maneuvering for an advance, v The purchases of Bessemer pig by the three leading Pittsburg concerns are estimated at an aggregate of about 125,000 tons, which clears the' market for sometime to come. ... A good deal of work is in sight in fin ished iron and steel. St. Louis has 44, 000 cars to place. - It is estimated thus far that orders for 27,000 cars have been given out, which is a considerable im provement over last year. For struc tural work the outlook is quite pleasing with reference to tonnage. The Dela ware bridge of the Pennsylvania com pany, involving upward of 10,000 tons, is soon to be criven out. There is nros- pect of a good deal of work in building iron. The steel rail trade continues slow. Still, Eastern mills took about 117.0UU tons, including 1Z.UUU tons tor a Georgia railroad. Activity in pipe con tracts continues, the Western mills sweeping everything before them in their own territory. INDIANS j IN WASHINGTON. Delegations From the Oaages and Nei . . Peroea. at the Capital. Washington, March 8. The delega tion of Osage Indians from Oklahoma had a long talk' to-day with Commis sioner Smith at the Indian.. bureau.. There were two factions represented, the fullbloods and the halfbreeds, and Major Henry B. Freeman the agent of the Osages, and an interpreter, accom panied them. They wanted the tribal lists purged, claiming that many per sons not entitled to enrollment nad been placed on the list by corrupt means, and aoncrht to have the offsDringof the union of white men and Indian women, born after the passage of the act of 1888, rec ognized as Indians instead of whites 'as prescribed, by law, They Tiiso .discussed the trading privileges of their reserva tion. The bureau of officials will co operate with them as far as possible in purging the lists, and will make an . in vestigation of the matter through an in spector,.. J ; - 'V .,- r4 ' ; . . , 'a Mammoth Public library. : ., New York, March 8. The proposition" to establish within the limits of the city a great public library by the consolida tion of the Astor and Lenox libraries with the Tilden trust fund began to take tangible shape to-dav. when the trustees of the Tilden fund voted (unanimously for the plan. The matter of consolida tion will be brought up at a special meeting of the trustees of the Lenox library to be held the early part of the week. :. ' ' " ' ' ' The Negroes Walking Back. : New Orleans, March 'S.-The . Ala bama and Georgia negroes, who a short time ago were induced by a syndicate, which pretended to have secured conces sions of land and exclusive privileges from the Mexican government for the benefit of the colonists to emigrate to Mapima, Mex., are walking back to Ala bama and Georgia.- Many have arrived at San Antonio without food or money. POORLY MANAGED Adjutant-General's Unbusiness like Extravagance. ' APPROPRIATION NOT ENOUGH The State of .Washington Has a Debt Exceeding 9100,000 Because of Mili tary Expenditures An Absolute Lack . of Economy. ;' - '7."'.:' Olympia, March 7. The senate com mittee on appropriations recommended favorably payment of the following de ficiency claims :,-'. '. ; Unaudited claims Yakima state fair....... f 10,199 Unaudited claims . Cheney . normal school , l 7,800 Unauditt d claims National Guard . 44.000 Tide land claims above certiricates. ........ 35,000 Uuauulted claims. Washington world a lair commission.... ,.. ... 17,500 Unaudited claims, w ,uan' department -.. world's fair commission.... 2,000 Agricultural college fuel, eleo ric light, Came, on contract ana sundries... 4,950 Di-au. exDeniiiE Dei.lteutiary , books. - thirty-nine days 292 Dean, expertlng veniieniiary books. fortyAhre dayi 490 Total..; I. .$ 22,171 Accompanying the' recommendation were reports trom tne committee on tne military and tide lands ' deficiencies. Regarding the military deficiency the committee said : s We find the deficiency in the military department over the appropriations made in 1893 to be about $43,uuu. this is in great part represented by claims against the state 'as yet unaudited. These claims are as. a rule just claims held by individuals in all parts of the state, and upon' being audited by the military board, which consists of the governor, state auditor and adjutant general, should be paid from the military fund. ' However much we may question the expediency, advisability or necessity of maintaining this large -outlay, the fact remains ; that the parties ; holding these claims dealt with . tne state in good faith, expecting to ' be paid, and we therefore recommend that the above ap propriation be made, to be used in tak ing up such claims only as are approved by the above named military auditing board. 1 .'"'. "In an examination into the financial management of the military department the appropriation committee has: been overwhelmed by an apalling exhibition of recklessness, extravagance and inca pacity on the part of. the adjutant-gen eral.,. ' He, -ia practically the business head of the military organization. He is a member of the military board, which makes' the expenditures, and, also a. member of the inilitary Auditing board, which passes upon the'sei expenditures, so that he can iustly be considered the responsble head in the management; of our military finances. , An examination of the records for the past four years has shown to the committee an utter lack of the ordinary sense, , sagacity and .com mon prudence which govern in the fin ancial transactions of to-day, and the unrestrained prodigality and profuse ness of expenditure on the part of the head of the military department war rant the belief that a few more years of the present management will, put the. department so far in arrears that a dec ade will be required to again-on an even footing. The committee find that, owing to disorders occurring in territorial days, the legislature saw. fit to establish a one-fifth of a mill tax on nsdRRRarl valuation of trOrertv in the state, to go into what is termed the mil itary fund. The entire receipts from this tax wet i. tormeriy expended under, no restrict ons, but upon obtaining state hood it became necessary, because of constitutional provisions, to ' make a specific appropriation from this fund for the maintenance ot the military organi zation. - The limits Bet by previous leg islatures as to the. amount of money to be expended seems to have been, utterly ignored, and the past twoi legislatures have found it necessary to meet defi ciencies caused by the failure of ;the ad jtftanfcgeneral " to keep within - the bounds set by them; - : The last legisla ture appropriated $80,000 for the niain tenance of the militia for two years $40,000 for each fiscal -year..' This was believed to be sufficient to keep the National Guard at a high standard of excellence, provided ordinary pare, fru gality and common business prudence were exercised by the chief military staff officer in whose hands the affairs of themilitia.are practically intrusted.. We find, however an absolute lack and ab sence of economy, and nd inclination whatever to keep the expenses within the appropriation The Case Against Stanford's Estate. San Francisco; March 7.-Lewis', D. McCusick, who', has received ..his. ap pointment as special counsel in the gov ernment's suit against the - Stanford estate to recover its pro rata of the Pa cific railroad debt, said this ' morning he had no idea when - the action would be begun. No complaint has yet been filed in the case, and it is not known whether the attorney-general will have it drawn up here or in Washington. Until the complaint Is prepared the government's plan will not be known. . Y California Militia to Be Paid. San Francisco, March , 7. The long- delayed ' payments to the members of the .National Guard lor neld services during the late strike are to be made. General .Chadbourne expects that the warrants and check books win arrive from Sacramento in a few,' days, and then the force of clerks under his. com mand will commence to pay off the 'sol diers' at once.- ' General Chadbourne stated this afternoon .that every mem ber of .the. guard would receive his money within fifteen days. FOUND A SHORTAGE. Muddled Condition of a Missionary So ciety's Accounts. New York, March 7. There is shortage in the accounts of the Ameri can Church Missionary Society, and the books of the organization have been found to be in such confusion that the experts are not as yet in a position to make a detailed statement. The state ment implicates Rev. William A. New bold, of MontclairiN. J., and the treas- urer, Henry A. Oakley of New York city. The fact that their accounts were in a muddled condition was discovered about a month ago, and at once a spe cial committee was appointed to inves tigate the matter. To-day a meeting of the executive committee was neld. Tne special committee presented its report in which it was stated that a shortage had been found. The report itself the committee refused to : make public. Bishop Peterkin, of West Virginia, said to-night relative to the action of the executive committee : - "The irregularities are such as war rant tne removal of. the secretary and treasurer from office. The. society's ex penditures are between $25,000 and $30, 000 a year, and the money is paid out mostly in small sums, making the audit ing of the accounts extremely difficult, The society has not been entirely crip pled by these irregularities, but they have extended over a period of five or six years. It is impossible to . make a detailed statement. 1 would not like to call it defalcation, but I will Bay that hereafter the society would like its money handled in a different manner." A BUREAU WITHOUT A HEAD. A Tangle in the Affairs of the Immigra .. - ' . tion Department Washington, March 7. There is , a curious tangle in the affairs of the im migration bureau which cannot be straightened out until the president re turns from his trip to North Carolina. By an act passed during the closing hours 6f congress, and which received the president's approval,, the office of superintendent of - immigration was abolished, and the position of ''commissioner-general of immigration" . was created. No provision was made in the bill, which was drafted by the treasury department, to continue in office Mr. Herman Stump, of Maryland, the pres ent efficient superintendent of immigra tion under the new title given to the duties of his office as "commissioner- general of immigration." .The conse quence is that the immigration bureau is now without an official head. - Mr. Stump continues .to exercise general supervision over the work of the office, but the official mail has to be signed by the chief clerk. When the president re turns of course it will be entirely compe tent for him to make a recess appoint ment , designating "Superintendent" Stump as "commissioner-general," and if. 'the senate, when it meets in Decem ber, confirms the nomination everything will be all right. - In the meantime, and until the president returns and 'takes action, there is a vacancy at the head of the immigration bureau. ; i THE GOVERNMENT WON.' A Case Involving Claims for Rebates of . . . . ' Tariff. ' New York, March 7. Among the de cisions handed down - to-day in the United States circuit court of appeals was one which was a signal victory for the governihent, the decision in question being in the case of the United States against E. Rosen wald & Bro., irh port ers. '" The judgment of the lower court in favor of the importers is reversed, and the collector's classification of bumatra tobacco, on which the case hinges, is sustained. The case is unusually im portant, because the refunds claimed by importers of Sumatra tobacco under the tariff of "1883, still unpaid, amount to over $1,000,000. The decision may en: aDle the government to prevent any re covery at all by the importers. In ad dition it will probably prevent any future similar claims for refunds..,'.,:,.. v .": Queer Pulpit Utterances. Boston, March 7. The Rev. W. H.. Smith, of South Acton, one of the lead ing Universalist ministers, declared that 90 per cent of ministers were looking for new parishes, and were muzzled by cir- -cumstances.' He said : "I "think when a rich man hears that a number of peo ple have been killed in a mine be. re joices. That is tne spirit among tne, rich; Then the rich are over-reaching," taking advantage of the poor in every direction, i I believe we shall yet have a war in which every man will carry. the most approved gun and go out hunting for rich men as they do for -squirrels."; He. closed by quoting: "The republic is a delusion, freedom a dream and the song of liberty a funeral dirge." The other clergymen have expressed their disapproval of Mr. Smith's remarks. , Chinese General Beheaded by His Men. London,' March 7. Under date of Tien Tsin, to-day, the Times publishes a dispatch saying that, disturbances are increasing. One of the Chinese gen erals in the Shan Tung province was be : headed by his soldiers for attempting to suppress pillage. Similar troubles are reported at Hunan and Liao Yang, near Moukden, which is probably taken. 1 .: " : Coxey and Debs.' . MaBbilon, O., March 7. Promptly upon his return from the convention of Populist editors in the ' West, : Carl Browne hired four more - office-rooms and the Coxey presidential campaign moves bravely on. The suggestion that a ticket reading Coxey and . Debs would be in accordance with the eternal fitness of things meats with favor., .. NORTHWEST NEWS Condensed Telegraphic Reports of Late Happenings. TAKEN HOT FROM THE WIRES Budget of News for Easy Digestion From a Different Parts of the States of Wash- ington, Oregon and Idaho Items of , Interest to Paciflo Coast People. Grant's Pass, Or., has 405 boys and ouu gins oi Bcuooi age, ,, . . , . , The farmers about Silver Lake, Or., are desirous of establishing a creamery. The school census in' Corvallis, Or., shows 352 females and 316 males ; total "' An effort is being made to start up the Ucosta, Wash., mill plant that has been idle tor a year. -.-.-! The city council of Seattle has donated $200 to the Salvation army to be used in its labor, relief work. ; : : It is proposed to hold an encampment of G. A. R. veterans of Eastern Oregon i T nn J a. ai Ji.igin, JUiy zo ana iA. , , f There are 12,000 sacks of grain in the monkiand district or Sherman county, ur., yet in the tanners' hands. : ' Four regulars and eight specials are to be dropped from. the Spokane' police rorce in we interest oi. economy. As soon as the weather is suitable the prisoners in ' Spokane county. Wash.. jail will be set to work on the roads. The woolen mills at Bandon, Or., are running overtime with orders enough to keep at it all summer. A shortage of wool is threatened. ; , . , . , Many owners of hopyards are putting up the wire system this spring. It costs but little more than poles and lasts for a number. ot years. : : A public wool warehouse and market will be established at Baker City, Or. It win be buxiuu teet, oi corrugated iron. on stone foundation. ' . ',:-, : s It is said there is to be a boom in the Althouse mining district this year, and thgt lou stamps will be at work in the vicinity of Browntown. - . The Heppner, On. board of trade has appointed a committee to see what can be done" to. open a road between . that city and Parris creek. . . :. , , A subscription is being taken" among the sportsmen of Walla Walla, Wash., for the importation Of 400 pairs of bob white quail to stock that section, f; j :''A Tacoma,,Wash., firm is making large shipments of eggs to Montana. This is result of the Eastern blizzards cutting on the supply trom that direction. The business men and farmers of La Center, Am boy, Chelatchie and Yacolt, Wash., are talking of jointly building a good road in that region eighteen miles long: -, " , ' ... , , There is a project on foot to open up a trail and ppstal route between Grant's Pass and (iold tieach, Ur., by way of the junction of Rogue and Illinois rivers. Illahee, Reuben and Leland. , The Salem. Or., postmaster has been directed by the postal department : to discharge one carrier from his fore. A remonstrance petition is being signed to be forwarded to the postmaster-general. The telephone svstem from Spokane to Coeur d'Alene is to , be extended to Helena and , other Montana ' points. twenty-five miles of , wire being put under ground in crossing the Goeur d'Alenes. , . , ' Captain Maltby has sent the What com, Wash., board of trade some sam ples of Wilson hybrid tobacco raised on his farm at Lynden. This year he and G. L. Ramsdel will raise about ten acres f the Havana variety. , : , : H. i B. Williams, Frank Cook et al.V have filed articles of incorporation for the American Patriotic -'Memorial As sociation of Whatcom, Wash. ; The ob ject of -the association is to " furnish gratuitoa instruction to the children of soldier ad sailors who served in the war. ::.:', v- ,'i ;.;,.: ... ' -' The Tacoma, Wash., committee in charge of the army-post matter has de cided to report in favor of a half-dozen sites as follows : East Side of American Lake, west Bide of American Lake, Span away Lake, Steilacom site, near! Albert Why te's place, Edison site, near Edison, and Point Defiance, V :;'. OV: V ;: '- Oly m pi a people are determined to re sent to: the utmost the action 'of Ta coma's newspapers and chamber of com merce in regard to the continuance oi work on the capitol, and business men are correspondingly grateful for Seattle's friendliness on what is to. . Olympia . the all-important question. i t,rr. : A compromise- has been effected in the affairs of the. Aberdeen, Wash.; bank; and joint receivers have been appointed by the superior court. In . consequence the appeal has been withdrawn, and the receivers are now hard at work endeavor ing to straighten out the tangle. The receivers are : J. P. Carson,- of . Monte sano, and .Eugene France, of Aberdeen. Both are well-known business men. and depositors can rest satisfied that their interests will be protected in every way possible. - --':-: '..":-':tr-i .?'; ,','-'';, . ::-' Senator Campbell's bill, which is prac tically for the relief of the city of Ta coma, Wash,, in: permitting an extension of the water system, passed the senate, and was immediately transmitted to the house and passed there. Two years ago the city of Tacoma at a special election appropriated $300,000 for the extension of its water system to Pattison springs. These did not have the capacity sup posed, and as the money was voted for a special purpose it. was impossible to extend the system in any other direction without another vote of the people. The bill is for the purpose of again submit ting the matter, , NEWSPAPER LAWS. What Has Long Been a Fiction Is Now Made a Crime. Washington, March 7. The assistant attorney-general for the postoffice de partment has made an important ruling in regard to what are known as "newsi paper laws.", These so-called laws pro vide that subscribers to newspapers are liable for the prices thereof unless they give express notices to discontinue ; that when they give notice to discontinue without- paying arrearages or refuse to take papers from the office, the pub lisher of a newspaper can have any one arrested for fraud who takes a news paper and refuses to pay for it, and that is a dangerous trick to allow a subscrip tion account to run on for six months or a year and then tell the postmaster to , mark it "refused" or send the editor notice to discontinue the paper. The department has time and again inform ed persons making inquiries and the public generally that there are no such laws. The ruling just made, however, goes beyond this. It was to the effect ' that a publisher who makes a demand for payment of the subscription price of his paper through the mails, accom , pahied by a threat of enforcing such pretended laws in case the demand is not complied with, may be prosecuted for attempting to obtain money under false pretenses, provided he knows that such so-called laws have no existence as laws or decisions in the courts. THE WEATHER SIGNALS.' ueoessful Tests Made by the Bureau Officer In New York. ' T New York, -March 8. A most suc cessful test was made this evening of the new weather signals constructed by -' the weather bureau in the tower of the Manhattan Life Insurance Company's new building at 66 Broadway. . The sig : nals," red and white, are' placed one above the other, 384 feet above the sea level. The lights, which were especial ly constructed for the bureau have a combined strength of : 64,000 candle- power. The red signal consists of ten : arc' lamps, each of 4,000 candle-power.. ' ThS white signal, which is plated above the ed twelve feet, is made up of six arc lamps, each of 4,000 candle power. rhetest was made soon alter 7 o'clock. Sergeant Dunn said he- had men sta tioned at Newark, Rutherford, Long Isl and City, Hoboken and ' Brooklyn, who will report their observations of the sig- v- nals made. He added : ' ' ' "These signals will indicate approach ing winds, and will not be used as rain or snow signals. The red light alone in- a dicates easterly winds and- hurricanes.' . The white light will say a frosty morn ing; the1 red and white, high westerly winds, and a flash light with a green shade will indicate a cold wave." - - - The lights can be Been fifty miles away, . - - ,".-'- THE CRUISER OLYMPIA. , The Builders Complimented by the Naval Examiners. San Francisco, March 7. The Olym pia, built by the Union iron works of San Francisco, was accepted by the sec retary of the navy on February 21, and on February 28 he forwarded a copy of the report made by the naval board of examiners to the local constructors, and congratulates the department on the ex cellence of the ship. A copy has just, been received by the Union iron works and it reads as follows: "The board congratulates the department On the ad dition of the Olympia to the navy of the United states, which with its great fighting power, speed and elegant ap pearance is a credit to the navy and American skill. It is with great pleas ure that the board calls the attention of the department to the excellent work done by the Union iron works, their care in all the details of construction and the clean, and finished condition of the ves- THE BIG YACHTS. Aluminum-Steel Plates for the Cup De- . fender at Bristol. V Bristol, R. I., March 8. The first . shipment of aluminum steel plates for the cup defender arrived to-day from the Pittsburg Reduction Company's Works. There were thirteen of these : plates, each 13 feet 6 inches long, I foot 9 inches wide and one-quarter of an inch thick. ! The center section of the bronze keel plate, 12 feet long, also arrived at Bristol to-day. The larger end of this is. 23 inches in width and is 15 inches wide at, the narrow end. ' Its weight is 938 pounds. The total weight of the keel plate will be z.UO pounds, with a total ength of three sections of 34 " feet 9 inches.; -Work is being rushed along, notwithstanding the sickness of De signer Nat Herres'hoff. ' A Circus Freak Dead. . Columbus,: Ind., March 8. Grimes Austin, the "wild man from Madagas car," is dead. He had Jong white hair and large eyes with a scarlet tinge. Ex hibited with a circus in a steel-barred cage, dressed in skin garments and fet tered like a wild beast, he bcame a draw ing card and traveled extensively with Barnum and others. He leaves an es tate worth $40,000. 1 . . .... .. ";. : " ' T.jspAMessors to Meet. . Spokane, Wash., March 6. Aconven- tion '. of county assessors of ,' Eastern Washington will be held in : Spokane March 15. The purpose will be to de- term in e an equitable basis for an assess ment of personal property, with particu lar reference to livestock. ; The asses sors agree that the valuation fixed on the west side of the mountains for high- grade horses and cattle cannot be justly applied to range stock on the east side. -.if Hi r it '.If ' j'O r. ? ..',t 'A ,7 JO - i.V v ' '' ,-; ' ' .VI li'l