JjHggcI iiver Slatier. SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1895. Whatever may be the opinion of Mr. Coon's constituents in other parts of this legislative district in regard to his course in the legislature, we know that lie is indorsed by a large majority of his party in Hood River. A few re publicans, populists and democrats here wanted to see Mr. Dolph returned. Leading populists hoped to see him re-elected because, they think, it would have disrupted the republican party In Oregon and assured an easy victory for the ' populism in, '96. Cleveland democrais were not averse to his re election, .because he is sound ou the money quesi ion, and they know that no new genus ur cuii fill his place when it comes to procuring needed appropri ations for Oregon. A few republicans of course think Mr. Dolph was really elected lust June, and that he was Bhuiuifully. treated after receiving the caucus'iiomiuatiou at Salem. But the great majority of Mr. Uoon's home con stituent .support him and will be ready to vote for him again a year from next June. ' T. B. Straven, i?. D. Cartwright and five others of Portland are preparing to go to. the gold fields of the Yukon in Alaska. The venture is an arduous one, involving great exposure and per ianal hardship. The party Will go from Juneau by steamer to Chilcataud foot it over the mountains to the Yu kon river. They then go 800 miles up the river to 40-ruilo post, and from there travel into an unexplored coun try. : The party will consume three months gettiug into the gold region. The first year will be devoted to open ing up mines, and the second in get tiug out. It will cost each person $500 for personal expenses to start in with. The mining there is all placer. Mr. ytraven has specimens to show that a season's cleaning up , will pay big money. , . ' " '" The session of the Oregon legislature just closed, accomplished very little for the good of the stale. The members of the majority' were elected on a plat form pledging economy and the abol ishment of the useless commissions, but none were abolished and expenses Were not reduced. The time of the session was squandered in -the election of a senator, and when they did elect, at the last moment, none of them were very proud of their work. Republican platforms in '96 will not point with pride to the work of the last legislative session, with its 54 majority. And it win. ue a nara matter to convince voters that platforms mean what they say. '' George W. McBrlde was elected United States senator to succeed J. N. Dolph just a few minutes before 12 o'clock Saturday night, when the leg islative session ended by limitation. Dolph held his forces well together till the last ballot, the 60th, was taken, when McBrlde was nominated and re ceived the 72 republican votes. Mr. ir..nj.l . i - 1 i-. 1 . 1 . jxciruie lb iiou-cuiuuuiiui uu iue Kilver question and is claimed by both sides. ' Sheriff Sears of Portland accused Senator McGinn of sneaking a bill through the legislature (bat cut off the sheriff's perquisites and considerably reduces his salary. McGinn bit Sears in the face with his fist, and the latter struck back with a pistol in his hand.. It-was a disgraceful street fight, but the combatants were allowed to go their way without arrest. Postmaster-General Bissell Wednes day tendered his resignation to Pres ident Cleveland. Mr. Bissell's law practice at Buffalo requires his per sonal attention, and he leaves the cab inet on the best of terms with the other members and the president. It is.expected, that Hon. W. L. Wilson of West Virginia will succeed Mr. Bissell If Dolph had staid at his post in Washington he might have been re elected. , His traveling to Salem in his own private car to seek re-election was the mistake of his life.' Such glaring Ignorance and pomposity on the part of our public servants nowadays breeds populists. ' ' Senator-elect McBride says it shall be his effort to harmonize the several ele ments of the republican party in Ore gon. . Rather a big . undertaking for one man, and he an invalid. Range horses in Montana are selling at $3 per head by the 1000. Was the duty taken off horses as well as off wool by the Wilson bill? The Oregonlan has reoponed fire upon Senator Mitchell. If it keeps it up, Pennoyer may not have a walk over for the senate two years hence. Hon. Philip) Wassermau, mayor of j'ortiana years ago, ana a pioneer, died in that city Monday, aged 69. The state encampment of the Grand Army will meet at Oregon City June 17th and 18th. The honor of having defeated Dolph lies between the Portland Sun and the Oregonian. ' . The prcs!c!ent last week vetoed a bill granting a pension to Hiram R. Rhea, whose name, the president says, w; s removed from the pension rolls r-fter lie had fraudulently received a pension for nearly twenty-two years; and the pres ident calls attention to a letter written in 1892 by the commissioner of pen sions, denouncing Rhea's claim as a barefaced and impudent fraud, sup ported by deliberate perjury. The facts established by an investigation, Mr. Cleveland says, show that when wounded be was a very disreputable member of a band of armed rebels, and was wounded by Union soldiers. The Sew Party. Washington, Feb. 23. If new politi cal alignments can be forced on the silver question and the South and the West be brought together in support of the white metal, the coming twelve months are expected to tell the tale. The proposition, as at present discuss ed, contains no new feature.' The argu ment has became familiar through years of agitation. . It seems to be agreed that if this new combination is effected the head of the ticket to represent it should come from the West, and the second man from the South. Memories of the war are not, after all, it appears, to be banished. Southern men of such caliber ns would entitle them to consideration in con nection with the presidency all partici pated in the Confederacy. Morgan of Tennessee, vest or Missouri ana Mills of Texas, all saw service under lh Southern flag, and the fear is that this record might prove injurious to the ticket in the West. Bland, however. has no Confederate record, yet the Western silverite8 seem inclined to ig nore him. But for second place the woutu would De expected to compete for the nomination and would probably be accorded that without very great difficulty. For first place Mr. Teller easily has the call in popular speculation. The silver men regard him as their ablest champion in congress. They refer to his speecnes as evidence or nis thorough mastery of the subject, and to his' tac tics in the senate as tne recognized sil ver leader as a proof of his skill and dis cretion. His experience in general politics has been wide, and this has given him a standing among the men in public life. He is regarded as being invincible in the West. His friends declare that he is on . every score the greatest individual force in politics in all the country between the Mississip pi river and the Pacific ocean. The South also it is claimed, regards him with marked favor. He is more to her than the eminent advocate of silver. He was the Randall of the second force bill contest. He left his party on that issue and voted and acted with the democrats in the fight in the fifty-first congress that resulted in the shelving of the Lodge bill in the senate. This, it is asserted, would make Mr. Teller, as a political candidate on a sil ver platform, exceed ly popular throughout the South, and certain, if associated with a popular Southern man, of au overwhelming vote in that section. The gathering here at this time of Senators elect Butler and Tillman, General Warner of the Bimetallic lea gue, Editor Howell of Atlanta and other prominent friends of silver, gives to this matter intense interest. One hears it on every hand. The silver men, both In and out of congress, are very confident. They believe that every thing is going their wav, and it is tor this reason that they are urging the more conservative of'their friends to go into a bold movement, with silver put above every consideration. The battle, they contend, cannot be won, witnin tne raiiKs or eitner or me old parties so long as both are so much un der the domination of the Eastern money power. The cause of silver alone, they hold, is worthy of a party. St. Louis Republic Digest of Lund Decision. Furnished by W. D. Harlan, Land Attorney, Washing. n, D. C .. Notice defining the extent of a set tlement claim, conspicuously posted on subdivisions thereof outside of the tech nical quarter section on which the im- firovements are placed, are as effectual n notifying subsequent settlers of the extent of said claim as improvements placed on the different subdivisions An actual discovery of a mineral is a pie-requisite to the location of a min ing claim, i , i A certificate of the location of a min ing claim cannot be accepted as estab lishing the mineral character of a tract in the absence of other evidence showing an actual discovery of min eral. The existence of gold In non-paying quantities will not preclude agricultu ral entry of the land. Ass't Sec'y Sims. " Some person in The Dalles, fearlnir that the small-pox patient and others now con tinea in a boarding bouse, un der quarantine, would be removed to the city's pest house, tired the building Tuesday nitrht and it burned to the ground. The building cost $1200. It was considered by some to be too near tne residence portion ot tne city. ' Don't Stop Tobacco. The tobacco habit grows on a man until his nervous system is seriously af fected, impairing health, comfort and happiness. To qiiit suddenly is too se vere a shock to the system, as tobacco, to an inveterate user becomes a stimu lant that hissystem continually craves. Baco-Curo is a scientific cure for the to bacco habit, in all its forms, carefully compounded after the formula of an eminent Berlin physician who has used it in his private practice since 1872,with out a failure, purely vegetable and guar anteed perfectly harmless. You can use all the tobacco you want, while taking Baco-Curo, it will notify you when to stop. We give a written guarantee to permanently cure any case with three boxes, or refund the money with 10 per cent interest. Baco-Curo Is not a substi tute, but a scientific- cure, that cures without the aid of will power and with no inconvenience. It leaves the system as pure and free from nicotine as the day you took your first chew or smoke. Sold by all druggists, with our ironclad guarantee, at $1 per box, three boxes, (thirty days treatment), $2.50, or sent direct upon receipt of price. Send six two-cent stamps for sample box. Book let and proofs tree. Eureka Chemical & Manufacturing Chemists, La Crosse, Wisconsin. The Newtown Pippin. The apple that commands the high est price in both home and foreign markets is tthe Newtown Pippin. When Baldwins and other choice va rieties sell at $3 per barrel at Liverpool, the Newtown Pippin sells at $9, and the same proportion holds true in our domestic market. The fruit often re tails as high as $12 or $15 per barrel. Downing, the authority on fruits, says as follows of the variety :"J- :" It stands at the head of all apples, and s when in perfection, acknowledged to be unrivaled in all the qualities which" constitute the high-flavored dessert ap ple, to which it combines the quality of long keeping without the least shriveling, retaining its high flavor to the last." There Is probably no one apple which is more largely modified by its environ mentby varying soils and climates. It flourishes best on hill or mountain sides, or in mountainous regions. The apple, to be at its best, must not be planted on alluvial soil. The trees will flourish and be productive, but they will not produce fruit in all re spects equal to that grown on hillsides. Edward Van Alstine, one of the most successful growers of this fruit in Co lumbia county, in the Hudson river re gion, writes us: "The Newtown Pip pin requires a rather heavy but well drained soil. . It should be planted where there is a good circulation of air and plenty Of sunlight. -. No apple needs or shows the beneficial results of spraying more. I find they should be sprayed with the ammoniacal solution of copper before the leaves open, say early in April; then with bordeaux mixture ana Paris green again after ten days or two weeks; and another ap- Elication of bordeaux in June and per aps another in July. This will de pend largely on the weather. In an ordinarily dry season three applications of copper solution and bordeaux are all that is necessary. The first application of the copper solution I believe to be the most important. , I had trees last fall that showed plainly the bordeaux applied in June, when the apples were picked in October. I grew them this year very large, and as free from scab as an orange bright and red-cheeked. I marketed them in Liverpool, London and Glasgow. This year they have gone into cold storage. They do not come into bearing as early as some other varieties. They need very heavy fertilization, both with manure! and potash; also thorough pruning." F. G, Fowler in American Agriculturist. ..Priming Tomatoes. 1 he Ohio experiment station in one of its bulletins gives the following di rections for staking and pruning that may be of interest to our Hood River and White Salmon growers that intend supplying the catsup factory: , When pruned and staked, tomato plants will bear much closer planting in the field than when left to them selves. . Two feet by four is the proper distance. As soon as the plants are set In r,h fipld r.hpv niicrit tf lw tied. Tn order to provide for this the folloWing plan has been touud to be satisfactory Set strong stakes at each end of every row and brace carefully. Smaller stakes may be set at intervals of two rods along the rows. - These stakes should be about three and one-half feet in height. Next stretch two wires of about the size used in bailing hay along the tops of. the stakes' in each row, Take ordinary lath, or small sticks, of any kind ot the same length as the lath, and stick one just at the side of tne place that each plant is to occupy. The upper ends of the stakes are held in place toy crossing the two wires back and forth ; that is by weaving the wires around the tops ot the stakes or laths, This makes a neat little trellis, suf ficiently substantial tor one season, but the material can be used several years in succession.. The plants are trained to single stems ana to the lath supports, ur course ty ing must be done at successive inter vals, as the plants increase in -height, until the top of the trellis is 'reached, after which nothing further need be done in the way of training. All side shoots near the ground and suckers must be kept pinched off, as the object to be gained in staking would be lost otherwise. None- of the blossems are to be removed, but simply the leafy shoots and suckers. Tomatoes thus trained ripen about two weeks in ad vance of those which are allowed to lie on the ground, and are freer from rot and are larger. The crop per plant is smaller than hv ordinnrv methods, hut because of the higher price obtained for the nne rruit the pronts are larger Pacific Farmer. . ' . . "Rickety Dan" Benton. Springfield, 111., Feb. 19. Deputy Marshal Brinton today dispatched a deputy to Mill Shoals, White county, With an order remanding "Rickety Dan" Benton to the penitentiary ftt Chester. It will be remembered thidt Benton was convicted in the United States court here of personating Wil liam Newby. a Union soldier, who was killed at Shiloh, for the purpose of pro curing a pension. He was sentenced to the penitentiary for two years and entered upon his term, but was released on ball, atter having served about two months, pending a filial decision by the United States supreme court, to which his case was taken on appeal. The upper court dismissed the appeal several weeks ago, but it was not until a few days ago that the remanding or der was issued to the marshal. The "Newby case" was one of the most remarkable ever tried in a court in this country. Scores of people, who knew William Newby in lite, were led to believe that "Rickety Dan" Benton and he were one and the same person. Newby's wife accepted him as her hus band, whom she had mourned as dead for 30 years, and then the aged mother of the dead soldier became convinced that the wretched specimen of mane:. hooa, who put. in an appearance-in Southern Illinois a few years ago, claiming to be William Newby, was in deed her "long lost son." Hundreds of people in three counties of Southern tii! r . i i i i a i . j-iuuois were uumuuggeu oy tneimpos ter, and exalted him into a hero, whom the government of the United States was persecuting to keep him out of a pension for which he was an applicant. G. A. U. posts made his case their own and raised hundreds of dollars for his defense, and when lie was released from the penitentiary on bail he was received back at his home with a brass band and every possible demonstration of love and confidence that the people of the community could manifest. And yet he was simply a wandering old vagabond and horse thief, who had cul tivated an intimate acquaintanceship with the Interior of at least one peni tentiary and a score of jails. It is un derstood that public sentiment has un dergone considerable change in regard to the old fellow since his trial, but there are many people in White and Hamil ton counties who believe, and will as long as life remains, probably, that "Rickety Dan" Benton is really Wil liam Newby, who for more than 30 years has tilled a soldier's grave on tne battlefield of Shiloh. St. Louis Re public. .', , . Eggs for Hatching. Thoroughbred Brown Leghorn Eggs for gale at 81.00 per setting. W. B. POTTER, mar2 , : Hood River, Oregon. Top Grafting. Wm. Tlllett Is prepared 'to do Top Grafting, and all work In the line of grafting, by con tract or by day's work. Leave orders early, so that scions can be prepared to do good work. Here's your chance to get red apples to grow on your yellew apple trees. WM.TILLETT. no ' AT A BARGAIN. - I X L Wind Mill and Pump and Cider Mill for xale, cheap. Fart cash; balance on time. iflnaulre of , .,, M. A. COOK. , The Old Reliable RUSS HOUSE, 216 Montgomery St., FXTFNDING FROM PINE TO BUSH, SAN , Francisco. Cal. Business center of the city, convenient to all banks,tnsurance offices ana places oi amusement, v onuunnig ouu rooms. Terms SLfjO, S3 and 02.50 per day. Free coach to and from t he hotel. f!6 , , J. 8. YOUNO, Proprietor. Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, William Travlor. will apply to the county court of the state ot Oregon for Wasco county, at the next regular term there 3f, to wit: On Wednesday, the 6th day of March, 1895. for an order and decree changing his name from William irayior to wiuiam tiaynes. WILLIAM TRAYLOR. Dated this 16th day ot February, 1895 GEO. P. CROWELL, Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established DEALER IN Dry Goods, Clothing, V AND General Merchandise, Flour and Feed. Etc., HOOD RIVER, - - - jf OREGON. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, The Dalles, Ore gon, January j, 1895. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Ooncress of June 8. 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory.'' Harry H. Campbell of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state of Oregon, has this day tiled In this office his sworn statement No. 119, for the purchase of the southwest of section No. 19, in township No. 1 south, range No. Jl east, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at The Dalles, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 10th day of April, lsaa. He names as witnesses: Perry Van Kamp, N. H. Fogan, George Bellies and I.J. Norman, all of The Dalles. Oresron. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file tneir claims in mis omceonor Deiore saia lum day of April, 1895. v v . fe2 . . JAS. F. MOORE, Register. ONE GIVES RELIEF. To Water Consumers. Owing to hard times I have decided to make a reduction In water rates, but as some bave paid up to March 1, 1895, new rates will not take effect until that date. For all water rents paid promptly the first day of the month, the following rates will be accepted: Present rates of 81.50 reduced to 81.25; bath tubs, now 50 cents, reduced to 25 cents; livery stableB, 82.50, reduced to 82; hotels, 8tt, reduced to 82.50; rates now 81, no change; Irrigation re duced 50 per cent from old price. . Above prices apply to those only who pay promptly first of each month. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, January 22, 1895. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on March 9, 1895, vizt Robert B. Lindsay, Hd. E. No. 8420, for the northeast V section 18, township 2 north, range 10 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence . upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Antone Wise, Henry Prigge, H.' C. Stran ahan and John Parker, all of Hood River, Oregon, JAS. F. MOORE, Register. FOR SALE. Two choice lots, with good residence, In the town of Hood River, will be sold at bargain. Inquire at the Glacier office. , sel 20 Acres of Fruit Land for Sale. I have for sale 20 acres of unimproved land that I will sell on reasonable terms. It Is of the best quality for apples and other fruit. The land is eusily cleared and can be watered from the Hood River Supply Co.'s ditch. For further particulars, call on or address H. L. CRAPPER, dl5 ' Hood River, Oregon- Hi pa WE HAVE And shall endeavor to merit custom We keep In their season . Do not forget that we mean to be Headquarters for All Kinds of Sprays, And can furnish them In convenient form for immediate'use, and cheaper than you can prepare them, all things considered. Ask Us for Particulars Before You Spray. WILLIAMS & BROSIUS, HEADQUARTERS FOR LEATHER GOODS 3D- F. PIBROE'S , STOKE. The Famous C. M. HENDERSON & CO.'S For MEN, WOMENihnd CHILDREN. All sizes and large variety: My motto Is "Possibly not the Cheapest, but the Best," and the Henderson Shoes are the cheapest in the long run. Don't Fail a To call and examine and price thesa goods. They will please you. No trouble to show them. Hand-made Double Team Harness, $20 ! .With Boston Team Collars. All other kinds of Harness cheap for 1895. If you doubt it, call and price them. 1 propose to keep Hood River trade at home If price is an object. A A,. D. F. PIERCE, Hood River, Or. H ANNA & DEALERS IN- HOOD RIVER, OREGON. AGENTS FOR Woonsocket Rubber Boots and Shoes. The Best in the World. ; We have 'a large line in stock. Call and examine goods. O, B. HARTLEY. HARTLEY & LANGILLE. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, DEALERS IN- Fresh and Cured Meats, Presh and Salt Fish, Grain, Hay, Fruit, Vegetables, Butter, Eggs, Hides, Pelts, Furs, etc., etc, - Business Done on a STRICTLY CASH BASIS. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. T Ho. B BTJ,T C S E S3. HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND THE Choicest Meats, Ham. ' Bacon, lard, Game, Poultry, Also Dealers in VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. Corner of Oak and Fourth Streets, Attsctiov to the ' PHYSICAL. ( Snnra. Esrcellerrt Teaclieis,' ; 33esu"ULtiuLl S-dxro-CLrLd.in.grs- SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES, Address, ' , ' ' - SARAH K. WHITE. Principal. . ADOPTED THE by QUALITY as well as QUANTITY. a full line of -AT- A 1 VOLFARD, H. D. LANGILLE. Hood Rl ver, Oregoa. The Annie Wright Seminary. TAC0MA, WASHINGTON. 1884. Eleventh Year. 1894. A Boarding School for Girl, with Superior Advantages. ; Tais Insnrunoi MORAL ( Dmutmt Oms Ciuidl I INTELLECTUAL J or m