The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 16, 1895, Image 2

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    'Kood Jiver Slacier.
The Moro Observer of last week
Wrote up our representative, Thos. R.
t1oon, after the ""Oregon ""style" of
thirty years ago. We can inform Bro.
Ireland that Mr. Coon is one of Hood
River's most respected citizens. His
abilities and integrity are not ques
tioned by those who know him. J
Though some of us think he is not
voting on t he senatorial question just
as we might vote if we were in his
place, we can respect the man for vot
. ing according to his convictions. His
old neighbors know that when Mr.
Coon votes against Dolph, or upon any
question in the legislature, he has given
the subject t borough consideration and
does his Uuiy as be sees it.
The Fruit Growers' Meeting. V
The joint convention of the state
horticultural society and . northwest
fruit growers' association closed Friday
of last week. The' northwest associa
tion eiected the following officers: Pres
ident, Dr. N. G. Blalock of Walla
Walla; i secretary, Thomas R. Coon of
HoodRiver; treasurer, Ti L. Ragsdale
of Walla - Walla; vice presidents For
Oregon, S. A. Clarke of Salem; for
Washington, F. E. Thompson of North
Yakima; for Idaho, L. C. Porter of
Lewiston; for the province of "British
Columbia, J. R.-Anderson of Victoria.
The state board of horticulture elect
ed the following: President, Hon. E.L.
' Smith of Hood River; first vice pres
ident, Dr. O. P. S. Plummer, Portland;
Hecond vice president, J R. Sbepard,
Zena; secretary and treasurer, C. B.
Watson, Ashland.
Hood River1 made a good exhibit of
fruit at this meeting, and the adver
tising she received will be of great ben
efit in the hear future. The fruit men
present from here say the display of
dried fruits from Sbuthern Oregon and
Vancouver was fine, but when it came
. to' apples, Hood River's display was
" the best. ' . !' ' ; '. '
: -f The Hood River exhibit was given
; to the officials of the; Great Northern
railroad company, who will send it to
frieir main office in St. Paul, Minn.
11 I'rorn Mount Hood. ,'
. ' Mt. Hood, Or.,- Feb. 8, 1893. Editor
Glacier: As your correspondent has
seemingly sunk Into oblivion, I will,
with your permission, contribute a few
lines to your justly popular sheet. The
winter has been unusually fine, which
permitted several social ! hops. The
pleasantest one of the season was given
on Thursday evening, the 7th inst., in
ljonor of John Fredenburg's (alias "our
Johnnie's") 23d birthday; The even
ing being fine, the ball was attended
by the 400 and the lesser lights for
miles around. The music waa dished
up in good style, the instruments com
prising a dolefuf organ, two violins, a
male fiddle and a mouth organ. The
music npt chording well, and the saw
mill being close at hand, the proprietor
started the saw a running two weeks
ago). Lunch was served at midnight,
furnished after ye olden style of every
one bringing their own "hand out."
The dance broke up at 5 a. m., after the
participants had had a most enjoyable
time, The music was furnished by
Messrs. Leasure and Gribbles. ' "
The snow is about eight inches deep;
the Rhoades is passable; the Cooper is
pursuing the even tenor of his occupa
tion, with good prospects of .work in
the future. Francisco is back at his
old haunts again, after his ineffectual
attempt to get in the calaboose. And
by the way, Judge Dimmick Is quite
well again. Matt Fredenb'urg had a
log roll on him, causing a severe
sprained ankle. , .
George Booth, while attending the
dance on the 7th inst., was taken with
a severe attack of cramp colic. He -was
taken to the residence of "Uncle Dave"
Cooper, where, with prompt action, the
pain was speediry reduced. More anon.
T. Cumseh.
' Tho Storm in the East.
The storm that raged all over the
United States last Friday done more
damage to life and property than any
other for the last fifty years, not even
excepting thetormjof March, 1888.' It
spread over four times as much terri
tory,, and' there came with it an extra
ordinary accompaniment of death and
wreck and fire. It shut off travel ' in
all directions and paralyzed railway
.traffic in nearly every city in the East,
North, South and West.
There is no doubt that the accurate
forecasts of the weather bureau prevent
ed a great amount of additional loss.
The damage wrought by the ele
ments is almost incalculable. The ther
mometer ranged in the middle Atlantic
states from 2 degrees above zero to 20
below. Growing crops in the South
and the fruit crops of the North ' have
everywhere been damaged.
In many .sections the mercury drop
ped to a' lower' point than hag been
noted in a decade.. The following are
sample readings covering various sec
tions of the country. '
Moberly, Mo., 24 below zero. n "
. Urbana, 111., 27 below zero.
Burlington, Io., 28 below zero.
Helena, Ark., zero. - :
Lexington, Ky., 14 below zero.
Belton, Tex ., 2 above zero. ".
. Nashville, Tenn.,-6 below zero. i.
West Virginia mountains, 14 to 20 be
low zero. :
New York, 2 to 20 below zero. ,
Wilmington, N. C, 10 above zero.',.,
Charlslon, S. C, 12 above zero. -
( Tampa, Fla., 15 above zero.
Three children are reported frozen to
death on their way from school in the
Cherokee Strip. ..Cattle and horses per
ished. . . ..
The Hudson river, which is three
and one-half' miles wide at Nyack,
N. Y., was frozen over. A young man
was found in the middle ot the river
terribly frozen. . . i '
The first snow storm on record visit
ed Tampa, Fla. Although the warm
est spot in the United States, orange
and fruit trees were killed outright,
causing a loss of : millions of dollars.
There will probably be no Florida
strawberries this year.
The Kansas board of railroad com
missioners have ordered 121 cars of coal
shipped to sufferers in Western Kansas.
' Mrs. Richard Mays, two grown
daughters, a 10-year-old girl and 6-year-old
son, were forced to walk a quarter
of a mile barefooted and in their night
clothes to secure shelter, -their residence
near Kirksville, Mo., having burned
during the absence ot Mr. Mays. Their
feet and noddies were badly frozen and
some may die. ...
The yells of panthers and bears in
East Tennessee mountains are hideous,
as a result of the intense cold. ' At
Chattanooga they raided a smokehouse
and devoured some hogs.
The thermometer registered 12 above
zero at Charleston, S. C, breaking all
February records. Strawberries and
much vegetation was killed.
Wilmington, N. C, experianced the
coldest weather in 24 . years, 10 above
zero, with the wind blowing 46 miles
an hour.
The thermometer in West Virginia
mountains ranged from 14 to 20 below
and trains were delayed.
Digest of Lund Decision.
Furnished by W. D. Harlan, Land Attorney,
Washing., in, D. C
A rettler who has established his
residence in good faith does not, forfeit
his rights thereunder by a temporary
absence in the discharges of official
duties, nor is the right of transmuta
tion during sucli absence anected
thereby. ' , .
The rule that recognizes 6fficlal duty
as an excuse for temporary absence is
equally applicable whether the duty is
imposed by the appointing power or by
The presumption as to the mineral
or agricultural character of tract,
created by the return of tho surveyor
geueral, does not preclude the assertion
of any right, or the proof of the tacts as
they really exist. '
,. ' Ass'r Sec' y Sims.
' A Case for the Courts, ,
Mrs.' Oiler recently fenced 'up the
road on her land near the Hood river
bridge, and had a gate put in leading
to the cord wood and, posts piled on
the river bank below the bridge. Be
fore, the present county -bridge was
b'hilt, The Dalles and Sandy wagon
road crossed this strip of. land to the
old ford of the river. Mrs. Oiler claims
that this part of the road was vacated
by the county court when the new
bridge was built aud the road changed.
Others claim that it was vacated ex
cept a strip 80 feet wide running from
the present road to the ri,ver just below
the bridge. . During the terms of Capt.
Dukes aud Geo. T. Prather as road su
pervisor the road was closed at the
same place, and they received writteu
orders from the county court to open it
and keep it open. Wednesday, M. F.
Sloper, the present supervisor, went to
the scene of the reported obstruction of
the road. " We are informed he found
no obstruction, and decided to hear
from the court before taking further
action; - Mrs. Oiler informed the su
pervisor she would stand a lawsuit be
fore she would surrender what she con
sidered Jier rights in the premises.
i Don't Stop Tobacco.
The tobacco habit grows on a man
until his nervous system is seriously af
fected, impairing health, comfort and
happiness. To quit suddenly is too se
vere a shock to the system, as tobacco,
to an inveterate user becomes a stimu
lant that his system continually craves.
Baco-Curo is a scientific cure for the to
bacco habit, in all its forms,- carefully
compounded after the formula of an
eminent Berlin physician who has used
it in his private practice since 1872, with
out a failure, purely vegetable and guar
anteed perfectly harmless. You can use
all the tobacco you want, while taking
Baco-Curo, it will notify you when to
stop. , We give a written guarantee , to
permanently cure any case with three
boxes, or refund the money with 10 per
cent interest. Baco-Curo is hot a substi
tute, but a scientific cure, that cures
without the aid of will power and with
no inconvenience.; It leaves the system
as pure and free from nicotine as the
day you took your first chew or smoke.
Sold by all druggists, with our ironclad
guarantee, at $1 per box, three boxes,
(.thirty days treatment), $2.50, or sent
direct upon receipt of price. Send six
two-cent stamps for sample box: Book
let and proofs tree. Eureka. Chemical
& Manufacturing Chemists, ( LaCrosse,
Wisconsin.,, ; " ,.: ... t,; .i..
Just Received at Tucker's Store.
New Clothing direct froru manufac
turer. Have about fifty suits that must
be closed out. . Try .' 'em. Will v sell
working suits at $3.50 and upwards, to
Lutz' worsted at $15, formerly sold for
$30. -Try us once for clothing; you'll
never regret - it. ' Consult your pocket
and your own interests.. . .',' .'- .
B. R, Tuck eh, Tucker, Or.
Dr. E. T. Cams, Dentist
Has returned to Portland. ' He will be
in Hood River again about the first
of March, prepared to do all kinds
of dentistry work examine, fill, ex
tract, regulate and make ' new teeth;
also, crown and bridge work.
Representative. Coon has a very mer
itorious bill providing a new and more
complete homestead law. It is a very
finished measure, covers : the subject
entirely, enacting many important
provisions relating to. homestead ex
emption. . It is the most important
land law before this legislature and
Mr. Coon deserves the thanks of the
people of Oregon tfor his labors in pre
paring it. It is a bill that will pass.
Salem Journal. . , ': ' - 'V
If there has .been a crop of small
fruit on your trees for the past two
years try one '. of two ' things. If the
trees have born an immense crop of
small fruit, thin well next summer as
soon as it begins to form. If the- trees
have few and pmall fruit try pruning,
thorough fertilizing and thorough cul
tivation. Pacific Farmer. v .
Rising Above Party.'
Ex-Governor Pattison. of Pennsyl
vania, who is the democratic and . re
form candidate for mayor "of Philadel
phia, has issued an address to the elec
tors of that city. He outlines his policy j
of municipal government in case of his
election. - The detailsf that policy are
not of interest outside of Philadelphia,
but the figures he uses to prove the cor
ruption and -1 extravagance . which
have characterized Philadelphia gov
ernment are astounding and ; will at
tract attention everywhere.
,- In 1887 the expense of conducting
municipal government in Philadelphia
was $17,638,304. ':.T his expense had in
creased in 1894 to the colossal figure of
$32,190,000. In other words, while the
population of the city has not increased
in the seven years included in the com
parison more than 20 per cent,, and
while few new streets have been made,
few new public institutions established,
the expense of running the city has in
creased almost 100 per cent. '.
These figures show a' more startling
condition of affairs in Philadelphia
than ever existed in New York in the
worst Tweed and Tammany days.
New York corrupt ionists were demo
crats. Philadelphia corruption ists
have been and are . republicans. In
New Yorkjihe democrats voted for and
elected a republican candidate for may
or to destroy a , democratic ring. , In
Philadelphia the republicans now have
an opportunity of voting for adempcrat
to destroy a republican ring.
The country will watch with consid
erable interest the returns of the Phila
delphia election, held on Feb. 19th,
which will afford an opportunity for
the comparison of the ability of demo
crats and republicans to "rise , above
party." St. Louis Republic. ;
;Mr. Emil Schanno has just returned
from Portlaud where he has been at
tending the meeting of the state ftoard
of horticulture. He was highly pleased
with his visit and says that the only
counties that had any fruit exhibit
worth mentioning were Wasco .and
Union, and that the former, owing
largely to the interest that Hood River
took in the matter and her contribu
tions, was the better. Mr. Schanno is
an active member of the board, and in
sists that the money now appropriated
for the use of the board is
He says with considerable foresigllt,
that if the money set apart for the hor
ticultural board is increased in amount,
the office will become a political one
for the reward of ' political , workers,
and will . be filled by persons who
know nb more about fruit than the
railroad commiss'ioners do about rail
roads, and who will be after the place
simply for the money in it. . As it is
the money would tempt no one, and
consequently only some person interest
ed in the business would accept the
place. Chronicle. .
The grand jury Wednesday returned
not a true bill in the case of tje State
against Broadbent. As his wife re
fused to appear against him, under the
peculiar laws of the state, the prosecu
tion had to be dropped. Before dis
charging the prisoner Judge Bradshaw
gave him quite a lecture which, if heed
ed, will be a lasting bene ti it to the de
fendant. Among other things he call
ed his attention to the fact that wifely
forbearance under certain , conditions
ceased to be a virtue, and warned him
against again being forced to rely on it
for his liberty.
Circuit court met Monday, morning
and the following gentlemen were se
lected to serve as a grand jury: John
Marden, Chas. Fraley, M. Selli'ck, E.A.
Griffiln, W. F. Norval, Amos Root and
W. J. Davidson. The court appointed
Mr. Marden foreman. J. Doherty and
James Harper were appointed court
bailiffs and J. Blakeney, sr., grand
jury bailiff.
The steamer Regulator will make a
trip to the Cascades Monday, and on
Wednesday she. will begin her regular
trips, connecting with the Dalles City
On the lower river. ; .
Chris Dethmau cut a large pine tree
last week, and in the butt found a bird's
nest. The tree was hollow near the
stump, and in probing with a stick he
brought out some feathers, and sections
of a bird's nest. Hccounied the rings
.on the stump and found the tree to be
over 200 years old.
Pare-blooded Pekln Duck eggs for $2 per
dozen. These are the most profitable birds to
raise on the farm; they will lay from March
1st to July 15th. Eggs large.
fl j W. RWINANS, Hood River, Or.
Ask attthe stores for our old-fashioned Rye
Graham. It will make you stout. Also no
tice the new brand on all our breadstuff's. It
is a warranty of purity and excellence.
First class timothy hay for sale by Ferguson
& Loy at K16 per ton. Jal9
, Black harness oil, 35 cts a quart, at Pierce's
Harness and Shoe Store.
.. Wm. Tillett is still In the nursery business,
with a good stock of home-grown trees. If he
is out of what you want, he can supplyyou
with the following varieties from one of the
largest nurseries In Oregon! All kinds of cherry
trees; Spitzenberg, Oano,' Ben Davis, Red Del
aware, Hyde's King of the West, Tompkins
King, and other leading varieties of apples.
Would be glad to quote prices Jon lots of 500
and 1000 trees. Drop him r. postal for terms.
' The Hood River Box Factory has plenty of
apple boxes on hand. 1
! For sash, doors, mouldings, brackets, com
bination fencing and turning, go to the Hood
River Box Factory. , ;'-'-"."
' Wm. Tillett has ordered apple trees of the
following varieties: 3000, Spitzenburg, 2000
Baldwin, 1000 Northern Spy, and 500 Graven
stein. Apple trees,, it Is expected,, will be
scarce in the spring, and it behooves planters
to order early . i ,'.''..)' Y. .,!
Foi1 Sale Forty acres unimproved land,
east side of Hood river, i miles from town.
Will sell 5 or 10 acre tracts cheap; Inquire at
Glacier office. ... , ,r . " , . s
The Portland Sun is for sale every day at
the post office ' after the arrival of tho train
from Portland. : . - , ...
The constitution of Oregon provides
that an enumeration of the, people of
the state shall be made every ten years,
begining with 1865.: The state further
provides that this enumeration shall be
made by the county assessors,beginning
not later than May 10th, and that, be
sides enuiherating the people, of : the
state, they shall classify . them by age
and sex and collect various simple sta
tistics of production and Industry. The
assessors are to make returns to the
county clerks, and these to the secre
tary. of state, who is to furnish blank
forms for the enumeration and declare
the result. Penalties are imposed up
on assessors who fail to perform the du
ties imposed upon them by law. -i
fcTbe Dayton Herald speaks of a young
man of that place who lias secured a
position to work on a farm back in
Wabash county, Indiana. The Her
ald says "the voung man, we have no
doubt, will make his way all right,
and 'lay up something for a rainy
dav.' " ' . - ' . '
Top Grafting.
Wm. Tillett is prepared to do Top Grafting,
and all work in the line of grafting, by con
tract or by day's work. Leave orders early, sd
that scions can be prepared to do good work.
Here's your chance to get red apples to grow
on your j ellew apple trees. WM. TILLETT.
f!6 - v
Stockholders' Meeting.
The annual meeting of the stockholders of
the East Fork Irrigation and Canal Co. will
be held at the Odell school house, Saturday,
February 23, 1895, at, 1 o'clock P. M.
i J. A. KNOX, President. '
B. R. TUCKER, Secretary.
I X L Wind Mill and Pump and Cider Mill
for sale, cheap. Part cash; balance on time.
Inquire of " M. A. COOK.
. The Old Reliable
. "; ... . 215 Montgomery St.,
j Francisco, Cal. Business center of the
city, convenient to all banks.lnsurance offices
and places of amuseinent. - Containing 300
rooms. Terms $1.50, ?2 and $2.50 per day.
Free coach to and from the hotel.
fl6 J. S. YOUNG, Proprietor. .
Suocessor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established
House inthe valley. ,
:"; '"'-'-.
Dry Goods, Clothing,
''","."!. AND , " '
General Merchandise,
. i ,. . . , .
" ' ': :'.. -;' ' ' - "
' Flour and Feed. Etc.. .
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
United States Land Office. The Dalles. Ore
gon, January 2,i, 18S5. Notice is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of the
act of (3oneres8 of June 3. 1878. entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the states of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory,'' Harry H. Campbell of The Dalles,
county of Wasco, state of Oregon, has this day
filed In this office his sworn statement No. 119,
for the purchase of the southwest of section
No. ID, in township No. 1 south, range No. 11
east, and will oiler proof to show that tho land
sought is more valuable tor Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before the
Reeister and Receiver of this office atThe
Dalles, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 10th day of
April, 1BHO. -
He names as witnesses: Perry Van Kamp,
N. II. Fagan, George Bellies and I.J. Norman,
all of The Dalles, Oregon. - -
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their claims In this office on or before said 10th
day of April, 1805. .
fe2 ,JAS. F. MOORE, Register.
To Water Consumers.
Owing to hard times I have decided to make
a reduction in water rates, but as some have
paid up to March 1, 1895, new rates will not
take effect until that date. For all water
rents paid promptly the ' first day of the
month, the following rates will be accepted:
Present rates of 81-50 re'duced to $1.25; bath
tubs, now 50 cents, reduced to 25 cents; livery
stables, $2.50, reduced to $2; hotels, $3, reduced
to $2.50; rates now 81, no change; lrrigatlou re
duced 50 per cent from old price.
Above prices apply to those only who pay
promptly first of each month.
United States Land Office, The Dalles, Ore
gon, Jan. 10, 1895. Pursuant to circulnr in
structions of the General Land Office, Issued
at 'Washington, D. C, February (, 1892, notice
Is hereby given that the survey and plat
made and approved by John C. Arnold, sur
veyor general for Oregon, on the 8th 1 day of
November, 1894, of township 2 north -of .range
11 east of the Willamette Meridian, Oregon,
has been received at this United States land
office, and will be filed In this office on the
25th day of February, 1895, at 9 o'clock a. m. of
said day, and we will be prepared on xnd
after said day of filing said plat, to receive
applications for. the efntry of lands in such
township. JAS. fmOORE, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, January
22, 1895. Notice Is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support of his
cLun, and that said proof will be made before
Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon,
on March 9. 1895, viz: ... . ,.
' Robert B. Lindsay, -'-Hd.
E. No. 342(1, for the northeast section 18,
township 2 north, range 10 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: - V '-'
Antone Wise, Henry Priggei H. C. Stran
ahan and John Parker, all of Hood River,
Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE, Register.' .
Two choice lots, with good residence, in the
town of Hood River, will be sold at a bargain.
Inquire at the Glacier office. sel
20 Acres of Fruit Land
for Sale.
I have for sale 20 acres of unimproved land
that I will sell on reasonable terms. It is of
the best quality for apples and other fruit.
The land is easily cleared and can be watered
from the Hnnd River Supply tlo.'s ditch. For
further particulars, cull on or address
015 Hood River, Oregon.
The Famous C. M.
For MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN. All sizes and large variety. My motto is "Possibly
not the Cheapest, but the Best," and the Henderson Shoes are the cheapest In the long run.
.v. Don't Fail f.u ' r:
To call and examine and price thesa goods. They will please you. No trouble to show them.
Hand-made Double
With Prtestnn TVmm ("Vllaia All nthpi IHnrta
and price them, 1 propose to keep Hood River trade at home if price is an object.
D. F. PIERCE, Hood River, Or.
That thirty days is as long as we can credit goods, and would respectfully
' request our patrons to govern themselves accordingly. .
And a fine line of
Try a box of tbe.Four Seasons, elegantly perfumed, at 25 cents. Colgate'
superb 2-bit Soaps and the old standard PERS and CUTIUURA in any
quantity. ; . ' ' '
Quality rather than Quantity
- ' . Our motto
wi i.i.h a
,'-?',;",. AGENTS FOR ' ... '; '
Woonsocket Rubber Boots and Shoes.
The -Best in the World. ;
We have a large line in stock. Call and examine goods. . '
Fresh and Cured Meats, Presh and Salt Fish,
Grain, Hay, Fruit, Vegetables, Butter,
' Eggs, Hides, Pelts, Furs, etc., etc.
Business Done on a STRICTLY CASH BASIS.
T 1l E ,. ZeTTT C ZE ZC
Choicest Meats, Ham, -;.';'..
Bacon, lard, Game,
Poultry, Also Dealers in
Corner of Oak aud Fourth Streets,
DEsrcellerrt Testcliers,
Seau-tlf-uLl . S-a.rro-CLrid.Ira.ers- .
Address, '
j . MRS. SARAH K. WHITE. Principal.
11 y
Team Harness, $20 !
nf Horn pad hn.n fnr It vnn rirtiiht. It Va.11
bulk goods just'arrived.
ill every line. ' ' -
nraK nr. kk.iihiiks.
- Hood River, Oregon.
The Annie fright Seminary. -
1884; Eleventh Year. 1894.
A Boarding School for Girla,
- with Superior Advantages.
Tan Iistmmon ) ' MORAL ( Dmuma
Gins Cuim l INTELLECTUAL J Of tm -Ammoi
to td ) PHYSICAL . ( Strains .