The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 09, 1895, Image 3

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    3(ood Iiver Slacier .
The mall arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'
clock A. M. Wednesday and Saturdays; de
parts 'ie same days at noon. '
For Chcnoweth, leaves at 8 . M.; arrives at
' P. M. Haturdavs. -t J
For White Salmon leav i illy at 1 P. M.j
arrives at (1 o'clock P. M. . v
From White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil
mer, Trout Lake and Olenwood Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridavs. t
H .
. Canby Post, No. 10, G. A. R., meets at Odd
Fellow's Hull, first Saturday of each month
t 2 o'clock p. m. All U. A. R. members in
vited to attend.
ill, B, PCTm, Commander.
S Ji HAYES, Adjutant.
Professional Cards, per month Jl 00
' One Inch space, per month 1 60
Kates on larger space given on application.
Business notices in local colutVms will be
charged 5 cents aline each insertion; under
the head of "Special Notices" half these rates
will be charged.
Legal advertisements will be charged to the
party ordering them, at legal rates, and must
be paid for before proof is furnished.
1 mi l 1 , .3 i . .
A. juts 1 V H ! , W UVUIIIllJj U U.H J .
, . Men's gloves at the Racket Store.
O. B. Hartley has bay for sale at $11
a ton.
' W. J..ASmith has returned from
Astoria. t " .
E. L. Smith has plenty of good hay
for sale ut $13 a ton.
Otis Eastman has been laid up with
... erysipelas in his hand.
S. E. Bartmess is agent for the Bri
dal Veil .Lumber Company.
Ed. Kewell, the well-known rail
roader, was in Hood River Tuesday.
Lou Morse is authorized agent for all
' newspapers and periodicals.
E. V. Husbands has recovered Vrom
his sickness and js again at hie work.
In district 61 it is expected that Miss
. , luinlap of Wasco will teach the spring
Will Langille has been on the sick
list for a week, but is again able to be
tlbout. , : .
. Ed FeweH went to Portland to nt
' tend the funeral of his deceased friend,
John J; redly.-- - ;
-Davenport & Bro. Lumber Co. are
now ready to deliver lumber to any
pArt of the valley. f23
M. P. Sloper has moved to town, oc
oupyiiig Mr. Hartley's house, corner
Fifth and Oak streets.
Cant. Blowers went to The Dalles
., Wednesday to attend a regular sessiou
of tiie county commissioners.
All varieties of peach trees, 5c each;
Spitzenburg and Ben Davis apple trees,
( 5c each, $45 per 1000. See Tillett.
Supervisor Sloper has done some
good work on the road just west of
town by tilling the chuck holes with
Miss Emma Sliepard left for The
Dalles Saturday, where she will take
position in the milinery store of Mrs.
C. L. Phillips. '
. Send iu your orders for trees for
spring planting. Prices $40, $50 and
- $55 per 1000, in 508 Hid 1000 lots, at.
Tillett's nursery.
Mr. Lindsay and turn Arkley arrived
In Hood River last Friday from Call
" f rn In ArUlev has beet attending
ec'iool in San Jose. ,
Willis. Brown, manager of the
Oregon Fruit Union, was In Hood
, - River Saturday and gave the Glacier
ornee a pleasant can. . -
to remove with his family to Pleasant
Ridge, 12 miles south of The Dalles,
about the first of April.
' A.E. Curtis Is having five aeres
cleared at Curly Top and is digging a
ditch 450 rods long to bring water frotu
a spring southwest of his place.
Will Langille last week received a
letter irom Henry iteis, connnea in bt.
Vincent's hospital, stating that he was
recovering rapidly from his injuries.
Dr. Sanders is provided with a den
tal chair for his Hood River office. Also
prepared to extract teeth without pain
by the use of narcotized air, called gas.
Mrs. E. C. Mooney of Cascade Locks
came up Saturday and will remain
. '. during the summer so allow her chil
dren to attend the Hood River schools.
-Miss Edith Montgomery and her
brother Archie, of Portland, have come
. to spend the summer at Hood River,
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
C. D. Hayner has removed td" Monk
land, Sherman county.' Mr. Miller,
the man with whom he traded places,
has arrived with his family at his new
home in Hood River.
Seven Hew styles of mens' fine dress
shoes in the lot received Wednesday
at Pierce's Harness and Shoe store.
Also, nice line of boys' shoes, Oxford
fS ties and cloth top shoes for women.
J John Fredly, the railroad bridge
builder, died in a . Portland hospital
Friday of last week. His remains were
taken to the Wallowa yalley for in'ter
i I nient, where the deceased had a ranch.
J M. F. Loy disposed of his interest in
ft the livery business last Friday to O. B.
r Hartley. The latter in turn sold to
' H. F. Davidson the same day, and now
the name of the livery firm is Ferguson
.& Davidson.
While excavating beneath the office
building of Hon. E. L. Smith, Thurs-
layT-W.-XStrnahan fou nd anold
rusty rifle with home-made stock, that
fell to pieces when picked up. It is
. evidently an old-timer.
Rev. Chris Nickelsen, in charge of
the M. E. church at Waldron, Crook
county, was in Hood River Saturday
and Sunday. Mr. Nickelsen accom
panied the remains of his mother-in-law,
Mrs. J- W. Rigby, from Lickelton.
Miss Irene Callison was selected by
the school board in district 2 to tench
the spring term ot tnree months. iiut
one teacher will be employed for the
spring term, and it is expected that
only the pupils of the primary depart
ment will attend.
Con Repp cared for half a dozen
quail during the past winter, by feed
ing tuem wtien tne snow was on tiie
ground. He would put out tiie feed at
' night and in the morning the quail
would come regularly at day break and
'help themselves. These 'quail were
turned out by the Hood River Rod aud
Gun club a year ago.
Patrons of the Poitland and Dalles
accommodation train will be pleased
to learn of the change made in the pas
senger equipment. The O. R. & N. Co
has replaced t lie former one combina
tion car carried witn astraignt Daggage
ear and an elegant lately remodeled
first-class coach and smoker. This ar
rangement virtually gives a day pas
senger train betweeu Portland and
Dalles, leaving Portland at 8:00 a. m.,
arriving at Dalles 1:00 p. ni., and re
turning, leave Dalles at 2:00 p. m., ar
riving at Portland 7:00 p. m. daily ex
cept Sunday. The through passenger
train still retains its old schedule, leav
ing Portland at 7:00 p. m. for the east
and leaving Dalles at 4:00 p. m. for
A horse belonging to E. C. Rogers
last Sunday night fell througli the
bridge that crosses the flume at T. E.
Wickens' place. He was found next
morning and rescued after sticking in
the bridge probably all night. Super
visor Sloper had the bridge repaired
Tuesday, :
L. B. Anway of Portland is In Hood
River buying and packing apples for
a Portland house. Mr. Anway is a
very competent orchardist and is en
gaged pruning Mr. H. Prigge's apple
The weather for the past week has
been delightful. Warm, sunshiny days,
with frosty nights, when the ther
mometer gets down to about 32 by
daylight. The fruit cro is all right.
M. F. Sloper has sold 18 acres of his
place, including his house and improve
ments, to Mr. Thompson, who recently
returned from the East. The price
paid was $100 per acre. : ; ...
Miss Bertha Prather found an um
brella Thursday evening. Owner can
have the same by calling at the
Glacier office. '
The Hood River schools commenced
Monday, with a total attendance of
118. There are 188 school children iu
the district.
Fruit growers should read the notice
of stockholders' meeting of the Hood
River Fruit Growers' Union, in an
other column. ''
Farmers intending to irrigate will be
interested in the Hood River Water
Supply Co.'s notice in this Issue.
Dr. Cams arrived from Portland
Tuesday. He was due here Suifday
night, but business detained him.
W. H. Perry, clerk of school district
2, reorts 104 children of school age in
the district.
Mrs. Oscar Stranahan is on the sick
list with a severe attack of sciatic rheu
matism. Mrs. Rawson of The Dalles spent
last week with her sister Mrs F. L.
Johns. ,:
Mr. Lage of Pine Grove was in The
Dalles on the 4th attending court.
Rev. F. L. Johns was in The Dalles
on the 5th and Gth.
S. J. LaFrance left Monday for a
trip to the Sound. .
Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Perry went to
Portland Monday.
Weather Report.
The following is a summary of the
weather la this valley for the month
of February; observations taken live
miles southwest of Hood River, by Dr.
P. G. Barrett, voluntary observer:
Mean temperature, 88.20.
"Maximum temperature, " 54; date,
20th, 22d, 25th, 26th. v
Minimum temperature, 19; date,10th.
Total precipitation (including rain,
hail,' sleet and melted snow), 1.10
Total snowfall, 5.50 inches.
Number of clear days, 12; partly
cloudy, 3; cloudy, 13.
Dates of light frost, 25th, 26th, 27th,
281 h; killing frosts, (ith to 16th.
Dates of hail, 15th; sleet, 15th.
Prevailing wind, west.
Sunday school at the Valley Con
gregational church each Sunday at
10.30, except on -church days, when it
meets at 10 o'clock. "Come, now, let
us reason togeter, saith the Lord."
Regular services are held at the M.
E. barracks morning and evening of
the first Sunday of each month; in the
evening tiie remaining Sundays of the
month. TIip fourth Sunday evening
occupied by T. D. Gregory.
t . Li. JOHNS. .
Rev. R. A. Rowlev of Portland is
conducting a very successful series of
meetings a t the Congregational church.
The attendance Is large and the inter
est is good. Supt. Rowley ivill preach
Sunday morning aud evening aud win
continue the meetings next week.
Every body invited and made welcome.
Rev. It. A. Rowley will preach Sun
day afternoon at the Crapper school
house at 3 p. in. In connection with
this service an effort will be made to
organize a Sunday school 1. Sunday
school supplies will be on hand.
In Hood River, March 5, 1895, to
Mr. and Mrs. L. N. . Blowers, a
daughter. . .
The bulk of the season's grinding is over,
but the miller will be at borne every Satur
day during the summer months, prepared to
grind your grist promptly.
Pure blooded, Pekln 'Duck-egg's for $2 per
dozen, tfheseare the most profitable birds to
raise on Yfte farm; they will lyJrom March
1st to JuiyKSth. Eggs large. s,-
f y W. R. WINANS, Hood River, Or.
First class timothy hay for sale by Ferguson
fcfcsjkat S15 per ton. , Jal9
Block harness oil, 85 ots a quart, at Pierce's
Harness and Shoe Store.
Wm. Tillett is still In the nursery business,
with a good stock of home-grown trees.' If he
is out of what you want, he can supply . you
with the following varieties from one of the
largest nurseries In Oregon: All kinds of cherry
trees; Spltzenberg, Gano, Ben Davis, Red Del
aware, Hyde's King of the West, Tompkins
King, and other leading varieties of apples.
Would be glad to quote prices 'on lots of 500
and 1000 trees. Drop him i. postal for terms.
The Hood River Box Factory has plenty of
apple boxes on hand.
For sash, doors, mouldings, brackets, com
bination fencing and turning, go to the Hood
River. Box Factory.
Wm. Tillett has ordered apple trees of the
following varieties: 8000 Spitzenburg, 2000
Baldwin, 1000 Northern Spy, and BOO Graven
stein. Apple trees, it is expected, will be
scarce in the spring, and it behooves planters
to order early. f
Council Proceedings. .
At the meetidg of the common cout
cil, Monday eveniiig, March 4th, per
mission was granted C. A. Bell to en
close a portion of the street lying be
tween the Mt. Hood hotel and the O
R. & N. (Jo's depot, for the purpose of
beautifying aud putting trie same in
grass. '
A proposition from Robert Rand,- to
retit the council a room over his store
for $5 per mouth from April 1st, was
Ordinances numbered one, two,three,
four and five were passed and ordered,
published. .
A vote of thanks was given to Mr.
E. L. Smith for the use of his- type
writer, and to C. P. Heald for prepar
ing enrolled ordinances.
Ordinances numbered six, seven and
eight, relating to the expenditure of
town revenues, licenses, and taxing of
dogs, were considered and ordered en
rolled, i
By ordinance number one, all regu
lar meetings of the council hereafter
will be held on the second Tuesday of
each mouth.
School Elections.
At the school elections in thi valley,
Monday, so far as we have heard from,
the following officers were elected:
In district 2 J. J. Luckey director
and W. H. Perry eherk.
District 3 J. A. Soesbe director and
M. H. Nickelsen clerk. ,
Clapper District Chas. . Chandler
director and J. Wickham clerk.
Pine Grove Wm. Johnson director'
and Joseph Porter clerk. .
Julia Case Rigby was born at Mt.
Morris, N. Y., March 14, 1842; was
converted and joined the M. E. church
in December, 1859, while at school iu
Perry, N. Y. Removed to Iowa in
1870; was married to Rev. J. W. Rigby
August 17, 1871, and died at Bickelton,
Washington, February 28, 1895.
The deceased, as a pastor's wife, ex
ercised a wide Influence. Her piety
and devotion was like the deep-flowing
stream, not noisy nor demonstrative,
but full, strong and prevailing. In
her devotion to her husband and chil
dren she knew no bounds but that of
Cossibilities, but all was overshadowed
y an unceasing devotion to God in ail
her private Christian duties. She
leaves a husband and four daughters to
revere her memory and imitate her
Fruit Growers, Attention!
We have in stock, econominally and
scientifically prepared, condensed forms
of sprays as recommended by the Ore
gon state board of horticulture, as fol
lows: Spray No. 1 Lime, 30; sulphur, 20;
salt, 15 in such form as to require only
to dissolve 1 lt in 2 gals, water. '
Spray No. 2-Sulphur, 100; lime, 100;
blue vitriol 8, of which 1 lb in 2 gals,
for winter, down to 8 or 10 gals, for
summer use, is required.
Spray No. 3 Whale oil soap (80 per
cent. ), 20; sulphur, 3; caustic soda (98
percent.), 1; potash, 1; of this 1 lb in
5 gals, is the proportion.
Spray No. 7, Bordeaux M. Copper
sulphate, 6; lime, 4; of which 1 lb in 2
gals, of water for winter, to 4 gals, for
summer, is the proper strength.
Also, Paris green, London purple,
etc. Do not fail to see us before buying
our insecticides.
Williams & Bbosius.
The Pokiiinville Posf mi stress.
That dude down In Chepatchetvllle
He's v rltin' twice a day
Love letters nigh a half inch thick
To young Matilda Pray.
An' Miriam Kitz she has two beaus,
An1 this Is solemn true,
One hez his letters pos'marked "Pike," ..
The other Kalamazoo."
Sieh things us this the pain my soul
An' worry near to kill;
For I'm postmistress, us you know,
Down here In Pokumville.
An' Rastus Perkins gits a dun .
h'rm I'oltenham & Pack
Hos' every week, and sometimes twice,
For tiis wife's sealskin sacque.
An' Martha French the stuck up thing!
With ull her lace and frills
Is gettln' duns from Trask eoch month
For three years' bonnet bills. i
For I'm postmistress an' I near -
Wear out the soul and kill; .
For I'm postmistress an' 1 hear ,
The sins of Pokumville.
An' so I'm worrltted to death
'Bout Bascom's llour bill,
An' 'bout how Seriphina Jones
Comes on with her beau, Will.
An' lest good Deacon Angevine
Shall fail away from grace,
An' lest our Elder Green shall bring .
A new wife to the place.
I carry all their woes myself,
A burden tit to kill;
I feel responserable tor all '
The folks of Pokumville.
I work ez hard ez I can work,
The best that I can do.
'Tls half-past nine afore I git
The postal cards read through.
An' when Orinthy writes to John,
Or Susan writes to Ned,
I lack my brains in wanderin'
Jest what them gals hev said.
I think If I do not resign ,'
This awful work will kill.
An' then a new postmistress here
Will reign in Pokumville.
Farm for Sale, Cheap !
Or for rent. About 25 aeres under cultivation;
V. miles from town of Hood River. Address
CB JAS. PEAK, Hood River, Or. ;
On 10 Years' Time,
Or for cash. Eight acres orchard; 8-room,
hard-finish house; 1500 bushel apple house,
stone; barns, etc.: water wheel. 3-horse power,
runs feed mill, Vi buBhels per hour; 6 perpet
ual springs; steamboat landing; all under
fence. Will sell all or part. Increasing years
compel sale. V2&
Cut Paper Patterns
The St. Louis Republic supplies Its lady
readers with cut paper patterns of all kinds
for ladles, girls, boys and men. All of sea
sonable garments, of the latest styles, and at a
cost of
Only 10c Each.
F,lsewhere they cost from 25 to 40 cents.
Designs of new garments are published
every week in The Hepublic with an order
blank for the patterns.
Thousands of ladles in every state have pur
chased t hese pal terns during tiie past year
and never a complaint.
They are invaluable, and you can save on
these patterns alone every year many time
the price of the paper.
Only $1.00 a Year.
The "Twice-a-Weck" will be sent FREE
FOB ONE YEAR to any person sending, be
fore March 1st, a club of three new yearly sub
scribers, with $3 to pay for the same.
If you want a package of sample copies,
write for them.
Address all orders
St. Irfiuls, Mo.
be as free from nicotine as the day before you first took your first chew or
smoke. An iron-clad written guarantee to absolutely cure the tobacco habit in
all its forms, or money refunded. Price $1 00 per box, or 3 boxes (30 days'
treatment and guaranteed cure), p.SO. For sale by all d'poor willbe,
sent by mail, upon recent of price. SEND SIX TWO-CENT STAMPS FOR
SAMPLE BOX. Booklets and proofs free. ,
Eureka Chemical & Mfg. Co., La Crosse, Wis.
. office op THE PIONEER PRESS COMPANY, C. W. HouniCK, Supt.
St. Paul, Minn.. Sept. 7, 18.44.
TTiirpka Chemical and Mfg. Company, La Crosse, ;WiR Dear Sirs: I have been a tobacco
flendZma?yTea.ann!fring tEe &st two years
reirularlv every day. Aiy who e nervous system became anTscted, until my physicians told
mI must give up the uie of tobacco for the time being, at least. I tried the salled "Kee y
Cure" ''NTl"ac.' and various other remedies, but without success, until I accidentally
learned of your 'Baco-Curo.'' Three weeks ago today I commenced using your preparation,
and "odav I consldermy self completely cured. I am In Vtb.mAeh.y
ing for tobacco, which every inveterate smoker fully appreciates, has completely leit me. I
i. III.. ;BprU'nm'f 8imnlv won derm . and can fully recommend it. Yours very
consider your
Stockholders' Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that there will be a
meeting of the stockholders of the Hood Kiver
Fruit Growers' Onion on Saiu rday, March 18,
18'J5, at 1 s'clock P. M., for the purpose of dis
cussing and adopting a definite plan for mar
keting the coming berry crop. Every person
having fruit to market should be present,
whether a member of the Union or nor,, as
inciters of interest to all lyill be discussed. By
order of the President.
mar!) H. F. DAVIDSON, Secretary.
White Russian Oats
For seed, and the best kind f Seed lieans, for
sale by . J. IV GALLIGAN,
nnii'O Hood River, Or.
A Jersey Bull,
Thoroughbred. Service. 81.00. payable a t time
of se wice. GEORGE RORDEN,
- marO ' Hood Rlvei , Or.
Water Supply
Notice is hereby given to all parl ies renting
water irom the Water Supply Comrwny of
Hood River valley that security for payment
of water rent t his season, and also for delin
quent water rent for lust se.ison, must be
given before water will be turned ouu Pay
ment to be made on or belbi e July 1, 1805.
The securities will be received by the secre
tary of said comoany until the 80th day of
March, 1805. upon which day the board oi di
rectors of said company will meet and take
action on such securities.
J. F. ARMOR, President.
Wm. Davidson, Secretary.
Eggs for Hatching.
Thoroughbred Brown Leghorn Eggs for sale
at $1.00 per setting. W. 13. POTTER,
mar2 Hood River, Oregon.
Top Grafting.
Wm. Tillett, is prepared to do Top Grafting,
and all work in the line of grafting, by con
tract or by day's work. Leave orders early, so
that scions can be prepared to do good work.
Here's your chance to get red apples to giow
on your yellow apple trees. WM. TILLETT.
I X L Wind Mill and Pump and Cider Mill
for sale, cheap. Part cosh; balance on time.
Inquire of : M. A. COOK.
The Old Reliable
215 Montgomery St.,
Francisco, Cal. Business center of the
city, convenient to all offices
and places of amusement. Containing 800
rooms. Terms 1.50, 92 and S2.50 per day.
Free coach to and from the hotel,
filt J. 8. YOUNG, Proprietor.
Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established
. ,. House in the valley.
i ; i . DEALER IN
Dry Goods, Clothing,
General Merchandise,
; v . .
Flour and Feed. Etc..
A Graua, Educator, '"
Successor of the
' Unabridged."
Standard nf the
U. 8. Gov't Print
ing Office, the U.S.
Supreme Court and
of nearly all the
"Warmly com
mended by every
State Superinten
dent of Schools,
and other Educa
tors almost with
out number.
A College President writes: "For
" ease -with yhicb. the eye finds the
" word sought, for accuracy of definl
"tlon, for effective methods in indi
cating pronunciation, for terse yet
" comprehensive statements of facts,
" and for practical use as a working
"dictionary, 'Webster's International'
" excels any other singlo volume."
The Ono Great Standard Authority.
Hon. P.' J. Brewer, Justice of the TT. 8.
Supreme Court.writes : ' The International
IMctionary is the perfection of dictionaries.
I commend it to all as the one great stand
ard authority." ..,
g5P"A saving of three cents per day for a
year will provide more than enough money
to purchase a copy of the International.
Can you afford to be without it?
G. & C. MERRIAM CO., Publishers,
Sprlng&eld, Mass., V. S. A.
Spnrt tn ttifl mibliaherft for f ne TwmnliM.
otr Do nut buy cheap reprints of ancient editions.
and don't bo imposed upon by buying a
remedy that requires you to do so, as it is
nothing more than a Hubntltule. In the, sud
den stoppage of tobacco you must have some
stimulant, and in most all cases the effect of
the stimulant, be it opium, morphine, or other
opiates, leaves afar worse' habit contracted.
Ask your druggist about BACO-CURO.
It is purely vcgeiauie. iou
do not have to stop using to
bacco with BACO-CURO.
It will notify you when to stop
and your desire for tobacco
will cease. Your system will
Notary PiiMc an! Ins. Agent.
I represent five of the best insurance com
panies. Collections made and real estate handled on
favorable terms.
Office in Prather Block, Oak St.,
First Door West of Post Office.
Boots and Shoes made to order. Repairing
neatly done, and at
Bedrock Prices.
All work first class. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
se2 C. WELDS, Proprietor. .
Kitchen Furniture,
Pruning Tools, Etc.
: . '',
Repairing Tinware a Specialty.
I have for sale two fine Fruit Farms and the
best hay farm in the valley. Plenty of run
ning water on all of them. Will sell any or
all of them. Also, fine residence and lots at
different prices. Call on or address
aulS Hood River, Oregon.
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Country Produce Bought and Sold.
l ,m 1 CELFRRATFri ,
hi J
Nickelsen & Luckey will hereafter do all
plumbing and repairing, connecting to or de
taching from water mains.
d22 A: S. BLOWERS, Manager. :
Forty acres unimproved land, on the east
side of Hood river, 8 miles from town. Price
$10 per acre. Inquire at Glacier office.
Rrompt answer and an bonest opinion, write to
I IJ N N & CO. who have bad nearly fifty years
experience in the patent business. Communica
tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In
formation concerning Patents and bow to ob
tain tbem sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan
ical and scientlflo books sent free.
Patents taken through Munn k Co. receive
special noticeln the Scientific Atnericnn, and
thus are brought widely before the public with
out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper.
Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the
largest circulation of any scientific work in the
world. $3 avear. Sample copies sent free.
Building Edition, monthly, $2.50 a year. Single
copies, cents. Every number contains beau
tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new
houses, with plans, enabling builders to show the
latest designs and secure contracts. Address
MUNN & CO., New Vokk, IWl BuoADWiV.
The Portland Sun is for sale every day nt
the post office after the arrival of the tram
from Portland.
is. t,iMBirantu lata
Navigation Co.
Through Freight and
Passenger Line.
Dally be t. Dalles anfl Porllaiiil
All Freight Will Come Through
Without Delay.
One way .11 59
Bound trip......... 2 59
Freight Rates Greatly
Reduced. : W. C. ALL AWAY,
General Agent.
K. MoN KILL, Receiver.
Gives the choice of
MfflPiF. Pacific By
Minneapolis OMAHA
- - AND ;': ' AST)
ST. PAUL. Kansas City.
Low Rates to All East
ern Cities.
No. 23, Freight leaves at 11.45. A.Jt
No. 2. Mail " ' lO.lifl P. At
No 27 , JxM-al, lea ves at 8.1", P. M
No. I, Mail , '.:. 4: A. it
s Leave Portland every five days for
For fall details call on O. R. A X. Agent,
Hood Elver, or address
Gen'l Pass. Agent,
' Portland, Or.
Eiefttv acres, five miles fsiuii town:
40 acres in oultivatioiKCOflrve, iirin-
)ple, In lull Wuniig. All
ood liouse and iiarrhv Ttire
ater In HoodKiver Supply
(Jo. to w
le place. Good well and
All work given liim will lie dmit cur
rectly and promptly. He htm a few
good claims upon whieh'he 'mv 1mm te
parties; uoth farming and timtter lundg.
February, J804. . . v
v Wanted. A
hC -
iiiyftrHfaw a pie
To bnyi5rlfas4 a piece of groond snitaWe for
a nursewy. l'VrjJier particulHjfsu. the tli.A-
The undersigned tins oil hand u good va
riety of choice ' '
Fruit Trees, Plaiils ana Yiaes,
. t . at Hard Times Prices.
Grafting and budding done to order,
octl , H. C. BATEHAM.
Twelve acres, fl miles sour
it of town; two
acres clenreitv Dalance sear
'ring oalc and
brush. nSt harckto clear. Prly
Bargain in Land.
For Kalu--Forty acres unimproved land,
eust side of Hood river, 4'2 miles irnm town.
ill sell f) or 10 acre tracts cheap, inquire at
G acler office. - ,