The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 23, 1895, Image 4

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    In Baking
As the result of my tests, I. find the
ROYAL BAKING POWDER superior to all
f the others in every respect. It is entirely
' free from all adulteration and unwhole
some impurity, and in baking- it gives off
) a greater volume of leavening gas than
any other powder. It is therefore not only ,
,: the, purest, hit also the strongest powder
with which I am acquainted.
Pivf. oj Chemistry, Rush Medical College,
Consulting Chemist, Chicago Board of Health.
All other baking powders are shown
by analysis to contain atom,
lime or ammonia.
Comical Names of Great Men.
Calderon de la Barca has quite an
imposing sound, yet literally translat
ed it reads Ship's Copper; Torquato
Tasso means Chained Badger; Dante
stands for Stag's Hide; Giovanni Boccao
cio. Jack Bigmonth; Bramante, the fa
mous arohitect, despite his melodious
appellation, appears in the oharaoter of
a Winner, and Max Piooolomini is noth
ing more or less than a Little Dwarf.
Deutsche Warte.
But Perhaps He Does.
A Chicago photographer has eloped
with another man's wife. He can hard
ly expect the abandoned husband to
look pleasant. Washington Post
The Largest Manufacturers of
i On thla Continent, hare recetred.
, from th great
Industrial and Food
TJnlike the Dutch Process, no Alks-
llici or other Chemicals or Dyes ere
umd in onv of their nrenaratlons.
Their delicious BREAKFAST COCOA Is absolutely
pure and soluble, and costs less (Aon one cent a cup.
Apply a particle of the
Balm well up into the nos
trils After a moment draw
strong breath through the
n se. U ethree timea a day,
afte meals preferred, and
before retiring. -t
EIS CREAM BALM Opens and cleanses
the Nnsal Pa-sages, Allays Pain and Inflamma
tion, Heals tha Sores, Protects the Membrane
from colds, KeBloreB the Benses of Taste and
Smell. The Balm 1b quickly absorbed and gives
relief at once. .
A particle is applied into each nostril, and Is
agreeable. Piiee, 50 oeuts at Druggists' or by
' 56 Warren Street, New York.
U MAI I 'ft
The Best CURE for Coughs, Colds and
Bold by all Druggists. Price, to cents.
. J. K. GATES & CO., Proprietors,
417 Sansome St., S. F.
' EYES fitted by mail. Write for our home sys
tem of fining the eyes FREE.
Established 1884. Bregonlan Bld'g, Portland, Or.
Special Doctors for Chronic, Private
and Wasting Diseases.
Dr. Lleblg's Invlgorator the greatest remedy for
seminal Weakness, Loss of Manhood and Private
Diseases, Overcnmes Prematureness at d prepares
all for marriage life's duties, pleasures and respon
sibilities: 1 trial bottle given or sent Iree to any
one describing symptoms; call or address 400 Geary
St., private entrance 405 Mason St., San Francisco.
Itti wearing qualities are unsurpassed, actually
outlasting two boxes of any other brand. Free
from Animal Oils. GKT THE GKNUINK,
and Dealers generally. ,
17 PUS
w.i l ; r
Vavsalwfejralllfrasstsfak 6 Cleats a txsHlo. .
106 WALL 8T., NEW-YORK. .
They Warblo In San Francisco, and Each
Possesses a Rosebud Mouth.
San Francisco girls take no stock in the
old saw that whistling girls and crovSon
hens never coino to any good end. Whis
tling ia the craze of the hour among the
belles of the Golden Gate, and SO of the
girls whose mouths are unusually pretty
when in a state of pucker are practicing
by the hour and endeavoring to rival Mrs.
Shaw, ''La Belle Siffleuse," who has
whistled her way into the hearts and
pocketbooks of so many audiences in
America and Europe. When Mrs. Shaw
whistles, her mouth looks like a rosebud,
and 16 is safe to say that there are at least
SO girls in San Francisco at the present
moment who can form a rosebud at an in
stant's notice.
To the uninitiated learning to whistle
is a simple thing, but learning to whistle
in a scientific mnnnor is not the modest
task it seems to be. The San Francisco
girls spend hours developing their breath
ing capacity, "hollowing out" their chests
and taking full breaths that penetrate to
the lowermost recesses of their lungs. The
instructor first tests the candidate's regis-
ter and ear. Without a good ear no am
bitious whistler may even hope tosuooeed.
The second step is learning to take a full
breath, and the third- Is practicing the sim
ple, scale by the hour. Then the beginner
is allowed to run scales and arpeggios and
other things with extraordinary names.
Next oome chromatlos, half steps or semi
tones of the scale, so called because they
were formerly written or printed In ool
ors. The chromatlos are the most difficult
exeroifces the whistler encounters.
The most determined and ambitious
candidate for whistling honors in San
Francisco is Miss Gertrude Judd, who says
that a whistler, like a poet, is born and
not made. But even when a siffleuse is
born with the divine afflatus he or she
must have cast iron lungs, a favorable
mouth cavity formation, sound health and
perseverance. The greater the lip power
the better the artist.
The face of a confirmed and irreclaim
able siffleuse usually bears what are oalled
the whistle lines. They extend in the form
of an inverted V from the nose to the
chin. These lines are visible in the faoes
of suob well known whistling experts as
Mrs. Shaw and Messrs. Stevens and Kel
logg. Miss Judd also possesses them, and
although women are not usually fond of
lines In their face Miss Judd professes to
be very proud of hem
World's Fair Officials Expose a Pre
tender to an Award.
A most discreditable result of the late
Chicago World's Fair is the fraudulent
advertising of awards never received by
a Chicago baking powder firm. Officials
of the Exposition are much incensed,
and have notified the offending parties
that the misstatements muet . cease.
They are defied, however, by the Chi
cago concern, who continue to advertise
the false statement that they received
the highest award for strength, purity
and excellence. Mr.' Thatcher, Chief of
Agricultural Awards, shows in his letter
that the awards granted were "for an
exhibit of baking powder," merely, not
for superiority ; while the Judge of
Awards on Baking Powders writes a let
ter Baying that "no such award was
given to the Chicago company," as the
company claims and advertises.
Another fact in connection with the
baking powder business at the Chicago
Fair has come to light. The identical
baking powder made by the Chicago
concern, and so brazenly advertized as
having received the highest Sward for
purity and excellence, it now appears
was found by the analysts who made
the tests at the Fair to contain traces of
ammonia and sulphates.
The officials believe that though they
may be powerless to stop the misleading
publications of which they complain,
the quick wit of the people will doubt
less detect the spurious claims and be
able to apply the proper remedy.
Suggestions and Facts That
Tend to Profit.
The Great Northern Railway Has the
Work Under Preparation and Is De
sirous of Obtaining all Information
A communication has been received
from St. Paul from F. I. Whitney, gen
eral passenger and ticket agent of the
Great Northern railway, on the subject
of small and diversified farming. The
railway officials recognize the fact that
there is far more business for a road
from a region thickly populated and pro
ducing many kinds of crops than from a
thinly populated one devoted only to
the production of staples. ' For this rea
son they are anxious to see the Pacific
Northwest increase largely in popula
tion by the cutting up of the large farms
into small tracts and their cultivation in
such a manner that each small .- area
shall support a family. This matter of
immigration is an important one and
affects the en tire Northwest. The efforts
of the railroads to induce the right kind
of immigrants to come here, and to lay
before them the facts necessary to ac
complish that end, should receive gen
eral encouragement and aid. The in
formation asked for in the letter should
be supplied bv the intelligent farmers,
journalists and hopgrowers who have it
at their command. Mr. w mtney s let
ter is as follows : "-
"We are desirous of securing a series
of letters from practical men of your
State devoted to the discussion of inten
sive farming. In our- various publica
tions, which we freely distribute about
the East, we have made the broad claim
that ten acres properly cultivated to
vegetables or fruits will make a good liv
ing for a iamiiy. xnis we nave done on
account of the many instances of suc
cess attending the tillage of small areas,
an acre, more or less, which have come
to us from nearly every part of the ira-
cific Northwest. There is more waste
land from an agricultural standpoint in
your States than in the Mississippi Val
ley. All the land capable of cultivation
in your country should be in small hold
ings and made" to produce to the limit.
Small farming means much. It means
better 'roads, better schools, nearer
neighbors and better markets. It means
sociability, companionship and touch
with the world ; but I need not enlarge
upon the importance or increased popu
lation and well-managed acres. 1 -"Your
climate invites out-door life ; it
invites people from more rigorous sec
tions to come and prolong their liVes
and usefulness. Your varied resources
Invite capital, industry and develop
ment. New men will uncover new ave
nues to wealth and happiness. We be
lieve in building for the future, in lay
ing sure and firm foundations; but
while doing it we should share some of
its benefits. Let us ourselves partake of
the fruits of the tree and garden and
enjoy while we live some of the beauty
and perfume of the flowers.
"We therefore respectfully invite con
tributions from farmers, fruit-raisers
and gardeners, showing what can be
done on one acre and upwards, and how
to do it, so that others may be instruct
ed in the art of right living and labor.
'Ten Acres Enough' gave an Eastern
writer material sufficient to prepare a
very readable and useful book. We be
lieve volumes can be written upon your
resources and possibilities. We do not
want a book from any single person ;
matter to fill a newspaper column will
be plenty from each one, and our hope
is we may be favored with enough short
articles to make a book. Address F. I.
Whitney, G. P. & T. A., Great Northern
Railway, St. Paul, Minn." ' '
How to Measure an Acre.
It is desirable in fact, indispensable
for good work that a farmer should
know how many acres are in his field.
Otherwise he cannot apportion seed or
manure for it, nor can he tell how much
time it should take to plow, harrow 'or
cultivate. A good cotton cord, the size
of a plow line, should be kept for this
purpose. To make one, buy sixty-seven
feet of cotton rope an inch round, fasten
a ring at each end and make these rings
precisely sixty-six feet apart. This is
four rods. Tie a piece of red rag in the
center. One acre of ground will be a
piece 4 of these cords long and 1
wide, equal to 16 by 10 rods, making 160
square rods to an acre. The advantage
of the rings is that one person can meas
ure alone by driving a stake in the
ground to hold the rope while he
stretches it out. The rope should be
soaked in tar and then dried. This will
prevent shrinking. ;
Last year a neighbor of the writer had
a heavy sod plowed by contract at $2.50
per acre. Three persons stepped it off.
One said it was 4 acres, another said it
was a little over 5, and the third said it
was Z acres. The contractor sent
over and got this rope, and all five men
measured it, and it was found to be just
Z acres. He had paid to have the
grass cut off it for three years $1 per
acre, or $5 each season, counting it to be
five acres in extent, thus losing $4.50
through ignorance.
Get a measuring rod and when not in
use put it away, so that the hands can
not get at it or they will be very apt to
cut a piece off it to tie up harness, thus
making it worthless for measuring pur
poses. :
There is more in the management
than in anything else. Everything -depends
on the poultryman.
Cheap egg foods are mostly ground
oyster shells, and the benefits are only
imaginary. Don't buy them. .
Feed sulphur sparingly, as It will
cause rheumatism or leg weakness.
Never give it in damp weather.
Don't " break up " a eetting hen, - It
is lost time. Let her get rid of her fat,
and she will lay more eggs in the end.
To keep eggs for hatching turn them
three times a week and keep them in a
cool place, where they will not freeze.
They will then keep a month.
The project of the Nicaragua canal has
been debated in the U. S. Senate very vig
orously. One thing should be remembered
about that climate ; it is deatti to almost
every foreigner who goes there, and labor
ers especially succumb. It is said that the
Panama Railroad cost a life for every tie.
What an idea of pains and aches is in this
sentence. It is mostly due to carelessness.
Every laborer provided with St. Jacobs
Oil would be armed against these troubles.
Men's muscles there are cramped with
rheumatic pain and they ache all over.
That's just the condition where this sov
ereign remedy can do its best work. The
fearful malady i very much like the break
bone fever in certain parts of America.
Running With a Human Trolley.
The novel sight of a man taking the
place of the trolley on an electric car
was seen last nischt on the Lake Roland
elevated railway. The trolley on one of
the large electric cars" in crossing Lex
ington street 'at North street had its.
trolley wheel caught in the wire, and the
entire trolley apparatus was torn oil,
falling to the street. The accident hap
pened at a time when travel over the
road was heavy, and it was necessary to
prevent a blockade. -
Lineman William Scott was equal to
the occasion. He procured a piece of in
sulated wire, and after stripping each
end of the insulating material connected
oneend through the car roof , and standing
on the top of the car held the other end
against the trolley wire. A connection
being thus made the car was run over
the elevated structure to the car barn at
Walbrook without accident to Mr. Scott
or delay to the other cars. ' Mr. Scott's
position was a novel one and startled
persons Who are unused to electricity as
he stood on the top of the car amid myr
iads of sparks and illuminated by light
ninglike flashes from the trolley wire.
Baltimore Sun.
The Queen Receives a Pie.
In accordance with an ancient custom,
Queen Victoria has been presented with
a lamprey pie. It was an elaborate af
fair and was presented by the mayor,
Mr. Matthews. He signified his inten
tion of giving it,' and the queen, through
the lord high steward of Gloucester, in
timated that she would be happy to re
ceive it. Consequently the pie came, ac
companied by two silver skewers bear
ing the arms of the city and the name of
the mayor. London Letter.
Mr. Ruskln's Finances.
Mr. Ruskin, says his biographer, Mr.
W. G. Collingwood, is no longer a rich
man. The 200.000 he inherited- from
his parents have gone, chiefly in gifts and
in attempts to do good. The sale of his
books is his only income, and a great
part of that goes to an army of pension
ers to whom in the days of his wealth he
pledged himself. Nevertheless "he has
sufficient for his wants and need not
now feel poverty in his old age."
A County Without Taxes.
The county council of the North Rid
ing of Yorkshire, England, have decided
that they will not levy any taxes tfttring
the next 12 months. They are in a won
derfully happy position. The balance
at their bankers is so large that they
want no more money for a year.
It is not often that shares in the Lon
don Graphio and Daily Graphic news
papers come into the market. Some,
however, were sold by auction the other
day, and these realized as much as
$277.50, these being $50 shares on which
$35 only had been paid.
The highest honor of oratory at the
commencement of Trinity college,! in
North Carolina, was carried off by a full
blooded Choctaw Indian of the name of
Joseph May tubby.
- We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured bv Hall's uatarrn uurei
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props.,
- Toledo, Ohio. "
We, the undersigned, have known F. J,
Cheney for the past 15 years, and believe
mm periectiy nonoraoie in an Dusiness
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations niaae oy tDeir nrm.
West & Tbuax, ;
Wholesale DruegiBts. Toledo, 0.
Walding, Kinman & Marvin, '
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bot
tle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials
Strengthen and invigorate your nerves and
muscles, tone your stomach and digestive
organs, and build up your whole system by
the use of Hood's Sarsaparilla if you would
parilla avoid the grip,
diphtheria and
typhoid fever.
These diseases
seek for their most ready victims, persons
wno are weak, urea, debilitated ana an run
down, owinjf to impure and impoverished
blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies and
vitalizes the blood, and wards off disease.
Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick headache.
Anairreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIO.
Bold by Druggistsor sent by mail. 2oc..60o,
and $1.00 per package. Samples free.
lFf tlf The Favorite TOOTH P0WDJ8
ilW 11 W for the Teeth and Breath,26o.
kV9d CNHrS WHt-Hh All H Sr HI S.
1"! r i- w a tr j -r
Will rise again in the bosom of a dyspeptic wise
enough to substitute lor the pseudo-tonics,
which have bamboozled him out of his belief
in the possibility of cur, the real lnvigorant
and stomachic, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters.
The bilious, the nervous, the dyspeptic, the
rheumatic alike derive speedy benefit from this
helpful botanic medicine. Persons suffering
from Indigestion will train no nositive Derma-
nent good from the fiery, unmedicated sticnu- J
lants of commerce, too often used recklessly.!
me cuiera is lmmeasuraoiy to De preierrea to
these as a tonic, since its pure batis is modified
by the conjunction with ft of vegetable ingredi
ents of the highest remedial excellence. Mala
ria is prevented and remedied by it, and it in
fuses vigor into the weak and sicxly. A wine
glassful three times a aay is the average dose.
Hoax The question that worries me most is
how to treat one's inferiors. DeTangue Buy
beer r 'em, that's good enough.
Hosts of letters have been written, some
to the proprietors of Allcok's Pobous
FiAbtibs, some to friends, telling of their
inestimable value. Here is one from the
Hon. Edmund L. Pitts, the late President
of the New York State Senate:
"State of Nbw Yobk, Senate Chamber,
Albany, March 11, 1886.
I have used Allcocx's Pobous Plasters
in my family for the past five years, and
can truthfully say thev are a valuable rem
edy and effect great cures. I would not be
without them. I have in several instances
given some to friends suffering with weak
and lame backs, and they have invariably
anuraea certain ana speedy reliet. They
cannot be too highly commended."
Brandrkth'b Pills will.purify the blood
Teai h'r When Robinson Crusoe ws cast on
the Island from whom did he get his clothes.
Pupil -From the swell on the beach.
Go East from Portland, Pendleton, Walla
Walla via O. R. & N. to Spokane and Great
Northern Railway to Montana, Dakotas, St.
Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago, Omaha, St
Louis, East and South. Bock ballast track;
line scenery; new equipment; Great North
ern Palace bleepers and Diners; Family
Tourist Cars; Buffet-Library Cars. Write
C. C. Donovan, General Agent, Portland,
Oregon, or F. I. Whitney, G. P. & T. A.,
St. Paul, Minn., for printed matter and in
formation about rates, routes, eto.
Higbee Newed suffers terribly from dyspep
sia. Robbing Well, you k tow, hit wife is a
graduate oi a cooking school. '
PIANOS Hardmm Chickerlng Fischer.
Low prices; easy terms. For ale by
WILEY U. ALLEN Co. (the oldest and
Largest music store), 211 First St., Portland.
Dse Enameline Stove Polish : no dust no smell.
Tbt Gibmia for breakfast.
of Consumption is
stoppea snort Dy Dr.
Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery. If
you haven't waited
beyond reason
there's complete re
covery and cure.
Although by many
believed to be' incur
able, there is the
evidence, of hundreds
of living witnesses to
the fact that, in all
its earlier stages, con
sumption is a curable
disease. Not every
case, mit a large per
centage of cases, and
we believe, fully 98
ner cent, are cured
by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
even after the disease has progressed so
far as to induce repeated bleedings from
the lungs, severe lingering cough with
copious expectoratioii (including tubercu
lar mattei-), great loss of flesh and extreme
emaciation and weakness. ,.t...
Do you doubt that hundreds of such cases
reported to us as cured by " Golden Med
ical Discovery " were genuine cases of that
dread and fatal disease ? You need not take
our word for it They have, in nearly every
instance, been so pronounced by the best
and most experienced home physicians,
who have no interest whatever in mis
representing them, and who were often
strongly prejudiced, and advised against
a trial of "Golden Medical Discovery,"
but who have been forced to confess that
it surpasses, in curative power over thi9
fatal malady, all other medicines with
which they are acquainted. Nasty cod
liver oil and its filthy "mulsions " and
mixtures, had been tried in nearly all these
cases and had either utterly failed to bene
fit, or had only seemed to benefit a little for
a short time. Extract of malt, whiskey,
and various preparations of the hypophos
phites had also been faithfully tried in vain.
The photographs of a large number of
those cured of consumption,, bronchitis,
lingering coughs, asthma, chronic nasal
catarrh and kindred maladies, have been
skillfully reproduced in a book of 160
pages which will be mailed to you, on re
ceipt of address and six cents in stamps.
You can-.then write those cured and learn
their experience. Address World's Dispen
sary Medical Association, Buffalo, N.Y.
QUICKEN raising pays
if you use the Petalum
Incubators ft Brooders.
Make money while
others are wasting
time by old processes.
Catalog tel is all about
it, and describes every
article needed for the,
poultry business.
The "ERIE"
mechanically the best
wheel. Prettiest model.
We are Pacific Coast
Asrents. Bicycle cata-
full description . prices, etc., agents wanted,
petat.ttma nir.rmATnB r.n. p.tainmo rnl.
Branch House, 231 S Main St., Los Angeles.
Estab. 1866. CORBITT &
I 48 Page" 1 1
yS Illustrated I 1
J3js catalogue -
IMPORTERS, SHIPPING and COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Liberal advance made on approved
consignments of Wheat. Flour. Oats. Wool unrt Nnm. r,ioi (m,, f. ri...
dia: Tea, Coffee, Rice, Matting and Rues. Snlces.
Thre doses onlv. Try 1t.
?.irti ri io"8111801"8- , we buy
than anv other firm in th pnnntrv. Hond
new price list, which will be out soon.
.. - ,yr il t,- ,v, , J -v". ,vu.
Dry granulated sugar in 10-lb. sacks for..
ne oner
H 75
nesi Dranasor nourper barrel..
Send us a list of what you need, and we will
iwimkix i vwnn cl vu, io
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
fently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
jver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
uuijr icuicur vi sua jwiiu cvu
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50o.
and $1 bottles Tby all leading drug
dsts. Anv reliable drusrsist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. lio not accept any
substitute. . - -
W.L. Douglas
61 CUfsff IS THE BEST.
, 9tJ Wrl Ub FIT FOB A KIN.
3. cordovan;
' Fine Calf&Kangarou
$ 3A POLICE, 3 soles.
ijv tow 9LNV run unmuuijuc.
a.s,...wy BROCKTONJ-1ASS. - '
Over One Million People wear the , '
W L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
AH our shoes are equally satisfactory
They give the best Value for the money.
Thev eaual custom shoes in style and i
Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed.
1 anu in.
The prices are uniform, stamped on sole.
From $ to $3 saved over other makes.
11 your dealer cannot supply you we can.
Doubtful Seeds alone. The best
are easy to get, and cost no
more. Ask your dealer for
Alway the bent. Known
everywhere. Ferrv'a Serd
Annual for 1895 tells you
rwhafc. now. ana wnen to pianu
1 ttent t ree. oet iu Aaaress
D. M. FERRY & CO.,
' Detroit, Mich,
Manhood restored.
Night Emissions,
Weak memory.
Atrophy, Sexual
Weakness, etc.,
Surely cured by
' The life germ
and vital force of
plants and flowers;
it gives vig6r,
power and size to
the vital organs of
man. ''"'
The most won
derful achievement
In Medical Science.
The only acknrwl
ded permanent
curt guaranteed
New York f
115-117 Fulton St.
J7 nril j s.Al
vext 6tr.ket.
Sent In plain
wrapper, or at
all Druggists.
Cor. Second and Stark Stg., Portland, Or.
N. P. H. U. No. 584 8. F. N. TT. No. 661
MAC LEA Y CO. inc. isss.
Sairo. 'ranio. hi., u. rm 'i,, tii"
f 1
ache? Does every step seem a buiden? Yon need
save you money. We handle the best
and tell for spot cash, and sell goods cheaper
nama ' j 6"wy, VUD
uuii. wju aumuH. nuu wb win mau vou our
to aay: cumax tobacco, 40 cents per pound.
Best eoal oil per case i......l 80
make you special prices. AddressTouVordew W
Front street. Pert and.