food iiyer (Slacier.' SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1S95. W. L. WilHon of West Virginia was Appointed postmaster general in the place of Mr. Bissell resigned, and the appointment was promptly confirmed by the senate. Mr. Wilson has been th8 most successful chairman of the ways and means committee. He Jjassed through the house nearly all the important bills that he advocated. There was no revolt against his leader chip. His personal popularity is greater how than at the begining of the ses sion of the 53il congress. He assumed the elutiriiumwhip of the ways v and means iMiiunittee witli the unbounded confidence of the democratic masses back of him. lie has retained that confidence. Much was expected of him, and he lias disappointed no one. A bill has beeil Introduced in the Texas legislature providing for the levy ing of a $50 annual tax upon all un married men of 30 years of age who un der oath swear that they have not ex erted due diligence in trying to get married. ' He shall be exempt from the line, however, if he can produce evi dence to show that he tried to get mar ried. ' To be exempt from this act, however, if he remains single, he must produce the affidavit of some reputable women that at least once a year he has made a proposal of marriage to her. The governor has appointed A. N. Gilbert of Salem superintendent of the penitentiary. Congress adjourned at noon, March 4th, and the president has gone duck hunting. .' : Gov. Lord has re-appointed Eniil Schanno on the state board of horti culture. ; Poverty Social. ,. Tuesday evening, the. 26th, a poverty social was given at the home of Mrs Win. Somerville, at Belmont, for the benefit of church repairs. The atten dance was good, but oh, the poverty! There were rags and patches until one could with difficulty tell whether a neighbor was coming or going. There were patches before and after; patches here, patches there, patches every where. Miss Lillle Templeton was there in her usual grace and carried off the prize for, the ladies. Her costume, of rather late design in make up, was made from Peerless flour sacks. Mr. W. 11. Perry won the prize for gentle meu, us his clotaing was rags from hat to shoes. One would have to see him in Ids costume to appreciate it. . The young people went them to have a jrood time, and from reports they -had It. The net receipts were $5.69. ' Driving Association. A driving association was organized here lust week. The association has leased grounds of Oscar Stranahan, on the hill southeast of town, and no bet ter location could be found. This piece of ground is well drained and the track will be in good condition for driving at all seasons. Hood River, being half way between Eastern and Western Oregon, it is said presents advantages for a race course not found in other lo calities. Horses trained here can be taken on the track in the Willamette valley or to Eastern Oregon and not be affected by the change of climate. The officers of the association are: Presi dent, F. H. Button; secretary, E. M. Wheeler; treusurer, Cupt. Blowers; trustees, Dr. Bros! us, C. A. Bell and Win. Rand. . , Perhaps the best illustration of the fact that corporation interests did not control this legislature, outside of the senatorial contest and its results, was the passage of Senator Smith's portage rairoad bill. The Sun has published t lie bill and commented upon it before; we are not very sanguine of its accom plishing much; yet it may be very use ful as a club to bring the railroad com pany to terms. In saying this .The Bun does so without, any unreasonable animosity to the railroad, or any desire to cripple or even injure it. It is an expensive road to operate and keep in repair, and has been wretchedly man aged ; but the rates on Eastern- Oregon produce, and Portland merchandise liave heen too high. The people should not be made to pay,during generations, for the follies and crimes of those who drove the compuny into bankruptcy, indeed it has been a short-shighted policy that has kept those rates up so liigh all these years. Lower rates would have resulted in such an increase of businesM n would have compensated the company Jong before this. But that is the company's business; it is also the people's business to look out for their own interests. Portland Sun. The small-pox scare at The Dalles has died out entirely. ; There is no danger now, as this is the 15th day sepce Mr. Monohan waa taken wick. John Hill was killed by a falling dirrick while at work for Seufert Bros, at The Dalles, March 4th. At The Dalles, at 8 .o'clock each evening, the fire bell is tapped eight times. This is the cerfew bell, and all person) under 18 years of age, if found upon the streets after that hour, are liable to arrest. G. Virgil Bolton, mayor of The Dalles, died Thursday, aged 32. ... Theodore Cartright, an old resident of The Dulles, died at that place last week. A family of four persons in St. Louis were poisoned by eating a quantity of badly decomposed salmon, A six-year old boy died, but the rest recovered, The salmon was labeled "Columbia Clover Lear." ... " The Dalles Cold Storage company, a new enterprise but recently orgauized, shipped, yesterday two carloads of pota toes to St. Paul and a carload each of apples and prunes to Butte and Minne apolis. Tins company will undoubt edly be of material benefit to our fruit growers in developing a market for their trim. Mountaineer.-.' The Skamania Pioneer says. Fred Broadbent has taken a position as clerk under the government at Cascade Locks. ' , A telephone line between The Dalles and Antelope is talked of. Observation Car. The Evening Telegram of Saturday has the following regarding the "new observation car soon to be run between this city and Portland: The observation car being built at the O. R. & N. Co. shops in Albina is nearly completed, and within a few days the innovation of running an ob servation car up and down the Colum bia river daily will have been estab lished. As a scenic route the O. R. & N. line along the Columbia river is ex celled by few railroads in the world, and yet it is a safe guess that thousands of residents of Portland have never had the opportunity to properly see and appreciate thib ' scenic beauty. The purpose of the new observation car is to afford sucli opportunity. It will be a perfect car in every respect and dissimilar from the regulation pus senger coach in little hut the fact it will be unenclosed at the sides and ends. The car will ordinarily run on the morning train out of Portland, leaving here at 8 o'clock a. m. Passen gers will be allowed to leave the train at Bonneville and return by boat or on the evening train. A stop will be made at Hood River, and passengers can leave the train at that point catch ing it on its return trip three or four hours later. The car will run through to The Dalles and will return the same day, arriving at Portland at 7 o'clock iu the evening. Mr. Hurlburt states a low rate will be made for the round trip going and returning the same day. As the present morning train runs only on six days of the week, it is prob able special excursions will be arranged for each Sunday, when low rates will be made, and there is a likelihood of this soon becoming one of the most popular forms of Sunday outing. Our trade with Mexico and Canada, our nearest neighbors, fell off last year, but our Central American exports gained 10 per cent, the largest increase reported in percentage. Our principal foreign trade, however, is and always has been with Great Britain, except ing, of course, during the war of 1812 and the American Revolution. The United Kingdom takes nearly half of our exports. This is exclusive of our trade with Canada, India and other British possessions. The United King dom's imports from the United States amounts annually to over $400,000,000. We haven't the returns for the lust cal endar year, but during the fiscal year ending June 30 last Great Britain and Ireland bought merchandise of us amounting to $424,000,000, and this country's entire exports for the same time amounted to less than $870,000,000. Germany was our second best con sumer, taking $90,000,000 worth of our goods. France's purchases here amout ed to $53,000,000, Canada's to $50,000, and Holland's to $43,000,000. , Nearly 80 per cent of our foreign trade is with these four European countries and Can ada. St. Louis Republic. Don't Stop Tobacco. The tobacco habit grows on a man until his nervous system is seriously af fected, Impairing health, comfort and happiness. To quit suddenly is too se vere a shock to the system, as tobacco, to an inveterate user becomes a stimu lant that his system continually craves. Baeo-Curo is u scientific cure for the to bacco habit, in all its forms, carefully compounded after the' formula of an eminent Berlin physician who has used it in his private practice since 1872,with out a failure, purely vegetable and guar anteed perfectly harmless. You can use all the tobacco you want, while taking Baco-C'uro, it will notify you when to stop. We give a written guarantee to permanently cure any case with three boxes, or refund the money with 10 per cent interest. Bueo-Curo is not a substi tute, but a scientific cure, that cures without the aid of will power and with no inconvenience. It leaves thesystem as pure and free from nicotine as the day you took your first chew or smoke. Sold by all druggists, with our ironclad guarantee, at $1 per box, three boxes, (thirty days treatment), $2.50, or sent direct upon receipt of price. Send six two-cent stamps for sample box. Book let and proofs tree. Eurekay Chemical & Manufacturing Chemists, La Crosse, Wisconsin. Dr. E. T. Cams, Dentist, Has returned to Hood Kiver, pre pared to do all kinds of dentistry work examine, fill, extract, regulate and make new teeth; also, crown aud bridge work. , - 1 : ' 1 - rri.n !.. 1441.. T., A lid AJlg AJlllXi; XIIUV1. l We have Just received tho last issue of tin big little Fin in Journal, the well-known and popular monthly farm paper, edited by Wll mer Atkinson. Tho Farm Journal Is now In its eighteenth year, with over 200,000 subscrib ers, giving It a round million of readeis. It circulates everywhere from Maine to Wash ington and from Michigan to Texas. Its ed itors and contributors are sleeves-rolled-up men and women, und it Is surprising how so much valuable and helpful Information can be crowded Into so small a space. The very best people take It Uecause it Is clean, honest, earnest and progressive, with no axe to grind or hobby to ride. It is for the farmer, first, last and all the time, If you do not know the paper, send a postal to Farm Jour nal, Philadelphia, Pa., for a free sample cony and beautiful colored plate of berries. Take our word for It, you will be delighted with the paper. , Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office. Tho Dalles. Ore- I gon, January Si, 18H5. Notice is hereby given mat in compliance witn me provisions oi tne act of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory, ' Harry H. Campbell of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 119, for the purchase of the southwest of section No, HI, in township No. 1 south, range No. 11 east, and will otter proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at The Dalles, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 10th day of April. 1805. He names as witnesses: Perrv Van KamnN N. H. Fngan, (Jeorgo Uelrles and I.J, Norman, all of The Dalles, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely tho above described lands are requested to tile their claims in t his office on or before said 10th day of April, 180.5. ft'2 JAS. F, MOORE, register, Ordinance No. 1. An Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Adopts ing (jeriam ituies ior me iovernmenc 01 Uio Proceedings of the. Common Council of the Townoi Hood Kiver, and Providing lor the Appointment and Duties of the Committees of the Council." Be It Oruuined by the Common Council of the Town of Hood ilivcr: Section 1. The coun cil shall hold regular meetings once each Mioul h at the council chambers in the town of Hood Kiver, on the second Tuesday of each month, except when it falls on a legal holi day, in whlcn case the council shall meet on the next day following: ProvidedThat at any such regularmeetingthecouncil may adjourn to a spccllied time thereafter, and sucn -adjourned meeting shall be considered a regular meeting, at which all business may be trans acted the same as at regular meetings held at the lines appointed by this ordinance. Bee. 2 Unless expressly otherwise ordered by the council upon adjournment, or by the mayor in convening the council, all meetings of the council from the first day of April until the 11 ret day of October shall be held at the hour of eight o'clock P. M., and from the first day of October till the first day of April, ut the hour of seven o'clock and thirty minutes, P. M. Sec. 3. At the meetings of the council the business before it shall be taken up and con sidered in the following order, unless by con sent of the council the mayor shall otherwise direct. . 1. Petitions, remonstrauces. memorials and communications shall be reud and acted upon by the council. 2. Keports of standing committees In the following order: Finance, tire and water, streets and public properly, Judiciary, and health and police. i - 8. Keports of select committees. -. f 4. Keports of officers. 5. Keports and business on the table. 1 H. Heading of ordinances. i 7. Claims against the town. 8. Propositions, motions and miscellaneous matters. Bee. 4. At each regular meeting of the coun cil the minutes of the last regular meeting, and the minutes of adjourned or called meet ings, If any. tor the month previous, shall be read before the order of business is Called, and if there be no objection, the mayor shall ap prove the same, and if there be objection and such minutes be corrected, the mayor shall approve the same as corrected, and after such approval they shall not be changed or cor rected: Provided, That no objections shall be considered except when sustained by the council. bee. 6. AH parliamentary questions which may arise belore the council, when not other wise provided for, shall be determined by Roberts' Itules of Order. Sec. II. At the first resular meeting of the council, on the second Tuesday in January of eacn year, tne mayor snau appoint, me ioiiow lng committees, to be composed of three conn cilmen, to wit: Judiciary committee, committee . on finance. committee on street and public property, committee on fire and water, and committee on health and po lice: and such committees shall serve for the period of one year and until their successors are appointed, and In case of vacancy in any ol the said committees b, death, resignation or otherwise, the mayor shall appoint other members of the council to fill such vacancy: Provided, That if the mayor does not appoint such committees at the time named by this ordinance, he may do so at any meeting thereafter. " : 't . Sec. 7. The duties of the council committees shall be as follows: The Judiciary committee shall report from time to time upon such mat ters as may be referred to them by the coun cil, and particularly upon matters of a legal nature, and thev htav In their discretion take such counsel und advice from time to time, as they may deem proper, to enable them to cor rectly advise the council upon sue matters. The committee on finance shall keep them selves advised in all matters pertaining to the finances of the town, and t he collection of revenues due the town, ana slum report 10 tne council from time to time upon matters re ferred to them, and thev shall also advise the council in matters pertaining to the better ment or tne nnanciui ariairs oi tne town; mey shall also examine all ciaims the town before the same shall be allowed, and shall report the same to the council with their approval or disapproval, and such recom- menaaiions or explanations as tney may deem proper, and perform such other duties as may be imposed by the ordinances of the Uwn, or the order of the council. The com mittee on streets and public property shall keep themselves"ndvlsed us to the condition of ull public property of the town, and the condition of the roads, streets and sidewalks of the town, and they shall report from time to time upon such matters as may be referred to them by the council; they shall have gen eral charge and supervision of all public works, and the streets, sidewalks, sewers and public places of the town, and shall perform such duties as may be imposed by ordinance, or order of the council. The committee on lire and water shall have general charge and supervision of the lire department, and any buildings, equipments and apparatus apper taining thereto; they shall perform such du ties as may be imposed upon them by any ordinance, and shall report from time to time upon bucIi matters as may be referred to them by the council. The committee on health and police shall have general charge of tiie matters pertaining to the police department, and it shall be their duty to see thut the laws of the town are prooerly enforced: t hey shall also keep themselves informed as to the san itary condition ana neaun oi tne town, ana shall from time to time recommend to the council such measures as they may deem proper for the betterment of the health of the town. Passed the common council of the town of Hood River, March 4,18115, and approved by me this 5th day of March, 18!I5. C. M. WOLKARD, Mayor. Attest: CP. Hkald, Recorder. Ordinance No. 2. An Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Defin ing the Duties and Fixing the Compensa tion of the Recorder of the Town of Hood River, and Regulating Proceedings in the Recorder's Court." Be it Ordained by the Common Council of tne Town of iiooa Kiver: section l. Tne re corder s style of office, whether acting as re corder or clerk, shall be "Recorder of the Town of Hood River." He shall keep proper recorasana nooks oi account snowing an ins acts and doings, and shall keep and pre3erve all books, papers and documents which may come Into nis hands officially. He shall keep a record of all licenses, In which shall be re corded the name of the licensee, the date and duration of the license, and the character of tne license; ne snau De present ana act as clerk at the meetings of the council, and shall keep a book in which he shall entel a trueand correct record of lt proceedings, which shall be known as the council Jouri.ul; he shall pre serve ana nie in nis omce an original oral nances: he shall also keen a record of all war rants issued, upon what funds drawn, and of warrants reueemea, snowing tne date, num ber, amount and amount of Interest paid on eacn warrant. Buch records shall be kept so that a Balance may be made at any time. Sec. 2. The amount of the bond given by the recorder as required by law shall be two hundred and fifty dollars. ..' Sec. 8. I n all actions for the violation of any town ordinance, the process issued bv the re corder shall' run In the-name of the Town of Hood River, and shall be dated the day it Is Issued, signed by the recorder and directed to the marshal: Piovlded, That if the office of marshal snau oe vacant, or sucn omcer shall be unable to make due service thereof, then it may issue to the sheriff or any constable of wasco county, ine iorm oi tne warranto! arrest to be issued in such cases may be sub stantially as follows: i-tate of Oregon, 1 County of Wasco, Town of Hood River, J "" To the Marshal of the Town of Hood River: Whereas, has this day complained In writing, under oath, to the undersigned, recorder of the Town ot Hood River, that on the ... day of , A. D. 18 in said town, one did violate ordinance No of said town by (enter substunce of complaint). Therefore, in the name of the Town of Hood River, you are hereby commanded to forth with apprehend the said and bring him before ine, to be dealt with according to law. Given under my hand and the seal of the V Town ot Hood River, this ...... day jSealj of , 18 Recorder of the Town of Hood River. Sec. 4. In all prosecutions for the violation of town ordinances, if the defendant is acquitted, and it shall appear that the complaint was malicious and without probable cause, the re corder shall enter judgment against the com plainant in'favor of the town of Hood River for the cosu and disbursements of the action, and unless such complainant shall execute an undertaking to the town of Hood River with one or more good and sufficient sureties, to pay such Judgment within thirty days from the date of the entry thereof, execution shall issue therefor: Provided, That If a complain ant who has failed to appear and prosecute, shall, within thirty days, appear before the recorder and show good and sufficient cause for not appearing to prosecute, the recorder may relieve him from thr Judgment against him. In all cases of acquittal, and in all cases of conviction where the defendant is unable to pay the costs and disbursements, and has no property subject to execution, the town shall pay the same. . sec. 5. In all cases of conviction the recorder, in addition to thp One imposed, may enter judgment against the defendant for the costs und disbursements of the prosecution. Bee. ti. In all actions for t he violation of town ordinances In the recorder's court, the same fees and compensation shall be allowed tho recorder, marshal and Jurors as are allowed by the laws of Oregon lor similar services in justices' courts. All fines and costa and dis bursements shall be paid to the recorder, who shall forthwith pay over ail such lines to the town treasurer, and take duplicate receipts therefor, one of which shall be tiled In the office of the recorder. All costs and disbursements collected by the recorder shall be paid over by him to the persons In whose favor they were taxed. Bee. 7. The recorder shall make a report to the council at the regular meeting In each month, which shall contain: 1. The title of all actions in which the town is a party, entered in his docket during the month, the cause of action in each, the name of the complaining witness or officer making the arrest, the result of each case, the penalty imDosed and disposition thereof. 2. The amount, with date of all fines paid to him. 3. An account of the costs and disbursements in each town case. 4. A statement of the cash received for the town from all sources, as shown by the treas urer's receipts filed with him, and tbe reports of the treasurer. Bee. 8. The recorder shall receive as compens ation for his services as clerk, five per cent of all license fees paid into the hands of the treasurer, and shall have the free use of the council chamber for his office. Passed the common council of the town of Hood Kiver, March 4, 1895, and approved by me this 6th day of March, 18(15. CM. WOLFARD, Mayor. Attest: C P. Hkald, Recorder. -Ordinance No. 3. An Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Defin ing the Duties and fixing the Bond and Compensation of the Treasurer of the Town of Hood River." Be It Ordained by the Common Council of the Town of Hood River: Section 1. The amount of the bond to be given by the treas urer, as required by law, shall be live hundred dollars. Sec. 2. The treasurer of the town of Hood River shall receive all the moneys paid over to him for the town, keep a correct account thereof, and credit the same to such fund as the council shall direct; he shall pay all war rants drawn on him in proper form out of the fund specified In the warrant, and all war rants shall be paid in tho order of their pres entation to him. When any warrant is paid by him he shall cancel the same and write the word "PAID" in large letters across the fate of the same. When there are no moneys in his hands wherewith to pay a warrant drawn on a particular fund, he must endorse the same "Not paid for want of funds," and enter and register tho same in a book kept for that purpose, and thereafter, and upon no tice, pay such registered warrants in the order of their registration, and all wan ants so ,eg istered shall bear interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the date of registra tion until paid. He shall make a report to the council at each regular monthly meeting, showing the condition of the town finances. Sec. X. The notice requhed in section 2 of this ordinance shall contain the number and other necessary description ot the registered warrants and a statement that there are funds on hand to pay the same. Such notice shall be posted at the post office, recorder's office and tne tieasurer's office In tne town of Hood River. The interest on -the warrants contained in said notice shall cease after the posting thereof. If any such warrant be not presented for payment for a period of five years after such notice. It shall be so noted by the treasurer and not paid except by order of the council. Bee. 4. The report required in section 2 of this ordinance shall set forth the amount of moneys received and from what source; also, shall show the amounts paid out from each fund, and ihe balance of money or other prop erty remaining in his hands at the time. The report shall be accompaniea by all warrants paia auring tDe inontn, wnn a scneuuie speci fying the amount and number of each, and the tunds out of which each was paid. Sec. 5. The treasurer shall permit and allow the mayor or any member of the council to examine his books and accounts, and make an actual count of the funds o.: ht. jd at any t,me, and the examination may be the subject oi a special report to tne council. Sec. li. The treasurer shall receive for his compensation five per cent of all license fees paid Into his hands. Passed the Common Council of the town of Hood River, March 4. 18Uo, and approved by nie this 5th day of March, 181)5. C M. WOLFARD, Mayor. Attest: C P. Heald, Recorder. Ordinance No. 4. An Ordinance entitled "An Ordlnanoe Pre scribing tho Duties and Fixing tne Conv . pensation of the Marshal of the Town of Hood Kiver." Be It Ordained by the Common Council of tne Town oi uooa Kiver: section i. The amonnt of the bond to be given by the mar shal, as required by law, shall be two hundred and fifty dollars. Sec. 2. Tho marshal must execute all pro cesses issued to him by the recorder, or di rected to him by any magistrate of this state: ho must attend regularly upon the sittings of tne recorder s court ana tne meetings of tne council, and act. as sergeantratrarms of said council; he shall have control of such room or building as the council may provide for a town jan, ana snau nave enarge or tne town prisoners; and lor boarding and keeping such prisoners he shall be entitled to such com pensation as the council from time to time sini II allow: he shall keen a record, in whic.i ha shall enter the name, age, sex and color of every person connnea in tne towu jau, or to his care, whether upon commitment or not, together with tho data and duration of the Imprisonment, and a list of all articles ot value found upon the person of each prisoner: he shall also keep a register, in wl ich he shall enter the title of every state and civil case in which he has been called upon to act in the recorder's court, together with a statement of nisomciai acts, iees ana compensation tnere ln; he shall be ex-officio health officer of the town, and as such shall rigidly enforce the provisions of all oidinances relating to the prevention of contagious, infectious and dan gerous diseases, the cleanliness of the town, the draining of sewers and cesspools, and the removal oi ruooisn irom tne yams, streets or blghwaysof thctown. Sec. 3. Immediately upon the receipt there of, the marshal shall pay ove.- to the treasurer all taxes aud other town moneys collected by or paid to him, aud he shall, at the time he makes return of any wrltor process issued by tho recorder, pay over to the recorder all moneys collected by virtue thereof; and for all moneys paid over to said ,i t icers he shal I take duplicate receipts, one of ihich he must file In the office of t he recorder. Sec. 4. The marshal shall have power and authority to appoint one or more deputies, who shall be continued ns such during his pleasure, but such appointment shall first be approved by the council: Provided, That in case of emergency, the marshal may appoint special deputies until such emergency snail have passed, or until a meeting of the council shall bo hela, after which they shall not con tinue on duty unless approved by the council. A certified copy of such appointment of any deputy marshal shall be tiled with the re corder, and the person appointed shall, before entering upon the duties of the office, take and file with the recorder the oath of office. Sec. 6. The marshal shall be responsible to his deputies for their compensation, and the town shall not be liable theefor, unless other wise specially provided. Bee. ti; If the marshal shall make or cause an arrest to be made In the night lime, or when the recorder's court is not in sess'on, he shall keep the person so arrested in confine ment until he can have a hearing: Provided, That no poison shall be confined more than one day before his examination or trial shall be begun, except where Sunday or a legal hol iday intervenes. The confiuement shall be continued until the noon hour of the day fol lowing, if necessary. Bee. 7. The marshal shall make a report to the council at its regular meeting in each month, which shall contain: 1. The number of arrests mado during tho month, with the names of the persons charged. 2. The number of persons kept in confine ment by him during the month, with their names and the duration of their imprison ment. 8. The amount of moneys collected or paid him du. ing the month, and fom what source, including the fees, costs and disbursements paid to him. 4. A schedule of the treasurer's and record er's receipts given him during the month. Sec. 8. In all proceedings before or arising out of the recorder's court for violation of any town ordinance, the marshal shall receive the same compensation as is provided for con stables forsimilar services by the laws ot this state. The marshal shall also receive such other fees as may be provided for by ordi nance. Passed tbe Common Council of the town of Hood River, March 4, 1895, and approved by mo thisuth day of March, 1805. C. M. WOLFARD, Mayor. Attest: C. P. Hkald, Recorder. Se 3d Potatoes. Early Rose, Burban, and Peerless Potatoe.", For sale by .MILLER BROS., .mttrtf Hood Utver, Or, - i 1 A mm Excellent irea,cl3.ers, ; SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES, Address,' WE HAVE O r3 And shall endeavor to merit custom We keep a In their season. Do not forget that we mean to be Headquarters for All Kinds of Sprays, And can furnish them in convenient form for immediate use, and cheaper than you can prepare them, all things considered. Ask Us for Particulars Before You Spray. WILLIAMS & BROSIUS, v Hood KlTrer ZZb-aarxTn-sicsr- HEADQUARTERS FOR LEATHER GOODS S T1 O IE k fa mm hb v mamtm mm The Famous C. M. HENDERSON & CO.'S For MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN. AH and large variety. My motto is "Possibly not the Cheapest, but the Best," and the Henderson shoes are tho cheapest In the long run, . Don't Fail U To call and examine and price thesa goods. They will please you. Nd trouble to show them. Hand-made Double Team Harness, $20 ! With Boston Team Collars. All other kinds of Harness cheap for ltt!!5. If you doubt It, call and price them. 1 propose to keep Hood River trade at home if price is an object. D. F. PIERCE, Hood River, Or. HANNA & DEALERS IN HOOD RIVER, OREGON. AGENTS FOR Wdonsocket Rubber Boots and Shoes. The Best in the World. We have a large line in stock Call aud examine goods. a T 2l'-E"? BT. O:S:E HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND THE C&oicest Meats. Ham. .Bacon, lard, .G-ame, vv . . Poultry, Also Dealers in VEGETABLES AfID FRUITS. ' Corner of Oak aud Fourth Streets, ', - - - - Hood River. Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, January 22, 1895. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, on March 9, 18fW, viz: Robert B. Lindsay, Hd. E. No. 8128, for the northeast V Rectlon 18, township 2 north, range 10 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Antone Wise, Henry Prigge, H. C. Stran ahan and John Parker, all of Hood River, Oregon, JAS. F, MOORE, Register. SALE. Two choice lrts, Vlth good residence, In the town of Hoo Riverwtll be sold at a bargain. Inquire at the Glacier office, sel The Annie Wright Seminary, ' . TACCMA, WASHINGTON. 1 834. Eleventh Ye,ar. 1 894. A Boarding; School for Girls, - with Superior Advantages. This iHatiTOTion ) MORAL i Dsvra,wif uives CAxcrut V iNTfitiLiiUTuau -j or TBI Anon to thk fP HYS1CAL ( Siobikti, Gives Ci&EruL V INTELLECTUAL J ot tbk MRS. SARAH K. WHITE, Principal. ADOPTED THE by QUALITY aa well as QUANTITY. full line of "WOLFARD, ONE GIVES RELIEF. To Water Consumers. Owing to hard times I have decided to make a reduction In water rates, but as some have paid up to March 1, 18, new rates will not take efl'i until that date. For all water rents pai(t promptly, the first day of tbe month, trie following rates will be accepted; Present rates of 81.53 reduced to $1.25; bath tubs, now 50 cents, reduced to 25 cent; livery stables, $2.50, reduced to S2; hotels, $1, reduced to $2.50; rates' now SI, no change; Irrigation re duced 50 per cent from old price. Above prices apply to those only who pay promptly first of each month. 2 A. S. BLOWERS, I..