3f oodiyer- Slacier. SATURDAY, MARCH 2, IS95. THE MAILS. i The -mall arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o' clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de part e same days at noon. For Chenoweth, leaves at 8 A.M.; arrives at f P. M. Saturdays. For White Salmon leaves dally at 1 P. M.j arrives at 6 o'clock P. M. From White Salmon, leaves for Fu Ida, Gil mer, Trout Lake and Qlenwood Mondays, Wednesdays and Frldavs. SOCIETIES. Canby Post, No. 10, G. A. R., meets at Odd Fellow's Hall, first Saturday of each month at a o'clock p. m. ah a. . memoers in vlted to attend. M. B. Potter, Commander. C. J. Hayes, Adjutant. i i ADVERTISING RATES. Professional Cards, per month $1 00 One inch space, per month 1 60 mites on larger space given on application. Rnsiness notices in local columns will be charged 5 cent a line each insertion; under tne neaa oi "peciai nonces ' nan inese raies will hn nhnrefln. I,eiml advertisements will be charared to the party ordering them, at legal rates, and must be paid lor Deiore prooi is iiu-iiisiieu. BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. E. V. Husbands is still improving. Men's gloves at the Racket Store. W. N. West was iu The Dalles Mon daj' and Tuesday. " c s 1 ' E. L. Smith has plenty of good hay Tor sale at $13 a ton. S. E. Bartmess is agent for the Bri dal Veil Lumber Company. J. R. Nickelsen is setting 400 apple t res. on his place at lielnioiit. Hats at cost for six weeks at Mrs, Hunt's. juSB Ed. Fewell, the well-known rail roader, was in Hood River Tuesday. Lou Morse is authorized agent for all newspapers and periodicals. Henry-York, of The Dalles came down o'u the Regulator Monday. Annual school meeting in district No. 3 will be held March 4th, at 3 p. m. Dr. W. L.' Adams and family went to Portland Saturday, returning Tues day. lianna fc Wolfurd have a fine assortment of D. M. Ferry .& Co's gar den seeds. ' r Ed,, Fewell is setting six acres to orchard on his land bought of Oscar 8trtUmh.au. , The warm, sunshiny days during the week developed a good many cases of spring fever. , Davenport & Bros. Lumber Co. are now ready to deliver lumber to any port of the valley. ' , The force of men at work at the planer was laid oft Monday for a few days, to await orders. Dr. Cams, dentist, of Portlandwill be in Hood River March 3d, prepared for business in his line. The annual school meeting in dis trict 2, Frankton school house, will be held at 2 o'clock Monday. Geo. Mcintosh and T. A. Templeton were the first in the market with green ,rilntia r',nriinrr in Vprinpniblv. " "i n - - -- 1 All varieties of peach trees, 5c each; Spitzenbunr and Ben Davis npple trees, 6c each, $45 per 1000. See Tillett. E D. Cnlkins took his mare and blooded colts to Sherman county last week. O. B. Hartley accompanied hi in. H. P. Batehnm this week received a letter from 'he Sound nskinsr for New town pippins and offering $2 a box for them. ( Orenron's new senator Is a nephew of Dr. W. L. Adams of Hood River. Mr. McBride's mother was a sistet to Dr. Adams. A. R. Blowers & Co. will carry a full line of harness, saddles, whips, etc., the coming season, at prices that will defy competition. Send in your orders for trees for pring planting. Prices $40, $50 and. 55 per 1000, in 500 a-id 1000 lots, at Tilleft's nursery. The "hard times" social has been postponed for a short time on account of the series of meetings at the. Congre gational church. Dr. Sanders is provided with a den tal chair for his Hood Riverofflce; Also prepared to extract teeth without pain by the use of narcotized air, called gas. M. :H.' Nickelsen received a letter Wednesday from Rev. J. W. Rigby, in which he stated that Mrs. Rigby was dangerously ill with neuralgia of the heart. , ... Two distinct shocks of earthquake were felt by a number of our citizens Monday morning, about 5 o'clock. The same were felt at Portland and points on the Sound. . Judge Henry was encaged Tuesday In movlnsr seats from the school house to the M. E, church, and resetting those left. In the school rooms. School will begin next Monday. Miss Winnie Champljn of Portland has been visiting her grandfather, Mr. George Booth, during the past two weeks. She expects to return home the fl ret part of next week, r ? " Mr. R. Pealer brought, to this office Saturday two well-preserved apples that he picked up in 'his orchard the day before while pruning his trees. One Is a Newtown pippin, the other a Seek-no-further. . 1 ' Will Lnngille, now at. work with Winans Bros, at The Dalles, was in Hood River Saturday and Sunday. Doug Langille accompanied him to The Dalles and has gone to work for the same firm. Th following school books will be exchanged by paylntr exchange prices: Maxwell's L. L, and Grammar, Barnes' L. L., Sill's Grammar, Clark's Normal Grammar. New books will he here the 1st of March. M. H. Nickelsen, T. AI Templeton Informs uf. that he has received a letter from his friend, G. J. Gessling, who will be here about March 14th with his family, prepared to build upon his land bought of J. F. Armor., Mr. Gessling resides in Ne braska. t ; Vj Dethman died last Sunday Mr. Deth man turned his horses out Sunday morninir, and they played around all in seeming good health, and In the evening he found the best one of his lot stretched out dead. He has no idea what caused its death. By order of the county court, Super visor Bioper Saturday caused tne arrest of Mrs. Oiler, charged with obstructing The Dalles and Sandy wagon road at or near the bridge crossing Hood river, in the eastern part of town. Mrs. Oiler claims that when the bridge was built and the road changed at this point the old part of the road was va cated, and sue bad tne same inclosed when fencing her land. The trial was held before Justice Soesbe, who found defendant guilty and imposed a fine of $, with costs. V. f. Jieald acted lor the prosecuting attorney and H. S. Wilson of The Dalles appeared for de fendant. A n appeal will be taken to the circuit court. One of the most enjoyable socials of the season was given by Waucoma lodge on the even in tr of February 22d, at Castle hall, to the members and their families, it being the fifth anni versary of the lodge. The evening's entertainment commenced by a speech of welcome by J. A. Soesbe to J. L. Hill, G. C. C, and Geo. F. McConnal, G. K. of R. 8. Music was furnished by the Belmont band, Nellie Coe on the organ, and songs by the Glee club and John R. Nickelsen. Recita tions were given by Arthur SoeBbe, C. E. Markhani, Bertha Prather, Gracie Prather. Supper was served at iu:3U in tne nun. . - . . A lamp exploded in the house of Mr Byrkett, adjoining the U. B. church, Wednesday evening. Mrs. Byrkett was in an adjoining room at the time, alone in the house, and although badly crippled with rheumatism, she man aged to gather up the burning lamp in the table clotli and smother the flames. The lamp was setting upon a table in a corner of the room, and the explosion broke a board in the wall by the side of the table. A rubber boot iu the corner took tire from the burning oil and the leg was burned off. It was a close call for the house and surrounding build ings. See our display 'of shoes In show window; over fifty different styles aud grades. If you drin't see what you want, call for It; we have it and are prepared to fill the bill when it comes to I toots aud shoes. Every pair of Bradley & .Metcalfs shoes warranted. Let us quote you prices; if we are not lower, than the lowest, will not ask for patronage. A. S. Blowers & Co. Capt. Blowers last fall heeled in a fine lot of Spitzenburg apple trees, 32 in number, at his place west of town. A few days ago he went out to plant the trees and found that someone had taken the whole lot. He hopes that when the trees come into bearing the thief will become conscience stricken, and at least give him some of the fruit. Last Friday afternoon a team be longing to OUnger & Bone, hitched to a hack, started from the livery stable and ran up Third street. When just above the bakery they collided with a wagon belonging to N. C. Evans, whose team was hitched. The tongue of the hack was. broken and a hind wheel on Evans' wagon was smashed. ! The trustees of the Congregational church have sent to Cincinnati for a Buckeye bell. They expect to have it in position within three weeks. Lost At Frankton school house.two Sundays ago, a large button from a lady's cloak. , Please leave at this ortice. Lovers of baked beans should inter view Dallas and get one of his famous bean pots. Just the thing for beans. Aud Winans came down from The Dalles Wednesday to attend the trial in Justice Soesbe's court. Hon. B. Goldsmith, a Portland capi talist, was in Hood River Saturday. Dr. T. L. Eliot of Portland came up on the noon train Thursday. William Buskirk of The Dalles was in Hood River Wednesday. Hon. T. R. "Coon returned horned Sunday night from Salem. F. E. Jackson just received another carload of hay- We have a cold water and coffee council. , , , , , Tillett is shipping trees to Eastern Oregon. j Lyman Smith went to Astoria Thurs day. . Remember the tea Friday night. School elections next Monday. : Spraying Fruit Trees. W. J. Baker has received from J. R. Casey, mayorof Ashland, the following directions for making and using a wash tor truit trees: Put 100 pounds of sulphur In your kettle; then put In about 5 gallous of water. Stir it thoroughly uutil it is a paste. The object is to get it all moist ened, with no lumps iu it. Then add thirty gallons or water aud start your II .. t.t J I I II inn fire. now uissoive, or siaae, M."- Z7. .. A,. i ...... . ...iu i. ing the lime to the sulphur; keep stir ring it, or it will burn. It will first be like mush, but as the lime eats the sul phur it will become thin and turn a urowuisu color, tiring to a Don, and let it boil 11 hours. Iu the meantime. dissolve 12 pounds of blue vitriol in a separate kettle and pour it on to the nine aim suipiiur, and continue tne boiling one-half hour loncer. Draw your fire and let the .compound settle tor one or two Hours; tuen dip out your compound into a barrel and throw tue sediment away. J? ill your Kettle with water to keep the compound from hardening on it. When it begins to cool In the barrel, you must be , very careful and keep it well stirred, bo that it will not crust over. Be sure or this! When cold, your compound will be a greenish color,, and there will also be some water on the top. Always stir it wen oeiore tuning auy out. Directions tor use or tad ecale, take 1 gallon compound to 39 gallons of water, - For general use, 1 gallon compound to 29 gallons water. t or fungus, 1 gallon compound to 39 gallons water. lorcodliii moth, 1 gallon compound to 80 gallons water. ' Use about - 3 pounds of soap aud Paris green in the mixture for codliu moth. Use as hot as you can. You will find this one of the test all round sprays known. , It combines the good qualities of all other sprays. If you spray with the 1 to 19, I will guar antee it will kill all the scale it readies. Respectfully yours, J; li. Casey. Dr. E. T. C'nrns, Dentist, Will be In Hood River March 3d, pre pared to do all kinds of dentistry work examine, fill, extract, regulate aud make new teeth; also, . crown aud bridge work.- Council Proceedings. The common council met Monday. night, Feb. 25th. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. 'Committe on finance' asked that they be given until next meeting to make report on bills submitted. Re quest granted Committee' on streets and public property reported that the .. Hanna building could be secured for use of the council at $5 per month. E. 'S. OUnger offered the use of his office free, until other arrangements could be made. On motioa, Mr. Olinger's office was accepted, with a vote or thanks. Ordinances numbered -one, two, three and tour were ordered enrolled, Special committee on ordinances re ported Ordinance No. 5, entittled "An ordinance imposing certain duties and prohibitions for the better protection of property, morals, satety neaitn and tne convenience of the town of Hood River." The ordinance was read, con sidered, approved and ordered enrolled. The following resolution, ottered by Morse, was adopted: Kesolved, That the mayor petition the county court of "Wasco, county, on behalf of the common council of the town of Hood River, to establish a new road district to conform with the corporate limits of said toWn. The next regular meeting was .fixed for Monday, March 4th, at 7.30 p. m. Ordinance .No. 5 is one -of the most Important, to come before the coun cil, and is of general interest, as . may be inferred from section 16, which we give here: ; - . - '-' "jno person or persons shall barter or sell in any manner, or bargain for or buy, directly or Indirectly, any spirit uous, malt or vinaus liquors, or other intoxicants, within the corporate lim its of Hood River; provided, that a duly registered pharmacist under the laws ot the state or Oregon, may pur-' chase and sell or dispose Of the same as medicine only, upon' the prescription of a regular practicing physician, and no pbysiciau shall- prescribe the same except for medicinal purposes." Bectiou 17 makes still further restric tions in regard to the use of liquors. Missionary Exercise. A missionary exercise, "Children of all Nations" (in costume, will be ren dered at the U. B, church on Sabbath evening, March 3d. Mrs. Henkle, president of our branch missionary so ciety .of Oregon conference, also pres ident of the Chinese mission of Pore land, will be present. : She will bring with her the interpreter's little boy, Kye Moy Ling, 6 years old, who will favor us with some songs. The following is the programme, which will prove itself entertaining, instruct ive aud unique: Song, "Far, Far Over the Sea," ..Quartet Remarks Mrs. Henkle Hong, "Little Mescngers"...Chorug of children India , Gladys Hartley Persia Bell Howel Corea Nellie Reynolds Solo, "A Star Has Risen" Mr. Bartmess China .........Bianche Blowers Slam ,. Seely Rand Africa Walter Faulkner Song By. Sabbath School Egypt Grace Howel Greenland.. i.v.Mell Foley Japan I Mary Foley Song, "Little Mission Band," Children Mexico , ......Myrtle Loy Indian Bentle Rand America Bertha Prather Song, "Christ Shall Reign"..Chorus of children Collection. The ladies' aid society of the M. E. church will hold their regular monthly dime tea at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D.VV. Zeller, on Friday evening, March 8th. - Tea will be served ' from 6 to 8 o'clock. All are most cordially invited to attend. Out of 17 applicants for teachers' cer tificates at Uoldendale, last week, only 7 were successful. Miss Mellie Rigby was one of the successful applicants and will teach the Bickelton school. Out of 44 applicants for teachers' cer tiflcates at the examination in Mult nomah county 22 were successful. Only one received first grade, three second grade and the remainder third grade. C. D. Moore of White Salmon brought to the Glacier office the first boquet of strawberry blooms, gathered on the last day of February. On the 1st two feet of snow covered the ground. The editor of the Glacier is not in the real estate business, but it might be well for those seeking investimeut in Hood River property to call upou us for pointers. ' , ' . Fancy Pacific coast Newtown pip pins are selling in the St. Louis market at $1.75 to $1.90 a box; Western Ben Davis aud winesap at from $3.25 for small to $3.754.25 for choice large sound and well packed, per barrel; geu iting at from $2.753 tor medium to $3.60 for fancy large high colored? Bald wins and greenings, f3.oU(!,3.7o. Mr. Jones of Portland, who recently bought the Spencer ranch at Lyle, will plant 40 acres to apples this spring. SPECIAL SOTICES. - The bulk of the season's grinding is over, but the miller will be at home every Satur day during the summer months, prepared to grind your grist promptly. OS : HARBISOH BROS. Pure blooded Pekin Duck eggs for 92 per dozen. These are the most profitable birds to raise on the farm; they will lay from March 1st to July 15th. Eggs large. f W. R. WINANS, Hood River, Or. First class timothy hay for sale by Ferguson fc Loy at 815 per ton. Jal9, Black harness oil, 85 cU a quart, at Pierce's Harness and Shoe Store. Wm. Tillett is Btlll In the nursery business, with a good stock of home-grown trees. ' If he is out of what you want-, he can supply you with the following varieties from one of the largest nurseries In Oregon: All ktndsof cherry trees; Spilzenberg, Gano, Ben Davis, Red Del aware, Hyde's King of the West, Tompkins King, and other leading varieties of apples. Would be glad to quote prices Jon lots of 500 and 1000 trees. Drop him i. postal for terms. . The Hood River Box Factory has plenty of apple boxes on hand.- -- - - - - - For sash, doors, inonldlngs, brackets, com bination fencing and turning, go to the Hood River Box Factory. Wm. Tillett has ordered apple trees of the following varieties: 8000 Spitzenburg, 2000 Baldwin, 1000 Northern Spy, and 500 Graven stein. Apple trees, It is expected, will be scarce in the spring, and It behooves planters to order early, t 1 Vs 'v 19 ITS DO 9T den TOP N TOBACCO be as free from nicotine as the day before you first took your first chew or smoke. An iron-clad written guarantee to absolutely cure the tobacco habit in all its forms, or money refunded. Price $1 00 per box, or 3 boxes (SO days' treatment and guaranteed cure), $2.50. For sale by all druggists, or will be sent by maU upon receipt of price. SEND SIX TWO-CENT STAMPS FOB SAMPIiEpUJL..'JSOoJctetsanaprooj8jree. - v. Eureka Chemiccd & Mfg. Co., La Crosse, Wis. V Office OF THE PIONEER PRESS COMPANY, C. W. HoKniCK, Supt. "' - St. Paul, Minn.. Sept. 7, 18M. r.i,.rh.nii.DiinJMb nnmnnnv. T.a Crosse. Wis. Dear Mil's: I have been a tobacco fiend for many years, and during the past two years have smoked naeen to twenty cigars regularly every day. My whole nervous system became affected, until my physicians told me I mustgive up the use of tobacco for the time being, at least. I tried the so-called I "Kee y Cure " "No-To-Bac." and various other remedies, but without success, until I accidentally learned of your 'Baco-Curo." Three weeks ago today I commenced using your preparation, and today I consider myself completely cured. I am in perfec ; health, and the horrible crav ing for tobacco, which every inveterate smoker fully appreciates, has completely left me. I consider your "Baco-Curd'r simply wonderful, iruiy, . CRTRCH NOTICES. EvahErelistic services are in progress at the Congregational church and will continue over two Sundays. Rev. R. A. Rowlev of Portland, superintendent of the Congregational Sunday school society and an evangelist of marked ability, will preach next Sunday morn lug and evening and every Sunday evening next week. Through the kindness of the school directors the school bell will be rung each evening to remind the people of these special meetings. All who will come will be made welcome. Sunday school at the Valley Con- gregaiional church each Sunday at 1U.3U, except on cnurcn days, wuen it meets at 10 o'clock. "Come, now, Jet us reason togeter, saith the Lord." ,. Regular services are held at the M. E. barracks morning and evenlug of the first Sunday of each month; in the evening the remaining Sundays of the month. The fourth Sunday evening occupied by T. D. Gregory. i V.-'i- .'.- . - . JOHNS., ReVi R A. Rowlev will conduct a young people's and children's rally at Ihe Congregational church next Bun day, at 3 p. m. BORN. In Hood River valley, Sunday, Feb. 24, 1895, to Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Shoe maker, a son. Fruit Growers, Attention! We have In stock, econominally and scientifically prepared, condensed forms of sprays as recommended by the Ore gon state board of horticulture, as fol lows: . v - Spray No. 1 Lime, 30: sulphur, 20; salt, 15 in such form as to require only to dissolve 1 lb in z gals, water. Spray No. 2 Sulphur, 100; lime, ltio; blue vitriol 8, of which 1 lb in 2 gals, for winter, down to 8 or 10 gals, for summer use, is required. bpray JNo. a vvnaie on soap (m per cent, i, 20; sulnhur, 3; caustic soda (08 percent.), 1; potash, 1; of this 1 fb in 5 gals, is the proportion. Spray No. 7, Bordeaux M. Copper sulphate, 0; lime, 4; of which 1 lb in 2 gals, ot water tor winter, to 4 gals, tor summer, is the proper strength. Also, ians green, ijonoon purpie, etc. Do not fail to see us before buying our insecticides. WILLIAMS & BROSIUS. S. Monahan. a stockman, arrived at The Dalles from Arkansas Thursday, and stopped at the Obarr lodging house. Friday night lie was taken sick and Saturday morning Dr. Hollister was called iu. The man had a high fever and symptoms of smallpox, which de veloped during the day until there was little doubt that was what the trouble was As soon as the nature of the case was suspected, vigorous steps were at onee taken to quarantine the house, and those who were unfortunate enough to be found in the house we:e compelled to stay there, and were vac cinated at once. - The old pest house having fallen into decay, it was decided to keep the patient where he was found, which has been done. Dr. Geis- endorfer of Arlington, this morning, in consultation with Dr. Hollisttr, agreed with him that the case was one of smallpox. Chronicle. The steamer Telephone and North west collided in a fog at Portland Tuesday morning. The Telephone was not mucn damaged, but the .North west is laid up for repairs. , No one hurt. Farm for Sale, Cheap! Or for rent. About 25 acres under cultivation; i miles from town of Hood River. Address i - - j AO. rA, nuuuiuver, or. - FARM On 10 Years' Time, Or for cash. Eight acres orchard; 8-room, hard-finish house: 1500 bushel nnDle house. stone; barns, etc.; water wheel. 8-horse power, runs ieen mm, a; onsneis per nour; u perpet ual springs; steamboat landing; all under fence. Will sell all or part. Increasing years compel sale. . f23 FOR THE LADIES. Cut Paper Patterns The St. Louis Republic supplies Its lady readers with cut paper patterns of all kinds for ladles, girls, boys and men. All of sea sonable garments, of the latest styles, and at a cost of Only 10c Each. , Elsewhere they cost from 25 to 40 cents. Besigns of new garments are published every week In The Republic with an order blank for the patterns. . Thousands of ladies In every state nave pur chased these patterns during the past year and never a complaint. They are invaluable, and yon can save on these patterns alone every year many times the price of the paper. TWICE-A-WEEK REPUBLIC Only $1.00 a Year. The "Twiee-a-Week" will be sent PREE FOR ONE YEAR to any person sending, be fore March 1st, a club of three new yearly sub scribers, with $3 to pay for the same. If you want a package of sample copies, write for them. Address all orders THE REPUBLIC. .' ' . Ht. Louis, Mo.- INJURIO US TO STOP SUDDENl Y and don't be imposed upon by buying a remedy that requires you to do so, as it is nothing more than a substitute. In the sud stonnaae of tobacco you must have some stimulant, and in most all cases the effect of the stimulant, be it opium, morphine, or other opiates, leaves a far worse habit contracted. Ask your druggist about BACO-CURO. it is purely vegetaoie. iou do not have to stop using to bacco with BACO-CURO. It will notify you when to stop and your desire for tobacco will cease. Your system will and can tuny recommena u. lours very i'M " GEO. T. PRATHER, ani Ins. Agent. I represent Ave of the best insurance com panies. Collections made and real estate handled on favorable terms.- Office in Prather Block, Oak St., HOOD KIVER, OREGON. C. WELDS, V BOOT AND SHOE SHOP First Door West of Post Office. Roots and Sboes made to order. Repairing neatly done, and at Bedrock Prices. All work first class. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. se . (J. WELDS, Proprietor. T. C. DALLAS, DEALER IN- STOVES AND TINWARE, Kitchen Furniture, " PLUMBERb' GOODS. Pruning Tools, Etc. j , . ' . Repairing Tinware a Specialty. FOR SALE. I have for sale two fine Fruit Farms and the best hay farm In the valley. Plenty of run ning water on all of them. Will sell any or all of them. Also, fine residence and lots at different prices. Call on or address ( A. S. BLOWERS, aulS Hood River, Oregon. A. S. BLOWERS & CO., -DEALERS IN Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, FLOUR AND FEED. Country Produce Bought and Sold. AfirKirvrnD KdBRADLEY&METCALFCf; CELEBRATED BO 0TS SHOES . BIGGEST! TfttOEMAHK COPrHGHTtA Notice. Nickelsen Luckey will hereafter do all plumbing and repairing, connecting to or de taphing from water mains. - . d22 A. S. BLOWERS, Manager. FOR S ALE. Forty acres unimproved land, on the east side of Hood river, 5 miles from town. Price $10 per acre. Inquire at Glacier office. COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For ft prompt answer and an bonest opinion, write to 11 V W N & CO. who have had nearly fifty yean , experience In the patent business. Communica tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In formation concerning Patents and bow to ob tain tbem sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan ical and scientlflo books sent free. Patents taken tb rough Munn ft Co receive special notice In the Scientific American, and thus are brought widely before the public with out cost to the Inventor. This splendid paper. Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work In the world. $3 a rear. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly. l50a year. Single copies, t!i cents. Every number contains beau tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses, with plans, enabling ouilders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUNN & CO New Vouk, 3tfl Broad WAT The Portland Sun. Is for sale every day at the post office after the arrival of the tram from Portland. , I 1 JV " ESTABLISHED 1843 , mEIGGESTTINrH 8 sir ' ' - ; THE v , "REGULATOR LINE." I X VI UU11U Uh Navigation Co. Through Freight and Passenger Line. i All Freight Will Come Through Without Delay. PASSENGER RATES. One way...... i 50 Bound trip..... 2 54 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent. THE DALLES, OREGON E. MCNEILL, Keceiver. -;.!-. to THE ' ' Gives the choice of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL E OTJ.T I3 S Via Via SPOKANE, DENVER, Minneapolis OMAHA J"V AND"''. V, - AND ' ' . ST. PAUL. Kansas City. Low Rates to All East ' era Cities. EAST BOUND FRO At HOOD RIVRB No. 23. Freight leaves at 11.48. A..M , No. 2. Mail - " Ul.tt! p. it WKST BOUND FROM HOOD KI VKB. No 27 ,- .Local, leaves at 8.15 P. M No. 1, Milll t:4i A. M OCEAN STEAMERS Leave Portland every live days for SAN FRANCISCO, For full details call on O. R. A N. Agent, Hood Giver, or address . W. a. HURLBURT. Gen'l Pass. Agent, Portland, Or. FOIL SALE. Eighty acres, five miles from town: 40 acres in cultivation; 600 trees, prin cipally apple, 111 tun bearing- All fenced. Good house and ham. Three shares of water in Hood River Su-pply uo. go witn tne place. Uood well and Spring. HARVEY UKAPPKK. - C. J. HATES, SURVEYOR. All work given him will be dom cor rectly and promptly. He has a fvw good claims upon which he can locate mi new, utitu mi iuiiigvuuuuitwr inuuw. February, 1894. rfv ' Wanted. To buy or lease a piece of ground sui table for a nursery. Further particulars at the Gla cier office. (115 COLUMBIA NURSERY The undersigned has ou hand a good va riety of choice Fit Trees, Pits files, at Hard Times Prices. ' Grafting and budding done to order. OCtl . H. C. BATEHAM. LAND FOR SALE. Twelve acres, 8 miles south west of town; two acres cleared, balance scattering oak and brush, not hard to clear. Price J300. au2 JOHN KELLKY. . Bargain in Land. '.'- .. For Sale Forty acres unimproved land, east side of Hood river, 4 miles from town. ill sell 5 or 10 acre tracts cheap. luquire at G acier office. ,