c ft grtrS T for use the "Royal." It will make the food lighter, sweeter, of finer flavor 1 i more digestible and wholesome. V "We recommend the Royal Baking Powder as superior to all others." United Cooks and Pastry Cooks1 Associ ation of the United States, WHEN WOMEN REGISTER. When the women come to voting . And to giving names and ages, jThere'U be lots of funny capers On those registration pages. Whether she's a Miss or Mrs. Will annoy the registrars. Asking won't be safe they'd rather Bead the answer in the stars. As for ages if the question Must be asked the man without Faith in truthfulness of answers Had best not display his doubt. Ee'll put down the sweet voioed answers, Ask not if they're what they Beem, And, for publio satisfaction, Use perhaps this little scheme: Mark the age, when "claimed," In this way (t) - - Each "refused la answer" so () And all ages that are "sworn to"' With three daggers in a row () Detroit Free Press. WE GIVE AWAY 'V. ; A Sample Package (4 to 7 doses) of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets To any one sending name and address to us on a postal card. QNCB USED THEY ARE ALWAYS IN FAVOR. Hence, our object in sending them out broadcast ON TRIAL. They absolutely cure SICK HEADACHE, Biliousness, Constipation, Coated Tongue, Poor Ap petite, Dyspepsia and kin dred derangements of 'he Stomach,I,iver and Bowels. Don't accept some substitute said to be "just as good." The substitute costs the dealer less'. It costs. you ABOUT the same. HIS profit is in the , "just as good." - WHERE IS YOURS? . , Address for Freb Sample, World's Dispensary Medical Association, No. 663 Mala St., BUFFALO, N. Y. Catarrh caused hoarse nessan&.difjiculty in speak ing. 1 al o to a great extent lost hearing. By the use of July's Vream Jialm crop ping of mucus has ceased, voice and hearing have freatly improved. J. W )aviason,AUorney-at-Lau Monmouth, III, J CATARRH ELY'S CREAM BALM Opens and cleanses the Nasal Passage', Allays Pain and Inflamma tion, Heals the Bores, Protects the Membrane from colds, Restores the Senses of Taste and Bmel 1. The Balm Is quickly absorbed and gives relief at once. A particle is applied into each nostril, and Is agreeable. Price, 60 cents at Druggists' or by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 58 Warren Street, New York. WALTER BAKER & GO. The Largest Manufacturers of PURE, HIGH GRADE COCOAS AND CHOCOLATES On thii Continent, hare received ' HIGHEST AWARDS from the gnat Industrial and Food EXPOSITIONS In Europe and America. Unlike the Dutch Process, no Alka om or nther Chemicili or Dvci are iimM In inv nf their nrt no rations Their riftlfolmn UREA K FAST COCOA U absolutely pure and soluble, and cotts leu than one cent a cvp. SOLD BY JROCER8 EVERYWHERE. WALTER BAKER & CO. DORCHESTER, MASS. IMPROVE YOUR SIGHT... EYES flWd by mail. Write for our home sys tem of tiding the eyes FREE. REED & MALCOLM Established 1884. ' Oragonlan Bld'g. Portland, Or. f.MHfS WHLHE ALL ELSE FAILS. I Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. in time, boiq py oruggiar-a. I M 2E5SJ 1 CsefJ Is 9 I I I i N EVERY Re ceipt that calls baking powder CATARRH OF STOMACH INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THIS PECULIAR DISEASE. A Well-Known St. Louis Man Relates His Experience and Tells How He Succeeded in Getting Belief. From the St. Louis, Mo., Chronicle. "No one knows except myself the amount ot Buttering I endured tor up. ward of four years, from w hat I was told was ctvtarrh of the stomach." The speaker was Mr. J. P. Fox, one of the best known professional swimmers in St. Louis, now at Prof. Clark's Natatori- nm. lUth and Pine. Prof. Dox'soccupa' tion necessitated his being in the water several hours every day. He contracted a severe cold, which he neglected, then another and another and finally he broke down, the effect of these colds seemed to debilitate and finally disease his stomach, and he had such symp toms as stinging pains in his head, an inflammation of the membranes of the throat and air passages, which filled with a slimy substance, his appetite failed him, he became gaunt ana thin and excessively nervous all of which denoted Catarrh of the stomach. An attack of vertigo one day rendered him unconscious for half an hour after which he was confined to the house and scarcely able to walk across the room. He was sleepless, had violent pains and indi gestion of the worst kind. Mr. Fox said to our reporter : "Often I would be seized with a feel ing of suffocation. This went on until one day a friend insisted that I try Dr. WilliamB' Pink Pills for Pale People, and he read to me a paper wherein sev eral cures of cases similar to mine were reported. I determined to give them a trial. My mother threw the doctor's medicine away, and actually before I had taken half of the contents of the first box I began to feel a marked im provement. I began to sleep well, with my returning appetite I began to take a better view of lile, the gnawing sensa tions in my stomach disappeared, I ceased to belch up gas and had no feel ings of vomiting after eating, the sore ness in my throat went away, and, well, within a month I ventured out of the house. I kept on with the pills, and well you see me now. I feel as well as ever 1 did, and 1 don't suppose there is a sounder man physically than myself in the country. I am in and out of the water three and four times a day, giving swimming lessons, and I certainly at tribute my present good health to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. You can use my name if you want to and I shall be E leased to tell of the' great benefits I ave derived from the, use of the pills at any time." i Dr. William' Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple are now manufactured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenec tady, N. Y., and are Bold in boxes (never in loose form by the dozen or hundred, and the public are cautioned against nu merous imitations sold in this shape) at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggists, or di rect by mail from Dr. Williams' Medi cine Company. ' A Mortuary Joke. . t . "I have recently had a strange experi ence," said a gentleman yesterday. "What was it? Well, the other day I met a lady acquaintance on the street, and after the exchange of the usual greetings she proceeded to condole with me over the death of my wife. I was dumfouhded over her pathetic and pro fuse sympathy. When I recovered my senses, I ventured to enlighten the lady by assuring her that my wife was in the land of the living, well and hearty. The lady was astonished to learn that Mrs. , an intimate friend of my wife, who had told her, could have been so mis taken. In less than an hour, after cor recting this error I met another mutual friend, and she had also been told by Mrs. that my wife had gone to that Undiscovered country. "During that afternoon and the day following a dozen people expressed their sympathy over my loss, and strange to say all of them had learned the story from Mrs. . I of course told my better half, and we determined to call on Mrs. for an explanation. It was early in the evening when in answer to the ringing of the doorbell Mrs. opened the door. She pretended to be startled by my wife's presence and screamed: 'Why, Mary, can this, be you? I thought you were dead.' " 'So I have heard from a dozen sources,' responded Mary, 'and I want you to ex plain.' v " 'Explain? Why, that is easy. You told me a week ago that if you were alive you would come out on Wednesday and spend the day with me. You didn't come; hence I concluded that you were dead and said so to those acquaintances I met.' "The women kissed, and Mary called Mrs. a mean rogue and so termi nated the mortuarv ioke. in which I failed to discover the humor." Louis- 1 vllle Courier-Journal. ANTICS OF LIGHTNING SOME OF ITS . QUEER FREAKS IN PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIO. A Lancaster Man Ran Across Some Expert ences In the Buckeye State That Beat Anything He Had Seen at Home Havoc Among the Sheep In Big Oil Valley. I was once driving over the Martic hills, in the lower part of this county, with, my wife and baby, flying from a thunderstorm that was coming up rapidly in the valley, but I only did not escape from the storm, but ran right into another one equally heavy on the very summit of the ridge. When the two storms traveling in opposits directions met directly over our heads, streaks and balls of fire began playing around like the spitting and exploding off shoots of a miscellaneous collection of Fourth of July pyrotechnics. Lightning danced and flashed on every bit of metal there was in my horse's harness, whirled around with the tires on all four vheels and ran about and zigzagged everywhere about the buggy frame, until we were lit erally sitting in a fiery chariot drawn by a horse incased in flaming harness. Neither myself, my wife norchild suffered the slightest physical injury or inconven ience from that awful play of electricity about us, and the horse seemed to be im. proved by it, but the nervous strain on us all was terrible. That extraordinary elec trical disturbance lasted at least a quarter of an hour. -,.. , Well, I thought that a little the queerest sort of an experience with lightning that any one ever- had or was likely to ha ve, but I have just come back from a visit to Ohio,and want to say that that experience of mine might have been the boss queer one up to this summer, but it isn't any more. I ran across some others in Ohio that can beat it. Take the one, for instance, at Bailyville. I got to Bailyville at about noon one day. A thunderstorm had just passed over that locality, and the clouds had nearly all broken away or rolled to the southward. The sun had come out and all uneasiness on account of the storm had passed away for thunderstorms in that region are nearly al ways attended by more or less damage when the most terrific thunderclap ever heard there or elsewhere, so close to the earth that the earth trembled as if from an earthquake, and preceded not more than a second by a flash of lightning of blinding sharpness, broke from the cloudless noonday sky. The sudden appearance and terrible nature of the startling phenomenon par alyzed the farming community with alarm, and it was several minutes before any one ventured forth to see what damage had been done by the thunderbolt. Some very amazing things were discov ered. In a field on the edge of the village a large flock of sheep were pasturing. The sheep had all huddled together as sheep will during a thunderstorm, and were still huddled when the surprising clap came. When the owner of the sheep went to the field to see if anything had befallen his flock, he found every sheep standing just as they had huddled in the storm, but out of the 40 in the flock 18 were dead. Not one of the dead sheep had fallen to the ground. That was strange enough, but the 18 dead sheep were black sheep, all the oth ers being white and unhurt. Each dead sheep had a hole in the back of its neck around which the wool was burned away. On a farm a short distance from the vil lage a big flock of sheep had gathered in a circular bunch during the storm, and every outside sheep was killed, 20 .in all, and all white fleeced. On that same farm, but in another field, was a small flock of sheep, all white except one, which was a big black ram. The ewes all huddled about the ram while the storm raged, and when the thun derclap came the ram was killed, no harm befalling one of theothersheep. More than that, the ram's fleece had been turned by the shock as white as that of any other sheep in 'the flock. That was all the dam' age that was reported during the hour I was in Bailyville, but it was enough to con vince me that Ohio lightning knew a few tricks that Pennsylvania lightning hadn't learned yet. My friend Simon Frey lives at Big Oil Valley with his wife and 7-weeks-old baby. One day Simon was hurrying home from the valley trying to get there before a big thunderstorm that was coming up caught him. The rain began falling before he got there, and was coming down for cer tain when he drove into his barn. Simon stood in the barn door waiting for the rain to slack up, when his house was struck by lightning. It seemed to hit both chimneys at once, and a streak of fire ran from one chimney along the peak of the roof, and midway between the two chimneys it met another streak of fire that was flashing along the peak from the other chimney, or, rather, where the chimney had been, for both chimneys had been knocked into brick dust by the lightning. When the two fiery currents met in the center of the ridgepole, there was an explosion like the discharge of a cannon, and a fountain of bluish flame, that threw off snapping and zigzagging sparks and jets of fire, shot up into the air at least 10 feet. Then all was over, the whole exhibition lasting not more than three seconds. Simon was only three rods away from the house, but felt not the slightest effects of the terrible shock. He ran to the house, not knowing what horrifying sight might await him there, as it seemed impossible that his wife and baby could have escaped death beneath that terrible electrical bom bardment. But they had, and after the first shock of his fright was over Simon couldn't do anything else but lie down and almost burst with laughter, the lightning had brought about so ludicrous a situation in the house. Mrs. Frey was sitting on the kitchen table, her head resting against the wall. In One hand she held a rolling pin, while the other was buried to the wrist in a roll of dough. She was covered with floui from head to foot. The baby lay in a basket of newly washed clothes in a fat corner of the kitchen, yelling at the top of its lungs. The baby's cradle was turned upside down in the-center of the room. Aside from a severe nausea that troubled Mrs. Frey all the rest of the day, neither she nor the baby suffered any ill effects from their extraordinary experience. Lan caster (Pa. ) Letter in New York Sun. ' A Bit of Bealistio Acting. , Henry Irving's story of Charlotte Cush- man gives you a better idea of the methods and style of this great artist than a dozen impersonal and well padded essays would. She was acting Meg Merrilies. , In one scene in answer to her appeal for money, he, personating an important character in the piece, hands her his purse filled with the broken crockery which is generally used for stage gold. One day Miss Cushman suggested gently to him the superior real ism of opening the purse, selecting a coin and giving it to her. No matter how mag nificent it might look it was hardly nat ural for a gentleman to hand over a purse full Of money to a crazy beggar. San Fran cisco Argonaut. . - : , . I THE POPCLI8T. . Why shouldn't there be a third party ? It is true they disturb the smooth running of the regular organizations and sometimes overturn elections, but what is popular is founded on merit: As for instance, among all the remedies used for sprains and bruises, St. Jacobs Oil is the most popular because it is known to be the best; hence it is the Populist in medicine. The more because it cures so promptly and surely. Theieis no. crippling from Bprain where this old remedy is used. It imparts new lile and strength ana the pain vanishes. Truly it is a ropuust. The Marquise Lanza of New York has some fine diamonds and some Mexican gar nets which resemble rubies.. She is also the owner of a scarfpin which formerly be longed to the French prince imperial, who was killed by the Zulus. Every woman before leaving her room after the morning toilet should open wid the windows, placing the bedclothes so th the air will freshen the sheets, blanki and pillows. An Eager and a Kipping Wind, A continuous down pour of rain, inclenv ent weather, generally in winter and spring, are unfavorable to all classes of in. valids. But warmth and activity infused into the circulation counteracts these in fiuences and interpose a defense against them. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, most thorough and effective ol stomachics and toir.es, not only enriches the bl od, but accelerates its circulation. For a chill, or premonitory symptoms ot i rheumatism and kiduey complaint, particularly preva lent at these seasons, it is the best possible remedy. It is also invaluable for dyspep sia, liver complaint, constipation and ner vousness. Never set out on a winter or spring iournev without it. ElderJv per sons and the delicate and convalescent are greatly aided by it. . "There's a good deal that's swell abontCholly Cadkins," said one girl. "Yes." replied the other; "ihe ooly trouble is that most of it has gone to ins neaa. EXPOSUEE TO CHiNfel!S 0F TEM PK It A TIT It IS. Public men are constantly liable to dan ger arising from sudden changes of tem perature; sometimes from heat to cold, sometimes th a reverse. Henry Thorne, Traveling Secretary of the Y. M. 0. A., writes from Exeter Hall, Strand, London, February 2d. 1888: "I desire to bear my testimony to the Value Ol ALLCOCK'B i"OEOUS rLASTBRS. 1 have used them for rains in the back and Bide arising from rheumatic and other. causes never without deriving benent from their application. They are easily applied and very comforting. Those engaged as I am in public wort which involves expo. sure to sudden changes of tempeiature, will do we.'l to keep a supply of Allcock's Porous Plasters in their portmanteaus. Bbandbbth's Pills act upon the whole system. Mr. Baldy Am 1 to apply this hair restorer. eveiy day r Barber for Heaven s sake, no. Do you want to look like the wild man from Bor neo inside oi a week v SlOO REWARD $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hun dred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. sold by Kruggists, 7oc. NEW WAY EAST NO DUST. :' ". Go East from Portland, Pendleton, Walla Walla via 0. R. & N. to Spokane and Great Northern Railway to Montana, Dakotas, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago,'' Omaha, St. Louis, East and South. Rock-ballast track; tine scenery ; new equipment Great N orth ern Palace Sleepers and Diners; Family Tourist Cars; Buffet-Library Cars. Write C. C. Donovan, General Agent, Portland, Oregon, or T. I. Whitney, G. P. & T. A., St. Paul, Minn., for printed matter and in formation abo.it rates, routes, etc. PIANOS Hardman Chickering Fischer. Low priced ; easy terms. For sale by WILEY B. ALLEN CO. (the oldest and Largest music store), 211 First Si., Portland. Use Enamellne Stove Polish ; no dust no smell. Try Germka for breakfast. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with 'ess expenditure, by more promptly idapting the world's best products to ihe needs of physical being, will attest he value to health of the pure liquid axative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing, constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid nevs. Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it -is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 50c andfl bottles, but it is man ufactured by the uaiitornia n lg eyrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every Dackasre. also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. arch Are Ihe Best Months in Which to u ri f y Y ou r B food And the Best Blood Purifier is o pd 's Sars a pari 1 1 a Which Purifies, Vitalizes At this season everyone should take a good spring medicine. Your blood must be purified or you will be neglecting 70ur health. There is a cry from Nature lor help, and unless there is prompt and satisfactory response you will be liable to serious Alness. , ' ' This demand can only be met by the purifying, enriching and . " Blood-Vitalizing elements to be found in Hood's Sarea parilla. " My mother-in-law, Mrs. Elizabeth Wolfe, at the age of 72 years, was at tacked with a violent form of salt rheum ; it spread all over her body, and her hands and limbs were dreadful to look at. At the same time, my little daugh ter Clara, who was just one year old, was attacked by a similar disease, like scrofula. . It appeared in " . - AND ONLY An agreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIC Bold by Druggists or sent by mail. 26c.. 60c, and $1.00 per package. Samples free. Wrt YMft The Favorite TOOTH POTOSJ mAJ li. W for the Teeth and reath,2uo. 7" ' ' ' WO RLD'S -FAIR"' ' ' ' " I ipGIIEST . AWARD I j aui-trtlUK INU (ml ILrV i nt Lire. i MBD I Ctl isjx Has justly acquired the .reputation of being The Salvator for I rcvv lid s The-Aged. AN Incomparable Aliment for the Growth and Protection of INFANTS and O I I I ID R EN A superior nutritive in continued Fevers, And a reliable remedial agent In all gastric and enteric diseases ; often in instances of consultation over patients whose digestive organs were re duced to such a low and sensitive condition that the IMPERIAL GRANUM was the only nourishment the stomach would tolerate when LIFE seemed depending on its retention ; And as a FOOD- it would be difficult to conceive of anything more palatable. : Sold byDRUQOISTS. Shipping Depot, JOHN CARLE & SONS, New York- DR. LIEBIG & CO., Special Dote, for Chronic, Private and Wasting . Diseases. ;;; Dr. Lleble's Invieoratof the srreateBt remedvfor Seminal Weakness, Loss of Manhood and Private Diseases. Overcomes Prematureness and orenares all for marriage life's duties, pleasures and respon sibilities; 91 trial bottle given or sent free to any one describing symptoms; call or address 400 Geary oi., private entrance uo mason est., nan Francisco. FRAZER AXLE CREASE BEST IN THE WORLD.' Itii wearlntr email ties are unsurpassed, aotuallv outlasting two boxes of any other brand. " Free from Animal oils. GKT THE GKNULNE, FUR 8AEE BY OREGON AND . ; WASHINGTON MERCHANTS! and Dealers generally. AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. PALMER & REY BRANCH Cor. Second and Stark Sts. Portland, Or. V. P. N: V. No. R86 F. N. 17. Nn f63 MALARIA! Thre dose only. Try It. MEN HOW TO SAVE Buy your GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS of us, and we will save you money. We handle the best goods and deliver free to trains or boats. We buy and fell for spot cash, and sell goods cheaper than any other firm in the country. Send us your name and address, and we will mail von our new price list, which will be out soon. We offer to day: Climax tobacco, 40 cents per oound Dry granulated sugar in 10-lb. sacks for. f4 75 I Best coal oil per case . $1 so Best brands of flour per barrel 2 16 Arbuckle's coffee per pound ".. 22U Send us a list of what you need, and we will make you special prices. Address your orders to MARK L. COHN & CO. 146 Front Street, PorJIand. Or. April IViav and Enriches the Blood. Large Sores une'ereach side of her neck ; had the at tendance of the family physician an l other doctors for a long time, but seemed to grow worse. I read of many people cuied of scrofula by Hood's Sarsaparilla. As soon as we gave Hood's Sarsaparilla to Clara, she began to get better, and before the first bottle was gone, the sores entirely healed un and there has never been any sign of the disease since. She is a Healthy Robust Child. Her grandmother took Hood's Sarsapa rilla at the same time, and the salt rheum decreased in its violence and a perfect cure was soon effected. It took about three months for her cure, and she ascribes her good health and strength at her advanced age to Hood's Sarsapa rilla. It has certainly been a Godsend to my family." Mas. Sophia Wolfe, Zaleski, Ohio. W. L. DO'JCLAS $3 SHOE FIT FOR A KING. . cordovan; , FRENCH&ENAMELLED CALF. '4.3S? Fine Calf&Kangarou f 3.sp POLICE, 3 SOLES. 2.l7-5BOYS'SCH00LSH0Ei LADIES " ' SEND FOR CATAI nfillF !W.L-DOUGLAg Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They equal custom Shoes in style and fit. Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices are uniform, stamped on soI From $ to $3 saved over other makes. If your dealer cannot supply you we can. HALL'S T PULMONARY BALSAM The. Best CURE for Coughs, Colds and' Consumption. Sold by all Druggists. Price, 0 cents. J. R. GATES & CO., Proprietors, 417 Sansome St., S. F. Known "Everywhere. Sold Everywhere. Grown Everywhere. AsK your dealer for them. Send for merry's seen Annual lor 1 invaJuaDietoaii piantersand lovers or 'ine vegetables and Beautiful . jj lowers. , w rue tor it Free. 1. M. FERRY & CO. Manhood restored. Night Emissions, Weak mcmoryi ' Atrophy, Sexual Weakness, etc., , Surely'cured by POLLEN ACME NATURE' REMEDY ..The life germ and vital forceof plants and flowers;, it gives vigor, power and size to the vital organs ol man. - liiiimiBttfWai POLLEN ACME The most won - Easy to carry in vest Pocket. Price$i. Sixfor$5, Sent in plain wrapper, or at all Druggists. , Address, , Standard Rem. Co seattle, wash a pac. coast bran 0:4 derful achievement in MedicaUscience. The only acknnul 0ttged permanent cure guaranteed i New York y US-1 17 Fulton St. .QliiCSCEfi .RAISIMa FAYS if you use the.Petalum1 Incubators A Brooders Blake money while others are wasting time by old processes. Catalofftelisall about it, and describes every article needed for the. poultry business. The "ERIE" mechanically the best WilCCl. riCLLlC&LillUUCl. We are Pacific Coast Aeents. Bicvcle cata- logue, mailed free.gives full description , prices, etc , agents 'wanted. PETALDMA INCUBATOR CO., Petalnma.Cal. Branch House, 231 S Main St., Los Angeles. J. ' A ft I lElINSLOW'S s07rhu,1 ', - FOR CHILDREN TKETHINQ - i I FJ Lfi1 jr"f' S Quanta a bsftfe, f DO YOU FEEL BAD? DOES YOUR BACK ache? Does every step seem a buiden? You need MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY. Si