The Hood Eiver Glacier. lt's a Cold Day When We Get Left. -ji VOL. 6. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, SATURDAY. MARCH 9, 1895. NO. 41. 3eed Iiver (5 lacier. PUBLISHED KVERY SATURDAY MORNING BY S. F. BLYTHE, Publisher. 1 SUBSCRIPTION PRICK. One year .B 00 Six month! 1 00 Three month to angle eopy CaW GRANT EVAN3. KOBT. HUSBANDS. THE GLACIER BARBER SHOP, Second St., Near Oak, Hood River, Or. EVANS 4 HUSBANDS, Proprietors. Shaving and hair-cutting neatly done.- Satis action guaranteed. CABINET -CHANGE Postmaster-General Bissell Has Tendered His Resignation. THE NEXT FOR THE POSITION It Will In All Probability Be Repre sentative Wilson 'of West Virginia, Who Wilt Be Rewarded for Father ing the Tariff Act. Washington;; March 1. Postmaster General Bissell set at rest all doubts as to his purpose of remaining in the cabi net by tendering his resignation to Pres ident Cleveland this afternoon. His let ter of resignation is said to have been brief, and to have been couched in the usual formal terms. !,The letter was writ ten by the postmaster-general at the close of office hours to-day, and was by him personally handed to his chief a lit tle after 5 o'clock. The action was not taken hastily.. As far back as the early autumn Mr. Bissell felt that his law practice at Buffalo required his personal attention, and at that time he notified the president that sooner or later he would be compelled to retire to private life. Nothing further passed between the two gentlemen with reference to the matter until "ten days ago, when Mr. -Bissell again assured the president that he must soon resign his portfolio. In a statement made by Mr. Bissell to representatives of the press this even ing, he said : "I have placed my resignation in the hands of the president. The reasons for so doing are that my professional work at home demands my attention, and 1 feel that I cannot longer remain away from it; The business of the depart ment is in good condition, and its trans fer can be made without affecting the public service. I deeply regret that I am- thus compelled to sever relations with the president and cabinet, which have been most satisfactory and cordial. Perhaps, without impropriety) I may now say that all rumors of disagreement between the, president and any of his cabinet have been without foundation. I doubt if there ever was a more har monious cabinet than the present one, and its members are a unit in support of the president on every public question.' "T . .... ... Unn n rl Kaa! vomiata of Ria sell's retirement. 'The president said : ; "It is surely not necessary for me to say that I shall iel ease Mr. Bissell with the Utmost regret. All his associates in the administration will feel they have lost a colleague who, in all respects, was a valuable factor in their executive la bors, as well as a companion . to whom they have become greatly attached. I am not tatten y surprise, s nave known for some time that it was inevi table, because Mr. Bissell's reasons for his action were of a personal nature, and were inexorable. This first break in the cabinet, which has been in the midst of many "perplexing siuations en tirely harmonious, all being actuated-by loyal devotion to the public interest, and pervaded in a marked degree by the personal attachments which such connections cannot fail to create, causes ns all real sorrow. Much gratification awaits Mr. Bissell in the appreciation of his countrymen of his splendid and val- . uaDie puonc service.: . . ,. Though in the department and con gressional circles the air is filled with names of possible candidates to succeed Mr. Bissell from states ranging from the Atlantic to the Pacific and to Florida, still the feeling was uppermost among men in official life that the president would reward in some way the utiring devotion of Representative Wilson, of West Virginia, to the administration throughout this congress. . ; Will Take Out the Paragraph. Berlin, March 1. The reichstag to day adopted the proposal to ex'iingethe paragraph conferring dictatorial powers upon the governor of Alsace-Lorraine. To Indemnify French Families. Paris, March 1. Brazil has agreed to pay France 500,000 francs, with which to indemnify the families of Frenchmen phot during the revolution. AT A GOOD OLD AGE. Death of General Brayman, Ex-Gover nor of Idaho. Kansas City, March 1. General Ma son Brayman, aged 81 years,; ex-governor of Idaho, the oldest Mason in the United States, and former associate in legal practice with Abraham Lincoln, died here to-day at the home of his son-in-law, Theodore Gowdy, of Bright's disease. The funeral services will be held to-morrow and the body taken to Ripon, Wis., to be interred by the side of the deceased wife. He leaves two children, Mrs. Theodore Gowdy of this city and, a married daughter in San Diego. ' General Brayman was born in 1813 in Buffalo, N. Y. In 1835 he was admitted to the bar. He then went to Louisville, where he edited a paper and practiced law. He alternated between the two professions, obtaining eminence in both. In 1842 he removed to Springfield, 111., and began the practice of law. While in . Springfield he was a neighbor of Lincoln and associated with him in many cases. The intimacy then begun continued until Lincoln's death. In 1861 General Brayman enlisted as major in trie xwentv-nintn Illinois intantry, commanding forces under General Grant. He served with honor and re ceived promotion rapidlv. He was mus- tered out at the close of the war as brevet-major-general. At the close of the war he returned to Springfield. In 1873 he went to RiDon. Wis., where he gained fresh legal honors. In 1876 President Grant BDDointed him trovernor of Idaho. In 1880 he returned to Ripon where he began anew the practice of law. But failing health causing his re tirement, and in 1885 he came to Kan sas City, where he made his home with his daughter until his death, (ieneral Brayman was the oldest editor and the oldest Mason in the United States. . He was the special state prosecutor for Illinois in the famous troubles with the Mormons, and conducted the negotia tions which eventually led to their leav ing for the West. Brigham Young is said to have attempted to take his life. HAS NO SIGNIFICANCE. England and the International Mone tary Conference. New York, March 1. Ballard Smith cables the following to the World from London: "The acceptance by the government of a bimetalist resolution in the house of commons last night does not indicate any change of ministerial opinion on the currencv problem. Bimetalists. in order to catch votes, have watered down their motion so that it involved no dec laration of principle and merely com mitted its supporters to an approval of sending a British representative to any future international currency confer ence. Sir William Vernon Uarcourt agreed to that proposal, but at the same time reiterated with the utmost empha sis that Egland's prosperity is bound up entirely with the maintenance of the gold standard. The whole dead weight of official opinion remains opposed to mmetaiism, ana its adoption at tne present time is wholly outside the range of practical politics. Any representative sent by the present government to the currency conference will be a monomet alist, and though Balfour is a bimetalist no Tory government would attempt to alter the currency policy of England, as all other Tory financial authorities are against bimetalism." UMATILLAS ANGRY. Indiana Incensed Over the Arrest of No Shirt and Young Chief. Pendleton, Or., March 1. The Uma tilla reservation chiefs, No Shirt and Young Chief, who were preparing to go to Washington to interview the secre tary of the interior concerning the dis position of $200,000 of Indian money, were arrested on Agent Harper's order by Indian police for resisting the author ity of United States officers. The other Indians are enraged on account of the arrest of their chiefs, and rumors are current to-dav of trouble. A prominent official said to-day he feared it would be necessary to bring a company ot troops from Walla Walla unless the Indians quieted down. They have made threats against Agent Harper, and are restless under the agent's restraint on account of Judge Bellinger's decision that In dians on alotted lands are American citizens. " Utah's New Brigadier-General. . Samp Lake, March 1. Governor West to-day appointed R. W. 'Young, as briga dier-general, and commander of the Utah National Guard. General a grandson of the -late Brigham Young, and has a brilliant military and business record.. . -He was a graduate of West Point and resigned from the service in 1888 to begin the practice of - law in this city.- Last April he assumed the edi tonal and business management ot the Salt Lake Herald. Garcia and a Companion Shot. Havana, March 1, Garcia, a famous Cuban" bandit, and a companion were to-day shot in Havana by the govern ment soldiers. Martial law is enforced in the province, and no messages, save under government sanction, can be sent. Marti, the revolutionary chief, and Gen eral Gomez are reported to be on the island. . The Application Denied. Buffalo, March 1. The attorney-gen eral has denied the application of the Central Labor Union of New York for leave for , proceedings to dissolve the Standard Oil Company on the ground that it is a monopoly, The case has been pending for some time. ARBITRATION BILL National Law to Affect Settle ment of Labor Troubles. IT HAS PASSED THE , HOUSE It Provides for a Board of Conciliation to Settle the Differences Between ; Common Carriers and the Men Under Their Employ. Washington, February 28. The house met at 11 o'clock to-dav. . Henderson of North Carolina, chairman of the com mittee on . postoffices and postroads, called up the conference report on the postoffice appropriation bill, much to the disappointment of the members who were clamoring for unanimous consent to consider bills. The senate amendment providing that hereafter mail clerks should live some where along the route to which they are assigned, but clerks heretofore appointed Bhould not be required to change their residence, was the only question in dis pute between the two houses. The amendment was designed to destroy the effect of general order No. 379, issued by the postmaster-general requring clerks to live on the line of their routes. When the order was issued some 1,300 clerks lived off their lines. Since then 800 have changed their residence., Henderson had read a letter from the postmaster-general protesting against the senate amendment. But as it was evident the amendment would occasion some debate, Henderson withdrew the conference report in order to give Catch ings an opportunity to present the spe cial order giving to-day until 3 o'clock to the committee on labor and to-morrow to the committee on public build ings and grounds. The special order was adopted without division, and Mc Gann, of the labor commission, called up the national arbitration bill, entitled "a bill concerning carriers engaged in the interstate commerce and their em ployes." The purpose of the bill is to provide a board of conciliation consisting of the commissioner of labor and the chairman of the interstate commerce commission, , whose duty it shall be when a contro versey concerning wages, hours of labor or conditions of employment arose be tween a carrier under this act and the employes of such carrier, seriously in terrupting or threatening to interrupt the business of said carrier, to put them selves in communication with the parties to such controversy and use their best efforts, by mediation and conciliation, to amicably settle the same, and, it such efforts should be unsuccessful, to at once endeavor to bring about an arbitration of said controversy by submitting the some to a board consisting of three per sona, one to be chosen bv the emDloves. one by the employer and these two se lecting a third. Erdman of Pennsylvania explained the provisions of the bill, which he said were originally drawn bv the attorney- general, and being carefully considered and perfected by the committee on la bor, to-day had the support Of all the chiefs of labor organizations involved and of the commissioner of labor. 'Does the bill provide a compulsory arbitration?" asked Simpson. By no means," replied Erdman. "The railroads favor it. The laboring men have adopted it in all its phases, and their representatives are here to day urging it. The bill has behind it the unanimous support ot our commit tee." '. "When a difference is tubmitted to arbitration under the provisions of this bill," interrupted Dingley, "and the ar bitrators render a decision, how is to be enforced?" . 'The decrees are to be enforced by the courts," replied Erdman. v "The courts can enforce a decree or awards against a railroad company," suggested Dingley, "but how can it en force it against employes f ' "The employes are to be treated as far as possible as incorporated bodies," replied Erdman. - McLeary of Minnesota called attention to the section of the bill which provided that all labor organizations claiming rights under it should have in their ar ticles of incorporation a clause providing that members should forfeit their mem berships if they failed to comply with an arbitration award. Fithian took occasion to make a bitter speech denouncing the action of the president in sending troops to Chicago last vear to suppress the strike." He de clared Mr. Cleveland's act was unconsti tutional, and that when the full facts were known, Governor Altgeld's posi tion would be commended everywhere. "I predict," said he, "the name of Altgeld will live in history as one who in the great crisis in the events of our common country stood for lawful and constitutional government by injunction, government by force and government in violation of the law, which is anarchy of the worst and most violent kind." Speeches favoring the bill were made by Ikert, Henderson and Dunn. On motion of Tawney an amendment was adopted in the shape of a proviso to the effect that no employe, should' be punished for failure to comply with an arbitration award, as by contempt of court. Several other unimportant amendments, together with three offered by the committee, were agreed to with out division, and the bill was passed. Montana Anti-Gambling Law. Helena, Mont., February 28. Both houses of the legislature have passed a stringent anti-gambling law. Gambling has been a legalized industry, yielding revenue heretofore. " ' THE AGRICULTURAL BILL. Several Items Stricken Out by the Con ferees. Washington, February 28. The con ferees on the agricultural bill reached a conclusion this afternoon, the senate yielding much that it had added to the bill.: Chief among the items so yielded is that appropriating 40,000 for the ex termination of the gypsy moth, which was placed in the bill after a hard con test by Mr. Lodge. The house agrees to the senate amendment amending the cattle exportation act, so as to extend its provisions to all live cattle, the meat of which, fresh, salted, canned, corned, packed, cured or otherwise prepared, is intended for exportation. An impor tant 'provision of this law stipulates that no clearance shall be given to any vessel having on board any fresh, salt ed, canned, corned or packed beef, be ing the meat ot cattle killed alter the passage of this act for exportation and sale in a foreign country, from any port in the United states, until the owner or skipper shall obtain from an inspector appointed under the provisions of this act a certificate that said cattle were free from disease, and that their meat is sound and wholesome." Another amendment agreed to by the house authorizes the secretary ol agri culture to make the necessary rules to prevent the transportation Irom one state or territory or district into any other state or territory, or to any foreign country, of the condemned carcasses of cattle which have been inspected. The house agreed to the action of the senate in striking from the bill the authority given the secretary to use part of the funds set aside for-exports in the manu facture of sugar for experiments, in sugar cane, and rice production on re claimed swamp lands in the San Joaquin or Sacramento valley, Cal. The appro priation ot Slo.UUU tor irrigation investi gation, and a similar sum for investiga tions under the head ol ot nutrition, cut bv the senate to $8,000, was restored. The increase of the senate in the general expenses of the weather bureau from: $3l,UUU to $ 56,UU0 was agreed to by the house. . TWO DECISIONS AFFIRMED. Circuit Court of Appeals Upholds the Oregon Tribunal. San Francisco, February 28. The United States circuit court of appeals decided two small cases yesterday. Peter W. Larsenjwas drowned in the Columbia river in May, 1893, through his boat running against a fish trap owned by P. J. McGowan. The United States circuit court of Oregon allowed the widow $3,000 damages and McGowan appealed. The court of appeals upheld the lower tribunal. Frank Tracy was injured on the Ore gon Short Line & Utah Northern rail road, lie was employed as a brakeman, and while his train was being shunted on a siding he signalled once to go slow and again to stop. Owing to the brush that grew along the line the engineer did not see the signals and kept on, nearly killing Tracy. The United States cir cuit court of Oregon gave the latter $4, 000 damages and the railroad appealed. The decision of the lower court was af firmed. , San Francisco Produce Firm Fails, San Francisco, February 28. Robert Haight & Co.j of 223 Front street, one of the oldest commission houses here, has assigned for the benefit of its creditors. The firm has been in business thirty years and dealt in farm produce, butter, cheese, eggs, etc., which they sold on consignment. The affairs have been placed in the hands of the board of trade. The exact amount of liabilities is not known, but is estimated between $60,000 and $70,000. Assets are said to be nearly $50,000. The cause of the failure is hard times. Insolvency proceedings will probably be begun to-morrow. The head of the firm is Robert Haight, a brother of the late ex-Governor Haight, of California. The principal creditors are farmers and dairy produce men. Jewess and Chinese. Atlanta, Ga., February 28. Joe Lee, a Chinese, and Ella Moses, a pretty young Jewess, were married here yester day. ' The ceremony was performed by Judge Bloodworth. The groom wanted the ceremony performed in open court, but the bride objected, because of the crowd of spectators, so they substituted the groom's laundry tor the temple of justice, and the ceremony was duly per formed. None of the bride's family were present. Lee and his bride have been sweethearts for a long time, but it was only recently that she consented to marry him. A Protest From California Miners. San Francisco, March 1. The min ers' Association has prepared and will file a protest against the selection by the Southern Pacific Company of 1,000, 000 acres of land near Redding. The railroad company desires this land pat ented for agricultural purposes. Part of the land is near the Iron Mountain mine, recently sold for $300,000. The Miners' Association wishes miners to investigate and file personal protests at ' Telegraph Company's Right-of-Way. San- Francisco, February 28. The United States court of appeals to-day dismissed the appeal of Western Union Telegraph Company, taken from the decision of Judge Ross, district judge for the southern district of California, in favor of the Postal Telegraph Company. Under the decision of Judge Ross the Postal company was given the right to build lines on the right-of-way in ques tion, but dismissal of its appeal, leaves Judge Ross' decision final. AFRICAN TROUBLE The British Have Captured the Natives' Strongholds. TOWNS AND FORTS BURNED t Advices From Rear-Admiral Bedford Say Lieutenant Taylor of the Royal Navy and Two Men Were Killed and Five Wounded. London, February 27. Advices from Rear-Admiral Bedford, in command of Cape of Good Hope and West African stations, who has been co-operating with the land forces in the British expedition on Brass river on the Guinea coast, con firms the report of severe fighting in that locality. The admiral adds that Lieutenant Taylor, of the royal navy, and two men were killed and five men were wounded. The British advanced up Brass river February 13, captured several rebel strongholds and destroyed a number of of war canoes. Many of the natives were killed and the main body of rebels retreated into the interior. The follow ing day the British advanced further in land, and after sharp fighting captured and burned the native town of JNimbi. The natives, who lost heavily, fled from Nimbi to Bassouia followed by the British, who shelled the last named town, but did not proceed further in land. Sir Claude M. Macdonald, who personally directed the operations, sent an ultimatum to the rebels that unless they surrendered and gave up the prison ers captured at Akassa a month ago further attack would be made on them. A later dispatch from Admiral Bed ford says the British expedition con sisted of the gunboats Widgeon and Thrush, two steamers belonging to the Niger protectorate, and the flagship St. George. Un February 21 the rebels in twenty- five war canoes attacked the British force at Sacrifice Island, but the fire of the natives was ineffective, and three of the war canoes were sunk, after which the rest retired. The following day the intricate channels of the brass river were buoyed and the creek reconnoi tered. 'At daybreak February 23," continues Admiral Bedford's dispatch, "we com menced the attack', and after an obsti nate defense of a position naturally dif ficult a landing was gallantly effected and Nimbi completely burned. The force was withdrawn the evening fol lowing, after the residences of Kin Koko and the houses of the other chiefs had been destroyed." An additional dispatch received from Admiral Bedford this evening says that rishtown, another town on .brass river. was destroyed by the British expedition ary force to-day. The admiral adds: The .brass chiefs and people implicated in the attack upon Akassa have now been punished, and no further opera tions are contemplated." SLEW MANY THOUSAND TRIBESMEN. Rome, February. 27. The Tribuna says to-day: i"The recent expedition which King Menelek sent against the Galla tribes in South Abyssinia slew 70,000 tribesmen and captured 15,000." A dispatch received from Massowah this evening says that King Menelek's expedition to South Abyssinia killed 7,000 tribesmen, or one-tenth of the number given by the Tribuna. , THE NEW CUP DEFENDER. Particulars of the Tacht Expected to Sustain the Vigilant' Laurels. Bristol, R. I., February 27. The latest information from the Herreshoff works is so positive in its character as to leave no reasonable doubt as to the type, general dimensions and construc tion of the new cup defender. She is an out and out keel boat, an improved Colonia, and will be of Tobin bronze construction Tobin bronze plates, on a steel frame. She will be 89 feet on the water line, about 24 feet beam and something over 17 feet draft, or four feet longer on the water line than the Colo nia, about the same beam and with over two feet more draft. Her lead keel will be about 30 feet long on the top, 5 feet 6 inches in depth in the center and will taper away gradually to a point both forward and aft. It will be two feet across at the top and slightly bulged at the bottom. The Colonia was about 130 feet over all. The new boat will be con siderably less, by reason of the shorten ing of the forward overhang, and the making of a stent whose contour above the water is very much like that of the Valkyrie II, the challenger of the cup of 1893. Russia's Trans-Siberian Railroad. San Francisco, February 26. O. Wi asseimsky and Count Kiasicky, chief and assistant, chief representative of the department of construction of the trans Siberian railway, were among the pas sengers who arrived from the Orient on the Gaelic last night. They are on their way to St. Petersburg, where they are to report on progress being made in the construction of the government's rail road, which is to extend from Vladivos tock to Kabaroff in Siberia. - They say about 700 miles of road is now finished, and they expect to have the entire line in operation within two years. A Verdict Against Cherokee Bill. Fort Smith, Ark., March 1. In the United States court to-day the jury re turned a verdict against the outlaw "Cherokee Bill," guilty of murder. ONE MORE EXPOSURE. A Sensation Among the Spiritualists of Cincinnati. ; , . . . Cincinnati, February 27. The Spirit ualists of this city are in an uproar over the exposure aa a fraud of one of thnir most brilliant mediums. Even the lead ing Spiritualists admit her materializa tions were of the rankest sort. The most unpleasant exposure, and one that is likely to result in a damage suit and a criminal suit is this: 'The medium's name is Mrs. Nellie Ulrich. A Mrs. Reaver, of Portsmouth, had a wayward daughter, who is supposed to be in" this city. She desired her to come home, and Mrs. Ulrich agreed to locate the girl to return to her mother. Considerable money was spent, and the medium sent letters telling of progress. An accidental - discovery by the mother led her to in vestigate, ana sne learned that ner daughter had not been in this city, and was in another city, 400 miles away, and dangerously ill. Mrs. Ulrich savs a : spirit deceived her. The Trans-Siberian Road. San Francisco,' February 28. 0. P. Wiasemsky, chief engineer of construc tion of the trans-Siberian railway, ar rived on the Gaelic from the Orient. He is accompanied by his secretary and chief assistant. "We are going to St. Petersburg," said he, "to make a report on the work done on the new railroad which is to connect Vladivostock with St. Petersburg. About 400 miles of the railway are constructed, and I shall ask for a bill to pay for the construction of 300 more miles now surveyed and staked. The total length of the line is about 4,000 miles, and it will take six or seven years to complete it.' Farewell Reception to General Booth, New York, February 28. A farewell reception was tendered General William Booth, leader of the Salvation Army, to night at Carnegie hall. Commander Ballington Booth, on behalf of the staff and troops of America, read a farewell address to the general. The general since leaving England has covpred 18,453 r miles and addressed about 47,500 peo pie. General Booth replied to the ad dress in a long speech. ; No More Pacific Railway Legislation. Washington, February 28. There seems to be little prospect that any more attempts at Pacific railway legislation will be made this congress. Supporters of the bill in the house went to the sen ate to make a canvass of its chances, and were told by Senator White, of Cali fornia, that Western senators had re- ' solved to see to it that no legislation on the lines ot the Keilly bill should pass the Senate. Promoting Aerial Navigation. Washington, February 28. In the senate yesterday Brice reported without recommendation a bill authorizing the secretary of the treasury to pay the sum $100,000 to any inventor who shall prior to 1900 construct vessels that will demon strate the practicability of safely navi gating the air at a speed of tbirty miles per hour, and capable of carrying freight and passengers. For the Drouth-Stricken. Chicago, March 1. The committee appointed by the board of trade to so licit subscriptions for the relief of farm ers in the drouth-stricken districts has just commenced its labors. Armour & Co. subscribed $5,000, the Union Stock Yards & Transit Company $2,500, the'.k ATr.hfl.ncrA 49 (100 anA ma-nir other' subscriptions of lesser amounts are coming in. , Rather Exacting Requirements. ' Washington,1 February 27. t-Appli cations for mounted inspectors of cus-, toms along the Mexican border will have to furnish evidence that' thev can ride anything from a cow pony, saddled for the hrst time, up to a bucking mustang ; that they are proficient shots; sober, honest and experts in handling and judging cattle. c The Proclamation Issued. Washington, February 27. The pres ident has issued a proclamation post poning the effect of the new rules of the road at sea until some future date in ac cordance with the act of congress ap proved on caiuraay.. in tne prociama tion it is stated that this action is taken at the request of Great Britain. Feared Anarchists Have Killed Him. Milbn, March 1. - Deputy Antonio Comandini, director of the Morning Couries, a government daily, has been missing for two weeks. He was hated' bitterly by the anarchists, and it is feared that thev have killed him. Thn nnlina of the whole kingdom are searching for mm. Distress In England. . London, February 27. In the hearing by the house of commons of the 1 relief . committee Mr. Hardie, M. P.. said the distress was so widespread that a separ-, ate loan of jso.wu.uuu would be neces sary to tide over the needs of the unem ployed. A Monument for Colonel Baker. Sacramento, February 28. In the as sembly to-day the ways and means com-. mittee reported favorably a bill for the erection of a $15,000 monument to the memory of Colonel E. D. Baker. Embraced Him Twice. Vienna, February 28. The emperor of Germany arrived here this morning. He was received with effusive cordiality by Emperor Francis Joseph, who am braced him twita,